# # LiveJournal user object # # 2004-07-21: we're transition from $u hashrefs to $u objects, currently # backed by hashrefs, to ease migration. in the future, # more methods from ljlib.pl and other places will move here, # and the representation of a $u object will change to 'fields'. # at present, the motivation to moving to $u objects is to do # all database access for a given user through his/her $u object # so the queries can be tagged for use by the star replication # daemon. use strict; package LJ::User; use Carp; use lib "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin"; use LJ::MemCache; # instance method: returns userprop for a user. currently from cache with no # way yet to force master. sub prop { my ($u, $prop) = @_; # some props have accessors which do crazy things, if so they need # to be redirected from this method, which only loads raw values if ({ map { $_ => 1 } qw(opt_sharebday opt_showbday opt_showlocation opt_showmutualfriends view_control_strip show_control_strip opt_ctxpopup esn_inbox_default_expand opt_getting_started) }->{$prop}) { return $u->$prop; } return $u->raw_prop($prop); } sub raw_prop { my ($u, $prop) = @_; $u->preload_props($prop) unless exists $u->{$_}; return $u->{$prop}; } sub preload_props { my $u = shift; LJ::load_user_props($u, @_); } sub readonly { my $u = shift; return LJ::get_cap($u, "readonly"); } # returns self (the $u object which can be used for $u->do) if # user is writable, else 0 sub writer { my $u = shift; return $u if $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u); return 0; } # returns a true value if the user is underage; or if you give it an argument, # will turn on/off that user's underage status. can also take a second argument # when you're setting the flag to also update the underage_status userprop # which is used to record if a user was ever marked as underage. sub underage { # has no bearing if this isn't on return undef unless $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT; # now get the args and continue my $u = shift; return LJ::get_cap($u, 'underage') unless @_; # now set it on or off my $on = shift() ? 1 : 0; if ($on) { LJ::modify_caps($u, [ $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT ], []); $u->{caps} |= 1 << $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT; } else { LJ::modify_caps($u, [], [ $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT ]); $u->{caps} &= !(1 << $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT); } # now set their status flag if one was sent my $status = shift(); if ($status || $on) { # by default, just records if user was ever underage ("Y") $u->underage_status($status || 'Y'); } # add to statushistory if (my $shwhen = shift()) { my $text = $on ? "marked" : "unmarked"; my $status = $u->underage_status; LJ::statushistory_add($u, undef, "coppa", "$text; status=$status; when=$shwhen"); } # now fire off any hooks that are available LJ::run_hooks('set_underage', { u => $u, on => $on, status => $u->underage_status, }); # return what we set it to return $on; } # log a line to our userlog sub log_event { my $u = shift; my ($type, $info) = @_; return undef unless $type; $info ||= {}; # now get variables we need; we use delete to remove them from the hash so when we're # done we can just encode what's left my $ip = delete($info->{ip}) || LJ::get_remote_ip() || undef; my $uniq = delete $info->{uniq}; unless ($uniq) { eval { $uniq = Apache->request->notes('uniq'); }; } my $remote = delete($info->{remote}) || LJ::get_remote() || undef; my $targetid = (delete($info->{actiontarget})+0) || undef; my $extra = %$info ? join('&', map { LJ::eurl($_) . '=' . LJ::eurl($info->{$_}) } keys %$info) : undef; # now insert the data we have $u->do("INSERT INTO userlog (userid, logtime, action, actiontarget, remoteid, ip, uniq, extra) " . "VALUES (?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $u->{userid}, $type, $targetid, $remote ? $remote->{userid} : undef, $ip, $uniq, $extra); return undef if $u->err; return 1; } # return or set the underage status userprop sub underage_status { return undef unless $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT; my $u = shift; # return if they aren't setting it unless (@_) { LJ::load_user_props($u, 'underage_status'); return $u->{underage_status}; } # set and return what it got set to LJ::set_userprop($u, 'underage_status', shift()); return $u->{underage_status}; } # returns a true value if user has a reserved 'ext' name. sub external { my $u = shift; return $u->{user} =~ /^ext_/; } # this is for debugging/special uses where you need to instruct # a user object on what database handle to use. returns the # handle that you gave it. sub set_dbcm { my $u = shift; return $u->{'_dbcm'} = shift; } sub begin_work { my $u = shift; return 1 unless $LJ::INNODB_DB{$u->{clusterid}}; my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u) or croak "Database handle unavailable"; my $rv = $dbcm->begin_work; if ($u->{_dberr} = $dbcm->err) { $u->{_dberrstr} = $dbcm->errstr; } return $rv; } sub commit { my $u = shift; return 1 unless $LJ::INNODB_DB{$u->{clusterid}}; my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u) or croak "Database handle unavailable"; my $rv = $dbcm->commit; if ($u->{_dberr} = $dbcm->err) { $u->{_dberrstr} = $dbcm->errstr; } return $rv; } sub rollback { my $u = shift; return 0 unless $LJ::INNODB_DB{$u->{clusterid}}; my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u) or croak "Database handle unavailable"; my $rv = $dbcm->rollback; if ($u->{_dberr} = $dbcm->err) { $u->{_dberrstr} = $dbcm->errstr; } return $rv; } # get an $sth from the writer sub prepare { my $u = shift; my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u) or croak "Database handle unavailable"; my $rv = $dbcm->prepare(@_); if ($u->{_dberr} = $dbcm->err) { $u->{_dberrstr} = $dbcm->errstr; } return $rv; } # $u->do("UPDATE foo SET key=?", undef, $val); sub do { my $u = shift; my $query = shift; my $uid = $u->{userid}+0 or croak "Database update called on null user object"; my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u) or croak "Database handle unavailable"; $query =~ s!^(\s*\w+\s+)!$1/* uid=$uid */ !; my $rv = $dbcm->do($query, @_); if ($u->{_dberr} = $dbcm->err) { $u->{_dberrstr} = $dbcm->errstr; } $u->{_mysql_insertid} = $dbcm->{'mysql_insertid'} if $dbcm->{'mysql_insertid'}; return $rv; } sub selectrow_array { my $u = shift; my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u) or croak "Database handle unavailable"; return $dbcm->selectrow_array(@_); } sub selectrow_hashref { my $u = shift; my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u) or croak "Database handle unavailable"; return $dbcm->selectrow_hashref(@_); } sub err { my $u = shift; return $u->{_dberr}; } sub errstr { my $u = shift; return $u->{_dberrstr}; } sub quote { my $u = shift; my $text = shift; my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u) or croak "Database handle unavailable"; return $dbcm->quote($text); } sub mysql_insertid { my $u = shift; if ($u->isa("LJ::User")) { return $u->{_mysql_insertid}; } elsif (LJ::isdb($u)) { my $db = $u; return $db->{'mysql_insertid'}; } else { die "Unknown object '$u' being passed to LJ::User::mysql_insertid."; } } # # name: LJ::User::dudata_set # class: logging # des: Record or delete disk usage data for a journal # args: u, area, areaid, bytes # area: One character: "L" for log, "T" for talk, "B" for bio, "P" for pic. # areaid: Unique ID within $area, or '0' if area has no ids (like bio) # bytes: Number of bytes item takes up. Or 0 to delete record. # returns: 1. # sub dudata_set { my ($u, $area, $areaid, $bytes) = @_; $bytes += 0; $areaid += 0; if ($bytes) { $u->do("REPLACE INTO dudata (userid, area, areaid, bytes) ". "VALUES (?, ?, $areaid, $bytes)", undef, $u->{userid}, $area); } else { $u->do("DELETE FROM dudata WHERE userid=? AND ". "area=? AND areaid=$areaid", undef, $u->{userid}, $area); } return 1; } sub generate_session { my ($u, $opts) = @_; my $udbh = LJ::get_cluster_master($u); return undef unless $udbh; # clean up any old, expired sessions they might have (lazy clean) $u->do("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE userid=? AND timeexpire < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()", undef, $u->{userid}); my $sess = {}; $opts->{'exptype'} = "short" unless $opts->{'exptype'} eq "long" || $opts->{'exptype'} eq "once"; $sess->{'auth'} = LJ::rand_chars(10); my $expsec = $opts->{'expsec'}+0 || { 'short' => 60*60*24*1.5, # 36 hours 'long' => 60*60*24*60, # 60 days 'once' => 60*60*24*1.5, # same as short; just doesn't renew }->{$opts->{'exptype'}}; my $id = LJ::alloc_user_counter($u, 'S'); return undef unless $id; $u->do("REPLACE INTO sessions (userid, sessid, auth, exptype, ". "timecreate, timeexpire, ipfixed) VALUES (?,?,?,?,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),". "UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+$expsec,?)", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $id, $sess->{'auth'}, $opts->{'exptype'}, $opts->{'ipfixed'}); return undef if $u->err; $sess->{'sessid'} = $id; $sess->{'userid'} = $u->{'userid'}; $sess->{'ipfixed'} = $opts->{'ipfixed'}; $sess->{'exptype'} = $opts->{'exptype'}; # clean up old sessions my $old = $udbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT sessid FROM sessions WHERE ". "userid=$u->{'userid'} AND ". "timeexpire < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"); $u->kill_sessions(@$old) if $old; # mark account as being used LJ::mark_user_active($u, 'login'); return $sess; } sub make_login_session { my ($u, $exptype, $ipfixed) = @_; $exptype ||= 'short'; return 0 unless $u; my $etime = 0; eval { Apache->request->notes('ljuser' => $u->{'user'}); }; my $sess = $u->generate_session({ 'exptype' => $exptype, 'ipfixed' => $ipfixed, }); $BML::COOKIE{'ljsession'} = [ "ws:$u->{'user'}:$sess->{'sessid'}:$sess->{'auth'}", $etime, 1 ]; LJ::set_remote($u); LJ::load_user_props($u, "browselang", "schemepref" ); my $bl = LJ::Lang::get_lang($u->{'browselang'}); if ($bl) { BML::set_cookie("langpref", $bl->{'lncode'} . "/" . time(), 0, $LJ::COOKIE_PATH, $LJ::COOKIE_DOMAIN); BML::set_language($bl->{'lncode'}); } # restore default scheme if ($u->{'schemepref'} ne "") { BML::set_cookie("BMLschemepref", $u->{'schemepref'}, 0, $LJ::COOKIE_PATH, $LJ::COOKIE_DOMAIN); BML::set_scheme($u->{'schemepref'}); } LJ::run_hooks("post_login", { "u" => $u, "form" => {}, "expiretime" => $etime, }); LJ::mark_user_active($u, 'login'); return 1; } sub tosagree_set { my ($u, $err) = @_; return undef unless $u; unless (-f "$LJ::HOME/htdocs/inc/legal-tos") { $$err = "TOS include file could not be found"; return undef; } my $rev; open (TOS, "$LJ::HOME/htdocs/inc/legal-tos"); while ((!$rev) && (my $line = )) { my $rcstag = "Revision"; if ($line =~ /\$$rcstag:\s*(\S+)\s*\$/) { $rev = $1; } } close TOS; # if the required version of the tos is not available, error! my $rev_req = $LJ::REQUIRED_TOS{rev}; if ($rev_req > 0 && $rev ne $rev_req) { $$err = "Required Terms of Service revision is $rev_req, but system version is $rev."; return undef; } my $newval = join(', ', time(), $rev); my $rv = LJ::set_userprop($u, "legal_tosagree", $newval); # set in $u object for callers later $u->{legal_tosagree} = $newval if $rv; return $rv; } sub tosagree_verify { my $u = shift; return 1 unless $LJ::TOS_CHECK; my $rev_req = $LJ::REQUIRED_TOS{rev}; return 1 unless $rev_req > 0; LJ::load_user_props($u, 'legal_tosagree') unless $u->{legal_tosagree}; my $rev_cur = (split(/\s*,\s*/, $u->{legal_tosagree}))[1]; return $rev_cur eq $rev_req; } sub kill_sessions { my $u = shift; my (@sessids) = @_; my $in = join(',', map { $_+0 } @sessids); return 1 unless $in; my $userid = $u->{'userid'}; foreach (qw(sessions sessions_data)) { $u->do("DELETE FROM $_ WHERE userid=? AND ". "sessid IN ($in)", undef, $userid); } foreach my $id (@sessids) { $id += 0; my $memkey = [$userid,"sess:$userid:$id"]; LJ::MemCache::delete($memkey); } return 1; } sub kill_all_sessions { my $u = shift; return 0 unless $u; my $udbh = LJ::get_cluster_master($u); my $sessions = $udbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT sessid FROM sessions WHERE ". "userid=$u->{'userid'}"); $u->kill_sessions(@$sessions) if @$sessions; # forget this user, if we knew they were logged in delete $BML::COOKIE{'ljsession'}; LJ::set_remote(undef) if $LJ::CACHE_REMOTE && $LJ::CACHE_REMOTE->{userid} == $u->{userid}; return 1; } sub kill_session { my $u = shift; return 0 unless $u; return 0 unless exists $u->{'_session'}; $u->kill_sessions($u->{'_session'}->{'sessid'}); # forget this user, if we knew they were logged in delete $BML::COOKIE{'ljsession'}; LJ::set_remote(undef) if $LJ::CACHE_REMOTE && $LJ::CACHE_REMOTE->{userid} == $u->{userid}; return 1; } # # name: LJ::User::mogfs_userpic_key # class: mogilefs # des: Make a mogilefs key for the given pic for the user # args: pic # pic: Either the userpic hash or the picid of the userpic. # returns: 1. # sub mogfs_userpic_key { my $self = shift or return undef; my $pic = shift or croak "missing required arg: userpic"; my $picid = ref $pic ? $pic->{picid} : $pic+0; return "up:$self->{userid}:$picid"; } # all reads/writes to talk2 must be done inside a lock, so there's # no race conditions between reading from db and putting in memcache. # can't do a db write in between those 2 steps. the talk2 -> memcache # is elsewhere (talklib.pl), but this $dbh->do wrapper is provided # here because non-talklib things modify the talk2 table, and it's # nice to centralize the locking rules. # # return value is return of $dbh->do. $errref scalar ref is optional, and # if set, gets value of $dbh->errstr # # write: (LJ::talk2_do) # GET_LOCK # update/insert into talk2 # RELEASE_LOCK # delete memcache # # read: (LJ::Talk::get_talk_data) # try memcache # GET_LOCk # read db # update memcache # RELEASE_LOCK sub talk2_do { my ($u, $nodetype, $nodeid, $errref, $sql, @args) = @_; return undef unless $nodetype =~ /^\w$/; return undef unless $nodeid =~ /^\d+$/; return undef unless $u->writer; my $dbcm = $u->{_dbcm}; my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "talk2:$u->{'userid'}:$nodetype:$nodeid"]; my $lockkey = $memkey->[1]; $dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK(?,10)", undef, $lockkey); my $ret = $u->do($sql, undef, @args); $$errref = $u->errstr if ref $errref && $u->err; $dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockkey); LJ::MemCache::delete($memkey, 0) if int($ret); return $ret; } # log2_do # see comments for talk2_do sub log2_do { my ($u, $errref, $sql, @args) = @_; return undef unless $u->writer; my $dbcm = $u->{_dbcm}; my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "log2lt:$u->{'userid'}"]; my $lockkey = $memkey->[1]; $dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK(?,10)", undef, $lockkey); my $ret = $u->do($sql, undef, @args); $$errref = $u->errstr if ref $errref && $u->err; $dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockkey); LJ::MemCache::delete($memkey, 0) if int($ret); return $ret; } sub url { my $u = shift; LJ::load_user_props($u, "url"); if ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "I" && ! $u->{url}) { my $id = $u->identity; if ($id && $id->[0] eq "O") { LJ::set_userprop($u, "url", $id->[1]) if $id->[1]; return $id->[1]; } } return $u->{url}; } # returns arrayref of [idtype, identity] sub identity { my $u = shift; return $u->{_identity} if $u->{_identity}; return undef unless $u->{'journaltype'} eq "I"; my $memkey = [$u->{userid}, "ident:$u->{userid}"]; my $ident = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey); if ($ident) { return $u->{_identity} = $ident; } my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); $ident = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT idtype, identity FROM identitymap ". "WHERE userid=? LIMIT 1", undef, $u->{userid}); if ($ident) { LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $ident); return $ident; } return undef; } # returns a URL iff account is an OpenID identity. undef otherwise. sub openid_identity { my $u = shift; my $ident = $u->identity; return undef unless $ident && $ident->[0] == 0; return $ident->[1]; } # returns username or identity display name, not escaped sub display_name { my $u = shift; return $u->{'user'} unless $u->{'journaltype'} eq "I"; my $id = $u->identity; return "[ERR:unknown_identity]" unless $id; my ($url, $name); if ($id->[0] eq "O") { require Net::OpenID::Consumer; $url = $id->[1]; $name = Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity::DisplayOfURL($url, $LJ::IS_DEV_SERVER); # FIXME: make a good out of this $name =~ s/\[(live|dead)journal\.com/\[${1}journal/; } elsif ($id->[0] eq "G") { if ($id->[1] =~ /^http\:\/\/.*\.(.*)journal.*\/(.*)$/) { $name = $2 . "\@" . substr($1, 0, 1) . "j"; } else { $name = $id->[1]; } } return $name; } sub ljuser_display { my $u = shift; my $opts = shift; return LJ::ljuser($u, $opts) unless $u->{'journaltype'} eq "I"; my $id = $u->identity; return "????" unless $id; my $andfull = $opts->{'full'} ? "&mode=full" : ""; my $img = $opts->{'imgroot'} || $LJ::IMGPREFIX; my $strike = $opts->{'del'} ? ' text-decoration: line-through;' : ''; my ($url, $name); if ($id->[0] eq "O") { $url = $id->[1]; $name = $u->display_name; my $openid_icon; if ($url =~ /http:\/\/.+\.livejournal.com\/$/ || $url =~ /http:\/\/users.livejournal.com\/.+\/$/) { $openid_icon = "userinfo-lj.gif"; } else { $openid_icon = "openid-profile.gif"; } $url ||= "about:blank"; $name ||= "[no_name]"; $url = LJ::ehtml($url); $name = LJ::ehtml($name); return "[info]$name"; } elsif ($id->[0] eq "G") { $url = $id->[1]; $name = $u->display_name; $url ||= "about:blank"; $name ||= "[no_name]"; $url = LJ::ehtml($url); $name = LJ::ehtml($name); return "[info]$name"; } else { return "????"; } } sub load_identity_user { my ($type, $ident, $vident) = @_; my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); my $uid = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT userid FROM identitymap WHERE idtype=? AND identity=?", undef, $type, $ident); return LJ::load_userid($uid) if $uid; # increment ext_ counter until we successfully create an LJ # account. hard cap it at 10 tries. (arbitrary, but we really # shouldn't have *any* failures here, let alone 10 in a row) for (1..10) { my $extuser = 'ext_' . LJ::alloc_global_counter('E'); my $name = $extuser; if ($type eq "O" && ref $vident) { $name = $vident->display; } $uid = LJ::create_account({ caps => undef, user => $extuser, name => $name, journaltype => 'I', }); last if $uid; select undef, undef, undef, .10; # lets not thrash over this } return undef unless $uid && $dbh->do("INSERT INTO identitymap (idtype, identity, userid) VALUES (?,?,?)", undef, $type, $ident, $uid); return LJ::load_userid($uid); } package LJ; # # name: LJ::get_authas_list # des: Get a list of usernames a given user can authenticate as # returns: an array of usernames # args: u, opts? # des-opts: Optional hashref. keys are: # - type: 'P' to only return users of journaltype 'P' # - cap: cap to filter users on # sub get_authas_list { my ($u, $opts) = @_; # used to accept a user type, now accept an opts hash $opts = { 'type' => $opts } unless ref $opts; # only one valid type right now $opts->{'type'} = 'P' if $opts->{'type'}; my $ids = LJ::load_rel_target($u, 'A'); return undef unless $ids; # load_userids_multiple my %users; LJ::load_userids_multiple([ map { $_, \$users{$_} } @$ids ], [$u]); return $u->{'user'}, sort map { $_->{'user'} } grep { ! $opts->{'cap'} || LJ::get_cap($_, $opts->{'cap'}) } grep { ! $opts->{'type'} || $opts->{'type'} eq $_->{'journaltype'} } grep { $_->{clusterid} > 0 } grep { $_->{statusvis} !~ /[XS]/ } values %users; } # # name: LJ::can_view # des: Checks to see if the remote user can view a given journal entry. # Note: This is meant for use on single entries at a time, # not for calling many times on every entry in a journal. # returns: boolean; 1 if remote user can see item # args: remote, item # des-item: Hashref from the 'log' table. # sub can_view { &nodb; my $remote = shift; my $item = shift; # public is okay return 1 if $item->{'security'} eq "public"; # must be logged in otherwise return 0 unless $remote; my $userid = int($item->{'ownerid'} || $item->{'journalid'}); my $remoteid = int($remote->{'userid'}); # owners can always see their own. return 1 if ($userid == $remoteid); # other people can't read private return 0 if ($item->{'security'} eq "private"); # should be 'usemask' security from here out, otherwise # assume it's something new and return 0 return 0 unless ($item->{'security'} eq "usemask"); # if it's usemask, we have to refuse non-personal journals, # so we have to load the user return 0 unless $remote->{'journaltype'} eq 'P' || $remote->{'journaltype'} eq 'I'; # TAG:FR:ljlib:can_view (turn off bit 0 for just watching? hmm.) my $gmask = LJ::get_groupmask($userid, $remoteid); my $allowed = (int($gmask) & int($item->{'allowmask'})); return $allowed ? 1 : 0; # no need to return matching mask } # # name: LJ::wipe_major_memcache # des: invalidate all major memcache items associated with a given user # args: u # returns: nothing # sub wipe_major_memcache { my $u = shift; my $userid = LJ::want_userid($u); foreach my $key ("userid","bio","talk2ct","talkleftct","log2ct", "log2lt","memkwid","dayct","s1overr","s1uc","fgrp", "friends","friendofs","tu","upicinf","upiccom", "upicurl", "intids", "memct", "lastcomm") { LJ::memcache_kill($userid, $key); } } # # name: LJ::load_user_props # des: Given a user hashref, loads the values of the given named properties # into that user hashref. # args: dbarg?, u, opts?, propname* # des-opts: hashref of opts. set key 'cache' to use memcache. # des-propname: the name of a property from the userproplist table. # sub load_user_props { &nodb; my $u = shift; return unless isu($u); return if $u->{'statusvis'} eq "X"; my $opts = ref $_[0] ? shift : {}; my (@props) = @_; my ($sql, $sth); LJ::load_props("user"); ## user reference my $uid = $u->{'userid'}+0; $uid = LJ::get_userid($u->{'user'}) unless $uid; my $mem = {}; my $use_master = 0; my $used_slave = 0; # set later if we ended up using a slave if (@LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS) { my @keys; foreach (@props) { next if exists $u->{$_}; my $p = LJ::get_prop("user", $_); die "Invalid userprop $_ passed to LJ::load_user_props." unless $p; push @keys, [$uid,"uprop:$uid:$p->{'id'}"]; } $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@keys) || {}; $use_master = 1; } $use_master = 1 if $opts->{'use_master'}; my @needwrite; # [propid, propname] entries we need to save to memcache later my %loadfrom; my %multihomed; # ( $propid => 0/1 ) # 0 if we haven't loaded it, 1 if we have unless (@props) { # case 1: load all props for a given user. # multihomed props are stored on userprop and userproplite2, but since they # should always be in sync, it doesn't matter which gets loaded first, the # net results should be the same. see doc/designnotes/multihomed_props.txt # for more information. $loadfrom{'userprop'} = 1; $loadfrom{'userproplite'} = 1; $loadfrom{'userproplite2'} = 1; $loadfrom{'userpropblob'} = 1; } else { # case 2: load only certain things foreach (@props) { next if exists $u->{$_}; my $p = LJ::get_prop("user", $_); die "Invalid userprop $_ passed to LJ::load_user_props." unless $p; if (defined $mem->{"uprop:$uid:$p->{'id'}"}) { $u->{$_} = $mem->{"uprop:$uid:$p->{'id'}"}; next; } push @needwrite, [ $p->{'id'}, $_ ]; my $source = $p->{'indexed'} ? "userprop" : "userproplite"; if ($p->{datatype} eq 'blobchar') { $source = "userpropblob"; # clustered blob } elsif ($p->{'cldversion'} && $u->{'dversion'} >= $p->{'cldversion'}) { $source = "userproplite2"; # clustered } elsif ($p->{multihomed}) { $multihomed{$p->{id}} = 0; $source = "userproplite2"; } push @{$loadfrom{$source}}, $p->{'id'}; } } foreach my $table (qw{userproplite userproplite2 userpropblob userprop}) { next unless exists $loadfrom{$table}; my $db; if ($use_master) { $db = ($table =~ m{userprop(lite2|blob)}) ? LJ::get_cluster_master($u) : LJ::get_db_writer(); } unless ($db) { $db = ($table =~ m{userprop(lite2|blob)}) ? LJ::get_cluster_reader($u) : LJ::get_db_reader(); $used_slave = 1; } $sql = "SELECT upropid, value FROM $table WHERE userid=$uid"; if (ref $loadfrom{$table}) { $sql .= " AND upropid IN (" . join(",", @{$loadfrom{$table}}) . ")"; } $sth = $db->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; while (my ($id, $v) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { delete $multihomed{$id} if $table eq 'userproplite2'; $u->{$LJ::CACHE_PROPID{'user'}->{$id}->{'name'}} = $v; } # push back multihomed if necessary if ($table eq 'userproplite2') { push @{$loadfrom{userprop}}, $_ foreach keys %multihomed; } } # see if we failed to get anything above and need to hit the master. # this usually happens the first time a multihomed prop is hit. this # code will propogate that prop down to the cluster. if (%multihomed) { # verify that we got the database handle before we try propogating data if ($u->writer) { my @values; foreach my $id (keys %multihomed) { my $pname = $LJ::CACHE_PROPID{user}{$id}{name}; if (defined $u->{$pname} && $u->{$pname}) { push @values, "($uid, $id, " . $u->quote($u->{$pname}) . ")"; } else { push @values, "($uid, $id, '')"; } } $u->do("REPLACE INTO userproplite2 VALUES " . join ',', @values); } } # Add defaults to user object. # defaults for S1 style IDs in config file are magic: really # uniq strings representing style IDs, so on first use, we need # to map them unless ($LJ::CACHED_S1IDMAP) { my $pubsty = LJ::S1::get_public_styles(); foreach (values %$pubsty) { my $k = "s1_$_->{'type'}_style"; next unless $LJ::USERPROP_DEF{$k} eq "$_->{'type'}/$_->{'styledes'}"; $LJ::USERPROP_DEF{$k} = $_->{'styleid'}; } $LJ::CACHED_S1IDMAP = 1; } # If this was called with no @props, then the function tried # to load all metadata. but we don't know what's missing, so # try to apply all defaults. unless (@props) { @props = keys %LJ::USERPROP_DEF; } foreach my $prop (@props) { next if (defined $u->{$prop}); $u->{$prop} = $LJ::USERPROP_DEF{$prop}; } unless ($used_slave) { foreach my $wr (@needwrite) { my ($id, $name) = ($wr->[0], $wr->[1]); LJ::MemCache::set([$uid,"uprop:$uid:$id"], $u->{$name} || ""); } } } # simple interface to LJ::load_userids_multiple. takes userids, # returns hashref with keys ids, values $u refs. sub load_userids { my %u; LJ::load_userids_multiple([ map { $_ => \$u{$_} } @_ ]); return \%u; } # # name: LJ::load_userids_multiple # des: Loads a number of users at once, efficiently. # info: loads a few users at once, their userids given in the keys of $map # listref (not hashref: can't have dups). values of $map listref are # scalar refs to put result in. $have is an optional listref of user # object caller already has, but is too lazy to sort by themselves. # args: dbarg?, map, have, memcache_only? # des-map: Arrayref of pairs (userid, destination scalarref) # des-have: Arrayref of user objects caller already has # des-memcache_only: Flag to only retrieve data from memcache # returns: Nothing. # sub load_userids_multiple { &nodb; my ($map, $have, $memcache_only) = @_; my $sth; my %need; while (@$map) { my $id = shift @$map; my $ref = shift @$map; next unless int($id); push @{$need{$id}}, $ref; if ($LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$id}) { push @{$have}, $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$id}; } } my $satisfy = sub { my $u = shift; next unless ref $u eq "LJ::User"; foreach (@{$need{$u->{'userid'}}}) { $$_ = $u; } $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_NAME{$u->{'user'}} = $u; $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$u->{'userid'}} = $u; delete $need{$u->{'userid'}}; }; if ($have) { foreach my $u (@$have) { $satisfy->($u); } } if (keys %need) { foreach (LJ::memcache_get_u(map { [$_,"userid:$_"] } keys %need)) { $satisfy->($_); } } if (keys %need && ! $memcache_only) { my $db = @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS ? LJ::get_db_writer() : LJ::get_db_reader(); _load_user_raw($db, "userid", [ keys %need ], sub { my $u = shift; LJ::memcache_set_u($u); $satisfy->($u); }); } } # des-db: $dbh/$dbr # des-key: either "userid" or "user" (the WHERE part) # des-vals: value or arrayref of values for key to match on # des-hoook: optional code ref to run for each $u # returns: last $u found sub _load_user_raw { my ($db, $key, $vals, $hook) = @_; $hook ||= sub {}; $vals = [ $vals ] unless ref $vals eq "ARRAY"; if (!$db) { warn("_load_user_raw: database is not available"); return 0; } my $use_isam; unless ($LJ::CACHE_NO_ISAM{user} || scalar(@$vals) > 10) { eval { $db->do("HANDLER user OPEN"); }; if ($@ || $db->err) { $LJ::CACHE_NO_ISAM{user} = 1; } else { $use_isam = 1; } } my $last; if ($use_isam) { $key = "PRIMARY" if $key eq "userid"; foreach my $v (@$vals) { my $sth = $db->prepare("HANDLER user READ `$key` = (?) LIMIT 1"); $sth->execute($v); my $u = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; if ($u) { bless $u, 'LJ::User'; $hook->($u); $last = $u; } } $db->do("HANDLER user close"); } else { my $in = join(", ", map { $db->quote($_) } @$vals); my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM user WHERE $key IN ($in)"); $sth->execute; while (my $u = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { bless $u, 'LJ::User'; $hook->($u); $last = $u; } } return $last; } # # name: LJ::load_user # des: Loads a user record given a username. # info: From the [dbarg[user]] table. # args: dbarg?, user, force? # des-user: Username of user to load. # des-force: if set to true, won't return cached user object and will # query a dbh # returns: Hashref with keys being columns of [dbtable[user]] table. # sub load_user { &nodb; my ($user, $force) = @_; $user = LJ::canonical_username($user); return undef unless length $user; my $set_req_cache = sub { my $u = shift; $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_NAME{$u->{'user'}} = $u; $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$u->{'userid'}} = $u; return $u; }; my $get_user = sub { my $use_dbh = shift; my $db = $use_dbh ? LJ::get_db_writer() : LJ::get_db_reader(); my $u = _load_user_raw($db, "user", $user); return $u unless $u && $use_dbh; # set caches since we got a u from the master LJ::memcache_set_u($u); return $set_req_cache->($u); }; # caller is forcing a master, return now return $get_user->("master") if $force; my $u; # return process cache if we have one $u = $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_NAME{$user}; return $u if $u; # check memcache { my $uid = LJ::MemCache::get("uidof:$user"); $u = LJ::memcache_get_u([$uid, "userid:$uid"]) if $uid; return $set_req_cache->($u) if $u; } # try to load from master if using memcache, otherwise from slave $u = $get_user->(scalar @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS); return $u if $u; # setup LDAP handler if this is the first time if ($LJ::LDAP_HOST && ! $LJ::AUTH_EXISTS) { require LJ::LDAP; $LJ::AUTH_EXISTS = sub { my $user = shift; my $rec = LJ::LDAP::load_ldap_user($user); return $rec ? $rec : undef; }; } # if user doesn't exist in the LJ database, it's possible we're using # an external authentication source and we should create the account # implicitly. my $lu; if (ref $LJ::AUTH_EXISTS eq "CODE" && ($lu = $LJ::AUTH_EXISTS->($user))) { my $name = ref $lu eq "HASH" ? ($lu->{'nick'} || $lu->{name} || $user) : $user; if (LJ::create_account({ 'user' => $user, 'name' => $name, 'email' => ref $lu eq "HASH" ? $lu->{email} : "", 'password' => "", })) { # this should pull from the master, since it was _just_ created return $get_user->("master"); } } return undef; } # # name: LJ::u_equals # des: Compares two user objects to see if they're the same user. # args: userobj1, userobj2 # des-userobj1: First user to compare. # des-userobj2: Second user to compare. # returns: Boolean, true if userobj1 and userobj2 are defined and have equal userids. # sub u_equals { my ($u1, $u2) = @_; return $u1 && $u2 && $u1->{'userid'} == $u2->{'userid'}; } # # name: LJ::load_userid # des: Loads a user record given a userid. # info: From the [dbarg[user]] table. # args: dbarg?, userid, force? # des-userid: Userid of user to load. # des-force: if set to true, won't return cached user object and will # query a dbh # returns: Hashref with keys being columns of [dbtable[user]] table. # sub load_userid { &nodb; my ($userid, $force) = @_; return undef unless $userid; my $set_req_cache = sub { my $u = shift; $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_NAME{$u->{'user'}} = $u; $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$u->{'userid'}} = $u; return $u; }; my $get_user = sub { my $use_dbh = shift; my $db = $use_dbh ? LJ::get_db_writer() : LJ::get_db_reader(); my $u = _load_user_raw($db, "userid", $userid); return $u unless $u && $use_dbh; # set caches since we got a u from the master LJ::memcache_set_u($u); return $set_req_cache->($u); }; # user is forcing master, return now return $get_user->("master") if $force; my $u; # check process cache $u = $LJ::REQ_CACHE_USER_ID{$userid}; return $u if $u; # check memcache $u = LJ::memcache_get_u([$userid,"userid:$userid"]); return $set_req_cache->($u) if $u; # get from master if using memcache return $get_user->("master") if @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS; # check slave $u = $get_user->(); return $u if $u; # if we didn't get a u from the reader, fall back to master return $get_user->("master"); } sub memcache_get_u { my @keys = @_; my @ret; foreach my $ar (values %{LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@keys) || {}}) { my $u = LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("user", $ar); if ($u) { bless $u, 'LJ::User'; push @ret, $u; } } return wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]; } sub memcache_set_u { my $u = shift; return unless $u; my $ar = LJ::MemCache::hash_to_array("user", $u); return unless $ar; LJ::MemCache::set([$u->{'userid'}, "userid:$u->{'userid'}"], $ar); LJ::MemCache::set("uidof:$u->{user}", $u->{userid}); } # # name: LJ::get_bio # des: gets a user bio, from db or memcache # args: u, force # des-force: true to get data from cluster master # returns: string # sub get_bio { my ($u, $force) = @_; return unless $u && $u->{'has_bio'} eq "Y"; my $bio; my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "bio:$u->{'userid'}"]; unless ($force) { my $bio = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey); return $bio if defined $bio; } # not in memcache, fall back to disk my $db = @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS || $force ? LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u) : LJ::get_cluster_reader($u); $bio = $db->selectrow_array("SELECT bio FROM userbio WHERE userid=?", undef, $u->{'userid'}); # set in memcache LJ::MemCache::add($memkey, $bio); return $bio; } # # name: LJ::journal_base # des: Returns URL of a user's journal. # info: The tricky thing is that users with underscores in their usernames # can't have some_user.site.com as a hostname, so that's changed into # some-user.site.com. # args: uuser, vhost? # des-uuser: User hashref or username of user whose URL to make. # des-vhost: What type of URL. Acceptable options are "users", to make a # http://user.site.com/ URL; "tilde" to make http://site.com/~user/; # "community" for http://site.com/community/user; or the default # will be http://site.com/users/user. If unspecifed and uuser # is a user hashref, then the best/preferred vhost will be chosen. # returns: scalar; a URL. # sub journal_base { my ($user, $vhost) = @_; if (isu($user)) { my $u = $user; $user = $u->{'user'}; unless (defined $vhost) { if (($LJ::FRONTPAGE_JOURNAL) && $LJ::FRONTPAGE_JOURNAL eq $user) { $vhost = "front"; } elsif ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "P") { $vhost = ""; } elsif ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "C") { $vhost = "community"; } } } if ($vhost eq "users") { my $he_user = $user; $he_user =~ s/_/-/g; return "http://$he_user.$LJ::USER_DOMAIN"; } elsif ($vhost eq "tilde") { return "$LJ::SITEROOT/~$user"; } elsif ($vhost eq "community") { return "$LJ::SITEROOT/community/$user"; } elsif ($vhost eq "front") { return $LJ::SITEROOT; } elsif ($vhost =~ /^other:(.+)/) { return "http://$1"; } else { return "$LJ::SITEROOT/users/$user"; } } # loads all of the given privs for a given user into a hashref # inside the user record ($u->{_privs}->{$priv}->{$arg} = 1) # # name: LJ::load_user_privs # class: # des: # info: # args: # des-: # returns: # sub load_user_privs { &nodb; my $remote = shift; my @privs = @_; return unless $remote and @privs; # return if we've already loaded these privs for this user. @privs = grep { ! $remote->{'_privloaded'}->{$_} } @privs; return unless @privs; my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader(); return unless $dbr; foreach (@privs) { $remote->{'_privloaded'}->{$_}++; } @privs = map { $dbr->quote($_) } @privs; my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT pl.privcode, pm.arg ". "FROM priv_map pm, priv_list pl ". "WHERE pm.prlid=pl.prlid AND ". "pl.privcode IN (" . join(',',@privs) . ") ". "AND pm.userid=$remote->{'userid'}"); $sth->execute; while (my ($priv, $arg) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { unless (defined $arg) { $arg = ""; } # NULL -> "" $remote->{'_priv'}->{$priv}->{$arg} = 1; } } # # name: LJ::check_priv # des: Check to see if a user has a certain privilege. # info: Usually this is used to check the privs of a $remote user. # See [func[LJ::get_remote]]. As such, a $u argument of undef # is okay to pass: 0 will be returned, as an unknown user can't # have any rights. # args: dbarg?, u, priv, arg? # des-priv: Priv name to check for (see [dbtable[priv_list]]) # des-arg: Optional argument. If defined, function only returns true # when $remote has a priv of type $priv also with arg $arg, not # just any priv of type $priv, which is the behavior without # an $arg # returns: boolean; true if user has privilege # sub check_priv { &nodb; my ($u, $priv, $arg) = @_; return 0 unless $u; if (! $u->{'_privloaded'}->{$priv}) { LJ::load_user_privs($u, $priv); } if (defined $arg) { return (defined $u->{'_priv'}->{$priv} && defined $u->{'_priv'}->{$priv}->{$arg}); } else { return (defined $u->{'_priv'}->{$priv}); } } # # # # name: LJ::remote_has_priv # class: # des: Check to see if the given remote user has a certain priviledge # info: DEPRECATED. should use load_user_privs + check_priv # args: # des-: # returns: # sub remote_has_priv { &nodb; my $remote = shift; my $privcode = shift; # required. priv code to check for. my $ref = shift; # optional, arrayref or hashref to populate return 0 unless ($remote); ### authentication done. time to authorize... my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader(); my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT pm.arg FROM priv_map pm, priv_list pl WHERE pm.prlid=pl.prlid AND pl.privcode=? AND pm.userid=?"); $sth->execute($privcode, $remote->{'userid'}); my $match = 0; if (ref $ref eq "ARRAY") { @$ref = (); } if (ref $ref eq "HASH") { %$ref = (); } while (my ($arg) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $match++; if (ref $ref eq "ARRAY") { push @$ref, $arg; } if (ref $ref eq "HASH") { $ref->{$arg} = 1; } } return $match; } # $dom: 'L' == log, 'T' == talk, 'M' == modlog, 'S' == session, # 'R' == memory (remembrance), 'K' == keyword id, # 'P' == phone post, 'C' == pending comment sub alloc_user_counter { my ($u, $dom, $recurse) = @_; ################################################################## # IF YOU UPDATE THIS MAKE SURE YOU ADD INITIALIZATION CODE BELOW # return undef unless $dom =~ /^[LTMPSRKCD]$/; # ################################################################## my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); return undef unless $dbh; my $newmax; my $uid = $u->{'userid'}+0; return undef unless $uid; my $memkey = [$uid, "auc:$uid:$dom"]; # in a master-master DB cluster we need to be careful that in # an automatic failover case where one cluster is slightly behind # that the same counter ID isn't handed out twice. use memcache # as a sanity check to record/check latest number handed out. my $memmax = int(LJ::MemCache::get($memkey) || 0); my $rs = $dbh->do("UPDATE usercounter SET max=LAST_INSERT_ID(GREATEST(max,$memmax)+1) ". "WHERE journalid=? AND area=?", undef, $uid, $dom); if ($rs > 0) { $newmax = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"); LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $newmax); return $newmax; } if ($recurse) { # We shouldn't ever get here if all is right with the world. return undef; } my $qry_map = { # for entries: 'log' => "SELECT MAX(jitemid) FROM log2 WHERE journalid=?", 'logtext' => "SELECT MAX(jitemid) FROM logtext2 WHERE journalid=?", 'talk_nodeid' => "SELECT MAX(nodeid) FROM talk2 WHERE nodetype='L' AND journalid=?", # for comments: 'talk' => "SELECT MAX(jtalkid) FROM talk2 WHERE journalid=?", 'talktext' => "SELECT MAX(jtalkid) FROM talktext2 WHERE journalid=?", }; my $consider = sub { my @tables = @_; foreach my $t (@tables) { my $res = $u->selectrow_array($qry_map->{$t}, undef, $uid); $newmax = $res if ($res) && $res > $newmax; } }; # Make sure the counter table is populated for this uid/dom. if ($dom eq "L") { # back in the ol' days IDs were reused (because of MyISAM) # so now we're extra careful not to reuse a number that has # foreign junk "attached". turns out people like to delete # each entry by hand, but we do lazy deletes that are often # too lazy and a user can see old stuff come back alive $consider->("log", "logtext", "talk_nodeid"); } elsif ($dom eq "T") { # just paranoia, not as bad as above. don't think we've ever # run into cases of talktext without a talk, but who knows. # can't hurt. $consider->("talk", "talktext"); } elsif ($dom eq "M") { $newmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(modid) FROM modlog WHERE journalid=?", undef, $uid); } elsif ($dom eq "S") { $newmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(sessid) FROM sessions WHERE userid=?", undef, $uid); } elsif ($dom eq "R") { $newmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(memid) FROM memorable2 WHERE userid=?", undef, $uid); } elsif ($dom eq "K") { $newmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(kwid) FROM userkeywords WHERE userid=?", undef, $uid); } elsif ($dom eq "P") { my $userblobmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(blobid) FROM userblob WHERE journalid=? AND domain=?", undef, $uid, LJ::get_blob_domainid("phonepost")); my $ppemax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(blobid) FROM phonepostentry WHERE userid=?", undef, $uid); $newmax = ($ppemax > $userblobmax) ? $ppemax : $userblobmax; } elsif ($dom eq "C") { my $commentmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(pendid) FROM pendcomments WHERE jid=?", undef, $uid); } elsif ($dom eq "D") { $newmax = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(moduleid) FROM embedcontent WHERE userid=?", undef, $uid); } else { die "No user counter initializer defined for area '$dom'.\n"; } $newmax += 0; $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO usercounter (journalid, area, max) VALUES (?,?,?)", undef, $uid, $dom, $newmax) or return undef; # The 2nd invocation of the alloc_user_counter sub should do the # intended incrementing. return LJ::alloc_user_counter($u, $dom, 1); } # # name: LJ::make_user_active # des: Record user activity per cluster to # make per-activity cluster stats easier. # args: userobj, type # arg-userid: source userobj ref # arg-type: currently unused # sub mark_user_active { my ($u, $type) = @_; # not currently using type return 0 unless $u; # do not auto-vivify $u my $uid = $u->{userid}; return 0 unless $uid && $u->{clusterid}; # Update the clustertrack table, but not if we've done it for this # user in the last hour. if no memcache servers are configured # we don't do the optimization and just always log the activity info if (@LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS == 0 || LJ::MemCache::add("rate:tracked:$uid", 1, 3600)) { return 0 unless $u->writer; $u->do("REPLACE INTO clustertrack2 SET ". "userid=?, timeactive=?, clusterid=?", undef, $uid, time(), $u->{clusterid}) or return 0; } return 1; } # # name: LJ::infohistory_add # des: Add a line of text to the infohistory table for an account. # args: uuid, what, value, other? # des-uuid: User id or user object to insert infohistory for. # des-what: What type of history being inserted (15 chars max). # des-value: Value for the item (255 chars max). # des-other: Extra information (30 chars max). # returns: 1 on success, 0 on error. # sub infohistory_add { my ($uuid, $what, $value, $other) = @_; $uuid = LJ::want_userid($uuid); return unless $uuid && $what && $value; # get writer and insert my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO infohistory (userid, what, timechange, oldvalue, other) VALUES (?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?)", undef, $uuid, $what, $value, $other); return $dbh->err ? 0 : 1; } # # name: LJ::set_userprop # des: Sets/deletes a userprop by name for a user. # info: This adds or deletes from the # [dbtable[userprop]]/[dbtable[userproplite]] tables. One # crappy thing about this interface is that it doesn't allow # a batch of userprops to be updated at once, which is the # common thing to do. # args: dbarg?, uuserid, propname, value, memonly? # des-uuserid: The userid of the user or a user hashref. # des-propname: The name of the property. Or a hashref of propname keys and corresponding values. # des-value: The value to set to the property. If undefined or the # empty string, then property is deleted. # des-memonly: if true, only writes to memcache, and not to database. # sub set_userprop { &nodb; my ($u, $propname, $value, $memonly) = @_; $u = ref $u ? $u : LJ::load_userid($u); my $userid = $u->{'userid'}+0; my $hash = ref $propname eq "HASH" ? $propname : { $propname => $value }; my %action; # $table -> {"replace"|"delete"} -> [ "($userid, $propid, $qvalue)" | propid ] my %multihomed; # { $propid => $value } foreach $propname (keys %$hash) { my $p = LJ::get_prop("user", $propname) or die "Invalid userprop $propname passed to LJ::set_userprop."; if ($p->{multihomed}) { # collect into array for later handling $multihomed{$p->{id}} = $hash->{$propname}; next; } my $table = $p->{'indexed'} ? "userprop" : "userproplite"; if ($p->{datatype} eq 'blobchar') { $table = 'userpropblob'; } elsif ($p->{'cldversion'} && $u->{'dversion'} >= $p->{'cldversion'}) { $table = "userproplite2"; } unless ($memonly) { my $db = $action{$table}->{'db'} ||= ( $table !~ m{userprop(lite2|blob)} ? LJ::get_db_writer() : $u->writer ); return 0 unless $db; } $value = $hash->{$propname}; if (defined $value && $value) { push @{$action{$table}->{"replace"}}, [ $p->{'id'}, $value ]; } else { push @{$action{$table}->{"delete"}}, $p->{'id'}; } } foreach my $table (keys %action) { my $db = $action{$table}->{'db'}; if (my $list = $action{$table}->{"replace"}) { if ($db) { my $vals = join(',', map { "($userid,$_->[0]," . $db->quote($_->[1]) . ")" } @$list); $db->do("REPLACE INTO $table (userid, upropid, value) VALUES $vals"); } LJ::MemCache::set([$userid,"uprop:$userid:$_->[0]"], $_->[1]) foreach (@$list); } if (my $list = $action{$table}->{"delete"}) { if ($db) { my $in = join(',', @$list); $db->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE userid=$userid AND upropid IN ($in)"); } LJ::MemCache::set([$userid,"uprop:$userid:$_"], "") foreach (@$list); } } # if we had any multihomed props, set them here if (%multihomed) { my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); return 0 unless $dbh && $u->writer; while (my ($propid, $pvalue) = each %multihomed) { if (defined $pvalue && $pvalue) { # replace data into master $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO userprop VALUES (?, ?, ?)", undef, $userid, $propid, $pvalue); } else { # delete data from master, but keep in cluster $dbh->do("DELETE FROM userprop WHERE userid = ? AND upropid = ?", undef, $userid, $propid); } # fail out? return 0 if $dbh->err; # put data in cluster $pvalue ||= ''; $u->do("REPLACE INTO userproplite2 VALUES (?, ?, ?)", undef, $userid, $propid, $pvalue); return 0 if $u->err; # set memcache LJ::MemCache::set([$userid,"uprop:$userid:$propid"], $pvalue); } } return 1; } # # name: LJ::get_shared_journals # des: Gets an array of shared journals a user has access to. # returns: An array of shared journals. # args: u # sub get_shared_journals { my $u = shift; my $ids = LJ::load_rel_target($u, 'A') || []; # have to get usernames; my %users; LJ::load_userids_multiple([ map { $_, \$users{$_} } @$ids ], [$u]); return sort map { $_->{'user'} } values %users; } # # class: component # name: LJ::ljuser # des: Make link to userinfo/journal of user. # info: Returns the HTML for a userinfo/journal link pair for a given user # name, just like LJUSER does in BML. This is for files like cleanhtml.pl # and ljpoll.pl which need this functionality too, but they aren't run as BML. # args: user, opts? # des-user: Username to link to, or user hashref. # des-opts: Optional hashref to control output. Key 'full' when true causes # a link to the mode=full userinfo. Key 'type' when 'C' makes # a community link, when 'Y' makes a syndicated account link, # when 'N' makes a news account link, otherwise makes a user account # link. If user parameter is a hashref, its 'journaltype' overrides # this 'type'. Key 'del', when true, makes a tag for a deleted user. # If user parameter is a hashref, its 'statusvis' overrides 'del'. # Key 'no_follow', when true, disables traversal of renamed users. # Key 'side' for LJ-based server control # returns: HTML with a little head image & bold text link. # sub ljuser { my $user = shift; my $opts = shift; my $u; my $native=1; if ($opts->{'side'}){ if ($opts->{'side'} eq 'LJR') {$native=1; $opts->{'side'}="lj.rossia.org"} elsif ($opts->{'side'} eq 'lj.rossia.org') {$native=1;} elsif ($opts->{'side'} eq 'LJCOM') { $opts->{'side'}="www.livejournal.com"; $native=0;} elsif ($opts->{'side'} eq 'LJ') { $opts->{'side'}="www.livejournal.com"; $native=0;} else {$native=0;} } if ($native){ my $do_dynamic = $LJ::DYNAMIC_LJUSER || ($user =~ /^ext_/); if ($do_dynamic && ! isu($user) && ! $opts->{'type'}) { # Try to automatically pick the user type, but still # make something if we can't (user doesn't exist?) $user = LJ::load_user($user) || $user; my $hops = 0; # Traverse the renames to the final journal while (ref $user and $user->{'journaltype'} eq 'R' and ! $opts->{'no_follow'} && $hops++ < 5) { LJ::load_user_props($user, 'renamedto'); last unless length $user->{'renamedto'}; $user = LJ::load_user($user->{'renamedto'}); } } if (isu($user)) { $u = $user; $opts->{'type'} = $user->{'journaltype'}; # Mark accounts as deleted that aren't visible, memorial, or locked $opts->{'del'} = $user->{'statusvis'} ne 'V' && $user->{'statusvis'} ne 'M' && $user->{'statusvis'} ne 'L'; $user = $user->{'user'}; } my $andfull = $opts->{'full'} ? "&mode=full" : ""; my $img = $opts->{'imgroot'} || $LJ::IMGPREFIX; my $strike = $opts->{'del'} ? ' text-decoration: line-through;' : ''; my $make_tag = sub { my ($fil, $dir, $x, $y) = @_; $y ||= $x; # make square if only one dimension given return "[info]$user"; }; $u = LJ::load_user($user); $opts->{'type'} = $u->{'journaltype'}; if ($opts->{'type'} eq 'C') { return $make_tag->('community.gif', 'community', 16); } elsif ($opts->{'type'} eq 'Y') { return $make_tag->('syndicated.gif', 'users', 16); } elsif ($opts->{'type'} eq 'N') { return $make_tag->('newsinfo.gif', 'users', 16); } elsif ($opts->{'type'} eq 'I') { return $u->ljuser_display($opts); } else { return $make_tag->('userinfo.gif', 'users', 17); } } else { #we have non-native side my $andfull = $opts->{'full'} ? "&mode=full" : ""; my $img = $opts->{'imgroot'} || $LJ::SITEROOT."/".$LJ::IMGPREFIX; if ($opts->{'side'} eq "www.livejournal.com") {$img="http://stat.livejournal.com/img/"} my $strike = $opts->{'del'} ? ' text-decoration: line-through;' : ''; my $make_tag = sub { my ($s, $fil, $dir, $x, $y) = @_; $y ||= $x; # make square if only one dimension given return "[info]$user"; }; if ($opts->{'type'} eq 'C') { return $make_tag->( $opts->{'side'}, 'community.gif', 'community', 16); } elsif ($opts->{'type'} eq 'Y') { return $make_tag->( $opts->{'side'}, 'syndicated.gif', 'users', 16); } elsif ($opts->{'type'} eq 'N') { return $make_tag->( $opts->{'side'}, 'newsinfo.gif', 'users', 16); } elsif ($opts->{'type'} eq 'I') { return $u->ljuser_display($opts); } else { return $make_tag->( $opts->{'side'}, 'userinfo.gif', 'users', 17); } } } sub update_user { my ($arg, $ref) = @_; my @uid; if (ref $arg eq "ARRAY") { @uid = @$arg; } else { @uid = want_userid($arg); } @uid = grep { $_ } map { $_ + 0 } @uid; return 0 unless @uid; my @sets; my @bindparams; while (my ($k, $v) = each %$ref) { if ($k eq "raw") { push @sets, $v; } else { push @sets, "$k=?"; push @bindparams, $v; } } return 1 unless @sets; my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); return 0 unless $dbh; { local $" = ","; my $where = @uid == 1 ? "userid=$uid[0]" : "userid IN (@uid)"; $dbh->do("UPDATE user SET @sets WHERE $where", undef, @bindparams); return 0 if $dbh->err; } if (@LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS) { LJ::memcache_kill($_, "userid") foreach @uid; } return 1; } # # name: LJ::get_timezone # des: Gets the timezone offset for the user. # args: u, offsetref, fakedref # des-u: user object. # des-offsetref: reference to scalar to hold timezone offset; # des-fakedref: reference to scalar to hold whether this timezone was # faked. 0 if it is the timezone specified by the user (not supported yet). # returns: nonzero if successful. # sub get_timezone { my ($u, $offsetref, $fakedref) = @_; # we currently don't support timezones, # but when we do this will be the function to modify. my $offset; my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u); return 0 unless $dbcr; # we guess their current timezone's offset # by comparing the gmtime of their last post # with the time they specified on that post. # grab the times on the last post. if (my $last_row = $dbcr->selectrow_hashref( "SELECT rlogtime, eventtime ". "FROM log2 WHERE journalid=? ". "ORDER BY rlogtime LIMIT 1", undef, $u->{userid})) { my $logtime = $LJ::EndOfTime - $last_row->{'rlogtime'}; my $eventtime = LJ::mysqldate_to_time($last_row->{'eventtime'}, 1); my $hourdiff = ($eventtime - $logtime) / 3600; # if they're up to a quarter hour behind, round up. $$offsetref = $hourdiff > 0 ? int($hourdiff + 0.25) : int($hourdiff - 0.25); } # until we store real timezones, the timezone is always faked. $$fakedref = 1 if $fakedref; return 1; } # returns undef on error, or otherwise arrayref of arrayrefs, # each of format [ year, month, day, count ] for all days with # non-zero count. examples: # [ [ 2003, 6, 5, 3 ], [ 2003, 6, 8, 4 ], ... ] # sub get_daycounts { my ($u, $remote, $not_memcache) = @_; # NOTE: $remote not yet used. one of the oldest LJ shortcomings is that # it's public how many entries users have per-day, even if the entries # are protected. we'll be fixing that with a new table, but first # we're moving everything to this API. my $uid = LJ::want_userid($u) or return undef; my @days; my $memkey = [$uid,"dayct:$uid"]; unless ($not_memcache) { my $list = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey); return $list if $list; } my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u) or return undef; my $sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT year, month, day, COUNT(*) ". "FROM log2 WHERE journalid=? GROUP BY 1, 2, 3"); $sth->execute($uid); while (my ($y, $m, $d, $c) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { # we force each number from string scalars (from DBI) to int scalars, # so they store smaller in memcache push @days, [ int($y), int($m), int($d), int($c) ]; } LJ::MemCache::add($memkey, \@days); return \@days; } # # name: LJ::modify_caps # des: Given a list of caps to add and caps to remove, updates a user's caps # args: uuid, cap_add, cap_del, res # arg-cap_add: arrayref of bit numbers to turn on # arg-cap_del: arrayref of bit numbers to turn off # arg-res: hashref returned from 'modify_caps' hook # returns: updated u object, retrieved from $dbh, then 'caps' key modified # otherwise, returns 0 unless all hooks run properly # sub modify_caps { my ($argu, $cap_add, $cap_del, $res) = @_; my $userid = LJ::want_userid($argu); return undef unless $userid; $cap_add ||= []; $cap_del ||= []; my %cap_add_mod = (); my %cap_del_mod = (); # convert capnames to bit numbers if (LJ::are_hooks("get_cap_bit")) { foreach my $bit (@$cap_add, @$cap_del) { next if $bit =~ /^\d+$/; # bit is a magical reference into the array $bit = LJ::run_hook("get_cap_bit", $bit); } } # get a u object directly from the db my $u = LJ::load_userid($userid, "force"); # add new caps my $newcaps = int($u->{'caps'}); foreach (@$cap_add) { my $cap = 1 << $_; # about to turn bit on, is currently off? $cap_add_mod{$_} = 1 unless $newcaps & $cap; $newcaps |= $cap; } # remove deleted caps foreach (@$cap_del) { my $cap = 1 << $_; # about to turn bit off, is it currently on? $cap_del_mod{$_} = 1 if $newcaps & $cap; $newcaps &= ~$cap; } # run hooks for modified bits if (LJ::are_hooks("modify_caps")) { $res = LJ::run_hook("modify_caps", { 'u' => $u, 'newcaps' => $newcaps, 'oldcaps' => $u->{'caps'}, 'cap_on_req' => { map { $_ => 1 } @$cap_add }, 'cap_off_req' => { map { $_ => 1 } @$cap_del }, 'cap_on_mod' => \%cap_add_mod, 'cap_off_mod' => \%cap_del_mod, }); # hook should return a status code return undef unless defined $res; } # update user row LJ::update_user($u, { 'caps' => $newcaps }); return $u; } # returns 1 if action is permitted. 0 if above rate or fail. # action isn't logged on fail. # # opts keys: # -- "limit_by_ip" => "" (when used for checking rate) # -- sub rate_log { my ($u, $ratename, $count, $opts) = @_; my $rateperiod = LJ::get_cap($u, "rateperiod-$ratename"); return 1 unless $rateperiod; return 0 unless $u->writer; my $rp = LJ::get_prop("rate", $ratename); return 0 unless $rp; my $now = time(); my $beforeperiod = $now - $rateperiod; # delete inapplicable stuff (or some of it) $u->do("DELETE FROM ratelog WHERE userid=$u->{'userid'} AND rlid=$rp->{'id'} ". "AND evttime < $beforeperiod LIMIT 1000"); # check rate. (okay per period) my $opp = LJ::get_cap($u, "rateallowed-$ratename"); return 1 unless $opp; my $udbr = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u); my $ip = $udbr->quote($opts->{'limit_by_ip'} || ""); my $sum = $udbr->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(quantity) FROM ratelog WHERE ". "userid=$u->{'userid'} AND rlid=$rp->{'id'} ". "AND ip=INET_ATON($ip) ". "AND evttime > $beforeperiod"); # would this transaction go over the limit? if ($sum + $count > $opp) { # TODO: optionally log to rateabuse, unless caller is doing it themselves # somehow, like with the "loginstall" table. return 0; } # log current $count = $count + 0; $u->do("INSERT INTO ratelog (userid, rlid, evttime, ip, quantity) VALUES ". "($u->{'userid'}, $rp->{'id'}, $now, INET_ATON($ip), $count)"); return 1; } sub login_ip_banned { my $u = shift; return 0 unless $u; my $ip; return 0 unless ($ip = LJ::get_remote_ip()); my $udbr; my $rateperiod = LJ::get_cap($u, "rateperiod-failed_login"); if ($rateperiod && ($udbr = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u))) { my $bantime = $udbr->selectrow_array("SELECT time FROM loginstall WHERE ". "userid=$u->{'userid'} AND ip=INET_ATON(?)", undef, $ip); if ($bantime && $bantime > time() - $rateperiod) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub handle_bad_login { my $u = shift; return 1 unless $u; my $ip; return 1 unless ($ip = LJ::get_remote_ip()); # an IP address is permitted such a rate of failures # until it's banned for a period of time. my $udbh; if (! LJ::rate_log($u, "failed_login", 1, { 'limit_by_ip' => $ip }) && ($udbh = LJ::get_cluster_master($u))) { $udbh->do("REPLACE INTO loginstall (userid, ip, time) VALUES ". "(?,INET_ATON(?),UNIX_TIMESTAMP())", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $ip); } return 1; } # # name: LJ::_friends_do # des: Runs given sql, then deletes the given userid's friends from memcache # args: uuserid, sql, args # des-uuserid: a userid or u object # des-sql: sql to run via $dbh->do() # des-args: a list of arguments to pass use via: $dbh->do($sql, undef, @args) # returns: return false on error # sub _friends_do { my ($uuid, $sql, @args) = @_; my $uid = want_userid($uuid); return undef unless $uid && $sql; my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer() or return 0; my $ret = $dbh->do($sql, undef, @args); return 0 if $dbh->err; LJ::memcache_kill($uid, "friends"); # pass $uuid in case it's a $u object which mark_dirty wants LJ::mark_dirty($uuid, "friends"); return 1; } # # name: LJ::add_friend # des: Simple interface to add a friend edge. # args: uuid, to_add, opts? # des-to_add: a single uuid or an arrayref of uuids to add (befriendees) # des-opts: hashref; 'defaultview' key means add target uuids to $uuid's Default View friends group # returns: boolean; 1 on success (or already friend), 0 on failure (bogus args) # sub add_friend { &nodb; my ($userid, $to_add, $opts) = @_; $userid = LJ::want_userid($userid); return 0 unless $userid; my @add_ids = ref $to_add eq 'ARRAY' ? map { LJ::want_userid($_) } @$to_add : ( LJ::want_userid($to_add) ); return 0 unless @add_ids; my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); my $black = LJ::color_todb("#000000"); my $white = LJ::color_todb("#ffffff"); my $groupmask = 1; if ($opts->{'defaultview'}) { # TAG:FR:ljlib:add_friend_getdefviewmask my $group = LJ::get_friend_group($userid, { name => 'Default View' }); my $grp = $group ? $group->{groupnum}+0 : 0; $groupmask |= (1 << $grp) if $grp; } # TAG:FR:ljlib:add_friend my $bind = join(",", map { "(?,?,?,?,?)" } @add_ids); my @vals = map { $userid, $_, $black, $white, $groupmask } @add_ids; my $res = LJ::_friends_do ($userid, "INSERT IGNORE INTO friends (userid, friendid, fgcolor, bgcolor, groupmask) VALUES $bind", @vals); # delete friend-of memcache keys for anyone who was added foreach (@add_ids) { LJ::MemCache::delete([ $userid, "frgmask:$userid:$_" ]); LJ::memcache_kill($_, 'friendofs'); } return $res; } # # name: LJ::remove_friend # args: uuid, to_del # des-to_del: a single uuid or an arrayref of uuids to remove # sub remove_friend { my ($userid, $to_del) = @_; $userid = LJ::want_userid($userid); return undef unless $userid; my @del_ids = ref $to_del eq 'ARRAY' ? map { LJ::want_userid($_) } @$to_del : ( LJ::want_userid($to_del) ); return 0 unless @del_ids; my $bind = join(",", map { "?" } @del_ids); my $res = LJ::_friends_do($userid, "DELETE FROM friends WHERE userid=? AND friendid IN ($bind)", $userid, @del_ids); # delete friend-of memcache keys for anyone who was removed foreach my $fid (@del_ids) { LJ::MemCache::delete([ $userid, "frgmask:$userid:$fid" ]); LJ::memcache_kill($fid, 'friendofs'); } return $res; } *delete_friend_edge = \&LJ::remove_friend; # # name: LJ::get_friends # des: Returns friends rows for a given user. # args: uuserid, mask?, memcache_only?, force?, hint_superset? # des-uuserid: a userid or u object # des-mask: a security mask to filter on # des-memcache_only: flag, set to only return data from memcache # des-force: flag, set to ignore memcache and always hit db # des-hint_superset: if defined, friends should be within this hash of ids # returns: hashref; keys = friend userids # values = hashrefs of 'friends' columns and their values # sub get_friends { # TAG:FR:ljlib:get_friends my ($uuid, $mask, $memcache_only, $force, $hint) = @_; my $userid = LJ::want_userid($uuid); return undef unless $userid; return undef if $LJ::FORCE_EMPTY_FRIENDS{$userid}; # memcache data version my $ver = 1; my $packfmt = "NH6H6NC"; my $packlen = 15; # bytes my @cols = qw(friendid fgcolor bgcolor groupmask showbydefault); # first, check memcache my $memkey = [$userid, "friends:$userid"]; unless ($force) { my $memfriends = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey); if ($memfriends) { my %friends; # rows to be returned # first byte of object is data version # only version 1 is meaningful right now my $memver = substr($memfriends, 0, 1, ''); return undef unless $memver == $ver; # get each $packlen-byte row while (length($memfriends) >= $packlen) { my @row = unpack($packfmt, substr($memfriends, 0, $packlen, '')); # don't add into %friends hash if groupmask doesn't match next if $mask && ! ($row[3]+0 & $mask+0); next if $hint && not exists $hint->{$row[0]}; # add "#" to beginning of colors $row[$_] = "\#$row[$_]" foreach 1..2; # turn unpacked row into hashref my $fid = $row[0]; my $idx = 1; foreach my $col (@cols[1..$#cols]) { $friends{$fid}->{$col} = $row[$idx]; $idx++; } } # got from memcache, return return \%friends; } } return {} if $memcache_only; # no friends my %colors; my $color_fmt = sub { my ($c) = @_; my $res = $colors{$c}; if (!defined $res) { $res = sprintf("%06x", $c); $colors{$c} = $res; }; return $res; }; # nothing from memcache, select all rows from the # database and insert those into memcache # then return rows that matched the given groupmask my $mempack = $ver; # full packed string to insert into memcache, byte 1 is dversion my %friends; # friends object to be returned, all groupmasks match my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT friendid, fgcolor, bgcolor, groupmask, showbydefault " . "FROM friends WHERE userid=?"); $sth->execute($userid); die $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err; while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { # convert color columns to hex $row[$_] = $color_fmt->($row[$_]) foreach 1..2; #$row[$_] = sprintf("%06x", $row[$_]) foreach 1..2; $mempack .= pack($packfmt, @row); # unless groupmask matches, skip adding to %friends next if $mask && ! ($row[3]+0 & $mask+0); next if $hint && not exists $hint->{$row[0]}; # add "#" to beginning of colors $row[$_] = "\#$row[$_]" foreach 1..2; my $fid = $row[0]; my $idx = 1; foreach my $col (@cols[1..$#cols]) { $friends{$fid}->{$col} = $row[$idx]; $idx++; } } LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $mempack); return \%friends; } # Get friendsfriends list using MemCache::get_multi() # Skip self references, apply mask, but ignore colors. # (code from get_friends(), slightly improved) # sub get_friends_multi { # TAG:FR:ljlib:get_friends_multi my ($uids, $mask) = @_; # memcache data version my $ver = 1; my $packfmt = "NH6H6NC"; my $packlen = 15; # bytes my @cols = qw(friendid fgcolor bgcolor groupmask showbydefault); my %friends; # rows to be returned my @memkeys = map { [$_, "friends:$_"] } keys %$uids; my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@memkeys) || {}; foreach (values %$mem) { my $memfriends = $_; if ($memfriends) { # first byte of object is data version # only version 1 is meaningful right now my $memver = substr($memfriends, 0, 1, ''); return undef unless $memver == $ver; # get each $packlen-byte row while (length($memfriends) >= $packlen) { my @row = unpack($packfmt, substr($memfriends, 0, $packlen, '')); my $fid = $row[0]; next if exists $uids->{$fid}; next if exists $friends{$fid}; next if $mask && ! ($row[3]+0 & $mask+0); # turn unpacked row into hashref my $idx = 1; foreach my $col (@cols[1..$#cols]) { $friends{$fid}->{$col} = $row[$idx]; $idx++; } } } } return \%friends; } # # name: LJ::get_friendofs # des: Returns userids of friendofs for a given user. # args: uuserid, opts? # des-opts: options hash, keys: 'force' => don't check memcache # returns: userid for friendofs # sub get_friendofs { # TAG:FR:ljlib:get_friends my ($uuid, $opts) = @_; my $userid = LJ::want_userid($uuid); return undef unless $userid; # first, check memcache my $memkey = [$userid, "friendofs:$userid"]; unless ($opts->{force}) { my $memfriendofs = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey); return @$memfriendofs if $memfriendofs; } # nothing from memcache, select all rows from the # database and insert those into memcache my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); my $limit = $opts->{force} ? '' : " LIMIT " . ($LJ::MAX_FRIENDOF_LOAD+1); my $friendofs = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref ("SELECT userid FROM friends WHERE friendid=? $limit", undef, $userid) || []; die $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err; LJ::MemCache::add($memkey, $friendofs); return @$friendofs; } # # name: LJ::get_friend_group # des: Returns friendgroup row(s) for a given user. # args: uuserid, opt? # des-uuserid: a userid or u object # des-opt: a hashref with keys: 'bit' => bit number of group to return # 'name' => name of group to return # returns: hashref; if bit/name are specified, returns hashref with keys being # friendgroup rows, or undef if the group wasn't found. # # otherwise, returns hashref of all group rows with keys being # group bit numbers and values being row col => val hashrefs # sub get_friend_group { my ($uuid, $opt) = @_; my $u = LJ::want_user($uuid); return undef unless $u; my $uid = $u->{userid}; # data version number my $ver = 1; # sanity check bitnum delete $opt->{'bit'} if (exists $opt->{'bit'}) && ($opt->{'bit'} > 31 || $opt->{'bit'} < 0); my $fg; my $find_grp = sub { # $fg format: # [ version, [userid, bitnum, name, sortorder, public], [...], ... ] my $memver = shift @$fg; return undef unless $memver == $ver; # bit number was specified if ($opt->{'bit'}) { foreach (@$fg) { return LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("fgrp", [$memver, @$_]) if $_->[1] == $opt->{'bit'}; } return undef; } # group name was specified if ($opt->{'name'}) { foreach (@$fg) { return LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("fgrp", [$memver, @$_]) if lc($_->[2]) eq lc($opt->{'name'}); } return undef; } # no arg, return entire object return { map { $_->[1] => LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("fgrp", [$memver, @$_]) } @$fg }; }; # check memcache my $memkey = [$uid, "fgrp:$uid"]; $fg = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey); return $find_grp->() if $fg; # check database $fg = [$ver]; my ($db, $fgtable) = $u->{dversion} > 5 ? (LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u), 'friendgroup2') : # if dversion is 6+, use definitive reader (LJ::get_db_writer(), 'friendgroup'); # else, use regular db writer return undef unless $db; my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT userid, groupnum, groupname, sortorder, is_public " . "FROM $fgtable WHERE userid=?"); $sth->execute($uid); return LJ::error($db) if $db->err; my @row; push @$fg, [ @row ] while @row = $sth->fetchrow_array; # set in memcache LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $fg); return $find_grp->(); } # # name: LJ::fill_groups_xmlrpc # des: Fills a hashref (presumably to be sent to an XMLRPC client, EG fotobilder) # with user friend group information # args: u, ret # des-ret: a response hashref to fill with friend group data # returns: undef if called incorrectly, 1 otherwise # sub fill_groups_xmlrpc { my ($u, $ret) = @_; return undef unless ref $u && ref $ret; # layer on friend group information in the following format: # # grp:1 => 'mygroup', # ... # grp:30 => 'anothergroup', # # grpu:whitaker => '0,1,2,3,4', # grpu:test => '0', my $grp = LJ::get_friend_group($u) || {}; $ret->{"grp:0"} = "_all_"; foreach my $bit (1..30) { next unless my $g = $grp->{$bit}; $ret->{"grp:$bit"} = $g->{groupname}; } my $fr = LJ::get_friends($u) || {}; my $users = LJ::load_userids(keys %$fr); while (my ($fid, $f) = each %$fr) { my $u = $users->{$fid}; next unless $u->{journaltype} =~ /[PS]/; my $fname = $u->{user}; $ret->{"grpu:$fid:$fname"} = join(",", 0, grep { $grp->{$_} && $f->{groupmask} & 1 << $_ } 1..30); } return 1; } # # name: LJ::mark_dirty # des: Marks a given user as being $what type of dirty # args: u, what # des-what: type of dirty being marked (EG 'friends') # returns: 1 # sub mark_dirty { my ($uuserid, $what) = @_; my $userid = LJ::want_userid($uuserid); return 1 if $LJ::REQ_CACHE_DIRTY{$what}->{$userid}; my $u = LJ::want_user($userid); # friends dirtiness is only necessary to track # if we're exchange XMLRPC with fotobilder if ($what eq 'friends' && $LJ::FB_SITEROOT) { push @LJ::CLEANUP_HANDLERS, sub { my $res = LJ::cmd_buffer_add($u->{clusterid}, $u->{userid}, 'dirty', { what => 'friends' }); }; } else { return 1; } $LJ::REQ_CACHE_DIRTY{$what}->{$userid}++; return 1; } # # name: LJ::memcache_kill # des: Kills a memcache entry, given a userid and type # args: uuserid, type # des-uuserid: a userid or u object # des-args: memcache key type, will be used as "$type:$userid" # returns: results of LJ::MemCache::delete # sub memcache_kill { my ($uuid, $type) = @_; my $userid = want_userid($uuid); return undef unless $userid && $type; return LJ::MemCache::delete([$userid, "$type:$userid"]); } # is a user object (at least a hashref) sub isu { return ref $_[0] && (ref $_[0] eq "LJ::User" || ref $_[0] eq "HASH" && $_[0]->{userid}); } # create externally mapped user. # return uid of LJ user on success, undef on error. # opts = { # extuser or extuserid (or both, but one is required.), # caps # } # opts also can contain any additional options that create_account takes. (caps?) sub create_extuser { my ($type, $opts) = @_; return undef unless $type && $LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE{$type}->{id}; return undef unless ref $opts && ($opts->{extuser} || defined $opts->{extuserid}); my $uid; my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); return undef unless $dbh; # make sure a mapping for this user doesn't already exist. $uid = LJ::get_extuser_uid( $type, $opts, 'force' ); return $uid if $uid; # increment ext_ counter until we successfully create an LJ account. # hard cap it at 10 tries. (arbitrary, but we really shouldn't have *any* # failures here, let alone 10 in a row.) for (1..10) { my $extuser = 'ext_' . LJ::alloc_global_counter( 'E' ); $uid = LJ::create_account( { caps => $opts->{caps}, user => $extuser, name => $extuser } ); last if $uid; select undef, undef, undef, .10; # lets not thrash over this. } return undef unless $uid; # add extuser mapping. my $sql = "INSERT INTO extuser SET userid=?, siteid=?"; my @bind = ($uid, $LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE{$type}->{id}); if ($opts->{extuser}) { $sql .= ", extuser=?"; push @bind, $opts->{extuser}; } if ($opts->{extuserid}) { $sql .= ", extuserid=? "; push @bind, $opts->{extuserid}+0; } $dbh->do($sql, undef, @bind) or return undef; return $uid; } # given an extuserid or extuser, return the LJ uid. # return undef if there is no mapping. sub get_extuser_uid { my ($type, $opts, $force) = @_; return undef unless $type && $LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE{$type}->{id}; return undef unless ref $opts && ($opts->{extuser} || defined $opts->{extuserid}); my $dbh = $force ? LJ::get_db_writer() : LJ::get_db_reader(); return undef unless $dbh; my $sql = "SELECT userid FROM extuser WHERE siteid=?"; my @bind = ($LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE{$type}->{id}); if ($opts->{extuser}) { $sql .= " AND extuser=?"; push @bind, $opts->{extuser}; } if ($opts->{extuserid}) { $sql .= $opts->{extuser} ? ' OR ' : ' AND '; $sql .= "extuserid=?"; push @bind, $opts->{extuserid}+0; } return $dbh->selectrow_array($sql, undef, @bind); } # given a LJ userid/u, return a hashref of: # type, extuser, extuserid # returns undef if user isn't an externally mapped account. sub get_extuser_map { my $uid = LJ::want_userid(shift); return undef unless $uid; my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader(); return undef unless $dbr; my $sql = "SELECT * FROM extuser WHERE userid=?"; my $ret = $dbr->selectrow_hashref($sql, undef, $uid); return undef unless $ret; my $type = 'unknown'; foreach ( keys %LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE ) { $type = $_ if $LJ::EXTERNAL_NAMESPACE{$_}->{id} == $ret->{siteid}; } $ret->{type} = $type; return $ret; } # # name: LJ::create_account # des: Creates a new basic account. Note: This function is # not really too useful but should be extended to be useful so # htdocs/create.bml can use it, rather than doing the work itself. # returns: integer of userid created, or 0 on failure. # args: dbarg?, opts # des-opts: hashref containing keys 'user', 'name', 'password', 'email', 'caps', 'journaltype' # sub create_account { &nodb; my $o = shift; my $user = LJ::canonical_username($o->{'user'}); unless ($user) { return 0; } my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); my $quser = $dbh->quote($user); my $cluster = defined $o->{'cluster'} ? $o->{'cluster'} : LJ::new_account_cluster(); my $caps = $o->{'caps'} || $LJ::NEWUSER_CAPS; my $journaltype = $o->{'journaltype'} || "P"; # new non-clustered accounts aren't supported anymore return 0 unless $cluster; my $userid = 0; # scope it higher my $errorcounter = 0; my $old_print_error = $dbh->{PrintError}; # save PrintError mode $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; # will check for errors manually while (1) { my $ruserid; if ($o->{imported}) { $ruserid = LJ::get_new_importedid(); } else { $ruserid = LJ::get_new_userid(); } return 0 unless $ruserid; $dbh->do("set insert_id = $ruserid"); # try to create new account $dbh->do("INSERT INTO user (user, name, password, clusterid, dversion, caps, email, journaltype) ". "VALUES ($quser, ?, ?, ?, $LJ::MAX_DVERSION, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $o->{'name'}, $o->{'password'}, $cluster, $caps, $o->{'email'}, $journaltype); if ($dbh->err) { # who wants to try forever if ($errorcounter > 10) { print $dbh->{err} . ": " . $dbh->{errstr} . "\n"; return 0; } $errorcounter++; sleep 1; # let it breathe next; # try again } else { $userid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'}; # smells like success $dbh->{PrintError} = $old_print_error; # restore error reporting return 0 unless $userid; # but? last; # finally } } $dbh->do("INSERT INTO useridmap (userid, user) VALUES ($userid, $quser)"); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO userusage (userid, timecreate) VALUES ($userid, NOW())"); LJ::run_hooks("post_create", { 'userid' => $userid, 'user' => $user, 'code' => undef, }); return $userid; } # # name: LJ::new_account_cluster # des: Which cluster to put a new account on. $DEFAULT_CLUSTER if it's # a scalar, random element from @$DEFAULT_CLUSTER if it's arrayref. # also verifies that the database seems to be available. # returns: clusterid where the new account should be created; 0 on error # (such as no clusters available) # sub new_account_cluster { # if it's not an arrayref, put it in an array ref so we can use it below my $clusters = ref $LJ::DEFAULT_CLUSTER ? $LJ::DEFAULT_CLUSTER : [ $LJ::DEFAULT_CLUSTER+0 ]; # iterate through the new clusters from a random point my $size = @$clusters; my $start = int(rand() * $size); foreach (1..$size) { my $cid = $clusters->[$start++ % $size]; # verify that this cluster is in @LJ::CLUSTERS my @check = grep { $_ == $cid } @LJ::CLUSTERS; next unless scalar(@check) >= 1 && $check[0] == $cid; # try this cluster to see if we can use it, return if so my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($cid); return $cid if $dbcm; } # if we get here, we found no clusters that were up... return 0; } # # name: LJ::make_journal # class: # des: # info: # args: dbarg, user, view, remote, opts # des-: # returns: # sub make_journal { &nodb; my ($user, $view, $remote, $opts) = @_; my $r = $opts->{'r'}; # mod_perl $r, or undef my $geta = $opts->{'getargs'}; if ($LJ::SERVER_DOWN) { if ($opts->{'vhost'} eq "customview") { return ""; } return LJ::server_down_html(); } my $u = LJ::load_user($user); unless ($u) { $opts->{'baduser'} = 1; return "


No such user $user"; } if (($view eq 'entry' || $view eq 'reply') && $u->{'statusvis'} !~ /[DXS]/) { # both for s1 and s2: fast check for 304, 403, 404 statuses without a body LJ::S2::EntryPage_fast_check($u, $view, $remote, $opts); return if $opts->{'notmodified'} || $opts->{'suspendeduser'} || $opts->{'handler_return'}; } # what charset we put in the HTML $opts->{'saycharset'} ||= "utf-8"; if ($view eq 'data' && $u->{'statusvis'} !~ /[DXS]/) { # rss, atom, foaf return LJ::Feed::make_feed($r, $u, $remote, $opts); } # if we're using the 'tag' view, then convert to lastn and set option, this # is done early so it can propogate to S1 and S2 as appropriate if ($view eq 'tag') { # FIXME: would be nice to have boolean logic "foo AND bar" or "+foo -bar" etc # "foo,bar" is interpreted as "foo or bar" for now, common case my $tags = LJ::durl($opts->{pathextra}); $tags =~ s/^\///; # clear leading / $opts->{getargs}->{tag} = $tags; # use a lastn view to render delete $opts->{pathextra}; $view = 'lastn'; } # S1 style hashref. won't be loaded now necessarily, # only if via customview. my $style; my $styleid; if ($opts->{'styleid'}) { # s1 styleid $styleid = $opts->{'styleid'}+0; # if we have an explicit styleid, we have to load # it early so we can learn its type, so we can # know which uprops to load for its owner $style = LJ::S1::load_style($styleid, \$view); } else { $view ||= "lastn"; # default view when none specified explicitly in URLs if ($LJ::viewinfo{$view} || $view eq "month" || $view eq "entry" || $view eq "reply") { $styleid = -1; # to get past the return, then checked later for -1 and fixed, once user is loaded. } else { $opts->{'badargs'} = 1; } } return unless $styleid; my $eff_view = $LJ::viewinfo{$view}->{'styleof'} || $view; my $s1prop = "s1_${eff_view}_style"; my @needed_props = ("stylesys", "s2_style", "url", "urlname", "opt_nctalklinks", "renamedto", "opt_blockrobots", "opt_usesharedpic", "journaltitle", "journalsubtitle", "external_foaf_url"); # S2 is more fully featured than S1, so sometimes we get here and $eff_view # is reply/month/entry/res and that means it *has* to be S2--S1 defaults to a # BML page to handle those, but we don't want to attempt to load a userprop # because now load_user_props dies if you try to load something invalid push @needed_props, $s1prop if $eff_view =~ /^(?:calendar|day|friends|lastn)$/; # preload props the view creation code will need later (combine two selects) if (ref $LJ::viewinfo{$eff_view}->{'owner_props'} eq "ARRAY") { push @needed_props, @{$LJ::viewinfo{$eff_view}->{'owner_props'}}; } if ($eff_view eq "reply") { push @needed_props, "opt_logcommentips"; } LJ::load_user_props($u, @needed_props); # if the remote is the user to be viewed, make sure the $remote # hashref has the value of $u's opt_nctalklinks (though with # LJ::load_user caching, this may be assigning between the same # underlying hashref) $remote->{'opt_nctalklinks'} = $u->{'opt_nctalklinks'} if ($remote && $remote->{'userid'} == $u->{'userid'}); my $stylesys = 1; if ($styleid == -1) { my $get_styleinfo = sub { my $get_s1_styleid = sub { my $id = $u->{$s1prop}; LJ::run_hooks("s1_style_select", { 'styleid' => \$id, 'u' => $u, 'view' => $view, }); return $id; }; # forced s2 style id if ($geta->{'s2id'} && LJ::get_cap($u, "s2styles")) { # see if they own the requested style my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader(); my $style_userid = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT userid FROM s2styles WHERE styleid=?", undef, $geta->{'s2id'}); # if remote owns the style or the journal owns the style, it's okay if ($u->{'userid'} == $style_userid || $remote->{'userid'} == $style_userid ) { return (2, $geta->{'s2id'}); } } # style=mine passed in GET? if ($remote && $geta->{'style'} eq 'mine') { # get remote props and decide what style remote uses LJ::load_user_props($remote, "stylesys", "s2_style"); # remote using s2; make sure we pass down the $remote object as the style_u to # indicate that they should use $remote to load the style instead of the regular $u if ($remote->{'stylesys'} == 2 && $remote->{'s2_style'}) { $opts->{'checkremote'} = 1; $opts->{'style_u'} = $remote; return (2, $remote->{'s2_style'}); } # remote using s1 return (1, $get_s1_styleid->()); } # resource URLs have the styleid in it if ($view eq "res" && $opts->{'pathextra'} =~ m!^/(\d+)/!) { return (2, $1); } my $forceflag = 0; LJ::run_hooks("force_s1", $u, \$forceflag); # if none of the above match, they fall through to here if ( !$forceflag && $u->{'stylesys'} == 2 ) { return (2, $u->{'s2_style'}); } # no special case and not s2, fall through to s1 return (1, $get_s1_styleid->()); }; ($stylesys, $styleid) = $get_styleinfo->(); } if ($r) { $r->notes('journalid' => $u->{'userid'}); } my $notice = sub { my $msg = shift; my $status = shift; my $url = "$LJ::SITEROOT/users/$user/"; $opts->{'status'} = $status if $status; my $head; $head .= qq{\n} if LJ::OpenID::server_enabled(); return qq{ $head



Instead, please use $url

}.("\n" x 50); }; my $error = sub { my $msg = shift; my $status = shift; $opts->{'status'} = $status if $status; return qq{



}.("\n" x 50); }; if ($LJ::USER_VHOSTS && $opts->{'vhost'} eq "users" && $u->{'journaltype'} ne 'R' && ! LJ::get_cap($u, "userdomain")) { return $notice->("URLs like http://username.$LJ::USER_DOMAIN/" . " are not available for this user's account type."); } if ($opts->{'vhost'} =~ /^other:/ && ! LJ::get_cap($u, "userdomain")) { return $notice->("This user's account type doesn't permit domain aliasing."); } if ($opts->{'vhost'} eq "customview" && ! LJ::get_cap($u, "styles")) { return $notice->("This user's account type is not permitted to create and embed styles."); } if ($opts->{'vhost'} eq "community" && $u->{'journaltype'} !~ /[CR]/) { $opts->{'badargs'} = 1; # Output a generic 'bad URL' message if available return "


This account isn't a community journal.

"; } if ($view eq "friendsfriends" && ! LJ::get_cap($u, "friendsfriendsview")) { return "Sorry
This user's account type doesn't permit showing friends of friends."; } # if there's a GET argument for tags, split those out if (exists $opts->{getargs}->{tag}) { my $tagfilter = $opts->{getargs}->{tag}; my $print_tag_list = sub { # show all tags and exit my $tags = LJ::Tags::get_usertags($u, { remote => $remote }); my @list = (); foreach (values %{$tags}) { push @list, [$_->{'name'}, $_->{'uses'}]; } @list = sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @list; #sort by alphabet #@list = sort {$b->[1] <=> $a->[1]} @list; #sort by popularity my $text = "Visible Tags"; return $text; }; # if empty tags argument - show all tags and exit. return $print_tag_list->() unless $tagfilter; $opts->{tags} = []; return $print_tag_list->() #return $error->("Sorry, the tag list specified is invalid.", "404 Not Found") unless LJ::Tags::is_valid_tagstring($tagfilter, $opts->{tags}); } unless ($geta->{'viewall'} && LJ::check_priv($remote, "canview") || $opts->{'pathextra'} =~ m#/(\d+)/stylesheet$# ) { # don't check style sheets return $error->("Journal has been deleted. If you are $user, you have a period of 30 days to decide to undelete your journal.", "404 Not Found") if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq "D"); return $error->("This journal has been suspended.", "403 Forbidden") if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq "S"); } return $error->("This journal has been deleted and purged.", "410 Gone") if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq "X"); return $error->("This user has no journal here.", "404 Not here") if $u->{'journaltype'} eq "I" && $view ne "friends"; $opts->{'view'} = $view; if ($stylesys == 2) { $r->notes('codepath' => "s2.$view") if $r; return LJ::S2::make_journal($u, $styleid, $view, $remote, $opts); } # Everything from here on down is S1. FIXME: this should be moved to LJ::S1::make_journal # to be more like LJ::S2::make_journal. return LJ::S1_make_journal($r, $u, $style, $styleid, $view, $remote, $opts); } # S1 sub S1_make_journal { my ($r, $u, $style, $styleid, $view, $remote, $opts) = @_; $r->notes('codepath' => "s1.$view") if $r; # signal to LiveJournal.pm that we can't handle this - is it ever needed? if ($view eq "entry" || $view eq "reply" || $view eq "month") { ${$opts->{'handle_with_bml_ref'}} = 1; } # For embedded polls BML::set_language($LJ::LANGS[0] || 'en', \&LJ::Lang::get_text); # load the user-related S1 data (overrides and colors) my $s1uc = {}; my $s1uc_memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "s1uc:$u->{'userid'}"]; if ($u->{'useoverrides'} eq "Y" || $u->{'themeid'} == 0) { $s1uc = LJ::MemCache::get($s1uc_memkey); unless ($s1uc) { my $db; my $setmem = 1; if (@LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS) { $db = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u); } else { $db = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u); $setmem = 0; } $s1uc = $db->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM s1usercache WHERE userid=?", undef, $u->{'userid'}); LJ::MemCache::set($s1uc_memkey, $s1uc) if $s1uc && $setmem; } } # we should have our cache row! we'll update it in a second. my $dbcm; if (! $s1uc) { $u->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO s1usercache (userid) VALUES (?)", undef, $u->{'userid'}); $s1uc = {}; } # conditionally rebuild parts of our cache that are missing my %update; # is the overrides cache old or missing? my $dbh; if ($u->{'useoverrides'} eq "Y" && (! $s1uc->{'override_stor'} || $s1uc->{'override_cleanver'} < $LJ::S1::CLEANER_VERSION)) { my $overrides = LJ::S1::get_overrides($u); $update{'override_stor'} = LJ::CleanHTML::clean_s1_style($overrides); $update{'override_cleanver'} = $LJ::S1::CLEANER_VERSION; } # is the color cache here if it's a custom user theme? if ($u->{'themeid'} == 0 && ! $s1uc->{'color_stor'}) { my $col = {}; $dbh ||= LJ::get_db_writer(); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT coltype, color FROM themecustom WHERE user=?"); $sth->execute($u->{'user'}); $col->{$_->{'coltype'}} = $_->{'color'} while $_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $update{'color_stor'} = Storable::nfreeze($col); } # save the updates if (%update) { my $set; foreach my $k (keys %update) { $s1uc->{$k} = $update{$k}; $set .= ", " if $set; $set .= "$k=" . $u->quote($update{$k}); } my $rv = $u->do("UPDATE s1usercache SET $set WHERE userid=?", undef, $u->{'userid'}); if ($rv && $update{'color_stor'}) { $dbh ||= LJ::get_db_writer(); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM themecustom WHERE user=?", undef, $u->{'user'}); } LJ::MemCache::set($s1uc_memkey, $s1uc); } # load the style my $viewref = $view eq "" ? \$view : undef; $style ||= $LJ::viewinfo{$view}->{'nostyle'} ? {} : LJ::S1::load_style($styleid, $viewref); my %vars = (); # apply the style foreach (keys %$style) { $vars{$_} = $style->{$_}; } # apply the overrides if ($opts->{'nooverride'}==0 && $u->{'useoverrides'} eq "Y") { my $tw = Storable::thaw($s1uc->{'override_stor'}); foreach (keys %$tw) { $vars{$_} = $tw->{$_}; } } # apply the color theme my $cols = $u->{'themeid'} ? LJ::S1::get_themeid($u->{'themeid'}) : Storable::thaw($s1uc->{'color_stor'}); foreach (keys %$cols) { $vars{"color-$_"} = $cols->{$_}; } # instruct some function to make this specific view type return unless defined $LJ::viewinfo{$view}->{'creator'}; my $ret = ""; # call the view creator w/ the buffer to fill and the construction variables my $res = $LJ::viewinfo{$view}->{'creator'}->(\$ret, $u, \%vars, $remote, $opts); unless ($res) { my $errcode = $opts->{'errcode'}; my $errmsg = { 'nodb' => 'Database temporarily unavailable during maintenance.', 'nosyn' => 'No syndication URL available.', }->{$errcode}; return "" if ($opts->{'vhost'} eq "customview"); print STDERR "error running LJ::viewinfo [$errcode]; user [$u->{'name'}] \n"; # If not customview, set the error response code. $opts->{'status'} = { 'nodb' => '503 Maintenance', 'nosyn' => '404 Not Found', }->{$errcode} || '500 Server Error'; return "3".$errmsg; } if ($opts->{'redir'}) { return undef; } # clean up attributes which we weren't able to quickly verify # as safe in the Storable-stored clean copy of the style. $ret =~ s/\%\%\[attr\[(.+?)\]\]\%\%/LJ::CleanHTML::s1_attribute_clean($1)/eg; # return it... return $ret; } # # name: LJ::canonical_username # des: # info: # args: user # returns: the canonical username given, or blank if the username is not well-formed # sub canonical_username { my $user = shift; if ($user =~ /^\s*([\w\-]{1,15})\s*$/) { # perl 5.8 bug: $user = lc($1) sometimes causes corruption when $1 points into $user. $user = $1; $user = lc($user); $user =~ s/-/_/g; return $user; } return ""; # not a good username. } # # name: LJ::get_userid # des: Returns a userid given a username. # info: Results cached in memory. On miss, does DB call. Not advised # to use this many times in a row... only once or twice perhaps # per request. Tons of serialized db requests, even when small, # are slow. Opposite of [func[LJ::get_username]]. # args: dbarg?, user # des-user: Username whose userid to look up. # returns: Userid, or 0 if invalid user. # sub get_userid { &nodb; my $user = shift; $user = LJ::canonical_username($user); if ($LJ::CACHE_USERID{$user}) { return $LJ::CACHE_USERID{$user}; } my $userid = LJ::MemCache::get("uidof:$user"); return $LJ::CACHE_USERID{$user} = $userid if $userid; my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader(); $userid = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT userid FROM useridmap WHERE user=?", undef, $user); # implictly create an account if we're using an external # auth mechanism if (! $userid && ref $LJ::AUTH_EXISTS eq "CODE") { $userid = LJ::create_account({ 'user' => $user, 'name' => $user, 'password' => '', }); } if ($userid) { $LJ::CACHE_USERID{$user} = $userid; LJ::MemCache::set("uidof:$user", $userid); } return ($userid+0); } # # name: LJ::want_userid # des: Returns userid when passed either userid or the user hash. Useful to functions that # want to accept either. Forces its return value to be a number (for safety). # args: userid # des-userid: Either a userid, or a user hash with the userid in its 'userid' key. # returns: The userid, guaranteed to be a numeric value. # sub want_userid { my $uuserid = shift; return ($uuserid->{'userid'} + 0) if ref $uuserid; return ($uuserid + 0); } # # name: LJ::want_user # des: Returns user object when passed either userid or the user hash. Useful to functions that # want to accept either. # args: user # des-user: Either a userid, or a user hash with the userid in its 'userid' key. # returns: The user hash represented by said userid. # sub want_user { my $uuser = shift; return $uuser if ref $uuser; return $uuser unless $uuser; return LJ::load_userid($uuser+0); } # # name: LJ::get_username # des: Returns a username given a userid. # info: Results cached in memory. On miss, does DB call. Not advised # to use this many times in a row... only once or twice perhaps # per request. Tons of serialized db requests, even when small, # are slow. Opposite of [func[LJ::get_userid]]. # args: dbarg?, user # des-user: Username whose userid to look up. # returns: Userid, or 0 if invalid user. # sub get_username { &nodb; my $userid = shift; $userid += 0; # Checked the cache first. if ($LJ::CACHE_USERNAME{$userid}) { return $LJ::CACHE_USERNAME{$userid}; } # if we're using memcache, it's faster to just query memcache for # an entire $u object and just return the username. otherwise, we'll # go ahead and query useridmap if (@LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS) { my $u = LJ::load_userid($userid); return undef unless $u; $LJ::CACHE_USERNAME{$userid} = $u->{'user'}; return $u->{'user'}; } my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader(); my $user = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT user FROM useridmap WHERE userid=?", undef, $userid); # Fall back to master if it doesn't exist. unless (defined $user) { my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); $user = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT user FROM useridmap WHERE userid=?", undef, $userid); } return undef unless defined $user; $LJ::CACHE_USERNAME{$userid} = $user; return $user; } # # name: LJ::can_manage # des: Given a user and a target user, will determine if the first user is an # admin for the target user. # returns: bool: true if authorized, otherwise fail # args: remote, u # des-remote: user object or userid of user to try and authenticate # des-u: user object or userid of target user # sub can_manage { my $remote = LJ::want_user(shift); my $u = LJ::want_user(shift); return undef unless $remote && $u; # is same user? return 1 if LJ::u_equals($u, $remote); # people/syn/rename accounts can only be managed by the one account return undef if $u->{journaltype} =~ /^[PYR]$/; # check for admin access return undef unless LJ::check_rel($u, $remote, 'A'); # passed checks, return true return 1; } # # name: LJ::can_manage_other # des: Given a user and a target user, will determine if the first user is an # admin for the target user, but not if the two are the same. # returns: bool: true if authorized, otherwise fail # args: remote, u # des-remote: user object or userid of user to try and authenticate # des-u: user object or userid of target user # sub can_manage_other { my ($remote, $u) = @_; return 0 if LJ::want_userid($remote) == LJ::want_userid($u); return LJ::can_manage($remote, $u); } sub can_delete_journal_item { return LJ::can_manage(@_); } # # name: LJ::get_remote # des: authenticates the user at the remote end based on their cookies # and returns a hashref representing them # returns: hashref containing 'user' and 'userid' if valid user, else # undef. # args: opts? # des-opts: 'criterr': scalar ref to set critical error flag. if set, caller # should stop processing whatever it's doing and complain # about an invalid login with a link to the logout page.. # 'ignore_ip': ignore IP address of remote for IP-bound sessions # sub get_remote { my $opts = ref $_[0] eq "HASH" ? shift : {}; my $dummy; return $LJ::CACHE_REMOTE if $LJ::CACHED_REMOTE && ! $opts->{'ignore_ip'}; my $criterr = $opts->{criterr} || \$dummy; $$criterr = 0; my $cookie = sub { return $BML::COOKIE{$_[0]}; }; my $no_remote = sub { LJ::set_remote(undef); return undef; }; # set this flag if any of their ljsession cookies contained the ".FS" # opt to use the fast server. if we later find they're not logged # in and set it, or set it with a free account, then we give them # the invalid cookies error. my $tried_fast = 0; my @errs = (); my $now = time(); my ($u, $sess); # what we eventually care about my $memkey; foreach my $sessdata (@{ $cookie->('ljsession[]'); }) { my ($authtype, $user, $sessid, $auth, $sopts) = split(/:/, $sessdata); $tried_fast = 1 if $sopts =~ /\.FS\b/; my $err = sub { $sess = undef; push @errs, "$sessdata: $_[0]"; }; # fail unless authtype is 'ws' (more might be added in future) unless ($authtype eq "ws") { $err->("no ws auth"); next; } $u = LJ::load_user($user); unless ($u) { $err->("user doesn't exist"); next; } # locked accounts can't be logged in if ($u->{statusvis} eq 'L') { $err->("User account is locked."); next; } my $sess_db; my $get_sess = sub { return undef unless $sess_db; $sess = $sess_db->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM sessions ". "WHERE userid=? AND sessid=? AND auth=?", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $sessid, $auth); }; $memkey = [$u->{'userid'},"sess:$u->{'userid'}:$sessid"]; # try memory $sess = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey); # try master unless ($sess) { $sess_db = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u); $get_sess->(); LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $sess) if $sess; } # try slave unless ($sess) { $sess_db = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u); $get_sess->(); } unless ($sess) { $err->("Couldn't find session"); next; } unless ($sess->{auth} eq $auth) { $err->("Invald auth"); next; } if ($sess->{'timeexpire'} < $now) { $err->("Invalid auth"); next; } if ($sess->{'ipfixed'} && ! $opts->{'ignore_ip'}) { my $remote_ip = $LJ::_XFER_REMOTE_IP || LJ::get_remote_ip(); if ($sess->{'ipfixed'} ne $remote_ip) { $err->("Session wrong IP"); next; } } last; } # inform the caller that this user is faking their fast-server cookie # attribute. if ($tried_fast && ! LJ::get_cap($u, "fastserver")) { $$criterr = 1; } if (! $sess) { LJ::set_remote(undef); return undef; } # renew short session my $sess_length = { 'short' => 60*60*24*1.5, 'long' => 60*60*24*60, 'once' => 0, # do not renew these }->{$sess->{exptype}}; # only long cookies should be given an expiration time # other should get 0 (when browser closes) my $cookie_length = $sess->{exptype} eq 'long' ? $sess_length : 0; # if there is a new session length to be set and the user's db writer is available, # go ahead and set the new session expiration in the database. then only update the # cookies if the database operation is successful if ($sess_length && $sess->{'timeexpire'} - $now < $sess_length/2 && $u->writer && $u->do("UPDATE sessions SET timeexpire=? WHERE userid=? AND sessid=?", undef, $now + $sess_length, $u->{userid}, $sess->{sessid})) { # delete old, now-bogus memcache data LJ::MemCache::delete($memkey); # update their ljsession cookie unless it's a session-length cookie if ($cookie_length) { eval { my @domains = ref $LJ::COOKIE_DOMAIN ? @$LJ::COOKIE_DOMAIN : ($LJ::COOKIE_DOMAIN); foreach my $dom (@domains) { my $cookiestr = 'ljsession=' . $cookie->('ljsession'); $cookiestr .= '; expires=' . LJ::time_to_cookie($now + $cookie_length); $cookiestr .= $dom ? "; domain=$dom" : ''; $cookiestr .= '; path=/; HttpOnly'; Apache->request->err_headers_out->add('Set-Cookie' => $cookiestr); } }; } } # augment hash with session data; $u->{'_session'} = $sess; LJ::set_remote($u); eval { Apache->request->notes("ljuser" => $u->{'user'}); }; return $u; } sub set_remote { my $remote = shift; $LJ::CACHED_REMOTE = 1; $LJ::CACHE_REMOTE = $remote; 1; } sub unset_remote { $LJ::CACHED_REMOTE = 0; $LJ::CACHE_REMOTE = undef; 1; } 1;