"""; $e->print_metadata(); """
"""; $this->lay_print_subnav(); $this->print_body(); $this->lay_print_subnav(); """ |
# -*-s2-*- layerinfo type = "layout"; layerinfo name = "Opal (Libra OSWD)"; layerinfo lang = "en"; layerinfo author_name = "Ported by Kevin Phillips"; layerinfo author_email = "xevinx@livejournal.com"; layerinfo des = "Based on the Libra and Pasilda design available from Open Source Web Designs. Originally written by whompy."; layerinfo redist_uniq = "opal/layout"; layerinfo previews = "opal/opal.jpg"; ################################################################################ # # Properties # propgroup prez = "Presentation"; propgroup prez { property use font_base; property use font_fallback; property string static_font_size { noui = 1; } property string static_font_measurement { noui = 1; } property use page_recent_items; property use page_friends_items; property use use_shared_pic; property use view_entry_disabled; property bool show_entry_userpic { des = "Always display userpic?"; } property int summary_items { des = "Summary Items"; note="Maximum number of items in the Page Summary list. Set to 0 to turn off the Page Summary. Set to 100 to show all available items."; } property bool use_count { noui=1; } set static_font_size = "12"; set static_font_measurement = "px"; set summary_items = 100; set show_entry_userpic = false; set font_fallback = "sans-serif"; } propgroup colors = "Colors"; propgroup colors { property Color color_bg { des = "Background Color"; } property Color color_bg_font { des = "Background Font Color"; note = "The color of any font appearing on the background color."; } property Color color_med { des = "Page Holder Background"; note = "This is the background of the main body, but within the outer borders."; } property Color color_med_font { des = "Page Holder Font Color"; note="The color of the font appearing on the Page Holder Background color."; } property Color color_fg { des = "Content Background Color"; note = "This is the background to the main content where the entries and side elements are."; } property Color color_fg_font { des = "Content Font Color"; note = "The color of the font that appears on in the main Content area."; } property Color color_link { des = "Link Color"; } property Color color_visited { des = "Visited Link Color"; } set color_bg = "#2d3851"; set color_bg_font = "#ffffff"; set color_med = "#7C8AA4"; set color_med_font = "#e9f2fc"; set color_fg = "#BFC4CB"; set color_fg_font = "#333333"; } propgroup text = "Text"; propgroup text { property string free_text_header { des = "Free Text Header"; } property string free_text_text { des = "Free Text Text"; cols = 30; rows = 10; } property string links_header { des = "Links Header"; } property string page_summary_title { des = "Page Summary Header"; } property use text_view_userinfo; property use text_view_recent; property use text_view_friends; property use text_view_archive; property string text_forward { des = "Text to show in a link to skip forward through entries"; } property string text_back { des = "Text to show in a link to skip backward through entries"; } property use text_read_comments; property use text_read_comments_friends; property use text_post_comment; property use text_post_comment_friends; property use text_comment_reply; property use text_reply_back; property use text_nosubject; property use text_noentries_day; property use text_meta_music; property use text_meta_mood; set page_summary_title = "Page Summary"; set links_header = "Links"; set free_text_header = "About this journal"; set free_text_text = ""; set text_back = "Back"; set text_forward = "Forward"; } set tags_aware = true; ################################################################################ # # Prop Init # function prop_init () { if($*color_bg.as_string == "") { $*color_bg = "#000000"; } if($*color_fg.as_string == "") { $*color_fg = "#000000"; } if($*color_fg_font.as_string == "") { $*color_fg_font = "#000000"; } } ################################################################################ # # Stylesheet # function getAltColor (Color color, string dir, int num) : Color { var int lt = $color->lightness(); if($dir == "light") { if($lt > 200) { $color = $color->darker($num); } else { $color = $color->lighter($num); } } elseif($dir == "dark") { if($lt < 55) { $color = $color->lighter($num); } else { $color = $color->darker($num); } } return $color; } function print_stylesheet () { var Color color_bg_lt = getAltColor($*color_bg, "light", 30); var Color color_fg_dk = getAltColor($*color_fg, "dark", 20); var Color color_fg_dk_font = getAltColor($*color_fg_font, "dark", 20); var Color color_divider = getAltColor($color_fg_dk, "dark", 30); var Color color_fg_dk_dk_font = getAltColor($color_fg_dk, "dark", 50); var Color color_border = getAltColor($*color_bg, "light", 90); var string base = ($*font_base != "") ? "$*font_base, " : ""; """ body { font-family: $base $*font_fallback; background-color: $*color_bg; margin: 10px; } .border4 { border: 1px solid $*color_bg; } .border3 { border: 1px solid $*color_fg; } .border2 { border: 2px solid $color_border; } """; if($*color_link.as_string != "") { """ A { color: $*color_link; } """; } if($*color_visited.as_string != "") { """ A:Visited { color: $*color_visited; } """; } """ #bodycontent { background-color: $*color_med; border: 1px solid $*color_bg; padding: 3px; } #headerinfo { background-color: $*color_bg; color: $*color_bg_font; text-align: right; font-size: 10px; padding: 2px; margin-top: 1px; } #header { color: $*color_med_font; } #header h3 { font-weight: normal; } #userpic { float: right; } .userpic2 { float: right; text-align: right; margin-top: 2px; margin-right: 3px; } #nav { white-space: nowrap; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; } #nav A { border: 1px solid $*color_bg; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; height: 20px; text-decoration: none; color: $*color_bg_font; background-color: $color_bg_lt; } #nav A:Hover { background-color: $*color_bg; } #content { background-color: $*color_fg; border: 1px solid $color_fg_dk; padding: 4px; } .columncontent { background-color: $color_bg_lt; border: 1px solid $*color_bg; padding: 3px; width: 200px; font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; color: $*color_bg_font; } .columnitem { background-color: $color_fg_dk; padding: 3px; margin-top: 5px; color: $*color_fg_font; border-top: 1px solid $color_divider; border-bottom: 1px solid $color_divider; overflow: hidden; } .entries { color: $*color_fg_font; } .entrydivider { border-top: 1px solid $color_divider; border-bottom: 1px solid $*color_fg; } .minicomment { background-color: $color_fg_dk; padding: 4px; color: $*color_fg_font; border: 1px solid $*color_fg; font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; } .minicommentholder { border: 1px solid $color_divider; } .entryinfo { background-color: $color_fg_dk; font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; padding: 4px; color: $*color_fg_font; } .postedby { background-color: $color_fg_dk; padding: 6px; font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; } .entrylinks { border-bottom: 1px solid $*color_fg; background-color: $color_fg_dk; padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; } .entrylinks A { text-decoration: none; padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; white-space: nowrap; color: $*color_fg_font; border-right: 1px solid $*color_fg; } .entrylinks A:Hover { background-color: $*color_fg; } .messageholder { border: 1px solid $*color_bg;; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 5px; } .systemmessage { background-color: $color_bg_lt; color: $*color_bg_font; border: 1px solid $color_border; font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; } .systemtext { font-weight: normal; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; } .systemmessage A { text-decoration: none; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; color: $*color_bg_font; padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; } .systemmessage A:Hover { background-color: $*color_bg; } .systemmessage input, .systemmessage textarea, .systemmessage select { background-color: $*color_fg; color: $*color_fg_font; } .systemmessage TD { padding: 4px; font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; color: $*color_bg_font; } .entry { margin-bottom: 30px; } .entrytext { margin: 10px; } .subject { font-weight: bold; } .meta { font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; padding: 4px; } .meta A { text-decoration: none; color: $*color_link; } .systemmessage A:Hover { background-color: $*color_bg; } #sidecolumn TD { color: $*color_bg_font; } #sidecolumn A { text-decoration: none; color: $*color_fg_font; } .sidetd { width: 200px; } .backtop { text-align: right; } .backtop A { color: $*color_fg_font; font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; text-decoration: none; padding-bottom: 1px; } #cal A { text-decoration: none; color: $*color_fg_font; } .calrow { clear: both; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } .calempty { width: 24px; font-size: 11px; margin: 1px; float: left; } .calactitem { float: left; margin: 1px; width: 23px; font-size: 11px; text-align: center; background-color: $color_fg_dk; border-right: 1px solid $color_bg_lt; border-bottom: 1px solid $color_bg_lt; } .calinitem { float: left; margin: 1px; width: 23px; font-size: 11px; text-align: center; border-right: 1px solid $color_fg_dk; border-bottom: 1px solid $color_fg_dk; } .friendcolor { width: 10px; height: 10px; border: 2px solid $*color_fg; } .multiform { font-weight: bold; } .ip { color: $color_fg_dk_dk_font; } .friendname { padding: 4px; text-decoration: none; border-left: 1px solid $*color_fg; border-right: 1px solid $*color_fg; } .bigday { font-size: 2em; color: $color_fg_dk; float: left; font-weight: bolder; } .notablemessage { padding: 4px; } """; } ################################################################################ # # Global functions # function generateDots (string un) : string { var string dots; if($un != "") { foreach var string s ($un) { if($s == "a" or $s == "c" or $s == "e" or $s == "f" or $s == "h" or $s == "k" or $s == "m" or $s == "n" or $s == "p" or $s == "r" or $s == "t" or $s == "v" or $s == "x" or $s == "z") { $dots = $dots + ":"; } elseif($s == " ") { $dots = $dots + " "; } else { $dots = $dots + "."; } } } return $dots; } function print_box (string header, string text) { """
"""; } } foreach var YearDay d ($w.days) { if($d.num_entries > 0) { $text = $text + """ | $d.day | """; } else { $text = $text + """$d.day | """; } } $text = $text + "
"""; $e->print_metadata(); """$c.text
$*lang_dayname_short[$d] |
"; } """