#!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use lib "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin"; use LJ::Cache; package LJ::Lang; my @day_short = (qw[Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat]); my @day_long = (qw[Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday]); my @month_short = (qw[Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec]); my @month_long = (qw[January February March April May June July August September October November December]); # get entire array of days and months sub day_list_short { return @LJ::Lang::day_short; } sub day_list_long { return @LJ::Lang::day_long; } sub month_list_short { return @LJ::Lang::month_short; } sub month_list_long { return @LJ::Lang::month_long; } # access individual day or month given integer sub day_short { return $day_short[$_[0] - 1]; } sub day_long { return $day_long[$_[0] - 1]; } sub month_short { return $month_short[$_[0] - 1]; } sub month_long { return $month_long[$_[0] - 1]; } # lang codes for individual day or month given integer sub day_short_langcode { return "date.day." . lc(LJ::Lang::day_long(@_)) . ".short"; } sub day_long_langcode { return "date.day." . lc(LJ::Lang::day_long(@_)) . ".long"; } sub month_short_langcode { return "date.month." . lc(LJ::Lang::month_long(@_)) . ".short"; } sub month_long_langcode { return "date.month." . lc(LJ::Lang::month_long(@_)) . ".long"; } ## ordinal suffix sub day_ord { my $day = shift; # teens all end in 'th' if ($day =~ /1\d$/) { return "th"; } # otherwise endings in 1, 2, 3 are special if ($day % 10 == 1) { return "st"; } if ($day % 10 == 2) { return "nd"; } if ($day % 10 == 3) { return "rd"; } # everything else (0,4-9) end in "th" return "th"; } sub time_format { my ($hours, $h, $m, $formatstring) = @_; if ($formatstring eq "short") { if ($hours == 12) { my $ret; my $ap = "a"; if ($h == 0) { $ret .= "12"; } elsif ($h < 12) { $ret .= ($h+0); } elsif ($h == 12) { $ret .= ($h+0); $ap = "p"; } else { $ret .= ($h-12); $ap = "p"; } $ret .= sprintf(":%02d$ap", $m); return $ret; } elsif ($hours == 24) { return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $h, $m); } } return ""; } #### ml_ stuff: my $LS_CACHED = 0; my %DM_ID = (); # id -> { type, args, dmid, langs => { => 1, => 0, => 1 } } my %DM_UNIQ = (); # "$type/$args" => ^^^ my %LN_ID = (); # id -> { ..., ..., 'children' => [ $ids, .. ] } my %LN_CODE = (); # $code -> ^^^^ my $LAST_ERROR; my $TXT_CACHE; # LJ::Cache for text sub get_cache_object { return $TXT_CACHE; } sub last_error { return $LAST_ERROR; } sub set_error { $LAST_ERROR = $_[0]; return 0; } sub get_lang { my $code = shift; load_lang_struct() unless $LS_CACHED; return $LN_CODE{$code}; } sub get_lang_id { my $id = shift; load_lang_struct() unless $LS_CACHED; return $LN_ID{$id}; } sub get_dom { my $dmcode = shift; load_lang_struct() unless $LS_CACHED; return $DM_UNIQ{$dmcode}; } sub get_dom_id { my $dmid = shift; load_lang_struct() unless $LS_CACHED; return $DM_ID{$dmid}; } sub get_domains { load_lang_struct() unless $LS_CACHED; return values %DM_ID; } sub get_root_lang { my $dom = shift; # from, say, get_dom return undef unless ref $dom eq "HASH"; foreach (keys %{$dom->{'langs'}}) { if ($dom->{'langs'}->{$_}) { return get_lang_id($_); } } return undef; } sub load_lang_struct { return 1 if $LS_CACHED; my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader(); return set_error("No database available") unless $dbr; my $sth; $TXT_CACHE = new LJ::Cache { 'maxbytes' => $LJ::LANG_CACHE_BYTES || 50_000 }; $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT dmid, type, args FROM ml_domains"); $sth->execute; while (my ($dmid, $type, $args) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { my $uniq = $args ? "$type/$args" : $type; $DM_UNIQ{$uniq} = $DM_ID{$dmid} = { 'type' => $type, 'args' => $args, 'dmid' => $dmid, 'uniq' => $uniq, }; } $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT lnid, lncode, lnname, parenttype, parentlnid FROM ml_langs"); $sth->execute; while (my ($id, $code, $name, $ptype, $pid) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $LN_ID{$id} = $LN_CODE{$code} = { 'lnid' => $id, 'lncode' => $code, 'lnname' => $name, 'parenttype' => $ptype, 'parentlnid' => $pid, }; } foreach (values %LN_CODE) { next unless $_->{'parentlnid'}; push @{$LN_ID{$_->{'parentlnid'}}->{'children'}}, $_->{'lnid'}; } $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT lnid, dmid, dmmaster FROM ml_langdomains"); $sth->execute; while (my ($lnid, $dmid, $dmmaster) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $DM_ID{$dmid}->{'langs'}->{$lnid} = $dmmaster; } $LS_CACHED = 1; } sub get_itemid { &LJ::nodb; my ($dmid, $itcode, $opts) = @_; load_lang_struct() unless $LS_CACHED; my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader(); $dmid += 0; my $itid = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT itid FROM ml_items WHERE dmid=$dmid AND itcode=?", undef, $itcode); return $itid if defined $itid; my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); return 0 unless $dbh; # allocate a new id LJ::get_lock($dbh, 'global', 'mlitem_dmid') || return 0; $itid = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(itid)+1 FROM ml_items WHERE dmid=?", undef, $dmid); $itid ||= 1; # if the table is empty, NULL+1 == NULL $dbh->do("INSERT INTO ml_items (dmid, itid, itcode, notes) ". "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $dmid, $itid, $itcode, $opts->{'notes'}); LJ::release_lock($dbh, 'global', 'mlitem_dmid'); if ($dbh->err) { return $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT itid FROM ml_items WHERE dmid=$dmid AND itcode=?", undef, $itcode); } return $itid; } sub set_text { &LJ::nodb; my ($dmid, $lncode, $itcode, $text, $opts) = @_; load_lang_struct() unless $LS_CACHED; my $l = $LN_CODE{$lncode} or return set_error("Language not defined."); my $lnid = $l->{'lnid'}; $dmid += 0; # is this domain/language request even possible? return set_error("Bogus domain") unless exists $DM_ID{$dmid}; return set_error("Bogus lang for that domain") unless exists $DM_ID{$dmid}->{'langs'}->{$lnid}; my $itid = get_itemid($dmid, $itcode, { 'notes' => $opts->{'notes'}}); return set_error("Couldn't allocate itid.") unless $itid; my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); my $txtid = 0; if (defined $text) { my $userid = $opts->{'userid'} + 0; # Strip bad characters $text =~ s/\r//; my $qtext = $dbh->quote($text); LJ::get_lock( $dbh, 'global', 'ml_text_txtid' ) || return 0; $txtid = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(txtid)+1 FROM ml_text WHERE dmid=?", undef, $dmid); $txtid ||= 1; $dbh->do("INSERT INTO ml_text (dmid, txtid, lnid, itid, text, userid) ". "VALUES ($dmid, $txtid, $lnid, $itid, $qtext, $userid)"); LJ::release_lock( $dbh, 'global', 'ml_text_txtid' ); return set_error("Error inserting ml_text: ".$dbh->errstr) if $dbh->err; } if ($opts->{'txtid'}) { $txtid = $opts->{'txtid'}+0; } my $staleness = $opts->{'staleness'}+0; $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO ml_latest (lnid, dmid, itid, txtid, chgtime, staleness) ". "VALUES ($lnid, $dmid, $itid, $txtid, NOW(), $staleness)"); return set_error("Error inserting ml_latest: ".$dbh->errstr) if $dbh->err; LJ::MemCache::set("ml.${lncode}.${dmid}.${itcode}", $text) if defined $text; { my $vals; my $langids; my $rec = sub { my $l = shift; my $rec = shift; foreach my $cid (@{$l->{'children'}}) { my $clid = $LN_ID{$cid}; if ($opts->{'childrenlatest'}) { my $stale = $clid->{'parenttype'} eq "diff" ? 3 : 0; $vals .= "," if $vals; $vals .= "($cid, $dmid, $itid, $txtid, NOW(), $stale)"; } $langids .= "," if $langids; $langids .= $cid+0; LJ::MemCache::delete("ml.$clid->{'lncode'}.${dmid}.${itcode}"); $rec->($clid, $rec); } }; $rec->($l, $rec); # set descendants to use this mapping $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO ml_latest (lnid, dmid, itid, txtid, chgtime, staleness) ". "VALUES $vals") if $vals; # update languages that have no translation yet $dbh->do("UPDATE ml_latest SET txtid=$txtid WHERE dmid=$dmid ". "AND lnid IN ($langids) AND itid=$itid AND staleness >= 3") if $langids; } if ($opts->{'changeseverity'} && $l->{'children'} && @{$l->{'children'}}) { my $in = join(",", @{$l->{'children'}}); my $newstale = $opts->{'changeseverity'} == 2 ? 2 : 1; $dbh->do("UPDATE ml_latest SET staleness=$newstale WHERE lnid IN ($in) AND ". "dmid=$dmid AND itid=$itid AND txtid<>$txtid AND staleness < $newstale"); } return 1; } sub get_text { my ($lang, $code, $dmid, $vars) = @_; $dmid = int($dmid || 1); $lang ||= $LJ::DEFAULT_LANG; load_lang_struct() unless $LS_CACHED; my $cache_key = "ml.${lang}.${dmid}.${code}"; my $text = $TXT_CACHE->get($cache_key); unless (defined $text) { my $mem_good = 1; $text = LJ::MemCache::get($cache_key); unless (defined $text) { $mem_good = 0; my $l = $LN_CODE{$lang} or return "?lang?"; my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader(); $text = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT t.text". " FROM ml_text t, ml_latest l, ml_items i". " WHERE t.dmid=$dmid AND t.txtid=l.txtid". " AND l.dmid=$dmid AND l.lnid=$l->{lnid} AND l.itid=i.itid". " AND i.dmid=$dmid AND i.itcode=?", undef, $code); } if (defined $text) { $TXT_CACHE->set($cache_key, $text) unless $LJ::NO_ML_CACHE; LJ::MemCache::set($cache_key, $text) unless $mem_good; } } if ($vars) { $text =~ s/\[\[\?([\w\-]+)\|(.+?)\]\]/resolve_plural($lang, $vars, $1, $2)/eg; $text =~ s/\[\[([^\[]+?)\]\]/$vars->{$1}/g; } $text =~ s/\[\[sitename\]\]/$LJ::SITENAME/g; return $text; } # The translation system now supports the ability to add multiple plural forms of the word # given different rules in a languge. This functionality is much like the plural support # in the S2 styles code. To use this code you must use the BML::ml function and pass # the number of items as one of the variables. To make sure that you are allowing the # utmost compatibility for each language you should not hardcode the placement of the # number of items in relation to the noun. Let the translation string do this for you. # A translation string is in the format of, with num being the variable storing the # number of items. # =[[num]] [[?num|singular|plural1|plural2|pluralx]] sub resolve_plural { my ($lang, $vars, $varname, $wordlist) = @_; my $count = $vars->{$varname}; my @wlist = split(/\|/, $wordlist); my $plural_form = plural_form($lang, $count); return $wlist[$plural_form]; } # TODO: make this faster, using AUTOLOAD and symbol tables pointing to dynamically # generated subs which only use $_[0] for $count. sub plural_form { my ($lang, $count) = @_; return plural_form_en($count) if $lang =~ /^en/; return plural_form_ru($count) if $lang =~ /^ru/ || $lang =~ /^uk/; return plural_form_fr($count) if $lang =~ /^fr/ || $lang =~ /^pt_BR/; return plural_form_lt($count) if $lang =~ /^lt/; return plural_form_pl($count) if $lang =~ /^pl/; return plural_form_singular() if $lang =~ /^hu/ || $lang =~ /^ja/ || $lang =~ /^tr/; return plural_form_lv($count) if $lang =~ /^lv/; return plural_form_en($count); # default } # English, Danish, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Portugese, Spanish, Esperanto sub plural_form_en { my ($count) = shift; return 0 if $count == 1; return 1; } # French, Brazilian Portuguese sub plural_form_fr { my ($count) = shift; return 1 if $count > 1; return 0; } # Croatian, Czech, Russian, Slovak, Ukrainian sub plural_form_ru { my ($count) = shift; return 0 if ($count%10 == 1 and $count%100 != 11); return 1 if ($count%10 >= 2 and $count%10 <= 4 and ($count%100 < 10 or $count%100>=20)); return 2; } # Polish sub plural_form_pl { my ($count) = shift; return 0 if($count == 1); return 1 if($count%10 >= 2 && $count%10 <= 4 && ($count%100 < 10 || $count%100 >= 20)); return 2; } # Lithuanian sub plural_form_lt { my ($count) = shift; return 0 if($count%10 == 1 && $count%100 != 11); return 1 if ($count%10 >= 2 && ($count%100 < 10 || $count%100 >= 20)); return 2; } # Hungarian, Japanese, Korean (not supported), Turkish sub plural_form_singular { return 0; } # Latvian sub plural_form_lv { my ($count) = shift; return 0 if($count%10 == 1 && $count%100 != 11); return 1 if($count != 0); return 2; } 1;