"; } my $do_proc = LJ::did_post() && ! $POST{'new'}; my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); my $row = sub { my $i = shift; my ($cart, $amt, $meth, $country, $state, $notes) = $POST{'new'} ? () : map { LJ::trim($POST{"${_}_$i"}) } qw(cart amt meth country state notes); my $rowhtml = sub { my $col = shift; $ret .= $col ? "" : ""; $ret .= "#" . LJ::html_text({ name => "cart_$i", value => $cart, size => 13 }) . ""; $ret .= "\$" . LJ::html_text({ name => "amt_$i", value => $amt, size => 6 }) . ""; $ret .= "" . LJ::html_select({ name => "meth_$i", selected => $meth, }, qw(check check cash cash moneyorder moneyorder)) . ""; $ret .= "" . LJ::html_text({ name => "country_$i", value => defined $country ? $country : 'US', size => 2, maxlength => 70 }) . ""; $ret .= "" . LJ::html_text({ name => "state_$i", value => $state, size => 2, maxlength => 70 }) . ""; $ret .= "" . LJ::html_text({ name => "notes_$i", value => $notes, size => 60, maxlength => 255 }) . ""; $ret .= "\n"; return undef; }; my $err = sub { my $errmsg = shift; $rowhtml->("#ff5050"); $ret .= "$errmsg\n"; }; return $rowhtml->() unless $do_proc && $cart; return $err->("Invalid order format (should be like 1234-342)") unless $cart =~ /^\d+-\d+$/; return $err->("Invalid payment amount") unless $amt =~ /^\d+(\.\d\d)?$/; my $cartobj = LJ::Pay::load_cart($cart); return $err->("Cannot find order number") unless $cartobj; return $err->("Order price of \$$cartobj->{'amount'} doesn't match paid amount") unless $cartobj->{'amount'}*100 == $amt*100; # make sure that the cart is valid and ready for processing, but don't do # checks if the cart is already completely processed, since it doesn't matter # in that case anyway and errors will likely be found unless ($cartobj->{'used'} eq 'Y') { return $err->("Cart is no longer valid. Cannot process payment.") unless LJ::Pay::is_valid_cart($cartobj); } # validate state/country { my $errstr; my ($ctry, $st) = LJ::Pay::check_country_state($country, $state, \$errstr); return $err->("Error: $errstr") if $errstr; LJ::Pay::payid_set_state($cartobj->{payid}, $ctry, $st); } # only update once (from cart to 'N' (pending)) $dbh->do("UPDATE payments SET used='N', mailed='N', daterecv=NOW() ". "WHERE payid=? AND mailed='C'", undef, $cartobj->{'payid'}); # allow method to be updated multiple times (to fix error) $dbh->do("UPDATE payments SET method=? WHERE payid=?", undef, $meth, $cartobj->{'payid'}); # likewise, keep letting notes be added (as long as they're different) if ($notes && ! $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM payvars WHERE ". "payid=? AND pkey='notes' AND pval=?", undef, $cartobj->{'payid'}, $notes)) { $dbh->do("INSERT INTO payvars (payid, pkey, pval) VALUES (?,?,?)", undef, $cartobj->{'payid'}, "notes", $notes); } # Note that we've received a valid payment from this user # * FIXME: could be faster, but this page is seldom-used if (my $u = LJ::load_userid($cartobj->{userid})) { LJ::Pay::note_payment_from_user($u); } return $rowhtml->("#c0ffc0"); }; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= "\n"; for (1..20) { $row->($_); } $ret .= "
order numberamt paidmethodcountry,
internal notes (name, return addr)
"; $ret .= "

"; return $ret; } _code?>