("Invalid username"); my ($banned, $ok); $ok = LJ::auth_okay($u, $POST{password}, undef, undef, \$banned); if ($banned) { return $err->("Your IP address is temporarily banned for exceeding the login failure rate."); } unless ($ok) { return $err->("Bad password"); } my $etime = time() + 60*60*24*60; my $sess_opts = { 'exptype' => 'long', 'ipfixed' => 0, }; $u->make_login_session('long'); return BML::redirect("$LJ::SITEROOT/mobile/?t=" . time()); } _code?>
<< Back to LiveJournal Mobile.Secure using SSL, but may not work on all mobile devices:
This sends your password unprotected, probably over the air. Not a good idea on Wifi. Probably okay over a mobile carrier's data network.