log in."
unless $remote;
return LJ::no_access_error("You don't have access to use this tool.", "moneyenter")
unless LJ::remote_has_priv($remote, "moneyenter");
# heading
my $ret = "
Account Management
# no user specified, get one
unless ($GET{'user'}) {
$ret .= "";
return $ret;
# load user
my $user = LJ::canonical_username($GET{'user'});
my $u = LJ::load_user($user, "force");
return "Invalid user: '$user'" unless $u;
# establish some cap bit -> item mappings
my %bonus_caps = map { $LJ::Pay::bonus{$_}->{'cap'}, $_ } keys %LJ::Pay::bonus;
my $zerodate = "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
# save chanes
if (LJ::did_post()) {
# 'notes' field is required
return "" unless $POST{'notes'};
my @bits_set;
my @bits_del;
my $logmsg;
# save bit-only features
foreach my $bit (0..14) {
# make sure $bit is a valid cap as specified by %LJ::CAP (for general caps),
# or either %LJ::Pay::capinf or %LJ::Pay::bonus (for local caps)
next unless
( ref $LJ::CAP{$bit} eq 'HASH' ||
(grep { defined $_->{cap} && $_->{cap} == $bit } values %LJ::Pay::bonus) ||
(grep { defined $_->{cap} && $_->{cap} == $bit } values %LJ::Pay::capinf) );
# build bit mask to set at the end
unless ($POST{"cap_${bit}_set"}) {
push @bits_del, $bit;
push @bits_set, $bit;
# save paid account expiration
my $exp = $POST{'paid_exp'};
# check expiration date format
if (defined $exp) {
return "Error: Invalid expiration date format, expecting: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
unless $exp =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/;
# does a paiduser row already exist?
my $paiduntil = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT paiduntil FROM paiduser WHERE userid=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'});
# update existing row
if ($paiduntil) {
# if expdate is 0000-00-00 00:00:00, just delete the row
if ($exp eq $zerodate) {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM paiduser WHERE userid=?", undef, $u->{'userid'});
$logmsg .= "[delete] item: paid_account, paiduntil: $exp\n";
# unnecessary query?
next if $paiduntil eq $exp;
# otherwise do an update
$dbh->do("UPDATE paiduser SET paiduntil=? WHERE userid=?",
undef, $exp, $u->{'userid'});
$logmsg .= "[update] item: paid_account, paiduntil: $exp\n";
# insert new, non-blank, row
} elsif ($exp ne $zerodate) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO paiduser (userid, paiduntil) " .
"VALUES (?, ?)", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $exp);
$logmsg .= "[insert] item: paid_account, paiduntil: $exp\n";
# update bonus feature
foreach my $itemname (sort keys %LJ::Pay::bonus) {
my $bitem = $LJ::Pay::bonus{$itemname};
next unless ref $bitem eq 'HASH';
my ($exp, $size, $days) = map { $POST{"${itemname}_$_"} } qw(exp size daysleft);
# check expiration date format
if (defined $exp) {
return "Error: Invalid expiration date format, expecting: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
unless $exp =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/;
# see if row exists
my $dbrow = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT expdate, size, daysleft FROM paidexp " .
"WHERE userid=? AND item=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $itemname);
# row exists, do an update
if ($dbrow) {
# if a zero row, just delete
if ($exp eq $zerodate && ! $size && ! $days) {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM paidexp WHERE userid=? AND item=?", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $itemname);
$logmsg .= "[delete] item: $itemname, expdate: $exp, size: $size, daysleft: $days\n";
# prepare update query
my $sets;
$sets .= "expdate=" . $dbh->quote($exp) . "," if defined $exp && $dbrow->{'expdate'} ne $exp;
$sets .= "size=" . $dbh->quote($size) . "," if defined $size && $dbrow->{'size'} != $size;
$sets .= "daysleft=" . $dbh->quote($days) . "," if defined $days && $dbrow->{'daysleft'} != $days;
chop $sets if $sets;
# unnecessary query?
next unless $sets;
# otherwise do an update
$dbh->do("UPDATE paidexp SET $sets WHERE userid=? AND item=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $itemname);
$logmsg .= "[update] item: $itemname, expdate: $exp, size: $size, daysleft: $days\n";
# if no rows, then we need to insert a new row, but not an empty one
} elsif ($exp ne $zerodate || $size > 0 || $days > 0) {
$exp ||= $zerodate;
$size ||= 0;
$days ||= 0;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO paidexp (userid, item, size, expdate, daysleft) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $itemname, $size, $exp, $days);
$logmsg .= "[insert] item: $itemname, expdate: $exp, size: $size, daysleft: $days\n";
# call any necessary apply_hooks
my $apply_hook = $bitem->{apply_hook};
if ($apply_hook && ref $apply_hook eq 'CODE') {
$apply_hook->($u, $itemname);
# note which caps were changed and log $logmsg to statushistory
my $caps_add = join(",", @bits_set);
my $caps_del = join(",", @bits_del);
$logmsg .= "[caps] add: $caps_add, del: $caps_del\n";
$logmsg .= "[notes] $POST{'notes'}";
LJ::statushistory_add($u->{'userid'}, $remote->{'userid'},
"acctedit", $logmsg);
# done looping through possible bits
LJ::modify_caps($u, \@bits_set, \@bits_del);
return "";
### update form
$ret .= "";
return $ret;