body<= underage) { return BML::redirect("$LJ::SITEROOT/agecheck/?s=1"); } my $authas = $GET{'authas'} || $remote->{'user'}; my $u = LJ::get_authas_user($authas); return LJ::bad_input("You could not be authenticated as the specified user.") unless $u; return $LJ::MSG_READONLY_USER if $u->readonly; # extra arguments for get requests my $getextra = $authas ne $remote->{'user'} ? "?authas=$authas" : ''; ### user is now authenticated ### my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader(); my $sth; # load user props LJ::load_user_props($u, { use_master => 1 }, "opt_whatemailshow", "country", "state", "city", "zip", "icq", "aolim", "yahoo", "msn", "url", "urlname", "gender", "jabber", "opt_blockrobots", "opt_logcommentips", "howhear", "opt_bdaymail", "opt_hidefriendofs", "sidx_bdate", "sidx_loc", "mailencoding", "opt_nctalklinks", "opt_whoscreened", "journaltitle", "journalsubtitle", "friendspagetitle", "opt_weblogscom", "opt_stylemine", "opt_imagelinks", "opt_getselfemail", "external_foaf_url", "opt_showmutualfriends", "opt_embedplaceholders", ); # to store values before they undergo normalisation my %saved = (); $saved{'name'} = $u->{'name'}; # clean userprops foreach (values %$u) { LJ::text_out(\$_); } # load and clean bio $u->{'bio'} = LJ::get_bio($u); $saved{'bio'} = $u->{'bio'}; LJ::text_out(\$u->{'bio'}, "force"); # load interests my $uints = LJ::get_interests($u, { forceids => 1 }); my %interests = (); foreach (@$uints) { $interests{$_->[1]} = $_->[0]; # $interests{name} = intid } # load state and country codes my %countries; my %states; LJ::load_codes({ "country" => \%countries, "state" => \%states }); ### ### no post, show edit form ### unless (LJ::did_post()) { my $ret; # user switcher $ret .= "
\n"; $ret .= LJ::make_authas_select($remote, { 'authas' => $GET{'authas'} }); $ret .= "
\n\n"; $ret .= "
\n"; $ret .= LJ::form_auth(); # personal information $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # name $ret .= ""; if (LJ::text_in($saved{'name'})) { $ret .= "\n"; } else { $ret .= "\n"; } # birthday $ret .= "\n"; # gender $ret .= "\n"; # email $ret .= "\n"; # url $ret .= "\n"; # urlname $ret .= "\n"; # chat thingies foreach my $p (["aolim", $ML{'.chat.aolim.title'}, 28], ["icq", $ML{'.chat.icquin.title'}, 12], ["yahoo", $ML{'.chat.yahooid.title'}, 33], ["msn", $ML{'.chat.msnusername.title'}, 60], ["jabber", $ML{'.chat.jabber.title'}, 60]) { $ret .= "\n"; } # country $ret .= "\n"; # city $ret .= "\n"; # state $ret .= "\n"; # zip $ret .= "\n"; # text messaging if (LJ::get_cap($u, "textmessaging")) { $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT provider, number, security FROM txtmsg WHERE userid=?"); $sth->execute($u->{'userid'}); my $tminfo = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; foreach (values %$tminfo) { LJ::text_out(\$_); } # text messaging $ret .= "\n"; } # end personal info $ret .= "
$ML{'.name.title'}" . LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'name', 'value' => $u->{'name'}, 'maxlength' => '50' }) . "
" . LJ::html_hidden('name_absent', 'yes'); $ret .= "
$ML{'.bday.title'}"; my %bdpart; if ($u->{'bdate'} =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/) { ($bdpart{'year'}, $bdpart{'month'}, $bdpart{'day'}) = ($1, $2, $3); if ($bdpart{'year'} eq "0000") { $bdpart{'year'} = ""; } if ($bdpart{'day'} eq "00") { $bdpart{'day'} = ""; } } $ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'month', 'selected' => int($bdpart{'month'}) }, '', '', map { $_, $ML{LJ::Lang::month_long_langcode($_)} } (1..12)) . " "; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'day', 'value' => $bdpart{'day'}, 'size' => '3', 'maxlength' => '2' }) . " "; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'year', 'value' => $bdpart{'year'}, 'size' => '5', 'maxlength' => '4' }); $ret .= " ($ML{'.bday.year.opt'})"; $ret .= "
$ML{'.gender.title'}"; $ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'gender', 'selected' => $u->{'gender'} }, 'U' => "(Unspecified)", 'M' => "Male", 'F' => "Female" ); $ret .= "
$ML{'.email.title'}"; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'email', 'value' => $u->{'email'}, 'size' => '40', 'maxlength' => '50' }); $ret .= "
$ML{'.webpageurl.title'}"; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'url', 'value' => $u->{'url'}, 'size' => '40', 'maxlength' => '255' }); $ret .= " ($ML{'.optional'})
$ML{'.webpagename.title'}"; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'urlname', 'value' => $u->{'urlname'}, 'size' => '40', 'maxlength' => '255' }); $ret .= " ($ML{'.optional'})
$p->[1]"; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => $p->[0], 'value' => $u->{$p->[0]}, 'size' => '20', 'maxlength' => $p->[2] }); $ret .= " ($ML{'.optional'})
$ML{'.country.title'}"; $ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'country', 'selected' => $u->{'country'} }, '', $ML{'.country.choose'}, 'US', 'United States', map { $_, $countries{$_} } sort { $countries{$a} cmp $countries{$b} } keys %countries ); $ret .= "
$ML{'.city.title'}"; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'city', 'value' => $u->{'city'}, 'size' => '20', 'maxlength' => '255' }); $ret .= "
$ML{'.state.title'}"; $ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'statedrop', 'selected' => $u->{'state'} }, '', "($ML{''})", map { $_, $states{$_} } sort { $states{$a} cmp $states{$b} } keys %states ); # other state? $ret .= "
$ML{'.state.other'}: "; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'stateother', 'size' => '20', 'maxlength' => '50', 'value' => defined $states{$u->{'state'}} ? '' : $u->{'state'} }); $ret .= "
$ML{'.zip.title'}"; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'zip', 'value' => $u->{'zip'}, 'size' => '6', 'maxlength' => '5' }); $ret .= " ($ML{'.zip.usonly'})
"; $ret .= LJ::help_icon('textmessage', "", " "); $ret .= "$ML{'.tm.title'}\n\n\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'use_txtmsg', 'id' => 'use_txtmsg', 'selected' => $u->{'txtmsg_status'} eq 'on' }); $ret .= "
 $ML{'.tm.sec.title'}"; $ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'txtmsg_security', 'selected' => $tminfo->{'security'} }, "all" => BML::ml(".security.visibility.anybody"), "reg" => BML::ml(".security.visibility.regusers"), "friends" => BML::ml(".security.visibility.friends") ); $ret .= "
$ML{'.tm.servprov'}"; { my @opts = ("", ""); foreach my $p (LJ::TextMessage::providers()) { my $info = LJ::TextMessage::provider_info($p); push @opts, ($p, $info->{'name'}); } $ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'txtmsg_provider', 'selected' => $tminfo->{'provider'}, }, @opts); } $ret .= " ($ML{'.tm.details'})
$ML{'.tm.phonenum'}"; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'txtmsg_number', 'value' => $tminfo->{'number'}, 'size' => '15', 'maxlength' => '40' }); $ret .= "
\n\n"; ### User bio $ret .= ""; if (LJ::text_in($saved{'bio'})) { $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_textarea({ 'name' => 'bio', 'rows' => '10', 'cols' => '50', 'wrap' => 'soft', 'value' => $u->{'bio'}, 'style' => "width: 90%", }) . "
\n"; } else { $ret .= LJ::html_hidden('bio_absent', 'yes'); $ret .= " p?>\n"; } ### How heard Settings unless ($u->{'howhear'}) { $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= " $LJ::SITENAME }) . " p?>\n"; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'howhear', 'size' => '60', 'maxlength' => '100' }); $ret .= "
\n\n"; } { ### Interests $ret .= "\n"; my @eintsl; foreach (sort keys %interests) { push @eintsl, $_ if LJ::text_in($_); } $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_textarea({ 'name' => 'interests', 'value' => join(", ", @eintsl), 'rows' => '10', 'cols' => '50', 'wrap' => 'soft' }); $ret .= "
\n\n"; } ### Picture Settings $ret .= "\n\n"; $ret .= "

"; if ($u->{'defaultpicid'}) { my $picid = $u->{'defaultpicid'}; my %userpics = (); LJ::load_userpics(\%userpics, [ $u, $picid ]); $ret .= "{'userid'}\" width='$userpics{$picid}->{'width'}' height='$userpics{$picid}->{'height'} alt='$u->{'user'}' border='0'>"; } else { $ret .= "($ML{'.userpic.none'})"; } $ret .= "


\n\n"; ### ### Journal Options ### $ret .= "\n"; ### display options $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # journaltitle $ret .= ""; $ret .= "\n"; # journalsubtitle $ret .= ""; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # friendspagetitle $ret .= ""; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "
$ML{'.settings.journal.title'} " . LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'journaltitle', 'value' => $u->{'journaltitle'}, 'size' => '30', 'maxlength' => '80' }) . "
$ML{'.settings.journal.subtitle'} " . LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'journalsubtitle', 'value' => $u->{'journalsubtitle'}, 'size' => '30', 'maxlength' => '80' }) . "
$ML{'.settings.friendspage.title'} " . LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'friendspagetitle', 'value' => $u->{'friendspagetitle'}, 'size' => '30', 'maxlength' => '80' }) . "
\n\n"; ### privacy options $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # allow_contactshow $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # allow_infoshow $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # opt_blockrobots $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # opt_weblogscom if (LJ::get_cap($u, "weblogscom")) { $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; } # opt_showmutualfriends $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # opt_hidefriendofs $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # allow_getljnews $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # opt_bdaymail $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # opt_imagelinks my ($maxwidth, $maxheight) = (0, 0); ($maxwidth, $maxheight) = ($1, $2) if ($u->{'opt_imagelinks'} =~ m/^(\d+)\|(\d+)$/); my $is_stock = {'320|240' => 1, '640|480' => 1, '0|0' => 1, '' => 1}->{$u->{'opt_imagelinks'}}; my $extra = $is_stock ? '' : BML::ml('.imagelinks.size.custom', {'width' => $maxwidth, 'height' => $maxheight}); $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # opt_getselfemail $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # opt_showtalklinks $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # opt_embedplaceholders $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'allow_contactshow', 'id' => 'allow_contactshow', 'selected' => $u->{'allow_contactshow'} ne 'N' }); $ret .= "
 $ML{'.allowshowcontact.about'}"; { # contactshow_sec $ret .= "\n

$ML{'.security.header'} "; $ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'contactshow_sec', 'selected' => $u->{'allow_contactshow'} }, "Y" => BML::ml(".security.visibility.everybody"), "F" => BML::ml(".security.visibility.friends") ); $ret .= "

\n"; # opt_whatemailshow $ret .= "

$ML{''}\n"; $ret .= "

"; my $cur = $u->{'opt_whatemailshow'} || "N"; my @vals = ( ($LJ::USER_EMAIL && LJ::get_cap($u, "useremail")) ? ("B" => BML::ml("", { 'domain' => $LJ::USER_DOMAIN}), "A" => BML::ml(""), "L" => BML::ml(""), "N" => BML::ml("")) : ("A" => BML::ml(""), "N" => BML::ml(""))); $ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'opt_whatemailshow', 'selected' => $cur }, @vals) . "\n"; $ret .= "

" . ($LJ::USER_EMAIL ? $ML{''} : $ML{''}) . "

\n"; # opt_mangleemail $ret .= "\n\n"; $ret .= "\n
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_mangleemail', 'id' => 'opt_mangleemail', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_mangleemail'} eq 'Y' }); $ret .= "
\n"; } $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'allow_infoshow', 'id' => 'allow_infoshow', 'selected' => $u->{'allow_infoshow'} eq 'Y' }); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_blockrobots', 'id' => 'opt_blockrobots', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_blockrobots'} }); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_weblogscom', 'id' => 'opt_weblogscom', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_weblogscom'} }); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_showmutualfriends', 'id' => 'opt_showmutualfriends', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_showmutualfriends'} }); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_hidefriendofs', 'id' => 'opt_hidefriendofs', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_hidefriendofs'} }); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'allow_getljnews', 'id' => 'allow_getljnews', 'selected' => $u->{'allow_getljnews'} eq 'Y' }); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_bdaymail', 'id' => 'opt_bdaymail', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_bdaymail'} }); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_imagelinks_on', 'id' => 'opt_imagelinks_on', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_imagelinks'} }); $ret .= "
 "; $ret .= LJ::html_select({'name' => 'opt_imagelinks', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_imagelinks'}}, '0|0', BML::ml('.imagelinks.size.all'), '320|240', BML::ml('.imagelinks.size.small', {'width' => 320, 'height' => 240}), '640|480', BML::ml('.imagelinks.size.medium', {'width' => 640, 'height' => 480}), $extra ? ("$maxwidth|$maxheight", $extra) : ()); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_getselfemail', 'id' => 'opt_getselfemail', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_getselfemail'}, 'disabled' => !LJ::get_cap($u, 'getselfemail') }); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_showtalklinks', 'id' => 'opt_showtalklinks', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_showtalklinks'} eq 'Y' }); $ret .= "
 $ML{'.enableboards.about'}"; { # opt_whocanreply $ret .= "\n

$ML{'.whoreply.header'} "; $ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'opt_whocanreply', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_whocanreply'} }, "all" => BML::ml(".security.visibility.anybody"), "reg" => BML::ml(".security.visibility.regusers"), "friends" => BML::ml(".security.visibility.friends")); $ret .= "

\n"; # opt_logcommentips $ret .= "

$ML{'.logip.header'} "; $ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'opt_logcommentips', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_logcommentips'} }, "N" => BML::ml(".donotlog"), "S" => BML::ml(".logip.anon_only"), "A" => BML::ml(".logip.always") ); $ret .= "

\n"; # opt_whoscreened $ret .= "

$ML{'.screen.header'} "; $ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'opt_whoscreened', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_whoscreened'} }, "N" => $ML{'.screen.none'}, "R" => $ML{'.screen.anon'}, "F" => ($u->{'journaltype'} eq 'C' ? $ML{'.screen.nonmembers'} : $ML{'.screen.nonfriends'}), "A" => $ML{'.screen.all'} ); $ret .= "

\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # opt_nctalklinks # $ret .= "\n"; # $ret .= "\n"; # stylemine $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # opt_gettalkemail $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # opt_htmlemail $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "
"; # $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_nctalklinks', 'id' => 'opt_nctalklinks', # 'selected' => $u->{'opt_nctalklinks'} }); # $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_stylemine', 'id' => 'opt_stylemine', 'value' => 1, 'selected' => $u->{'opt_stylemine'} }); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_gettalkemail', 'id' => 'opt_gettalkemail', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_gettalkemail'} eq 'Y' }); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_htmlemail', 'id' => 'opt_htmlemail', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_htmlemail'} eq 'Y' }); $ret .= "
\n"; } $ret .= "
"; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'opt_embedplaceholders', 'id' => 'opt_embedplaceholders', 'selected' => $u->{'opt_embedplaceholders'}}); $ret .= "
\n\n"; ### advanced options $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; # external foaf link $ret .= ""; # done # $ret .= "
$ML{'.foafurl.title'}"; $ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'external_foaf_url', 'value' => $u->{'external_foaf_url'}, 'size' => '40', 'maxlength' => '255' }); $ret .= "
\n"; ### unicode options if ($LJ::UNICODE) { my (%old_encnames, %mail_encnames, %encodings); LJ::load_codes({ "encoding" => \%encodings } ); LJ::load_codes({ "encname" => \%old_encnames } ); %mail_encnames = %old_encnames; # # OK, as of 2011 Apr 02, all LJR users with oldenc!=0 converted to utf-8 in db, thanks nit! # # ### oldenc - your messages stored in database in this encoding # ### Default: 0 for utf-8. Only 32 users have oldenc!=0 # ### Perhaps we should convert them to utf using utf8convert.bml # ### and hide the option, but not tested - check twice! # # # # which encodings to show? For now, we just delete utf-8 from the old encodings # # list because it doesn't make sense there. # foreach my $id (keys %encodings) { # delete $old_encnames{$id} if lc($encodings{$id}) eq 'utf-8'; # } # # $ret .= "\n"; # $ret .= "\n"; # $ret .= ""; # $ret .= "\n"; # $ret .= ""; ### e-mail encoding: if ($u->{journaltype} eq 'P') { $ret .= ""; my $encoding = $u->{'mailencoding'} ? $u->{'mailencoding'} : 6; # $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= ""; } $ret .= "
$ML{'.autotranslate.header'}" . LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'oldenc', 'selected' => $u->{'oldenc'}}, # map { $_, $old_encnames{$_} } sort keys %old_encnames ) . "
" . $ML{'.autotranslate.about'} . "
$ML{'.translatemailto.header'}" . LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'mailencoding', 'selected' => $u->{'mailencoding'}}, # map { $_, $mail_encnames{$_} } sort keys %mail_encnames ) . "
" . LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'mailencoding', 'selected' => $encoding}, map { $_, $mail_encnames{$_} } sort keys %mail_encnames ) . "
\n"; } ### let them un-ban users if they've banned users my $banned = LJ::load_rel_user($u, 'B'); if ($banned && @$banned) { my $us = LJ::load_userids(@$banned); $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "
\n"; foreach (@$banned) { my $bu = $us->{$_}; next unless $bu; $ret .= LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'unban', 'id' => "unban-$bu->{'user'}", 'value' => $bu->{'userid'} }); $ret .= "
\n"; } $ret .= "
\n"; } # ending submit block $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "
\n"; return $ret; } ### ### we have a post, process edits ### if (LJ::did_post()) { return "" unless LJ::check_form_auth(); $POST{'unban'} =~ s/\0/,/g; return "" unless LJ::text_in(\%POST); my @errors = (); # name unless ($POST{'name'} || defined($POST{'name_absent'})) { push @errors, $ML{'.error.noname'}; } # state and zip my ($zipcity, $zipstate); if ($POST{'country'} eq "US") { $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT city, state FROM zip WHERE zip=?"); $sth->execute($POST{'zip'}); ($zipcity, $zipstate) = $sth->fetchrow_array; } # country if ($POST{'country'} ne "US" && $POST{'zip'}) { push @errors, $ML{'.error.locale.zip_requires_us'}; } if ($POST{'country'} eq "US" && $POST{'stateother'}) { push @errors, $ML{'.error.locale.country_ne_state'}; } elsif ($POST{'country'} && $POST{'country'} ne "US" && $POST{'statedrop'}) { push @errors, $ML{'.error.locale.state_ne_country'}; } # zip-code validation stuff if ($POST{'country'} eq "US") { if ($POST{'statedrop'} && $zipstate && $POST{'statedrop'} ne $zipstate) { push @errors, $ML{'.error.locale.zip_ne_state'}; } if ($zipcity) { $POST{'statedrop'} = $zipstate; $POST{'city'} = $zipcity; } } if ($POST{'country'} && !defined($countries{$POST{'country'}})) { push @errors, $ML{'.error.locale.invalid_country'}; } # birthday my $this_year = (localtime())[5]+1900; if ($POST{'year'} && $POST{'year'} < 100) { push @errors, $ML{'.error.year.notenoughdigits'}; } if ($POST{'year'} && $POST{'year'} >= 100 && ($POST{'year'} < 1890 || $POST{'year'} > $this_year)) { push @errors, $ML{'.error.year.outofrange'}; } if ($POST{'month'} && ($POST{'month'} < 1 || $POST{'month'} > 12)) { push @errors, $ML{'.error.month.outofrange'}; } if ($POST{'day'} && ($POST{'day'} < 1 || $POST{'day'} > 31)) { push @errors, $ML{''}; } if (@errors == 0 && $POST{'day'} > LJ::days_in_month($POST{'month'}, $POST{'year'})) { push @errors, $ML{''}; } # email unless ($POST{'email'}) { push @errors, $ML{''}; } if ($LJ::USER_EMAIL and $POST{'email'} =~ /\@\Q$LJ::USER_DOMAIN\E$/i) { push @errors, BML::ml("", { 'user' => $u->{'user'}, 'domain' => $LJ::USER_DOMAIN, }); } if ($POST{'email'} =~ /\s/) { push @errors, $ML{''}; } unless (@errors) { LJ::check_email($POST{'email'}, \@errors); } # text messaging if ($POST{'use_txtmsg'}) { unless ($POST{'txtmsg_provider'}) { push @errors, $ML{''}; } unless ($POST{'txtmsg_number'}) { push @errors, $ML{''}; } } return LJ::bad_input(@errors) if @errors; ### no errors my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); my $email_changed = ($u->{'email'} ne $POST{'email'}); if ($email_changed) { # record old email address; LJ::infohistory_add($u, 'email', $u->{email}, $u->{status}); } $POST{'url'} =~ s/\s+$//; $POST{'url'} =~ s/^\s+//; if ($POST{'url'} && $POST{'url'} !~ /^https?:\/\//) { $POST{'url'} =~ s/^http\W*//; $POST{'url'} = "http://$POST{'url'}"; } my $newname = defined $POST{'name_absent'} ? $saved{'name'} : $POST{'name'}; $newname =~ s/[\n\r]//g; $newname = LJ::text_trim($newname, LJ::BMAX_NAME, LJ::CMAX_NAME); my $newbio = defined($POST{'bio_absent'}) ? $saved{'bio'} : $POST{'bio'}; my $has_bio = ($newbio =~ /\S/) ? "Y" : "N"; my $txtmsg_status = $POST{'use_txtmsg'} ? "on" : "off"; # setup what we're gonna update in the user table: my %update = ( 'name' => $newname, 'bdate' => sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $POST{'year'}, $POST{'month'}, $POST{'day'}), 'email' => $POST{'email'}, 'status' => ($email_changed && $u->{'status'} eq "A") ? "T" : $u->{'status'}, 'has_bio' => $has_bio, 'allow_infoshow' => $POST{'allow_infoshow'} ? "Y" : "N", 'allow_getljnews' => $POST{'allow_getljnews'} ? "Y" : "N", 'opt_showtalklinks' => $POST{'opt_showtalklinks'} ? "Y" : "N", 'opt_gettalkemail' => $POST{'opt_gettalkemail'} ? "Y" : "N", 'opt_htmlemail' => $POST{'opt_htmlemail'} ? "Y" : "N", 'opt_mangleemail' => $POST{'opt_mangleemail'} ? "Y" : "N", 'opt_whocanreply' => $POST{'opt_whocanreply'}, 'txtmsg_status' => $txtmsg_status, ); if ($POST{'allow_contactshow'}) { $update{'allow_contactshow'} = "Y"; $update{'allow_contactshow'} = "F" if $POST{'contactshow_sec'} eq "F"; } else { $update{'allow_contactshow'} = "N"; } # if (defined $POST{'oldenc'}) { # $update{'oldenc'} = $POST{'oldenc'}; # } LJ::update_user($u, \%update); ### change any of the userprops ? { # journal / friends titles $POST{'journaltitle'} = LJ::text_trim($POST{'journaltitle'}, 0, 80) if $POST{'journaltitle'}; $POST{'journalsubtitle'} = LJ::text_trim($POST{'journalsubtitle'}, 0, 80) if $POST{'journalsubtitle'}; $POST{'friendspagetitle'} = LJ::text_trim($POST{'friendspagetitle'}, 0, 80) if $POST{'friendspagetitle'}; # opts $POST{'opt_showmutualfriends'} = $POST{'opt_showmutualfriends'} ? 1 : 0; $POST{'opt_getselfemail'} = $POST{'opt_getselfemail'} ? 1 : 0; $POST{'opt_stylemine'} = $POST{'opt_stylemine'} ? 1 : 0; $POST{'opt_blockrobots'} = $POST{'opt_blockrobots'} ? 1 : 0; $POST{'opt_bdaymail'} = $POST{'opt_bdaymail'} ? 1 : 0; $POST{'opt_hidefriendofs'} = $POST{'opt_hidefriendofs'} ? 1 : 0; $POST{'opt_nctalklinks'} = $POST{'opt_nctalklinks'} ? 1 : 0; $POST{'opt_weblogscom'} = $POST{'opt_weblogscom'} ? 1 : 0; if ($POST{'opt_logcommentips'} ne "N" && $POST{'opt_logcommentips'} ne "S" && $POST{'opt_logcommentips'} ne "A") { $POST{'opt_logcommentips'} = "N"; } $POST{'opt_whoscreened'} = "N" unless $POST{'opt_whoscreened'} =~ m/^(N|R|F|A)$/; $POST{'opt_imagelinks'} = 0 unless $POST{'opt_imagelinks_on'} && $POST{'opt_imagelinks'} =~ m/^(\d+)\|(\d+)$/; $POST{'opt_embedplaceholders'} = $POST{'opt_embedplaceholders'} ? 1 : 0; # for the directory. $POST{'sidx_bdate'} = ""; $POST{'sidx_loc'} = ""; $POST{'state'} = $POST{'statedrop'} || $POST{'stateother'}; if ($update{'allow_infoshow'} eq 'Y') { if ($POST{'year'}) { $POST{'sidx_bdate'} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", map { $POST{$_} } qw(year month day)); } if ($POST{'country'}) { my $state; if ($POST{'country'} eq "US") { $state = $POST{'statedrop'}; } else { $state = $POST{'stateother'}; } $POST{'sidx_loc'} = sprintf("%2s-%s-%s", $POST{'country'}, $state, $POST{'city'}); } } my @uprops = ( "opt_whatemailshow", "country", "state", "city", "zip", "icq", "aolim", "yahoo", "msn", "url", "urlname", "gender", "jabber", "opt_blockrobots", "opt_logcommentips", "opt_bdaymail", "opt_hidefriendofs", "sidx_bdate", "sidx_loc", "mailencoding", "opt_nctalklinks", "opt_whoscreened", "journaltitle", "journalsubtitle", "friendspagetitle", "opt_stylemine", "opt_imagelinks", "opt_getselfemail", "external_foaf_url", "opt_showmutualfriends", "opt_embedplaceholders", ); # requires a special cap push @uprops, 'opt_weblogscom' if LJ::get_cap($u, 'weblogscom'); # this is only done once, then never appears again. push @uprops, 'howhear' if $POST{'howhear'}; # set userprops foreach my $uprop (@uprops) { my $eff_val = $POST{$uprop}; # effective value, since 0 isn't stored $eff_val = "" unless $eff_val; my $mem_only = $eff_val eq $u->{$uprop}; LJ::set_userprop($u, $uprop, $eff_val, $mem_only); } } # update their bio text if (($u->{'bio'} ne $POST{'bio'}) && !defined($POST{'bio_absent'})) { if ($has_bio eq "N") { $u->do("DELETE FROM userbio WHERE userid=?", undef, $u->{'userid'}); $u->dudata_set('B', 0, 0); } else { $u->do("REPLACE INTO userbio (userid, bio) VALUES (?, ?)", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $POST{'bio'}); $u->dudata_set('B', 0, length($POST{'bio'})); } LJ::MemCache::set([$u->{'userid'}, "bio:$u->{'userid'}"], $POST{'bio'}); } # update their text messaging info if ($txtmsg_status eq "off" && $u->{'txtmsg_status'} eq "on") { $dbh->do("DELETE FROM txtmsg WHERE userid=?", undef, $u->{'userid'}); } elsif ($txtmsg_status eq "on") { $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO txtmsg (userid, provider, number, security) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $POST{'txtmsg_provider'}, $POST{'txtmsg_number'}, $POST{'txtmsg_security'}); } # update interests unless ($POST{'interests_absent'}) { $POST{'interests'} =~ s/^\s+//; $POST{'interests'} =~ s/\s+$//; $POST{'interests'} =~ s/\n/,/g; $POST{'interests'} =~ s/\s+/ /g; #Strip duplicate spaces from the interest my @ints = split (/\s*,\s*/, $POST{'interests'}); my $intcount = scalar(@ints); if ($intcount > 150) { return LJ::bad_input(BML::ml(".error.excessive_int", {'intcount' => $intcount})); } LJ::set_interests($u, \%interests, \@ints); } # now unban users they selected to be unbanned if ($POST{'unban'}) { my $bannedin = join(",", map { $dbh->quote($_); } split(/,/, $POST{'unban'})); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reluser WHERE userid=? AND type='B' AND targetid IN ($bannedin)", undef, $u->{'userid'}); } # actions if email changed if ($email_changed) { my $aa = {}; $aa = LJ::register_authaction($u->{'userid'}, "validateemail", $POST{'email'}); LJ::send_mail({ 'to' => $POST{'email'}, 'from' => $LJ::ADMIN_EMAIL, 'charset' => 'utf-8', 'subject' => $ML{'.newemail.subject'}, 'body' => BML::ml('.newemail.body2', { username => $u->{user}, sitename => $LJ::SITENAME, sitelink => $LJ::SITEROOT, conflink => "$LJ::SITEROOT/confirm/$aa->{'aaid'}.$aa->{'authcode'}" }), }); } # tell the user all is well return "\n" . " $u->{'user'}, }) . " p?>"; } # should never happen return ""; } _code?> <=body page?> lib: LJ::TextMessage, cgi-bin/, cgi-bin/ link: htdocs/privacy.bml, htdocs/support/faqbrowse.bml, htdocs/tools/textmessage.bml, htdocs/uploadpic.bml link: htdocs/paidaccounts/index.bml, htdocs/users, htdocs/userinfo.bml post: htdocs/editinfo.bml img: htdocs/userpic _c?>