use strict; our $Bin; use FindBin qw( $Bin ); use File::Spec; use Gearman::Client; use Storable qw( freeze ); use Test::More tests => 20; use IO::Socket::INET; use POSIX qw( :sys_wait_h ); use constant PORT => 9000; our %Children; END { kill_children() } start_server(PORT); start_server(PORT + 1); ## Sleep, wait for servers to start up before connecting workers. wait_for_port(PORT); wait_for_port(PORT + 1); ## Look for 2 job servers, starting at port number PORT. start_worker(PORT, 2); start_worker(PORT, 2); my $client = Gearman::Client->new; isa_ok($client, 'Gearman::Client'); $client->job_servers('' . PORT, '' . (PORT + 1)); eval { $client->do_task(sum => []) }; like($@, qr/scalar or scalarref/, 'do_task does not accept arrayref argument'); my $out = $client->do_task(sum => freeze([ 3, 5 ])); is($$out, 8, 'do_task returned 8 for sum'); my $tasks = $client->new_task_set; isa_ok($tasks, 'Gearman::Taskset'); my $sum; my $failed = 0; my $completed = 0; my $handle = $tasks->add_task(sum => freeze([ 3, 5 ]), { on_complete => sub { $sum = ${ $_[0] } }, on_fail => sub { $failed = 1 } }); $tasks->wait; is($sum, 8, 'add_task/wait returned 8 for sum'); is($failed, 0, 'on_fail not called on a successful result'); ## Now try a task set with 2 tasks, and make sure they are both completed. $tasks = $client->new_task_set; my @sums; $tasks->add_task(sum => freeze([ 1, 1 ]), { on_complete => sub { $sums[0] = ${ $_[0] } }, }); $tasks->add_task(sum => freeze([ 2, 2 ]), { on_complete => sub { $sums[1] = ${ $_[0] } }, }); $tasks->wait; is($sums[0], 2, 'First task completed (sum is 2)'); is($sums[1], 4, 'Second task completed (sum is 4)'); ## Test some failure conditions: ## Normal failure (worker returns undef or dies within eval). is($client->do_task('fail'), undef, 'Job that failed naturally returned undef'); ## Worker process exits. is($client->do_task('fail_exit'), undef, 'Job that failed via exit returned undef'); pid_is_dead(wait()); ## Worker process times out (takes longer than fail_after_idle seconds). TODO: { todo_skip 'fail_after_idle is not yet implemented', 1; is($client->do_task('sleep', 5, { fail_after_idle => 3 }), undef, 'Job that timed out after 3 seconds returns failure (fail_after_idle)'); } ## Test retry_count. my $retried = 0; is($client->do_task('fail' => '', { on_retry => sub { $retried++ }, retry_count => 3, }), undef, 'Failure response is still failure, even after retrying'); is($retried, 3, 'Retried 3 times'); my $tasks = $client->new_task_set; $completed = 0; $failed = 0; $tasks->add_task(fail => '', { on_complete => sub { $completed = 1 }, on_fail => sub { $failed = 1 }, }); $tasks->wait; is($completed, 0, 'on_complete not called on failed result'); is($failed, 1, 'on_fail called on failed result'); ## Test high_priority. ## Create a taskset with 4 tasks, and have the 3rd fail. ## In on_fail, add a new task with high priority set, and make sure it ## gets executed before task 4. To make this reliable, we need to first ## kill off all but one of the worker processes. my @worker_pids = grep $Children{$_} eq 'W', keys %Children; kill INT => @worker_pids[1..$#worker_pids]; $tasks = $client->new_task_set; $out = ''; $tasks->add_task(echo_ws => 1, { on_complete => sub { $out .= ${ $_[0] } } }); $tasks->add_task(echo_ws => 2, { on_complete => sub { $out .= ${ $_[0] } } }); $tasks->add_task(echo_ws => 'x', { on_fail => sub { $tasks->add_task(echo_ws => 'p', { on_complete => sub { $out .= ${ $_[0] } }, high_priority => 1 }); }, }); $tasks->add_task(echo_ws => 3, { on_complete => sub { $out .= ${ $_[0] } } }); $tasks->add_task(echo_ws => 4, { on_complete => sub { $out .= ${ $_[0] } } }); $tasks->add_task(echo_ws => 5, { on_complete => sub { $out .= ${ $_[0] } } }); $tasks->add_task(echo_ws => 6, { on_complete => sub { $out .= ${ $_[0] } } }); $tasks->wait; like($out, qr/p.+6/, 'High priority tasks executed in priority order.'); ## We just killed off all but one worker--make sure they get respawned. respawn_children(); ## Test dispatch_background and get_status. my $out; my $handle = $client->dispatch_background(long => undef, { on_complete => sub { $out = ${ $_[0] } }, }); ok($handle, 'Got a handle back from dispatching background job'); my $status = $client->get_status($handle); isa_ok($status, 'Gearman::JobStatus'); ok($status->running, 'Job is still running'); is($status->percent, .5, 'Job is 50 percent complete'); do { sleep 1; $status = $client->get_status($handle); } until $status->percent == 1; sub pid_is_dead { my($pid) = @_; return if $pid == -1; my $type = delete $Children{$pid}; if ($type eq 'W') { ## Right now we can only restart workers. start_worker(PORT, 2); } } sub respawn_children { for my $pid (keys %Children) { if (waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) > 0) { pid_is_dead($pid); } } } sub start_server { my($port) = @_; my $server = File::Spec->catfile($Bin, '..', 'server', 'gearmand'); my $pid = start_child([ $server, '-p', $port ]); $Children{$pid} = 'S'; } sub start_worker { my($port, $num) = @_; my $worker = File::Spec->catfile($Bin, ''); my $servers = join ',', map '' . (PORT + $_), 0..$num-1; my $pid = start_child([ $worker, '-s', $servers ]); $Children{$pid} = 'W'; } sub start_child { my($cmd) = @_; my $pid = fork(); die $! unless defined $pid; unless ($pid) { exec 'perl', '-Iblib/lib', '-Ilib', @$cmd or die $!; } $pid; } sub kill_children { kill INT => keys %Children; } sub wait_for_port { my($port) = @_; my $start = time; while (1) { my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$port"); return 1 if $sock; select undef, undef, undef, 0.25; die "Timeout waiting for port $port to startup" if time > $start + 5; } }