# lib: DBI::, Digest::MD5, URI::URL
# lib: cgi-bin/ljconfig.pl, cgi-bin/ljlang.pl, cgi-bin/ljpoll.pl
# lib: cgi-bin/cleanhtml.pl
# link: htdocs/paidaccounts/index.bml, htdocs/users, htdocs/view/index.bml
# hook: canonicalize_url, name_caps, name_caps_short, post_create
# hook: validate_get_remote
package LJ;
use strict;
use Carp;
use lib "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin";
use DBI;
use DBI::Role;
use DBIx::StateKeeper;
use Digest::MD5 ();
use Digest::SHA1 ();
use HTTP::Date ();
use LJ::MemCache;
use LJ::User;
use Time::Local ();
use Storable ();
use Compress::Zlib ();
use IO::Socket::INET qw{};
use Unicode::MapUTF8;
do "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljconfig.pl";
do "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljdefaults.pl";
sub END { LJ::end_request(); }
# tables on user databases (ljlib-local should define @LJ::USE_TABLES_LOCAL)
# this is here and no longer in bin/upgrading/update-db-{general|local}.pl
# so other tools (in particular, the inter-cluster user mover) can verify
# that it knows how to move all types of data before it will proceed.
@LJ::USER_TABLES = ("userbio", "cmdbuffer", "dudata",
"log2", "logtext2", "logprop2", "logsec2",
"talk2", "talkprop2", "talktext2", "talkleft",
"userpicblob2", "events",
"ratelog", "loginstall", "sessions", "sessions_data",
"s1usercache", "modlog", "modblob",
"userproplite2", "links", "s1overrides", "s1style",
"s1stylecache", "userblob", "userpropblob",
"clustertrack2", "captcha_session", "reluser2",
"tempanonips", "inviterecv", "invitesent",
"memorable2", "memkeyword2", "userkeywords",
"friendgroup2", "userpicmap2", "userpic2",
"s2stylelayers2", "s2compiled2", "userlog",
"logtags", "logtagsrecent", "logkwsum",
"recentactions", "usertags", "pendcomments",
# keep track of what db locks we have out
%LJ::LOCK_OUT = (); # {global|user} => caller_with_lock
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljlib-local.pl"
if -e "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljlib-local.pl";
require "$ENV{LJHOME}/cgi-bin/taglib.pl";
# if this is a dev server, alias LJ::D to Data::Dumper::Dumper
eval "use Data::Dumper ();";
*LJ::D = \&Data::Dumper::Dumper;
$LJ::DBIRole = new DBI::Role {
'timeout' => $LJ::DB_TIMEOUT,
'sources' => \%LJ::DBINFO,
'default_db' => "livejournal",
'time_check' => 60,
'time_report' => \&dbtime_callback,
# $LJ::PROTOCOL_VER is the version of the client-server protocol
# used uniformly by server code which uses the protocol.
$LJ::PROTOCOL_VER = ($LJ::UNICODE ? "1" : "0");
# user.dversion values:
# 0: unclustered (unsupported)
# 1: clustered, not pics (unsupported)
# 2: clustered
# 3: weekuserusage populated (Note: this table's now gone)
# 4: userproplite2 clustered, and cldversion on userproplist table
# 5: overrides clustered, and style clustered
# 6: clustered memories, friend groups, and keywords (for memories)
# 7: clustered userpics, keyword limiting, and comment support
# constants
use constant ENDOFTIME => 2147483647;
$LJ::EndOfTime = 2147483647; # for string interpolation
# width constants. BMAX_ constants are restrictions on byte width,
# CMAX_ on character width (character means byte unless $LJ::UNICODE,
# in which case it means a UTF-8 character).
use constant BMAX_SUBJECT => 255; # *_SUBJECT for journal events, not comments
use constant CMAX_SUBJECT => 100;
use constant BMAX_COMMENT => 9000;
use constant CMAX_COMMENT => 4300;
use constant BMAX_MEMORY => 150;
use constant CMAX_MEMORY => 80;
use constant BMAX_NAME => 100;
use constant CMAX_NAME => 50;
use constant BMAX_KEYWORD => 80;
use constant CMAX_KEYWORD => 40;
use constant BMAX_PROP => 255; # logprop[2]/talkprop[2]/userproplite (not userprop)
use constant CMAX_PROP => 100;
use constant BMAX_GRPNAME => 60;
use constant CMAX_GRPNAME => 30;
use constant BMAX_GRPNAME2 => 90; # introduced in dversion6, when we widened the groupname column
use constant CMAX_GRPNAME2 => 40; # but we have to keep the old GRPNAME around while dversion5 exists
use constant BMAX_EVENT => 65535;
use constant CMAX_EVENT => 65535;
use constant BMAX_INTEREST => 100;
use constant CMAX_INTEREST => 50;
use constant BMAX_UPIC_COMMENT => 255;
use constant CMAX_UPIC_COMMENT => 120;
# declare views (calls into ljviews.pl)
@LJ::views = qw(lastn friends calendar day);
%LJ::viewinfo = (
"lastn" => {
"creator" => \&LJ::S1::create_view_lastn,
"des" => "Most Recent Events",
"calendar" => {
"creator" => \&LJ::S1::create_view_calendar,
"des" => "Calendar",
"day" => {
"creator" => \&LJ::S1::create_view_day,
"des" => "Day View",
"friends" => {
"creator" => \&LJ::S1::create_view_friends,
"des" => "Friends View",
"owner_props" => ["opt_usesharedpic", "friendspagetitle"],
"friendsfriends" => {
"creator" => \&LJ::S1::create_view_friends,
"des" => "Friends of Friends View",
"styleof" => "friends",
"data" => {
"creator" => \&LJ::Feed::create_view,
"des" => "Data View (RSS, etc.)",
"owner_props" => ["opt_whatemailshow", "no_mail_alias"],
"rss" => { # this is now provided by the "data" view.
"des" => "RSS View (XML)",
"res" => {
"des" => "S2-specific resources (stylesheet)",
"pics" => {
"des" => "FotoBilder pics (root gallery)",
"info" => {
# just a redirect to userinfo.bml for now.
# in S2, will be a real view.
"des" => "Profile Page",
"tag" => {
"creator" => \&LJ::S1::create_view_lastn,
"des" => "Filtered Most Recent Events",
## we want to set this right away, so when we get a HUP signal later
## and our signal handler sets it to true, perl doesn't need to malloc,
## since malloc may not be thread-safe and we could core dump.
## see LJ::clear_caches and LJ::handle_caches
# DB Reporting UDP socket object
$LJ::ReportSock = undef;
# DB Reporting handle collection. ( host => $dbh )
## if this library is used in a BML page, we don't want to destroy BML's
## HUP signal handler.
if ($SIG{'HUP'}) {
my $oldsig = $SIG{'HUP'};
$SIG{'HUP'} = sub {
} else {
$SIG{'HUP'} = \&LJ::clear_caches;
# given two db roles, returns true only if the two roles are for sure
# served by different database servers. this is useful for, say,
# the moveusercluster script: you wouldn't want to select something
# from one db, copy it into another, and then delete it from the
# source if they were both the same machine.
# name: LJ::use_diff_db
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub use_diff_db {
sub get_blob_domainid
my $name = shift;
my $id = {
"userpic" => 1,
"phonepost" => 2,
"captcha_audio" => 3,
"captcha_image" => 4,
"fotobilder" => 5,
# FIXME: add hook support, so sites can't define their own
# general code gets priority on numbers, say, 1-200, so verify
# hook returns a number 201-255
return $id if $id;
die "Unknown blob domain: $name";
sub locker {
eval "use DDLockClient ();";
die "Couldn't load locker client: $@" if $@;
return $LJ::LOCKER_OBJ =
new DDLockClient (
servers => [ @LJ::LOCK_SERVERS ],
lockdir => $LJ::LOCKDIR || "$LJ::HOME/locks",
sub mogclient {
return $LJ::MogileFS if $LJ::MogileFS;
eval "use MogileFS;";
die "Couldn't load MogileFS: $@" if $@;
$LJ::MogileFS = new MogileFS (
domain => $LJ::MOGILEFS_CONFIG{domain},
root => $LJ::MOGILEFS_CONFIG{root},
hosts => $LJ::MOGILEFS_CONFIG{hosts},
or die "Could not initialize MogileFS";
# set preferred ip list if we have one
return $LJ::MogileFS;
# name: LJ::get_dbh
# class: db
# des: Given one or more roles, returns a database handle.
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub get_dbh {
my $opts = ref $_[0] eq "HASH" ? shift : {};
# supported options:
# 'raw': don't return a DBIx::StateKeeper object
unless (exists $opts->{'max_repl_lag'}) {
# for slave or clusterslave roles, don't allow lag
if ($_[0] =~ /slave$/) {
$opts->{'max_repl_lag'} = $LJ::MAX_REPL_LAG || 100_000;
if ($LJ::DEBUG{'get_dbh'} && $_[0] ne "logs") {
my $errmsg = "get_dbh(@_) at \n";
my $i = 0;
while (my ($p, $f, $l) = caller($i++)) {
next if $i > 3;
$errmsg .= " $p, $f, $l\n";
warn $errmsg;
my $mapping;
foreach my $role (@_) {
# let site admin turn off global master write access during
# maintenance
return undef if $LJ::DISABLE_MASTER && $role eq "master";
if (($mapping = $LJ::WRAPPED_DB_ROLE{$role}) && ! $opts->{raw}) {
if (my $keeper = $LJ::REQ_DBIX_KEEPER{$role}) {
return $keeper->set_database() ? $keeper : undef;
my ($canl_role, $dbname) = @$mapping;
my $tracker;
# DBIx::StateTracker::new will die if it can't connect to the database,
# so it's wrapper in an eval
eval {
$tracker =
$LJ::REQ_DBIX_TRACKER{$canl_role} ||=
DBIx::StateTracker->new(sub { LJ::get_dbirole_dbh({unshared=>1},
$canl_role) });
if ($tracker) {
my $keeper = DBIx::StateKeeper->new($tracker, $dbname);
$LJ::REQ_DBIX_KEEPER{$role} = $keeper;
return $keeper->set_database() ? $keeper : undef;
next ROLE;
my $db = LJ::get_dbirole_dbh($opts, $role);
return $db if $db;
return undef;
# name: LJ::get_dbirole_dbh
# class: db
# des: Internal function for get_dbh(). Uses the DBIRole to fetch a dbh, with
# hooks into db stats-generation if that's turned on.
# info:
# args: opts, role
# des-opts: A hashref of options.
# des-role: The database role.
# returns: A dbh.
sub get_dbirole_dbh {
my $dbh = $LJ::DBIRole->get_dbh( @_ ) or return undef;
$LJ::DB_REPORT_HANDLES{ $dbh->{Name} } = $dbh;
# :TODO: Explain magic number
$dbh->{Profile} ||= "2/DBI::Profile";
# And turn off useless (to us) on_destroy() reports, too.
undef $DBI::Profile::ON_DESTROY_DUMP;
return $dbh;
# name: LJ::get_lock
# des: get a mysql lock on a given key/dbrole combination
# returns: undef if called improperly, true on success, die() on failure
# args: db, dbrole, lockname, wait_time?
# des-dbrole: the role this lock should be gotten on, either 'global' or 'user'
# des-lockname: the name to be used for this lock
# des-wait_time: an optional timeout argument, defaults to 10 seconds
sub get_lock
my ($db, $dbrole, $lockname, $wait_time) = @_;
return undef unless $db && $lockname;
return undef unless $dbrole eq 'global' || $dbrole eq 'user';
my $curr_sub = (caller 1)[3]; # caller of current sub
# die if somebody already has a lock
die "LOCK ERROR: $curr_sub; can't get lock from: $LJ::LOCK_OUT{$dbrole}\n"
if exists $LJ::LOCK_OUT{$dbrole};
# get a lock from mysql
$wait_time ||= 10;
$db->do("SELECT GET_LOCK(?,?)", undef, $lockname, $wait_time)
or return undef;
# successfully got a lock
$LJ::LOCK_OUT{$dbrole} = $curr_sub;
return 1;
# name: LJ::may_lock
# des: see if we COULD get a mysql lock on a given key/dbrole combination,
# but don't actually get it.
# returns: undef if called improperly, true on success, die() on failure
# args: db, dbrole
# des-dbrole: the role this lock should be gotten on, either 'global' or 'user'
sub may_lock
my ($db, $dbrole) = @_;
return undef unless $db && ($dbrole eq 'global' || $dbrole eq 'user');
# die if somebody already has a lock
if ($LJ::LOCK_OUT{$dbrole}) {
my $curr_sub = (caller 1)[3]; # caller of current sub
die "LOCK ERROR: $curr_sub; can't get lock from $LJ::LOCK_OUT{$dbrole}\n";
# see if a lock is already out
return undef if exists $LJ::LOCK_OUT{$dbrole};
return 1;
# name: LJ::release_lock
# des: release a mysql lock on a given key/dbrole combination
# returns: undef if called improperly, true on success, die() on failure
# args: db, dbrole, lockname
# des-dbrole: the role this lock should be gotten on, either 'global' or 'user'
# des-lockname: the name to be used for this lock
sub release_lock
my ($db, $dbrole, $lockname) = @_;
return undef unless $db && $lockname;
return undef unless $dbrole eq 'global' || $dbrole eq 'user';
# get a lock from mysql
$db->do("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockname);
delete $LJ::LOCK_OUT{$dbrole};
return 1;
# name: LJ::get_newids
# des: Lookup an old global ID and see what journal it belongs to and its new ID.
# info: Interface to [dbtable[oldids]] table (URL compatability)
# returns: Undef if non-existent or unconverted, or arrayref of [$userid, $newid].
# args: area, oldid
# des-area: The "area" of the id. Legal values are "L" (log), to lookup an old itemid,
# or "T" (talk) to lookup an old talkid.
# des-oldid: The old globally-unique id of the item.
sub get_newids
my $sth;
my $db = LJ::get_dbh("oldids") || LJ::get_db_reader();
return $db->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT userid, newid FROM oldids ".
"WHERE area=? AND oldid=?", undef,
$_[0], $_[1]);
sub get_groupmask
# TAG:FR:ljlib:get_groupmask
my ($journal, $remote) = @_;
return 0 unless $journal && $remote;
my $jid = LJ::want_userid($journal);
my $fid = LJ::want_userid($remote);
return 0 unless $jid && $fid;
my $memkey = [$jid,"frgmask:$jid:$fid"];
my $mask = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
unless (defined $mask) {
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
die "No database reader available" unless $dbr;
$mask = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT groupmask FROM friends ".
"WHERE userid=? AND friendid=?",
undef, $jid, $fid);
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $mask+0, time()+60*15);
return $mask+0; # force it to a numeric scalar
# returns a row from log2, trying memcache
# accepts $u + $jitemid
# returns hash with: posterid, eventtime, logtime,
# security, allowmask, journalid, jitemid, anum.
sub get_log2_row
my ($u, $jitemid) = @_;
my $jid = $u->{'userid'};
my $memkey = [$jid, "log2:$jid:$jitemid"];
my ($row, $item);
$row = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
if ($row) {
@$item{'posterid', 'eventtime', 'logtime', 'allowmask', 'ditemid'} = unpack("NNNNN", $row);
$item->{'security'} = ($item->{'allowmask'} == 0 ? 'private' :
($item->{'allowmask'} == 2**31 ? 'public' : 'usemask'));
$item->{'journalid'} = $jid;
@$item{'jitemid', 'anum'} = ($item->{'ditemid'} >> 8, $item->{'ditemid'} % 256);
$item->{'eventtime'} = LJ::mysql_time($item->{'eventtime'}, 1);
$item->{'logtime'} = LJ::mysql_time($item->{'logtime'}, 1);
return $item;
my $db = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
return undef unless $db;
my $sql = "SELECT posterid, eventtime, logtime, security, allowmask, " .
"anum FROM log2 WHERE journalid=? AND jitemid=?";
$item = $db->selectrow_hashref($sql, undef, $jid, $jitemid);
return undef unless $item;
$item->{'journalid'} = $jid;
$item->{'jitemid'} = $jitemid;
$item->{'ditemid'} = $jitemid*256 + $item->{'anum'};
my ($sec, $eventtime, $logtime);
$sec = $item->{'allowmask'};
$sec = 0 if $item->{'security'} eq 'private';
$sec = 2**31 if $item->{'security'} eq 'public';
$eventtime = LJ::mysqldate_to_time($item->{'eventtime'}, 1);
$logtime = LJ::mysqldate_to_time($item->{'logtime'}, 1);
$row = pack("NNNNN", $item->{'posterid'}, $eventtime, $logtime, $sec,
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $row);
return $item;
# get 2 weeks worth of recent items, in rlogtime order,
# using memcache
# accepts $u or ($jid, $clusterid) + $notafter - max value for rlogtime
# $update is the timeupdate for this user, as far as the caller knows,
# in UNIX time.
# returns hash keyed by $jitemid, fields:
# posterid, eventtime, rlogtime,
# security, allowmask, journalid, jitemid, anum.
sub get_log2_recent_log
my ($u, $cid, $update, $notafter) = @_;
my $jid = LJ::want_userid($u);
$cid ||= $u->{'clusterid'} if ref $u;
my $DATAVER = "3"; # 1 char
my $memkey = [$jid, "log2lt:$jid"];
my $lockkey = $memkey->[1];
my ($rows, $ret);
$rows = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
$ret = [];
my $rows_decode = sub {
return 0
unless $rows && substr($rows, 0, 1) eq $DATAVER;
my $tu = unpack("N", substr($rows, 1, 4));
# if update time we got from upstream is newer than recorded
# here, this data is unreliable
return 0 if $update > $tu;
my $n = (length($rows) - 5 )/20;
for (my $i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
my ($posterid, $eventtime, $rlogtime, $allowmask, $ditemid) =
unpack("NNNNN", substr($rows, $i*20+5, 20));
next if $notafter and $rlogtime > $notafter;
$eventtime = LJ::mysql_time($eventtime, 1);
my $security = $allowmask == 0 ? 'private' :
($allowmask == 2**31 ? 'public' : 'usemask');
my ($jitemid, $anum) = ($ditemid >> 8, $ditemid % 256);
my $item = {};
'security','journalid', 'jitemid', 'anum'} =
($posterid, $eventtime, $rlogtime, $allowmask,
$ditemid, $security, $jid, $jitemid, $anum);
$item->{'ownerid'} = $jid;
$item->{'itemid'} = $jitemid;
push @$ret, $item;
return 1;
return $ret
if $rows_decode->();
$rows = "";
my $db = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($cid);
# if we use slave or didn't get some data, don't store in memcache
my $dont_store = 0;
unless ($db) {
$db = LJ::get_cluster_reader($cid);
$dont_store = 1;
return undef unless $db;
my $lock = $db->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK(?,10)", undef, $lockkey);
return undef unless $lock;
$rows = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
if ($rows_decode->()) {
$db->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockkey);
return $ret;
$rows = "";
# get reliable update time from the db
# TODO: check userprop first
my $tu;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
if ($dbh) {
$tu = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timeupdate) " .
"FROM userusage WHERE userid=?",
undef, $jid);
# if no mistake, treat absence of row as tu==0 (new user)
$tu = 0 unless $tu || $dbh->err;
LJ::MemCache::set([$jid, "tu:$jid"], pack("N", $tu), 30*60)
if defined $tu;
# TODO: update userprop if necessary
# if we didn't get tu, don't bother to memcache
$dont_store = 1 unless defined $tu;
# get reliable log2lt data from the db
my $max_age = $LJ::MAX_FRIENDS_VIEW_AGE || 3600*24*14; # 2 weeks default
my $sql = "SELECT jitemid, posterid, eventtime, rlogtime, " .
"security, allowmask, anum, replycount FROM log2 " .
"USE INDEX (rlogtime) WHERE journalid=? AND " .
"rlogtime <= ($LJ::EndOfTime - UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) + $max_age";
my $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
my @row;
push @row, $_ while $_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
@row = sort { $a->{'rlogtime'} <=> $b->{'rlogtime'} } @row;
my $itemnum = 0;
foreach my $item (@row) {
$item->{'ownerid'} = $item->{'journalid'} = $jid;
$item->{'itemid'} = $item->{'jitemid'};
push @$ret, $item;
my ($sec, $ditemid, $eventtime, $logtime);
$sec = $item->{'allowmask'};
$sec = 0 if $item->{'security'} eq 'private';
$sec = 2**31 if $item->{'security'} eq 'public';
$ditemid = $item->{'jitemid'}*256 + $item->{'anum'};
$eventtime = LJ::mysqldate_to_time($item->{'eventtime'}, 1);
$rows .= pack("NNNNN",
if ($itemnum++ < 50) {
LJ::MemCache::add([$jid, "rp:$jid:$item->{'jitemid'}"], $item->{'replycount'});
$rows = $DATAVER . pack("N", $tu) . $rows;
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $rows) unless $dont_store;
$db->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockkey);
return $ret;
sub get_log2_recent_user
my $opts = shift;
my $ret = [];
my $log = LJ::get_log2_recent_log($opts->{'userid'}, $opts->{'clusterid'},
$opts->{'update'}, $opts->{'notafter'});
my $left = $opts->{'itemshow'};
my $notafter = $opts->{'notafter'};
my $remote = $opts->{'remote'};
foreach my $item (@$log) {
last unless $left;
last if $notafter and $item->{'rlogtime'} > $notafter;
next unless $remote || $item->{'security'} eq 'public';
next if $item->{'security'} eq 'private'
and $item->{'journalid'} != $remote->{'userid'};
if ($item->{'security'} eq 'usemask') {
next unless $remote->{'journaltype'} eq "P";
my $permit = ($item->{'journalid'} == $remote->{'userid'});
unless ($permit) {
my $mask = LJ::get_groupmask($item->{'journalid'}, $remote->{'userid'});
$permit = $item->{'allowmask'}+0 & $mask+0;
next unless $permit;
# date conversion
if ($opts->{'dateformat'} eq "S2") {
$item->{'alldatepart'} = LJ::alldatepart_s2($item->{'eventtime'});
} else {
$item->{'alldatepart'} = LJ::alldatepart_s1($item->{'eventtime'});
push @$ret, $item;
return @$ret;
# name: LJ::get_friend_group
# des: Returns friendgroup row(s) for a given user.
# args: uuserid, opt?
# des-uuserid: a userid or u object
# des-opt: a hashref with keys: 'bit' => bit number of group to return
# 'name' => name of group to return
# returns: hashref; if bit/name are specified, returns hashref with keys being
# friendgroup rows, or undef if the group wasn't found.
# otherwise, returns hashref of all group rows with keys being
# group bit numbers and values being row col => val hashrefs
sub get_friend_group {
my ($uuid, $opt) = @_;
my $u = LJ::want_user($uuid);
return undef unless $u;
my $uid = $u->{userid};
# data version number
my $ver = 1;
# sanity check bitnum
delete $opt->{'bit'} if
$opt->{'bit'} > 31 || $opt->{'bit'} < 0;
my $fg;
my $find_grp = sub {
# $fg format:
# [ version, [userid, bitnum, name, sortorder, public], [...], ... ]
my $memver = shift @$fg;
return undef unless $memver == $ver;
# bit number was specified
if ($opt->{'bit'}) {
foreach (@$fg) {
return LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("fgrp", [$memver, @$_])
if $_->[1] == $opt->{'bit'};
return undef;
# group name was specified
if ($opt->{'name'}) {
foreach (@$fg) {
return LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("fgrp", [$memver, @$_])
if lc($_->[2]) eq lc($opt->{'name'});
return undef;
# no arg, return entire object
return { map { $_->[1] => LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("fgrp", [$memver, @$_]) } @$fg };
# check memcache
my $memkey = [$uid, "fgrp:$uid"];
$fg = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
return $find_grp->() if $fg;
# check database
$fg = [$ver];
my ($db, $fgtable) = $u->{dversion} > 5 ?
(LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u), 'friendgroup2') : # if dversion is 6+, use definitive reader
(LJ::get_db_writer(), 'friendgroup'); # else, use regular db writer
return undef unless $db;
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT userid, groupnum, groupname, sortorder, is_public " .
"FROM $fgtable WHERE userid=?");
return LJ::error($db) if $db->err;
my @row;
push @$fg, [ @row ] while @row = $sth->fetchrow_array;
# set in memcache
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $fg);
return $find_grp->();
# name: LJ::fill_groups_xmlrpc
# des: Fills a hashref (presumably to be sent to an XMLRPC client, EG fotobilder)
# with user friend group information
# args: u, ret
# des-ret: a response hashref to fill with friend group data
# returns: undef if called incorrectly, 1 otherwise
sub fill_groups_xmlrpc {
my ($u, $ret) = @_;
return undef unless ref $u && ref $ret;
# layer on friend group information in the following format:
# grp:1 => 'mygroup',
# ...
# grp:30 => 'anothergroup',
# grpu:whitaker => '0,1,2,3,4',
# grpu:test => '0',
my $grp = LJ::get_friend_group($u) || {};
$ret->{"grp:0"} = "_all_";
foreach my $bit (1..30) {
next unless my $g = $grp->{$bit};
$ret->{"grp:$bit"} = $g->{groupname};
my $fr = LJ::get_friends($u) || {};
my $users = LJ::load_userids(keys %$fr);
while (my ($fid, $f) = each %$fr) {
my $u = $users->{$fid};
next unless $u->{journaltype} =~ /[PS]/;
my $fname = $u->{user};
$ret->{"grpu:$fid:$fname"} =
join(",", 0, grep { $grp->{$_} && $f->{groupmask} & 1 << $_ } 1..30);
return 1;
# name: LJ::get_friends
# des: Returns friends rows for a given user.
# args: uuserid, mask?, memcache_only?, force?
# des-uuserid: a userid or u object
# des-mask: a security mask to filter on
# des-memcache_only: flag, set to only return data from memcache
# des-force: flag, set to ignore memcache and always hit db
# returns: hashref; keys = friend userids
# values = hashrefs of 'friends' columns and their values
sub get_friends {
# TAG:FR:ljlib:get_friends
my ($uuid, $mask, $memcache_only, $force) = @_;
my $userid = LJ::want_userid($uuid);
return undef unless $userid;
return undef if $LJ::FORCE_EMPTY_FRIENDS{$userid};
# memcache data version
my $ver = 1;
my $packfmt = "NH6H6NC";
my $packlen = 15; # bytes
my @cols = qw(friendid fgcolor bgcolor groupmask showbydefault);
# first, check memcache
my $memkey = [$userid, "friends:$userid"];
unless ($force) {
my $memfriends = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
if ($memfriends) {
my %friends; # rows to be returned
# first byte of object is data version
# only version 1 is meaningful right now
my $memver = substr($memfriends, 0, 1, '');
return undef unless $memver == $ver;
# get each $packlen-byte row
while (length($memfriends) >= $packlen) {
my @row = unpack($packfmt, substr($memfriends, 0, $packlen, ''));
# don't add into %friends hash if groupmask doesn't match
next if $mask && ! ($row[3]+0 & $mask+0);
# add "#" to beginning of colors
$row[$_] = "\#$row[$_]" foreach 1..2;
# turn unpacked row into hashref
my $fid = $row[0];
my $idx = 1;
foreach my $col (@cols[1..$#cols]) {
$friends{$fid}->{$col} = $row[$idx];
# got from memcache, return
return \%friends;
return {} if $memcache_only; # no friends
# nothing from memcache, select all rows from the
# database and insert those into memcache
# then return rows that matched the given groupmask
my $mempack = $ver; # full packed string to insert into memcache, byte 1 is dversion
my %friends; # friends object to be returned, all groupmasks match
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT friendid, fgcolor, bgcolor, groupmask, showbydefault " .
"FROM friends WHERE userid=?");
die $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err;
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
# convert color columns to hex
$row[$_] = sprintf("%06x", $row[$_]) foreach 1..2;
$mempack .= pack($packfmt, @row);
# unless groupmask matches, skip adding to %friends
next if $mask && ! ($row[3]+0 & $mask+0);
# add "#" to beginning of colors
$row[$_] = "\#$row[$_]" foreach 1..2;
my $fid = $row[0];
my $idx = 1;
foreach my $col (@cols[1..$#cols]) {
$friends{$fid}->{$col} = $row[$idx];
LJ::MemCache::add($memkey, $mempack);
return \%friends;
# name: LJ::get_friendofs
# des: Returns userids of friendofs for a given user.
# args: uuserid, opts?
# des-opts: options hash, keys: 'force' => don't check memcache
# returns: userid for friendofs
sub get_friendofs {
# TAG:FR:ljlib:get_friends
my ($uuid, $opts) = @_;
my $userid = LJ::want_userid($uuid);
return undef unless $userid;
# first, check memcache
my $memkey = [$userid, "friendofs:$userid"];
unless ($opts->{force}) {
my $memfriendofs = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
return @$memfriendofs if $memfriendofs;
# nothing from memcache, select all rows from the
# database and insert those into memcache
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $limit = $opts->{force} ? '' : " LIMIT " . ($LJ::MAX_FRIENDOF_LOAD+1);
my $friendofs = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref
("SELECT userid FROM friends WHERE friendid=?$limit",
undef, $userid) || [];
die $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err;
LJ::MemCache::add($memkey, $friendofs);
return @$friendofs;
# name: LJ::get_timeupdate_multi
# des: Get the last time a list of users updated
# args: opt?, uids
# des-opt: optional hashref, currently can contain 'memcache_only'
# to only retrieve data from memcache
# des-uids: list of userids to load timeupdates for
# returns: hashref; uid => unix timeupdate
sub get_timeupdate_multi {
my ($opt, @uids) = @_;
# allow optional opt hashref as first argument
unless (ref $opt eq 'HASH') {
push @uids, $opt;
$opt = {};
return {} unless @uids;
my @memkeys = map { [$_, "tu:$_"] } @uids;
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@memkeys) || {};
my @need;
my %timeupdate; # uid => timeupdate
foreach (@uids) {
if ($mem->{"tu:$_"}) {
$timeupdate{$_} = unpack("N", $mem->{"tu:$_"});
} else {
push @need, $_;
# if everything was in memcache, return now
return \%timeupdate if $opt->{'memcache_only'} || ! @need;
# fill in holes from the database. safe to use the reader because we
# only do an add to memcache, whereas postevent does a set, overwriting
# any potentially old data
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $need_bind = join(",", map { "?" } @need);
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT userid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timeupdate) " .
"FROM userusage WHERE userid IN ($need_bind)");
while (my ($uid, $tu) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$timeupdate{$uid} = $tu;
# set memcache for this row
LJ::MemCache::add([$uid, "tu:$uid"], pack("N", $tu), 30*60);
return \%timeupdate;
# returns undef on error, or otherwise arrayref of arrayrefs,
# each of format [ year, month, day, count ] for all days with
# non-zero count. examples:
# [ [ 2003, 6, 5, 3 ], [ 2003, 6, 8, 4 ], ... ]
sub get_daycounts
my ($u, $remote, $not_memcache) = @_;
# NOTE: $remote not yet used. one of the oldest LJ shortcomings is that
# it's public how many entries users have per-day, even if the entries
# are protected. we'll be fixing that with a new table, but first
# we're moving everything to this API.
my $uid = LJ::want_userid($u) or return undef;
my @days;
my $memkey = [$uid,"dayct:$uid"];
unless ($not_memcache) {
my $list = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
return $list if $list;
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u) or return undef;
my $sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT year, month, day, COUNT(*) ".
"FROM log2 WHERE journalid=? GROUP BY 1, 2, 3");
while (my ($y, $m, $d, $c) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
# we force each number from string scalars (from DBI) to int scalars,
# so they store smaller in memcache
push @days, [ int($y), int($m), int($d), int($c) ];
LJ::MemCache::add($memkey, \@days);
return \@days;
# name: LJ::get_friend_items
# des: Return friend items for a given user, filter, and period.
# args: dbarg?, opts
# des-opts: Hashref of options:
# - userid
# - remoteid
# - itemshow
# - skip
# - filter (opt) defaults to all
# - friends (opt) friends rows loaded via LJ::get_friends()
# - friends_u (opt) u objects of all friends loaded
# - idsbycluster (opt) hashref to set clusterid key to [ [ journalid, itemid ]+ ]
# - dateformat: either "S2" for S2 code, or anything else for S1
# - common_filter: set true if this is the default view
# - friendsoffriends: load friends of friends, not just friends
# - u: hashref of journal loading friends of
# - showtypes: /[PYC]/
# returns: Array of item hashrefs containing the same elements
sub get_friend_items
my $opts = shift;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $sth;
my $userid = $opts->{'userid'}+0;
return () if $LJ::FORCE_EMPTY_FRIENDS{$userid};
# 'remote' opt takes precendence, then 'remoteid'
my $remote = $opts->{'remote'};
my $remoteid = $remote ? $remote->{'userid'} : 0;
if ($remoteid == 0 && $opts->{'remoteid'}) {
$remoteid = $opts->{'remoteid'} + 0;
$remote = LJ::load_userid($remoteid);
my @items = ();
my $itemshow = $opts->{'itemshow'}+0;
my $skip = $opts->{'skip'}+0;
my $getitems = $itemshow + $skip;
my $filter = $opts->{'filter'}+0;
my $max_age = $LJ::MAX_FRIENDS_VIEW_AGE || 3600*24*14; # 2 week default.
my $lastmax = $LJ::EndOfTime - time() + $max_age;
my $lastmax_cutoff = 0; # if nonzero, never search for entries with rlogtime higher than this (set when cache in use)
# sanity check:
$skip = 0 if $skip < 0;
# given a hash of friends rows, strip out rows with invalid journaltype
my $filter_journaltypes = sub {
my ($friends, $friends_u, $memcache_only, $valid_types) = @_;
return unless $friends && $friends_u;
$valid_types ||= uc($opts->{'showtypes'});
# load u objects for all the given
LJ::load_userids_multiple([ map { $_, \$friends_u->{$_} } keys %$friends ], [$remote],
# delete u objects based on 'showtypes'
foreach my $fid (keys %$friends_u) {
my $fu = $friends_u->{$fid};
if ($fu->{'statusvis'} ne "V" ||
$valid_types && index(uc($valid_types), $fu->{journaltype}) == -1)
delete $friends_u->{$fid};
delete $friends->{$fid};
# all args passed by reference
my @friends_buffer = ();
my $fr_loaded = 0; # flag: have we loaded friends?
# normal friends mode
my $get_next_friend = sub
# return one if we already have some loaded.
return $friends_buffer[0] if @friends_buffer;
return undef if $fr_loaded;
# get all friends for this user and groupmask
my $friends = LJ::get_friends($userid, $filter) || {};
my %friends_u;
# strip out rows with invalid journal types
$filter_journaltypes->($friends, \%friends_u);
# get update times for all the friendids
my $tu_opts = {};
my $fcount = scalar keys %$friends;
$tu_opts->{memcache_only} = 1;
my $timeupdate = LJ::get_timeupdate_multi($tu_opts, keys %$friends);
# now push a properly formatted @friends_buffer row
foreach my $fid (keys %$timeupdate) {
my $fu = $friends_u{$fid};
my $rupdate = $LJ::EndOfTime - $timeupdate->{$fid};
my $clusterid = $fu->{'clusterid'};
push @friends_buffer, [ $fid, $rupdate, $clusterid, $friends->{$fid}, $fu ];
@friends_buffer = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @friends_buffer;
# note that we've already loaded the friends
$fr_loaded = 1;
# return one if we just found some, else we're all
# out and there's nobody else to load.
return @friends_buffer ? $friends_buffer[0] : undef;
# memcached friends of friends mode
$get_next_friend = sub
# return one if we already have some loaded.
return $friends_buffer[0] if @friends_buffer;
return undef if $fr_loaded;
# get journal's friends
my $friends = LJ::get_friends($userid) || {};
return undef unless %$friends;
my %friends_u;
# fill %allfriends with all friendids and cut $friends
# down to only include those that match $filter
my %allfriends = ();
foreach my $fid (keys %$friends) {
# delete from friends if it doesn't match the filter
next unless $filter && ! ($friends->{$fid}->{'groupmask'}+0 & $filter+0);
delete $friends->{$fid};
# strip out invalid friend journaltypes
$filter_journaltypes->($friends, \%friends_u, "memcache_only", "P");
# get update times for all the friendids
my $f_tu = LJ::get_timeupdate_multi({'memcache_only' => 1}, keys %$friends);
# get friends of friends
my $ffct = 0;
my %ffriends = ();
foreach my $fid (sort { $f_tu->{$b} <=> $f_tu->{$a} } keys %$friends) {
last if $ffct > 50;
my $ff = LJ::get_friends($fid, undef, "memcache_only") || {};
my $ct = 0;
while (my $ffid = each %$ff) {
last if $ct > 100;
next if $allfriends{$ffid} || $ffid == $userid;
$ffriends{$ffid} = $ff->{$ffid};
# strip out invalid friendsfriends journaltypes
my %ffriends_u;
$filter_journaltypes->(\%ffriends, \%ffriends_u, "memcache_only");
# get update times for all the friendids
my $ff_tu = LJ::get_timeupdate_multi({'memcache_only' => 1}, keys %ffriends);
# build friends buffer
foreach my $ffid (sort { $ff_tu->{$b} <=> $ff_tu->{$a} } keys %$ff_tu) {
my $rupdate = $LJ::EndOfTime - $ff_tu->{$ffid};
my $clusterid = $ffriends_u{$ffid}->{'clusterid'};
# since this is ff mode, we'll force colors to ffffff on 000000
$ffriends{$ffid}->{'fgcolor'} = "#000000";
$ffriends{$ffid}->{'bgcolor'} = "#ffffff";
push @friends_buffer, [ $ffid, $rupdate, $clusterid, $ffriends{$ffid}, $ffriends_u{$ffid} ];
@friends_buffer = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @friends_buffer;
# note that we've already loaded the friends
$fr_loaded = 1;
# return one if we just found some fine, else we're all
# out and there's nobody else to load.
return @friends_buffer ? $friends_buffer[0] : undef;
} if $opts->{'friendsoffriends'} && @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS;
# old friends of friends mode
# - use this when there are no memcache servers
$get_next_friend = sub
# return one if we already have some loaded.
return $friends_buffer[0] if @friends_buffer;
return undef if $fr_loaded;
# load all user's friends
# TAG:FR:ljlib:old_friendsfriends_getitems
my %f;
my $sth = $dbr->prepare(qq{
SELECT f.friendid, f.groupmask, $LJ::EndOfTime-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(uu.timeupdate),
u.journaltype FROM friends f, userusage uu, user u
WHERE f.userid=? AND f.friendid=uu.userid AND u.userid=f.friendid AND u.journaltype='P'
while (my ($id, $mask, $time, $jt) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
next if $id == $userid; # don't follow user's own friends
$f{$id} = { 'userid' => $id, 'timeupdate' => $time, 'jt' => $jt,
'relevant' => ($filter && !($mask & $filter)) ? 0 : 1 , };
# load some friends of friends (most 20 queries)
my %ff;
my $fct = 0;
foreach my $fid (sort { $f{$a}->{'timeupdate'} <=> $f{$b}->{'timeupdate'} } keys %f)
next unless $f{$fid}->{'jt'} eq "P" && $f{$fid}->{'relevant'};
last if ++$fct > 20;
my $extra;
if ($opts->{'showtypes'}) {
my @in;
if ($opts->{'showtypes'} =~ /P/) { push @in, "'P'"; }
if ($opts->{'showtypes'} =~ /Y/) { push @in, "'Y'"; }
if ($opts->{'showtypes'} =~ /C/) { push @in, "'C','S','N'"; }
$extra = "AND u.journaltype IN (".join (',', @in).")" if @in;
# TAG:FR:ljlib:old_friendsfriends_getitems2
my $sth = $dbr->prepare(qq{
SELECT u.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(uu.timeupdate) AS timeupdate
FROM friends f, userusage uu, user u WHERE f.userid=? AND
f.friendid=uu.userid AND f.friendid=u.userid AND u.statusvis='V' $extra
AND uu.timeupdate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 14 DAY) LIMIT 100
while (my $u = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $uid = $u->{'userid'};
next if $f{$uid} || $uid == $userid; # we don't wanna see our friends
# timeupdate
my $time = $LJ::EndOfTime-$u->{'timeupdate'};
delete $u->{'timeupdate'}; # not a proper $u column
$ff{$uid} = [ $uid, $time, $u->{'clusterid'}, {}, $u ];
@friends_buffer = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } values %ff;
$fr_loaded = 1;
return @friends_buffer ? $friends_buffer[0] : undef;
} if $opts->{'friendsoffriends'} && ! @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS;
my $loop = 1;
my $itemsleft = $getitems; # even though we got a bunch, potentially, they could be old
my $fr;
while ($loop && ($fr = $get_next_friend->()))
shift @friends_buffer;
# load the next recent updating friend's recent items
my $friendid = $fr->[0];
$opts->{'friends'}->{$friendid} = $fr->[3]; # friends row
$opts->{'friends_u'}->{$friendid} = $fr->[4]; # friend u object
my @newitems = LJ::get_log2_recent_user({
'clusterid' => $fr->[2],
'userid' => $friendid,
'remote' => $remote,
'itemshow' => $itemsleft,
'notafter' => $lastmax,
'dateformat' => $opts->{'dateformat'},
'update' => $LJ::EndOfTime - $fr->[1], # reverse back to normal
# stamp each with clusterid if from cluster, so ljviews and other
# callers will know which items are old (no/0 clusterid) and which
# are new
if ($fr->[2]) {
foreach (@newitems) { $_->{'clusterid'} = $fr->[2]; }
if (@newitems)
push @items, @newitems;
$itemsleft--; # we'll need at least one less for the next friend
# sort all the total items by rlogtime (recent at beginning).
# if there's an in-second tie, the "newer" post is determined by
# the higher jitemid, which means nothing if the posts are in the same
# journal, but means everything if they are (which happens almost never
# for a human, but all the time for RSS feeds, once we remove the
# synsucker's 1-second delay between postevents)
@items = sort { $a->{'rlogtime'} <=> $b->{'rlogtime'} ||
$b->{'jitemid'} <=> $a->{'jitemid'} } @items;
# cut the list down to what we need.
@items = splice(@items, 0, $getitems) if (@items > $getitems);
if (@items == $getitems)
$lastmax = $items[-1]->{'rlogtime'};
$lastmax = $lastmax_cutoff if $lastmax_cutoff && $lastmax > $lastmax_cutoff;
# stop looping if we know the next friend's newest entry
# is greater (older) than the oldest one we've already
# loaded.
my $nextfr = $get_next_friend->();
$loop = 0 if ($nextfr && $nextfr->[1] > $lastmax);
# remove skipped ones
splice(@items, 0, $skip) if $skip;
# get items
foreach (@items) {
$opts->{'owners'}->{$_->{'ownerid'}} = 1;
# return the itemids grouped by clusters, if callers wants it.
if (ref $opts->{'idsbycluster'} eq "HASH") {
foreach (@items) {
push @{$opts->{'idsbycluster'}->{$_->{'clusterid'}}},
[ $_->{'ownerid'}, $_->{'itemid'} ];
return @items;
# name: LJ::get_recent_items
# class:
# des: Returns journal entries for a given account.
# info:
# args: dbarg, opts
# des-opts: Hashref of options with keys:
# -- err: scalar ref to return error code/msg in
# -- userid
# -- remote: remote user's $u
# -- remoteid: id of remote user
# -- clusterid: clusterid of userid
# -- tagids: arrayref of tagids to return entries with
# -- clustersource: if value 'slave', uses replicated databases
# -- order: if 'logtime', sorts by logtime, not eventtime
# -- friendsview: if true, sorts by logtime, not eventtime
# -- notafter: upper bound inclusive for rlogtime/revttime (depending on sort mode),
# defaults to no limit
# -- skip: items to skip
# -- itemshow: items to show
# -- viewall: if set, no security is used.
# -- dateformat: if "S2", uses S2's 'alldatepart' format.
# -- itemids: optional arrayref onto which itemids should be pushed
# returns: array of hashrefs containing keys:
# -- itemid (the jitemid)
# -- posterid
# -- security
# -- alldatepart (in S1 or S2 fmt, depending on 'dateformat' req key)
# -- ownerid (if in 'friendsview' mode)
# -- rlogtime (if in 'friendsview' mode)
sub get_recent_items
my $opts = shift;
my $sth;
my @items = (); # what we'll return
my $err = $opts->{'err'};
my $userid = $opts->{'userid'}+0;
# 'remote' opt takes precendence, then 'remoteid'
my $remote = $opts->{'remote'};
my $remoteid = $remote ? $remote->{'userid'} : 0;
if ($remoteid == 0 && $opts->{'remoteid'}) {
$remoteid = $opts->{'remoteid'} + 0;
$remote = LJ::load_userid($remoteid);
my $max_hints = $LJ::MAX_HINTS_LASTN; # temporary
my $sort_key = "revttime";
my $clusterid = $opts->{'clusterid'}+0;
my @sources = ("cluster$clusterid");
if (my $ab = $LJ::CLUSTER_PAIR_ACTIVE{$clusterid}) {
@sources = ("cluster${clusterid}${ab}");
unshift @sources, ("cluster${clusterid}lite", "cluster${clusterid}slave")
if $opts->{'clustersource'} eq "slave";
my $logdb = LJ::get_dbh(@sources);
# community/friend views need to post by log time, not event time
$sort_key = "rlogtime" if ($opts->{'order'} eq "logtime" ||
# 'notafter':
# the friends view doesn't want to load things that it knows it
# won't be able to use. if this argument is zero or undefined,
# then we'll load everything less than or equal to 1 second from
# the end of time. we don't include the last end of time second
# because that's what backdated entries are set to. (so for one
# second at the end of time we'll have a flashback of all those
# backdated entries... but then the world explodes and everybody
# with 32 bit time_t structs dies)
my $notafter = $opts->{'notafter'} + 0 || $LJ::EndOfTime - 1;
my $skip = $opts->{'skip'}+0;
my $itemshow = $opts->{'itemshow'}+0;
if ($itemshow > $max_hints) { $itemshow = $max_hints; }
my $maxskip = $max_hints - $itemshow;
if ($skip < 0) { $skip = 0; }
if ($skip > $maxskip) { $skip = $maxskip; }
my $itemload = $itemshow + $skip;
my $mask = 0;
if ($remote && $remote->{'journaltype'} eq "P" && $remoteid != $userid) {
$mask = LJ::get_groupmask($userid, $remoteid);
# decide what level of security the remote user can see
my $secwhere = "";
if ($userid == $remoteid || $opts->{'viewall'}) {
# no extra where restrictions... user can see all their own stuff
# alternatively, if 'viewall' opt flag is set, security is off.
} elsif ($mask) {
# can see public or things with them in the mask
$secwhere = "AND (security='public' OR (security='usemask' AND allowmask & $mask != 0))";
} else {
# not a friend? only see public.
$secwhere = "AND security='public' ";
# because LJ::get_friend_items needs rlogtime for sorting.
my $extra_sql;
if ($opts->{'friendsview'}) {
$extra_sql .= "journalid AS 'ownerid', rlogtime, ";
# if we need to get by tag, get an itemid list now
my $jitemidwhere;
if (ref $opts->{tagids} eq 'ARRAY' && @{$opts->{tagids}}) {
# select jitemids uniquely
my $in = join(',', map { $_+0 } @{$opts->{tagids}});
my $jitemids = $logdb->selectcol_arrayref(qq{
SELECT DISTINCT jitemid FROM logtagsrecent WHERE journalid = ? AND kwid IN ($in)
}, undef, $userid);
die $logdb->errstr if $logdb->err;
# set $jitemidwhere iff we have jitemids
if (@$jitemids) {
$jitemidwhere = " AND jitemid IN (" .
join(',', map { $_+0 } @$jitemids) .
} else {
# no items, so show no entries
return ();
my $sql;
my $dateformat = "%a %W %b %M %y %Y %c %m %e %d %D %p %i %l %h %k %H";
if ($opts->{'dateformat'} eq "S2") {
$dateformat = "%Y %m %d %H %i %s %w"; # yyyy mm dd hh mm ss day_of_week
$sql = qq{
SELECT jitemid AS 'itemid', posterid, security, $extra_sql
DATE_FORMAT(eventtime, "$dateformat") AS 'alldatepart', anum
FROM log2 USE INDEX ($sort_key)
WHERE journalid=$userid AND $sort_key <= $notafter $secwhere $jitemidwhere
ORDER BY journalid, $sort_key
LIMIT $skip,$itemshow
unless ($logdb) {
$$err = "nodb" if ref $err eq "SCALAR";
return ();
$sth = $logdb->prepare($sql);
if ($logdb->err) { die $logdb->errstr; }
# keep track of the last alldatepart, and a per-minute buffer
my $last_time;
my @buf;
my $flush = sub {
return unless @buf;
push @items, sort { $b->{itemid} <=> $a->{itemid} } @buf;
@buf = ();
while (my $li = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
push @{$opts->{'itemids'}}, $li->{'itemid'};
$flush->() if $li->{alldatepart} ne $last_time;
push @buf, $li;
$last_time = $li->{alldatepart};
return @items;
# name: LJ::set_userprop
# des: Sets/deletes a userprop by name for a user.
# info: This adds or deletes from the
# [dbtable[userprop]]/[dbtable[userproplite]] tables. One
# crappy thing about this interface is that it doesn't allow
# a batch of userprops to be updated at once, which is the
# common thing to do.
# args: dbarg?, uuserid, propname, value, memonly?
# des-uuserid: The userid of the user or a user hashref.
# des-propname: The name of the property. Or a hashref of propname keys and corresponding values.
# des-value: The value to set to the property. If undefined or the
# empty string, then property is deleted.
# des-memonly: if true, only writes to memcache, and not to database.
sub set_userprop
my ($u, $propname, $value, $memonly) = @_;
$u = ref $u ? $u : LJ::load_userid($u);
my $userid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
my $hash = ref $propname eq "HASH" ? $propname : { $propname => $value };
my %action; # $table -> {"replace"|"delete"} -> [ "($userid, $propid, $qvalue)" | propid ]
my %multihomed; # { $propid => $value }
foreach $propname (keys %$hash) {
my $p = LJ::get_prop("user", $propname) or
die "Invalid userprop $propname passed to LJ::set_userprop.";
if ($p->{multihomed}) {
# collect into array for later handling
$multihomed{$p->{id}} = $hash->{$propname};
my $table = $p->{'indexed'} ? "userprop" : "userproplite";
if ($p->{datatype} eq 'blobchar') {
$table = 'userpropblob';
elsif ($p->{'cldversion'} && $u->{'dversion'} >= $p->{'cldversion'}) {
$table = "userproplite2";
unless ($memonly) {
my $db = $action{$table}->{'db'} ||= (
$table !~ m{userprop(lite2|blob)}
? LJ::get_db_writer()
: $u->writer );
return 0 unless $db;
$value = $hash->{$propname};
if (defined $value && $value) {
push @{$action{$table}->{"replace"}}, [ $p->{'id'}, $value ];
} else {
push @{$action{$table}->{"delete"}}, $p->{'id'};
my $expire = time() + 3600*24;
foreach my $table (keys %action) {
my $db = $action{$table}->{'db'};
if (my $list = $action{$table}->{"replace"}) {
if ($db) {
my $vals = join(',', map { "($userid,$_->[0]," . $db->quote($_->[1]) . ")" } @$list);
$db->do("REPLACE INTO $table (userid, upropid, value) VALUES $vals");
LJ::MemCache::set([$userid,"uprop:$userid:$_->[0]"], $_->[1], $expire) foreach (@$list);
if (my $list = $action{$table}->{"delete"}) {
if ($db) {
my $in = join(',', @$list);
$db->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE userid=$userid AND upropid IN ($in)");
LJ::MemCache::set([$userid,"uprop:$userid:$_"], "", $expire) foreach (@$list);
# if we had any multihomed props, set them here
if (%multihomed) {
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return 0 unless $dbh && $u->writer;
while (my ($propid, $pvalue) = each %multihomed) {
if (defined $pvalue && $pvalue) {
# replace data into master
$dbh->do("REPLACE INTO userprop VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
undef, $userid, $propid, $pvalue);
} else {
# delete data from master, but keep in cluster
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM userprop WHERE userid = ? AND upropid = ?",
undef, $userid, $propid);
# fail out?
return 0 if $dbh->err;
# put data in cluster
$pvalue ||= '';
$u->do("REPLACE INTO userproplite2 VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
undef, $userid, $propid, $pvalue);
return 0 if $u->err;
# set memcache
LJ::MemCache::set([$userid,"uprop:$userid:$propid"], $pvalue, $expire);
return 1;
# name: LJ::register_authaction
# des: Registers a secret to have the user validate.
# info: Some things, like requiring a user to validate their email address, require
# making up a secret, mailing it to the user, then requiring them to give it
# back (usually in a URL you make for them) to prove they got it. This
# function creates a secret, attaching what it's for and an optional argument.
# Background maintenance jobs keep track of cleaning up old unvalidated secrets.
# args: dbarg?, userid, action, arg?
# des-userid: Userid of user to register authaction for.
# des-action: Action type to register. Max chars: 50.
# des-arg: Optional argument to attach to the action. Max chars: 255.
# returns: 0 if there was an error. Otherwise, a hashref
# containing keys 'aaid' (the authaction ID) and the 'authcode',
# a 15 character string of random characters from
# [func[LJ::make_auth_code]].
sub register_authaction
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $userid = shift; $userid += 0;
my $action = $dbh->quote(shift);
my $arg1 = $dbh->quote(shift);
# make the authcode
my $authcode = LJ::make_auth_code(15);
my $qauthcode = $dbh->quote($authcode);
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO authactions (aaid, userid, datecreate, authcode, action, arg1) ".
"VALUES (NULL, $userid, NOW(), $qauthcode, $action, $arg1)");
return 0 if $dbh->err;
return { 'aaid' => $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'},
'authcode' => $authcode,
# class: logging
# name: LJ::statushistory_add
# des: Adds a row to a user's statushistory
# info: See the [dbtable[statushistory]] table.
# returns: boolean; 1 on success, 0 on failure
# args: dbarg?, userid, adminid, shtype, notes?
# des-userid: The user being acted on.
# des-adminid: The site admin doing the action.
# des-shtype: The status history type code.
# des-notes: Optional notes associated with this action.
sub statushistory_add
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $userid = shift;
$userid = LJ::want_userid($userid) + 0;
my $actid = shift;
$actid = LJ::want_userid($actid) + 0;
my $qshtype = $dbh->quote(shift);
my $qnotes = $dbh->quote(shift);
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO statushistory (userid, adminid, shtype, notes) ".
"VALUES ($userid, $actid, $qshtype, $qnotes)");
return $dbh->err ? 0 : 1;
# name: LJ::make_link
# des: Takes a group of key=value pairs to append to a url
# returns: The finished url
# args: url, vars
# des-url: A string with the URL to append to. The URL
# shouldn't have a question mark in it.
# des-vars: A hashref of the key=value pairs to append with.
sub make_link
my $url = shift;
my $vars = shift;
my $append = "?";
foreach (keys %$vars) {
next if ($vars->{$_} eq "");
$url .= "${append}${_}=$vars->{$_}";
$append = "&";
return $url;
# class: time
# name: LJ::ago_text
# des: Converts integer seconds to English time span
# info: Turns a number of seconds into the largest possible unit of
# time. "2 weeks", "4 days", or "20 hours".
# returns: A string with the number of largest units found
# args: secondsold
# des-secondsold: The number of seconds from now something was made.
sub ago_text
my $secondsold = shift;
return "Never." unless defined $secondsold;
my $num;
my $unit;
if ($secondsold > 60*60*24*7) {
$num = int($secondsold / (60*60*24*7));
$unit = "week";
} elsif ($secondsold > 60*60*24) {
$num = int($secondsold / (60*60*24));
$unit = "day";
} elsif ($secondsold > 60*60) {
$num = int($secondsold / (60*60));
$unit = "hour";
} elsif ($secondsold > 60) {
$num = int($secondsold / (60));
$unit = "minute";
} else {
$num = $secondsold;
$unit = "second";
return "$num $unit" . ($num==1?"":"s") . " ago";
# name: LJ::get_shared_journals
# des: Gets an array of shared journals a user has access to.
# returns: An array of shared journals.
# args: u
sub get_shared_journals
my $u = shift;
my $ids = LJ::load_rel_target($u, 'A') || [];
# have to get usernames;
my %users;
LJ::load_userids_multiple([ map { $_, \$users{$_} } @$ids ], [$u]);
return sort map { $_->{'user'} } values %users;
# name: LJ::get_authas_user
# des: Given a username, will return a user object if remote is an admin for the
# username. Otherwise returns undef
# returns: user object if authenticated, otherwise undef.
# args: user
# des-opts: Username of user to attempt to auth as.
sub get_authas_user {
my $user = shift;
return undef unless $user;
# get a remote
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
return undef unless $remote;
# remote is already what they want?
return $remote if $remote->{'user'} eq $user;
# load user and authenticate
my $u = LJ::load_user($user);
return undef unless $u;
return undef unless $u->{clusterid};
# does $u have admin access?
return undef unless LJ::can_manage($remote, $u);
# passed all checks, return $u
return $u;
# name: LJ::can_manage
# des: Given a user and a target user, will determine if the first user is an
# admin for the target user.
# returns: bool: true if authorized, otherwise fail
# args: remote, u
# des-remote: user object or userid of user to try and authenticate
# des-u: user object or userid of target user
sub can_manage {
my $remote = LJ::want_user(shift);
my $u = LJ::want_user(shift);
return undef unless $remote && $u;
# is same user?
return 1 if LJ::u_equals($u, $remote);
# people/syn/rename accounts can only be managed by the one account
return undef if $u->{journaltype} =~ /^[PYR]$/;
# check for admin access
return undef unless LJ::check_rel($u, $remote, 'A');
# passed checks, return true
return 1;
# name: LJ::can_manage_other
# des: Given a user and a target user, will determine if the first user is an
# admin for the target user, but not if the two are the same.
# returns: bool: true if authorized, otherwise fail
# args: remote, u
# des-remote: user object or userid of user to try and authenticate
# des-u: user object or userid of target user
sub can_manage_other {
my ($remote, $u) = @_;
return 0 if LJ::want_userid($remote) == LJ::want_userid($u);
return LJ::can_manage($remote, $u);
sub can_delete_journal_item {
return LJ::can_manage(@_);
# name: LJ::get_authas_list
# des: Get a list of usernames a given user can authenticate as
# returns: an array of usernames
# args: u, opts?
# des-opts: Optional hashref. keys are:
# - type: 'P' to only return users of journaltype 'P'
# - cap: cap to filter users on
sub get_authas_list {
my ($u, $opts) = @_;
# used to accept a user type, now accept an opts hash
$opts = { 'type' => $opts } unless ref $opts;
# only one valid type right now
$opts->{'type'} = 'P' if $opts->{'type'};
my $ids = LJ::load_rel_target($u, 'A');
return undef unless $ids;
# load_userids_multiple
my %users;
LJ::load_userids_multiple([ map { $_, \$users{$_} } @$ids ], [$u]);
return $u->{'user'}, sort map { $_->{'user'} }
grep { ! $opts->{'cap'} || LJ::get_cap($_, $opts->{'cap'}) }
grep { ! $opts->{'type'} || $opts->{'type'} eq $_->{'journaltype'} }
grep { $_->{clusterid} > 0 }
grep { $_->{statusvis} !~ /[XS]/ }
values %users;
# name: LJ::shared_member_request
# des: Registers an authaction to add a user to a
# shared journal and sends an approval email
# returns: Hashref; output of LJ::register_authaction()
# includes datecreate of old row if no new row was created
# args: ju, u, attr?
# des-ju: Shared journal user object
# des-u: User object to add to shared journal
sub shared_member_request {
my ($ju, $u) = @_;
return undef unless ref $ju && ref $u;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
# check for duplicates
my $oldaa = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT aaid, authcode, datecreate FROM authactions " .
"WHERE userid=? AND action='shared_invite' AND used='N' " .
"AND NOW() < datecreate + INTERVAL 1 HOUR " .
undef, $ju->{'userid'});
return $oldaa if $oldaa;
# insert authactions row
my $aa = LJ::register_authaction($ju->{'userid'}, 'shared_invite', "targetid=$u->{'userid'}");
return undef unless $aa;
# if there are older duplicates, invalidate any existing unused authactions of this type
$dbh->do("UPDATE authactions SET used='Y' WHERE userid=? AND aaid<>? " .
"AND action='shared_invite' AND used='N'",
undef, $ju->{'userid'}, $aa->{'aaid'});
my $body = "The maintainer of the $ju->{'user'} shared journal has requested that " .
"you be given posting access.\n\n" .
"If you do not wish to be added to this journal, just ignore this email. " .
"However, if you would like to accept posting rights to $ju->{'user'}, click " .
"the link below to authorize this action.\n\n" .
" $LJ::SITEROOT/approve/$aa->{'aaid'}.$aa->{'authcode'}\n\n" .
"Regards\n$LJ::SITENAME Team\n";
'to' => $u->{'email'},
'from' => $LJ::ADMIN_EMAIL,
'fromname' => $LJ::SITENAME,
'charset' => 'utf-8',
'subject' => "Community Membership: $ju->{'name'}",
'body' => $body
return $aa;
# name: LJ::is_valid_authaction
# des: Validates a shared secret (authid/authcode pair)
# info: See [func[LJ::register_authaction]].
# returns: Hashref of authaction row from database.
# args: dbarg?, aaid, auth
# des-aaid: Integer; the authaction ID.
# des-auth: String; the auth string. (random chars the client already got)
sub is_valid_authaction
# we use the master db to avoid races where authactions could be
# used multiple times
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my ($aaid, $auth) = @_;
return $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM authactions WHERE aaid=? AND authcode=?",
undef, $aaid, $auth);
# name: LJ::mark_authaction_used
# des: Marks an authaction as being used.
# args: aaid
# des-aaid: Either an authaction hashref or the id of the authaction to mark used.
# returns: 1 on success, undef on error.
sub mark_authaction_used
my $aaid = ref $_[0] ? $_[0]->{aaid}+0 : $_[0]+0
or return undef;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer()
or return undef;
$dbh->do("UPDATE authactions SET used='Y' WHERE aaid = ?", undef, $aaid);
return undef if $dbh->err;
return 1;
# name: LJ::get_mood_picture
# des: Loads a mood icon hashref given a themeid and moodid.
# args: themeid, moodid, ref
# des-themeid: Integer; mood themeid.
# des-moodid: Integer; mood id.
# des-ref: Hashref to load mood icon data into.
# returns: Boolean; 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
sub get_mood_picture
my ($themeid, $moodid, $ref) = @_;
LJ::load_mood_theme($themeid) unless $LJ::CACHE_MOOD_THEME{$themeid};
LJ::load_moods() unless $LJ::CACHED_MOODS;
if ($LJ::CACHE_MOOD_THEME{$themeid} &&
$LJ::CACHE_MOOD_THEME{$themeid}->{$moodid}) {
%{$ref} = %{$LJ::CACHE_MOOD_THEME{$themeid}->{$moodid}};
if ($ref->{'pic'} =~ m!^/!) {
$ref->{'pic'} =~ s!^/img!!;
$ref->{'pic'} = $LJ::IMGPREFIX . $ref->{'pic'};
$ref->{'moodid'} = $moodid;
return 1;
} else {
$moodid = (defined $LJ::CACHE_MOODS{$moodid} ?
$LJ::CACHE_MOODS{$moodid}->{'parent'} : 0);
while ($moodid);
return 0;
# mood id to name (or undef)
sub mood_name
my ($moodid) = @_;
LJ::load_moods() unless $LJ::CACHED_MOODS;
my $m = $LJ::CACHE_MOODS{$moodid};
return $m ? $m->{'name'} : undef;
# mood name to id (or undef)
sub mood_id
my ($mood) = @_;
return undef unless $mood;
LJ::load_moods() unless $LJ::CACHED_MOODS;
foreach my $m (values %LJ::CACHE_MOODS) {
return $m->{'id'} if $mood eq $m->{'name'};
return undef;
sub get_moods
LJ::load_moods() unless $LJ::CACHED_MOODS;
return \%LJ::CACHE_MOODS;
# class: time
# name: LJ::http_to_time
# des: Converts HTTP date to Unix time.
# info: Wrapper around HTTP::Date::str2time.
# See also [func[LJ::time_to_http]].
# args: string
# des-string: HTTP Date. See RFC 2616 for format.
# returns: integer; Unix time.
sub http_to_time {
my $string = shift;
return HTTP::Date::str2time($string);
sub mysqldate_to_time {
my ($string, $gmt) = @_;
return undef unless $string =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)(?: (\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?)?$/;
my ($y, $mon, $d, $h, $min, $s) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
my $calc = sub {
$gmt ?
Time::Local::timegm($s, $min, $h, $d, $mon-1, $y) :
Time::Local::timelocal($s, $min, $h, $d, $mon-1, $y);
# try to do it. it'll die if the day is bogus
my $ret = eval { $calc->(); };
return $ret unless $@;
# then fix the day up, if so.
my $max_day = LJ::days_in_month($mon, $y);
$d = $max_day if $d > $max_day;
return $calc->();
# class: time
# name: LJ::time_to_http
# des: Converts a Unix time to an HTTP date.
# info: Wrapper around HTTP::Date::time2str to make an
# HTTP date (RFC 1123 format) See also [func[LJ::http_to_time]].
# args: time
# des-time: Integer; Unix time.
# returns: String; RFC 1123 date.
sub time_to_http {
my $time = shift;
return HTTP::Date::time2str($time);
# name: LJ::time_to_cookie
# des: Converts unix time to format expected in a Set-Cookie header
# args: time
# des-time: unix time
# returns: string; Date/Time in format expected by cookie.
sub time_to_cookie {
my $time = shift;
$time = time() unless defined $time;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime($time);
my @day = qw{Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday};
my @month = qw{Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec};
return sprintf("$day[$wday], %02d-$month[$mon]-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT",
$mday, $year, $hour, $min, $sec);
# http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
# http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime
sub time_to_w3c {
my ($time, $ofs) = @_;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime($time);
$year += 1900;
$ofs =~ s/([\-+]\d\d)(\d\d)/$1:$2/;
$ofs = 'Z' if $ofs =~ /0000$/;
return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d$ofs",
$year, $mon, $mday,
$hour, $min, $sec);
# class: component
# name: LJ::ljuser
# des: Make link to userinfo/journal of user.
# info: Returns the HTML for a userinfo/journal link pair for a given user
# name, just like LJUSER does in BML. This is for files like cleanhtml.pl
# and ljpoll.pl which need this functionality too, but they aren't run as BML.
# args: user, opts?
# des-user: Username to link to, or user hashref.
# des-opts: Optional hashref to control output. Key 'full' when true causes
# a link to the mode=full userinfo. Key 'type' when 'C' makes
# a community link, when 'Y' makes a syndicated account link,
# when 'N' makes a news account link, otherwise makes a user account
# link. If user parameter is a hashref, its 'journaltype' overrides
# this 'type'. Key 'del', when true, makes a tag for a deleted user.
# If user parameter is a hashref, its 'statusvis' overrides 'del'.
# Key 'no_follow', when true, disables traversal of renamed users.
# returns: HTML with a little head image & bold text link.
sub ljuser
my $user = shift;
my $opts = shift;
my $u;
my $do_dynamic = $LJ::DYNAMIC_LJUSER || ($user =~ /^ext_/);
if ($do_dynamic && ! isu($user) && ! $opts->{'type'}) {
# Try to automatically pick the user type, but still
# make something if we can't (user doesn't exist?)
$user = LJ::load_user($user) || $user;
my $hops = 0;
# Traverse the renames to the final journal
while (ref $user and $user->{'journaltype'} eq 'R'
and ! $opts->{'no_follow'} && $hops++ < 5) {
LJ::load_user_props($user, 'renamedto');
last unless length $user->{'renamedto'};
$user = LJ::load_user($user->{'renamedto'});
if (isu($user)) {
$u = $user;
$opts->{'type'} = $user->{'journaltype'};
# Mark accounts as deleted that aren't visible, memorial, or locked
$opts->{'del'} = $user->{'statusvis'} ne 'V' &&
$user->{'statusvis'} ne 'M' &&
$user->{'statusvis'} ne 'L';
$user = $user->{'user'};
my $andfull = $opts->{'full'} ? "&mode=full" : "";
my $img = $opts->{'imgroot'} || $LJ::IMGPREFIX;
my $strike = $opts->{'del'} ? ' text-decoration: line-through;' : '';
my $make_tag = sub {
my ($fil, $dir, $x, $y) = @_;
$y ||= $x; # make square if only one dimension given
return "$user";
if ($opts->{'type'} eq 'C') {
return $make_tag->('community.gif', 'community', 16);
} elsif ($opts->{'type'} eq 'Y') {
return $make_tag->('syndicated.gif', 'users', 16);
} elsif ($opts->{'type'} eq 'N') {
return $make_tag->('newsinfo.gif', 'users', 16);
} elsif ($opts->{'type'} eq 'I') {
return $u->ljuser_display($opts);
} else {
return $make_tag->('userinfo.gif', 'users', 17);
# name: LJ::get_urls
# des: Returns a list of all referenced URLs from a string
# args: text
# des-text: Text to extra URLs from
# returns: list of URLs
sub get_urls
return ($_[0] =~ m!http://[^\s\"\'\<\>]+!g);
# name: LJ::record_meme
# des: Records a URL reference from a journal entry to the meme table.
# args: dbarg?, url, posterid, itemid, journalid?
# des-url: URL to log
# des-posterid: Userid of person posting
# des-itemid: Itemid URL appears in. This is the display itemid,
# which is the jitemid*256+anum from the [dbtable[log2]] table.
# des-journalid: Optional, journal id of item, if item is clustered. Otherwise
# this should be zero or undef.
sub record_meme
my ($url, $posterid, $itemid, $jid) = @_;
return if $LJ::DISABLED{'meme'};
$url =~ s!/$!!; # strip / at end
LJ::run_hooks("canonicalize_url", \$url);
# canonicalize_url hook might just erase it, so
# we don't want to record it.
return unless $url;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
$dbh->do("REPLACE DELAYED INTO meme (url, posterid, journalid, itemid) " .
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $url, $posterid, $jid, $itemid);
# name: LJ::name_caps
# des: Given a user's capability class bit mask, returns a
# site-specific string representing the capability class name.
# args: caps
# des-caps: 16 bit capability bitmask
sub name_caps
return undef unless LJ::are_hooks("name_caps");
my $caps = shift;
return LJ::run_hook("name_caps", $caps);
# name: LJ::name_caps_short
# des: Given a user's capability class bit mask, returns a
# site-specific short string code.
# args: caps
# des-caps: 16 bit capability bitmask
sub name_caps_short
return undef unless LJ::are_hooks("name_caps_short");
my $caps = shift;
return LJ::run_hook("name_caps_short", $caps);
# name: LJ::get_cap
# des: Given a user object or capability class bit mask and a capability/limit name,
# returns the maximum value allowed for given user or class, considering
# all the limits in each class the user is a part of.
# args: u_cap, capname
# des-u_cap: 16 bit capability bitmask or a user object from which the
# bitmask could be obtained
# des-capname: the name of a limit, defined in doc/capabilities.txt
sub get_cap
my $caps = shift; # capability bitmask (16 bits), or user object
my $cname = shift; # capability limit name
my $u = ref $caps ? $caps : undef;
if (! defined $caps) { $caps = 0; }
elsif ($u) { $caps = $u->{'caps'}; }
my $max = undef;
# allow a way for admins to force-set the read-only cap
# to lower writes on a cluster.
if ($cname eq "readonly" && $u &&
($LJ::READONLY_CLUSTER{$u->{clusterid}} ||
$LJ::READONLY_CLUSTER_ADVISORY{$u->{clusterid}} &&
! LJ::get_cap($u, "avoid_readonly"))) {
# HACK for desperate moments. in when_needed mode, see if
# database is locky first
my $cid = $u->{clusterid};
if ($LJ::READONLY_CLUSTER_ADVISORY{$cid} eq "when_needed") {
my $now = time();
return 1 if $LJ::LOCKY_CACHE{$cid} > $now - 15;
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($u->{clusterid});
return 1 unless $dbcm;
my $sth = $dbcm->prepare("SHOW PROCESSLIST");
return 1 if $dbcm->err;
my $busy = 0;
my $too_busy = $LJ::WHEN_NEEDED_THRES || 300;
while (my $r = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$busy++ if $r->{Command} ne "Sleep";
if ($busy > $too_busy) {
$LJ::LOCKY_CACHE{$cid} = $now;
return 1;
} else {
return 1;
# underage/coppa check etc
if ($cname eq "underage" && $u &&
$caps & 1 << $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT)) {
return 1;
# is there a hook for this cap name?
if (LJ::are_hooks("check_cap_$cname")) {
die "Hook 'check_cap_$cname' requires full user object"
unless defined $u;
my $val = LJ::run_hook("check_cap_$cname", $u);
return $val if defined $val;
# otherwise fall back to standard means
# otherwise check via other means
foreach my $bit (keys %LJ::CAP) {
next unless ($caps & (1 << $bit));
my $v = $LJ::CAP{$bit}->{$cname};
next unless (defined $v);
next if (defined $max && $max > $v);
$max = $v;
return defined $max ? $max : $LJ::CAP_DEF{$cname};
# name: LJ::get_cap_min
# des: Just like [func[LJ::get_cap]], but returns the minimum value.
# Although it might not make sense at first, some things are
# better when they're low, like the minimum amount of time
# a user might have to wait between getting updates or being
# allowed to refresh a page.
# args: u_cap, capname
# des-u_cap: 16 bit capability bitmask or a user object from which the
# bitmask could be obtained
# des-capname: the name of a limit, defined in doc/capabilities.txt
sub get_cap_min
my $caps = shift; # capability bitmask (16 bits), or user object
my $cname = shift; # capability name
if (! defined $caps) { $caps = 0; }
elsif (isu($caps)) { $caps = $caps->{'caps'}; }
my $min = undef;
foreach my $bit (keys %LJ::CAP) {
next unless ($caps & (1 << $bit));
my $v = $LJ::CAP{$bit}->{$cname};
next unless (defined $v);
next if (defined $min && $min < $v);
$min = $v;
return defined $min ? $min : $LJ::CAP_DEF{$cname};
# name: LJ::are_hooks
# des: Returns true if the site has one or more hooks installed for
# the given hookname.
# args: hookname
sub are_hooks
my $hookname = shift;
return defined $LJ::HOOKS{$hookname};
# name: LJ::clear_hooks
# des: Removes all hooks.
sub clear_hooks
%LJ::HOOKS = ();
# name: LJ::run_hooks
# des: Runs all the site-specific hooks of the given name.
# returns: list of arrayrefs, one for each hook ran, their
# contents being their own return values.
# args: hookname, args*
# des-args: Arguments to be passed to hook.
sub run_hooks
my ($hookname, @args) = @_;
my @ret;
foreach my $hook (@{$LJ::HOOKS{$hookname} || []}) {
push @ret, [ $hook->(@args) ];
return @ret;
# name: LJ::run_hook
# des: Runs single site-specific hook of the given name.
# returns: return value from hook
# args: hookname, args*
# des-args: Arguments to be passed to hook.
sub run_hook
my ($hookname, @args) = @_;
return undef unless @{$LJ::HOOKS{$hookname} || []};
return $LJ::HOOKS{$hookname}->[0]->(@args);
return undef;
# name: LJ::register_hook
# des: Installs a site-specific hook.
# info: Installing multiple hooks per hookname is valid.
# They're run later in the order they're registered.
# args: hookname, subref
# des-subref: Subroutine reference to run later.
sub register_hook
my $hookname = shift;
my $subref = shift;
push @{$LJ::HOOKS{$hookname}}, $subref;
# name: LJ::register_setter
# des: Installs code to run for the "set" command in the console.
# info: Setters can be general or site-specific.
# args: key, subref
# des-key: Key to set.
# des-subref: Subroutine reference to run later.
sub register_setter
my $key = shift;
my $subref = shift;
$LJ::SETTER{$key} = $subref;
register_setter('synlevel', sub {
my ($dba, $u, $remote, $key, $value, $err) = @_;
unless ($value =~ /^(title|summary|full)$/) {
$$err = "Illegal value. Must be 'title', 'summary', or 'full'";
return 0;
LJ::set_userprop($u, 'opt_synlevel', $value);
return 1;
register_setter("newpost_minsecurity", sub {
my ($dba, $u, $remote, $key, $value, $err) = @_;
unless ($value =~ /^(public|friends|private)$/) {
$$err = "Illegal value. Must be 'public', 'friends', or 'private'";
return 0;
# Don't let commmunities be private
if ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "C" && $value eq "private") {
$$err = "newpost_minsecurity cannot be private for communities";
return 0;
$value = "" if $value eq "public";
LJ::set_userprop($u, "newpost_minsecurity", $value);
return 1;
register_setter("stylesys", sub {
my ($dba, $u, $remote, $key, $value, $err) = @_;
unless ($value =~ /^[sS]?(1|2)$/) {
$$err = "Illegal value. Must be S1 or S2.";
return 0;
$value = $1 + 0;
LJ::set_userprop($u, "stylesys", $value);
return 1;
register_setter("maximagesize", sub {
my ($dba, $u, $remote, $key, $value, $err) = @_;
unless ($value =~ m/^(\d+)[x,|](\d+)$/) {
$$err = "Illegal value. Must be width,height.";
return 0;
$value = "$1|$2";
LJ::set_userprop($u, "opt_imagelinks", $value);
return 1;
register_setter("opt_ljcut_disable_lastn", sub {
my ($dba, $u, $remote, $key, $value, $err) = @_;
unless ($value =~ /^(0|1)$/) {
$$err = "Illegal value. Must be '0' or '1'";
return 0;
LJ:set_userprop($u, "opt_ljcut_disable_lastn", $value);
return 1;
register_setter("opt_ljcut_disable_friends", sub {
my ($dba, $u, $remote, $key, $value, $err) = @_;
unless ($value =~ /^(0|1)$/) {
$$err = "Illegal value. Must be '0' or '1'";
return 0;
LJ:set_userprop($u, "opt_ljcut_disable_friends", $value);
return 1;
register_setter("disable_quickreply", sub {
my ($dba, $u, $remote, $key, $value, $err) = @_;
unless ($value =~ /^(0|1)$/) {
$$err = "Illegal value. Must be '0' or '1'";
return 0;
LJ:set_userprop($u, "opt_no_quickreply", $value);
return 1;
# name: LJ::make_auth_code
# des: Makes a random string of characters of a given length.
# returns: string of random characters, from an alphabet of 30
# letters & numbers which aren't easily confused.
# args: length
# des-length: length of auth code to return
sub make_auth_code
my $length = shift;
my $digits = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstvwxyz23456789";
my $auth;
for (1..$length) { $auth .= substr($digits, int(rand(30)), 1); }
return $auth;
# name: LJ::acid_encode
# des: Given a decimal number, returns base 30 encoding
# using an alphabet of letters & numbers that are
# not easily mistaken for each other.
# returns: Base 30 encoding, alwyas 7 characters long.
# args: number
# des-number: Number to encode in base 30.
sub acid_encode
my $num = shift;
my $acid = "";
my $digits = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstvwxyz23456789";
while ($num) {
my $dig = $num % 30;
$acid = substr($digits, $dig, 1) . $acid;
$num = ($num - $dig) / 30;
return ("a"x(7-length($acid)) . $acid);
# name: LJ::acid_decode
# des: Given an acid encoding from [func[LJ::acid_encode]],
# returns the original decimal number.
# returns: Integer.
# args: acid
# des-acid: base 30 number from [func[LJ::acid_encode]].
sub acid_decode
my $acid = shift;
$acid = lc($acid);
my %val;
my $digits = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstvwxyz23456789";
for (0..30) { $val{substr($digits,$_,1)} = $_; }
my $num = 0;
my $place = 0;
while ($acid) {
return 0 unless ($acid =~ s/[$digits]$//o);
$num += $val{$&} * (30 ** $place++);
return $num;
# name: LJ::acct_code_generate
# des: Creates invitation code(s) from an optional userid
# for use by anybody.
# returns: Code generated (if quantity 1),
# number of codes generated (if quantity>1),
# or undef on failure.
# args: dbarg?, userid?, quantity?
# des-userid: Userid to make the invitation code from,
# else the code will be from userid 0 (system)
# des-quantity: Number of codes to generate (default 1)
sub acct_code_generate
my $userid = int(shift);
my $quantity = shift || 1;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my @authcodes = map {LJ::make_auth_code(5)} 1..$quantity;
my @values = map {"(NULL, $userid, 0, '$_')"} @authcodes;
my $sql = "INSERT INTO acctcode (acid, userid, rcptid, auth) "
. "VALUES " . join(",", @values);
my $num_rows = $dbh->do($sql) or return undef;
if ($quantity == 1) {
my $acid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'} or return undef;
return acct_code_encode($acid, $authcodes[0]);
} else {
return $num_rows;
# name: LJ::acct_code_encode
# des: Given an account ID integer and a 5 digit auth code, returns
# a 12 digit account code.
# returns: 12 digit account code.
# args: acid, auth
# des-acid: account ID, a 4 byte unsigned integer
# des-auth: 5 random characters from base 30 alphabet.
sub acct_code_encode
my $acid = shift;
my $auth = shift;
return lc($auth) . acid_encode($acid);
# name: LJ::acct_code_decode
# des: Breaks an account code down into its two parts
# returns: list of (account ID, auth code)
# args: code
# des-code: 12 digit account code
sub acct_code_decode
my $code = shift;
return (acid_decode(substr($code, 5, 7)), lc(substr($code, 0, 5)));
# name: LJ::acct_code_check
# des: Checks the validity of a given account code
# returns: boolean; 0 on failure, 1 on validity. sets $$err on failure.
# args: dbarg?, code, err?, userid?
# des-code: account code to check
# des-err: optional scalar ref to put error message into on failure
# des-userid: optional userid which is allowed in the rcptid field,
# to allow for htdocs/create.bml case when people double
# click the submit button.
sub acct_code_check
my $code = shift;
my $err = shift; # optional; scalar ref
my $userid = shift; # optional; acceptable userid (double-click proof)
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
unless (length($code) == 12) {
$$err = "Malformed code; not 12 characters.";
return 0;
my ($acid, $auth) = acct_code_decode($code);
my $ac = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT userid, rcptid, auth ".
"FROM acctcode WHERE acid=?",
undef, $acid);
unless ($ac && $ac->{'auth'} eq $auth) {
$$err = "Invalid account code.";
return 0;
if ($ac->{'rcptid'} && $ac->{'rcptid'} != $userid) {
$$err = "This code has already been used: $code";
return 0;
# is the journal this code came from suspended?
my $u = LJ::load_userid($ac->{'userid'});
if ($u && $u->{'statusvis'} eq "S") {
$$err = "Code belongs to a suspended account.";
return 0;
return 1;
# name: LJ::load_mood_theme
# des: Loads and caches a mood theme, or returns immediately if already loaded.
# args: dbarg?, themeid
# des-themeid: the mood theme ID to load
sub load_mood_theme
my $themeid = shift;
return if $LJ::CACHE_MOOD_THEME{$themeid};
return unless $themeid;
# check memcache
my $memkey = [$themeid, "moodthemedata:$themeid"];
return if $LJ::CACHE_MOOD_THEME{$themeid} = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey) and
%{$LJ::CACHE_MOOD_THEME{$themeid} || {}};
# fall back to db
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer()
or return 0;
$LJ::CACHE_MOOD_THEME{$themeid} = {};
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT moodid, picurl, width, height FROM moodthemedata WHERE moodthemeid=?");
return 0 if $dbh->err;
while (my ($id, $pic, $w, $h) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$LJ::CACHE_MOOD_THEME{$themeid}->{$id} = { 'pic' => $pic, 'w' => $w, 'h' => $h };
# set in memcache
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $LJ::CACHE_MOOD_THEME{$themeid}, 3600)
if %{$LJ::CACHE_MOOD_THEME{$themeid} || {}};
return 1;
# name: LJ::load_props
# des: Loads and caches one or more of the various *proplist tables:
# logproplist, talkproplist, and userproplist, which describe
# the various meta-data that can be stored on log (journal) items,
# comments, and users, respectively.
# args: dbarg?, table*
# des-table: a list of tables' proplists to load. can be one of
# "log", "talk", "user", or "rate"
sub load_props
my $dbarg = ref $_[0] ? shift : undef;
my @tables = @_;
my $dbr;
my %keyname = qw(log propid
talk tpropid
user upropid
rate rlid
foreach my $t (@tables) {
next unless defined $keyname{$t};
next if defined $LJ::CACHE_PROP{$t};
my $tablename = $t eq "rate" ? "ratelist" : "${t}proplist";
$dbr ||= LJ::get_db_reader();
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT * FROM $tablename");
while (my $p = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$p->{'id'} = $p->{$keyname{$t}};
$LJ::CACHE_PROP{$t}->{$p->{'name'}} = $p;
$LJ::CACHE_PROPID{$t}->{$p->{'id'}} = $p;
# name: LJ::get_prop
# des: This is used to retrieve
# a hashref of a row from the given tablename's proplist table.
# One difference from getting it straight from the database is
# that the 'id' key is always present, as a copy of the real
# proplist unique id for that table.
# args: table, name
# returns: hashref of proplist row from db
# des-table: the tables to get a proplist hashref from. can be one of
# "log", "talk", or "user".
# des-name: the name of the prop to get the hashref of.
sub get_prop
my $table = shift;
my $name = shift;
unless (defined $LJ::CACHE_PROP{$table}) {
return undef unless $LJ::CACHE_PROP{$table};
return $LJ::CACHE_PROP{$table}->{$name};
# name: LJ::load_codes
# des: Populates hashrefs with lookup data from the database or from memory,
# if already loaded in the past. Examples of such lookup data include
# state codes, country codes, color name/value mappings, etc.
# args: dbarg?, whatwhere
# des-whatwhere: a hashref with keys being the code types you want to load
# and their associated values being hashrefs to where you
# want that data to be populated.
sub load_codes
my $req = shift;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
foreach my $type (keys %{$req})
my $memkey = "load_codes:$type";
unless ($LJ::CACHE_CODES{$type} ||= LJ::MemCache::get($memkey))
$LJ::CACHE_CODES{$type} = [];
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT code, item, sortorder FROM codes WHERE type=?");
while (my ($code, $item, $sortorder) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
push @{$LJ::CACHE_CODES{$type}}, [ $code, $item, $sortorder ];
@{$LJ::CACHE_CODES{$type}} =
sort { $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] } @{$LJ::CACHE_CODES{$type}};
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $LJ::CACHE_CODES{$type}, 60*15);
foreach my $it (@{$LJ::CACHE_CODES{$type}})
if (ref $req->{$type} eq "HASH") {
$req->{$type}->{$it->[0]} = $it->[1];
} elsif (ref $req->{$type} eq "ARRAY") {
push @{$req->{$type}}, { 'code' => $it->[0], 'item' => $it->[1] };
# name: LJ::load_user_props
# des: Given a user hashref, loads the values of the given named properties
# into that user hashref.
# args: dbarg?, u, opts?, propname*
# des-opts: hashref of opts. set key 'cache' to use memcache.
# des-propname: the name of a property from the userproplist table.
sub load_user_props
my $u = shift;
return unless isu($u);
return if $u->{'statusvis'} eq "X";
my $opts = ref $_[0] ? shift : {};
my (@props) = @_;
my ($sql, $sth);
## user reference
my $uid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
$uid = LJ::get_userid($u->{'user'}) unless $uid;
my $mem = {};
my $use_master = 0;
my $used_slave = 0; # set later if we ended up using a slave
my @keys;
foreach (@props) {
next if exists $u->{$_};
my $p = LJ::get_prop("user", $_);
die "Invalid userprop $_ passed to LJ::load_user_props." unless $p;
push @keys, [$uid,"uprop:$uid:$p->{'id'}"];
$mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@keys) || {};
$use_master = 1;
$use_master = 1 if $opts->{'use_master'};
my @needwrite; # [propid, propname] entries we need to save to memcache later
my %loadfrom;
my %multihomed; # ( $propid => 0/1 ) # 0 if we haven't loaded it, 1 if we have
unless (@props) {
# case 1: load all props for a given user.
# multihomed props are stored on userprop and userproplite2, but since they
# should always be in sync, it doesn't matter which gets loaded first, the
# net results should be the same. see doc/designnotes/multihomed_props.txt
# for more information.
$loadfrom{'userprop'} = 1;
$loadfrom{'userproplite'} = 1;
$loadfrom{'userproplite2'} = 1;
$loadfrom{'userpropblob'} = 1;
} else {
# case 2: load only certain things
foreach (@props) {
next if exists $u->{$_};
my $p = LJ::get_prop("user", $_);
die "Invalid userprop $_ passed to LJ::load_user_props." unless $p;
if (defined $mem->{"uprop:$uid:$p->{'id'}"}) {
$u->{$_} = $mem->{"uprop:$uid:$p->{'id'}"};
push @needwrite, [ $p->{'id'}, $_ ];
my $source = $p->{'indexed'} ? "userprop" : "userproplite";
if ($p->{datatype} eq 'blobchar') {
$source = "userpropblob"; # clustered blob
elsif ($p->{'cldversion'} && $u->{'dversion'} >= $p->{'cldversion'}) {
$source = "userproplite2"; # clustered
elsif ($p->{multihomed}) {
$multihomed{$p->{id}} = 0;
$source = "userproplite2";
push @{$loadfrom{$source}}, $p->{'id'};
foreach my $table (qw{userproplite userproplite2 userpropblob userprop}) {
next unless exists $loadfrom{$table};
my $db;
if ($use_master) {
$db = ($table =~ m{userprop(lite2|blob)}) ?
LJ::get_cluster_master($u) :
unless ($db) {
$db = ($table =~ m{userprop(lite2|blob)}) ?
LJ::get_cluster_reader($u) :
$used_slave = 1;
$sql = "SELECT upropid, value FROM $table WHERE userid=$uid";
if (ref $loadfrom{$table}) {
$sql .= " AND upropid IN (" . join(",", @{$loadfrom{$table}}) . ")";
$sth = $db->prepare($sql);
while (my ($id, $v) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
delete $multihomed{$id} if $table eq 'userproplite2';
$u->{$LJ::CACHE_PROPID{'user'}->{$id}->{'name'}} = $v;
# push back multihomed if necessary
if ($table eq 'userproplite2') {
push @{$loadfrom{userprop}}, $_ foreach keys %multihomed;
# see if we failed to get anything above and need to hit the master.
# this usually happens the first time a multihomed prop is hit. this
# code will propogate that prop down to the cluster.
if (%multihomed) {
# verify that we got the database handle before we try propogating data
if ($u->writer) {
my @values;
foreach my $id (keys %multihomed) {
my $pname = $LJ::CACHE_PROPID{user}{$id}{name};
if (defined $u->{$pname} && $u->{$pname}) {
push @values, "($uid, $id, " . $u->quote($u->{$pname}) . ")";
} else {
push @values, "($uid, $id, '')";
$u->do("REPLACE INTO userproplite2 VALUES " . join ',', @values);
# Add defaults to user object.
# defaults for S1 style IDs in config file are magic: really
# uniq strings representing style IDs, so on first use, we need
# to map them
unless ($LJ::CACHED_S1IDMAP) {
my $pubsty = LJ::S1::get_public_styles();
foreach (values %$pubsty) {
my $k = "s1_$_->{'type'}_style";
next unless $LJ::USERPROP_DEF{$k} eq "$_->{'type'}/$_->{'styledes'}";
$LJ::USERPROP_DEF{$k} = $_->{'styleid'};
# If this was called with no @props, then the function tried
# to load all metadata. but we don't know what's missing, so
# try to apply all defaults.
unless (@props) { @props = keys %LJ::USERPROP_DEF; }
foreach my $prop (@props) {
next if (defined $u->{$prop});
$u->{$prop} = $LJ::USERPROP_DEF{$prop};
unless ($used_slave) {
my $expire = time() + 3600*24;
foreach my $wr (@needwrite) {
my ($id, $name) = ($wr->[0], $wr->[1]);
LJ::MemCache::set([$uid,"uprop:$uid:$id"], $u->{$name} || "", $expire);
# name: LJ::debug
# des: When $LJ::DEBUG is set, logs the given message to
# the Apache error log. Or, if $LJ::DEBUG is 2, then
# prints to STDOUT.
# returns: 1 if logging disabled, 0 on failure to open log, 1 otherwise
# args: message
# des-message: Message to log.
sub debug
return 1 unless ($LJ::DEBUG);
if ($LJ::DEBUG == 2) {
print $_[0], "\n";
return 1;
my $r = Apache->request;
return 0 unless $r;
return 1;
# name: LJ::auth_okay
# des: Validates a user's password. The "clear" or "md5" argument
# must be present, and either the "actual" argument (the correct
# password) must be set, or the first argument must be a user
# object ($u) with the 'password' key set. Note that this is
# the preferred way to validate a password (as opposed to doing
# it by hand) since this function will use a pluggable authenticator
# if one is defined, so LiveJournal installations can be based
# off an LDAP server, for example.
# returns: boolean; 1 if authentication succeeded, 0 on failure
# args: u, clear, md5, actual?, ip_banned?
# des-clear: Clear text password the client is sending. (need this or md5)
# des-md5: MD5 of the password the client is sending. (need this or clear).
# If this value instead of clear, clear can be anything, as md5
# validation will take precedence.
# des-actual: The actual password for the user. Ignored if a pluggable
# authenticator is being used. Required unless the first
# argument is a user object instead of a username scalar.
# des-ip_banned: Optional scalar ref which this function will set to true
# if IP address of remote user is banned.
sub auth_okay
my $u = shift;
my $clear = shift;
my $md5 = shift;
my $actual = shift;
my $ip_banned = shift;
return 0 unless isu($u);
$actual ||= $u->{'password'};
my $user = $u->{'user'};
# set the IP banned flag, if it was provided.
my $fake_scalar;
my $ref = ref $ip_banned ? $ip_banned : \$fake_scalar;
if (LJ::login_ip_banned($u)) {
$$ref = 1;
return 0;
} else {
$$ref = 0;
my $bad_login = sub {
return 0;
# setup this auth checker for LDAP
if ($LJ::LDAP_HOST && ! $LJ::AUTH_CHECK) {
require LJ::LDAP;
$LJ::AUTH_CHECK = sub {
my ($user, $try, $type) = @_;
die unless $type eq "clear";
return LJ::LDAP::is_good_ldap($user, $try);
## custom authorization:
if (ref $LJ::AUTH_CHECK eq "CODE") {
my $type = $md5 ? "md5" : "clear";
my $try = $md5 || $clear;
my $good = $LJ::AUTH_CHECK->($user, $try, $type);
return $good || $bad_login->();
## LJ default authorization:
return 0 unless $actual;
return 1 if ($md5 && lc($md5) eq LJ::hash_password($actual));
return 1 if ($clear eq $actual);
return $bad_login->();
# Implement Digest authentication per RFC2617
# called with Apache's request oject
# modifies outgoing header fields appropriately and returns
# 1/0 according to whether auth succeeded. If succeeded, also
# calls LJ::set_remote() to set up internal LJ auth.
# this routine should be called whenever it's clear the client
# wants/the server demands digest auth, and if it returns 1,
# things proceed as usual; if it returns 0, the caller should
# $r->send_http_header(), output an auth error message in HTTP
# data and return to apache.
# Note: Authentication-Info: not sent (optional and nobody supports
# it anyway). Instead, server nonces are reused within their timeout
# limits and nonce counts are used to prevent replay attacks.
sub auth_digest {
my ($r) = @_;
my $decline = sub {
my $stale = shift;
my $nonce = LJ::challenge_generate(180); # 3 mins timeout
my $authline = "Digest realm=\"lj\", nonce=\"$nonce\", algorithm=MD5, qop=\"auth\"";
$authline .= ", stale=\"true\"" if $stale;
$r->header_out("WWW-Authenticate", $authline);
$r->status_line("401 Authentication required");
return 0;
unless ($r->header_in("Authorization")) {
return $decline->(0);
my $header = $r->header_in("Authorization");
# parse it
# TODO: could there be "," or " " inside attribute values, requiring
# trickier parsing?
my @vals = split(/[, \s]/, $header);
my $authname = shift @vals;
my %attrs;
foreach (@vals) {
if (/^(\S*?)=(\S*)$/) {
my ($attr, $value) = ($1,$2);
if ($value =~ m/^\"([^\"]*)\"$/) {
$value = $1;
$attrs{$attr} = $value;
# sanity checks
unless ($authname eq 'Digest' && $attrs{'qop'} eq 'auth' &&
$attrs{'realm'} eq 'lj' && $attrs{'algorithm'} eq 'MD5') {
return $decline->(0);
my %opts;
LJ::challenge_check($attrs{'nonce'}, \%opts);
return $decline->(0) unless $opts{'valid'};
# if the nonce expired, force a new one
return $decline->(1) if $opts{'expired'};
# check the nonce count
# be lenient, allowing for error of magnitude 1 (Mozilla has a bug,
# it repeats nc=00000001 twice...)
# in case the count is off, force a new nonce; if a client's
# nonce count implementation is broken and it doesn't send nc= or
# always sends 1, this'll at least work due to leniency above
my $ncount = hex($attrs{'nc'});
unless (abs($opts{'count'} - $ncount) <= 1) {
return $decline->(1);
# the username
my $user = LJ::canonical_username($attrs{'username'});
my $u = LJ::load_user($user);
return $decline->(0) unless $u;
# don't allow empty passwords
return $decline->(0) unless $u->{'password'};
# recalculate the hash and compare to response
my $a1src="$u->{'user'}:lj:$u->{'password'}";
my $a1 = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($a1src);
my $a2src = $r->method . ":$attrs{'uri'}";
my $a2 = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($a2src);
my $hashsrc = "$a1:$attrs{'nonce'}:$attrs{'nc'}:$attrs{'cnonce'}:$attrs{'qop'}:$a2";
my $hash = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($hashsrc);
return $decline->(0)
unless $hash eq $attrs{'response'};
# set the remote
return $u;
# Create a challenge token for secure logins
sub challenge_generate
my ($goodfor, $attr) = @_;
$goodfor ||= 60;
$attr ||= LJ::rand_chars(20);
my ($stime, $secret) = LJ::get_secret();
# challenge version, secret time, secret age, time in secs token is good for, random chars.
my $s_age = time() - $stime;
my $chalbare = "c0:$stime:$s_age:$goodfor:$attr";
my $chalsig = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($chalbare . $secret);
my $chal = "$chalbare:$chalsig";
return $chal;
# Return challenge info.
# This could grow later - for now just return the rand chars used.
sub get_challenge_attributes
return (split /:/, shift)[4];
# Validate a challenge string previously supplied by challenge_generate
# return 1 "good" 0 "bad", plus sets keys in $opts:
# 'valid'=1/0 whether the string itself was valid
# 'expired'=1/0 whether the challenge expired, provided it's valid
# 'count'=N number of times we've seen this challenge, including this one,
# provided it's valid and not expired
# $opts also supports in parameters:
# 'dont_check_count' => if true, won't return a count field
# the return value is 1 if 'valid' and not 'expired' and 'count'==1
sub challenge_check {
my ($chal, $opts) = @_;
my ($valid, $expired, $count) = (1, 0, 0);
my ($c_ver, $stime, $s_age, $goodfor, $rand, $chalsig) = split /:/, $chal;
my $secret = LJ::get_secret($stime);
my $chalbare = "$c_ver:$stime:$s_age:$goodfor:$rand";
# Validate token
$valid = 0
unless $secret && $c_ver eq 'c0'; # wrong version
$valid = 0
unless Digest::MD5::md5_hex($chalbare . $secret) eq $chalsig;
$expired = 1
unless (not $valid) or time() - ($stime + $s_age) < $goodfor;
# Check for token dups
if ($valid && !$expired && !$opts->{dont_check_count}) {
$count = LJ::MemCache::incr("chaltoken:$chal", 1);
unless ($count) {
LJ::MemCache::add("chaltoken:$chal", 1, $goodfor);
$count = 1;
} else {
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $rv = $dbh->do("SELECT GET_LOCK(?,5)", undef, $chal);
if ($rv) {
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count FROM challenges WHERE challenge=?",
undef, $chal);
if ($count) {
$dbh->do("UPDATE challenges SET count=count+1 WHERE challenge=?",
undef, $chal);
} else {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO challenges SET ctime=?, challenge=?, count=1",
undef, $stime + $s_age, $chal);
$count = 1;
$dbh->do("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $chal);
# if we couldn't get the count (means we couldn't store either)
# , consider it invalid
$valid = 0 unless $count;
if ($opts) {
$opts->{'expired'} = $expired;
$opts->{'valid'} = $valid;
$opts->{'count'} = $count;
return ($valid && !$expired && ($count==1 || $opts->{dont_check_count}));
# Validate login/talk md5 responses.
# Return 1 on valid, 0 on invalid.
sub challenge_check_login
my ($u, $chal, $res, $banned, $opts) = @_;
return 0 unless $u;
my $pass = $u->{'password'};
return 0 if $pass eq "";
# set the IP banned flag, if it was provided.
my $fake_scalar;
my $ref = ref $banned ? $banned : \$fake_scalar;
if (LJ::login_ip_banned($u)) {
$$ref = 1;
return 0;
} else {
$$ref = 0;
# check the challenge string validity
return 0 unless LJ::challenge_check($chal, $opts);
# Validate password
my $hashed = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($chal . Digest::MD5::md5_hex($pass));
if ($hashed eq $res) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# create externally mapped user.
# return uid of LJ user on success, undef on error.
# opts = {
# extuser or extuserid (or both, but one is required.),
# caps
# }
# opts also can contain any additional options that create_account takes. (caps?)
sub create_extuser
my ($type, $opts) = @_;
return undef unless $type && $LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE{$type}->{id};
return undef unless ref $opts &&
($opts->{extuser} || defined $opts->{extuserid});
my $uid;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return undef unless $dbh;
# make sure a mapping for this user doesn't already exist.
$uid = LJ::get_extuser_uid( $type, $opts, 'force' );
return $uid if $uid;
# increment ext_ counter until we successfully create an LJ account.
# hard cap it at 10 tries. (arbitrary, but we really shouldn't have *any*
# failures here, let alone 10 in a row.)
for (1..10) {
my $extuser = 'ext_' . LJ::alloc_global_counter( 'E' );
$uid =
{ caps => $opts->{caps}, user => $extuser, name => $extuser } );
last if $uid;
select undef, undef, undef, .10; # lets not thrash over this.
return undef unless $uid;
# add extuser mapping.
my $sql = "INSERT INTO extuser SET userid=?, siteid=?";
my @bind = ($uid, $LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE{$type}->{id});
if ($opts->{extuser}) {
$sql .= ", extuser=?";
push @bind, $opts->{extuser};
if ($opts->{extuserid}) {
$sql .= ", extuserid=? ";
push @bind, $opts->{extuserid}+0;
$dbh->do($sql, undef, @bind) or return undef;
return $uid;
# given an extuserid or extuser, return the LJ uid.
# return undef if there is no mapping.
sub get_extuser_uid
my ($type, $opts, $force) = @_;
return undef unless $type && $LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE{$type}->{id};
return undef unless ref $opts &&
($opts->{extuser} || defined $opts->{extuserid});
my $dbh = $force ? LJ::get_db_writer() : LJ::get_db_reader();
return undef unless $dbh;
my $sql = "SELECT userid FROM extuser WHERE siteid=?";
my @bind = ($LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE{$type}->{id});
if ($opts->{extuser}) {
$sql .= " AND extuser=?";
push @bind, $opts->{extuser};
if ($opts->{extuserid}) {
$sql .= $opts->{extuser} ? ' OR ' : ' AND ';
$sql .= "extuserid=?";
push @bind, $opts->{extuserid}+0;
return $dbh->selectrow_array($sql, undef, @bind);
# given a LJ userid/u, return a hashref of:
# type, extuser, extuserid
# returns undef if user isn't an externally mapped account.
sub get_extuser_map
my $uid = LJ::want_userid(shift);
return undef unless $uid;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
return undef unless $dbr;
my $sql = "SELECT * FROM extuser WHERE userid=?";
my $ret = $dbr->selectrow_hashref($sql, undef, $uid);
return undef unless $ret;
my $type = 'unknown';
foreach ( keys %LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE ) {
$type = $_ if $LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE{$_}->{id} == $ret->{siteid};
$ret->{type} = $type;
return $ret;
# name: LJ::create_account
# des: Creates a new basic account. Note: This function is
# not really too useful but should be extended to be useful so
# htdocs/create.bml can use it, rather than doing the work itself.
# returns: integer of userid created, or 0 on failure.
# args: dbarg?, opts
# des-opts: hashref containing keys 'user', 'name', 'password', 'email', 'caps', 'journaltype'
sub create_account
my $o = shift;
my $user = LJ::canonical_username($o->{'user'});
unless ($user) {
return 0;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $quser = $dbh->quote($user);
my $cluster = defined $o->{'cluster'} ? $o->{'cluster'} : LJ::new_account_cluster();
my $caps = $o->{'caps'} || $LJ::NEWUSER_CAPS;
my $journaltype = $o->{'journaltype'} || "P";
# new non-clustered accounts aren't supported anymore
return 0 unless $cluster;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO user (user, name, password, clusterid, dversion, caps, email, journaltype) ".
"VALUES ($quser, ?, ?, ?, $LJ::MAX_DVERSION, ?, ?, ?)", undef,
$o->{'name'}, $o->{'password'}, $cluster, $caps, $o->{'email'}, $journaltype);
return 0 if $dbh->err;
my $userid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
return 0 unless $userid;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO useridmap (userid, user) VALUES ($userid, $quser)");
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO userusage (userid, timecreate) VALUES ($userid, NOW())");
LJ::run_hooks("post_create", {
'userid' => $userid,
'user' => $user,
'code' => undef,
return $userid;
# name: LJ::new_account_cluster
# des: Which cluster to put a new account on. $DEFAULT_CLUSTER if it's
# a scalar, random element from @$DEFAULT_CLUSTER if it's arrayref.
# also verifies that the database seems to be available.
# returns: clusterid where the new account should be created; 0 on error
# (such as no clusters available)
sub new_account_cluster
# if it's not an arrayref, put it in an array ref so we can use it below
# iterate through the new clusters from a random point
my $size = @$clusters;
my $start = int(rand() * $size);
foreach (1..$size) {
my $cid = $clusters->[$start++ % $size];
# verify that this cluster is in @LJ::CLUSTERS
my @check = grep { $_ == $cid } @LJ::CLUSTERS;
next unless scalar(@check) >= 1 && $check[0] == $cid;
# try this cluster to see if we can use it, return if so
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($cid);
return $cid if $dbcm;
# if we get here, we found no clusters that were up...
return 0;
# name: LJ::is_friend
# des: Checks to see if a user is a friend of another user.
# returns: boolean; 1 if user B is a friend of user A or if A == B
# args: usera, userb
# des-usera: Source user hashref or userid.
# des-userb: Destination user hashref or userid. (can be undef)
sub is_friend
my ($ua, $ub) = @_[0, 1];
$ua = LJ::want_userid($ua);
$ub = LJ::want_userid($ub);
return 0 unless $ua && $ub;
return 1 if $ua == $ub;
# get group mask from the first argument to the second argument and
# see if first bit is set. if it is, they're a friend. get_groupmask
# is memcached and used often, so it's likely to be available quickly.
return LJ::get_groupmask(@_[0, 1]) & 1;
# name: LJ::is_banned
# des: Checks to see if a user is banned from a journal.
# returns: boolean; 1 iff "user" is banned from "journal"
# args: user, journal
# des-user: User hashref or userid.
# des-journal: Journal hashref or userid.
sub is_banned
# get user and journal ids
my $uid = LJ::want_userid(shift);
my $jid = LJ::want_userid(shift);
return 1 unless $uid && $jid;
# for speed: common case is non-community posting and replies
# in own journal. avoid db hit.
return 0 if ($uid == $jid);
# edge from journal -> user
return LJ::check_rel($jid, $uid, 'B');
# name: LJ::can_view
# des: Checks to see if the remote user can view a given journal entry.
# Note: This is meant for use on single entries at a time,
# not for calling many times on every entry in a journal.
# returns: boolean; 1 if remote user can see item
# args: remote, item
# des-item: Hashref from the 'log' table.
sub can_view
my $remote = shift;
my $item = shift;
# public is okay
return 1 if $item->{'security'} eq "public";
# must be logged in otherwise
return 0 unless $remote;
my $userid = int($item->{'ownerid'} || $item->{'journalid'});
my $remoteid = int($remote->{'userid'});
# owners can always see their own.
return 1 if ($userid == $remoteid);
# other people can't read private
return 0 if ($item->{'security'} eq "private");
# should be 'usemask' security from here out, otherwise
# assume it's something new and return 0
return 0 unless ($item->{'security'} eq "usemask");
# if it's usemask, we have to refuse non-personal journals,
# so we have to load the user
return 0 unless $remote->{'journaltype'} eq 'P';
# TAG:FR:ljlib:can_view (turn off bit 0 for just watching? hmm.)
my $gmask = LJ::get_groupmask($userid, $remoteid);
my $allowed = (int($gmask) & int($item->{'allowmask'}));
return $allowed ? 1 : 0; # no need to return matching mask
# name: LJ::wipe_major_memcache
# des: invalidate all major memcache items associated with a given user
# args: u
# returns: nothing
sub wipe_major_memcache
my $u = shift;
my $userid = LJ::want_userid($u);
foreach my $key ("userid","bio","talk2ct","talkleftct","log2ct",
"upicurl", "intids", "memct", "lastcomm")
LJ::memcache_kill($userid, $key);
# name: LJ::get_logtext2
# des: Efficiently retrieves a large number of journal entry text, trying first
# slave database servers for recent items, then the master in
# cases of old items the slaves have already disposed of. See also:
# [func[LJ::get_talktext2]].
# args: u, opts?, jitemid*
# returns: hashref with keys being jitemids, values being [ $subject, $body ]
# des-opts: Optional hashref of special options. Currently only 'usemaster'
# key is supported, which always returns a definitive copy,
# and not from a cache or slave database.
# des-jitemid: List of jitemids to retrieve the subject & text for.
sub get_logtext2
my $u = shift;
my $clusterid = $u->{'clusterid'};
my $journalid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
my $opts = ref $_[0] ? shift : {};
# return structure.
my $lt = {};
return $lt unless $clusterid;
# keep track of itemids we still need to load.
my %need;
my @mem_keys;
foreach (@_) {
my $id = $_+0;
$need{$id} = 1;
push @mem_keys, [$journalid,"logtext:$clusterid:$journalid:$id"];
# pass 0: memory, avoiding databases
unless ($opts->{'usemaster'}) {
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@mem_keys) || {};
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$mem) {
next unless $v;
$k =~ /:(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/;
delete $need{$3};
$lt->{$3} = $v;
return $lt unless %need;
# pass 1 (slave) and pass 2 (master)
foreach my $pass (1, 2) {
next unless %need;
next if $pass == 1 && $opts->{'usemaster'};
my $db = $pass == 1 ? LJ::get_cluster_reader($clusterid) :
next unless $db;
my $jitemid_in = join(", ", keys %need);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jitemid, subject, event FROM logtext2 ".
"WHERE journalid=$journalid AND jitemid IN ($jitemid_in)");
while (my ($id, $subject, $event) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $val = [ $subject, $event ];
$lt->{$id} = $val;
LJ::MemCache::add([$journalid,"logtext:$clusterid:$journalid:$id"], $val);
delete $need{$id};
return $lt;
# name: LJ::get_talktext2
# des: Retrieves comment text. Tries slave servers first, then master.
# info: Efficiently retreives batches of comment text. Will try alternate
# servers first. See also [func[LJ::get_logtext2]].
# returns: Hashref with the talkids as keys, values being [ $subject, $event ].
# args: u, opts?, jtalkids
# des-opts: A hashref of options. 'onlysubjects' will only retrieve subjects.
# des-jtalkids: A list of talkids to get text for.
sub get_talktext2
my $u = shift;
my $clusterid = $u->{'clusterid'};
my $journalid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
my $opts = ref $_[0] ? shift : {};
# return structure.
my $lt = {};
return $lt unless $clusterid;
# keep track of itemids we still need to load.
my %need;
my @mem_keys;
foreach (@_) {
my $id = $_+0;
$need{$id} = 1;
push @mem_keys, [$journalid,"talksubject:$clusterid:$journalid:$id"];
unless ($opts->{'onlysubjects'}) {
push @mem_keys, [$journalid,"talkbody:$clusterid:$journalid:$id"];
# try the memory cache
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@mem_keys) || {};
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$mem) {
$k =~ /^talk(.*):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/;
if ($opts->{'onlysubjects'} && $1 eq "subject") {
delete $need{$4};
$lt->{$4} = [ $v ];
if (! $opts->{'onlysubjects'} && $1 eq "body" &&
exists $mem->{"talksubject:$2:$3:$4"}) {
delete $need{$4};
$lt->{$4} = [ $mem->{"talksubject:$2:$3:$4"}, $v ];
return $lt unless %need;
my $bodycol = $opts->{'onlysubjects'} ? "" : ", body";
# pass 1 (slave) and pass 2 (master)
foreach my $pass (1, 2) {
next unless %need;
my $db = $pass == 1 ? LJ::get_cluster_reader($clusterid) :
next unless $db;
my $in = join(",", keys %need);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jtalkid, subject $bodycol FROM talktext2 ".
"WHERE journalid=$journalid AND jtalkid IN ($in)");
while (my ($id, $subject, $body) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$lt->{$id} = [ $subject, $body ];
LJ::MemCache::add([$journalid,"talkbody:$clusterid:$journalid:$id"], $body)
unless $opts->{'onlysubjects'};
LJ::MemCache::add([$journalid,"talksubject:$clusterid:$journalid:$id"], $subject);
delete $need{$id};
return $lt;
# name: LJ::get_logtext2multi
# des: Gets log text from clusters.
# info: Fetches log text from clusters. Trying slaves first if available.
# returns: hashref with keys being "jid jitemid", values being [ $subject, $body ]
# args: idsbyc
# des-idsbyc: A hashref where the key is the clusterid, and the data
# is an arrayref of [ ownerid, itemid ] array references.
sub get_logtext2multi
return _get_posts_raw_wrapper(shift, "text");
# this function is used to translate the old get_logtext2multi and load_log_props2multi
# functions into using the new get_posts_raw. eventually, the above functions should
# be taken out of the rest of the code, at which point this function can also die.
sub _get_posts_raw_wrapper {
# args:
# { cid => [ [jid, jitemid]+ ] }
# "text" or "props"
# optional hashref to put return value in. (see get_logtext2multi docs)
# returns: that hashref.
my ($idsbyc, $type, $ret) = @_;
my $opts = {};
if ($type eq 'text') {
$opts->{text_only} = 1;
} elsif ($type eq 'prop') {
$opts->{prop_only} = 1;
} else {
return undef;
my @postids;
while (my ($cid, $ids) = each %$idsbyc) {
foreach my $pair (@$ids) {
push @postids, [ $cid, $pair->[0], $pair->[1] ];
my $rawposts = LJ::get_posts_raw($opts, @postids);
# add replycounts fields to props
if ($type eq "prop") {
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$rawposts->{"replycount"}||{}}) {
$rawposts->{prop}{$k}{replycount} = $rawposts->{replycount}{$k};
# translate colon-separated (new) to space-separated (old) keys.
$ret ||= {};
while (my ($id, $data) = each %{$rawposts->{$type}}) {
$id =~ s/:/ /;
$ret->{$id} = $data;
return $ret;
# name: LJ::get_posts_raw
# des: Gets raw post data (text and props) efficiently from clusters.
# info: Fetches posts from clusters, trying memcache and slaves first if available.
# returns: hashref with keys 'text', 'prop', or 'replycount', and values being
# hashrefs with keys "jid:jitemid". values of that are as follows:
# text: [ $subject, $body ], props: { ... }, and replycount: scalar
# args: opts?, id+
# des-opts: An optional hashref of options:
# - memcache_only: Don't fall back on the database.
# - text_only: Retrieve only text, no props (used to support old API).
# - prop_only: Retrieve only props, no text (used to support old API).
# des-id: An arrayref of [ clusterid, ownerid, itemid ].
sub get_posts_raw
my $opts = ref $_[0] eq "HASH" ? shift : {};
my $ret = {};
my $sth;
LJ::load_props('log') unless $opts->{text_only};
# throughout this function, the concept of an "id"
# is the key to identify a single post.
# it is of the form "$jid:$jitemid".
# build up a list for each cluster of what we want to get,
# as well as a list of all the keys we want from memcache.
my %cids; # cid => 1
my $needtext; # text needed: $cid => $id => 1
my $needprop; # props needed: $cid => $id => 1
my $needrc; # replycounts needed: $cid => $id => 1
my @mem_keys;
# if we're loading entries for a friends page,
# silently failing to load a cluster is acceptable.
# but for a single user, we want to die loudly so they don't think
# we just lost their journal.
my $single_user;
# because the memcache keys for logprop don't contain
# which cluster they're in, we also need a map to get the
# cid back from the jid so we can insert into the needfoo hashes.
# the alternative is to not key the needfoo hashes on cluster,
# but that means we need to grep out each cluster's jids when
# we do per-cluster queries on the databases.
my %cidsbyjid;
foreach my $post (@_) {
my ($cid, $jid, $jitemid) = @{$post};
my $id = "$jid:$jitemid";
if (not defined $single_user) {
$single_user = $jid;
} elsif ($single_user and $jid != $single_user) {
# multiple users
$single_user = 0;
$cids{$cid} = 1;
$cidsbyjid{$jid} = $cid;
unless ($opts->{prop_only}) {
$needtext->{$cid}{$id} = 1;
push @mem_keys, [$jid,"logtext:$cid:$id"];
unless ($opts->{text_only}) {
$needprop->{$cid}{$id} = 1;
push @mem_keys, [$jid,"logprop:$id"];
$needrc->{$cid}{$id} = 1;
push @mem_keys, [$jid,"rp:$id"];
# first, check memcache.
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@mem_keys) || {};
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$mem) {
next unless defined $v;
next unless $k =~ /(\w+):(?:\d+:)?(\d+):(\d+)/;
my ($type, $jid, $jitemid) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $cid = $cidsbyjid{$jid};
my $id = "$jid:$jitemid";
if ($type eq "logtext") {
delete $needtext->{$cid}{$id};
$ret->{text}{$id} = $v;
} elsif ($type eq "logprop" && ref $v eq "HASH") {
delete $needprop->{$cid}{$id};
$ret->{prop}{$id} = $v;
} elsif ($type eq "rp") {
delete $needrc->{$cid}{$id};
$ret->{replycount}{$id} = int($v); # remove possible spaces
# we may be done already.
return $ret if $opts->{memcache_only};
return $ret unless values %$needtext or values %$needprop
or values %$needrc;
# otherwise, hit the database.
foreach my $cid (keys %cids) {
# for each cluster, get the text/props we need from it.
my $cneedtext = $needtext->{$cid} || {};
my $cneedprop = $needprop->{$cid} || {};
my $cneedrc = $needrc->{$cid} || {};
next unless %$cneedtext or %$cneedprop or %$cneedrc;
my $make_in = sub {
my @in;
foreach my $id (@_) {
my ($jid, $jitemid) = map { $_ + 0 } split(/:/, $id);
push @in, "(journalid=$jid AND jitemid=$jitemid)";
return join(" OR ", @in);
# now load from each cluster.
my $fetchtext = sub {
my $db = shift;
return unless %$cneedtext;
my $in = $make_in->(keys %$cneedtext);
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT journalid, jitemid, subject, event ".
"FROM logtext2 WHERE $in");
while (my ($jid, $jitemid, $subject, $event) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $id = "$jid:$jitemid";
my $val = [ $subject, $event ];
$ret->{text}{$id} = $val;
LJ::MemCache::add([$jid,"logtext:$cid:$id"], $val);
delete $cneedtext->{$id};
my $fetchprop = sub {
my $db = shift;
return unless %$cneedprop;
my $in = $make_in->(keys %$cneedprop);
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT journalid, jitemid, propid, value ".
"FROM logprop2 WHERE $in");
my %gotid;
while (my ($jid, $jitemid, $propid, $value) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $id = "$jid:$jitemid";
my $propname = $LJ::CACHE_PROPID{'log'}->{$propid}{name};
$ret->{prop}{$id}{$propname} = $value;
$gotid{$id} = 1;
foreach my $id (keys %gotid) {
my ($jid, $jitemid) = map { $_ + 0 } split(/:/, $id);
LJ::MemCache::add([$jid, "logprop:$id"], $ret->{prop}{$id});
delete $cneedprop->{$id};
my $fetchrc = sub {
my $db = shift;
return unless %$cneedrc;
my $in = $make_in->(keys %$cneedrc);
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT journalid, jitemid, replycount FROM log2 WHERE $in");
while (my ($jid, $jitemid, $rc) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $id = "$jid:$jitemid";
$ret->{replycount}{$id} = $rc;
LJ::MemCache::add([$jid, "rp:$id"], $rc);
delete $cneedrc->{$id};
my $dberr = sub {
die "Couldn't connect to database" if $single_user;
# run the fetch functions on the proper databases, with fallbacks if necessary.
my ($dbcm, $dbcr);
if (@LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS or $opts->{use_master}) {
$dbcm ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($cid) or $dberr->();
$fetchtext->($dbcm) if %$cneedtext;
$fetchprop->($dbcm) if %$cneedprop;
$fetchrc->($dbcm) if %$cneedrc;
} else {
$dbcr ||= LJ::get_cluster_reader($cid);
if ($dbcr) {
$fetchtext->($dbcr) if %$cneedtext;
$fetchprop->($dbcr) if %$cneedprop;
$fetchrc->($dbcr) if %$cneedrc;
# if we still need some data, switch to the master.
if (%$cneedtext or %$cneedprop) {
$dbcm ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($cid) or $dberr->();
# and finally, if there were no errors,
# insert into memcache the absence of props
# for all posts that didn't have any props.
foreach my $id (keys %$cneedprop) {
my ($jid, $jitemid) = map { $_ + 0 } split(/:/, $id);
LJ::MemCache::set([$jid, "logprop:$id"], {});
return $ret;
sub get_posts
my $opts = ref $_[0] eq "HASH" ? shift : {};
my $rawposts = get_posts_raw($opts, @_);
# fix up posts as needed for display, following directions given in opts.
# XXX this function is incomplete. it should also HTML clean, etc.
# XXX we need to load users when we have unknown8bit data, but that
# XXX means we have to load users.
while (my ($id, $rp) = each %$rawposts) {
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $rp->{props}{unknown8bit}) {
#LJ::item_toutf8($u, \$rp->{text}[0], \$rp->{text}[1], $rp->{props});
return $rawposts;
# name: LJ::get_remote
# des: authenticates the user at the remote end based on their cookies
# and returns a hashref representing them
# returns: hashref containing 'user' and 'userid' if valid user, else
# undef.
# args: opts?
# des-opts: 'criterr': scalar ref to set critical error flag. if set, caller
# should stop processing whatever it's doing and complain
# about an invalid login with a link to the logout page..
# 'ignore_ip': ignore IP address of remote for IP-bound sessions
sub get_remote
my $opts = ref $_[0] eq "HASH" ? shift : {};
my $dummy;
return $LJ::CACHE_REMOTE if $LJ::CACHED_REMOTE && ! $opts->{'ignore_ip'};
my $criterr = $opts->{criterr} || \$dummy;
$$criterr = 0;
my $cookie = sub { return $BML::COOKIE{$_[0]}; };
my $no_remote = sub {
return undef;
# set this flag if any of their ljsession cookies contained the ".FS"
# opt to use the fast server. if we later find they're not logged
# in and set it, or set it with a free account, then we give them
# the invalid cookies error.
my $tried_fast = 0;
my @errs = ();
my $now = time();
my ($u, $sess); # what we eventually care about
my $memkey;
foreach my $sessdata (@{ $cookie->('ljsession[]'); }) {
my ($authtype, $user, $sessid, $auth, $sopts) = split(/:/, $sessdata);
$tried_fast = 1 if $sopts =~ /\.FS\b/;
my $err = sub {
$sess = undef;
push @errs, "$sessdata: $_[0]";
# fail unless authtype is 'ws' (more might be added in future)
unless ($authtype eq "ws") {
$err->("no ws auth");
$u = LJ::load_user($user);
unless ($u) {
$err->("user doesn't exist");
# locked accounts can't be logged in
if ($u->{statusvis} eq 'L') {
$err->("User account is locked.");
my $sess_db;
my $get_sess = sub {
return undef unless $sess_db;
$sess = $sess_db->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM sessions ".
"WHERE userid=? AND sessid=? AND auth=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $sessid, $auth);
$memkey = [$u->{'userid'},"sess:$u->{'userid'}:$sessid"];
# try memory
$sess = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
# try master
unless ($sess) {
$sess_db = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $sess) if $sess;
# try slave
unless ($sess) {
$sess_db = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
unless ($sess) {
$err->("Couldn't find session");
unless ($sess->{auth} eq $auth) {
$err->("Invald auth");
if ($sess->{'timeexpire'} < $now) {
$err->("Invalid auth");
if ($sess->{'ipfixed'} && ! $opts->{'ignore_ip'}) {
my $remote_ip = $LJ::_XFER_REMOTE_IP || LJ::get_remote_ip();
if ($sess->{'ipfixed'} ne $remote_ip) {
$err->("Session wrong IP");
# inform the caller that this user is faking their fast-server cookie
# attribute.
if ($tried_fast && ! LJ::get_cap($u, "fastserver")) {
$$criterr = 1;
if (! $sess) {
return undef;
# renew short session
my $sess_length = {
'short' => 60*60*24*1.5,
'long' => 60*60*24*60,
'once' => 0, # do not renew these
# only long cookies should be given an expiration time
# other should get 0 (when browser closes)
my $cookie_length = $sess->{exptype} eq 'long' ? $sess_length : 0;
# if there is a new session length to be set and the user's db writer is available,
# go ahead and set the new session expiration in the database. then only update the
# cookies if the database operation is successful
if ($sess_length && $sess->{'timeexpire'} - $now < $sess_length/2 &&
$u->writer && $u->do("UPDATE sessions SET timeexpire=? WHERE userid=? AND sessid=?",
undef, $now + $sess_length, $u->{userid}, $sess->{sessid}))
# delete old, now-bogus memcache data
# update their ljsession cookie unless it's a session-length cookie
if ($cookie_length) {
eval {
foreach my $dom (@domains) {
my $cookiestr = 'ljsession=' . $cookie->('ljsession');
$cookiestr .= '; expires=' . LJ::time_to_cookie($now + $cookie_length);
$cookiestr .= $dom ? "; domain=$dom" : '';
$cookiestr .= '; path=/; HttpOnly';
Apache->request->err_headers_out->add('Set-Cookie' => $cookiestr);
# augment hash with session data;
$u->{'_session'} = $sess;
eval {
Apache->request->notes("ljuser" => $u->{'user'});
return $u;
sub set_remote
my $remote = shift;
$LJ::CACHE_REMOTE = $remote;
sub unset_remote
$LJ::CACHE_REMOTE = undef;
sub load_remote
# function is no longer used, since get_remote returns full objects.
# keeping this here so we don't break people's local site code
# name: LJ::get_remote_noauth
# des: returns who the remote user says they are, but doesn't check
# their login token. disadvantage: insecure, only use when
# you're not doing anything critical. advantage: faster.
# returns: hashref containing only key 'user', not 'userid' like
# [func[LJ::get_remote]].
sub get_remote_noauth
my $sess = $BML::COOKIE{'ljsession'};
return { 'user' => $1 } if $sess =~ /^ws:(\w+):/;
return undef;
# name: LJ::clear_caches
# des: This function is called from a HUP signal handler and is intentionally
# very very simple (1 line) so we don't core dump on a system without
# reentrant libraries. It just sets a flag to clear the caches at the
# beginning of the next request (see [func[LJ::handle_caches]]).
# There should be no need to ever call this function directly.
sub clear_caches
# name: LJ::handle_caches
# des: clears caches if the CLEAR_CACHES flag is set from an earlier
# HUP signal that called [func[LJ::clear_caches]], otherwise
# does nothing.
# returns: true (always) so you can use it in a conjunction of
# statements in a while loop around the application like:
# while (LJ::handle_caches() && FCGI::accept())
sub handle_caches
return 1 unless $LJ::CLEAR_CACHES;
do "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljconfig.pl";
do "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljdefaults.pl";
%LJ::CACHE_USERPROP = (); # {$prop}->{ 'upropid' => ... , 'indexed' => 0|1 };
return 1;
# name: LJ::start_request
# des: Before a new web request is obtained, this should be called to
# determine if process should die or keep working, clean caches,
# reload config files, etc.
# returns: 1 if a new request is to be processed, 0 if process should die.
sub start_request
# TODO: check process growth size
# clear per-request caches
LJ::unset_remote(); # clear cached remote
$LJ::ACTIVE_CRUMB = ''; # clear active crumb
%LJ::CACHE_USERPIC = (); # picid -> hashref
%LJ::CACHE_USERPIC_INFO = (); # uid -> { ... }
%LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_NAME = (); # users by name
%LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID = (); # users by id
%LJ::REQ_CACHE_REL = (); # relations from LJ::check_rel()
%LJ::REQ_CACHE_DIRTY = (); # caches calls to LJ::mark_dirty()
%LJ::S1::REQ_CACHE_STYLEMAP = (); # styleid -> uid mappings
%LJ::REQ_DBIX_TRACKER = (); # canonical dbrole -> DBIx::StateTracker
%LJ::REQ_DBIX_KEEPER = (); # dbrole -> DBIx::StateKeeper
%LJ::REQ_HEAD_HAS = (); # avoid code duplication for js
# we use this to fake out get_remote's perception of what
# the client's remote IP is, when we transfer cookies between
# authentication domains. see the FotoBilder interface.
$LJ::_XFER_REMOTE_IP = undef;
# clear the handle request cache (like normal cache, but verified already for
# this request to be ->ping'able).
# need to suck db weights down on every request (we check
# the serial number of last db weight change on every request
# to validate master db connection, instead of selecting
# the connection ID... just as fast, but with a point!)
# reset BML's cookies
eval { BML::reset_cookies() };
# check the modtime of ljconfig.pl and reload if necessary
# only do a stat every 10 seconds and then only reload
# if the file has changed
my $now = time();
my $modtime = (stat("$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljconfig.pl"))[9];
if ($modtime > $LJ::CACHE_CONFIG_MODTIME) {
# reload config and update cached modtime
eval {
do "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljconfig.pl";
do "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljdefaults.pl";
# reload MogileFS config
if (LJ::mogclient()) {
( domain => $LJ::MOGILEFS_CONFIG{domain},
root => $LJ::MOGILEFS_CONFIG{root},
hosts => $LJ::MOGILEFS_CONFIG{hosts}, );
$LJ::LOCKER_OBJ = undef;
if ($modtime > $now - 60) {
# show to stderr current reloads. won't show
# reloads happening from new apache children
# forking off the parent who got the inital config loaded
# hours/days ago and then the "updated" config which is
# a different hours/days ago.
# only print when we're in web-context
print STDERR "ljconfig.pl reloaded\n"
if eval { Apache->request };
return 1;
# name: LJ::end_request
# des: Clears cached DB handles/trackers/keepers (if $LJ::DISCONNECT_DBS is
# true) and disconnects MemCache handles (if $LJ::DISCONNECT_MEMCACHE is
# true).
sub end_request
LJ::disconnect_dbs() if $LJ::DISCONNECT_DBS;
LJ::MemCache::disconnect_all() if $LJ::DISCONNECT_MEMCACHE;
# name: LJ::flush_cleanup_handlers
# des: Runs all cleanup handlers registered in @LJ::CLEANUP_HANDLERS
sub flush_cleanup_handlers {
while (my $ref = shift @LJ::CLEANUP_HANDLERS) {
next unless ref $ref eq 'CODE';
# name: LJ::disconnect_dbs
# des: Clear cached DB handles and trackers/keepers to partitioned DBs.
sub disconnect_dbs {
# clear cached handles
$LJ::DBIRole->disconnect_all( { except => [qw(logs)] });
# and cached trackers/keepers to partitioned dbs
while (my ($role, $tk) = each %LJ::REQ_DBIX_TRACKER) {
$tk->disconnect if $tk;
# name: LJ::load_userpics
# des: Loads a bunch of userpic at once.
# args: dbarg?, upics, idlist
# des-upics: hashref to load pictures into, keys being the picids
# des-idlist: [$u, $picid] or [[$u, $picid], [$u, $picid], +] objects
# also supports depreciated old method of an array ref of picids
sub load_userpics
my ($upics, $idlist) = @_;
return undef unless ref $idlist eq 'ARRAY' && $idlist->[0];
# deal with the old calling convention, just an array ref of picids eg. [7, 4, 6, 2]
if (! ref $idlist->[0] && $idlist->[0]) { # assume we have an old style caller
my $in = join(',', map { $_+0 } @$idlist);
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT userid, picid, width, height " .
"FROM userpic WHERE picid IN ($in)");
while ($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $id = $_->{'picid'};
undef $_->{'picid'};
$upics->{$id} = $_;
# $idlist needs to be an arrayref of arrayrefs,
# HOWEVER, there's a special case where it can be
# an arrayref of 2 items: $u (which is really an arrayref)
# as well due to 'fields' and picid which is an integer.
# [$u, $picid] needs to map to [[$u, $picid]] while allowing
# [[$u1, $picid1], [$u2, $picid2], [etc...]] to work.
if (scalar @$idlist == 2 && ! ref $idlist->[1]) {
$idlist = [ $idlist ];
my @load_list;
foreach my $row (@{$idlist})
my ($u, $id) = @$row;
next unless ref $u;
if ($LJ::CACHE_USERPIC{$id}) {
$upics->{$id} = $LJ::CACHE_USERPIC{$id};
} elsif ($id+0) {
push @load_list, [$u, $id+0];
return unless @load_list;
my @mem_keys = map { [$_->[1],"userpic.$_->[1]"] } @load_list;
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@mem_keys) || {};
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$mem) {
next unless $v && $k =~ /(\d+)/;
my $id = $1;
$upics->{$id} = LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("userpic", $v);
@load_list = grep { ! $upics->{$_->[1]} } @load_list;
return unless @load_list;
my %db_load;
my @load_list_d6;
foreach my $row (@load_list) {
# ignore users on clusterid 0
next unless $row->[0]->{clusterid};
if ($row->[0]->{'dversion'} > 6) {
push @{$db_load{$row->[0]->{'clusterid'}}}, $row;
} else {
push @load_list_d6, $row;
foreach my $cid (keys %db_load) {
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($cid);
unless ($dbcr) {
print STDERR "Error: LJ::load_userpics unable to get handle; cid = $cid\n";
my (@bindings, @data);
foreach my $row (@{$db_load{$cid}}) {
push @bindings, "(userid=? AND picid=?)";
push @data, ($row->[0]->{userid}, $row->[1]);
next unless @data && @bindings;
my $sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT userid, picid, width, height, fmt, state, ".
" UNIX_TIMESTAMP(picdate) AS 'picdate', location, flags ".
"FROM userpic2 WHERE " . join(' OR ', @bindings));
while (my $ur = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $id = delete $ur->{'picid'};
$upics->{$id} = $ur;
# force into numeric context so they'll be smaller in memcache:
foreach my $k (qw(userid width height flags picdate)) {
$ur->{$k} += 0;
$ur->{location} = uc(substr($ur->{location}, 0, 1));
$LJ::CACHE_USERPIC{$id} = $ur;
LJ::MemCache::set([$id,"userpic.$id"], LJ::MemCache::hash_to_array("userpic", $ur));
# following path is only for old style d6 userpics... don't load any if we don't
# have any to load
return unless @load_list_d6;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $picid_in = join(',', map { $_->[1] } @load_list_d6);
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT userid, picid, width, height, contenttype, state, ".
" UNIX_TIMESTAMP(picdate) AS 'picdate' ".
"FROM userpic WHERE picid IN ($picid_in)");
while (my $ur = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $id = delete $ur->{'picid'};
$upics->{$id} = $ur;
# force into numeric context so they'll be smaller in memcache:
foreach my $k (qw(userid width height picdate)) {
$ur->{$k} += 0;
$ur->{location} = "?";
$ur->{flags} = undef;
$ur->{fmt} = {
'image/gif' => 'G',
'image/jpeg' => 'J',
'image/png' => 'P',
}->{delete $ur->{contenttype}};
$LJ::CACHE_USERPIC{$id} = $ur;
LJ::MemCache::set([$id,"userpic.$id"], LJ::MemCache::hash_to_array("userpic", $ur));
# name: LJ::modify_caps
# des: Given a list of caps to add and caps to remove, updates a user's caps
# args: uuid, cap_add, cap_del, res
# arg-cap_add: arrayref of bit numbers to turn on
# arg-cap_del: arrayref of bit numbers to turn off
# arg-res: hashref returned from 'modify_caps' hook
# returns: updated u object, retrieved from $dbh, then 'caps' key modified
# otherwise, returns 0 unless all hooks run properly
sub modify_caps {
my ($argu, $cap_add, $cap_del, $res) = @_;
my $userid = LJ::want_userid($argu);
return undef unless $userid;
$cap_add ||= [];
$cap_del ||= [];
my %cap_add_mod = ();
my %cap_del_mod = ();
# convert capnames to bit numbers
if (LJ::are_hooks("get_cap_bit")) {
foreach my $bit (@$cap_add, @$cap_del) {
next if $bit =~ /^\d+$/;
# bit is a magical reference into the array
$bit = LJ::run_hook("get_cap_bit", $bit);
# get a u object directly from the db
my $u = LJ::load_userid($userid, "force");
# add new caps
my $newcaps = int($u->{'caps'});
foreach (@$cap_add) {
my $cap = 1 << $_;
# about to turn bit on, is currently off?
$cap_add_mod{$_} = 1 unless $newcaps & $cap;
$newcaps |= $cap;
# remove deleted caps
foreach (@$cap_del) {
my $cap = 1 << $_;
# about to turn bit off, is it currently on?
$cap_del_mod{$_} = 1 if $newcaps & $cap;
$newcaps &= ~$cap;
# run hooks for modified bits
if (LJ::are_hooks("modify_caps")) {
$res = LJ::run_hook("modify_caps",
{ 'u' => $u,
'newcaps' => $newcaps,
'oldcaps' => $u->{'caps'},
'cap_on_req' => { map { $_ => 1 } @$cap_add },
'cap_off_req' => { map { $_ => 1 } @$cap_del },
'cap_on_mod' => \%cap_add_mod,
'cap_off_mod' => \%cap_del_mod,
# hook should return a status code
return undef unless defined $res;
# update user row
LJ::update_user($u, { 'caps' => $newcaps });
return $u;
# name: LJ::expunge_userpic
# des: Expunges a userpic so that the system will no longer deliver this userpic. If
# your site has off-site caching or something similar, you can also define a hook
# "expunge_userpic" which will be called with a picid and userid when a pic is
# expunged.
# args: u, picid
# des-picid: Id of the picture to expunge.
# des-u: User object
# returns: undef on error, or the userid of the picture owner on success.
sub expunge_userpic {
# take in a picid and expunge it from the system so that it can no longer be used
my ($u, $picid) = @_;
$picid += 0;
return undef unless $picid && ref $u;
# get the pic information
my $state;
if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
return undef unless $dbcm && $u->writer;
$state = $dbcm->selectrow_array('SELECT state FROM userpic2 WHERE userid = ? AND picid = ?',
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $picid);
return $u->{'userid'} if $state eq 'X'; # already expunged
# else now mark it
$u->do("UPDATE userpic2 SET state='X' WHERE userid = ? AND picid = ?", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $picid);
return LJ::error($dbcm) if $dbcm->err;
$u->do("DELETE FROM userpicmap2 WHERE userid = ? AND picid = ?", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $picid);
} else {
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
return undef unless $dbr;
$state = $dbr->selectrow_array('SELECT state FROM userpic WHERE picid = ?',
undef, $picid);
return $u->{'userid'} if $state eq 'X'; # already expunged
# else now mark it
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return undef unless $dbh;
$dbh->do("UPDATE userpic SET state='X' WHERE picid = ?", undef, $picid);
return LJ::error($dbh) if $dbh->err;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM userpicmap WHERE userid = ? AND picid = ?", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $picid);
# now clear the user's memcache picture info
LJ::MemCache::delete([$u->{'userid'}, "upicinf:$u->{'userid'}"]);
# call the hook and get out of here
my $rval = LJ::run_hook('expunge_userpic', $picid, $u->{'userid'});
return ($u->{'userid'}, $rval);
# name: LJ::activate_userpics
# des: Sets/unsets userpics as inactive based on account caps
# args: uuserid
# returns: nothing
sub activate_userpics
# this behavior is optional, but enabled by default
my $u = shift;
return undef unless LJ::isu($u);
# if a userid was given, get a real $u object
$u = LJ::load_userid($u, "force") unless isu($u);
# should have a $u object now
return undef unless isu($u);
# can't get a cluster read for expunged users since they are clusterid 0,
# so just return 1 to the caller from here and act like everything went fine
return 1 if $u->{'statusvis'} eq 'X';
my $userid = $u->{'userid'};
# active / inactive lists
my @active = ();
my @inactive = ();
my $allow = LJ::get_cap($u, "userpics");
# get a database handle for reading/writing
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
# select all userpics and build active / inactive lists
my $sth;
if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
return undef unless $dbcr;
$sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT picid, state FROM userpic2 WHERE userid=?");
} else {
return undef unless $dbh;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT picid, state FROM userpic WHERE userid=?");
while (my ($picid, $state) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
next if $state eq 'X'; # expunged, means userpic has been removed from site by admins
if ($state eq 'I') {
push @inactive, $picid;
} else {
push @active, $picid;
# inactivate previously activated userpics
if (@active > $allow) {
my $to_ban = @active - $allow;
# find first jitemid greater than time 2 months ago using rlogtime index
# ($LJ::EndOfTime - UnixTime)
my $jitemid = $dbcr->selectrow_array("SELECT jitemid FROM log2 USE INDEX (rlogtime) " .
"WHERE journalid=? AND rlogtime > ? LIMIT 1",
undef, $userid, $LJ::EndOfTime - time() + 86400*60);
# query all pickws in logprop2 with jitemid > that value
my %count_kw = ();
my $propid = LJ::get_prop("log", "picture_keyword")->{'id'};
my $sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT value, COUNT(*) FROM logprop2 " .
"WHERE journalid=? AND jitemid > ? AND propid=?" .
"GROUP BY value");
$sth->execute($userid, $jitemid, $propid);
while (my ($value, $ct) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
# keyword => count
$count_kw{$value} = $ct;
my $keywords_in = join(",", map { $dbh->quote($_) } keys %count_kw);
# map pickws to picids for freq hash below
my %count_picid = ();
if ($keywords_in) {
my $sth;
if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
$sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT k.keyword, m.picid FROM userkeywords k, userpicmap2 m ".
"WHERE k.keyword IN ($keywords_in) AND k.kwid=m.kwid AND k.userid=m.userid " .
"AND k.userid=?");
} else {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT k.keyword, m.picid FROM keywords k, userpicmap m " .
"WHERE k.keyword IN ($keywords_in) AND k.kwid=m.kwid " .
"AND m.userid=?");
while (my ($keyword, $picid) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
# keyword => picid
$count_picid{$picid} += $count_kw{$keyword};
# we're only going to ban the least used, excluding the user's default
my @ban = (grep { $_ != $u->{'defaultpicid'} }
sort { $count_picid{$a} <=> $count_picid{$b} } @active);
@ban = splice(@ban, 0, $to_ban) if @ban > $to_ban;
my $ban_in = join(",", map { $dbh->quote($_) } @ban);
if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
$u->do("UPDATE userpic2 SET state='I' WHERE userid=? AND picid IN ($ban_in)",
undef, $userid) if $ban_in;
} else {
$dbh->do("UPDATE userpic SET state='I' WHERE userid=? AND picid IN ($ban_in)",
undef, $userid) if $ban_in;
# activate previously inactivated userpics
if (@inactive && @active < $allow) {
my $to_activate = $allow - @active;
$to_activate = @inactive if $to_activate > @inactive;
# take the $to_activate newest (highest numbered) pictures
# to reactivated
@inactive = sort @inactive;
my @activate_picids = splice(@inactive, -$to_activate);
my $activate_in = join(",", map { $dbh->quote($_) } @activate_picids);
if ($activate_in) {
if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
$u->do("UPDATE userpic2 SET state='N' WHERE userid=? AND picid IN ($activate_in)",
undef, $userid);
} else {
$dbh->do("UPDATE userpic SET state='N' WHERE userid=? AND picid IN ($activate_in)",
undef, $userid);
# delete userpic info object from memcache
LJ::MemCache::delete([$userid, "upicinf:$userid"]);
return 1;
# name: LJ::get_userpic_info
# des: Given a user gets their user picture info
# args: uuid, opts (optional)
# des-u: user object or userid
# des-opts: hash of options, 'load_comments'
# returns: hash of userpicture information
# for efficiency, we store the userpic structures
# in memcache in a packed format.
# memory format:
# [
# version number of format,
# userid,
# "packed string", which expands to an array of {width=>..., ...}
# "packed string", which expands to { 'kw1' => id, 'kw2' => id, ...}
# ]
sub get_userpic_info
my ($uuid, $opts) = @_;
return undef unless $uuid;
my $userid = LJ::want_userid($uuid);
my $u = LJ::want_user($uuid); # This should almost always be in memory already
return undef unless $u && $u->{clusterid};
# in the cache, cool, well unless it doesn't have comments or urls
# and we need them
if (my $cachedata = $LJ::CACHE_USERPIC_INFO{$userid}) {
my $good = 1;
if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
$good = 0 if $opts->{'load_comments'} && ! $cachedata->{'_has_comments'};
$good = 0 if $opts->{'load_urls'} && ! $cachedata->{'_has_urls'};
return $cachedata if $good;
my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'},"upicinf:$u->{'userid'}"];
my ($info, $minfo);
if ($minfo = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey)) {
# the pre-versioned memcache data was a two-element hash.
# since then, we use an array and include a version number.
if (ref $minfo eq 'HASH' ||
$minfo->[0] != $VERSION_PICINFO) {
# old data in the cache. delete.
} else {
my (undef, $picstr, $kwstr) = @$minfo;
$info = {
'pic' => {},
'kw' => {},
while (length $picstr >= 7) {
my $pic = { userid => $u->{'userid'} };
$pic->{width}, $pic->{height},
$pic->{state}) = unpack "NCCA", substr($picstr, 0, 7, '');
$info->{pic}->{$pic->{picid}} = $pic;
my ($pos, $nulpos);
$pos = $nulpos = 0;
while (($nulpos = index($kwstr, "\0", $pos)) > 0) {
my $kw = substr($kwstr, $pos, $nulpos-$pos);
my $id = unpack("N", substr($kwstr, $nulpos+1, 4));
$pos = $nulpos + 5; # skip NUL + 4 bytes.
$info->{kw}->{$kw} = $info->{pic}->{$id} if $info;
if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
# Load picture comments
if ($opts->{'load_comments'}) {
my $commemkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "upiccom:$u->{'userid'}"];
my $comminfo = LJ::MemCache::get($commemkey);
if ($comminfo) {
my ($pos, $nulpos);
$pos = $nulpos = 0;
while (($nulpos = index($comminfo, "\0", $pos)) > 0) {
my $comment = substr($comminfo, $pos, $nulpos-$pos);
my $id = unpack("N", substr($comminfo, $nulpos+1, 4));
$pos = $nulpos + 5; # skip NUL + 4 bytes.
$info->{'pic'}->{$id}->{'comment'} = $comment;
$info->{'_has_comments'} = 1;
} else { # Requested to load comments, but they aren't in memcache
# so force a db load
undef $info;
# Load picture urls
if ($opts->{'load_urls'} && $info) {
my $urlmemkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "upicurl:$u->{'userid'}"];
my $urlinfo = LJ::MemCache::get($urlmemkey);
if ($urlinfo) {
my ($pos, $nulpos);
$pos = $nulpos = 0;
while (($nulpos = index($urlinfo, "\0", $pos)) > 0) {
my $url = substr($urlinfo, $pos, $nulpos-$pos);
my $id = unpack("N", substr($urlinfo, $nulpos+1, 4));
$pos = $nulpos + 5; # skip NUL + 4 bytes.
$info->{'pic'}->{$id}->{'url'} = $url;
$info->{'_has_urls'} = 1;
} else { # Requested to load urls, but they aren't in memcache
# so force a db load
undef $info;
my %minfocom; # need this in this scope
my %minfourl;
unless ($info) {
$info = {
'pic' => {},
'kw' => {},
my ($picstr, $kwstr);
my $sth;
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
my $db = @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS ? LJ::get_db_writer() : LJ::get_db_reader();
return undef unless $dbcr && $db;
if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
$sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT picid, width, height, state, userid, comment, url ".
"FROM userpic2 WHERE userid=?");
} else {
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT picid, width, height, state, userid ".
"FROM userpic WHERE userid=?");
my @pics;
while (my $pic = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
next if $pic->{state} eq 'X'; # no expunged pics in list
push @pics, $pic;
$info->{'pic'}->{$pic->{'picid'}} = $pic;
$minfocom{int($pic->{picid})} = $pic->{comment} if $u->{'dversion'} > 6
&& $opts->{'load_comments'} && $pic->{'comment'};
$minfourl{int($pic->{'picid'})} = $pic->{'url'} if $u->{'dversion'} > 6
&& $opts->{'load_urls'} && $pic->{'url'};
$picstr = join('', map { pack("NCCA", $_->{picid},
$_->{width}, $_->{height}, $_->{state}) } @pics);
if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
$sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT k.keyword, m.picid FROM userpicmap2 m, userkeywords k ".
"WHERE k.userid=? AND m.kwid=k.kwid AND m.userid=k.userid");
} else {
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT k.keyword, m.picid FROM userpicmap m, keywords k ".
"WHERE m.userid=? AND m.kwid=k.kwid");
my %minfokw;
while (my ($kw, $id) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
next unless $info->{'pic'}->{$id};
next if $kw =~ /[\n\r\0]/; # used to be a bug that allowed these to get in.
$info->{'kw'}->{$kw} = $info->{'pic'}->{$id};
$minfokw{$kw} = int($id);
$kwstr = join('', map { pack("Z*N", $_, $minfokw{$_}) } keys %minfokw);
$memkey = [$u->{'userid'},"upicinf:$u->{'userid'}"];
$minfo = [ $VERSION_PICINFO, $picstr, $kwstr ];
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $minfo);
if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
if ($opts->{'load_comments'}) {
$info->{'comment'} = \%minfocom;
my $commentstr = join('', map { pack("Z*N", $minfocom{$_}, $_) } keys %minfocom);
my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "upiccom:$u->{'userid'}"];
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $commentstr);
$info->{'_has_comments'} = 1;
if ($opts->{'load_urls'}) {
my $urlstr = join('', map { pack("Z*N", $minfourl{$_}, $_) } keys %minfourl);
my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "upicurl:$u->{'userid'}"];
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $urlstr);
$info->{'_has_urls'} = 1;
$LJ::CACHE_USERPIC_INFO{$u->{'userid'}} = $info;
return $info;
# name: LJ::get_pic_from_keyword
# des: Given a userid and keyword, returns the pic row hashref
# args: u, keyword
# des-keyword: The keyword of the userpic to fetch
# returns: hashref of pic row found
sub get_pic_from_keyword
my ($u, $kw) = @_;
my $info = LJ::get_userpic_info($u);
return undef unless $info;
return $info->{'kw'}{$kw};
sub get_picid_from_keyword
my ($u, $kw, $default) = @_;
$default ||= (ref $u ? $u->{'defaultpicid'} : 0);
return $default unless $kw;
my $info = LJ::get_userpic_info($u);
return $default unless $info;
my $pr = $info->{'kw'}{$kw};
return $pr ? $pr->{'picid'} : $default;
# name: LJ::get_timezone
# des: Gets the timezone offset for the user.
# args: u, offsetref, fakedref
# des-u: user object.
# des-offsetref: reference to scalar to hold timezone offset;
# des-fakedref: reference to scalar to hold whether this timezone was
# faked. 0 if it is the timezone specified by the user (not supported yet).
# returns: nonzero if successful.
sub get_timezone {
my ($u, $offsetref, $fakedref) = @_;
# we currently don't support timezones,
# but when we do this will be the function to modify.
my $offset;
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
return 0 unless $dbcr;
# we guess their current timezone's offset
# by comparing the gmtime of their last post
# with the time they specified on that post.
# grab the times on the last post.
if (my $last_row = $dbcr->selectrow_hashref(
"SELECT rlogtime, eventtime ".
"FROM log2 WHERE journalid=? ".
"ORDER BY rlogtime LIMIT 1",
undef, $u->{userid})) {
my $logtime = $LJ::EndOfTime - $last_row->{'rlogtime'};
my $eventtime = LJ::mysqldate_to_time($last_row->{'eventtime'}, 1);
my $hourdiff = ($eventtime - $logtime) / 3600;
# if they're up to a quarter hour behind, round up.
$$offsetref = $hourdiff > 0 ? int($hourdiff + 0.25) : int($hourdiff - 0.25);
# until we store real timezones, the timezone is always faked.
$$fakedref = 1 if $fakedref;
return 1;
# name: LJ::strip_bad_code
# class: security
# des: Removes malicious/annoying HTML.
# info: This is just a wrapper function around [func[LJ::CleanHTML::clean]].
# args: textref
# des-textref: Scalar reference to text to be cleaned.
# returns: Nothing.
sub strip_bad_code
my $data = shift;
LJ::CleanHTML::clean($data, {
'eat' => [qw[layer iframe script object embed]],
'mode' => 'allow',
'keepcomments' => 1, # Allows CSS to work
# name: LJ::server_down_html
# des: Returns an HTML server down message.
# returns: A string with a server down message in HTML.
sub server_down_html
# name: LJ::make_journal
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args: dbarg, user, view, remote, opts
# des-:
# returns:
sub make_journal
my ($user, $view, $remote, $opts) = @_;
my $r = $opts->{'r'}; # mod_perl $r, or undef
my $geta = $opts->{'getargs'};
if ($opts->{'vhost'} eq "customview") {
return "";
return LJ::server_down_html();
# if we're using the 'tag' view, then convert to lastn and set option, this
# is done early so it can propogate to S1 and S2 as appropriate
if ($view eq 'tag') {
# FIXME: would be nice to have boolean logic "foo AND bar" or "+foo -bar" etc
# "foo,bar" is interpreted as "foo or bar" for now, common case
my $tags = LJ::durl($opts->{pathextra});
$tags =~ s/^\///; # clear leading /
$opts->{getargs}->{tag} = $tags;
# use a lastn view to render
delete $opts->{pathextra};
$view = 'lastn';
# S1 style hashref. won't be loaded now necessarily,
# only if via customview.
my $style;
my ($styleid);
if ($opts->{'styleid'}) { # s1 styleid
$styleid = $opts->{'styleid'}+0;
# if we have an explicit styleid, we have to load
# it early so we can learn its type, so we can
# know which uprops to load for its owner
$style = LJ::S1::load_style($styleid, \$view);
} else {
$view ||= "lastn"; # default view when none specified explicitly in URLs
if ($LJ::viewinfo{$view} || $view eq "month" ||
$view eq "entry" || $view eq "reply") {
$styleid = -1; # to get past the return, then checked later for -1 and fixed, once user is loaded.
} else {
$opts->{'badargs'} = 1;
return unless $styleid;
my $u;
if ($opts->{'u'}) {
$u = $opts->{'u'};
} else {
$u = LJ::load_user($user);
unless ($u) {
$opts->{'baduser'} = 1;
return "
No such user $user";
my $eff_view = $LJ::viewinfo{$view}->{'styleof'} || $view;
my $s1prop = "s1_${eff_view}_style";
my @needed_props = ("stylesys", "s2_style", "url", "urlname", "opt_nctalklinks",
"renamedto", "opt_blockrobots", "opt_usesharedpic",
"journaltitle", "journalsubtitle", "external_foaf_url");
# S2 is more fully featured than S1, so sometimes we get here and $eff_view
# is reply/month/entry/res and that means it *has* to be S2--S1 defaults to a
# BML page to handle those, but we don't want to attempt to load a userprop
# because now load_user_props dies if you try to load something invalid
push @needed_props, $s1prop if $eff_view =~ /^(?:calendar|day|friends|lastn)$/;
# preload props the view creation code will need later (combine two selects)
if (ref $LJ::viewinfo{$eff_view}->{'owner_props'} eq "ARRAY") {
push @needed_props, @{$LJ::viewinfo{$eff_view}->{'owner_props'}};
if ($eff_view eq "reply") {
push @needed_props, "opt_logcommentips";
LJ::load_user_props($u, @needed_props);
# FIXME: remove this after all affected accounts have been fixed
# see http://zilla.livejournal.org/1443 for details
if ($u->{$s1prop} =~ /^\D/) {
$u->{$s1prop} = $LJ::USERPROP_DEF{$s1prop};
LJ::set_userprop($u, $s1prop, $u->{$s1prop});
# if the remote is the user to be viewed, make sure the $remote
# hashref has the value of $u's opt_nctalklinks (though with
# LJ::load_user caching, this may be assigning between the same
# underlying hashref)
$remote->{'opt_nctalklinks'} = $u->{'opt_nctalklinks'} if
($remote && $remote->{'userid'} == $u->{'userid'});
my $stylesys = 1;
if ($styleid == -1) {
my $get_styleinfo = sub {
my $get_s1_styleid = sub {
my $id = $u->{$s1prop};
LJ::run_hooks("s1_style_select", {
'styleid' => \$id,
'u' => $u,
'view' => $view,
return $id;
# forced s2 style id
if ($geta->{'s2id'} && LJ::get_cap($u, "s2styles")) {
# see if they own the requested style
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $style_userid = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT userid FROM s2styles WHERE styleid=?",
undef, $geta->{'s2id'});
# if remote owns the style or the journal owns the style, it's okay
if ($u->{'userid'} == $style_userid ||
$remote->{'userid'} == $style_userid ) {
return (2, $geta->{'s2id'});
# style=mine passed in GET?
if ($remote && $geta->{'style'} eq 'mine') {
# get remote props and decide what style remote uses
LJ::load_user_props($remote, "stylesys", "s2_style");
# remote using s2; make sure we pass down the $remote object as the style_u to
# indicate that they should use $remote to load the style instead of the regular $u
if ($remote->{'stylesys'} == 2 && $remote->{'s2_style'}) {
$opts->{'checkremote'} = 1;
$opts->{'style_u'} = $remote;
return (2, $remote->{'s2_style'});
# remote using s1
return (1, $get_s1_styleid->());
# resource URLs have the styleid in it
if ($view eq "res" && $opts->{'pathextra'} =~ m!^/(\d+)/!) {
return (2, $1);
my $forceflag = 0;
LJ::run_hooks("force_s1", $u, \$forceflag);
# if none of the above match, they fall through to here
if ( !$forceflag && $u->{'stylesys'} == 2 ) {
return (2, $u->{'s2_style'});
# no special case and not s2, fall through to s1
return (1, $get_s1_styleid->());
($stylesys, $styleid) = $get_styleinfo->();
# signal to LiveJournal.pm that we can't handle this
if ($stylesys == 1 && ($view eq "entry" || $view eq "reply" || $view eq "month")) {
${$opts->{'handle_with_bml_ref'}} = 1;
if ($r) {
$r->notes('journalid' => $u->{'userid'});
my $notice = sub {
my $msg = shift;
my $status = shift;
my $url = "$LJ::SITEROOT/users/$user/";
$opts->{'status'} = $status if $status;
my $head;
$head .= qq{\n}
if LJ::OpenID::server_enabled();
return qq{
}.("\n" x 50);
my $error = sub {
my $msg = shift;
my $status = shift;
$opts->{'status'} = $status if $status;
return qq{
}.("\n" x 50);
if ($LJ::USER_VHOSTS && $opts->{'vhost'} eq "users" && $u->{'journaltype'} ne 'R' &&
! LJ::get_cap($u, "userdomain")) {
return $notice->("URLs like http://username.$LJ::USER_DOMAIN/" .
" are not available for this user's account type.");
if ($opts->{'vhost'} =~ /^other:/ && ! LJ::get_cap($u, "userdomain")) {
return $notice->("This user's account type doesn't permit domain aliasing.");
if ($opts->{'vhost'} eq "customview" && ! LJ::get_cap($u, "styles")) {
return $notice->("This user's account type is not permitted to create and embed styles.");
if ($opts->{'vhost'} eq "community" && $u->{'journaltype'} !~ /[CR]/) {
$opts->{'badargs'} = 1; # Output a generic 'bad URL' message if available
return "
This account isn't a community journal.
if ($view eq "friendsfriends" && ! LJ::get_cap($u, "friendsfriendsview")) {
return "Sorry This user's account type doesn't permit showing friends of friends.";
# now, if there's a GET argument for tags, split those out
if (exists $opts->{getargs}->{tag}) {
my $tagfilter = $opts->{getargs}->{tag};
return $error->("You must provide tags to filter by.", "404 Not Found")
unless $tagfilter;
# error if disabled
return $error->("Sorry, the tag system is currently disabled.", "404 Not Found")
if $LJ::DISABLED{tags};
# throw an error for S1, but only on non-rename accounts.
return $error->("Sorry, tag filtering is not supported within S1 styles.", "404 Not Found")
if $stylesys == 1 && $u->{journaltype} ne 'R';
# overwrite any tags that exist
$opts->{tags} = [];
return $error->("Sorry, the tag list specified is invalid.", "404 Not Found")
unless LJ::Tags::is_valid_tagstring($tagfilter, $opts->{tags});
# get user's tags so we know what remote can see, and setup an inverse mapping
# from keyword to tag
$opts->{tagids} = [];
my $tags = LJ::Tags::get_usertags($u, { remote => $remote });
my %kwref = ( map { $tags->{$_}->{name} => $_ } keys %{$tags || {}} );
foreach (@{$opts->{tags}}) {
return $error->("Sorry, one or more specified tags do not exist.", "404 Not Found")
unless $kwref{$_};
push @{$opts->{tagids}}, $kwref{$_};
unless ($geta->{'viewall'} && LJ::check_priv($remote, "canview") ||
$opts->{'pathextra'} =~ m#/(\d+)/stylesheet$#) { # don't check style sheets
return $error->("Journal has been deleted. If you are $user, you have a period of 30 days to decide to undelete your journal.", "404 Not Found") if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq "D");
return $error->("This journal has been suspended.", "403 Forbidden") if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq "S");
return $error->("This journal has been deleted and purged.", "410 Gone") if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq "X");
return $error->("This user has no journal here.", "404 Not here") if $u->{'journaltype'} eq "I" && $view ne "friends";
$opts->{'view'} = $view;
# what charset we put in the HTML
$opts->{'saycharset'} ||= "utf-8";
if ($view eq 'data') {
return LJ::Feed::make_feed($r, $u, $remote, $opts);
if ($stylesys == 2) {
$r->notes('codepath' => "s2.$view") if $r;
return LJ::S2::make_journal($u, $styleid, $view, $remote, $opts);
# Everything from here on down is S1. FIXME: this should be moved to LJ::S1::make_journal
# to be more like LJ::S2::make_journal.
$r->notes('codepath' => "s1.$view") if $r;
# For embedded polls
BML::set_language($LJ::LANGS[0] || 'en', \&LJ::Lang::get_text);
# load the user-related S1 data (overrides and colors)
my $s1uc = {};
my $s1uc_memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "s1uc:$u->{'userid'}"];
if ($u->{'useoverrides'} eq "Y" || $u->{'themeid'} == 0) {
$s1uc = LJ::MemCache::get($s1uc_memkey);
unless ($s1uc) {
my $db;
my $setmem = 1;
$db = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
} else {
$db = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
$setmem = 0;
$s1uc = $db->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM s1usercache WHERE userid=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'});
LJ::MemCache::set($s1uc_memkey, $s1uc) if $s1uc && $setmem;
# we should have our cache row! we'll update it in a second.
my $dbcm;
if (! $s1uc) {
$u->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO s1usercache (userid) VALUES (?)", undef, $u->{'userid'});
$s1uc = {};
# conditionally rebuild parts of our cache that are missing
my %update;
# is the overrides cache old or missing?
my $dbh;
if ($u->{'useoverrides'} eq "Y" && (! $s1uc->{'override_stor'} ||
$s1uc->{'override_cleanver'} < $LJ::S1::CLEANER_VERSION)) {
my $overrides = LJ::S1::get_overrides($u);
$update{'override_stor'} = LJ::CleanHTML::clean_s1_style($overrides);
$update{'override_cleanver'} = $LJ::S1::CLEANER_VERSION;
# is the color cache here if it's a custom user theme?
if ($u->{'themeid'} == 0 && ! $s1uc->{'color_stor'}) {
my $col = {};
$dbh ||= LJ::get_db_writer();
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT coltype, color FROM themecustom WHERE user=?");
$col->{$_->{'coltype'}} = $_->{'color'} while $_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
$update{'color_stor'} = Storable::freeze($col);
# save the updates
if (%update) {
my $set;
foreach my $k (keys %update) {
$s1uc->{$k} = $update{$k};
$set .= ", " if $set;
$set .= "$k=" . $u->quote($update{$k});
my $rv = $u->do("UPDATE s1usercache SET $set WHERE userid=?", undef, $u->{'userid'});
if ($rv && $update{'color_stor'}) {
$dbh ||= LJ::get_db_writer();
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM themecustom WHERE user=?", undef, $u->{'user'});
LJ::MemCache::set($s1uc_memkey, $s1uc);
# load the style
my $viewref = $view eq "" ? \$view : undef;
$style ||= $LJ::viewinfo{$view}->{'nostyle'} ? {} :
LJ::S1::load_style($styleid, $viewref);
my %vars = ();
# apply the style
foreach (keys %$style) {
$vars{$_} = $style->{$_};
# apply the overrides
if ($opts->{'nooverride'}==0 && $u->{'useoverrides'} eq "Y") {
my $tw = Storable::thaw($s1uc->{'override_stor'});
foreach (keys %$tw) {
$vars{$_} = $tw->{$_};
# apply the color theme
my $cols = $u->{'themeid'} ? LJ::S1::get_themeid($u->{'themeid'}) :
foreach (keys %$cols) {
$vars{"color-$_"} = $cols->{$_};
# instruct some function to make this specific view type
return unless defined $LJ::viewinfo{$view}->{'creator'};
my $ret = "";
# call the view creator w/ the buffer to fill and the construction variables
my $res = $LJ::viewinfo{$view}->{'creator'}->(\$ret, $u, \%vars, $remote, $opts);
unless ($res) {
my $errcode = $opts->{'errcode'};
my $errmsg = {
'nodb' => 'Database temporarily unavailable during maintenance.',
'nosyn' => 'No syndication URL available.',
return "" if ($opts->{'vhost'} eq "customview");
# If not customview, set the error response code.
$opts->{'status'} = {
'nodb' => '503 Maintenance',
'nosyn' => '404 Not Found',
}->{$errcode} || '500 Server Error';
return $errmsg;
if ($opts->{'redir'}) {
return undef;
# clean up attributes which we weren't able to quickly verify
# as safe in the Storable-stored clean copy of the style.
$ret =~ s/\%\%\[attr\[(.+?)\]\]\%\%/LJ::CleanHTML::s1_attribute_clean($1)/eg;
# return it...
return $ret;
# name: LJ::canonical_username
# des:
# info:
# args: user
# returns: the canonical username given, or blank if the username is not well-formed
sub canonical_username
my $user = shift;
if ($user =~ /^\s*([\w\-]{1,15})\s*$/) {
# perl 5.8 bug: $user = lc($1) sometimes causes corruption when $1 points into $user.
$user = $1;
$user = lc($user);
$user =~ s/-/_/g;
return $user;
return ""; # not a good username.
# name: LJ::decode_url_string
# class: web
# des: Parse URL-style arg/value pairs into a hash.
# args: buffer, hashref
# des-buffer: Scalar or scalarref of buffer to parse.
# des-hashref: Hashref to populate.
# returns: boolean; true.
sub decode_url_string
my $a = shift;
my $buffer = ref $a ? $a : \$a;
my $hashref = shift; # output hash
my $pair;
my @pairs = split(/&/, $$buffer);
my ($name, $value);
foreach $pair (@pairs)
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$hashref->{$name} .= $hashref->{$name} ? "\0$value" : $value;
return 1;
sub get_db_reader {
return LJ::get_dbh("slave", "master");
sub get_db_writer {
return LJ::get_dbh("master");
# name: LJ::get_cluster_reader
# class: db
# des: Returns a cluster slave for a user, or cluster master if no slaves exist.
# args: uarg
# des-uarg: Either a userid scalar or a user object.
# returns: DB handle. Or undef if all dbs are unavailable.
sub get_cluster_reader
my $arg = shift;
my $id = isu($arg) ? $arg->{'clusterid'} : $arg;
my @roles = ("cluster${id}slave", "cluster${id}");
if (my $ab = $LJ::CLUSTER_PAIR_ACTIVE{$id}) {
$ab = lc($ab);
# master-master cluster
@roles = ("cluster${id}${ab}") if $ab eq "a" || $ab eq "b";
return LJ::get_dbh(@roles);
# name: LJ::get_cluster_def_reader
# class: db
# des: Returns a definitive cluster reader for a given user, used
# when the caller wants the master handle, but will only
# use it to read.
# args: uarg
# des-uarg: Either a clusterid scalar or a user object.
# returns: DB handle. Or undef if definitive reader is unavailable.
sub get_cluster_def_reader
my @dbh_opts = scalar(@_) == 2 ? (shift @_) : ();
my $arg = shift;
my $id = isu($arg) ? $arg->{'clusterid'} : $arg;
return LJ::get_cluster_reader(@dbh_opts, $id) if
return LJ::get_dbh(@dbh_opts, LJ::master_role($id));
# name: LJ::get_cluster_master
# class: db
# des: Returns a cluster master for a given user, used when the caller
# might use it to do a write (insert/delete/update/etc...)
# args: uarg
# des-uarg: Either a clusterid scalar or a user object.
# returns: DB handle. Or undef if master is unavailable.
sub get_cluster_master
my @dbh_opts = scalar(@_) == 2 ? (shift @_) : ();
my $arg = shift;
my $id = isu($arg) ? $arg->{'clusterid'} : $arg;
return undef if $LJ::READONLY_CLUSTER{$id};
return LJ::get_dbh(@dbh_opts, LJ::master_role($id));
# returns the DBI::Role role name of a cluster master given a clusterid
sub master_role {
my $id = shift;
my $role = "cluster${id}";
if (my $ab = $LJ::CLUSTER_PAIR_ACTIVE{$id}) {
$ab = lc($ab);
# master-master cluster
$role = "cluster${id}${ab}" if $ab eq "a" || $ab eq "b";
return $role;
# name: LJ::item_link
# class: component
# des: Returns URL to view an individual journal item.
# info: The returned URL may have an ampersand in it. In an HTML/XML attribute,
# these must first be escaped by, say, [func[LJ::ehtml]]. This
# function doesn't return it pre-escaped because the caller may
# use it in, say, a plain-text email message.
# args: u, itemid, anum?
# des-itemid: Itemid of entry to link to.
# des-anum: If present, $u is assumed to be on a cluster and itemid is assumed
# to not be a $ditemid already, and the $itemid will be turned into one
# by multiplying by 256 and adding $anum.
# returns: scalar; unescaped URL string
sub item_link
my ($u, $itemid, $anum, @args) = @_;
my $ditemid = $itemid*256 + $anum;
# XXX: should have an option of returning a url with escaped (&)
# or non-escaped (&) arguments. a new link object would be best.
my $args = @args ? "?" . join("&", @args) : "";
return LJ::journal_base($u) . "/$ditemid.html$args";
# name: LJ::make_graphviz_dot_file
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub make_graphviz_dot_file
my $user = shift;
# the code below is inefficient. let sites disable it.
return if $LJ::DISABLED{'graphviz_dot'};
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $quser = $dbr->quote($user);
my $sth;
my $ret;
my $u = LJ::load_user($user);
return unless $u;
$ret .= "digraph G {\n";
$ret .= " node [URL=\"$LJ::SITEROOT/userinfo.bml?user=\\N\"]\n";
$ret .= " node [fontsize=10, color=lightgray, style=filled]\n";
$ret .= " \"$user\" [color=yellow, style=filled]\n";
# TAG:FR:ljlib:make_graphviz_dot_file1
my @friends = ();
$sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT friendid FROM friends WHERE userid=$u->{'userid'} AND userid<>friendid");
while ($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
push @friends, $_->{'friendid'};
# TAG:FR:ljlib:make_graphviz_dot_file2
my $friendsin = join(", ", map { $dbr->quote($_); } ($u->{'userid'}, @friends));
my $sql = "SELECT uu.user, uf.user AS 'friend' FROM friends f, user uu, user uf WHERE f.userid=uu.userid AND f.friendid=uf.userid AND f.userid<>f.friendid AND uu.statusvis='V' AND uf.statusvis='V' AND (f.friendid=$u->{'userid'} OR (f.userid IN ($friendsin) AND f.friendid IN ($friendsin)))";
$sth = $dbr->prepare($sql);
while ($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$ret .= " \"$_->{'user'}\"->\"$_->{'friend'}\"\n";
$ret .= "}\n";
return $ret;
# name: LJ::expand_embedded
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub expand_embedded
my ($u, $ditemid, $remote, $eventref) = @_;
LJ::Poll::show_polls($ditemid, $remote, $eventref);
LJ::run_hooks("expand_embedded", $u, $ditemid, $remote, $eventref);
# name: LJ::make_remote
# des: Returns a minimal user structure ($remote-like) from
# a username and userid.
# args: user, userid
# des-user: Username.
# des-userid: User ID.
# returns: hashref with 'user' and 'userid' keys, or undef if
# either argument was bogus (so caller can pass
# untrusted input)
sub make_remote
my $user = LJ::canonical_username(shift);
my $userid = shift;
if ($user && $userid && $userid =~ /^\d+$/) {
return { 'user' => $user,
'userid' => $userid, };
return undef;
sub update_user
my ($arg, $ref) = @_;
my @uid;
if (ref $arg eq "ARRAY") {
@uid = @$arg;
} else {
@uid = want_userid($arg);
@uid = grep { $_ } map { $_ + 0 } @uid;
return 0 unless @uid;
my @sets;
my @bindparams;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$ref) {
if ($k eq "raw") {
push @sets, $v;
} else {
push @sets, "$k=?";
push @bindparams, $v;
return 1 unless @sets;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return 0 unless $dbh;
local $" = ",";
my $where = @uid == 1 ? "userid=$uid[0]" : "userid IN (@uid)";
$dbh->do("UPDATE user SET @sets WHERE $where", undef,
return 0 if $dbh->err;
LJ::memcache_kill($_, "userid") foreach @uid;
return 1;
# simple interface to LJ::load_userids_multiple. takes userids,
# returns hashref with keys ids, values $u refs.
sub load_userids
my %u;
LJ::load_userids_multiple([ map { $_ => \$u{$_} } @_ ]);
return \%u;
# name: LJ::load_userids_multiple
# des: Loads a number of users at once, efficiently.
# info: loads a few users at once, their userids given in the keys of $map
# listref (not hashref: can't have dups). values of $map listref are
# scalar refs to put result in. $have is an optional listref of user
# object caller already has, but is too lazy to sort by themselves.
# args: dbarg?, map, have, memcache_only?
# des-map: Arrayref of pairs (userid, destination scalarref)
# des-have: Arrayref of user objects caller already has
# des-memcache_only: Flag to only retrieve data from memcache
# returns: Nothing.
sub load_userids_multiple
my ($map, $have, $memcache_only) = @_;
my $sth;
my %need;
while (@$map) {
my $id = shift @$map;
my $ref = shift @$map;
next unless int($id);
push @{$need{$id}}, $ref;
if ($LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$id}) {
push @{$have}, $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$id};
my $satisfy = sub {
my $u = shift;
next unless ref $u eq "LJ::User";
foreach (@{$need{$u->{'userid'}}}) {
$$_ = $u;
$LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_NAME{$u->{'user'}} = $u;
$LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$u->{'userid'}} = $u;
delete $need{$u->{'userid'}};
if ($have) {
foreach my $u (@$have) {
if (%need) {
foreach (LJ::memcache_get_u(map { [$_,"userid:$_"] } keys %need)) {
if (%need && ! $memcache_only) {
my $db = @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS ? LJ::get_db_writer() : LJ::get_db_reader();
_load_user_raw($db, "userid", [ keys %need ], sub {
my $u = shift;
# des-db: $dbh/$dbr
# des-key: either "userid" or "user" (the WHERE part)
# des-vals: value or arrayref of values for key to match on
# des-hoook: optional code ref to run for each $u
# returns: last $u found
sub _load_user_raw
my ($db, $key, $vals, $hook) = @_;
$hook ||= sub {};
$vals = [ $vals ] unless ref $vals eq "ARRAY";
my $use_isam;
unless ($LJ::CACHE_NO_ISAM{user} || scalar(@$vals) > 10) {
eval { $db->do("HANDLER user OPEN"); };
if ($@ || $db->err) {
$LJ::CACHE_NO_ISAM{user} = 1;
} else {
$use_isam = 1;
my $last;
if ($use_isam) {
$key = "PRIMARY" if $key eq "userid";
foreach my $v (@$vals) {
my $sth = $db->prepare("HANDLER user READ `$key` = (?) LIMIT 1");
my $u = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
if ($u) {
bless $u, 'LJ::User';
$last = $u;
$db->do("HANDLER user close");
} else {
my $in = join(", ", map { $db->quote($_) } @$vals);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM user WHERE $key IN ($in)");
while (my $u = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
bless $u, 'LJ::User';
$last = $u;
return $last;
# name: LJ::load_user
# des: Loads a user record given a username.
# info: From the [dbarg[user]] table.
# args: dbarg?, user, force?
# des-user: Username of user to load.
# des-force: if set to true, won't return cached user object and will
# query a dbh
# returns: Hashref with keys being columns of [dbtable[user]] table.
sub load_user
my ($user, $force) = @_;
$user = LJ::canonical_username($user);
return undef unless length $user;
my $set_req_cache = sub {
my $u = shift;
$LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_NAME{$u->{'user'}} = $u;
$LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$u->{'userid'}} = $u;
return $u;
my $get_user = sub {
my $use_dbh = shift;
my $db = $use_dbh ? LJ::get_db_writer() : LJ::get_db_reader();
my $u = _load_user_raw($db, "user", $user);
return $u unless $u && $use_dbh;
# set caches since we got a u from the master
return $set_req_cache->($u);
# caller is forcing a master, return now
return $get_user->("master") if $force;
my $u;
# return process cache if we have one
$u = $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_NAME{$user};
return $u if $u;
# check memcache
my $uid = LJ::MemCache::get("uidof:$user");
$u = LJ::memcache_get_u([$uid, "userid:$uid"]);
return $set_req_cache->($u) if $u;
# try to load from master if using memcache, otherwise from slave
$u = $get_user->(scalar @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS);
return $u if $u;
# setup LDAP handler if this is the first time
require LJ::LDAP;
$LJ::AUTH_EXISTS = sub {
my $user = shift;
my $rec = LJ::LDAP::load_ldap_user($user);
return $rec ? $rec : undef;
# if user doesn't exist in the LJ database, it's possible we're using
# an external authentication source and we should create the account
# implicitly.
my $lu;
if (ref $LJ::AUTH_EXISTS eq "CODE" && ($lu = $LJ::AUTH_EXISTS->($user)))
my $name = ref $lu eq "HASH" ? ($lu->{'nick'} || $lu->{name} || $user) : $user;
if (LJ::create_account({
'user' => $user,
'name' => $name,
'email' => ref $lu eq "HASH" ? $lu->{email} : "",
'password' => "",
# this should pull from the master, since it was _just_ created
return $get_user->("master");
return undef;
# name: LJ::u_equals
# des: Compares two user objects to see if they're the same user.
# args: userobj1, userobj2
# des-userobj1: First user to compare.
# des-userobj2: Second user to compare.
# returns: Boolean, true if userobj1 and userobj2 are defined and have equal userids.
sub u_equals {
my ($u1, $u2) = @_;
return $u1 && $u2 && $u1->{'userid'} == $u2->{'userid'};
# name: LJ::get_cluster_description
# des: Get descriptive text for a cluster id.
# args: clusterid, bold?
# des-clusterid: id of cluster to get description of
# des-bold: 1 == bold cluster name and subcluster id, else don't
# returns: string representing the cluster description
sub get_cluster_description {
my ($cid, $dobold) = @_;
$cid += 0;
my $text = LJ::run_hook('cluster_description', $cid, $dobold ? 1 : 0);
return $text if $text;
# default behavior just returns clusterid
return $cid;
sub memcache_get_u
my @keys = @_;
my @ret;
foreach my $ar (values %{LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@keys) || {}}) {
my $u = LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("user", $ar);
if ($u) {
bless $u, 'LJ::User';
push @ret, $u;
return wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];
sub memcache_set_u
my $u = shift;
return unless $u;
my $expire = time() + 1800;
my $ar = LJ::MemCache::hash_to_array("user", $u);
return unless $ar;
LJ::MemCache::set([$u->{'userid'}, "userid:$u->{'userid'}"], $ar, $expire);
LJ::MemCache::set("uidof:$u->{user}", $u->{userid});
# name: LJ::load_userid
# des: Loads a user record given a userid.
# info: From the [dbarg[user]] table.
# args: dbarg?, userid, force?
# des-userid: Userid of user to load.
# des-force: if set to true, won't return cached user object and will
# query a dbh
# returns: Hashref with keys being columns of [dbtable[user]] table.
sub load_userid
my ($userid, $force) = @_;
return undef unless $userid;
my $set_req_cache = sub {
my $u = shift;
$LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_NAME{$u->{'user'}} = $u;
$LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$u->{'userid'}} = $u;
return $u;
my $get_user = sub {
my $use_dbh = shift;
my $db = $use_dbh ? LJ::get_db_writer() : LJ::get_db_reader();
my $u = _load_user_raw($db, "userid", $userid);
return $u unless $u && $use_dbh;
# set caches since we got a u from the master
return $set_req_cache->($u);
# user is forcing master, return now
return $get_user->("master") if $force;
my $u;
# check process cache
$u = $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$userid};
return $u if $u;
# check memcache
$u = LJ::memcache_get_u([$userid,"userid:$userid"]);
return $set_req_cache->($u) if $u;
# get from master if using memcache
return $get_user->("master") if @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS;
# check slave
$u = $get_user->();
return $u if $u;
# if we didn't get a u from the reader, fall back to master
return $get_user->("master");
# name: LJ::get_bio
# des: gets a user bio, from db or memcache
# args: u, force
# des-force: true to get data from cluster master
# returns: string
sub get_bio {
my ($u, $force) = @_;
return unless $u && $u->{'has_bio'} eq "Y";
my $bio;
my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "bio:$u->{'userid'}"];
unless ($force) {
my $bio = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
return $bio if defined $bio;
# not in memcache, fall back to disk
my $db = @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS || $force ?
LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u) : LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
$bio = $db->selectrow_array("SELECT bio FROM userbio WHERE userid=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'});
# set in memcache
LJ::MemCache::add($memkey, $bio);
return $bio;
# name: LJ::load_moods
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub load_moods
return if $LJ::CACHED_MOODS;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT moodid, mood, parentmood FROM moods");
while (my ($id, $mood, $parent) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$LJ::CACHE_MOODS{$id} = { 'name' => $mood, 'parent' => $parent, 'id' => $id };
if ($id > $LJ::CACHED_MOOD_MAX) { $LJ::CACHED_MOOD_MAX = $id; }
# name: LJ::do_to_cluster
# des: Given a subref, this function will pick a random cluster and run the subref,
# passing it the cluster id. If the subref returns a 1, this function will exit
# with a 1. Else, the function will call the subref again, with the next cluster.
# args: subref
# des-subref: Reference to a sub to call; @_ = (clusterid)
# returns: 1 if the subref returned a 1 at some point, undef if it didn't ever return
# success and we tried every cluster.
sub do_to_cluster {
my $subref = shift;
# start at some random point and iterate through the clusters one by one until
# $subref returns a true value
my $size = @LJ::CLUSTERS;
my $start = int(rand() * $size);
my $rval = undef;
my $tries = $size > 15 ? 15 : $size;
foreach (1..$tries) {
# select at random
my $idx = $start++ % $size;
# get subref value
$rval = $subref->($LJ::CLUSTERS[$idx]);
last if $rval;
# return last rval
return $rval;
# name: LJ::mark_dirty
# des: Marks a given user as being $what type of dirty
# args: u, what
# des-what: type of dirty being marked (EG 'friends')
# returns: 1
sub mark_dirty {
my ($uuserid, $what) = @_;
my $userid = LJ::want_userid($uuserid);
return 1 if $LJ::REQ_CACHE_DIRTY{$what}->{$userid};
my $u = LJ::want_user($userid);
# friends dirtiness is only necessary to track
# if we're exchange XMLRPC with fotobilder
if ($what eq 'friends' && $LJ::FB_SITEROOT) {
my $res = LJ::cmd_buffer_add($u->{clusterid}, $u->{userid}, 'dirty', { what => 'friends' });
} else {
return 1;
return 1;
# name: LJ::cmd_buffer_add
# des: Schedules some command to be run sometime in the future which would
# be too slow to do syncronously with the web request. An example
# is deleting a journal entry, which requires recursing through a lot
# of tables and deleting all the appropriate stuff.
# args: db, journalid, cmd, hargs
# des-db: Global db handle to run command on, or user clusterid if cluster
# des-journalid: Journal id command affects. This is indexed in the
# [dbtable[cmdbuffer]] table so that all of a user's queued
# actions can be run before that user is potentially moved
# between clusters.
# des-cmd: Text of the command name. 30 chars max.
# des-hargs: Hashref of command arguments.
sub cmd_buffer_add
my ($db, $journalid, $cmd, $args) = @_;
return 0 unless $cmd;
my $cid = ref $db ? 0 : $db+0;
$db = $cid ? LJ::get_cluster_master($cid) : $db;
my $ab = $LJ::CLUSTER_PAIR_ACTIVE{$cid};
return 0 unless $db;
my $arg_str;
if (ref $args eq 'HASH') {
foreach (sort keys %$args) {
$arg_str .= LJ::eurl($_) . "=" . LJ::eurl($args->{$_}) . "&";
chop $arg_str;
} else {
$arg_str = $args || "";
my $rv;
if ($ab eq 'a' || $ab eq 'b') {
# get a lock
my $locked = $db->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK('cmd-buffer-$cid',10)");
return 0 unless $locked; # 10 second timeout elapsed
# a or b -- a goes odd, b goes even!
my $max = $db->selectrow_array('SELECT MAX(cbid) FROM cmdbuffer');
$max += $ab eq 'a' ? ($max & 1 ? 2 : 1) : ($max & 1 ? 1 : 2);
# insert command
$db->do('INSERT INTO cmdbuffer (cbid, journalid, instime, cmd, args) ' .
'VALUES (?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?)', undef,
$max, $journalid, $cmd, $arg_str);
$rv = $db->err ? 0 : 1;
# release lock
$db->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('cmd-buffer-$cid')");
} else {
# old method
$db->do("INSERT INTO cmdbuffer (journalid, cmd, instime, args) ".
"VALUES (?, ?, NOW(), ?)", undef,
$journalid, $cmd, $arg_str);
$rv = $db->err ? 0 : 1;
return $rv;
# name: LJ::journal_base
# des: Returns URL of a user's journal.
# info: The tricky thing is that users with underscores in their usernames
# can't have some_user.site.com as a hostname, so that's changed into
# some-user.site.com.
# args: uuser, vhost?
# des-uuser: User hashref or username of user whose URL to make.
# des-vhost: What type of URL. Acceptable options are "users", to make a
# http://user.site.com/ URL; "tilde" to make http://site.com/~user/;
# "community" for http://site.com/community/user; or the default
# will be http://site.com/users/user. If unspecifed and uuser
# is a user hashref, then the best/preferred vhost will be chosen.
# returns: scalar; a URL.
sub journal_base
my ($user, $vhost) = @_;
if (isu($user)) {
my $u = $user;
$user = $u->{'user'};
unless (defined $vhost) {
if ($LJ::FRONTPAGE_JOURNAL eq $user) {
$vhost = "front";
} elsif ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "P") {
$vhost = "";
} elsif ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "C") {
$vhost = "community";
if ($vhost eq "users") {
my $he_user = $user;
$he_user =~ s/_/-/g;
return "http://$he_user.$LJ::USER_DOMAIN";
} elsif ($vhost eq "tilde") {
return "$LJ::SITEROOT/~$user";
} elsif ($vhost eq "community") {
return "$LJ::SITEROOT/community/$user";
} elsif ($vhost eq "front") {
return $LJ::SITEROOT;
} elsif ($vhost =~ /^other:(.+)/) {
return "http://$1";
} else {
return "$LJ::SITEROOT/users/$user";
# loads all of the given privs for a given user into a hashref
# inside the user record ($u->{_privs}->{$priv}->{$arg} = 1)
# name: LJ::load_user_privs
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub load_user_privs
my $remote = shift;
my @privs = @_;
return unless $remote and @privs;
# return if we've already loaded these privs for this user.
@privs = grep { ! $remote->{'_privloaded'}->{$_} } @privs;
return unless @privs;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
return unless $dbr;
foreach (@privs) { $remote->{'_privloaded'}->{$_}++; }
@privs = map { $dbr->quote($_) } @privs;
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT pl.privcode, pm.arg ".
"FROM priv_map pm, priv_list pl ".
"WHERE pm.prlid=pl.prlid AND ".
"pl.privcode IN (" . join(',',@privs) . ") ".
"AND pm.userid=$remote->{'userid'}");
while (my ($priv, $arg) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
unless (defined $arg) { $arg = ""; } # NULL -> ""
$remote->{'_priv'}->{$priv}->{$arg} = 1;
# name: LJ::check_priv
# des: Check to see if a user has a certain privilege.
# info: Usually this is used to check the privs of a $remote user.
# See [func[LJ::get_remote]]. As such, a $u argument of undef
# is okay to pass: 0 will be returned, as an unknown user can't
# have any rights.
# args: dbarg?, u, priv, arg?
# des-priv: Priv name to check for (see [dbtable[priv_list]])
# des-arg: Optional argument. If defined, function only returns true
# when $remote has a priv of type $priv also with arg $arg, not
# just any priv of type $priv, which is the behavior without
# an $arg
# returns: boolean; true if user has privilege
sub check_priv
my ($u, $priv, $arg) = @_;
return 0 unless $u;
if (! $u->{'_privloaded'}->{$priv}) {
LJ::load_user_privs($u, $priv);
if (defined $arg) {
return (defined $u->{'_priv'}->{$priv} &&
defined $u->{'_priv'}->{$priv}->{$arg});
} else {
return (defined $u->{'_priv'}->{$priv});
# name: LJ::remote_has_priv
# class:
# des: Check to see if the given remote user has a certain priviledge
# info: DEPRECATED. should use load_user_privs + check_priv
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub remote_has_priv
my $remote = shift;
my $privcode = shift; # required. priv code to check for.
my $ref = shift; # optional, arrayref or hashref to populate
return 0 unless ($remote);
### authentication done. time to authorize...
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT pm.arg FROM priv_map pm, priv_list pl WHERE pm.prlid=pl.prlid AND pl.privcode=? AND pm.userid=?");
$sth->execute($privcode, $remote->{'userid'});
my $match = 0;
if (ref $ref eq "ARRAY") { @$ref = (); }
if (ref $ref eq "HASH") { %$ref = (); }
while (my ($arg) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
if (ref $ref eq "ARRAY") { push @$ref, $arg; }
if (ref $ref eq "HASH") { $ref->{$arg} = 1; }
return $match;
# name: LJ::get_userid
# des: Returns a userid given a username.
# info: Results cached in memory. On miss, does DB call. Not advised
# to use this many times in a row... only once or twice perhaps
# per request. Tons of serialized db requests, even when small,
# are slow. Opposite of [func[LJ::get_username]].
# args: dbarg?, user
# des-user: Username whose userid to look up.
# returns: Userid, or 0 if invalid user.
sub get_userid
my $user = shift;
$user = LJ::canonical_username($user);
if ($LJ::CACHE_USERID{$user}) { return $LJ::CACHE_USERID{$user}; }
my $userid = LJ::MemCache::get("uidof:$user");
return $LJ::CACHE_USERID{$user} = $userid if $userid;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
$userid = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT userid FROM useridmap WHERE user=?", undef, $user);
# implictly create an account if we're using an external
# auth mechanism
if (! $userid && ref $LJ::AUTH_EXISTS eq "CODE")
$userid = LJ::create_account({ 'user' => $user,
'name' => $user,
'password' => '', });
if ($userid) {
$LJ::CACHE_USERID{$user} = $userid;
LJ::MemCache::set("uidof:$user", $userid);
return ($userid+0);
# name: LJ::want_userid
# des: Returns userid when passed either userid or the user hash. Useful to functions that
# want to accept either. Forces its return value to be a number (for safety).
# args: userid
# des-userid: Either a userid, or a user hash with the userid in its 'userid' key.
# returns: The userid, guaranteed to be a numeric value.
sub want_userid
my $uuserid = shift;
return ($uuserid->{'userid'} + 0) if ref $uuserid;
return ($uuserid + 0);
# name: LJ::want_user
# des: Returns user object when passed either userid or the user hash. Useful to functions that
# want to accept either.
# args: user
# des-user: Either a userid, or a user hash with the userid in its 'userid' key.
# returns: The user hash represented by said userid.
sub want_user
my $uuser = shift;
return $uuser if ref $uuser;
return LJ::load_userid($uuser+0);
# name: LJ::get_username
# des: Returns a username given a userid.
# info: Results cached in memory. On miss, does DB call. Not advised
# to use this many times in a row... only once or twice perhaps
# per request. Tons of serialized db requests, even when small,
# are slow. Opposite of [func[LJ::get_userid]].
# args: dbarg?, user
# des-user: Username whose userid to look up.
# returns: Userid, or 0 if invalid user.
sub get_username
my $userid = shift;
$userid += 0;
# Checked the cache first.
if ($LJ::CACHE_USERNAME{$userid}) { return $LJ::CACHE_USERNAME{$userid}; }
# if we're using memcache, it's faster to just query memcache for
# an entire $u object and just return the username. otherwise, we'll
# go ahead and query useridmap
my $u = LJ::load_userid($userid);
return undef unless $u;
$LJ::CACHE_USERNAME{$userid} = $u->{'user'};
return $u->{'user'};
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $user = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT user FROM useridmap WHERE userid=?", undef, $userid);
# Fall back to master if it doesn't exist.
unless (defined $user) {
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
$user = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT user FROM useridmap WHERE userid=?", undef, $userid);
return undef unless defined $user;
$LJ::CACHE_USERNAME{$userid} = $user;
return $user;
sub get_itemid_near2
my $u = shift;
my $jitemid = shift;
my $after_before = shift;
$jitemid += 0;
my ($inc, $order);
if ($after_before eq "after") {
($inc, $order) = (-1, "DESC");
} elsif ($after_before eq "before") {
($inc, $order) = (1, "ASC");
} else {
return 0;
my $dbr = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
my $jid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
my $field = $u->{'journaltype'} eq "P" ? "revttime" : "rlogtime";
my $stime = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT $field FROM log2 WHERE ".
"journalid=$jid AND jitemid=$jitemid");
return 0 unless $stime;
my $day = 86400;
foreach my $distance ($day, $day*7, $day*30, $day*90) {
my ($one_away, $further) = ($stime + $inc, $stime + $inc*$distance);
if ($further < $one_away) {
# swap them, BETWEEN needs lower number first
($one_away, $further) = ($further, $one_away);
my ($id, $anum) =
$dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT jitemid, anum FROM log2 WHERE journalid=$jid ".
"AND $field BETWEEN $one_away AND $further ".
"ORDER BY $field $order LIMIT 1");
if ($id) {
return wantarray() ? ($id, $anum) : ($id*256 + $anum);
return 0;
sub get_itemid_after2 { return get_itemid_near2(@_, "after"); }
sub get_itemid_before2 { return get_itemid_near2(@_, "before"); }
# name: LJ::mysql_time
# des:
# class: time
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub mysql_time
my ($time, $gmt) = @_;
$time ||= time();
my @ltime = $gmt ? gmtime($time) : localtime($time);
return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
# gets date in MySQL format, produces s2dateformat
# s1 dateformat is:
# "%a %W %b %M %y %Y %c %m %e %d %D %p %i %l %h %k %H"
# sample string:
# Tue Tuesday Sep September 03 2003 9 09 30 30 30th AM 22 9 09 9 09
# Thu Thursday Oct October 03 2003 10 10 2 02 2nd AM 33 9 09 9 09
sub alldatepart_s1
my $time = shift;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday) =
gmtime(LJ::mysqldate_to_time($time, 1));
my $ret = "";
$ret .= LJ::Lang::day_short($wday+1) . " " .
LJ::Lang::day_long($wday+1) . " " .
LJ::Lang::month_short($mon+1) . " " .
LJ::Lang::month_long($mon+1) . " " .
sprintf("%02d %04d %d %02d %d %02d %d%s ",
$year % 100, $year + 1900, $mon+1, $mon+1,
$mday, $mday, $mday, LJ::Lang::day_ord($mday));
$ret .= $hour < 12 ? "AM " : "PM ";
$ret .= sprintf("%02d %d %02d %d %02d", $min,
($hour+11)%12 + 1,
($hour+ 11)%12 +1,
return $ret;
# gets date in MySQL format, produces s2dateformat
# s2 dateformat is: yyyy mm dd hh mm ss day_of_week
sub alldatepart_s2
my $time = shift;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday) =
gmtime(LJ::mysqldate_to_time($time, 1));
sprintf("%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %01d",
# name: LJ::get_keyword_id
# class:
# des: Get the id for a keyword.
# args: uuid?, keyword, autovivify?
# des-uuid: User object or userid to use. Pass this only if you want to use the userkeywords
# clustered table! If you do not pass user information, the keywords table on the global
# will be used.
# des-keyword: A string keyword to get the id of.
# returns: Returns a kwid into keywords or userkeywords, depending on if you passed a user or
# not. If the keyword doesn't exist, it is automatically created for you.
# des-autovivify: If present and 1, automatically create keyword. If present and 0, do not
# automatically create the keyword. If not present, default behavior is the old style --
# yes, do automatically create the keyword.
sub get_keyword_id
# see if we got a user? if so we use userkeywords on a cluster
my $u;
if (@_ >= 2) {
$u = LJ::want_user(shift);
return undef unless $u;
my ($kw, $autovivify) = @_;
$autovivify = 1 unless defined $autovivify;
# setup the keyword for use
unless ($kw =~ /\S/) { return 0; }
$kw = LJ::text_trim($kw, LJ::BMAX_KEYWORD, LJ::CMAX_KEYWORD);
# get the keyword and insert it if necessary
my $kwid;
if ($u && $u->{dversion} > 5) {
# new style userkeywords -- but only if the user has the right dversion
$kwid = $u->selectrow_array('SELECT kwid FROM userkeywords WHERE userid = ? AND keyword = ?',
undef, $u->{userid}, $kw) + 0;
if ($autovivify && ! $kwid) {
# create a new keyword
$kwid = LJ::alloc_user_counter($u, 'K');
return undef unless $kwid;
# attempt to insert the keyword
my $rv = $u->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO userkeywords (userid, kwid, keyword) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
undef, $u->{userid}, $kwid, $kw) + 0;
return undef if $u->err;
# at this point, if $rv is 0, the keyword is already there so try again
unless ($rv) {
$kwid = $u->selectrow_array('SELECT kwid FROM userkeywords WHERE userid = ? AND keyword = ?',
undef, $u->{userid}, $kw) + 0;
} else {
# old style global
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $qkw = $dbh->quote($kw);
# Making this a $dbr could cause problems due to the insertion of
# data based on the results of this query. Leave as a $dbh.
$kwid = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT kwid FROM keywords WHERE keyword=$qkw");
if ($autovivify && ! $kwid) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO keywords (kwid, keyword) VALUES (NULL, $qkw)");
$kwid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
return $kwid;
# name: LJ::trim
# class: text
# des: Removes whitespace from left and right side of a string.
# args: string
# des-string: string to be trimmed
# returns: string trimmed
sub trim
my $a = $_[0];
$a =~ s/^\s+//;
$a =~ s/\s+$//;
return $a;
# name: LJ::delete_user
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub delete_user
# TODO: Is this function even being called?
# It doesn't look like it does anything useful
my $dbh = shift;
my $user = shift;
my $quser = $dbh->quote($user);
my $sth;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT user, userid FROM useridmap WHERE user=$quser");
my $u = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
unless ($u) { return; }
### so many issues.
# name: LJ::hash_password
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub hash_password
return Digest::MD5::md5_hex($_[0]);
# name: LJ::can_use_journal
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub can_use_journal
my ($posterid, $reqownername, $res) = @_;
## find the journal owner's info
my $uowner = LJ::load_user($reqownername);
unless ($uowner) {
$res->{'errmsg'} = "Journal \"$reqownername\" does not exist.";
return 0;
my $ownerid = $uowner->{'userid'};
# the 'ownerid' necessity came first, way back when. but then
# with clusters, everything needed to know more, like the
# journal's dversion and clusterid, so now it also returns the
# user row.
$res->{'ownerid'} = $ownerid;
$res->{'u_owner'} = $uowner;
## check if user has access
return 1 if LJ::check_rel($ownerid, $posterid, 'P');
# let's check if this community is allowing post access to non-members
LJ::load_user_props($uowner, "nonmember_posting");
if ($uowner->{'nonmember_posting'}) {
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader() or die "nodb";
my $postlevel = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT postlevel FROM ".
"community WHERE userid=$ownerid");
return 1 if $postlevel eq 'members';
# is the poster an admin for this community?
return 1 if LJ::can_manage($posterid, $uowner);
$res->{'errmsg'} = "You do not have access to post to this journal.";
return 0;
sub set_logprop
my ($u, $jitemid, $hashref, $logprops) = @_; # hashref to set, hashref of what was done
$jitemid += 0;
my $uid = $u->{'userid'} + 0;
my $kill_mem = 0;
my $del_ids;
my $ins_values;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$hashref||{}}) {
my $prop = LJ::get_prop("log", $k);
next unless $prop;
$kill_mem = 1 unless $prop eq "commentalter";
if ($v) {
$ins_values .= "," if $ins_values;
$ins_values .= "($uid, $jitemid, $prop->{'id'}, " . $u->quote($v) . ")";
$logprops->{$k} = $v;
} else {
$del_ids .= "," if $del_ids;
$del_ids .= $prop->{'id'};
$u->do("REPLACE INTO logprop2 (journalid, jitemid, propid, value) ".
"VALUES $ins_values") if $ins_values;
$u->do("DELETE FROM logprop2 WHERE journalid=? AND jitemid=? ".
"AND propid IN ($del_ids)", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $jitemid) if $del_ids;
LJ::MemCache::delete([$uid,"logprop:$uid:$jitemid"]) if $kill_mem;
# name: LJ::load_log_props2
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args: db?, uuserid, listref, hashref
# des-:
# returns:
sub load_log_props2
my $db = isdb($_[0]) ? shift @_ : undef;
my ($uuserid, $listref, $hashref) = @_;
my $userid = want_userid($uuserid);
return unless ref $hashref eq "HASH";
my %needprops;
my %needrc;
my %rc;
my @memkeys;
foreach (@$listref) {
my $id = $_+0;
$needprops{$id} = 1;
$needrc{$id} = 1;
push @memkeys, [$userid, "logprop:$userid:$id"];
push @memkeys, [$userid, "rp:$userid:$id"];
return unless %needprops || %needrc;
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@memkeys) || {};
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$mem) {
next unless $k =~ /(\w+):(\d+):(\d+)/;
if ($1 eq 'logprop') {
next unless ref $v eq "HASH";
delete $needprops{$3};
$hashref->{$3} = $v;
if ($1 eq 'rp') {
delete $needrc{$3};
$rc{$3} = int($v); # change possible "0 " (true) to "0" (false)
foreach (keys %rc) {
$hashref->{$_}{'replycount'} = $rc{$_};
return unless %needprops || %needrc;
unless ($db) {
my $u = LJ::load_userid($userid);
$db = @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS ? LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u) : LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
return unless $db;
if (%needprops) {
my $in = join(",", keys %needprops);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jitemid, propid, value FROM logprop2 ".
"WHERE journalid=? AND jitemid IN ($in)");
while (my ($jitemid, $propid, $value) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$hashref->{$jitemid}->{$LJ::CACHE_PROPID{'log'}->{$propid}->{'name'}} = $value;
foreach my $id (keys %needprops) {
LJ::MemCache::set([$userid,"logprop:$userid:$id"], $hashref->{$id} || {});
if (%needrc) {
my $in = join(",", keys %needrc);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jitemid, replycount FROM log2 WHERE journalid=? AND jitemid IN ($in)");
while (my ($jitemid, $rc) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$hashref->{$jitemid}->{'replycount'} = $rc;
LJ::MemCache::add([$userid, "rp:$userid:$jitemid"], $rc);
# name: LJ::load_log_props2multi
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub load_log_props2multi
my ($ids, $props) = @_;
_get_posts_raw_wrapper($ids, "prop", $props);
# name: LJ::load_talk_props2
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub load_talk_props2
my $db = isdb($_[0]) ? shift @_ : undef;
my ($uuserid, $listref, $hashref) = @_;
my $userid = want_userid($uuserid);
my $u = ref $uuserid ? $uuserid : undef;
$hashref = {} unless ref $hashref eq "HASH";
my %need;
my @memkeys;
foreach (@$listref) {
my $id = $_+0;
$need{$id} = 1;
push @memkeys, [$userid,"talkprop:$userid:$id"];
return $hashref unless %need;
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@memkeys) || {};
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$mem) {
next unless $k =~ /(\d+):(\d+)/ && ref $v eq "HASH";
delete $need{$2};
$hashref->{$2}->{$_[0]} = $_[1] while @_ = each %$v;
return $hashref unless %need;
if (!$db || @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS) {
$u ||= LJ::load_userid($userid);
$db = @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS ? LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u) : LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
return $hashref unless $db;
my $in = join(',', keys %need);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jtalkid, tpropid, value FROM talkprop2 ".
"WHERE journalid=? AND jtalkid IN ($in)");
while (my ($jtalkid, $propid, $value) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $p = $LJ::CACHE_PROPID{'talk'}->{$propid};
next unless $p;
$hashref->{$jtalkid}->{$p->{'name'}} = $value;
foreach my $id (keys %need) {
LJ::MemCache::set([$userid,"talkprop:$userid:$id"], $hashref->{$id} || {});
return $hashref;
# name: LJ::eurl
# class: text
# des: Escapes a value before it can be put in a URL. See also [func[LJ::durl]].
# args: string
# des-string: string to be escaped
# returns: string escaped
sub eurl
my $a = $_[0];
$a =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\,\-.\/\\\: ])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
$a =~ tr/ /+/;
return $a;
# name: LJ::durl
# class: text
# des: Decodes a value that's URL-escaped. See also [func[LJ::eurl]].
# args: string
# des-string: string to be decoded
# returns: string decoded
sub durl
my ($a) = @_;
$a =~ tr/+/ /;
$a =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
return $a;
# name: LJ::exml
# class: text
# des: Escapes a value before it can be put in XML.
# args: string
# des-string: string to be escaped
# returns: string escaped.
sub exml
# fast path for the commmon case:
return $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /[&\"\'<>\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/;
# what are those character ranges? XML 1.0 allows:
# #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
my $a = shift;
$a =~ s/\&/&/g;
$a =~ s/\"/"/g;
$a =~ s/\'/'/g;
$a =~ s/</g;
$a =~ s/>/>/g;
$a =~ s/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]//g;
return $a;
# name: LJ::ehtml
# class: text
# des: Escapes a value before it can be put in HTML.
# args: string
# des-string: string to be escaped
# returns: string escaped.
sub ehtml
# fast path for the commmon case:
return $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /[&\"\'<>]/;
# this is faster than doing one substitution with a map:
my $a = $_[0];
$a =~ s/\&/&/g;
$a =~ s/\"/"/g;
$a =~ s/\'/&\#39;/g;
$a =~ s/</g;
$a =~ s/>/>/g;
return $a;
*eall = \&ehtml; # old BML syntax required eall to also escape BML. not anymore.
# name: LJ::etags
# class: text
# des: Escapes < and > from a string
# args: string
# des-string: string to be escaped
# returns: string escaped.
sub etags
# fast path for the commmon case:
return $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /[<>]/;
my $a = $_[0];
$a =~ s/</g;
$a =~ s/>/>/g;
return $a;
# name: LJ::ejs
# class: text
# des: Escapes a string value before it can be put in JavaScript.
# args: string
# des-string: string to be escaped
# returns: string escaped.
sub ejs
my $a = $_[0];
$a =~ s/[\"\'\\]/\\$&/g;
$a =~ s/\r?\n/\\n/gs;
$a =~ s/\r//;
return $a;
# name: LJ::days_in_month
# class: time
# des: Figures out the number of days in a month.
# args: month, year?
# des-month: Month
# des-year: Year. Necessary for February. If undefined or zero, function
# will return 29.
# returns: Number of days in that month in that year.
sub days_in_month
my ($month, $year) = @_;
if ($month == 2)
return 29 unless $year; # assume largest
if ($year % 4 == 0)
# years divisible by 400 are leap years
return 29 if ($year % 400 == 0);
# if they're divisible by 100, they aren't.
return 28 if ($year % 100 == 0);
# otherwise, if divisible by 4, they are.
return 29;
return ((31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)[$month-1]);
sub day_of_week
my ($year, $month, $day) = @_;
my $time = Time::Local::timelocal(0,0,0,$day,$month-1,$year);
return (localtime($time))[6];
# name: LJ::delete_entry
# des: Deletes a user's journal entry
# args: uuserid, jitemid, quick?, anum?
# des-uuserid: Journal itemid or $u object of journal to delete entry from
# des-jitemid: Journal itemid of item to delete.
# des-quick: Optional boolean. If set, only [dbtable[log2]] table
# is deleted from and the rest of the content is deleted
# later using [func[LJ::cmd_buffer_add]].
# des-anum: The log item's anum, which'll be needed to delete lazily
# some data in tables which includes the anum, but the
# log row will already be gone so we'll need to store it for later.
# returns: boolean; 1 on success, 0 on failure.
sub delete_entry
my ($uuserid, $jitemid, $quick, $anum) = @_;
my $jid = LJ::want_userid($uuserid);
my $u = ref $uuserid ? $uuserid : LJ::load_userid($jid);
$jitemid += 0;
my $and;
if (defined $anum) { $and = "AND anum=" . ($anum+0); }
my $dc = $u->log2_do(undef, "DELETE FROM log2 WHERE journalid=$jid AND jitemid=$jitemid $and");
return 0 unless $dc;
LJ::MemCache::delete([$jid, "log2:$jid:$jitemid"]);
LJ::MemCache::decr([$jid, "log2ct:$jid"]);
LJ::memcache_kill($jid, "dayct");
# delete tags
LJ::Tags::delete_logtags($u, $jitemid);
# if this is running the second time (started by the cmd buffer),
# the log2 row will already be gone and we shouldn't check for it.
if ($quick) {
return 1 if $dc < 1; # already deleted?
return LJ::cmd_buffer_add($u->{clusterid}, $jid, "delitem", {
'itemid' => $jitemid,
'anum' => $anum,
# delete from clusters
foreach my $t (qw(logtext2 logprop2 logsec2)) {
$u->do("DELETE FROM $t WHERE journalid=$jid AND jitemid=$jitemid");
$u->dudata_set('L', $jitemid, 0);
# delete all comments
LJ::delete_all_comments($u, 'L', $jitemid);
return 1;
# name: LJ::mark_entry_as_spam
# class: web
# des: Copies an entry in a community into the global spamreports table
# args: journalu, jitemid
# des-journalu: User object of journal (community) entry was posted in.
# des-jitemid: ID of this entry.
# returns: 1 for success, 0 for failure
sub mark_entry_as_spam {
my ($journalu, $jitemid) = @_;
$journalu = LJ::want_user($journalu);
$jitemid += 0;
return 0 unless $journalu && $jitemid;
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($journalu);
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return 0 unless $dbcr && $dbh;
my $item = LJ::get_log2_row($journalu, $jitemid);
return 0 unless $item;
# step 1: get info we need
my $logtext = LJ::get_logtext2($journalu, $jitemid);
my ($subject, $body, $posterid) = ($logtext->{$jitemid}[0], $logtext->{$jitemid}[1], $item->{posterid});
return 0 unless $body;
# step 2: insert into spamreports
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO spamreports (reporttime, posttime, journalid, posterid, subject, body, report_type) ' .
'VALUES (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(?), ?, ?, ?, ?, \'entry\')',
undef, $item->{logtime}, $journalu->{userid}, $posterid, $subject, $body);
return 0 if $dbh->err;
return 1;
# name: LJ::delete_all_comments
# des: deletes all comments from a post, permanently, for when a post is deleted
# info: The tables [dbtable[talk2]], [dbtable[talkprop2]], [dbtable[talktext2]],
# are deleted from, immediately.
# args: u, nodetype, nodeid
# des-nodetype: The thread nodetype (probably 'L' for log items)
# des-nodeid: The thread nodeid for the given nodetype (probably the jitemid from the log2 row)
# returns: boolean; success value
sub delete_all_comments {
my ($u, $nodetype, $nodeid) = @_;
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
return 0 unless $dbcm && $u->writer;
# delete comments
my ($t, $loop) = (undef, 1);
my $chunk_size = 200;
while ($loop &&
($t = $dbcm->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT jtalkid FROM talk2 WHERE ".
"nodetype=? AND journalid=? ".
"AND nodeid=? LIMIT $chunk_size", undef,
$nodetype, $u->{'userid'}, $nodeid))
&& $t && @$t)
my $in = join(',', map { $_+0 } @$t);
return 1 unless $in;
foreach my $table (qw(talkprop2 talktext2 talk2)) {
$u->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE journalid=? AND jtalkid IN ($in)",
undef, $u->{'userid'});
# decrement memcache
LJ::MemCache::decr([$u->{'userid'}, "talk2ct:$u->{'userid'}"], scalar(@$t));
$loop = 0 unless @$t == $chunk_size;
return 1;
# name: LJ::memcache_kill
# des: Kills a memcache entry, given a userid and type
# args: uuserid, type
# des-uuserid: a userid or u object
# des-args: memcache key type, will be used as "$type:$userid"
# returns: results of LJ::MemCache::delete
sub memcache_kill {
my ($uuid, $type) = @_;
my $userid = want_userid($uuid);
return undef unless $userid && $type;
return LJ::MemCache::delete([$userid, "$type:$userid"]);
# name: LJ::blocking_report
# des: Log a report on the total amount of time used in a slow operation to a
# remote host via UDP.
# args: host, time, notes, type
# des-host: The DB host the operation used.
# des-type: The type of service the operation was talking to (e.g., 'database',
# 'memcache', etc.)
# des-time: The amount of time (in floating-point seconds) the operation took.
# des-notes: A short description of the operation.
sub blocking_report {
my ( $host, $type, $time, $notes ) = @_;
if ( $LJ::DB_LOG_HOST ) {
unless ( $LJ::ReportSock ) {
my ( $host, $port ) = split /:/, $LJ::DB_LOG_HOST, 2;
return unless $host && $port;
$LJ::ReportSock = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'udp',
PeerAddr => $host
) or return;
my $msg = join( "\x3", $host, $type, $time, $notes );
$LJ::ReportSock->send( $msg );
# name: LJ::_friends_do
# des: Runs given sql, then deletes the given userid's friends from memcache
# args: uuserid, sql, args
# des-uuserid: a userid or u object
# des-sql: sql to run via $dbh->do()
# des-args: a list of arguments to pass use via: $dbh->do($sql, undef, @args)
# returns: return false on error
sub _friends_do {
my ($uuid, $sql, @args) = @_;
my $uid = want_userid($uuid);
return undef unless $uid && $sql;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer() or return 0;
my $ret = $dbh->do($sql, undef, @args);
return 0 if $dbh->err;
LJ::memcache_kill($uid, "friends");
# pass $uuid in case it's a $u object which mark_dirty wants
LJ::mark_dirty($uuid, "friends");
return 1;
# replycount_do
# input: $u, $jitemid, $action, $value
# action is one of: "init", "incr", "decr"
# $value is amount to incr/decr, 1 by default
sub replycount_do {
my ($u, $jitemid, $action, $value) = @_;
$value = 1 unless defined $value;
my $uid = $u->{'userid'};
my $memkey = [$uid, "rp:$uid:$jitemid"];
# "init" is easiest and needs no lock (called before the entry is live)
if ($action eq 'init') {
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, "0 ");
return 1;
return 0 unless $u->writer;
my $lockkey = $memkey->[1];
$u->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK(?,10)", undef, $lockkey);
my $ret;
if ($action eq 'decr') {
$ret = LJ::MemCache::decr($memkey, $value);
$u->do("UPDATE log2 SET replycount=replycount-$value WHERE journalid=$uid AND jitemid=$jitemid");
if ($action eq 'incr') {
$ret = LJ::MemCache::incr($memkey, $value);
$u->do("UPDATE log2 SET replycount=replycount+$value WHERE journalid=$uid AND jitemid=$jitemid");
if (@LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS && ! defined $ret) {
my $rc = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT replycount FROM log2 WHERE journalid=$uid AND jitemid=$jitemid");
if (defined $rc) {
$rc = sprintf("%-4d", $rc);
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $rc);
$u->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockkey);
return 1;
# name: LJ::delete_comments
# des: deletes comments, but not the relational information, so threading doesn't break
# info: The tables [dbtable[talkprop2]] and [dbtable[talktext2]] are deleted from. [dbtable[talk2]]
# just has its state column modified to 'D'.
# args: u, nodetype, nodeid, talkids+
# des-nodetype: The thread nodetype (probably 'L' for log items)
# des-nodeid: The thread nodeid for the given nodetype (probably the jitemid from the log2 row)
# des-talkids: List of talkids to delete.
# returns: scalar integer; number of items deleted.
sub delete_comments {
my ($u, $nodetype, $nodeid, @talkids) = @_;
return 0 unless $u->writer;
my $jid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
my $in = join(',', map { $_+0 } @talkids);
return 1 unless $in;
my $where = "WHERE journalid=$jid AND jtalkid IN ($in)";
my $num = $u->talk2_do($nodetype, $nodeid, undef,
"UPDATE talk2 SET state='D' $where");
return 0 unless $num;
$num = 0 if $num == -1;
if ($num > 0) {
$u->do("UPDATE talktext2 SET subject=NULL, body=NULL $where");
$u->do("DELETE FROM talkprop2 WHERE $where");
return $num;
# name: LJ::color_fromdb
# des: Takes a value of unknown type from the db and returns an #rrggbb string.
# args: color
# des-color: either a 24-bit decimal number, or an #rrggbb string.
# returns: scalar; #rrggbb string, or undef if unknown input format
sub color_fromdb
my $c = shift;
return $c if $c =~ /^\#[0-9a-f]{6,6}$/i;
return sprintf("\#%06x", $c) if $c =~ /^\d+$/;
return undef;
# name: LJ::color_todb
# des: Takes an #rrggbb value and returns a 24-bit decimal number.
# args: color
# des-color: scalar; an #rrggbb string.
# returns: undef if bogus color, else scalar; 24-bit decimal number, can be up to 8 chars wide as a string.
sub color_todb
my $c = shift;
return undef unless $c =~ /^\#[0-9a-f]{6,6}$/i;
return hex(substr($c, 1, 6));
# name: LJ::add_friend
# des: Simple interface to add a friend edge.
# args: uuid, to_add, opts?
# des-to_add: a single uuid or an arrayref of uuids to add (befriendees)
# des-opts: hashref; 'defaultview' key means add target uuids to $uuid's Default View friends group
# returns: boolean; 1 on success (or already friend), 0 on failure (bogus args)
sub add_friend
my ($userid, $to_add, $opts) = @_;
$userid = LJ::want_userid($userid);
return 0 unless $userid;
my @add_ids = ref $to_add eq 'ARRAY' ? map { LJ::want_userid($_) } @$to_add : ( LJ::want_userid($to_add) );
return 0 unless @add_ids;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $black = LJ::color_todb("#000000");
my $white = LJ::color_todb("#ffffff");
my $groupmask = 1;
if ($opts->{'defaultview'}) {
# TAG:FR:ljlib:add_friend_getdefviewmask
my $group = LJ::get_friend_group($userid, { name => 'Default View' });
my $grp = $group ? $group->{groupnum}+0 : 0;
$groupmask |= (1 << $grp) if $grp;
# TAG:FR:ljlib:add_friend
my $bind = join(",", map { "(?,?,?,?,?)" } @add_ids);
my @vals = map { $userid, $_, $black, $white, $groupmask } @add_ids;
my $res = LJ::_friends_do
($userid, "INSERT IGNORE INTO friends (userid, friendid, fgcolor, bgcolor, groupmask) VALUES $bind", @vals);
# delete friend-of memcache keys for anyone who was added
foreach (@add_ids) {
LJ::MemCache::delete([ $userid, "frgmask:$userid:$_" ]);
LJ::memcache_kill($_, 'friendofs');
return $res;
# name: LJ::remove_friend
# args: uuid, to_del
# des-to_del: a single uuid or an arrayref of uuids to remove
sub remove_friend
my ($userid, $to_del) = @_;
$userid = LJ::want_userid($userid);
return undef unless $userid;
my @del_ids = ref $to_del eq 'ARRAY' ? map { LJ::want_userid($_) } @$to_del : ( LJ::want_userid($to_del) );
return 0 unless @del_ids;
my $bind = join(",", map { "?" } @del_ids);
my $res = LJ::_friends_do($userid, "DELETE FROM friends WHERE userid=? AND friendid IN ($bind)",
$userid, @del_ids);
# delete friend-of memcache keys for anyone who was removed
foreach my $fid (@del_ids) {
LJ::MemCache::delete([ $userid, "frgmask:$userid:$fid" ]);
LJ::memcache_kill($fid, 'friendofs');
return $res;
*delete_friend_edge = \&LJ::remove_friend;
# name: LJ::event_register
# des: Logs a subscribable event, if anybody's subscribed to it.
# args: dbarg?, dbc, etype, ejid, eiarg, duserid, diarg
# des-dbc: Cluster master of event
# des-type: One character event type.
# des-ejid: Journalid event occurred in.
# des-eiarg: 4 byte numeric argument
# des-duserid: Event doer's userid
# des-diarg: Event's 4 byte numeric argument
# returns: boolean; 1 on success; 0 on fail.
sub event_register
my ($dbc, $etype, $ejid, $eiarg, $duserid, $diarg) = @_;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
# see if any subscribers first of all (reads cheap; writes slow)
return 0 unless $dbr;
my $qetype = $dbr->quote($etype);
my $qejid = $ejid+0;
my $qeiarg = $eiarg+0;
my $qduserid = $duserid+0;
my $qdiarg = $diarg+0;
my $has_sub = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT userid FROM subs WHERE etype=$qetype AND ".
"ejournalid=$qejid AND eiarg=$qeiarg LIMIT 1");
return 1 unless $has_sub;
# so we're going to need to log this event
return 0 unless $dbc;
$dbc->do("INSERT INTO events (evtime, etype, ejournalid, eiarg, duserid, diarg) ".
"VALUES (NOW(), $qetype, $qejid, $qeiarg, $qduserid, $qdiarg)");
return $dbc->err ? 0 : 1;
# name: LJ::procnotify_add
# des: Sends a message to all other processes on all clusters.
# info: You'll probably never use this yourself.
# args: cmd, args?
# des-cmd: Command name. Currently recognized: "DBI::Role::reload" and "rename_user"
# des-args: Hashref with key/value arguments for the given command. See
# relevant parts of [func[LJ::procnotify_callback]] for required args for different commands.
# returns: new serial number on success; 0 on fail.
sub procnotify_add
my ($cmd, $argref) = @_;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return 0 unless $dbh;
my $args = join('&', map { LJ::eurl($_) . "=" . LJ::eurl($argref->{$_}) }
sort keys %$argref);
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO procnotify (cmd, args) VALUES (?,?)",
undef, $cmd, $args);
return 0 if $dbh->err;
return $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
# name: LJ::procnotify_callback
# des: Call back function process notifications.
# info: You'll probably never use this yourself.
# args: cmd, argstring
# des-cmd: Command name.
# des-argstring: String of arguments.
# returns: new serial number on success; 0 on fail.
sub procnotify_callback
my ($cmd, $argstring) = @_;
my $arg = {};
LJ::decode_url_string($argstring, $arg);
if ($cmd eq "rename_user") {
# this looks backwards, but the cache hash names are just odd:
delete $LJ::CACHE_USERNAME{$arg->{'userid'}};
delete $LJ::CACHE_USERID{$arg->{'user'}};
# ip bans
if ($cmd eq "ban_ip") {
$LJ::IP_BANNED{$arg->{'ip'}} = $arg->{'exptime'};
if ($cmd eq "unban_ip") {
delete $LJ::IP_BANNED{$arg->{'ip'}};
# uniq key bans
if ($cmd eq "ban_uniq") {
$LJ::UNIQ_BANNED{$arg->{'uniq'}} = $arg->{'exptime'};
if ($cmd eq "unban_uniq") {
delete $LJ::UNIQ_BANNED{$arg->{'uniq'}};
sub procnotify_check
my $now = time;
return if $LJ::CACHE_PROCNOTIFY_CHECK + 30 > $now;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $max = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(nid) FROM procnotify");
return unless defined $max;
if (defined $old && $max > $old) {
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT cmd, args FROM procnotify ".
"WHERE nid > ? AND nid <= $max ORDER BY nid");
while (my ($cmd, $args) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
LJ::procnotify_callback($cmd, $args);
sub dbtime_callback {
my ($dsn, $dbtime, $time) = @_;
my $diff = abs($dbtime - $time);
if ($diff > 2) {
$dsn =~ /host=([^:\;\|]*)/;
my $db = $1;
print STDERR "Clock skew of $diff seconds between web($LJ::SERVER_NAME) and db($db)\n";
# name: LJ::is_ascii
# des: checks if text is pure ASCII
# args: text
# des-text: text to check for being pure 7-bit ASCII text
# returns: 1 if text is indeed pure 7-bit, 0 otherwise.
sub is_ascii {
my $text = shift;
return ($text !~ m/[\x00\x80-\xff]/);
# name: LJ::is_utf8
# des: check text for UTF-8 validity
# args: text
# des-text: text to check for UTF-8 validity
# returns: 1 if text is a valid UTF-8 stream, 0 otherwise.
sub is_utf8 {
my $text = shift;
if (LJ::are_hooks("is_utf8")) {
return LJ::run_hook("is_utf8", $text);
# for a discussion of the different utf8 validity checking methods,
# see: http://zilla.livejournal.org/657
# in summary, this isn't the fastest, but it's pretty fast, it doesn't make
# perl segfault, and it doesn't add new crazy dependencies. if you want
# speed, check out ljcom's is_utf8 version in C, using Inline.pm
my $u = Unicode::String::utf8($text);
my $text2 = $u->utf8;
return $text eq $text2;
# name: LJ::text_out
# des: force outgoing text into valid UTF-8
# args: text
# des-text: reference to text to pass to output. Text if modified in-place.
# returns: nothing.
sub text_out
my $rtext = shift;
# if we're not Unicode, do nothing
return unless $LJ::UNICODE;
# is this valid UTF-8 already?
return if LJ::is_utf8($$rtext);
# no. Blot out all non-ASCII chars
$$rtext =~ s/[\x00\x80-\xff]/\?/g;
# name: LJ::text_in
# des: do appropriate checks on input text. Should be called on all
# user-generated text.
# args: text
# des-text: text to check
# returns: 1 if the text is valid, 0 if not.
sub text_in
my $text = shift;
return 1 unless $LJ::UNICODE;
if (ref ($text) eq "HASH") {
return ! (grep { !LJ::is_utf8($_) } values %{$text});
if (ref ($text) eq "ARRAY") {
return ! (grep { !LJ::is_utf8($_) } @{$text});
return LJ::is_utf8($text);
# name: LJ::text_convert
# des: convert old entries/comments to UTF-8 using user's default encoding
# args: dbs?, text, u, error
# des-text: old possibly non-ASCII text to convert
# des-u: user hashref of the journal's owner
# des-error: ref to a scalar variable which is set to 1 on error
# (when user has no default encoding defined, but
# text needs to be translated)
# returns: converted text or undef on error
sub text_convert
my ($text, $u, $error) = @_;
# maybe it's pure ASCII?
return $text if LJ::is_ascii($text);
# load encoding id->name mapping if it's not loaded yet
LJ::load_codes({ "encoding" => \%LJ::CACHE_ENCODINGS } )
if ($u->{'oldenc'} == 0 ||
not defined $LJ::CACHE_ENCODINGS{$u->{'oldenc'}}) {
$$error = 1;
return undef;
# convert!
my $name = $LJ::CACHE_ENCODINGS{$u->{'oldenc'}};
unless (Unicode::MapUTF8::utf8_supported_charset($name)) {
$$error = 1;
return undef;
return Unicode::MapUTF8::to_utf8({-string=>$text, -charset=>$name});
# name: LJ::text_length
# des: returns both byte length and character length of a string. In a non-Unicode
# environment, this means byte length twice. In a Unicode environment,
# the function assumes that its argument is a valid UTF-8 string.
# args: text
# des-text: the string to measure
# returns: a list of two values, (byte_length, char_length).
sub text_length
my $text = shift;
my $bl = length($text);
unless ($LJ::UNICODE) {
return ($bl, $bl);
my $cl = 0;
my $utf_char = "([\x00-\x7f]|[\xc0-\xdf].|[\xe0-\xef]..|[\xf0-\xf7]...)";
while ($text =~ m/$utf_char/go) { $cl++; }
return ($bl, $cl);
# name: LJ::text_trim
# des: truncate string according to requirements on byte length, char
# length, or both. "char length" means number of UTF-8 characters if
# $LJ::UNICODE is set, or the same thing as byte length otherwise.
# args: text, byte_max, char_max
# des-text: the string to trim
# des-byte_max: maximum allowed length in bytes; if 0, there's no restriction
# des-char_max: maximum allowed length in chars; if 0, there's no restriction
# returns: the truncated string.
sub text_trim
my ($text, $byte_max, $char_max) = @_;
return $text unless $byte_max or $char_max;
if (!$LJ::UNICODE) {
$byte_max = $char_max if $char_max and $char_max < $byte_max;
$byte_max = $char_max unless $byte_max;
return substr($text, 0, $byte_max);
my $cur = 0;
my $utf_char = "([\x00-\x7f]|[\xc0-\xdf].|[\xe0-\xef]..|[\xf0-\xf7]...)";
# if we don't have a character limit, assume it's the same as the byte limit.
# we will never have more characters than bytes, but we might have more bytes
# than characters, so we can't inherit the other way.
$char_max ||= $byte_max;
while ($text =~ m/$utf_char/gco) {
last unless $char_max;
last if $cur + length($1) > $byte_max and $byte_max;
$cur += length($1);
return substr($text,0,$cur);
# name: LJ::text_compress
# des: Compresses a chunk of text, to gzip, if configured for site. Can compress
# a scalarref in place, or return a compressed copy. Won't compress if
# value is too small, already compressed, or size would grow by compressing.
# args: text
# des-test: either a scalar or scalarref
# returns: nothing if given a scalarref (to compress in-place), or original/compressed value,
# depending on site config
sub text_compress
my $text = shift;
my $ref = ref $text;
return $ref ? undef : $text unless $LJ::COMPRESS_TEXT;
die "Invalid reference" if $ref && $ref ne "SCALAR";
my $tref = $ref ? $text : \$text;
my $pre_len = length($$tref);
unless (substr($$tref,0,2) eq "\037\213" || $pre_len < 100) {
my $gz = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($$tref);
if (length($gz) < $pre_len) {
$$tref = $gz;
return $ref ? undef : $$tref;
# name: LJ::text_uncompress
# des: Uncompresses a chunk of text, from gzip, if configured for site. Can uncompress
# a scalarref in place, or return a compressed copy. Won't uncompress unless
# it finds the gzip magic number at the beginning of the text.
# args: text
# des-test: either a scalar or scalarref.
# returns: nothing if given a scalarref (to uncompress in-place), or original/uncompressed value,
# depending on if test was compressed or not
sub text_uncompress
my $text = shift;
my $ref = ref $text;
die "Invalid reference" if $ref && $ref ne "SCALAR";
my $tref = $ref ? $text : \$text;
# check for gzip's magic number
if (substr($$tref,0,2) eq "\037\213") {
$$tref = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($$tref);
return $ref ? undef : $$tref;
# name: LJ::item_toutf8
# des: convert one item's subject, text and props to UTF8.
# item can be an entry or a comment (in which cases props can be
# left empty, since there are no 8bit talkprops).
# args: u, subject, text, props
# des-u: user hashref of the journal's owner
# des-subject: ref to the item's subject
# des-text: ref to the item's text
# des-props: hashref of the item's props
# returns: nothing.
sub item_toutf8
my ($u, $subject, $text, $props) = @_;
return unless $LJ::UNICODE;
my $convert = sub {
my $rtext = shift;
my $error = 0;
my $res = LJ::text_convert($$rtext, $u, \$error);
if ($error) {
} else {
$$rtext = $res;
foreach(keys %$props) {
# returns 1 if action is permitted. 0 if above rate or fail.
# action isn't logged on fail.
# opts keys:
# -- "limit_by_ip" => "" (when used for checking rate)
# --
sub rate_log
my ($u, $ratename, $count, $opts) = @_;
my $rateperiod = LJ::get_cap($u, "rateperiod-$ratename");
return 1 unless $rateperiod;
return 0 unless $u->writer;
my $rp = LJ::get_prop("rate", $ratename);
return 0 unless $rp;
my $now = time();
my $beforeperiod = $now - $rateperiod;
# delete inapplicable stuff (or some of it)
$u->do("DELETE FROM ratelog WHERE userid=$u->{'userid'} AND rlid=$rp->{'id'} ".
"AND evttime < $beforeperiod LIMIT 1000");
# check rate. (okay per period)
my $opp = LJ::get_cap($u, "rateallowed-$ratename");
return 1 unless $opp;
my $udbr = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
my $ip = $udbr->quote($opts->{'limit_by_ip'} || "");
my $sum = $udbr->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(quantity) FROM ratelog WHERE ".
"userid=$u->{'userid'} AND rlid=$rp->{'id'} ".
"AND ip=INET_ATON($ip) ".
"AND evttime > $beforeperiod");
# would this transaction go over the limit?
if ($sum + $count > $opp) {
# TODO: optionally log to rateabuse, unless caller is doing it themselves
# somehow, like with the "loginstall" table.
return 0;
# log current
$count = $count + 0;
$u->do("INSERT INTO ratelog (userid, rlid, evttime, ip, quantity) VALUES ".
"($u->{'userid'}, $rp->{'id'}, $now, INET_ATON($ip), $count)");
return 1;
# We're not always running under mod_perl... sometimes scripts (syndication sucker)
# call paths which end up thinking they need the remote IP, but don't.
sub get_remote_ip
my $ip;
eval {
$ip = Apache->request->connection->remote_ip;
return $ip || $ENV{'FAKE_IP'};
sub login_ip_banned
my $u = shift;
return 0 unless $u;
my $ip;
return 0 unless ($ip = LJ::get_remote_ip());
my $udbr;
my $rateperiod = LJ::get_cap($u, "rateperiod-failed_login");
if ($rateperiod && ($udbr = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u))) {
my $bantime = $udbr->selectrow_array("SELECT time FROM loginstall WHERE ".
"userid=$u->{'userid'} AND ip=INET_ATON(?)",
undef, $ip);
if ($bantime && $bantime > time() - $rateperiod) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub handle_bad_login
my $u = shift;
return 1 unless $u;
my $ip;
return 1 unless ($ip = LJ::get_remote_ip());
# an IP address is permitted such a rate of failures
# until it's banned for a period of time.
my $udbh;
if (! LJ::rate_log($u, "failed_login", 1, { 'limit_by_ip' => $ip }) &&
($udbh = LJ::get_cluster_master($u)))
$udbh->do("REPLACE INTO loginstall (userid, ip, time) VALUES ".
"(?,INET_ATON(?),UNIX_TIMESTAMP())", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $ip);
return 1;
sub md5_struct
my ($st, $md5) = @_;
$md5 ||= Digest::MD5->new;
unless (ref $st) {
# later Digest::MD5s die while trying to
# get at the bytes of an invalid utf-8 string.
# this really shouldn't come up, but when it
# does, we clear the utf8 flag on the string and retry.
# see http://zilla.livejournal.org/show_bug.cgi?id=851
eval { $md5->add($st); };
if ($@) {
$st = pack('C*', unpack('C*', $st));
return $md5;
if (ref $st eq "HASH") {
foreach (sort keys %$st) {
md5_struct($_, $md5);
md5_struct($st->{$_}, $md5);
return $md5;
if (ref $st eq "ARRAY") {
foreach (@$st) {
md5_struct($_, $md5);
return $md5;
sub rand_chars
my $length = shift;
my $chal = "";
my $digits = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZYZ0123456789";
for (1..$length) {
$chal .= substr($digits, int(rand(62)), 1);
return $chal;
# ($time, $secret) = LJ::get_secret(); # will generate
# $secret = LJ::get_secret($time); # won't generate
# ($time, $secret) = LJ::get_secret($time); # will generate (in wantarray)
sub get_secret
my $time = int($_[0]);
return undef if $_[0] && ! $time;
my $want_new = ! $time || wantarray;
if (! $time) {
$time = time();
$time -= $time % 3600; # one hour granularity
my $memkey = "secret:$time";
my $secret = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
return $want_new ? ($time, $secret) : $secret if $secret;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return undef unless $dbh;
$secret = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT secret FROM secrets ".
"WHERE stime=?", undef, $time);
if ($secret) {
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $secret) if $secret;
return $want_new ? ($time, $secret) : $secret;
# return if they specified an explicit time they wanted.
# (calling with no args means generate a new one if secret
# doesn't exist)
return undef unless $want_new;
# don't generate new times that don't fall in our granularity
return undef if $time % 3600;
$secret = LJ::rand_chars(32);
$dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO secrets SET stime=?, secret=?",
undef, $time, $secret);
# check for races:
$secret = get_secret($time);
return ($time, $secret);
# name: LJ::get_reluser_id
# des: for reluser2, numbers 1 - 31999 are reserved for livejournal stuff, whereas
# numbers 32000-65535 are used for local sites. if you wish to add your
# own hooks to this, you should define a hook "get_reluser_id" in ljlib-local.pl
# no reluser2 types can be a single character, those are reserved for the
# reluser table so we don't have namespace problems.
# args: type
# des-type: the name of the type you're trying to access, e.g. "hide_comm_assoc"
# returns: id of type, 0 means it's not a reluser2 type
sub get_reluser_id {
my $type = shift;
return 0 if length $type == 1; # must be more than a single character
my $val =
'hide_comm_assoc' => 1,
return $val if $val;
return 0 unless $type =~ /^local-/;
return LJ::run_hook('get_reluser_id', $type)+0;
# name: LJ::load_rel_user
# des: Load user relationship information. Loads all relationships of type 'type' in
# which user 'userid' participates on the left side (is the source of the
# relationship).
# args: db?, userid, type
# arg-userid: userid or a user hash to load relationship information for.
# arg-type: type of the relationship
# returns: reference to an array of userids
sub load_rel_user
my $db = isdb($_[0]) ? shift : undef;
my ($userid, $type) = @_;
return undef unless $type and $userid;
my $u = LJ::want_user($userid);
$userid = LJ::want_userid($userid);
my $typeid = LJ::get_reluser_id($type)+0;
if ($typeid) {
# clustered reluser2 table
$db = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
return $db->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT targetid FROM reluser2 WHERE userid=? AND type=?",
undef, $userid, $typeid);
} else {
# non-clustered reluser global table
$db ||= LJ::get_db_reader();
return $db->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT targetid FROM reluser WHERE userid=? AND type=?",
undef, $userid, $type);
# name: LJ::load_rel_target
# des: Load user relationship information. Loads all relationships of type 'type' in
# which user 'targetid' participates on the right side (is the target of the
# relationship).
# args: db?, targetid, type
# arg-targetid: userid or a user hash to load relationship information for.
# arg-type: type of the relationship
# returns: reference to an array of userids
sub load_rel_target
my $db = isdb($_[0]) ? shift : undef;
my ($targetid, $type) = @_;
return undef unless $type and $targetid;
my $u = LJ::want_user($targetid);
$targetid = LJ::want_userid($targetid);
my $typeid = LJ::get_reluser_id($type)+0;
if ($typeid) {
# clustered reluser2 table
$db = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
return $db->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT userid FROM reluser2 WHERE targetid=? AND type=?",
undef, $targetid, $typeid);
} else {
# non-clustered reluser global table
$db ||= LJ::get_db_reader();
return $db->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT userid FROM reluser WHERE targetid=? AND type=?",
undef, $targetid, $type);
# name: LJ::_get_rel_memcache
# des: Helper function: returns memcached value for a given (userid, targetid, type) triple, if valid
# args: userid, targetid, type
# arg-userid: source userid, nonzero
# arg-targetid: target userid, nonzero
# arg-type: type (reluser) or typeid (rel2) of the relationship
# returns: undef on failure, 0 or 1 depending on edge existence
sub _get_rel_memcache {
return undef unless @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS;
return undef if $LJ::DISABLED{memcache_reluser};
my ($userid, $targetid, $type) = @_;
return undef unless $userid && $targetid && defined $type;
# memcache keys
my $relkey = [$userid, "rel:$userid:$targetid:$type"]; # rel $uid->$targetid edge
my $modukey = [$userid, "relmodu:$userid:$type" ]; # rel modtime for uid
my $modtkey = [$targetid, "relmodt:$targetid:$type" ]; # rel modtime for targetid
# do a get_multi since $relkey and $modukey are both hashed on $userid
my $memc = LJ::MemCache::get_multi($relkey, $modukey);
return undef unless $memc && ref $memc eq 'HASH';
# [{0|1}, modtime]
my $rel = $memc->{$relkey->[1]};
return undef unless $rel && ref $rel eq 'ARRAY';
# check rel modtime for $userid
my $relmodu = $memc->{$modukey->[1]};
return undef if ! $relmodu || $relmodu > $rel->[1];
# check rel modtime for $targetid
my $relmodt = LJ::MemCache::get($modtkey);
return undef if ! $relmodt || $relmodt > $rel->[1];
# return memcache value if it's up-to-date
return $rel->[0] ? 1 : 0;
# name: LJ::_set_rel_memcache
# des: Helper function: sets memcache values for a given (userid, targetid, type) triple
# args: userid, targetid, type
# arg-userid: source userid, nonzero
# arg-targetid: target userid, nonzero
# arg-type: type (reluser) or typeid (rel2) of the relationship
# returns: 1 on success, undef on failure
sub _set_rel_memcache {
return 1 unless @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS;
my ($userid, $targetid, $type, $val) = @_;
return undef unless $userid && $targetid && defined $type;
$val = $val ? 1 : 0;
# memcache keys
my $relkey = [$userid, "rel:$userid:$targetid:$type"]; # rel $uid->$targetid edge
my $modukey = [$userid, "relmodu:$userid:$type" ]; # rel modtime for uid
my $modtkey = [$targetid, "relmodt:$targetid:$type" ]; # rel modtime for targetid
my $now = time();
my $exp = $now + 3600*6; # 6 hour
LJ::MemCache::set($relkey, [$val, $now], $exp);
LJ::MemCache::set($modukey, $now, $exp);
LJ::MemCache::set($modtkey, $now, $exp);
return 1;
# name: LJ::check_rel
# des: Checks whether two users are in a specified relationship to each other.
# args: db?, userid, targetid, type
# arg-userid: source userid, nonzero; may also be a user hash.
# arg-targetid: target userid, nonzero; may also be a user hash.
# arg-type: type of the relationship
# returns: 1 if the relationship exists, 0 otherwise
sub check_rel
my $db = isdb($_[0]) ? shift : undef;
my ($userid, $targetid, $type) = @_;
return undef unless $type && $userid && $targetid;
my $u = LJ::want_user($userid);
$userid = LJ::want_userid($userid);
$targetid = LJ::want_userid($targetid);
my $typeid = LJ::get_reluser_id($type)+0;
my $eff_type = $typeid || $type;
my $key = "$userid-$targetid-$eff_type";
return $LJ::REQ_CACHE_REL{$key} if defined $LJ::REQ_CACHE_REL{$key};
# did we get something from memcache?
my $memval = LJ::_get_rel_memcache($userid, $targetid, $eff_type);
return $memval if defined $memval;
# are we working on reluser or reluser2?
my $table;
if ($typeid) {
# clustered reluser2 table
$db = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
$table = "reluser2";
} else {
# non-clustered reluser table
$db ||= LJ::get_db_reader();
$table = "reluser";
# get data from db, force result to be {0|1}
my $dbval = $db->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table ".
"WHERE userid=? AND targetid=? AND type=? ",
undef, $userid, $targetid, $eff_type)
? 1 : 0;
# set in memcache
LJ::_set_rel_memcache($userid, $targetid, $eff_type, $dbval);
# return and set request cache
return $LJ::REQ_CACHE_REL{$key} = $dbval;
# name: LJ::set_rel
# des: Sets relationship information for two users.
# args: dbs?, userid, targetid, type
# arg-userid: source userid, or a user hash
# arg-targetid: target userid, or a user hash
# arg-type: type of the relationship
# returns: 1 if set succeeded, otherwise undef
sub set_rel
my ($userid, $targetid, $type) = @_;
return undef unless $type and $userid and $targetid;
my $u = LJ::want_user($userid);
$userid = LJ::want_userid($userid);
$targetid = LJ::want_userid($targetid);
my $typeid = LJ::get_reluser_id($type)+0;
my $eff_type = $typeid || $type;
# working on reluser or reluser2?
my ($db, $table);
if ($typeid) {
# clustered reluser2 table
$db = LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
$table = "reluser2";
} else {
# non-clustered reluser global table
$db = LJ::get_db_writer();
$table = "reluser";
return undef unless $db;
# set in database
$db->do("REPLACE INTO $table (userid, targetid, type) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
undef, $userid, $targetid, $eff_type);
return undef if $db->err;
# set in memcache
LJ::_set_rel_memcache($userid, $targetid, $eff_type, 1);
return 1;
# name: LJ::set_rel_multi
# des: Sets relationship edges for lists of user tuples.
# args: @edges
# arg-edges: array of arrayrefs of edges to set: [userid, targetid, type]
# Where:
# userid: source userid, or a user hash
# targetid: target userid, or a user hash
# type: type of the relationship
# returns: 1 if all sets succeeded, otherwise undef
sub set_rel_multi {
return _mod_rel_multi({ mode => 'set', edges => \@_ });
# name: LJ::clear_rel_multi
# des: Clear relationship edges for lists of user tuples.
# args: @edges
# arg-edges: array of arrayrefs of edges to clear: [userid, targetid, type]
# Where:
# userid: source userid, or a user hash
# targetid: target userid, or a user hash
# type: type of the relationship
# returns: 1 if all clears succeeded, otherwise undef
sub clear_rel_multi {
return _mod_rel_multi({ mode => 'clear', edges => \@_ });
# name: LJ::_mod_rel_multi
# des: Sets/Clears relationship edges for lists of user tuples.
# args: $opts
# arg-opts: keys: mode => {clear|set}
# edges => array of arrayrefs of edges to set: [userid, targetid, type]
# Where:
# userid: source userid, or a user hash
# targetid: target userid, or a user hash
# type: type of the relationship
# returns: 1 if all updates succeeded, otherwise undef
sub _mod_rel_multi
my $opts = shift;
return undef unless @{$opts->{edges}};
my $mode = $opts->{mode} eq 'clear' ? 'clear' : 'set';
my $memval = $mode eq 'set' ? 1 : 0;
my @reluser = (); # [userid, targetid, type]
my @reluser2 = ();
foreach my $edge (@{$opts->{edges}}) {
my ($userid, $targetid, $type) = @$edge;
$userid = LJ::want_userid($userid);
$targetid = LJ::want_userid($targetid);
next unless $type && $userid && $targetid;
my $typeid = LJ::get_reluser_id($type)+0;
my $eff_type = $typeid || $type;
# working on reluser or reluser2?
push @{$typeid ? \@reluser2 : \@reluser}, [$userid, $targetid, $eff_type];
# now group reluser2 edges by clusterid
my %reluser2 = (); # cid => [userid, targetid, type]
my $users = LJ::load_userids(map { $_->[0] } @reluser2);
foreach (@reluser2) {
my $cid = $users->{$_->[0]}->{clusterid} or next;
push @{$reluser2{$cid}}, $_;
@reluser2 = ();
# try to get all required cluster masters before we start doing database updates
my %cache_dbcm = ();
foreach my $cid (keys %reluser2) {
next unless @{$reluser2{$cid}};
# return undef immediately if we won't be able to do all the updates
$cache_dbcm{$cid} = LJ::get_cluster_master($cid)
or return undef;
# if any error occurs with a cluster, we'll skip over that cluster and continue
# trying to process others since we've likely already done some amount of db
# updates already, but we'll return undef to signify that everything did not
# go smoothly
my $ret = 1;
# do clustered reluser2 updates
foreach my $cid (keys %cache_dbcm) {
# array of arrayrefs: [userid, targetid, type]
my @edges = @{$reluser2{$cid}};
# set in database, then in memcache. keep the two atomic per clusterid
my $dbcm = $cache_dbcm{$cid};
my @vals = map { @$_ } @edges;
if ($mode eq 'set') {
my $bind = join(",", map { "(?,?,?)" } @edges);
$dbcm->do("REPLACE INTO reluser2 (userid, targetid, type) VALUES $bind",
undef, @vals);
if ($mode eq 'clear') {
my $where = join(" OR ", map { "(userid=? AND targetid=? AND type=?)" } @edges);
$dbcm->do("DELETE FROM reluser2 WHERE $where", undef, @vals);
# don't update memcache if db update failed for this cluster
if ($dbcm->err) {
$ret = undef;
# updates to this cluster succeeded, set memcache
LJ::_set_rel_memcache(@$_, $memval) foreach @edges;
# do global reluser updates
if (@reluser) {
# nothing to do after this block but return, so we can
# immediately return undef from here if there's a problem
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer()
or return undef;
my @vals = map { @$_ } @reluser;
if ($mode eq 'set') {
my $bind = join(",", map { "(?,?,?)" } @reluser);
$dbh->do("REPLACE INTO reluser (userid, targetid, type) VALUES $bind",
undef, @vals);
if ($mode eq 'clear') {
my $where = join(" OR ", map { "userid=? AND targetid=? AND type=?" } @reluser);
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM reluser WHERE $where", undef, @vals);
# don't update memcache if db update failed for this cluster
return undef if $dbh->err;
# $_ = [userid, targetid, type] for each iteration
LJ::_set_rel_memcache(@$_, $memval) foreach @reluser;
return $ret;
# name: LJ::clear_rel
# des: Deletes a relationship between two users or all relationships of a particular type
# for one user, on either side of the relationship. One of userid,targetid -- bit not
# both -- may be '*'. In that case, if, say, userid is '*', then all relationship
# edges with target equal to targetid and of the specified type are deleted.
# If both userid and targetid are numbers, just one edge is deleted.
# args: dbs?, userid, targetid, type
# arg-userid: source userid, or a user hash, or '*'
# arg-targetid: target userid, or a user hash, or '*'
# arg-type: type of the relationship
# returns: 1 if clear succeeded, otherwise undef
sub clear_rel
my ($userid, $targetid, $type) = @_;
return undef if $userid eq '*' and $targetid eq '*';
my $u = LJ::want_user($userid);
$userid = LJ::want_userid($userid) unless $userid eq '*';
$targetid = LJ::want_userid($targetid) unless $targetid eq '*';
return undef unless $type && $userid && $targetid;
my $typeid = LJ::get_reluser_id($type)+0;
if ($typeid) {
# clustered reluser2 table
return undef unless $u->writer;
$u->do("DELETE FROM reluser2 WHERE " . ($userid ne '*' ? "userid=$userid AND " : "") .
($targetid ne '*' ? "targetid=$targetid AND " : "") . "type=$typeid");
return undef if $u->err;
} else {
# non-clustered global reluser table
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer()
or return undef;
my $qtype = $dbh->quote($type);
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM reluser WHERE " . ($userid ne '*' ? "userid=$userid AND " : "") .
($targetid ne '*' ? "targetid=$targetid AND " : "") . "type=$qtype");
return undef if $dbh->err;
# if one of userid or targetid are '*', then we need to note the modtime
# of the reluser edge from the specified id (the one that's not '*')
# so that subsequent gets on rel:userid:targetid:type will know to ignore
# what they got from memcache
my $eff_type = $typeid || $type;
if ($userid eq '*') {
LJ::MemCache::set([$targetid, "relmodt:$targetid:$eff_type"], time());
} elsif ($targetid eq '*') {
LJ::MemCache::set([$userid, "relmodu:$userid:$eff_type"], time());
# if neither userid nor targetid are '*', then just call _set_rel_memcache
# to update the rel:userid:targetid:type memcache key as well as the
# userid and targetid modtime keys
} else {
LJ::_set_rel_memcache($userid, $targetid, $eff_type, 0);
return 1;
# $dom: 'L' == log, 'T' == talk, 'M' == modlog, 'S' == session,
# 'R' == memory (remembrance), 'K' == keyword id,
# 'P' == phone post, 'C' == pending comment
sub alloc_user_counter
my ($u, $dom, $recurse) = @_;
return undef unless $dom =~ /^[LTMPSRKC]$/; #
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return undef unless $dbh;
my $newmax;
my $uid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
return undef unless $uid;
my $memkey = [$uid, "auc:$uid:$dom"];
# in a master-master DB cluster we need to be careful that in
# an automatic failover case where one cluster is slightly behind
# that the same counter ID isn't handed out twice. use memcache
# as a sanity check to record/check latest number handed out.
my $memmax = int(LJ::MemCache::get($memkey) || 0);
my $rs = $dbh->do("UPDATE usercounter SET max=LAST_INSERT_ID(GREATEST(max,$memmax)+1) ".
"WHERE journalid=? AND area=?", undef, $uid, $dom);
if ($rs > 0) {
$newmax = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $newmax);
return $newmax;
if ($recurse) {
# We shouldn't ever get here if all is right with the world.
return undef;
my $qry_map = {
# for entries:
'log' => "SELECT MAX(jitemid) FROM log2 WHERE journalid=?",
'logtext' => "SELECT MAX(jitemid) FROM logtext2 WHERE journalid=?",
'talk_nodeid' => "SELECT MAX(nodeid) FROM talk2 WHERE nodetype='L' AND journalid=?",
# for comments:
'talk' => "SELECT MAX(jtalkid) FROM talk2 WHERE journalid=?",
'talktext' => "SELECT MAX(jtalkid) FROM talktext2 WHERE journalid=?",
my $consider = sub {
my @tables = @_;
foreach my $t (@tables) {
my $res = $u->selectrow_array($qry_map->{$t}, undef, $uid);
$newmax = $res if $res > $newmax;
# Make sure the counter table is populated for this uid/dom.
if ($dom eq "L") {
# back in the ol' days IDs were reused (because of MyISAM)
# so now we're extra careful not to reuse a number that has
# foreign junk "attached". turns out people like to delete
# each entry by hand, but we do lazy deletes that are often
# too lazy and a user can see old stuff come back alive
$consider->("log", "logtext", "talk_nodeid");
} elsif ($dom eq "T") {
# just paranoia, not as bad as above. don't think we've ever
# run into cases of talktext without a talk, but who knows.
# can't hurt.
$consider->("talk", "talktext");
} elsif ($dom eq "M") {
$newmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(modid) FROM modlog WHERE journalid=?",
undef, $uid);
} elsif ($dom eq "S") {
$newmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(sessid) FROM sessions WHERE userid=?",
undef, $uid);
} elsif ($dom eq "R") {
$newmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(memid) FROM memorable2 WHERE userid=?",
undef, $uid);
} elsif ($dom eq "K") {
$newmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(kwid) FROM userkeywords WHERE userid=?",
undef, $uid);
} elsif ($dom eq "P") {
my $userblobmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(blobid) FROM userblob WHERE journalid=? AND domain=?",
undef, $uid, LJ::get_blob_domainid("phonepost"));
my $ppemax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(blobid) FROM phonepostentry WHERE userid=?",
undef, $uid);
$newmax = ($ppemax > $userblobmax) ? $ppemax : $userblobmax;
} elsif ($dom eq "C") {
my $commentmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(pendid) FROM pendcomments WHERE jid=?",
undef, $uid);
} else {
die "No user counter initializer defined for area '$dom'.\n";
$newmax += 0;
$dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO usercounter (journalid, area, max) VALUES (?,?,?)",
undef, $uid, $dom, $newmax) or return undef;
# The 2nd invocation of the alloc_user_counter sub should do the
# intended incrementing.
return LJ::alloc_user_counter($u, $dom, 1);
# $dom: 'S' == style, 'P' == userpic, 'A' == stock support answer
# 'C' == captcha, 'E' == external user
sub alloc_global_counter
my ($dom, $recurse) = @_;
return undef unless $dom =~ /^[SPCEA]$/;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return undef unless $dbh;
my $newmax;
my $uid = 0; # userid is not needed, we just use '0'
my $rs = $dbh->do("UPDATE counter SET max=LAST_INSERT_ID(max+1) WHERE journalid=? AND area=?",
undef, $uid, $dom);
if ($rs > 0) {
$newmax = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
return $newmax;
return undef if $recurse;
# no prior counter rows - initialize one.
if ($dom eq "S") {
$newmax = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(styleid) FROM s1stylemap");
} elsif ($dom eq "P") {
$newmax = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(picid) FROM userpic");
} elsif ($dom eq "C") {
$newmax = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(capid) FROM captchas");
} elsif ($dom eq "E") {
# if there is no extuser counter row, start making extuser names at
# 'ext_1' - ( the 0 here is incremented after the recurse )
$newmax = 0;
} elsif ($dom eq "A") {
$newmax = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(ansid) FROM support_answers");
} else {
die "No alloc_global_counter initalizer for domain '$dom'";
$newmax += 0;
$dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO counter (journalid, area, max) VALUES (?,?,?)",
undef, $uid, $dom, $newmax) or return undef;
return LJ::alloc_global_counter($dom, 1);
sub note_recent_action {
my ($cid, $action) = @_;
# accept a user object
$cid = ref $cid ? $cid->{clusterid}+0 : $cid+0;
return undef unless $cid;
my $flag = { post => 'P' }->{$action};
if (! $flag && LJ::are_hooks("recent_action_flags")) {
$flag = LJ::run_hook("recent_action_flags", $action);
die "Invalid flag received from hook: $flag"
unless $flag =~ /^_\w$/; # must be prefixed with '_'
# should have a flag by now
return undef unless $flag;
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($cid)
or return undef;
# append to recentactions table
$dbcm->do("INSERT DELAYED INTO recentactions VALUES (?)", undef, $flag);
return undef if $dbcm->err;
return 1;
# name: LJ::make_user_active
# des: Record user activity per cluster to
# make per-activity cluster stats easier.
# args: userobj, type
# arg-userid: source userobj ref
# arg-type: currently unused
sub mark_user_active {
my ($u, $type) = @_; # not currently using type
return 0 unless $u; # do not auto-vivify $u
my $uid = $u->{userid};
return 0 unless $uid && $u->{clusterid};
# Update the clustertrack table, but not if we've done it for this
# user in the last hour. if no memcache servers are configured
# we don't do the optimization and just always log the activity info
LJ::MemCache::add("rate:tracked:$uid", 1, 3600)) {
return 0 unless $u->writer;
$u->do("REPLACE INTO clustertrack2 SET ".
"userid=?, timeactive=?, clusterid=?", undef,
$uid, time(), $u->{clusterid}) or return 0;
return 1;
# given a unix time, returns;
# ($week, $ubefore)
# week: week number (week 0 is first 3 days of unix time)
# ubefore: seconds before the next sunday, divided by 10
sub weekuu_parts {
my $time = shift;
$time -= 86400*3; # time from the sunday after unixtime 0
my $WEEKSEC = 86400*7;
my $week = int(($time+$WEEKSEC) / $WEEKSEC);
my $uafter = int(($time % $WEEKSEC) / 10);
my $ubefore = int(60480 - ($time % $WEEKSEC) / 10);
return ($week, $uafter, $ubefore);
sub weekuu_before_to_time
my ($week, $ubefore) = @_;
my $WEEKSEC = 86400*7;
my $time = $week * $WEEKSEC + 86400*3;
$time -= 10 * $ubefore;
return $time;
sub weekuu_after_to_time
my ($week, $uafter) = @_;
my $WEEKSEC = 86400*7;
my $time = ($week-1) * $WEEKSEC + 86400*3;
$time += 10 * $uafter;
return $time;
sub is_open_proxy
my $ip = shift;
eval { $ip ||= Apache->request; };
return 0 unless $ip;
if (ref $ip) { $ip = $ip->connection->remote_ip; }
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $stat = $dbr->selectrow_hashref("SELECT status, asof FROM openproxy WHERE addr=?",
undef, $ip);
# only cache 'clear' hosts for a day; 'proxy' for two days
$stat = undef if $stat && $stat->{'status'} eq "clear" && $stat->{'asof'} > 0 && $stat->{'asof'} < time()-86400;
$stat = undef if $stat && $stat->{'status'} eq "proxy" && $stat->{'asof'} < time()-2*86400;
# open proxies are considered open forever, unless cleaned by another site-local mechanism
return 1 if $stat && $stat->{'status'} eq "proxy";
# allow things to be cached clear for a day before re-checking
return 0 if $stat && $stat->{'status'} eq "clear";
# no RBL defined?
return 0 unless @LJ::RBL_LIST;
my $src = undef;
my $rev = join('.', reverse split(/\./, $ip));
foreach my $rbl (@LJ::RBL_LIST) {
my @res = gethostbyname("$rev.$rbl");
if ($res[4]) {
$src = $rbl;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
if ($src) {
$dbh->do("REPLACE INTO openproxy (addr, status, asof, src) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", undef,
$ip, "proxy", time(), $src);
return 1;
} else {
$dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO openproxy (addr, status, asof, src) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", undef,
$ip, "clear", time(), $src);
return 0;
# loads an include file, given the bare name of the file.
# ($filename)
# returns the text of the file. if the file is specified in %LJ::FILEEDIT_VIA_DB
# then it is loaded from memcache/DB, else it falls back to disk.
sub load_include {
my $file = shift;
return unless $file && $file =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]{1,255}$/;
# okay, edit from where?
# we handle, so first if memcache...
my $val = LJ::MemCache::get("includefile:$file");
return $val if $val;
# straight database hit
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
$val = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT inctext FROM includetext ".
"WHERE incname=?", undef, $file);
LJ::MemCache::set("includefile:$file", $val, time() + 3600);
return $val;
# hit it up from the file, if it exists
my $filename = "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/htdocs/inc/$file";
return unless -e $filename;
# get it and return it
my $val;
open (INCFILE, $filename)
or return "Could not open include file: $file.";
{ local $/ = undef; $val = ; }
close INCFILE;
return $val;
# name: LJ::infohistory_add
# des: Add a line of text to the infohistory table for an account.
# args: uuid, what, value, other?
# des-uuid: User id or user object to insert infohistory for.
# des-what: What type of history being inserted (15 chars max).
# des-value: Value for the item (255 chars max).
# des-other: Extra information (30 chars max).
# returns: 1 on success, 0 on error.
sub infohistory_add {
my ($uuid, $what, $value, $other) = @_;
$uuid = LJ::want_userid($uuid);
return unless $uuid && $what && $value;
# get writer and insert
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO infohistory (userid, what, timechange, oldvalue, other) VALUES (?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?)",
undef, $uuid, $what, $value, $other);
return $dbh->err ? 0 : 1;
# name: LJ::bit_breakdown
# des: Breaks down a bitmask into an array of bits enabled.
# args: mask
# des-mask: The number to break down.
# returns: A list of bits enabled. E.g., 3 returns (0, 2) indicating that bits 0 and 2 (numbering
# from the right) are currently on.
sub bit_breakdown {
my $mask = shift()+0;
# check each bit 0..31 and return only ones that are defined
return grep { defined }
map { $mask & (1<<$_) ? $_ : undef } 0..31;
sub last_error_code
return $LJ::last_error;
sub last_error
my $err = {
'utf8' => "Encoding isn't valid UTF-8",
'db' => "Database error",
'comm_not_found' => "Community not found",
'comm_not_comm' => "Account not a community",
'comm_not_member' => "User not a member of community",
'comm_invite_limit' => "Outstanding invitation limit reached",
'comm_user_has_banned' => "Unable to invite; user has banned community",
my $des = $err->{$LJ::last_error};
if ($LJ::last_error eq "db" && $LJ::db_error) {
$des .= ": $LJ::db_error";
return $des || $LJ::last_error;
sub error
my $err = shift;
if (isdb($err)) {
$LJ::db_error = $err->errstr;
$err = "db";
} elsif ($err eq "db") {
$LJ::db_error = "";
$LJ::last_error = $err;
return undef;
# to be called as &nodb; (so this function sees caller's @_)
sub nodb {
shift @_ if
ref $_[0] eq "LJ::DBSet" || ref $_[0] eq "DBI::db" ||
ref $_[0] eq "DBIx::StateKeeper" || ref $_[0] eq "Apache::DBI::db";
sub isdb { return ref $_[0] && (ref $_[0] eq "DBI::db" ||
ref $_[0] eq "DBIx::StateKeeper" ||
ref $_[0] eq "Apache::DBI::db"); }
# is a user object (at least a hashref)
sub isu { return ref $_[0] && (ref $_[0] eq "LJ::User" ||
ref $_[0] eq "HASH" && $_[0]->{userid}); }
use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);
if ($AUTOLOAD eq "LJ::send_mail") {
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljmail.pl";
goto &$AUTOLOAD;
croak "Undefined subroutine: $AUTOLOAD";
# LJ::S1::get_public_styles lives here in ljlib.pl so that
# cron jobs can call LJ::load_user_props without including
# ljviews.pl
package LJ::S1;
sub get_public_styles {
my $opts = shift;
# Try memcache if no extra options are requested
my $memkey = "s1pubstyc";
my $pubstyc = {};
unless ($opts) {
my $pubstyc = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
return $pubstyc if $pubstyc;
# not cached, build from db
my $sysid = LJ::get_userid("system");
# all cols *except* formatdata, which is big and unnecessary for most uses.
# it'll be loaded by LJ::S1::get_style
my $cols = "styleid, styledes, type, is_public, is_embedded, ".
"is_colorfree, opt_cache, has_ads, lastupdate";
$cols .= ", formatdata" if $opts->{'formatdata'};
# first try new table
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT userid, $cols FROM s1style WHERE userid=? AND is_public='Y'");
$pubstyc->{$_->{'styleid'}} = $_ while $_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
# fall back to old table
unless (%$pubstyc) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT user, $cols FROM style WHERE user='system' AND is_public='Y'");
$pubstyc->{$_->{'styleid'}} = $_ while $_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
return undef unless %$pubstyc;
# set in memcache
unless ($opts) {
my $expire = time() + 60*30; # 30 minutes
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $pubstyc, $expire);
return $pubstyc;
# this package also doesn't belong in ljlib.pl, and should probably be
# moved back to ljemailgateway.pl soon, but the web code needed this,
# as well as the mailgated code, so putting it in weblib.pl doesn't
# work, and making modperl-subs.pl include ljemailgateway.pl was
# problematic during the woody-sarge transition (still happening), so
# for now it's here in ljlib.
package LJ::Emailpost;
# Retreives an allowed email addr list for a given user object.
# Returns a hashref with addresses / flags.
# Used for ljemailgateway and manage/emailpost.bml
sub get_allowed_senders {
my $u = shift;
my (%addr, @address);
LJ::load_user_props($u, 'emailpost_allowfrom');
@address = split(/\s*,\s*/, $u->{emailpost_allowfrom});
return undef unless scalar(@address) > 0;
my %flag_english = ( 'E' => 'get_errors' );
foreach my $add (@address) {
my $flags;
$flags = $1 if $add =~ s/\((.+)\)$//;
$addr{$add} = {};
if ($flags) {
$addr{$add}->{$flag_english{$_}} = 1 foreach split(//, $flags);
return \%addr;
# Inserts email addresses into the database.
# Adds flags if needed.
# Used in manage/emailpost.bml
sub set_allowed_senders {
my ($u, $addr) = @_;
my %flag_letters = ( 'get_errors' => 'E' );
my @addresses;
foreach (keys %$addr) {
my $email = $_;
my $flags = $addr->{$_};
if (%$flags) {
$email .= '(';
foreach my $flag (keys %$flags) {
$email .= $flag_letters{$flag};
$email .= ')';
push(@addresses, $email);
close T;
LJ::set_userprop($u, "emailpost_allowfrom", join(", ", @addresses));