#!/usr/bin/perl # # MogileFS daemon - HEAVILY UNDER CONSTRUCTION # # Copyright 2004, Danga Interactive # # Authors: # Brad Fitzpatrick # Brad Whitaker # Mark Smith # # License: # undecided. # package Mgd; # don't run as root die "mogilefsd cannot be run as root\n" if $< == 0; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use IO::Socket; use Symbol; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; # argument for waitpid use POSIX; use DBI; use DBD::mysql; use File::Copy (); use Carp; use File::Basename (); use File::Path (); use Sys::Syslog; use Socket qw(MSG_NOSIGNAL); use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use Net::Netmask; use LWP::UserAgent; ##################################################################### ### C O N F I G ##################################################################### use vars qw($dbh $DEFAULT_CONFIG $DEFAULT_MOG_ROOT $MOG_ROOT $MOGSTORED_STREAM_PORT $DEBUG $USE_HTTP $FLAG_NOSIGNAL); $DEFAULT_CONFIG = "/etc/mogilefs/mogilefsd.conf"; $DEFAULT_MOG_ROOT = "/mnt/mogilefs"; $MOGSTORED_STREAM_PORT = 7501; $DEBUG = 0; # used in send() calls to request not to get SIGPIPEd eval { $FLAG_NOSIGNAL = MSG_NOSIGNAL }; my ( %cmdline, %cfgfile, $config, $skipconfig, $daemonize, $db_dsn, $db_user, $db_pass, $conf_port, $query_jobs, $delete_jobs, $replicate_jobs, $reaper_jobs, $monitor_jobs, $mog_root, $default_mindevcount, $worker_port, $upgrade, $min_free_space, $max_disk_age, $node_timeout, # time in seconds to wait for storage node responses ); # Command-line options will override Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" ); Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'c|config=s' => \$config, 's|skipconfig' => \$skipconfig, 'd|debug+' => \$cmdline{debug}, 'D|daemon' => \$cmdline{daemonize}, 'dsn=s' => \$cmdline{db_dsn}, 'dbuser=s' => \$cmdline{db_user}, 'dbpass=s' => \$cmdline{db_pass}, 'r|mogroot=s' => \$cmdline{mog_root}, 'p|confport=i' => \$cmdline{conf_port}, 'w|workers=i' => \$cmdline{query_jobs}, 'no_http' => \$cmdline{no_http}, 'workerport=i' => \$cmdline{worker_port}, 'upgrade' => \$upgrade, 'maxdiskage=i' => \$cmdline{max_disk_age}, 'minfreespace=i' => \$cmdline{min_free_space}, 'default_mindevcount=i' => \$cmdline{default_mindevcount}, 'node_timeout=i' => \$cmdline{node_timeout}, ); $config = $DEFAULT_CONFIG if !$config && -r $DEFAULT_CONFIG; # Read the config file if one was specified if ( $config && !$skipconfig ) { open my $cf, "<$config" or die "open: $config: $!"; my $configLine = qr{ ^\s* # Leading space (\w+) # Key \s+ =? \s* # space + optional equal + optional space (.+?) # Value \s*$ # Trailing space }x; my $linecount = 0; while (defined( my $line = <$cf> )) { $linecount++; next if $line =~ m{^\s*(#.*)?$}; die "Malformed config file (line $linecount)" unless $line =~ $configLine; my ( $key, $value ) = ( $1, $2 ); print STDERR "Setting '$key' to '$value'\n" if $cmdline{debug}; $cfgfile{ $key } = $value; } close $cf; } ### FUNCTION: choose_value( $name, $default[, $boolean] ) sub choose_value ($$;$) { my ( $name, $default, $boolean ) = @_; return $cmdline{$name} if defined $cmdline{$name}; return $cfgfile{$name} if defined $cfgfile{$name}; return $default; } # Fill in defaults for those values which were either loaded from config or # specified on the command line. Command line takes precendence, then values in # the config file, then the defaults. $daemonize = choose_value( 'daemonize', 0, 1 ); $db_dsn = choose_value( 'db_dsn', "DBI:mysql:mogilefs" ); $db_user = choose_value( 'db_user', "mogile" ); $db_pass = choose_value( 'db_pass', "", 1 ); $conf_port = choose_value( 'conf_port', 7001 ); $MOG_ROOT = choose_value( 'mog_root', $DEFAULT_MOG_ROOT ); $query_jobs = choose_value( 'listener_jobs', undef) || # undef if not present, then we choose_value( 'query_jobs', 20 ); # fall back to query_jobs, new name $delete_jobs = choose_value( 'delete_jobs', 1 ); $replicate_jobs = choose_value( 'replicate_jobs', 1 ); $reaper_jobs = choose_value( 'reaper_jobs', 1 ); $monitor_jobs = choose_value( 'monitor_jobs', 1 ); $worker_port = choose_value( 'worker_port', 7200 ); $min_free_space = choose_value( 'min_free_space', 100 ); $max_disk_age = choose_value( 'max_disk_age', 5 ); $DEBUG = choose_value( 'debug', 0, 1 ); $USE_HTTP = ! choose_value( 'no_http', 0, 1); $default_mindevcount = choose_value( 'default_mindevcount', 2 ); $node_timeout = choose_value( 'node_timeout', 3 ); ### initial setup Mgd::validate_dbh(); my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh(); unless ($dbh) { die <selectrow_hashref('SELECT * FROM host LIMIT 1'); if ($dbh->err) { my $err = $dbh->errstr; my $db = ($db_dsn =~ /^DBI:mysql:(.+)$/) ? $1 : ''; die <{http_get_port}) { if ($upgrade) { print STDERR "Updating host table...\n"; $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE host ADD COLUMN http_get_port MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED AFTER http_port"); die "Error: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n" if $dbh->err; } else { die <{altip}) { if ($upgrade) { print STDERR "Updating host table...\n"; $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE host ADD COLUMN altip VARCHAR(15) AFTER hostip"); die "Error (1): " . $dbh->errstr . "\n" if $dbh->err; $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE host ADD COLUMN altmask VARCHAR(18) AFTER altip"); die "Error (2): " . $dbh->errstr . "\n" if $dbh->err; $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE host ADD UNIQUE altip (altip)"); die "Error (3): " . $dbh->errstr . "\n" if $dbh->err; } else { die <selectrow_hashref('SELECT * FROM device LIMIT 1'); if ($device) { unless (exists $device->{mb_asof}) { if ($upgrade) { print STDERR "Updating device table...\n"; $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE device ADD COLUMN mb_asof INT(10) UNSIGNED AFTER mb_used"); die "Error: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n" if $dbh->err; } else { die <selectrow_array('SELECT fid FROM unreachable_fids LIMIT 1'); if ($dbh->err) { if ($upgrade) { print STDERR "Creating unreachable_fids table...\n"; $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE unreachable_fids (" . " fid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," . " lastupdate INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," . " PRIMARY KEY (fid)," . " INDEX (lastupdate)" . ")"); die "Error: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n" if $dbh->err; } else { die <selectrow_array('SELECT devids FROM tempfile LIMIT 1'); if ($dbh->err) { if ($upgrade) { print STDERR "Updating tempfile table...\n"; $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE tempfile ADD COLUMN devids VARCHAR(60)"); die "Error: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n" if $dbh->err; } else { die < job my %todie = (); # pid -> 1 (lists pids that we've asked to die) my %jobs = (); # jobname -> [ min, current ] my $psock; # IO::Socket::INET connection to parent (undef if parent) my %streamcache; # host -> IO::Socket::INET to mogstored my $lastspawntime = 0; # time we last ran spawn_children sub our $allkidsup = 0; # if true, all our kids are running. set to 0 when a kid dies. our $starttime = time; # time we got going our %domaincache; # { domainname => { domainrow } } our $domaincachetime = 0; our $client_ip = undef; # client ip address our $force_alt_zone = 0; # if on, force to use alternate zone (if it's defined) # [ what we want to be at, what we are at ] $jobs{'queryworker'} = [ $query_jobs, 0 ]; $jobs{'delete'} = [ $delete_jobs, 0 ]; $jobs{'replicate'} = [ $replicate_jobs, 0 ]; $jobs{'reaper'} = [ $reaper_jobs, 0 ]; $jobs{'monitor'} = [ $monitor_jobs, 0 ]; # open up our log openlog('mogilefsd', 'pid', 'daemon'); Mgd::log('info', 'beginning run'); sub validate_dbh { return unless $dbh; my $id = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT CONNECTION_ID()"); if (! $id) { # handle's dead. don't use it. (MySQL-ism above) undef $dbh; } } sub get_dbh { return $dbh ||= DBI->connect($db_dsn, $db_user, $db_pass); } # Install signal handlers. $SIG{TERM} = sub { print STDERR scalar keys %child, " children to kill.\n" if $DEBUG; my $count = kill( 'TERM' => keys %child ); print STDERR "Sent SIGTERM to $count children.\n" if $DEBUG; exit 0; }; $SIG{INT} = sub { print STDERR scalar keys %child, " children to kill.\n" if $DEBUG; my $count = kill( 'INT' => keys %child ); print STDERR "Sent SIGINT to $count children.\n" if $DEBUG; exit 0; }; ############################################################################# ## beginning of main execution path ############################################################################# # setup server socket to listen for client connections my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $conf_port, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto => 'tcp', Blocking => 0, Reuse => 1, Listen => 10 ) or die "Error creating socket: $@\n"; # accept handler for new clients my $accept_handler = sub { my $csock = $server->accept(); return unless $csock; printf( "Listen child making a Client for %d.\n", fileno($csock) ) if $DEBUG >= 2; my $client = Client->new($csock); printf( "Client is %s\n", $client ) if $DEBUG >= 2; $client->watch_read(1); }; # now setup socket for workers to connect to my $wserver = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $worker_port, LocalAddr => '', Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto => 'tcp', Blocking => 0, Reuse => 1, Listen => 10 ) or die "Error creating socket: $@\n"; # accept handler for new workers my $waccept_handler = sub { my $csock = $wserver->accept(); return unless $csock; printf( "Listen child making a Client for %d.\n", fileno($csock) ) if $DEBUG >= 2; my $client = WorkerConn->new($csock); printf( "Child is %s\n", $client ) if $DEBUG >= 2; Frontend->RegisterWorkerConn($client); }; # thing to keep jobs alive my $spawn_children = sub { # run only once per second return 1 unless time > $lastspawntime; $lastspawntime = time(); # see if anybody has died, but don't hang up on doing so my $pid = waitpid -1, WNOHANG; return 1 if $pid <= 0 && $allkidsup; $allkidsup = 0; # know something died # when a child dies, figure out what it was doing # and note that job has one less worker my $job; if ($pid > -1 && ($job = delete $child{$pid})) { my $extra = $todie{$pid} ? "expected" : "UNEXPECTED"; error("Child $pid ($job) died: $? ($extra)"); Frontend->NoteDeadChild($pid); if (my $jobstat = $jobs{$job}) { # if the pid is in %todie, then we have asked it to shut down # and have already decremented the jobstat counter and don't # want to do it again unless (my $true = delete $todie{$pid}) { # decrement the count of currently running jobs $jobstat->[1]--; } } } # foreach job, fork enough children while (my ($job, $jobstat) = each %jobs) { my $need = $jobstat->[0] - $jobstat->[1]; if ($need > 0) { error("Job $job has only $jobstat->[1], wants $jobstat->[0], making $need."); for (1..$need) { my $cpid = make_new_child($job); return 1 unless $cpid; $child{$cpid} = $job; # now increase the count of processes currently doing this job $jobstat->[1]++; } } } # if we got this far, all jobs have been re-created. note that # so we avoid more CPU usage in this post-event-loop callback later $allkidsup = 1; # true value keeps us running: return 1; }; # setup Danga::Socket to start handling connections Client->DebugLevel( 3 ); Client->OtherFds( fileno($server) => $accept_handler, fileno($wserver) => $waccept_handler, ); # setup the post event loop callback to spawn jobs, and the timeout Client->SetLoopTimeout( 250 ); # 250 milliseconds Client->SetPostLoopCallback($spawn_children); # and now, actually start listening for events eval { print( "Starting event loop for frontend job on pid $$.\n" ) if $DEBUG; Client->EventLoop(); }; if ( $@ ) { Mgd::log('err', "crash log: $@"); } Mgd::log('info', 'ending run'); closelog(); ############################################################################# ## end of main ############################################################################# sub daemonize { my($pid, $sess_id, $i); ## Fork and exit parent if ($pid = fork) { exit 0; } ## Detach ourselves from the terminal croak "Cannot detach from controlling terminal" unless $sess_id = POSIX::setsid(); ## Prevent possibility of acquiring a controling terminal $SIG{'HUP'} = 'IGNORE'; if ($pid = fork) { exit 0; } ## Change working directory chdir "/"; ## Clear file creation mask umask 0; print STDERR "Daemon running as pid $$.\n" if $DEBUG; ## Close open file descriptors close(STDIN); close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); ## Reopen stderr, stdout, stdin to /dev/null if ( $DEBUG ) { open(STDIN, "+>/tmp/mogilefsd.log"); } else { open(STDIN, "+>/dev/null"); } open(STDOUT, "+>&STDIN"); open(STDERR, "+>&STDIN"); } sub make_new_child { my $job = shift; my $pid; my $sigset; # block signal for fork $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGINT); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, $sigset) or return error("Can't block SIGINT for fork: $!"); return error("fork failed creating $job: $!") unless defined ($pid = fork); if ($pid) { sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset) or return error("Can't unblock SIGINT for fork: $!"); return $pid; } # as a child, we want to close these and ignore them close($server); close($wserver); $SIG{INT} = 'DEFAULT'; $SIG{TERM} = 'DEFAULT'; $0 .= " [$job]"; # unblock signals sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset) or return error("Can't unblock SIGINT for fork: $!"); # set our frontend into child mode Frontend->SetAsChild; # try to create a connection to the parent. we die here because # we're the child and if we can't talk to the master we really need # to die so that a child isn't just sitting around without communication # to the parent. $psock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "", PeerPort => $worker_port, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto => 'tcp',) or die "Error creating socket to master: $@\n"; $psock->write("$$ $job\n"); # now call our job function no strict 'refs'; my $job_handler = *{"job_$job"}{CODE}; $job_handler->(); exit; } # given (job, pid), record that this worker is about to die sub note_pending_death { my ($job, $pid) = @_; die "$job not defined in call to note_pending_death.\n" unless defined $jobs{$job}; $todie{$pid} = 1; $jobs{$job}->[1]--; } # log stuff to syslog or the screen sub log { # simple logging functionality if (! $daemonize) { # syslog acts like printf so we have to use printf and append a \n shift; # ignore the first parameter (info, warn, critical, etc) printf(shift(@_) . "\n", @_); } else { # just pass the parameters to syslog syslog(@_); } } # argument: a string to send to the parent process. sub send_to_parent { # send a string to our parent return unless $psock; $psock->write("$_[0]\r\n"); } # argument: a string to take as indicating the error that just happened. sub error { if ($psock) { # we're a child, pass error to parent send_to_parent("error $_[0]"); } else { # we're a parent, so just handle output of error Frontend->NoteError(\$_[0]); Mgd::log('debug', $_[0]); } return 0; } sub job_delete { PASS: while (1) { sleep 9; validate_dbh(); my $dbh = get_dbh(); # see if we have anything from the parent send_to_parent('del_i_looped'); while (defined (my $line = <$psock>)) { $line =~ s/\r?\n$//; last if $line eq '.'; if ($line eq 'shutdown') { exit 0; } } my $LIMIT = 500; while (1) { sleep 1; my $delmap = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT fd.fid, fo.devid ". "FROM file_to_delete fd ". "LEFT JOIN file_on fo ON fd.fid=fo.fid ". "LIMIT $LIMIT"); my $count = $delmap ? scalar @$delmap : 0; next PASS unless $count; my %done; # fid -> 1 (when fid is deleted from all devices) my %dev_down; # devid -> 1 (when device times out due to EIO) foreach my $dm (@$delmap) { my ($fid, $devid) = @$dm; # if no device is returned from the query above, that # means there are no file_on rows for it, and we can consider # it now deleted. unless ($devid) { $done{$fid} = 1; next; } # don't try to delete from this device if we earlier # found it to be timing out with EIO next if $dev_down{$devid}; my $path = make_path($devid, $fid); my $rv = 0; if (my $urlref = Mgd::is_url($path)) { # hit up the server and delete it my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $urlref->[0], PeerPort => $urlref->[1], Timeout => 2); unless ($sock) { # timeout or something, mark this device as down for now and move on $dev_down{$devid} = 1; next; } # send delete request error("Sending delete for $path") if $Mgd::DEBUG >= 2; $sock->write("DELETE $urlref->[2] HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); my $response = <$sock>; if ($response =~ m!^HTTP/\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+)!) { if (($1 >= 200 && $1 <= 299) || $1 == 404) { # effectively means all went well $rv = 1; } else { # remote file system error? mark node as down error("Error: unlink failure: $path: $1"); $dev_down{$devid} = 1; next; } } else { error("Error: unknown response line: $response"); } } else { # do normal unlink $rv = unlink "$Mgd::MOG_ROOT/$path"; # device is timing out. take note of it and # continue dealing with other deletes if (! $rv) { if ($! == EIO) { $dev_down{$devid} = 1; next; } elsif ($! == ENOENT) { $rv = 1; # count non-existent file as deleted } } } # if we deleted it, or it didn't exist, consider it # deleted. $dbh->do("DELETE FROM file_on WHERE fid=? AND devid=?", undef, $fid, $devid) if $rv; } if (%done) { my $in = join(',', keys %done); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM file_to_delete WHERE fid IN ($in)"); } next PASS if $count < $LIMIT; } } } # copies a file from one Perlbal to another utilizing HTTP sub http_copy { my ($sdevid, $ddevid, $fid) = @_; # handles setting unreachable magic; $error->(reachability, "message") my $error = sub { if ($_[0]) { send_to_parent("repl_unreachable $fid"); # update database table Mgd::validate_dbh(); my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh(); $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO unreachable_fids VALUES ($fid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"); } return error($_[1]); }; # get some information we'll need my $devs = Mgd::get_device_summary(); my ($sdev, $ddev) = ($devs->{$sdevid}, $devs->{$ddevid}); return error("Error: unable to get device information: source=$sdevid, destination=$ddevid, fid=$fid") unless ref $sdev && ref $ddev; my ($spath, $dpath) = (Mgd::make_http_path($sdevid, $fid), Mgd::make_http_path($ddevid, $fid)); my ($shost, $sport) = (Mgd::hostid_ip($sdev->{hostid}), Mgd::hostid_http_port($sdev->{hostid})); my ($dhost, $dport) = (Mgd::hostid_ip($ddev->{hostid}), Mgd::hostid_http_port($ddev->{hostid})); unless (defined $spath && defined $dpath && defined $shost && defined $dhost && $sport && $dport) { # show detailed information to find out what's not configured right error("Error: unable to replicate file fid=$fid from device id $sdevid to device id $ddevid"); error(" http://$shost:$sport$spath -> http://$dhost:$dport$dpath"); return 0; } # setup our pipe error handler, in case we get closed on my $pipe_closed = 0; local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { $pipe_closed = 1; }; # okay, now get the file my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $shost, PeerPort => $sport, Timeout => 2) or return error("Unable to create socket to $shost:$sport for $spath"); $sock->write("GET $spath HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); return error("Pipe closed retrieving $spath from $shost:$sport") if $pipe_closed; # we just want a content length my $clen; while (defined (my $line = <$sock>)) { $line =~ s/[\s\r\n]+$//; last unless length $line; if ($line =~ m!^HTTP/\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+)!) { # make sure we get a good response return $error->(1, "Error: Resource http://$shost:$sport$spath failed: HTTP $1") unless $1 >= 200 && $1 <= 299; } next unless $line =~ /^Content-length:\s*(\d+)\s*$/i; $clen = $1; } return $error->(1, "File $spath has a content-length of 0; unable to replicate") unless $clen; # open target for put my $dsock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $dhost, PeerPort => $dport, Timeout => 2) or return error("Unable to create socket to $dhost:$dport for $dpath"); $dsock->write("PUT $dpath HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-length: $clen\r\n\r\n") or return error("Unable to write data to $dpath on $dhost:$dport"); return error("Pipe closed during write to $dpath on $dhost:$dport") if $pipe_closed; # now read data and print while we're reading. my ($data, $read, $written) = ('', 0, 0); while (!$pipe_closed && (my $bytes = $sock->read($data, $clen - $read))) { # now we've read in $bytes bytes $read += $bytes; my $wbytes = $dsock->send($data); $written += $wbytes; return error("Error: wrote $wbytes; expected to write $bytes; failed putting to $dpath") unless $wbytes == $bytes; } return error("Error: wrote $written bytes, expected to write $clen") unless $written == $clen; # now read in the response line (should be first line) my $line = <$dsock>; if ($line =~ m!^HTTP/\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+)!) { return 1 if $1 >= 200 && $1 <= 299; warn "Error: got a 404 in put: device not on host?: http://$dhost:$dport$dpath" if $1 == 404; } else { warn "Error: HTTP response line not recognized: $line"; } return 0; } # replicates $fid if its devcount is less than $min. sub replicate { my ($dbh, $fid, $min) = @_; my $lockname = "mgfs:fid:$fid:replicate"; my $lock = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK(?, 1)", undef, $lockname); return error("Unable to obtain lock $lockname") unless $lock; # hashref of devid -> $device_row_href (where devid is alive) my $devs = Mgd::get_device_summary(); return error("Device information from get_device_summary is empty") unless $devs && %$devs; # learn what devices this file is already on my $on_count = 0; my %on_host; # hostid -> 1 my @dead_devid; # list of dead devids my @exist_devid; # list of existing devids my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT devid FROM file_on WHERE fid=?"); $sth->execute($fid); die $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err; while (my ($devid) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { my $d = $devs->{$devid}; unless ($d) { push @dead_devid, $devid; next; } $on_host{$d->{hostid}} = 1; $on_count++; push @exist_devid, $devid; } my $retunlock = sub { my $rv = shift; $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockname); return $rv ? $rv : error($_[0]); }; return $retunlock->(2) if $on_count >= $min; return $retunlock->(0, "Source is no longer available replicating $fid") if $on_count == 0; return $retunlock->(0, "No eligible devices available replicating $fid") if @exist_devid == 0; my $sdevid; while ($on_count < $min) { my $need = $min - $on_count; my @good_devids = Mgd::find_deviceid( random => 1, not_on_hosts => [ keys %on_host ], weight_by_free => 1, ); # wasn't able to replicate enough? last unless @good_devids; my $ddevid = shift @good_devids; $sdevid ||= @exist_devid[int(rand(scalar @exist_devid))]; my $rv = undef; if ($USE_HTTP) { $rv = http_copy($sdevid, $ddevid, $fid); } else { my $dst_path = $MOG_ROOT . "/" . make_path($ddevid, $fid); my $src_path = $MOG_ROOT . "/" . make_path($sdevid, $fid); $rv = File::Copy::copy($src_path, $dst_path); } return $retunlock->(0, "Copier failed replicating $fid") unless $rv; add_file_on($fid, $ddevid, 1); $on_count++; } return $retunlock->(1); } sub get_mindevcounts { # make sure we have good info Mgd::check_host_cache(); my $host_ct = keys %Mgd::cache_host; # find the classes for each domainid (including domains without explict classes) my %min; # dmid -> classid -> mindevcount validate_dbh(); my $dbh = get_dbh(); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT d.dmid, c.classid, c.mindevcount ". "FROM domain d LEFT JOIN class c ON d.dmid=c.dmid"); $sth->execute; while (my ($dmid, $classid, $mct) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $min{$dmid} ||= {}; # note the existence of this dmid # classid may be NULL (undef), in which case there are no classes defined # and we don't note the mindevcount (yet) $min{$dmid}{$classid} = int($host_ct < $mct ? $host_ct : $mct) if defined $classid; } # now iterate over %min again to set the implicit class foreach my $dmid (keys %min) { # each domain's classid=0, if not defined, has an implied mindevcount of $default_mindevcount # which most people will probably use. $min{$dmid}{0} = $host_ct < $default_mindevcount ? $host_ct : $default_mindevcount unless exists $min{$dmid}{0}; } # return ref to hash return \%min; } sub job_monitor { my $parse_parent_response = sub { # now see what was in our message queue while (defined (my $line = <$psock>)) { $line =~ s/\r?\n$//; last if $line eq '.'; # now find out what command this is? if ($line eq 'shutdown') { exit 0; } } }; while (1) { sleep 15; # get db and note we're starting a run error("Monitor running; scanning usage files") if $Mgd::DEBUG >= 1; validate_dbh(); my $dbh = get_dbh() or return 0; # general report in to parent send_to_parent('monitor_ping'); $parse_parent_response->(); # get a current list of devices my $devs = Mgd::get_device_summary(); next unless $devs && %$devs; # now iterate over devices foreach my $dev (values %$devs) { my $host = $Mgd::cache_host{$dev->{hostid}}; my $port = $host->{http_get_port} || $host->{http_port}; my $url = "http://$host->{hostip}:$port/dev$dev->{devid}/usage"; # now try to get the data with a short timeout my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 2 ); my $response = $ua->get($url); unless ($response->is_success) { error("Failed getting dev$dev->{devid}: " . $response->status_line); next; } my %stats; my $data = $response->content; foreach (split(/\r?\n/, $data)) { next unless /^(\w+)\s*:\s*(.+)$/; $stats{$1} = $2; } my ($used, $total) = ($stats{used}, $stats{total}); unless ($used && $total) { error("dev$dev->{devid} reports used = $used, total = $total, error?"); next; } # bytes => megabytes $used /= 1024; $total /= 1024; $dbh->do("UPDATE device SET mb_total = ?, mb_used = ?, mb_asof = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() " . "WHERE devid = ?", undef, int($total), int($used), $dev->{devid}); if ($dbh->err) { error("Database error in update query: " . $dbh->errstr); next; } error("dev$dev->{devid}: used = $used, total = $total") if $Mgd::DEBUG >= 1; } } } sub job_reaper { my $parse_parent_response = sub { # now see what was in our message queue while (defined (my $line = <$psock>)) { $line =~ s/\r?\n$//; last if $line eq '.'; # now find out what command this is? if ($line eq 'shutdown') { exit 0; } } }; while (1) { sleep 10; # get db and note we're starting a run error("Reaper running; looking for dead devices") if $Mgd::DEBUG >= 1; validate_dbh(); my $dbh = get_dbh() or return 0; # general report in to parent send_to_parent('reaper_ping'); $parse_parent_response->(); # get a current list of devices my $devs = Mgd::get_device_summary(1); my @deaddevs = grep { $_->{status} eq 'dead' } values %$devs; next unless @deaddevs; # now iterate over dead devices foreach my $dev (@deaddevs) { my $devid = $dev->{devid}; # look for files on this device my $fids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT fid FROM file_on WHERE devid = ? LIMIT 1000', undef, $devid); if ($dbh->err) { error("Error selecting jobs to reap: " . $dbh->errstr); next; } next unless $fids && @$fids; # note we got some error("Found " . scalar(@$fids) . " files on dead device $devid"); # now iterate foreach my $fid (@$fids) { $dbh->do('DELETE FROM file_on WHERE fid = ? AND devid = ?', undef, $fid, $devid); if ($dbh->err) { error("Error deleting from file_on (file $fid, device $devid): " . $dbh->errstr); next; } # now update the fid count unless (Mgd::update_fid_devcount($fid)) { error("Error updating fid $fid devcount"); next; } # if debugging on, note this is done error("Reaper noted fid $fid no longer on device $devid") if $Mgd::DEBUG >= 2; } } } } sub job_replicate { my $parse_parent_response = sub { # now see what was in our message queue while (defined (my $line = <$psock>)) { $line =~ s/\r?\n$//; last if $line eq '.'; # now find out what command this is? if ($line =~ /^repl_was_done (\d+)/ && $_[0]) { delete $_[0]->{$1}; } elsif ($line eq 'shutdown') { exit 0; } } }; # { fid => lastcheck }; instructs us not to replicate this fid... we will clear # out fids from this list that are expired my %fidfailure; # { fid => 1 }; used to keep track of fids we find in the unreachable_fids table my %unreachable; my $sleep = 2; while (1) { sleep $sleep; validate_dbh(); my $dbh = get_dbh() or return 0; # general report in to parent send_to_parent('repl_ping'); $parse_parent_response->(undef); # start off assuming that we're going to get everything replicated and then take a break $sleep = 2; # update our unreachable fid list... we consider them good for 15 minutes my $urfids = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT fid, lastupdate FROM unreachable_fids'); die $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err; foreach my $r (@{$urfids || []}) { my $nv = $r->[1] + 900; unless ($fidfailure{$r->[0]} && $fidfailure{$r->[0]} < $nv) { # given that we might have set it below to a time past the unreachable # 15 minute timeout, we want to only overwrite %fidfailure's idea of # the expiration time if we are extending it $fidfailure{$r->[0]} = $nv; } $unreachable{$r->[0]} = 1; } # get the min dev counts my %min = %{ Mgd::get_mindevcounts() }; # iterate through each domain, replicating its contents foreach my $dmid (keys %min) { # iterate through each class, including the implicit class 0 while (my ($classid, $min) = each %{$min{$dmid}}) { error("Checking replication for dmid=$dmid, classid=$classid, min=$min") if $Mgd::DEBUG >= 1; my $LIMIT = 1000; # try going from devcount of 1 up to devcount of $min-1 my %fidtodo; # fid => 1 my $fixed = 0; my $attempted = 0; my $devcount = 1; while ($fixed < $LIMIT && $devcount < $min) { my $now = time(); my $fids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT fid FROM file WHERE dmid=? AND classid=? ". "AND devcount = ? AND length IS NOT NULL ". "LIMIT $LIMIT", undef, $dmid, $classid, $devcount); die $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err; $fidtodo{$_} = 1 foreach @$fids; # increase devcount so we try to replicate the files at the next devcount $devcount++; # see if we have any files to replicate my $count = $fids ? scalar @$fids : 0; error(" found $count for dmid=$dmid/classid=$classid/min=$min") if $Mgd::DEBUG >= 1; next unless $count; # randomize the list so multiple daemons/threads working on # replicate at the same time don't all fight over the # same fids to move my @randfids = randlist(@$fids); error("Need to replicate: $dmid/$classid: @$fids") if $Mgd::DEBUG >= 2; foreach my $fid (@randfids) { # now replicate this fid $attempted++; next unless $fidtodo{$fid}; if ($fidfailure{$fid}) { if ($fidfailure{$fid} < $now) { delete $fidfailure{$fid}; } else { next; } } if (my $status = replicate($dbh, $fid, $min)) { # $status is either 0 (failure, handled below), 1 (success, we actually # replicated this file), or 2 (success, but someone else replicated it). # so if it's 2, we just want to go to the next fid. this file is done. next if $status == 2; # if it was no longer reachable, mark it reachable if (delete $unreachable{$fid}) { $dbh->do("DELETE FROM unreachable_fids WHERE fid = ?", undef, $fid); die $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err; } # housekeeping $fixed++; send_to_parent("repl_i_did $fid"); $parse_parent_response->(\%fidtodo); # status update if ($fixed % 20 == 0) { my $ratio = $fixed/$attempted*100; error(sprintf("replicated=$fixed, attempted=$attempted, ratio=%.2f%%", $ratio)) if $fixed % 20 == 0; } } else { # failed in replicate, don't retry for a minute $fidfailure{$fid} = $now + 60; } } } # if we did 1000, we just want to jump to the next pass through all domains and classes without pausing $sleep = 0 if $fixed >= $LIMIT; } } } } sub job_queryworker { # process lines of input, blocking. my $worker = QueryWorker->new($psock); while (defined (my $line = <$psock>)) { $line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; validate_dbh(); $worker->process_line(\$line); } } ##################################################################### ### S E R V E R A P I F U N C T I O N S ##################################################################### # returns hashref of devid -> $device_row_href (where devid is alive/down, but not dead) # cached for 15 seconds. use vars qw($cache_device_summary $cache_device_summary_time %cache_host $cache_host_time); # general purpose device locator. example: # # my $devid = Mgd::find_deviceid( # random => 1, # get random device (else find first suitable) # min_free_space => 100, # with at least 100MB free # weight_by_free => 1, # find result weighted by free space # max_disk_age => 5, # minutes of age the last usage report can be before we ignore the disk # not_on_hosts => [ 1, 2 ], # no devices on hosts 1 and 2 # ); # # returns undef if no suitable device was found. else, if you wanted an # array will return an array of the suitable devices--if you want just a # single item, you get just the first one found. sub find_deviceid { my %opts = ( @_ ); # copy down global minimum free space if not specified $opts{min_free_space} ||= $min_free_space; $opts{max_disk_age} ||= $max_disk_age; $opts{max_disk_age} = time() - ($opts{max_disk_age} * 60); # setup for iterating over devices my $devs = Mgd::get_device_summary(); my @devids = keys %{$devs || {}}; my $devcount = scalar(@devids); my $start = $opts{random} ? int(rand($devcount)) : 0; my %not_on_host = ( map { $_ => 1 } @{$opts{not_on_hosts} || []} ); my $total_free = 0; # now find a device that matches what they want my @list; for (my $i = 0; $i < $devcount; $i++) { my $idx = ($i + $start) % $devcount; my $dev = $devs->{$devids[$idx]}; # series of suitability checks next unless $dev->{status} eq 'alive'; next if $not_on_host{$dev->{hostid}}; next if $opts{max_disk_age} && $dev->{mb_asof} && $dev->{mb_asof} < $opts{max_disk_age}; next if $opts{min_free_space} && $dev->{mb_total} && $dev->{mb_free} < $opts{min_free_space}; # we get here, this is a suitable device push @list, $dev->{devid}; $total_free += $dev->{mb_free}; } # now we have a list ordered randomly, do free space weighting if ($opts{weight_by_free}) { my $rand = int(rand($total_free)); my $cur = 0; foreach my $devid (@list) { $cur += $devs->{$devid}->{mb_free}; return $devid if $cur >= $rand; } } # return first listed suitable device return @list ? $list[0] : undef; } sub get_device_summary { my $include_dead = shift() ? ", 'dead'" : ''; my $now = time; return $cache_device_summary if $cache_device_summary_time > $now - 15; my $dbh = get_dbh(); # learn devices my %dev; # my %hostdevs; # hostid -> [ devid ] (where devid is alive/down, but not dead) my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT /*!40000 SQL_CACHE */ devid, hostid, mb_total, " . "mb_used, mb_asof, status FROM device ". "WHERE status IN ('alive', 'down' $include_dead)"); $sth->execute; $dev{$_->{devid}} = $_ while $_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; # now override device status with host status if the host status is less than the device status Mgd::check_host_cache(); foreach my $devid (keys %dev) { # makes others have an easier time of finding devices by free space $dev{$devid}->{mb_free} = $dev{$devid}->{mb_total} - $dev{$devid}->{mb_used}; my $host_status = $cache_host{$dev{$devid}->{hostid}}->{status}; if ($dev{$devid}->{status} eq 'alive' && $host_status ne 'alive') { $dev{$devid}->{status} = $host_status; } elsif ($dev{$devid}->{status} eq 'down' && $host_status eq 'dead') { $dev{$devid}->{status} = $host_status; } } $cache_device_summary_time = $now; return $cache_device_summary = \%dev; } sub check_host_cache { my $now = time; return if $cache_host_time > $now - 5; %cache_host = (); my $dbh = get_dbh(); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT /*!40000 SQL_CACHE */ hostid, status, hostname, " . "hostip, http_port, http_get_port, remoteroot, altip, altmask FROM host"); $sth->execute; while (my $host = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $cache_host{$host->{hostid}} = $host; $cache_host{$host->{hostid}}->{mask} = Net::Netmask->new2($host->{altmask}) if $host->{altip} && $host->{altmask}; } $cache_host_time = $now; } sub key_filerow { my ($dbh, $dmid, $key) = @_; my $row = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT fid, dmid, dkey, length, classid, devcount ". "FROM file WHERE dmid=? AND dkey=?", undef, $dmid, $key); return $row; } # see if we should reduce the number of active children sub job_needs_reduction { my $job = shift; return $jobs{$job}->[0] < $jobs{$job}->[1]; } # given a file descriptor number and a timeout, wait for that descriptor to # become readable; returns 0 or 1 on if it did or not sub wait_for_readability { my ($fileno, $timeout) = @_; return 0 unless $fileno && $timeout; my $rin; vec($rin, $fileno, 1) = 1; my $nfound = select($rin, undef, undef, $timeout); # nfound can be undef or 0, both failures, or 1, a success return $nfound ? 1 : 0; } # get size of file, return 0 on error sub get_file_size { my $path = shift; # quick case -- just a file on disk unless ($path =~ m!^http://([^:/]+)(?::(\d+))?(/.+)$!) { return -s "$Mgd::MOG_ROOT/$path" } my ($host, $port, $uri) = ($1, $2, $3); # don't sigpipe us local $SIG{'PIPE'} = "IGNORE" unless $FLAG_NOSIGNAL; # setup for sending size request to cached host my $req = "size $uri\r\n"; my $reqlen = length $req; my $rv = 0; my $sock = $streamcache{$host}; # sub to parse the response from $sock. common code, so we have it here. my $parse_response = sub { # give the socket 3 seconds to become readable unless (Mgd::wait_for_readability(fileno($sock), $node_timeout)) { close($sock); return 0; } # now we know there's readable data my $line = <$sock>; return 0 unless defined $line; return 0 unless $line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(-?\d+)/; # expected format: "uri size" return error("get_file_size() requested size of $path, got back size of $1 ($2 bytes)") if $1 ne $uri; return $2+0; }; # try using the cached socket if ($sock) { $rv = send($sock, $req, $FLAG_NOSIGNAL); if ($!) { undef $streamcache{$host}; } elsif ($rv != $reqlen) { return error("send() didn't return expected length ($rv, not $reqlen) for $path"); } else { # success return $parse_response->(); } } # try creating a connection to the stream unless ($rv) { $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $MOGSTORED_STREAM_PORT, Timeout => 5); $streamcache{$host} = $sock; if ($sock) { $rv = send($sock, $req, $FLAG_NOSIGNAL); if ($!) { return error("error talking to mogstored stream ($path): $!"); } elsif ($rv != $reqlen) { return error("send() didn't return expected length ($rv, not $reqlen) for $path"); } else { # success return $parse_response->(); } } } # failure case: use a HEAD request to get the size of the file my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Timeout => 3) or return error("get_file_size() unable to contact mogstored for size of $path"); $sock->write("HEAD $uri HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); while (defined (my $line = <$sock>)) { if ($line =~ /^Content-length: (\d+)/i) { # success return $1+0; } } # no content length found? return error("get_file_size() found no content-length header in response for $path"); } sub class_id { my ($dmid, $class) = @_; return undef unless $dmid > 0 && length $class; my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh; my $classid = $dbh->selectrow_array ("SELECT classid FROM class WHERE dmid=? AND classname=?", undef, $dmid, $class) or return undef; return undef unless $classid; return $classid; } sub domain_id { # check the cache for this item my $now = time(); if ($domaincachetime + 5 < $now) { %domaincache = (); # now get updated list my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh; my $domains = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT dmid, namespace FROM domain'); foreach my $row (@{$domains || []}) { # namespace -> dmid $domaincache{$row->[1]} = $row->[0]; } $domaincachetime = $now; } # just use cached version return $domaincache{$_[0]}; } sub class_name { my ($dmid, $classid) = @_; return undef unless $dmid > 0 && length $classid; # FIXME: cache this # lookup class my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh; my $classname = $dbh->selectrow_array ("SELECT classname FROM class WHERE dmid=? AND classid=?", undef, $dmid, $classid) or return undef; return undef unless $classname; return $classname; } sub domain_name { my $dmid = shift; # FIXME: cache this # lookup domain my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh; my $namespace = $dbh->selectrow_array ("SELECT namespace FROM domain WHERE dmid=?", undef, $dmid); return $namespace; } sub hostid_name { my $hostid = shift; check_host_cache(); my $h = $cache_host{$hostid}; return $h ? $h->{hostname} : undef; } sub hostid_ip { my $hostid = shift; check_host_cache(); my $h = $cache_host{$hostid}; return undef unless $h; # if we have a client ip and an object for alt matching... if ($h->{mask} && $h->{altip} && ($force_alt_zone || ($client_ip && $h->{altip} && $h->{mask}->match($client_ip)))) { return $h->{altip}; } else { return $h->{hostip}; } } sub hostid_http_port { my $hostid = shift; check_host_cache(); my $h = $cache_host{$hostid}; return $h ? $h->{http_port} : undef; } sub hostid_http_get_port { my $hostid = shift; check_host_cache(); my $h = $cache_host{$hostid}; return $h ? $h->{http_get_port} : undef; } sub make_http_path { my ($devid, $fid) = @_; my $dsum = get_device_summary(); my $dinfo = $dsum->{$devid}; return undef unless $dinfo; my $hostname = hostid_name($dinfo->{hostid}); my $nfid = sprintf '%010d', $fid; my ( $b, $mmm, $ttt, $hto ) = ( $nfid =~ m{(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})} ); return "/dev$devid/$b/$mmm/$ttt/$nfid.fid"; } sub make_full_url { # set use_get_port to be true to specify to use the get port my ($devid, $fid, $use_get_port) = @_; # get some information we'll need my $devs = Mgd::get_device_summary(); my $dev = $devs->{$devid} or return undef; my $path = Mgd::make_http_path($devid, $fid) or return undef; my $host = Mgd::hostid_ip($dev->{hostid}) or return undef; my $port = $use_get_port ? Mgd::hostid_http_get_port($dev->{hostid}) : undef; $port ||= Mgd::hostid_http_port($dev->{hostid}) or return undef; return "http://$host:$port$path"; } # if given an HTTP URL, break it down into [ host, port, URI ], else # returns undef sub is_url { my $path = shift; if ($path =~ m!^http://(.+?)(?::(\d+))?(/.+)$!) { return [ $1, $2 || 80, $3 ]; } return undef; } sub make_path { # jump out if we should be using HTTP stuff return Mgd::make_full_url(@_) if $USE_HTTP; my ($devid, $fid) = @_; my $dsum = get_device_summary(); my $dinfo = $dsum->{$devid}; return undef unless $dinfo; my $hostname = hostid_name($dinfo->{hostid}); my $nfid = sprintf '%010d', $fid; my ( $b, $mmm, $ttt, $hto ) = ( $nfid =~ m{(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})} ); my $path = "$hostname/dev$devid/$b/$mmm/$ttt/$nfid.fid"; make_dirs( "$MOG_ROOT/$path" ) or return undef; return $path; } sub make_get_path { # the get path only changes for HTTP mode return Mgd::make_path(@_) unless $USE_HTTP; return Mgd::make_full_url(@_, 1); } sub make_dirs { my $filename = shift; my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($filename); eval { File::Path::mkpath($dir, 0, 0775); }; return $@ ? 0 : 1; } sub add_file_on { my ($fid, $devid, $no_lock) = @_; my $dbh = get_dbh() or return 0; my $rv = $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO file_on SET fid=?, devid=?", undef, $fid, $devid); if ($rv > 0) { return update_fid_devcount($fid, $no_lock); } else { # was already on that device return 1; } } sub update_fid_devcount { my ($fid, $no_lock) = @_; my $dbh = get_dbh() or return 0; my $lockname = "mgfs:fid:$fid"; unless ($no_lock) { my $lock = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK(?, 10)", undef, $lockname); return 0 unless $lock; } my $ct = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM file_on WHERE fid=?", undef, $fid); $dbh->do("UPDATE file SET devcount=? WHERE fid=?", undef, $ct, $fid); unless ($no_lock) { $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockname); } return 1; } sub randlist { my @rlist = @_; my $size = scalar(@rlist); my $i; for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) { unshift @rlist, splice(@rlist, $i+int(rand()*($size-$i)), 1); } return @rlist; } ##################################################################### ### C L I E N T C L A S S ### A client is a user connection for sending requests to us. Requests ### can either be normal user requests to be sent to a QueryWorker ### or management requests that start with a !. ##################################################################### package Client; use Danga::Socket (); use base qw{Danga::Socket}; use fields qw{read_buf}; sub new { my Client $self = shift; $self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self; $self->SUPER::new( @_ ); return $self; } # Client sub event_read { my Client $self = shift; my $bref = $self->read(1024); return $self->close() unless defined $bref; $self->{read_buf} .= $$bref; while ($self->{read_buf} =~ s/^(.*?)\r?\n//) { next unless length $1; Frontend->HandleClientRequest($self, $1); } } # Client sub event_err { my $self = shift; $self->close; } sub event_hup { my $self = shift; $self->close; } # just note that we've died sub close { # mark us as being dead my Client $self = shift; Frontend->NoteDeadClient($self); $self->SUPER::close(@_); } ##################################################################### ### W O R K E R C O N N C L A S S ### This class maintains a connection to one of our various classes ### of workers. ##################################################################### package WorkerConn; use Danga::Socket (); use base qw{Danga::Socket}; use fields qw{read_buf job pid cmd_buf reqid}; sub new { my WorkerConn $self = shift; $self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self; $self->SUPER::new( @_ ); # mark as not a worker by default $self->{pid} = 0; $self->{reqid} = 0; $self->{job} = undef; $self->{cmd_buf} = []; return $self; } sub event_read { my WorkerConn $self = shift; my $bref = $self->read(1024); return $self->close() unless defined $bref; $self->{read_buf} .= $$bref; while ($self->{read_buf} =~ s/^(.+?)\r?\n//) { my $line = $1; if ($self->job eq 'queryworker' && (substr($line, 0, 5) ne 'error')) { Frontend->HandleQueryWorkerResponse($self, $line); } else { Frontend->HandleChildRequest($self, $line); } } } sub job { my WorkerConn $self = shift; return $self->{job} unless @_; return $self->{job} = shift; } sub pid { my WorkerConn $self = shift; return $self->{pid} unless @_; return $self->{pid} = shift; } sub event_hup { my $self = shift; $self->close; } sub close { # mark us as being dead my WorkerConn $self = shift; Frontend->NoteDeadWorkerConn($self); $self->SUPER::close(@_); } sub enqueue_line { my WorkerConn $self = $_[0]; return if $self->job eq 'queryworker'; # they don't use this queueing my $msg = "$_[1]\r\n"; push @{$self->{cmd_buf}}, $msg; } sub drain_queue { my WorkerConn $worker = $_[0]; foreach my $cmd (@{$worker->{cmd_buf}}) { $worker->write($cmd); } $worker->write(".\r\n"); $worker->{cmd_buf} = []; } ##################################################################### ### F R O N T E N D C L A S S ### This class handles keeping lists of workers and clients and ### assigning them to eachother when things happen. This is a purely ### event driven class. ##################################################################### package Frontend; # Mappings: fd => [ clientref, jobstring, starttime ] # queues are just lists of Client class objects # ChildrenByJob: job => { pid => $client } # ErrorsTo: fid => Client # RecentQueries: [ string, string, string, ... ] # Stats: element => number our ($IsChild, @QueryWorkerQueue, @ClientQueue, @RecentQueries, %Mappings, %ChildrenByJob, %ErrorsTo, %Stats); $IsChild = 0; # when a child is spawned, they'll have copies of all the data from the # parent, but they don't need it. this method is called when you want # to indicate that this Frontend is running on a child and should clean. sub SetAsChild { @QueryWorkerQueue = (); @ClientQueue = (); %Mappings = (); $IsChild = 1; %ErrorsTo = (); # and now kill off our event loop so that we don't waste time Client->SetPostLoopCallback(sub { return 0; }); } # called when a child has died. a child is someone doing a job for us, # but it might be a queryworker or any other type of job. we just want # to remove them from our list of children. they're actually respawned # by the make_new_child function elsewhere in Mgd. sub NoteDeadChild { my $pid = $_[1]; foreach my $job (keys %ChildrenByJob) { return if # bail out if we actually delete one delete $ChildrenByJob{$job}->{$pid}; } } # called when a client dies. clients are users, management or non. # we just want to remove them from the error reporting interface, if # they happen to be part of it. sub NoteDeadClient { my Client $client = $_[1]; delete $ErrorsTo{$client->{fd}}; } # called when the error function in Mgd is called and we're in the parent, # so it's pretty simple that basically we just spit it out to folks listening # to errors sub NoteError { my Client $client; return unless %ErrorsTo; my $msg = ":: ${$_[1]}\r\n"; foreach $client (values %ErrorsTo) { $client->write(\$msg); } } # take a new connection that we know is from one of our children, but # we're not sure what type of child, so just set it in read mode until # they tell us what they are sub RegisterWorkerConn { my WorkerConn $worker = $_[1]; $worker->watch_read(1); } # take a new worker and note that it's a worker and ready to be used # for commands. this is called when workers connect to the frontend. sub RegisterQueryWorker { # basically take the worker, mark it as a worker, enqueue it, # and then try to process the outstanding queues my WorkerConn $worker = $_[1]; Frontend->EnqueueQueryWorker($worker); } # puts a worker back in the queue, deleting any outstanding jobs in # the mapping list for this fd. sub EnqueueQueryWorker { # first arg is class, second is worker my WorkerConn $worker = $_[1]; delete $Mappings{$worker->{fd}}; # see if we need to kill off some workers if (Mgd::job_needs_reduction('queryworker')) { Mgd::error("Reducing queryworker headcount by 1."); Frontend->AskWorkerToDie($worker); return; } # must be okay, so put it in the queue push @QueryWorkerQueue, $worker; Frontend->ProcessQueues; } # if we need to kill off a worker, this function takes in the WorkerConn # object, tells it to die, marks us as having requested its death, and decrements # the count of running jobs. sub AskWorkerToDie { my WorkerConn $worker = $_[1]; $worker->write("shutdown\r\n"); Mgd::note_pending_death($worker->job, $worker->pid); } # kill bored query workers so we can get down to the level requested. this # continues killing until we run out of folks to kill. sub CullQueryWorkers { while (@QueryWorkerQueue && Mgd::job_needs_reduction('queryworker')) { my WorkerConn $worker = shift @QueryWorkerQueue; Frontend->AskWorkerToDie($worker); } } # called when we get a response from a worker. this reenqueues the # worker so it can handle another response as well as passes the answer # back on to the client. sub HandleQueryWorkerResponse { return Mgd::error("Frontend (Child) got worker response: $_[2]") if $IsChild; # got a response from a worker my WorkerConn $worker = $_[1]; return unless $worker && $Mappings{$worker->{fd}}; # get the client we're working with (if any) my Client $client = $Mappings{$worker->{fd}}->[0]; # if we have no client, then we just got a standard message from # the queryworker and need to pass it up the line return Frontend->HandleChildRequest($worker, $_[2]) if !$client; # at this point it was a command response, but if the client has gone # away, just reenqueue this query worker return Frontend->EnqueueQueryWorker($worker) if $client->{closed}; # [client-side time to complete] my ($time, $id, $res); if ($_[2] =~ /^(\d+-\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+(.+)$/) { # save time and response for use later ($id, $time, $res) = ($1, $2, $3); } elsif ($_[2] =~ /^(\d+-\d+)\s(.+)$/) { # didn't match, must be in a different format? ($id, $time, $res) = ($1, 'undef', $2); } # now, if it doesn't match unless ($id eq "$worker->{pid}-$worker->{reqid}") { Mgd::error("Worker responded with id $id, expected $worker->{pid}-$worker->{reqid}, killing"); $client->close('worker_mismatch'); return Frontend->AskWorkerToDie($worker); } # now time this interval and add to @RecentQueries my $tinterval = Time::HiRes::tv_interval([$Mappings{$worker->{fd}}->[2]]); push @RecentQueries, sprintf("%s %.4f %s", $Mappings{$worker->{fd}}->[1], $tinterval, $time); shift @RecentQueries if scalar(@RecentQueries) > 50; # send text to client, put worker back in queue $client->write("$res\r\n"); Frontend->EnqueueQueryWorker($worker); } # called from various spots to empty the queues of available pairs. sub ProcessQueues { return if $IsChild; # try to match up a client with a worker while (@QueryWorkerQueue && @ClientQueue) { # get client that isn't closed my $clref; while (@ClientQueue) { $clref = shift @ClientQueue; if (!defined $clref || $clref->[0]->{closed}) { $clref = undef; next; } # if we get here the client is valid last; } next unless $clref; # get worker and make sure it's not closed already my WorkerConn $worker = shift @QueryWorkerQueue; if (!defined $worker || $worker->{closed}) { unshift @ClientQueue, $clref; next; } # put in mapping and send data to worker push @$clref, Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(); $Mappings{$worker->{fd}} = $clref; # increment our counter so we know what request counter this is going out $worker->{reqid}++; $worker->write("$worker->{pid}-$worker->{reqid} $clref->[1]\r\n"); $worker->watch_read(1); } } # send short descriptions of commands we support to the user sub SendHelp { my Client $client = $_[1]; # not supported yet #my $whaton = $_[2]; # send general purpose help $client->write(< !to Send to all workers of . Mostly used for debugging. !want Alter the level of workers of this class desired. Example: !want 20 queryworker, !want 3 replicate. See !jobs for what jobs are available. More to come... . HELP } # called when a client sends us text. we just create a job for # it and then call ProcessQueues. sub HandleClientRequest { return Mgd::error("Frontend (Child) got request from client: $_[2]") if $IsChild; # if it's just 'help', 'h', '?', or something, do that if ((substr($_[2], 0, 1) eq '?') || ($_[2] eq 'help') || ($_[2] eq '')) { Frontend->SendHelp($_[1]); return; } # quick check to see if we the parent should handle this if (substr($_[2], 0, 1) eq '!') { my Client $client = $_[1]; my ($cmd, $args) = ($_[2] =~ m/^!(.+?)(?:\s+(.+))?$/); my @out; if ($cmd =~ /^stats$/) { # print out some stats on the queues my $uptime = time - $Mgd::starttime; my $ccount = scalar(@ClientQueue); my $wcount = scalar(@QueryWorkerQueue); my $ipcount = scalar(keys %Mappings); push @out, "uptime $uptime", "pending_queries $ccount", "processing_queries $ipcount", "bored_queryworkers $wcount", map { "$_ $Stats{$_}" } sort keys %Stats; } elsif ($cmd =~ /^repl/) { Mgd::validate_dbh(); my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh(); my $mdcs = Mgd::get_mindevcounts(); foreach my $dmid (sort keys %$mdcs) { my $dmname = Mgd::domain_name($dmid); foreach my $classid (sort keys %{$mdcs->{$dmid}}) { my $min = $mdcs->{$dmid}->{$classid}; next unless $min > 1; my $classname = Mgd::class_name($dmid, $classid) || '_default'; foreach my $ct (1..$min-1) { my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM file WHERE dmid = ? AND classid = ? AND devcount = ?', undef, $dmid, $classid, $ct); push @out, "$dmname $classname $ct $count"; } } } } elsif ($cmd =~ /^shutdown/) { print "User requested shutdown: $args\n"; kill 15, $$; # kill us, that kills our kids } elsif ($cmd =~ /^jobs/) { # dump out a list of running jobs and pids foreach my $job (sort keys %ChildrenByJob) { my $ct = scalar(keys %{$ChildrenByJob{$job}}); push @out, "$job count $ct"; push @out, "$job desired $jobs{$job}->[0]"; push @out, "$job pids " . join(' ', sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$ChildrenByJob{$job}}); } } elsif ($cmd =~ /^want/) { # !want # set the new desired staffing level for a class if ($args =~ /^(\d+)\s+(\S+)/) { my ($count, $job) = ($1, $2); # validate count $count = 0 if $count < 0; # FIXME ...add an upper limit? # now make sure it's a real job if (defined $jobs{$job}) { $jobs{$job}->[0] = $count; $Mgd::allkidsup = 0; push @out, "Now desiring $count children doing '$job'."; # try to clean out the queryworkers (if that's what we're doing?) Frontend->CullQueryWorkers if $job eq 'queryworker'; } else { my $classes = join(", ", sort keys %jobs); push @out, "ERROR: Invalid class '$job'. Valid classes: $classes"; } } else { push @out, "ERROR: usage: !want "; } } elsif ($cmd =~ /^to/) { # !to # sends to all children of if ($args =~ /^(\S+)\s+(.+)/) { my $ct = Frontend->SendToChildrenByJob($1, $2); push @out, "Message sent to $ct children."; } else { push @out, "ERROR: usage: !to "; } } elsif ($cmd =~ /^queue/ || $cmd =~ /^pend/) { foreach my $clq (@ClientQueue) { push @out, $clq->[1]; } } elsif ($cmd =~ /^watch/) { if (delete $ErrorsTo{$client->{fd}}) { push @out, "Removed you from watcher list."; } else { $ErrorsTo{$client->{fd}} = $client; push @out, "Added you to watcher list."; } } elsif ($cmd =~ /^recent/) { # show the most recent N queries push @out, @RecentQueries; } else { Frontend->SendHelp($client, $args); } $client->write(join("\r\n", @out) . "\r\n") if @out; $client->write(".\r\n"); return; } # just push the input onto the client queue $Stats{queries}++; push @ClientQueue, [ $_[1], "cmd " . ($_[1]->peer_ip_string || '') . " $_[2]" ]; Frontend->ProcessQueues; } # a child has contacted us with some command/status/something. sub HandleChildRequest { return Mgd::error("Frontend (Child) got request from child: $_[2]") if $IsChild; # if they have no job set, then their first line is what job they are # and not a command. they also specify their pid, just so we know what # connection goes with what pid, in case it's ever useful information. my WorkerConn $child = $_[1]; unless (defined $child->job) { my ($pid, $job) = ($_[2] =~ /^(\d+)\s+(.+)/); $child->job($job); $child->pid($pid); # now do any special case startup if ($job eq 'queryworker') { Frontend->RegisterQueryWorker($child); } # add to normal list $ChildrenByJob{$job}->{$child->pid} = $child; return; } # see if we should downsize this child my $check_job = sub { if (Mgd::job_needs_reduction($child->job)) { Mgd::error("Reducing headcount of " . $child->job . " job by 1."); Frontend->AskWorkerToDie($child); } else { $child->drain_queue; } }; # at this point we've got a command of some sort my $cmd = $_[2]; if ($cmd =~ /^error (.+)$/i) { # pass it on to our error handler, prefaced with the child's job Mgd::error("[" . $child->job . "(" . $child->pid . ")] $1"); } elsif ($cmd =~ /^queue/) { # send out what we have queued up for it $child->drain_queue; } elsif ($cmd =~ /^del_i_looped/) { $check_job->(); } elsif ($cmd =~ /^monitor_ping/) { $check_job->(); } elsif ($cmd =~ /^reaper_ping/) { $check_job->(); } elsif ($cmd =~ /^repl_ping/) { $check_job->(); } elsif ($cmd =~ /^repl_unreachable (\d+)/) { # announce to the other replicators that this fid can't be reached, but note # that we don't actually drain the queue to the requestor, as the replicator # isn't in a place where it can accept a queue drain right now. Frontend->SendToChildrenByJob('replicate', "repl_unreachable $1", $child); } elsif ($cmd =~ /^repl_i_did (\d+)/) { my $fid = $1; # announce to the other replicators that this fid was done and then drain the # queue to this person. Frontend->SendToChildrenByJob('replicate', "repl_was_done $fid", $child); $check_job->(); } else { # unknown command Mgd::error("Unknown command [$_[2]] from child; job=" . $child->job); } } # given a job class, and a message, send it to all children of that job. returns # the number of children the message was sent to. # arguments: ( jobclass, message, [ child ] ) # if child is specified, the message will be sent to members of the job class that # aren't that child. so you can exclude the one that originated the message. sub SendToChildrenByJob { my $childref = $ChildrenByJob{$_[1]}; return 0 unless defined $childref && %$childref; my $msg = $_[2]; foreach my $child (values %$childref) { # ignore the child specified as the third arg if one is sent next if defined $_[3] && $_[3] == $child; # send the message to this child $child->enqueue_line($msg); } return scalar(keys %$childref); } # called when we notice that a worker has bit it. we might have to restart a # job that they had been working on. sub NoteDeadWorkerConn { return if $IsChild; # get parms and error check my WorkerConn $worker = $_[1]; return unless $worker; # if there's a mapping for this worker's fd, they had a job that didn't get done if ($Mappings{$worker->{fd}}) { # unshift, since this one already went through the queue once unshift @ClientQueue, $Mappings{$worker->{fd}}; delete $Mappings{$worker->{fd}}; # now try to get it processing again Frontend->ProcessQueues; } } ##################################################################### ### W O R K E R C L A S S ### Class that handles all of the actions that a worker can take. ##################################################################### package QueryWorker; use fields qw{sock querystarttime reqid}; sub new { my QueryWorker $self = shift; $self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self; $self->{sock} = shift; $self->{querystarttime} = undef; $self->{reqid} = undef; return $self; } sub process_line { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $lineref = shift; # see what kind of command this is return $self->err_line('unknown_command') unless $$lineref =~ /^(\d+-\d+)?\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/; $self->{reqid} = $1 || undef; my ($cmd, $line) = ($2, $4); # set global variables for zone determination $client_ip = $3; $force_alt_zone = 0; # some basic commands we support if ($cmd eq 'echo') { Mgd::send_to_parent($line); return; } elsif ($cmd eq 'shutdown') { exit 0; } # fallback to normal command handling if ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*(.*)/) { my ($cmd, $args) = ($1, $2); $cmd = lc($cmd); no strict 'refs'; $self->{querystarttime} = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(); my $cmd_handler = *{"cmd_$cmd"}{CODE}; if ($cmd_handler) { my $args = decode_url_args(\$args); $force_alt_zone = 1 if $args->{zone} eq 'alt'; $cmd_handler->($self, $args); return; } } return $self->err_line('unknown_command'); } # returns 0 on error, or dmid of domain sub check_domain { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; return $self->err_line("no_domain") unless length($args->{domain}); # validate domain my $dmid = Mgd::domain_id($args->{domain}) or return $self->err_line("unreg_domain"); return $dmid; } sub cmd_sleep { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; sleep($args->{duration} || 10); return $self->ok_line; } sub cmd_create_open { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; # validate parameters my $dmid = $self->check_domain($args) or return 0; my $key = $args->{key} || ""; my $multi = $args->{multi_dest} ? 1 : 0; # get DB handle my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh or return $self->err_line("nodb"); # figure out what classid this file is for my $class = $args->{class}; my $classid = 0; if (length($class)) { # TODO: cache this $classid = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT classid FROM class ". "WHERE dmid=? AND classname=?", undef, $dmid, $class) or return $self->err_line("unreg_class"); } # find a device to put this file on that has 100Mb free. my (@dests, @hosts); my $devs = Mgd::get_device_summary(); while (scalar(@dests) < ($multi ? 3 : 1)) { my $devid = Mgd::find_deviceid( random => 1, weight_by_free => 1, not_on_hosts => \@hosts, ); last unless defined $devid; push @dests, $devid; push @hosts, $devs->{$devid}->{hostid}; } return $self->err_line("no_devices") unless @dests; # setup the new mapping. we store the devices that we picked for # this file in here, knowing that they might not be used. create_close # is responsible for actually mapping in file_on. $dbh->do("INSERT INTO tempfile SET ". " fid=NULL, dmid=?, dkey=?, classid=?, createtime=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), devids=?", undef, $dmid, $key, $classid, join(',', @dests)); return undef if $dbh->err; my $fid = $dbh->{mysql_insertid}; # FIXME: mysql-ism return undef unless $fid > 0; # original single path support return $self->ok_line({ fid => $fid, devid => $dests[0], path => Mgd::make_path($dests[0], $fid), }) unless $multi; # multiple path support my $ct = 0; my $res = {}; foreach my $devid (@dests) { $ct++; $res->{"devid_$ct"} = $devid; $res->{"path_$ct"} = Mgd::make_path($devid, $fid); } $res->{fid} = $fid; $res->{dev_count} = $ct; return $self->ok_line($res); } sub cmd_create_close { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; # validate parameters my $dmid = $self->check_domain($args) or return 0; my $key = $args->{key}; my $fid = $args->{fid} or return $self->err_line("no_fid"); my $devid = $args->{devid} or return $self->err_line("no_devid"); my $path = $args->{path} or return $self->err_line("no_path"); # is the provided path what we'd expect for this fid/devid? return $self->err_line("bogus_args") unless $path eq Mgd::make_path($devid, $fid); # get DB handle my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh or return $self->err_line("nodb"); # find the temp file we're closing and making real my $trow = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT classid, dmid, dkey ". "FROM tempfile WHERE fid=?", undef, $fid); return $self->err_line("no_temp_file") unless $trow; # if a temp file is closed without a provided-key, that means to # delete it. unless (length($key)) { # add to to-delete list $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO file_to_delete SET fid=?", undef, $fid); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM tempfile WHERE fid=?", undef, $fid); return $self->ok_line; } # see if we have a fid for this key already my $old_file = Mgd::key_filerow($dbh, $dmid, $key); if ($old_file) { # add to to-delete list $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO file_to_delete SET fid=?", undef, $old_file->{fid}); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM file WHERE fid=?", undef, $old_file->{fid}); } # get size of file and verify that it matches what we were given, if anything my $size = Mgd::get_file_size($path); return $self->err_line("size_mismatch", "Expected: $args->{size}; actual: $size; path: $path") if $args->{size} && ($args->{size} != $size); # TODO: check for EIO? return $self->err_line("empty_file") unless $size; # insert file_on row $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO file_on SET fid = ?, devid = ?", undef, $fid, $devid); return $self->err_line("db_error") if $dbh->err; my $rv = $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO file ". "SET ". " fid=?, dmid=?, dkey=?, length=?, ". " classid=?, devcount=0", undef, $fid, $dmid, $key, $size, $trow->{classid}); return $self->err_line("db_error") unless $rv; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM tempfile WHERE fid=?", undef, $fid); if (Mgd::update_fid_devcount($fid)) { return $self->ok_line(); } else { # FIXME: handle this better return $self->err_line("db_error"); } } sub cmd_delete { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; # validate parameters my $dmid = $self->check_domain($args) or return 0; my $key = $args->{key}; return $self->err_line("no_key") unless length($key); # get DB handle my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh or return $self->err_line("nodb"); # is this fid still owned by this key? my $fid = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT fid FROM file WHERE dmid=? AND dkey=?", undef, $dmid, $key); return $self->err_line("unknown_key") unless $fid; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM file WHERE fid=?", undef, $fid); $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO file_to_delete SET fid=?", undef, $fid); return $self->ok_line(); } sub cmd_list_keys { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; # validate parameters my $dmid = $self->check_domain($args) or return 0; my ($prefix, $after, $limit) = ($args->{prefix}, $args->{after}, $args->{limit}); return $self->err_line("no_key") unless $prefix; # now validate that after matches prefix return $self->err_line('after_mismatch') if $after && $after !~ /^$prefix/; # verify there are no % or \ characters return $self->err_line('invalid_chars') if $prefix =~ /[%\\]/; # escape underscores $prefix =~ s/_/\\_/g; # now fix the input... prefix always ends with a % so that it works # in a LIKE call, and after is either blank or something $prefix .= '%'; $after ||= ''; $limit ||= 1000; $limit += 0; # get DB handle my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh or return $self->err_line("nodb"); # now select out our keys my $keys = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref ('SELECT dkey FROM file WHERE dmid = ? AND dkey LIKE ? AND dkey > ? ' . "ORDER BY dkey LIMIT $limit", undef, $dmid, $prefix, $after); # if we got nothing, say so return $self->err_line('none_match') unless $keys && @$keys; # construct the output and send my $ret = { key_count => 0, next_after => '' }; foreach my $key (@$keys) { $ret->{key_count}++; $ret->{next_after} = $key if $key gt $ret->{next_after}; $ret->{"key_$ret->{key_count}"} = $key; } return $self->ok_line($ret); } sub cmd_rename { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; # validate parameters my $dmid = $self->check_domain($args) or return 0; my ($fkey, $tkey) = ($args->{from_key}, $args->{to_key}); return $self->err_line("no_key") unless $fkey && $tkey; # get DB handle my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh or return $self->err_line("nodb"); # rename the file my $ct = $dbh->do('UPDATE file SET dkey = ? WHERE dmid = ? AND dkey = ?', undef, $tkey, $dmid, $fkey); return $self->err_line("key_exists") if $dbh->err; return $self->err_line("unknown_key") unless $ct > 0; return $self->ok_line(); } sub cmd_get_hosts { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh() or return $self->err_line("nodb"); Mgd::check_host_cache(); my $ret = { hosts => 0 }; while (my ($hostid, $row) = each %Mgd::cache_host) { next if defined $args->{hostid} && $hostid != $args->{hostid}; $ret->{hosts}++; while (my ($key, $val) = each %$row) { $ret->{"host$ret->{hosts}_$key"} = $val; } } return $self->ok_line($ret); } sub cmd_get_devices { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh() or return $self->err_line("nodb"); my $devs = Mgd::get_device_summary(); my $ret = { devices => 0 }; while (my ($devid, $row) = each %$devs) { next if defined $args->{devid} && $devid != $args->{devid}; $ret->{devices}++; while (my ($key, $val) = each %$row) { $ret->{"dev$ret->{devices}_$key"} = $val; } } return $self->ok_line($ret); } sub cmd_create_domain { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh() or return $self->err_line("nodb"); my $domain = $args->{domain}; return $self->err_line('no_domain') unless length $domain; # FIXME: add some sort of authentication/limitation on this? my $dmid = Mgd::domain_id($domain); return $self->err_line('domain_exists') if $dmid; # get the max domain id my $maxid = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT MAX(dmid) FROM domain'); $dbh->do('INSERT INTO domain (dmid, namespace) VALUES (?, ?)', undef, $maxid + 1, $domain); return $self->err_line('failure') if $dbh->err; # return the domain id we created return $self->ok_line({ domain => $domain }); } sub cmd_create_class { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh() or return $self->err_line("nodb"); my $domain = $args->{domain}; return $self->err_line('no_domain') unless length $domain; my $class = $args->{class}; return $self->err_line('no_class') unless length $class; my $mindevcount = $args->{mindevcount}+0; return $self->err_line('invalid_mindevcount') unless $mindevcount > 0; # FIXME: add some sort of authentication/limitation on this? my $dmid = Mgd::domain_id($domain); return $self->err_line('no_domain') unless $dmid; my $cid = Mgd::class_id($dmid, $class); return $self->err_line('class_exists') if $cid && !$args->{update}; # update or insert at this point if ($args->{update}) { # now replace the old class $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO class (dmid, classid, classname, mindevcount) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $dmid, $cid, $class, $mindevcount); } else { # get the max class id in this domain my $maxid = $dbh->selectrow_array ('SELECT MAX(classid) FROM class WHERE dmid = ?', undef, $dmid); # now insert the new class $dbh->do("INSERT INTO class (dmid, classid, classname, mindevcount) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $dmid, $maxid + 1, $class, $mindevcount); } return $self->err_line('failure') if $dbh->err; # return success return $self->ok_line({ class => $class, mindevcount => $mindevcount, domain => $domain }); } sub cmd_update_class { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; # simply passes through to create_class with update set $self->cmd_create_class({ %$args, update => 1 }); } sub cmd_get_domains { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh() or return $self->err_line("nodb"); my $domains = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT dmid, namespace FROM domain'); my $ret = {}; my $outercount = 0; foreach my $row (@$domains) { $ret->{"domain" . ++$outercount} = $row->[1]; # setup the return row for this set of classes my $classes = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ('SELECT classname, mindevcount FROM class WHERE dmid = ?', undef, $row->[0]); my $innercount = 0; foreach my $irow (@$classes) { $ret->{"domain${outercount}class" . ++$innercount . "name"} = $irow->[0]; $ret->{"domain${outercount}class" . $innercount . "mindevcount"} = $irow->[1]; } # record the default class and mindevcount $ret->{"domain${outercount}class" . ++$innercount . "name"} = 'default'; $ret->{"domain${outercount}class" . $innercount . "mindevcount"} = $default_mindevcount; $ret->{"domain${outercount}classes"} = $innercount; } $ret->{"domains"} = $outercount; return $self->ok_line($ret); } sub cmd_get_paths { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; my $key = $args->{key}; return $self->err_line("no_key") unless length($key); # validate domain my $dmid = $self->check_domain($args) or return 0; # get DB handle my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh or return $self->err_line("nodb"); my $filerow = Mgd::key_filerow($dbh, $dmid, $key); return $self->err_line("unknown_key") unless $filerow; my $fid = $filerow->{fid}; my $dsum = Mgd::get_device_summary(); my $ret = { paths => 0, }; # is this fid still owned by this key? my $devids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT devid FROM file_on WHERE fid=?", undef, $fid) || []; my $devcount = scalar(@$devids); my $idx = int(rand() * $devcount); for (1..$devcount) { my $devid = $devids->[($_+$idx) % $devcount]; my $dev = $dsum->{$devid}; next unless $dev && $dev->{status} eq "alive"; my $path = Mgd::make_get_path($devid, $fid); next unless $ret->{paths} || $args->{noverify} || (Mgd::get_file_size($path) == $filerow->{length}); my $n = ++$ret->{paths}; $ret->{"path$n"} = $path; last if $n == 2; # one verified, one likely seems enough for now. time will tell. } return $self->ok_line($ret); } sub cmd_set_state { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; # get database handle my $ret = {}; my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh or return $self->err_line('nodb'); # figure out what they want to do my ($host, $dev, $state) = ($args->{host}, $args->{device}+0, $args->{state}); return $self->err_line('bad_params') unless $host && $dev && ($state =~ /^(?:alive|down|dead)$/); # now get this device's current state and host my ($realhost, $curstate) = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT hostname, device.status FROM host, device ' . 'WHERE host.hostid = device.hostid AND device.devid = ?', undef, $dev); # verify host is the same return $self->err_line('host_mismatch') unless $realhost eq $host; # make sure the destination state isn't too high return $self->err_line('state_too_high') if $curstate eq 'dead' && $state eq 'alive'; # update the state in the database now $dbh->do('UPDATE device SET status = ? WHERE devid = ?', undef, $state, $dev); return $self->err_line('failure') if $dbh->err; # success, state changed return $self->ok_line($ret); } sub cmd_stats { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $args = shift; # get database handle my $ret = {}; my $dbh = Mgd::get_dbh or return $self->err_line('nodb'); # get names of all domains and classes for use later my %classes; my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT class.dmid, namespace, classid, classname ' . 'FROM domain, class WHERE class.dmid = domain.dmid'); foreach my $row (@$rows) { $classes{$row->[0]}->{name} = $row->[1]; $classes{$row->[0]}->{classes}->{$row->[2]} = $row->[3]; } $classes{$_}->{classes}->{0} = 'default' foreach keys %classes; # get host and device information with device status my %devices; my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT device.devid, hostname, device.status ' . 'FROM device, host WHERE device.hostid = host.hostid'); foreach my $row (@$rows) { $devices{$row->[0]}->{host} = $row->[1]; $devices{$row->[0]}->{status} = $row->[2]; } # if they want replication counts, or didn't specify what they wanted if ($args->{replication} || $args->{all}) { # replication stats my $stats = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT dmid, classid, devcount, COUNT(devcount) FROM file GROUP BY 1, 2, 3'); my $count = 0; foreach my $stat (@$stats) { $count++; $ret->{"replication${count}domain"} = $classes{$stat->[0]}->{name}; $ret->{"replication${count}class"} = $classes{$stat->[0]}->{classes}->{$stat->[1]}; $ret->{"replication${count}devcount"} = $stat->[2]; $ret->{"replication${count}files"} = $stat->[3]; } $ret->{"replicationcount"} = $count; } # file statistics (how many files there are and in what domains/classes) if ($args->{files} || $args->{all}) { my $stats = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT dmid, classid, COUNT(classid) FROM file GROUP BY 1, 2'); my $count = 0; foreach my $stat (@$stats) { $count++; $ret->{"files${count}domain"} = $classes{$stat->[0]}->{name}; $ret->{"files${count}class"} = $classes{$stat->[0]}->{classes}->{$stat->[1]}; $ret->{"files${count}files"} = $stat->[2]; } $ret->{"filescount"} = $count; } # device statistics (how many files are on each device) if ($args->{devices} || $args->{all}) { my $stats = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT devid, COUNT(devid) FROM file_on GROUP BY 1'); my $count = 0; foreach my $stat (@$stats) { $count++; $ret->{"devices${count}id"} = $stat->[0]; $ret->{"devices${count}host"} = $devices{$stat->[0]}->{host}; $ret->{"devices${count}status"} = $devices{$stat->[0]}->{status}; $ret->{"devices${count}files"} = $stat->[1]; } $ret->{"devicescount"} = $count; } # FIXME: DO! add other stats return $self->ok_line($ret); } sub ok_line { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $delay = ''; if ($self->{querystarttime}) { $delay = sprintf("%.4f ", Time::HiRes::tv_interval([ $self->{querystarttime} ])); $self->{querystarttime} = undef; } my $id = defined $self->{reqid} ? "$self->{reqid} " : ''; my $args = shift; my $argline = join('&', map { eurl($_) . "=" . eurl($args->{$_}) } keys %$args); $self->{sock}->write("${id}${delay}OK $argline\r\n"); return 1; } # first argument: error code. # second argument: optional error text. text will be taken from code if no text provided. sub err_line { my QueryWorker $self = shift; my $err_code = shift; my $err_text = shift || { 'unknown_command' => "Unknown server command", 'no_domain' => "No domain provided", 'no_class' => "No class provided", 'unreg_domain' => "Domain name invalid/not found", 'class_exists' => "That class already exists in that domain", 'domain_exists' => "That domain already exists", 'invalid_mindevcount' => "The mindevcount must be at least 1", 'bad_params' => "Invalid parameters to command; please see documentation", 'host_mismatch' => "The device specified doesn't belong to the host specified", 'state_too_high' => "Status cannot go from dead to alive; must use down", 'failure' => "Operation failed", 'key_exists' => "Target key name already exists; can't overwrite.", 'none_match' => "No keys match that pattern and after-value (if any).", 'after_mismatch' => "Pattern does not match the after-value?", 'invalid_chars' => "Patterns must not contain backslashes (\\) or percent signs (%).", }->{$err_code}; my $delay = ''; if ($self->{querystarttime}) { $delay = sprintf("%.4f ", Time::HiRes::tv_interval([ $self->{querystarttime} ])); $self->{querystarttime} = undef; } my $id = defined $self->{reqid} ? "$self->{reqid} " : ''; $self->{sock}->write("${id}${delay}ERR $err_code " . eurl($err_text) . "\r\n"); return 0; } sub eurl { my $a = $_[0]; $a =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\,\-.\/\\\: ])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg; $a =~ tr/ /+/; return $a; } sub decode_url_args { my $a = shift; my $buffer = ref $a ? $a : \$a; my $ret = {}; my $pair; my @pairs = split(/&/, $$buffer); my ($name, $value); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $name =~ tr/+/ /; $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $ret->{$name} .= $ret->{$name} ? "\0$value" : $value; } return $ret; } # Local Variables: # mode: perl # c-basic-indent: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: