#!/usr/bin/perl #TODO: retries? use strict; use Gearman::Util; use Carp (); use IO::Socket::INET; # this is the object that's handed to the worker subrefs package Gearman::Job; use fields ( 'func', 'argref', 'handle', 'jss', # job server's socket ); sub new { my ($class, $func, $argref, $handle, $jss) = @_; my $self = $class; $self = fields::new($class) unless ref $self; $self->{func} = $func; $self->{handle} = $handle; $self->{argref} = $argref; $self->{jss} = $jss; return $self; } # ->set_status($numerator, $denominator) : $bool_sent_to_jobserver sub set_status { my Gearman::Job $self = shift; my ($nu, $de) = @_; my $req = Gearman::Util::pack_req_command("work_status", join("\0", $self->{handle}, $nu, $de)); return Gearman::Util::send_req($self->{jss}, \$req); } sub argref { my Gearman::Job $self = shift; return $self->{argref}; } sub arg { my Gearman::Job $self = shift; return ${ $self->{argref} }; } package Gearman::Worker; use Socket qw(IPPROTO_TCP TCP_NODELAY SOL_SOCKET PF_INET SOCK_STREAM); use fields ( 'job_servers', 'js_count', 'sock_cache', # host:port -> IO::Socket::INET 'last_connect_fail', # host:port -> unixtime 'down_since', # host:port -> unixtime 'connecting', # host:port -> unixtime connect started at 'can', # func -> subref 'client_id', # random identifer string, no whitespace ); sub new { my ($class, %opts) = @_; my $self = $class; $self = fields::new($class) unless ref $self; $self->{job_servers} = []; $self->{js_count} = 0; $self->{sock_cache} = {}; $self->{last_connect_fail} = {}; $self->{down_since} = {}; $self->{can} = {}; $self->{client_id} = join("", map { chr(int(rand(26)) + 97) } (1..30)); $self->job_servers(@{ $opts{job_servers} }) if $opts{job_servers}; return $self; } sub _get_js_sock { my Gearman::Worker $self = shift; my $ipport = shift; if (my $sock = $self->{sock_cache}{$ipport}) { return $sock if getpeername($sock); delete $self->{sock_cache}{$ipport}; } my $now = time; my $down_since = $self->{down_since}{$ipport}; if ($down_since) { my $down_for = $now - $down_since; my $retry_period = $down_for > 60 ? 30 : (int($down_for / 2) + 1); if ($self->{last_connect_fail}{$ipport} > $now - $retry_period) { return undef; } } return undef unless $ipport =~ /(^\d+\..+):(\d+)/; my ($ip, $port) = ($1, $2); my $sock; socket $sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP; #IO::Handle::blocking($sock, 0); connect $sock, Socket::sockaddr_in($port, Socket::inet_aton($ip)); #my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ip, # Timeout => 1); unless ($sock) { $self->{down_since}{$ipport} ||= $now; $self->{last_connect_fail}{$ipport} = $now; return undef; } delete $self->{last_connect_fail}{$ipport}; delete $self->{down_since}{$ipport}; $sock->autoflush(1); setsockopt($sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, pack("l", 1)) or die; $self->{sock_cache}{$ipport} = $sock; my $cid_req = Gearman::Util::pack_req_command("set_client_id", $self->{client_id}); Gearman::Util::send_req($sock, \$cid_req); # get this socket's state caught-up foreach my $func (keys %{$self->{can}}) { unless (_set_capability($sock, $func, 1)) { delete $self->{sock_cache}{$ipport}; return undef; } } return $sock; } sub _set_capability { my ($sock, $func, $can) = @_; my $req = Gearman::Util::pack_req_command($can ? "can_do" : "cant_do", $func); return Gearman::Util::send_req($sock, \$req); } # tell all the jobservers that this worker can't do anything sub reset_abilities { my Gearman::Worker $self = shift; my $req = Gearman::Util::pack_req_command("reset_abilities"); foreach my $js (@{ $self->{job_servers} }) { my $jss = $self->_get_js_sock($js); unless (Gearman::Util::send_req($jss, \$req)) { delete $self->{sock_cache}{$js}; } } $self->{can} = {}; } # does one job and returns. no return value. sub work { my Gearman::Worker $self = shift; my $grab_req = Gearman::Util::pack_req_command("grab_job"); my $presleep_req = Gearman::Util::pack_req_command("pre_sleep"); my %fd_map; while (1) { my @jss; my $need_sleep = 1; foreach my $js (@{ $self->{job_servers} }) { my $jss = $self->_get_js_sock($js) or next; unless (Gearman::Util::send_req($jss, \$grab_req) && Gearman::Util::wait_for_readability($jss->fileno, 0.50)) { delete $self->{sock_cache}{$js}; next; } push @jss, [$js, $jss]; my ($res, $err); do { $res = Gearman::Util::read_res_packet($jss, \$err); } while ($res && $res->{type} eq "noop"); next unless $res; if ($res->{type} eq "no_job") { next; } die "Uh, wasn't expecting a $res->{type} packet" unless $res->{type} eq "job_assign"; ${ $res->{'blobref'} } =~ s/^(.+?)\0(.+?)\0// or die "Uh, regexp on job_assign failed"; my ($handle, $func) = ($1, $2); my $job = Gearman::Job->new($func, $res->{'blobref'}, $handle, $jss); my $handler = $self->{can}{$func}; my $ret = eval { $handler->($job); }; my $work_req; if (defined $ret) { $work_req = Gearman::Util::pack_req_command("work_complete", "$handle\0" . (ref $ret ? $$ret : $ret)); } else { $work_req = Gearman::Util::pack_req_command("work_fail", $handle); } unless (Gearman::Util::send_req($jss, \$work_req)) { delete $self->{sock_cache}{$js}; } return; } if ($need_sleep) { my $wake_vec = 0; foreach my $j (@jss) { my ($js, $jss) = @$j; unless (Gearman::Util::send_req($jss, \$presleep_req)) { delete $self->{sock_cache}{$js}; next; } my $fd = $jss->fileno; vec($wake_vec, $fd, 1) = 1; } # chill for some arbitrary time until we're woken up again select($wake_vec, undef, undef, 10); } } } sub register_function { my Gearman::Worker $self = shift; my $func = shift; my $subref = shift; my $req = Gearman::Util::pack_req_command("can_do", $func); foreach my $js (@{ $self->{job_servers} }) { my $jss = $self->_get_js_sock($js); unless (Gearman::Util::send_req($jss, \$req)) { delete $self->{sock_cache}{$js}; } } $self->{can}{$func} = $subref; } # getter/setter sub job_servers { my Gearman::Worker $self = shift; return $self->{job_servers} unless @_; my $list = [ @_ ]; $self->{js_count} = scalar @$list; foreach (@$list) { $_ .= ":7003" unless /:/; } return $self->{job_servers} = $list; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Gearman::Worker - Worker for gearman distributed job system =head1 SYNOPSIS use Gearman::Worker; my $worker = Gearman::Worker->new; $worker->job_servers(''); $worker->register_function($funcname => $subref); $worker->work while 1; =head1 DESCRIPTION I is a worker class for the Gearman distributed job system, providing a framework for receiving and serving jobs from a Gearman server. Callers instantiate a I object, register a list of functions and capabilities that they can handle, then enter an event loop, waiting for the server to send jobs. The worker can send a return value back to the server, which then gets sent back to the client that requested the job; or it can simply execute silently. =head1 USAGE =head2 Gearman::Worker->new(\%options) Creates a new I object, and returns the object. If I<%options> is provided, initializes the new worker object with the settings in I<%options>, which can contain: =over 4 =item * job_servers Calls I (see below) to initialize the list of job servers. =back =head2 $worker->job_servers(@servers) Initializes the worker I<$worker> with the list of job servers in I<@servers>. I<@servers> should contain a list of IP addresses, with optional port numbers. For example: $worker->job_servers('', ''); If the port number is not provided, 7003 is used as the default. =head2 $worker->register_function($funcname, $subref) Registers the function I<$funcname> as being provided by the worker I<$worker>, and advertises these capabilities to all of the job servers defined in this worker. I<$subref> must be a subroutine reference that will be invoked when the worker receives a request for this function. It will be passed a I object representing the job that has been received by the worker. The subroutine reference can return a return value, which will be sent back to the job server. =head2 Gearman::Job->arg Returns the scalar argument that the client sent to the job server. =head2 Gearman::Job->set_status($numerator, $denominator) Updates the status of the job (most likely, a long-running job) and sends it back to the job server. I<$numerator> and I<$denominator> should represent the percentage completion of the job. =head1 EXAMPLES =head2 Summation This is an example worker that receives a request to sum up a list of integers. use Gearman::Worker; use Storable qw( thaw ); use List::Util qw( sum ); my $worker = Gearman::Worker->new; $worker->job_servers(''); $worker->register_function(sum => sub { sum @{ thaw($_[0]->arg) } }); $worker->work while 1; See the I documentation for a sample client sending the I job. =cut