// Browser Detect Lite v2.1.4 // http://www.dithered.com/javascript/browser_detect/index.html // modified by Chris Nott (chris@NOSPAMdithered.com - remove NOSPAM) // Modified further to detect rich text support function BrowserDetectLite() { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // browser name this.isGecko = (ua.indexOf('gecko') != -1 && ua.indexOf('safari') == -1); this.isMozilla = (this.isGecko && ua.indexOf('gecko/') + 14 == ua.length); this.isNS = ( (this.isGecko) ? (ua.indexOf('netscape') != -1) : ( (ua.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) && (ua.indexOf('spoofer') == -1) && (ua.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (ua.indexOf('opera') == -1) && (ua.indexOf('webtv') == -1) && (ua.indexOf('hotjava') == -1) ) ); this.isIE = ( (ua.indexOf('msie') != -1) && (ua.indexOf('opera') == -1) && (ua.indexOf('webtv') == -1) ); this.isSafari = (ua.indexOf('safari') != - 1); this.isOpera = (ua.indexOf('opera') != -1); this.isKonqueror = (ua.indexOf('konqueror') != -1 && !this.isSafari); this.isIcab = (ua.indexOf('icab') != -1); this.isAol = (ua.indexOf('aol') != -1); this.isAppleWebKit = (ua.indexOf('applewebkit') != -1); // spoofing and compatible browsers this.isIECompatible = ( (ua.indexOf('msie') != -1) && !this.isIE); this.isNSCompatible = ( (ua.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) && !this.isNS && !this.isMozilla); // browser version this.versionMinor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); // correct version number if (this.isNS && this.isGecko) { this.versionMinor = parseFloat( ua.substring( ua.lastIndexOf('/') + 1 ) ); } else if (this.isIE && this.versionMinor >= 4) { this.versionMinor = parseFloat( ua.substring( ua.indexOf('msie ') + 5 ) ); } else if (this.isMozilla) { this.versionMinor = parseFloat( ua.substring( ua.indexOf('rv:') + 3 ) ); } else if (this.isSafari) { this.versionMinor = parseFloat( ua.substring( ua.lastIndexOf('/') + 1 ) ); } else if (this.isOpera) { if (ua.indexOf('opera/') != -1) { this.versionMinor = parseFloat( ua.substring( ua.indexOf('opera/') + 6 ) ); } else { this.versionMinor = parseFloat( ua.substring( ua.indexOf('opera ') + 6 ) ); } } else if (this.isKonqueror) { this.versionMinor = parseFloat( ua.substring( ua.indexOf('konqueror/') + 10 ) ); } else if (this.isIcab) { if (ua.indexOf('icab/') != -1) { this.versionMinor = parseFloat( ua.substring( ua.indexOf('icab/') + 6 ) ); } else { this.versionMinor = parseFloat( ua.substring( ua.indexOf('icab ') + 6 ) ); } } this.versionMajor = parseInt(this.versionMinor); this.geckoVersion = ( (this.isGecko) ? ua.substring( (ua.lastIndexOf('gecko/') + 6), (ua.lastIndexOf('gecko/') + 14) ) : -1 ); // GECKO REVISION this.geckoRevision = -1; if (this.isGecko) { temp = ua.split("rv:"); this.geckoRevision = parseFloat(temp[1]); } // dom support this.isDOM1 = (document.getElementById); this.isDOM2Event = (document.addEventListener && document.removeEventListener); // css compatibility mode this.mode = document.compatMode ? document.compatMode : 'BackCompat'; // platform this.isWin = (ua.indexOf('win') != -1); this.isWin32 = (this.isWin && ( ua.indexOf('95') != -1 || ua.indexOf('98') != -1 || ua.indexOf('nt') != -1 || ua.indexOf('win32') != -1 || ua.indexOf('32bit') != -1 || ua.indexOf('xp') != -1) ); this.isMac = (ua.indexOf('mac') != -1); this.isUnix = (ua.indexOf('unix') != -1 || ua.indexOf('sunos') != -1 || ua.indexOf('bsd') != -1 || ua.indexOf('x11') != -1) this.isLinux = (ua.indexOf('linux') != -1); // specific browser shortcuts this.isNS4x = (this.isNS && this.versionMajor == 4); this.isNS40x = (this.isNS4x && this.versionMinor < 4.5); this.isNS47x = (this.isNS4x && this.versionMinor >= 4.7); this.isNS4up = (this.isNS && this.versionMinor >= 4); this.isNS6x = (this.isNS && this.versionMajor == 6); this.isNS6up = (this.isNS && this.versionMajor >= 6); this.isNS7x = (this.isNS && this.versionMajor == 7); this.isNS7up = (this.isNS && this.versionMajor >= 7); this.isIE4x = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor == 4); this.isIE4up = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor >= 4); this.isIE5x = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor == 5); this.isIE55 = (this.isIE && this.versionMinor == 5.5); this.isIE55up = (this.isIE && this.versionMinor >= 5.5); this.isIE5up = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor >= 5); this.isIE6x = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor == 6); this.isIE6up = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor >= 6); this.isIE4xMac = (this.isIE4x && this.isMac); this.isRichText = this.isIE55up ? true : false; if (this.isGecko || this.isAppleWebKit) { if (document.designMode && document.execCommand) { this.isRichText = true; } } } var browser = new BrowserDetectLite();