layerinfo "type" = "layout"; layerinfo "name" = "Cuteness Attack"; layerinfo "des" = "OMFG Kittens and Flowers"; layerinfo "author_name" = "Andy Mai"; layerinfo "redist_uniq" = "cuteness/layout"; # First style from our new design intern Andy, based loosely on Tranquility II # # Todo: index layout images and use palimg_tint/gradient instead of just pink # Todo: minor gap between "Comments {#}" heading and comments # Todo: Add different face outlines # Todo: Add themes # PROPERTIES: STYLES propgroup Style { # odd property Color c_header_background { des = "Header Background Color"; } property Color c_header_border { des = "Header Border Color"; } # page property Color c_page_background { des = "Page Background Color"; } property string c_page_background_img { des = "Page Background Image"; note = "If left blank, an appropriate default will be chosen for you."; } property string c_page_background_position { des = "Page Background Position (i.e Top Left)"; } property string c_page_background_repeat { des = "Repeat Background"; values = "no-repeat|No|repeat-x|Repeat Horizontally|repeat-y|Repeat Vertically| |Tile"; } property string c_page_background_attach { des = "Background Attachment"; values = "fixed|Fixed|scroll|Scroll"; } property Color c_page_title { des = "Page Title color"; } property Color c_page_text { des = "Page Text color"; } property Color c_page_link { des = "Page Link color"; } property Color c_page_link_visited { des = "Page Visited Link Color"; } property Color c_page_link_hover { des = "Page Hover Link Color"; } property Color c_page_link_active { des = "Page Active Link Color"; } # menu property Color c_menu_link { des = "Side Menu Link Color"; } property Color c_menu_link_visited { des = "Side Menu Visited Link Color"; } property Color c_menu_link_hover { des = "Side Menu Hover Link Color"; } property Color c_menu_link_active { des = "Side Menu Active Link Color"; } property Color c_menu_text_color { des = "Side Menu Text Color"; } property Color c_menu_header_color { des = "Side Menu Header Color"; } property Color c_menu_current { des = "Current Menu Item color"; } # entry property Color c_entry_background { des = "Entry Background Color"; } property Color c_entry_link { des = "Entry Link Color"; } property Color c_entry_link_visited { des = "Entry Visited Link Color"; } property Color c_entry_link_hover { des = "Entry Hover Link Color"; } property Color c_entry_link_active { des = "Entry Active Link Color"; } property Color c_entry_text_color { des = "Entry Text Color"; } property Color c_entry_title_color { des = "Entry Title Color"; } property Color c_entry_border { des = "Entry Bottom Border Color"; } # metadata property Color c_meta_background { des = "Entry Metadata Background Color"; } property Color c_meta_link { des = "Entry Metadata Link Color"; } property Color c_meta_link_visited { des = "Entry metadata visited link color"; } property Color c_meta_link_hover { des = "Entry Metadata Hover Link Color"; } property Color c_meta_link_active { des = "Entry Metadata Active Link Color"; 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} property Color c_comment_one_border { des = "Comment Bottom Border Color"; } property Color c_comment_screened_link { des = "Comment Screened Link Color"; } property Color c_comment_screened_link_visited { des = "Comment Screened Visited Link Color"; } property Color c_comment_screened_link_hover { des = "Comment Screened Hover Link Color"; } property Color c_comment_screened_link_active { des = "Comment Screened Active Link Color"; } property Color c_comment_screened_text_color { des = "Comment Screened Text Color"; } property Color c_comment_screened_title_color { des = "Comment Screened Title Color"; } property Color c_comment_screened_background { des = "Comment Screened Background Color"; } property Color c_comment_screened_border { des = "Comment Screened Bottom Border Color"; } } # PROPERTIES: FONTS propgroup Fonts { # page property string f_page { des = "Generic Main Page Font"; } property string f_page_size { des = "Main Page Font Size"; } property string f_page_title { des = "Main Page Title Font"; } property string f_page_title_size { des = "Main Page Title Font Size"; } property string f_page_link { des = "Generic Font for Page Links"; } property string f_page_link_size { des = "Page Link Font Size"; } # menu property string f_menu_link { des = "Menu Link Font"; } property string f_menu_link_size { des = "Menu Fink Font Size"; } property string f_menu { des = "Menu Font"; } property string f_menu_size { des = "Menu Font Size"; } property string f_menu_header { des = "Menu Title Font"; } property string f_menu_header_size { des = "Menu Title Font Size"; } property string f_menu_current { des = "Current Menu Item Font"; } property string f_menu_current_size { des = "Current Menu Item Font Size"; } # entry property string f_entry { des = "Entry Font"; } property string f_entry_size { des = "Entry Font Size"; } property string f_entry_link { des = "Entry Link Font"; } property string f_entry_link_size { des = "Entry Link Font Size"; } property string f_entry_title { des = "Entry Title Font"; } property string f_entry_title_size { des = "Entry Title Font Size"; } # metadata property string f_meta { des = "Entry metadata font"; } property string f_meta_size { des = "Entry metadata font size"; } property string f_meta_link { des = "Entry metadata link font"; } property string f_meta_link_size { des = "Entry metadata link font size"; } # footer property string f_footer { des = "Footer font"; } property string f_footer_size { des = "Footer font size"; } property string f_footer_link { des = "Footer link font"; } property string f_footer_link_size { des = "Footer link font size"; } # comments property string f_comment { des = "Comment font"; } property string f_comment_size { des = "Comment font size"; } property string f_comment_title { des = "Comment title font"; } property string f_comment_title_size { des = "Comment title font size"; } property string f_comment_link { des = "Comment link font"; } property string f_comment_link_size { des = "Comment link font size"; } } # PROPERTIES: PRESENTATION propgroup Format { property string face { des = "Choose a face style"; values = "cute|Cute Eyes|square|Square Eyes|dizzy|Dizzy|doll|Doll Face|happy|Happy|japanese|Japanese Style|curious|Curious"; note = "Choose wisely, you do not wish to see a permanent scowl!"; } property use page_recent_items; property use page_friends_items; property use view_entry_disabled; property use use_shared_pic; property use comment_userpic_style; property bool show_entrynav_icons { des = "Toggle to show the next, memory, edit, etc icons on the entry view page"; } property string time_format { des = "Format for the time"; example = "%%hh%%:%%min%%:%%sec%% %%a%%m"; } property string date_format { des = "Format for the date"; example = "%%m%%/%%d%%/%%yy%%"; } property bool menu_disable_summary { des = "Disable menu summary view"; } property string css_style_overrides { des = "include any CSS here to override the default CSS"; } } # PROPERTIES: TEXT propgroup Text { property string text_page_title { des = "Title of your Live Journal"; } property string text_summary_header { des = "Menu text header"; } property use text_view_recent; property use text_view_friends; property use text_view_archive; property use text_view_userinfo; property use text_post_comment; property use text_read_comments; property use text_post_comment_friends; property use text_read_comments_friends; property use text_meta_music; property use text_meta_mood; property use text_permalink; property use text_reply_nocomments_header; property use text_reply_nocomments; property use text_comment_from; property use text_comment_ipaddr; property use text_comment_parent; property use text_comment_reply; property use text_comment_thread; property use text_nosubject; property use text_post_comment; property use text_post_comment_friends; property use text_max_comments; property use text_view_month; property string text_comment_anonymous { des = "Text to substitute for anonymous commenters"; } property string text_comment_viewall { des = "Text for view all comments"; } property string text_links_header { des = "Sidebar links header text"; } property string text_links_spacer { des = "String to act as links list spacer";} } # ------------------------------- # default property settings # ------------------------------- # Style set c_header_background = ""; set c_header_border = ""; set c_page_title = "#ffb2c7"; set c_page_background = "#f7f0f3"; set c_page_background_img = ""; set c_page_background_position = "bottom"; set c_page_background_repeat = "repeat-x"; set c_page_background_attach = "fixed"; set c_page_text = "#9F74A5"; set c_page_link = "#9F74A5"; set c_page_link_visited = "#9F74A5"; set c_page_link_hover = "#c47a8e"; set c_page_link_active = "#c47a8e"; set c_menu_link = "#9F74A5"; set c_menu_link_visited = "#9F74A5"; set c_menu_link_hover = "#c47a8e"; set c_menu_link_active = "#9F74A5"; set c_menu_text_color = "#fff"; set c_menu_header_color = "#fff"; set c_menu_current = "#9F74A5"; set c_entry_background = "#fff"; set c_entry_link = "#9F74A5"; set c_entry_link_visited = "#9F74A5"; set c_entry_link_hover = "#c47a8e"; 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set text_comment_viewall = "view all comments"; set text_links_header = "Links"; set text_summary_header = "Menu"; set text_links_spacer = "_______________"; # ======================================== # METHODS # ======================================== # ------------------------------- # prop_init # ------------------------------- function prop_init() { if ($*c_page_background_img == "") { $*c_page_background_img = "$*IMGDIR/style/cuteness/bg-pink.gif"; } # Determine which "face" to use if ($*face == "cute") { $*face = "$*IMGDIR/style/cuteness/face-cute.gif"; } elseif ($*face == "square") { $*face = "$*IMGDIR/style/cuteness/face-square.gif"; } elseif ($*face == "dizzy") { $*face = "$*IMGDIR/style/cuteness/face-dizzy.gif"; } elseif ($*face == "doll") { $*face = "$*IMGDIR/style/cuteness/face-doll.gif"; } elseif ($*face == "happy") { $*face = "$*IMGDIR/style/cuteness/face-happy.gif"; } elseif ($*face == "japanese") { $*face = "$*IMGDIR/style/cuteness/face-japanese.gif"; } elseif ($*face == "curious") { $*face = "$*IMGDIR/style/cuteness/face-curious.gif"; } } # ------------------------------- # stylesheet # ------------------------------- function print_stylesheet ( ) { """ @media screen, print { * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } hr { display: none; } html>body { background-color: $*c_page_background; background-image: url($*c_page_background_img); background-position: $*c_page_background_position; background-repeat: $*c_page_background_repeat; background-attachment: $*c_page_background_attach; font-family: $*f_page; font-size: $*f_page_size; line-height: 125%; color: $*c_page_text; } body { background-color: $*c_page_background; background-image: url($*c_page_background_img); background-position: $*c_page_background_position; background-repeat: $*c_page_background_repeat; background-attachment: $*c_page_background_attach; font-family: $*f_page; font-size: $*f_page_size; line-height: 125%; color: $*c_page_text; margin-top: 30px; } a { font-family: $*f_page_link; font-size: $*f_page_link_size; color: $*c_page_link; text-decoration: none; } a:visited { color: $*c_page_link_visited; 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} .ind-entry h3 img, .ind-comment-one h3 img, .ind-comment-two h3 img, .ind-comment-screened h3 img { position: relative; float: right; padding: 5px; } .ind-entry h2 { font-family: $*f_entry_title; font-size: $*f_entry_title_size; color: $*c_entry_title_color; margin: 20px 0px; line-height: 140%; } .ind-entry h4, .ind-comment-one h4, .ind-comment-two h4, .ind-comment-screened h4 { font-family: $*f_meta; font-size: $*f_meta_size; color: $*c_meta_text_color; } .ind-entry h4 a, .ind-comment-one h4 a, .ind-comment-two h4 a, .ind-comment-screened h4 a { font-family: $*f_meta_link; font-size: $*f_meta_link_size; color: $*c_meta_link; text-decoration: underline; } .ind-entry h4 a:visited, .ind-comment-one h4 a:visited, .ind-comment-two h4 a:visited, .ind-comment-screened h4 a:visited { color: $*c_meta_link_visited; } .ind-entry h4 a:hover, .ind-comment-one h4 a:hover, .ind-comment-two h4 a:hover, .ind-comment-screened h4 a:hover { color: $*c_meta_link_hover; } .ind-entry h4 a:visited:hover, .ind-comment-one h4 a:visited:hover, .ind-comment-two h4 a:visited:hover, .ind-comment-screened h4 a:visited:hover { color: $*c_meta_link_hover; } .ind-entry h4 a:active, .ind-comment-one h4 a:active, .ind-comment-two h4 a:active, .ind-comment-screened h4 a:active { color: $*c_meta_link_active; } .ind-entry div.entry-item, .ind-entry div.month-entries { font-family: $*f_entry; font-size: $*f_entry_size; color: $*c_entry_text_color; margin: 15px 0px; } .ind-entry div.entry-item a, .ind-entry div.month-entries a { font-family: $*f_entry_link; font-size: $*f_entry_link_size; color: $*c_entry_link; text-decoration: underline; } .ind-entry div.entry-item a:visited, .ind-entry div.month-entries a:visited { color: $*c_entry_link_visited; } .ind-entry div.entry-item a:hover, .ind-entry div.entry-item a:visited:hover { color: $*c_entry_link_hover; } .ind-entry div.month-entries a:hover, .ind-entry div.month-entries a:visited:hover { color: $*c_entry_link_hover; } .ind-entry div.entry-item a:active, .ind-entry div.month-entries a:active { color: $*c_entry_link_active; } .ind-comment-one, .ind-comment-two, .ind-comment-screened { margin: 10px 0; padding: 5px; } .ind-comment-screened { background-color: $*c_comment_screened_background; border-bottom: 1px solid $*c_comment_screened_border; } .ind-comment-one h2 { font-family: $*f_comment_title; font-size: $*f_comment_title_size; color: $*c_comment_one_title_color; margin: 20px 0px; } .ind-comment-one div.entry-item { font-family: $*f_comment; font-size: $*f_comment_size; color: $*c_comment_one_text_color; margin: 15px 0px; } .ind-comment-one div.entry-item a { font-family: $*f_comment_link; font-size: $*f_comment_link_size; color: $*c_comment_one_link; text-decoration: underline; } .ind-comment-one div.entry-item a:visited { color: $*c_comment_one_link_visited; } .ind-comment-one div.entry-item a:hover, .ind-comment-one div.entry-item a:visited:hover { color: $*c_comment_one_link_hover; } .ind-comment-one div.entry-item a:active { color: $*c_comment_one_link_active; } .ind-comment-screened h2 { font-family: $*f_comment_title; font-size: $*f_comment_title_size; color: $*c_comment_screened_title_color; margin: 20px 0px; } .ind-comment-screened div.entry-item { font-family: $*f_comment; font-size: $*f_comment_size; color: $*c_comment_screened_text_color; margin: 10px 0px; } .ind-comment-screened div.entry-item a { font-family: $*f_comment_link; font-size: $*f_comment_link_size; color: $*c_comment_screened_link; text-decoration: underline; } .ind-comment-screened div.entry-item a:visited { color: $*c_comment_screened_link_visited; } .ind-comment-screened div.entry-item a:hover, .ind-comment-screened div.entry-item a:visited:hover { color: $*c_comment_screened_link_hover; } .ind-comment-screened div.entry-item a:active { color: $*c_comment_screened_link_active; } #comments { width: 425px; margin-left: 40px; } .month-entries { margin: 10px 0; } .month-entries ul { list-style: none; margin: 10px; } .month-entries ul li { list-style: none; padding: 3px; } #footer { position: relative; font-family: $*f_footer; font-size: $*f_footer_size; color: $*c_footer_text_color; background-image: url($*IMGDIR/style/cuteness/footerbg.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 508px; height: 53px; margin-top: 20px; } #footer p { padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 30px; vertical-align: middle; } #footer a { font-family: $*f_footer_link; font-size: $*f_footer_link_size; color: $*c_footer_link; } #footer a:visited { color: $*c_footer_link_visited; } #footer a:hover, #footer a:visited:hover { color: $*c_footer_link_hover; } #footer a:active { color: $*c_footer_link_active; } } @media print { #menu { display: none; } #content { margin-left: 0px; } #entries, .ind-entry, .ind-comment, #footer, #header { border: none; } } $*css_style_overrides """; } # ------------------------------- # user pic main page # ------------------------------- function Page::lay_top_userpic ( ) { var Image up_img = $.journal.default_pic; if ( defined $up_img ) { print "
"; } } # ------------------------------- # returns a permalink link based on # the url passed # ------------------------------- function get_permalink ( string url ) : string { return("$*text_permalink"); } # ------------------------------- # prints the user's 'link-list' # ------------------------------- function Page::print_linklist ( ) { if ( size $.linklist > 0 ) { print "$*text_noentries_day
"; print "
$c.subject_icon $c.subject
"; } print ""; #userpic print "$userpic\n"; print "From: $poster
\n"; print "Date: $commentdate
\n"; if ( $c.metadata{"poster_ip"} ) { print "$*text_comment_ipaddr " + $c.metadata{"poster_ip"} + "
"; } print get_permalink($c.permalink_url) + "\n"; var Link lnk; $lnk = $c->get_link("delete_comment"); if ( $lnk.caption != "" ) { print " [lower() + "\">" + $lnk.caption->lower() + "]"; } $lnk = $c->get_link("screen_comment"); if ( $lnk.caption != "" ) { print " [lower() + "\">" + $lnk.caption->lower() + "]"; } $lnk = $c->get_link("unscreen_comment"); if ( $lnk.caption != "" ) { print " [lower() + "\">" + $lnk.caption->lower() + "]"; } print "
\n"; if ( $this.multiform_on ) { print ""; $c->print_multiform_check(); } print "
"; print "$*text_comment_reply"; if ( $c.parent_url != "" ) { print " | $*text_comment_parent"; } if ( $c.thread_url != "" ) { print " | $*text_comment_thread"; } print "
"; print "