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payment coupons. A minimum $5 coupon may be generated. p?>
  • Voter only -- not eligible to receive money (full-time LiveJournal employees, and anybody who contacts us and tells us that they don't wish to receive money)
  • Part-time employees -- details above. can vote, and can get some of the earned pot.
  • Money Queuing -- (default state) You haven't done the paperwork to receive money yet, but your earnings are being held for up to three months. If after 5 months you do the paperwork, you'll receive the money you earned in the previous three months.
  • Money Recipient -- you've done the paperwork and you'll get paid at the end of the month, after votes are tallied and reviewed. Money will be held indefinitely until you earn at least $25. (except if you live outside of the US and wire fees are high, in which case we won't pay until you've earned at least double what it'd cost to wire the money) p?> <=body page?>