Custom Mood Theme Editor head<= <=head body<= " unless $remote; my $authas = $GET{'authas'} || $remote->{'user'}; my $u = LJ::get_authas_user($authas); return LJ::bad_input("You could not be authenticated as the specified user.") unless $u; my $self_uri = "/manage/moodthemes.bml"; $self_uri .= "?authas=$authas" if $authas ne $remote->{'user'}; # Populated with all the moods later in editform my %lists; my $ret; #### Closure Definitions #### my $make_tree; $make_tree = sub { my ($num, $tid) = @_; return unless $lists{$num}; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= ": " . LJ::html_check({ type => 'check', name => "$mood->{id}inherit", id => "$mood->{id}inherit", onclick => "enable($mood->{id}, $mood->{parent})", selected => $inherited }); $ret .= " | |
URL: | "; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ name => $mood->{id}, id => $mood->{id}, value => $pic{pic}, size => 75, onchange => "update_children($mood->{id})" }); $ret .= " |
Width: | ";
$ret .= LJ::html_text({ name => "$mood->{id}w", id => "$mood->{id}w", value => $pic{w}, size => 4 });
$ret .= " Height: " . LJ::html_text({ name => "$mood->{id}h", id => "$mood->{id}h",
value => $pic{h}, size => 4 });
$ret .= " |