Mood Icons body<= How mood icons are displayed h1?> server-supported moods, a matching picture (a mood icon) will usually appear too. p?> full version of the Update Journal page. You can choose a server-supported mood by scrolling through the list. Alternatively, you can leave the selection set to “None, or other”; then your mood will be whatever you type in the box labelled “Other” (which you can leave empty if you don't wish to indicate your mood). Later, you can edit your mood selection, the same way you would edit any other part of your journal entry. p?> mood theme), and how to create your own if you want to. p?> Choosing a mood theme h1?> LiveJournal Moods page. p?> Modify Journal page. Make sure you're logged in under the correct user name, click “Proceed...”, and on the next page scroll down to “Mood Icons”. Select a mood icon set. After you click “Save Changes”, icons from the set you selected should appear on your Recent Entries page, your Day view, and your message boards, wherever one of the server-supported moods is indicated. Optionally, you can also force the same icons to appear on your Friends page, in place of the icons selected by your Friends. p?> Modify Journal page, the same way you would select a public theme. However, personal themes aren't listed on the LiveJournal Moods page, so they can't be previewed. p?> Creating mood icons h1?> LiveJournal Moods page to see the relationships. p?> LiveJournal Moods page). Later in this process, you'll need to know the ID of the mood to which each of your images should be assigned. p?> Turning your icons into a mood theme h1?> paid LiveJournal accounts is the ability to make personal mood themes, special to your journal, by entering data about the images yourself. If you don't want your theme to be a public theme, or if you want to see how your theme will look before it becomes a public theme, then you'll need to create it yourself. p?> FAQ #6 for more information). Also, you must know the dimensions (width and height, in pixels) of each image. p?> command console, where you can enter the commands to define your mood theme. (There is a reference, in case you need it, which describes all of the console commands, and explains how to escape double-quote and backslash characters.) p?>
moodtheme_create name des
name = the name of your new theme, which will be displayed in the lists from which users select.
des = a short description for your theme, which will be accessible through the console's moodtheme_list command.
moodtheme_create "Munch's Screamers" "You've seen 'distressed'. Now see the rest."
moodtheme_list command to find out the IDs of all the themes available to you.) p?>
moodtheme_setpic themeID moodID picURL width height
themeID = the number given to you after you created the mood theme.
moodID = the number of a mood for which you created an icon; you can find these numbers in parentheses on the LiveJournal Moods page (example: 15 for “happy”).
picURL = the full URL (Web address) of your mood icon.
width = width of the image, in pixels.
height = height of the image, in pixels.
moodtheme_setpic 180 15 20 20
Modify Journal page, and select the new theme as the mood icon set for your journal. p?> <=body page?>