#!/usr/bin/perl # # Stores all global crumbs and builds the crumbs hash %LJ::CRUMBS = ( 'acctstatus' => ['Account Status', '/accountstatus.bml', 'manage'], 'addfriend' => ['Add Friend', '', 'userinfo'], 'addtodo' => ['Add To-Do Item', '', 'todo'], 'advcustomize' => ['Customize Advanced S2 Settings', '/customize/advanced/index.bml', 'manage'], 'advsearch' => ['Advanced Search', '/directorysearch.bml', 'search'], 'birthdays' => ['Birthdays', '/birthdays.bml', 'friends'], 'changepass' => ['Change Password', '/changepassword.bml', 'manage'], 'comminvites' => ['Community Invitations', '/manage/invites.bml', 'manage'], 'commmembers' => ['Community Membership', '', 'managecommunity'], 'commpending' => ['Pending Memberships', '', 'managecommunity'], 'commsearch' => ['Community Search', '/community/search.bml', 'community'], 'commsentinvites' => ['Sent Invitations', '/community/sentinvites.bml', 'managecommunity'], 'commsettings' => ['Community Settings', '/community/settings.bml', 'managecommunity'], 'community' => ['Community Center', '/community/', 'home'], 'createcommunity' => ['Create Community', '/community/create.bml', 'managecommunity'], 'createjournal' => ['Create Journal', '/create.bml', 'home'], 'createstyle' => ['Create Style', '/styles/create.bml', 'modify'], 'customize' => ['Customize S2 Settings', '/customize/index.bml', 'manage'], 'delcomment' => ['Delete Comment', '/delcomment.bml', 'home'], 'editentries' => ['Edit Entries', '/editjournal.bml', 'manage'], 'editentries_do' => ['Edit Entry', '/editjournal_do.bml', 'editentries'], 'editfriends' => ['Edit Friends', '/friends/edit.bml', 'friends'], 'editfriendgrps' => ['Edit Friends Groups', '/friends/editgroups.bml', 'friends'], 'editinfo' => ['Personal Info', '/editinfo.bml', 'manage'], 'editpics' => ['User Pictures', '/editpics.bml', 'manage'], 'editstyle' => ['Edit Style', '/styles/edit.bml', 'modify'], 'emailgateway' => ['Email Gateway', '/manage/emailpost.bml', 'manage'], 'emailmanage' => ['Email Management', '/tools/emailmanage.bml', 'manage'], 'encodings' => ['About Encodings', '/support/encodings.bml', 'support'], 'export' => ['Export Journal', '/export.bml', 'home'], 'faq' => ['Frequently Asked Questions', '/support/faq.bml', 'support'], 'feedstersearch' => ['Search a Journal', '/tools/search.bml', 'home'], 'friends' => ['Friends Tools', '/friends/index.bml', 'manage'], 'friendsfilter' => ['Friends Filter', '/friends/filter.bml', 'friends'], 'home' => ['Home', '/', ''], 'joincomm' => ['Join Community', '', 'community'], 'latestposts' => ['Latest Posts', '/stats/latest.bml', 'stats'], 'layerbrowse' => ['Public Layer Browser', '/customize/advanced/layerbrowse.bml', 'advcustomize'], 'leavecomm' => ['Leave Community', '', 'community'], 'linkslist' => ['Your Links', '/manage/links.bml', 'manage'], 'login' => ['Login', '/login.bml', 'home'], 'logout' => ['Logout', '/logout.bml', 'home'], 'lostinfo' => ['Lost Info', '/lostinfo.bml', 'manage'], 'manage' => ['Manage Accounts', '/manage/', 'home'], 'managecommunity' => ['Community Management', '/community/manage.bml', 'manage'], 'meme' => ['Meme Tracker', '/meme.bml', 'home'], 'memories' => ['Memorable Posts', '/tools/memories.bml', 'manage'], 'moderate' => ['Community Moderation', '/community/moderate.bml', 'community'], 'modify' => ['Journal Settings', '/modify.bml', 'manage'], 'moodlist' => ['Mood Viewer', '/moodlist.bml', 'manage'], 'news' => ['News', '/news.bml', 'home'], 'phonepostsettings' => ['Phone Post', '/manage/phonepost.bml', 'manage'], 'popfaq' => ['Popular FAQs', '/support/popfaq.bml', 'faq'], 'preview' => ['Layout Previews', '/customize/preview.bml', 'customize'], 'register' => ['Validate Email', '/register.bml', 'home'], 'searchinterests' => ['Search By Interest', '/interests.bml', 'search'], 'searchregion' => ['Search By Region', '/directory.bml', 'search'], 'seeoverrides' => ['View User Overrides', '', 'support'], 'setpgpkey' => ['Public Key', '/manage/pubkey.bml', 'manage'], 'siteopts' => ['Browse Preferences', '/manage/siteopts.bml', 'manage'], 'stats' => ['Statistics', '/stats.bml', 'about'], 'styles' => ['Styles', '/styles/index.bml', 'modify'], 'support' => ['Support', '/support/index.bml', 'home'], 'supportact' => ['Request Action', '', 'support'], 'supportappend' => ['Append to Request', '', 'support'], 'supporthelp' => ['Request Board', '/support/help.bml', 'support'], 'supportnotify' => ['Notification Settings', '/support/changenotify.bml', 'support'], 'supportscores' => ['High Scores', '/support/highscores.bml', 'support'], 'supportsubmit' => ['Submit Request', '/support/submit.bml', 'support'], 'textmessage' => ['Send Text Message', '/tools/textmessage.bml', 'home'], 'themes' => ['Theme Previews', '/customize/themes.bml', 'customize'], 'todo' => ['Todo List', '/todo', 'home'], 'transfercomm' => ['Transfer Community', '/community/transfer.bml', 'managecommunity'], 'unsubscribe' => ['Unsubscribe', '/unsubscribe.bml', 'home'], 'update' => ['Update Journal', '/update.bml', 'home'], 'utf8convert' => ['UTF-8 Converter', '/utf8convert.bml', 'manage'], 'yourlayers' => ['Your Layers', '/customize/advanced/layers.bml', 'advcustomize'], 'yourstyles' => ['Your Styles', '/customize/advanced/styles.bml', 'advcustomize'], ); # include the local crumbs info require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/crumbs-local.pl" if -e "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/crumbs-local.pl"; 1;