LiveJournal News body<= The two most organized areas are the support area run by dakus and the topic directory run by patrick. Those guys are doing a wonderful job. User pdxseraph is also helping a lot in the support area, keeping the FAQ up-to-date when I change things around. p?> revjim helping me with system maintenance things from time to time, I deal with everything. That really sucks, for two reasons:
  1. No time. See all the arrows coming in to me but not going back? Those represent the hundreds of emails I get from people asking for help that I end up just deleting because I don't have time to get back to them.
  2. I suck. I'm not that good at dealing with people. Worse, I don't like to. I'd prefer to sit in my little dark room and just program all day and all night. I can't help but fear that I'm risking LiveJournal's future success by trying to handle it all myself.
As much as I don't like business and marketing, I realize its importance. Just look at Microsoft ... they don't always have wonderful products but they market them all very well. Does this mean I want LiveJournal to becoming a business and marketing machine? No. However, we have to do more than we're doing right now, which is essentially zero. p?> Many things are the same, but here are the biggest changes: p?> ekashp has offered to let me use some hardware of his so we can have servers all over the country, and you'll automatically use the one that's closest to you. Best, if one goes down, you'll automatically use the next closest one in under a minute. More on that later, though. p?> colin is redesigning the entire site... check out his design survey. I can't wait! p?> <=body page?>