Invalid language" unless $l; return "Invalid item" unless $GET{'it'} =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/; my ($dmid, $itid) = ($1, $2); my @lnids = $l->{'lnid'}; { my $il = $l; while ($il && $il->{'parentlnid'}) { push @lnids, $il->{'parentlnid'}; $il = LJ::Lang::get_lang_id($il->{'parentlnid'}); } } my $lnids = join(",", @lnids); my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader(); my ($sth, $ret); my $sth = $dbr->prepare("select * from ml_text where dmid=$dmid and itid=$itid and lnid in ($lnids) ORDER BY txtid"); $sth->execute; my @tlist; while (my $t = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { next if @tlist && $t->{'text'} eq $tlist[-1]->{'text'}; push @tlist, $t; } my $changes = scalar @tlist - 1; return "No changes" unless $changes; my $view_change = $GET{'change'} || $changes; return "bogus change" if $view_change < 1 || $view_change > $changes; for (1..$changes) { if ($_ eq $view_change) { $ret .= "[Change $_]\n"; } else { $ret .= "[Change $_]\n"; } } $ret .= "
"; my $was = $tlist[$view_change-1]->{'text'}; my $then = $tlist[$view_change]->{'text'}; my ($was_alt, $then_alt) = ($was, $then); foreach (\$was_alt, \$then_alt) { $$_ =~ s/\n/*NEWLINE*/g; $$_ =~ s/\s+/\1\n/g; $$_ .= "\n"; } my ($was_file, $then_file, $fh); my $tries = 0; ($fh, $was_file) = tempfile(); print $fh $was_alt; close $fh; ($fh, $then_file) = tempfile(); print $fh $then_alt; close $fh; my @words = split(/\n/, $was_alt); my $diff = `diff -u $was_file $then_file`; my $pos = 0; my $mode; my $setmode = sub { my $newmode = shift; return " " if $newmode eq $mode; my $ret; $ret .= "" if $mode; $ret .= " "; $ret .= "<$newmode>" if $newmode; $mode = $newmode; return $ret; }; foreach my $dl (split(/\n/, $diff)) { next if $dl =~ /^(\+\+\+|\-\-\-)/; if ($dl =~ /^\@\@ \-(\d+),(\d+)/) { my $newpos = $1; $ret .= $setmode->(""); for (my $i=$pos+1; $i<$newpos; $i++) { my $word = LJ::ehtml($words[$i-1]); $word =~ s/\*NEWLINE\*/
\n/g; $ret .= "$word "; $pos++; } next; } if ($dl =~ /^ /) { $pos++; my $word = LJ::ehtml($words[$pos-1]); $word =~ s/\*NEWLINE\*/
\n/g; $ret .= $setmode->("") . $word; } if ($dl =~ /^\-/) { $pos++; my $word = LJ::ehtml($words[$pos-1]); $word =~ s/\*NEWLINE\*/
\n/g; $ret .= $setmode->("del") . $word; } if ($dl =~ /^\+(.*)/) { my $word = LJ::ehtml($1); $word =~ s/\*NEWLINE\*/
\n/g; $ret .= $setmode->("ins") . $word; } } $ret .= $setmode->(""); while ($pos < @words) { my $word = LJ::ehtml($words[$pos]); $word =~ s/\*NEWLINE\*/
\n/g; $ret .= "$word "; $pos++; } $was = LJ::eall($was); $was =~ s/\n( *)/"
" . " "x length($1)/eg; $then = LJ::eall($then); $then =~ s/\n( *)/"
" . " "x length($1)/eg; $ret .= "

"; $ret .= "
"; unlink($was_file, $then_file); return $ret; } _code?>