Supporting the Blogger API
Like LiveJournal, the weblog service Blogger provides a programmatic interface that's been built with XML-RPC. To allow our users to make use of popular Blogger-compatible tools (Radio, Blogbuddy, w.bloggar, TextRouter), we've added internal support for their API. However, the Blogger API is currently labeled as experimental and alpha
, and will not be developed further.Blogger: We are working along with others in the blogging industry to produce a new, more robust API. You can view the current state of the Echo Project here.
The Blogger interface address for a LiveJournal installation is .
Supported Methods
LiveJournal supports the following Blogger API methods (methods are linked to relevant documentation):
LiveJournal makes no use of the appkey parameter.
The Blogger API does not support the use of post titles (subjects). To set a title for your post
include the title wrapped in <title> tags in your post body.
LiveJournal specific meta data (current mood and music) are supported by including a line consisting of lj-metadatakey: metadata in the post body (e.g. lj-mood: happy).
The publish parameter is always set true.
blogger.getUserInfo will return the account's name for both firstname and lastname.
Due to the differences between Blogger's and LiveJournal's template systems, the blogger.getTemplate and blogger.setTemplate methods are not supported.