Post by Phone head<= <=head body<=
  1. Call one of our designated numbers
  2. Use your PIN to authorize your phone number
  3. Record your post
compress and post the audio file to your journal as a new entry. p?> Settings page. p?>
0) { my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_reader($remote); my $phoneusage = $dbcr->selectrow_array ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phonepostentry ". "WHERE userid=? AND ". "MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(posttime)) = MONTH(NOW()) AND ". "YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(posttime)) = YEAR(NOW())", undef, $remote->{userid}); my $diskmax = LJ::get_cap($remote, 'disk_quota'); my $diskusage = sprintf("%0.2f", LJ::Blob::get_disk_usage($remote, 'phonepost') / 1024**2); return "Status". "Disk Space:". "You are currently using $diskusage MB out of $diskmax MB". "Phone Posts:You have made $phoneusage posts out of $phonemax standout?>"; } else { return "Purchase a paid account to start using Post by Phone standout?>"; } } _code?>
Manage your authorized phone number and post by phone identification number
File Manager
Manage your available disk space & phone posts
Audio encodings
The different audio formats we support for your posts
<=body page?>