

" . shift; }; # we need a valid id my $id = $GET{'id'} if $GET{'id'} =~ /^\d+$/; return $err->("You have not specified a layer to edit.") unless $id; # authenticate user; my $remote = LJ::get_remote(); return $err->("You must be logged in to edit layers.") unless $remote; # load layer my $lay = LJ::S2::load_layer($id); return $err->("The specified layer does not exist.") unless $lay; # if the b2lid of this layer has been remapped to a new layerid # then update the b2lid mapping for this layer my $b2lid = $lay->{b2lid}; if ($b2lid && $LJ::S2LID_REMAP{$b2lid}) { LJ::S2::b2lid_remap($remote, $id, $b2lid); $lay->{b2lid} = $LJ::S2LID_REMAP{$b2lid}; } # is authorized admin for this layer? return $err->('You are not authorized to edit this layer.') unless LJ::can_manage($remote, $lay->{'userid'}); # get u of user they are acting as my $u = $lay->{'userid'} == $remote->{'userid'} ? $remote : LJ::load_userid($lay->{'userid'}); # check priv and ownership return $err->("You are not authorized to edit styles.") unless LJ::get_cap($u, "s2styles"); # at this point, they are authorized, allow viewing & editing my $ret; $ret .= "
\n"; $ret .= BML::ml('Backlink', { 'text' => 'Your Layers', 'link' => "layers.bml?authas=$u->{'user'}" }) . "\n"; # get s2 code from db - use writer so we know it's up-to-date my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); my $s2code = $POST{'s2code'}; $s2code = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT s2code FROM s2source WHERE s2lid=?", undef, $lay->{'s2lid'}) unless $s2code; # we tried to compile something if ($POST{'action'} eq "compile") { $ret .= "
\n"; $ret .= "S2 Compiler Output at " . scalar(localtime) . "
\n"; my $error; $POST{'s2code'} =~ s/\r//g; # just in case unless (LJ::S2::layer_compile($lay, \$error, { 's2ref' => \$POST{'s2code'} })) { $error =~ s/LJ::S2,.+//s; $error =~ s!, .+?(src/s2|cgi-bin)/!, !g; $ret .= "Error compiling layer:\n
"; # display error with helpful context if ($error =~ /^compile error: line (\d+)/i) { my $errline = $1; my $kill = $errline - 5 < 0 ? 0 : $errline - 5; my $prehilite = $errline - 1 > 4 ? 4: $errline - 1; my $snippet = $s2code; # make sure there's a newlilne at the end chomp $snippet; $snippet .= "\n"; # and now, fun with regular expressions my $ct = 0; $snippet =~ s!(.*?)\n!sprintf("%3d", ++$ct) . ": " . $1 . "\n"!ge; # add line breaks and numbering $snippet = LJ::ehtml($snippet); $snippet =~ s!^((?:.*?\n){$kill,$kill}) # kill before relevant lines ((?:.*?\n){$prehilite,$prehilite}) # capture context before error (.*?\n){0,1} # capture error ((?:.*?\n){0,4}) # capture context after error .* # kill after relevant lines !$2$3$4!sx; $ret .= "Context
\n"; } } else { $ret .= "No errors\n"; } $ret .= "
\n\n"; } $ret .= LJ::html_hidden("action", "compile") . "\n"; $ret .= "

" . LJ::html_submit('submit', 'Compile', { 'style' => 'float: right; margin-bottom: 2px', 'accesskey' => 'c', 'title' => 'alt-C: compile', } ) . "\n"; $ret .= "Edit layer source\n"; $ret .= LJ::html_textarea({ 'name' => 's2code', 'class' => 's2code', 'wrap' => 'off', 'cols' => '50', 'rows' => '40', 'value' => $s2code }) . "\n"; $ret .= LJ::html_submit('submit', 'Compile') . "\n"; $ret .= "

\n"; # load layer info my $layinf = {}; LJ::S2::load_layer_info($layinf, [ $id ]); # find a title to display on this page my $type = $layinf->{$id}->{'type'}; my $name = $layinf->{$id}->{'name'}; # find name of parent layer if this is a child layer if (! $name && $type =~ /^(user|theme|i18n)$/) { my $par = $lay->{'b2lid'} + 0; LJ::S2::load_layer_info($layinf, [$par]); $name = $layinf->{$par}->{'name'}; } # Only use the layer name if there is one and it's more than just whitespace my $title = "[$type] "; $title .= $name && $name =~ /[^\s]/ ? "$name [\#$id]" : "Layer \#$id"; return "" . LJ::ehtml($title) . " - Edit\n" . $ret; } _code?>