1 _info?>"; return; }; my $bad_input = sub { return $error->("Bad input: $_[0]") if $jsmode; $body = LJ::bad_input($_[0]); return; }; my $mode = $POST{'mode'} || $GET{'mode'}; my $talkid = $POST{'talkid'} || $GET{'talkid'}; my $journal = $POST{'journal'} || $GET{'journal'}; my $qtalkid = $talkid+0; my $dtalkid = $qtalkid; # display talkid, for use in URL later my $jsres = sub { my $mode = shift; # flip case of 'un' my $newmode = "un$mode"; $newmode =~ s/^unun//; my $stockimg = { 'screen' => "btn_scr.gif", 'unscreen' => "btn_unscr.gif", 'freeze' => "btn_freeze.gif", 'unfreeze' => "btn_unfreeze.gif", }; my $res = "rpcRes = {\n mode: \"$mode\", id: $dtalkid, \n" . " oldimage: \"$LJ::IMGPREFIX/$stockimg->{$mode}\",\n " . " newimage: '$LJ::IMGPREFIX/$stockimg->{$newmode}',\n " . " newurl: '$LJ::SITEROOT/talkscreen.bml?mode=$newmode&journal=$journal&talkid=$dtalkid' \n" . "};\n"; BML::finish(); return $res; }; my $remote = LJ::get_remote(); return $error->($ML{'.error.login'}) unless $remote; # we need to find out: $u, $up (poster of the entry this is a comment to), # userpost (username of this comment's author). Then we can check permissions. my $u = LJ::load_user($journal); return $error->($ML{'talk.error.bogusargs'}) unless $u; my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u); return $error->($ML{'error.nodb'}) unless $dbcr; my $post; $qtalkid = int($qtalkid / 256); # get rid of anum $post = $dbcr->selectrow_hashref("SELECT jtalkid AS 'talkid', nodetype, state, nodeid AS 'itemid', ". "parenttalkid, journalid, posterid FROM talk2 ". "WHERE journalid=$u->{'userid'} AND jtalkid=$qtalkid"); return $error->($ML{'talk.error.nocomment'}) unless $post; return $error->($ML{'talk.error.comm_deleted'}) if $post->{'state'} eq "D"; my $state = $post->{'state'}; $u ||= LJ::load_userid($post->{'journalid'}); return $error->($LJ::MSG_READONLY_USER) if LJ::get_cap($u, "readonly"); if ($post->{'posterid'}) { $post->{'userpost'} = LJ::get_username($post->{'posterid'}); } my $qitemid = $post->{'itemid'}+0; # $posterid is the userid of the author of the entry, not the comment my ($posterid, $anum) = $dbcr->selectrow_array("SELECT posterid, anum FROM log2 WHERE ". "journalid=$u->{'userid'} AND jitemid=$qitemid"); my $up = LJ::load_userid($posterid); my $ditemid = $qitemid*256 + $anum; my $itemlink = LJ::journal_base($u) . "/$ditemid.html"; my $commentlink = "$itemlink?view=$dtalkid#t$dtalkid"; if ($mode eq 'screen') { my $can_screen = LJ::Talk::can_screen($remote, $u, $up, $post->{'userpost'}); return $error->($ML{'.error.privs.screen'}) unless $can_screen; unless ($POST{'confirm'} eq 'Y') { $body .= ""; $body .= "

\n"; $body .= LJ::html_hidden(mode => 'screen', 'talkid' => $talkid, journal => $u->{user}, confirm => 'Y'); $body .= LJ::html_submit(undef, $ML{'.screen.doit'}); $body .= "
"; $body .= "
\n"; return; } if ($state ne 'S') { LJ::Talk::screen_comments($u, $qitemid, [$qtalkid]); } # FIXME: no error checking? return $jsres->($mode) if $jsmode; $body = "$commentlink}) . " p?>"; return; } if ($mode eq 'unscreen') { my $can_unscreen = LJ::Talk::can_unscreen($remote, $u, $up, $post->{'userpost'}); return $error->($ML{'.error.privs.unscreen'}) unless $can_unscreen; unless ($POST{'confirm'} eq 'Y') { $body .= ""; $body .= "

\n"; $body .= LJ::html_hidden(mode => 'unscreen', 'talkid' => $talkid, journal => $u->{user}, confirm => 'Y'); $body .= LJ::html_submit(undef, $ML{'.unscreen.doit'}); $body .= "
"; $body .= "
\n"; return; } if ($state ne 'A') { LJ::Talk::unscreen_comments($u, $qitemid, [$qtalkid]); } # FIXME: no error checking? return $jsres->($mode) if $jsmode; $body = "$commentlink}) . " p?>"; return; } if ($mode eq 'freeze') { my $can_freeze = LJ::Talk::can_freeze($remote, $u, $up, $post->{userpost}); unless ($can_freeze) { $body = ""; return; } unless ($POST{confirm} eq 'Y') { $body .= ""; $body .= "

\n"; $body .= LJ::html_hidden(mode => 'freeze', 'talkid' => $talkid, journal => $u->{user}, confirm => 'Y'); $body .= LJ::html_submit(undef, $ML{'.freeze.doit'}); $body .= "
"; $body .= "
\n"; return; } if ($state ne 'F') { LJ::Talk::freeze_thread($u, $qitemid, $qtalkid); } return $jsres->($mode) if $jsmode; my $linktext = BML::ml('.link', { aopts => "href='$itemlink'" }); $body = ""; return; } if ($mode eq 'unfreeze') { my $can_unfreeze = LJ::Talk::can_unfreeze($remote, $u, $up, $post->{userpost}); unless ($can_unfreeze) { $body = ""; return; } unless ($POST{confirm} eq 'Y') { $body .= ""; $body .= "

\n"; $body .= LJ::html_hidden(mode => 'unfreeze', 'talkid' => $talkid, journal => $u->{user}, confirm => 'Y'); $body .= LJ::html_submit(undef, $ML{'.unfreeze.doit'}); $body .= "
"; $body .= "
\n"; return; } if ($state eq 'F') { LJ::Talk::unfreeze_thread($u, $qitemid, $qtalkid); } return $jsres->($mode) if $jsmode; my $linktext = BML::ml('.link', { aopts => "href='$itemlink'" }); $body = ""; return; } $body = ""; return; } _code?> body=> page?>