layerinfo "type" = "layout"; layerinfo "name" = "3 column"; layerinfo author_name = "Louise (unfloopy)"; layerinfo author_email = ""; layerinfo des = "3 column layout by Louise (/~unfloopy)."; layerinfo redist_uniq = "3column/layout"; ################################## PROPERTIES #################################### propgroup prez = "Presentation"; propgroup prez { property bool show_entry_userpic { des = "Always display userpic?"; } property use use_shared_pic; property use view_entry_disabled; property int page_recent_items { des = "Recent Entries: Number of Posts"; } set page_recent_items = 10; property int page_friends_items{ des = "Friends Page: Number of Posts"; } set page_friends_items= 20; set show_entry_userpic = true; } propgroup text = "Text"; propgroup text { property string t_forward { des = "Entries Navigation: Forward link"; } set t_forward = " forward >"; property string t_back { des = "Entries Navigation: Back link"; } set t_back = "< back "; property string t_post_comment{ des = "Entries Navigation: Post A Comment text"; } set t_post_comment= "reply"; property string t_reply_back{ des = "Entries Navigation: Comments text"; } set t_reply_back= "comments"; property string t_perma{ des = "Entries Navigation: Perma Link text"; } set t_perma= "link"; property string t_divider { des = "Entries Navigation: Links divider"; } set t_divider = " "; property string t_comment_reply{ des = "Comments Navigation: Reply text"; } set t_comment_reply= "reply"; property string t_read_comments{ des = "Comments Navigation: Read Comments"; } set t_read_comments= "#"; property string t_view_recent{ des = "Navigation Bar: The Recent Entries Item"; } set t_view_recent = "recent"; property string t_view_archive{ des = "Navigation Bar: The Archive Item"; } set t_view_archive= "archive"; property string t_view_userinfo { des = "Navigation Bar: The Userinfo Item"; } set t_view_userinfo = "userinfo"; property string t_view_friends{ des = "Navigation Bar: The Friends Item"; } set t_view_friends= "friends"; property string t_nosubject{ des = "No Subject Text"; } set t_nosubject= "(no subject)"; property string t_noentries_day{ des = "Text for a day without posts"; } set t_noentries_day= "I didn't post on this day. Sorry!"; property string t_meta_music{ des = "Music Text"; } set t_meta_music= "current song"; property string t_meta_mood { des = "Mood Text"; } set t_meta_mood= "current mood"; property string t_view_month{ des = "Archive Navigation: View Subjects link text"; } set t_view_month= "view all"; property string t_read_comments_friends{ des = "Friends Page: Read Comments"; } set t_read_comments_friends= "#"; property string links_header { des = "Links header"; } set links_header = "links"; property string about_title { des = "About box title"; } set about_title= "about"; property string nav_title { des = "Navigation title"; } set nav_title= "navigate"; property string blurb_title { des = "Blurb Title"; note = "Only used if you enter some blurb text below."; } set blurb_title= "blurb"; property string blurb_text { des = "Blurb Text"; note = "You can write here about anything you want. It'll be displayed in a box on your journal pages."; } set blurb_text= ""; } propgroup images = "Images"; propgroup images { property string bg_image { des = "Background Image URL [optional]"; } set bg_image = ""; property string bg_repeat { des = "Background Image Repeat"; values = "repeat|Tile image|no-repeat|Do not tile image"; } set bg_repeat = "repeat"; property string header_image { des = "Header: Image URL [optional]"; note = "If you set this, you must also enter the height of your image below."; } set header_image = ""; property string header_height { des = "Header: Height"; note = "You must set this if you've entered a header image URL above."; } set header_height = "0px"; property string i_comment { des = "Icon: Comments"; note = "If you don't set this, a default image will be used."; } set i_comment = ""; property string i_perma { des = "Icon: PermaLink"; note = "If you don't set this, a default image will be used."; } set i_perma = ""; property string i_mem { des = "Icon: Add To Memories"; note = "If you don't set this, a default image will be used."; } set i_mem = ""; property string i_leave { des = "Icon: Leave A Comment"; note = "If you don't set this, a default image will be used."; } set i_leave = ""; property string i_edit { des = "Icon: Edit Entry"; note = "If you don't set this, a default image will be used."; } set i_edit = ""; } propgroup stylesheet = "Styles"; propgroup stylesheet { property string font_size { des = "Overall: Text Size"; } set font_size = "8pt"; property string font_family { des = "Overall: Font Family"; } set font_family = "Arial"; property string link_weight { des = "Overall: Link Weight"; values = "normal|Normal|bold|Bold"; } set link_weight = "normal"; property string link_side_w { des = "Sidebar: Link weight"; values = "normal|Normal|bold|Bold"; } set link_side_w = "normal"; property string side_h_size { des = "Sidebar: Header Font Size"; } set entries_size = "9pt"; property string entries_size { des = "Entries: Text Size"; } set c_sub_size = "10pt"; 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property Color side_h_color { des = "Sidebar: Header Color"; } set side_h_color = "#333333"; property Color side_h_border { des = "Sidebar: Header Border"; } set side_h_border = "#333333"; property Color side_h_bg { des = "Sidebar: Header Background"; } set side_h_bg = "#DAB5AC"; property Color entries_bg { des = "Entries: Background color"; } set entries_bg = "#E6CABE"; property Color entries_border { des = "Entries: Border color"; } set entries_border = "#DAB5AC"; property Color button_bg { des = "Entries: Buttons background"; } set button_bg = "#E6CABE"; property Color button_bg_h { des = "Entries: Buttons Background hover"; } set button_bg_h = "#ECD7C7"; property Color entries_font_color { des = "Entries: Font Color"; } set entries_font_color = "#4B3730"; property Color sub_color { des = "Entries: Subject Color"; } set sub_color = "#78534B"; property Color c_sub_color { des = "Comments: Subject Text Color"; } set c_sub_color = "#4B3730"; property Color c_sub_bg { des = "Comments: Subject Background"; } set c_sub_bg = "#DAB5AC"; } set tags_aware = true; property string i_tags { des = "Icon: Edit Tags"; } ####################################### STYLESHEET ####################################### function print_stylesheet () {""" body { background: $*color_bg; font: $*font_size $*font_family; color: $*font_color; """; if (clean_url($*bg_image) != "") { """ background-image: url('$*bg_image'); background-repeat: $*bg_repeat; """; } """ } a { color: $*link_color; font-weight: $*link_weight; } a:hover { color: $*link_hover; font-weight: $*link_weight; } h1{ color: $*sub_color; font-size: $*sub_size; text-align:left; padding:5px; margin:0px; border-bottom: 1px dashed $*entries_border; } h2{ border: 1px solid $*side_h_border; font-size: $*side_h_size; text-align:center; margin:3px 0px; padding:0px; background-color: $*side_h_bg; color: $*side_h_color; } h3{ color: $*sub_color; text-align:left; font: bold arial; padding:5px; margin:0px; border-top: solid 1px $*entries_border;} ul.links{ margin: 1px 0px; padding: 3px; color: $*side_t_color; list-style-type:none; } li.links { margin-left: 5px; } li.links a{ text-decoration:none; } li.links_header{ font: 11px; border-bottom: 1px solid $*side_t_color; padding-top:7px; } #container{position:absolute; top: $*header_height;} #leftbar{ position:absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; width: 170px;} #rightbar{ position:absolute; top: 10px; right: 0px; width: 170px;} #leftbar a, #rightbar a {color: $*link_side; font-weight: $*link_side_w;} #leftbar a:hover, #rightbar a:hover {color: $*link_side_h; } #entries{ position:relative; margin: 10px 170px 10px 180px; text-align:center; background: $*entries_bg; border: 3px double $*entries_border; padding: 10px; } #readme { text-align:justify; padding: 2px; } #header { position:absolute; width: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; height: $*header_height; """; if (clean_url($*header_image) != "") { """ background-image: url('$*header_image'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; """; } """ } div.entrylinks { font: 8pt Verdana; text-align:right; padding:2px 10px 2px 10px; line-height:20px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-top:5px; border-top: 1px dashed $*entries_border; } div.entrylinks a { background-color: $*button_bg; text-decoration:none; margin:2px; padding:2px; } div.entrylinks a:hover {background-color: $*button_bg_h;} div.entrylinks img { border:0px; text-decoration:none; } div.entry{ margin-bottom:35px;} .entrytext{ font: $*entries_size Arial; text-align:justify; color: $*entries_font_color; } .aboutentry{ text-align: left; margin-right:10px; } .userpic{ margin:5px; } .sidebox{ border: 3px double $*side_border; background: $*side_bg; margin: 10px; padding:5px; } .userpic2{ position:relative; float:left; padding: 5px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;} .userpic_reply{ position:relative; float:left; padding: 5px;} .moodpic{ position:relative; float:right; padding: 0px; padding-left: 5px; margin:0px; margin-top: -10px; margin-right: -5px; } .calendarActive{ font-weight:bold; } .blurb { color: $*side_t_color; } .nosubject { font-style:italic; } .replyform { text-align:left; clear: both; } .replyform textarea { width: 100% ! important; } .comment_postedby { text-align:left; font-weight:bold; } .comment_date{ text-align:left; } .comment_subject { color: $*c_sub_color; background: $*c_sub_bg; font: $*c_sub_size; font-weight:bold; letter-spacing:1.5px; text-align:left; padding:3px; margin-right: 0;} .comment_wrapper{ border: 1px solid $*entries_border; background: $*entries_bg; padding:5px; margin: 0px 0px 5px 0px; } .comment_info { width:95%; } .comment_links { text-align:right; padding:3px; margin:0px; border-top: 1px dashed $*entries_border; } .comment_links a { padding:2px; text-decoration:none; } .comment_child { margin: 0px 0px 0px 20px; } .minicomment {padding: 4px; border: 1px solid $*entries_border; } .minicommentholder { border: 1px solid $*entries_border; } """; } ############################# FUNCTIONS ######################################## function prop_init() { if ($*i_comment == "") { $*i_comment = "$*IMGDIR/style/3column/comments.gif"; } if ($*i_perma == "") { $*i_perma = "$*IMGDIR/style/3column/permalink.gif"; } if ($*i_mem == "") { $*i_mem = "$*IMGDIR/style/3column/memories.gif"; } if ($*i_leave == "") { $*i_leave = "$*IMGDIR/style/3column/leavecomment.gif"; } if ($*i_edit == "") { $*i_edit = "$*IMGDIR/style/3column/editentry.gif"; } if ($*i_tags == "") { $*i_tags = "$*IMGDIR/style/3column/edittags.gif"; } } function generateDots (string un) : string { var string dots; if($un != "") { foreach var string s ($un) { if($s == "a" or $s == "c" or $s == "e" or $s == "f" or $s == "h" or $s == "k" or $s == "m" or $s == "n" or $s == "p" or $s == "r" or $s == "t" or $s == "v" or $s == "x" or $s == "z") { $dots = $dots + ":"; } elseif($s == " ") { $dots = $dots + " "; } else { $dots = $dots + "."; } } } return $dots; } function print_linkbox (string header, string text) { """
"""; } } foreach var YearDay d ($w.days) { if($d.num_entries > 0) { $text = $text + """ | $ | """; } else { $text = $text + """$ | """; } } $text = $text + "
"; } """$*lang_dayname_short[$d] |