tags return LJ::server_down_html() if $LJ::SERVER_DOWN; my $errtxt; my $pics = LJ::Talk::get_subjecticons(); my $r = Apache->request; $r->notes("codepath" => "bml.talkpost"); my $uri = BML::get_uri(); if ($uri =~ m!/(\d+)\.html$!) { $FORM{'itemid'} = $1 unless $FORM{'replyto'} > 0; $FORM{'journal'} = $r->notes("_journal"); BML::set_language_scope("/talkpost.bml"); } my $init = LJ::Talk::init(\%FORM); return "{'error'} p?>" if $init->{'error'}; my $u = $init->{'journalu'}; return $ML{'talk.error.nojournal'} unless $u; $r->notes("journalid" => $u->{'userid'}); return $LJ::MSG_READONLY_USER if LJ::get_cap($u, "readonly"); my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u); return $LJ::MSG_READONLY_USER if $LJ::CLUSTER_DOWN{0} || ! $dbcr; # redirect if account was renamed if ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "R") { LJ::load_user_props($u, "renamedto"); if ($u->{'renamedto'} ne "") { my $id = $FORM{'itemid'}+0; return BML::redirect(LJ::journal_base($u->{'renamedto'}) . "/$id.html?mode=reply"); } } my $ret = ""; my $parpost; my $reply; if ($init->{'replyto'}) { my $qparentid = $init->{'replyto'}; my $sql = "SELECT t.posterid, t.nodetype, t.nodeid AS 'itemid', ". "UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.datepost) AS 'secondsold', ". "t.state, l.anum FROM talk2 t, log2 l WHERE l.journalid=$u->{'userid'} AND ". "l.jitemid=t.nodeid AND t.journalid=$u->{'userid'} AND t.jtalkid=$qparentid"; foreach my $pass (1, 2) { my $db = $pass == 1 ? LJ::get_cluster_reader($u) : $dbcr; $parpost = $db->selectrow_hashref($sql); last if $parpost; } return $ML{'.error.noreplypost'} unless $parpost; unless ($parpost->{'nodetype'} eq "L" && $parpost->{'itemid'}) { return ""; } ## load its text { my $tt = LJ::get_talktext2($u, $init->{'replyto'}); $parpost->{'subject'} = $tt->{$init->{'replyto'}}->[0]; $parpost->{'body'} = $tt->{$init->{'replyto'}}->[1]; } ### load the talk properties LJ::load_talk_props2($u, [ $init->{'replyto'} ], {$init->{'replyto'} => $parpost}); if($LJ::UNICODE && $parpost->{'unknown8bit'}) { LJ::item_toutf8($u, \$parpost->{'subject'}, \$parpost->{'body'}, {}); } $init->{'itemid'} = $parpost->{'itemid'}; $init->{'ditemid'} = $parpost->{'itemid'}*256 + $parpost->{'anum'}; } my $itemid = $init->{'itemid'}; my $stylemine = $init->{'style'} eq "mine" ? "style=mine" : ""; ## load the journal item my $item = LJ::Talk::get_journal_item($u, $itemid); ################################################## if ($init->{'oldurl'} && $item) { $init->{'anum'} = $item->{'anum'}; $init->{'ditemid'} = $init->{'itemid'}*256 + $item->{'anum'}; } unless ($item && $item->{'anum'} == $init->{'anum'}) { BML::set_status(404); # 404 Not found return ""; } my $props = $item->{'props'}; my $ditemid = $init->{'ditemid'}; my $talkurl = LJ::journal_base($u) . "/$ditemid.html"; $parpost ||= $item; # if there's no parent post, remote is reply to top-level item my ($up, $ur); # $up = user posted journal item; $ur = user remote is replying to LJ::load_userids_multiple([ $item->{'posterid'} => \$up, $parpost->{'posterid'} => \$ur, ], [ $u ]); my $remote = LJ::get_remote(); my @user_props = ("opt_logcommentips", "opt_whoscreened"); push @user_props, "opt_blockrobots" if $u->{'statusvis'} eq 'V'; LJ::load_user_props($u, @user_props); if ($u->{'statusvis'} ne 'V' || $u->{'opt_blockrobots'}) { $head = LJ::robot_meta_tags(); } # check suspended if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq "S" || $up->{'statusvis'} eq "S" || $ur && $ur->{'statusvis'} eq "S") { BML::set_status(403); # 403 Forbidden return ""; } # check deleted if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq "D") { BML::set_status(404); # 404 Not found return ""; } # checked screened post if ($parpost->{'state'} eq "S" && ! LJ::Talk::can_unscreen($remote, $u, $up, ($ur ? $ur->{'user'} : undef))) { BML::set_status(403); # 403 Forbidden return ""; } if ($parpost->{'state'} eq "D") { BML::set_status(404); # 404 Not found return ""; } # check if frozen return "" if $parpost->{'state'} eq "F"; # don't allow anonymous comments on syndicated items if ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "Y" && $u->{'opt_whocanreply'} eq "all") { $u->{'opt_whocanreply'} = "reg"; } #### Check security before viewing this post unless (LJ::Talk::check_viewable($remote, $item, \%FORM, \$errtxt)) { BML::set_status(403); # 403 Forbidden return $errtxt; } ### check If-Modified-Since my $lastmod = $props->{'commentalter'}; my $revisiontime = $props->{' revtime'}; $lastmod = $revisiontime if $revisiontime && $revisiontime > $lastmod; my $ims = $r->header_in("If-Modified-Since"); if ($ims) { my $theirtime = LJ::http_to_time($ims); if ($theirtime >= $lastmod && !$remote && $r->header_in("User-Agent") =~ /$LJ::ROBOTS_REGEXP/) { # only for anonymous robots: # valid browsers should refresh unique chal string!!! BML::set_status(304); # 304 Not Modified return ""; } } $r->set_last_modified($lastmod); my $event = $FORM{'replyto'} eq "" ? $item->{'event'} : $parpost->{'body'}; my $preformatted = $FORM{'replyto'} eq "" ? $props->{'opt_preformatted'} : $parpost->{'opt_preformatted'}; LJ::CleanHTML::clean_event(\$event, $preformatted); LJ::expand_embedded($u, $ditemid, $remote, \$event); BML::ebml(\$event); $ret .= ""; my $pickw = $init->{'replyto'} ? $parpost->{'picture_keyword'} : $props->{'picture_keyword'}; my $picid = LJ::get_picid_from_keyword($ur, $pickw); my %userpics; if ($picid) { LJ::load_userpics(\%userpics, [ $u, $picid ]); # not auto-vivifying $ur here because $picid is based # on $ur existing in the first place my $alt = $ur->{'name'}; $alt .= ": $pickw" if $pickw; $alt = LJ::ehtml($alt); $ret .= ""; } $ret .= "
"; # who-wrote-where { my $is_shared = $u->{'journaltype'} eq 'C' || $u->{'journaltype'} eq 'S'; my $suffix = $is_shared ? "_comm" : ""; # user logged in if ($ur) { $ret .= BML::ml("talk.somebodywrote$suffix", { 'realname' => LJ::ehtml($ur->{'name'}), 'userlink' => LJ::ljuser($ur), 'commlink' => LJ::ljuser($u) }); # user anonymous } else { $ret .= BML::ml("talk.anonwrote$suffix", { 'commlink' => LJ::ljuser($u) }); } } unless ($init->{'replyto'}) { my $etime = $item->{'eventtime'}; $etime =~ s!(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)!LJ::date_to_view_links($u, $&)!e; $ret .= "
@ $etime"; } $ret .= "
"; unless ($init->{'replyto'}) { $ret .= LJ::Talk::link_bar({ 'u' => $u, 'up' => $up, 'headref' => \$head, 'remote' => $remote, 'itemid' => $ditemid, }); } my %current; if ($props->{'current_mood'} || $props->{'current_moodid'}) { $current{'Mood'} = LJ::current_mood_str($up->{'moodthemeid'}, $props->{'current_moodid'}, $props->{'current_mood'}); } if ($props->{'current_music'}) { $current{'Music'} = LJ::current_music_str($props->{'current_music'}); } $ret .= "
"; ### currents if (! $init->{'replyto'} && %current) { $ret .= "\n"; foreach (sort keys %current) { my $curkey = "talk.curname_" . $_; my $curname = BML::ml($curkey); $curname = "Current $_:" unless $curname; $ret .= "\n"; } $ret .= "

\n"; } ### security indicator my $sec = ""; if ($parpost->{'security'} eq "private") { $sec = BML::fill_template("securityprivate"); } elsif ($parpost->{'security'} eq "usemask") { $sec = BML::fill_template("securityprotected"); } $sec .= "
\n" unless $sec eq "" or $parpost->{'subject'}; $ret .= $sec; ### if ($parpost->{'subject'}) { my $cleansubject = $parpost->{'subject'}; if ($init->{'replyto'}) { # comments can't have HTML in subjects at all $cleansubject = LJ::ehtml($cleansubject); } else { # but journal entries can have some LJ::CleanHTML::clean_subject(\$cleansubject); BML::ebml(\$cleansubject); } $ret .= "$cleansubject
\n"; } $ret .= $event; $ret .= "

"; $ret .= "

"; my $jarg = "journal=$u->{'user'}&"; my $readurl = LJ::Talk::talkargs($talkurl, $stylemine); $ret .= "


"; # can a comment even be made? if ($props->{'opt_nocomments'}) { $ret .= ""; return $ret; } if ($u->{'opt_showtalklinks'} eq "N") { $ret .= ""; return $ret; } unless (LJ::get_cap($u, "get_comments") || ($remote && LJ::get_cap($remote, "leave_comments"))) { $ret .= ""; return $ret; } $ret .= BML::fill_template("H1", { DATA => $ML{'.postresponse'} }); $FORM{'body'} = LJ::ehtml($FORM{'body'}) if $FORM{'qr'}; $ret .= LJ::Talk::talkform({ 'remote' => $remote, 'journalu' => $u, 'parpost' => $parpost, 'replyto' => $init->{replyto}, 'ditemid' => $ditemid, 'form' => \%FORM }); BML::noparse(); return $ret; } _code?> <=body head<= <=head windowtitle=> page?> post: htdocs/talkpost_do.bml link: htdocs/talkread.bml, htdocs/allpics.bml, htdocs/create.bml _c?>