package Perlbal::Test; use strict; use POSIX qw( :sys_wait_h ); use IO::Socket::INET; require Exporter; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(ua start_server foreach_aio manage filecontent tempdir new_port wait_on_child); our $i_am_parent = 0; our $msock; # management sock of child our $to_kill = 0; our $mgmt_port; our $free_port = 60000; END { manage("shutdown") if $i_am_parent; } sub tempdir { require File::Temp; return File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); } sub new_port { return $free_port++; # FIXME: make it somehow detect if port is in use? } sub filecontent { my $file = shift; my $ct; open (F, $file) or return undef; $ct = do { local $/; ; }; close F; return $ct; } sub foreach_aio (&) { my $cb = shift; foreach my $mode (qw(none linux ioaio)) { my $line = manage("SERVER aio_mode = $mode"); next unless $line; $cb->($mode); } } sub manage { my $cmd = shift; print $msock "$cmd\r\n"; my $res = <$msock>; return 0 if !$res || $res =~ /^ERR/; return $res; } sub start_server { my $conf = shift; $mgmt_port = new_port(); my $child = fork; if ($child) { $i_am_parent = 1; $to_kill = $child; my $msock = wait_on_child($child, $mgmt_port); my $rv = waitpid($child, WNOHANG); if ($rv) { die "Child process (webserver) died.\n"; } print $msock "proc\r\n"; my $spid = undef; while (<$msock>) { last if m!^\.\r?\n!; next unless /^pid:\s+(\d+)/; $spid = $1; } die "Our child was $child, but we connected and it says it's $spid." unless $child == $spid; return $msock; } # child process... require Perlbal; $conf .= qq{ CREATE SERVICE mgmt SET mgmt.listen =$mgmt_port SET mgmt.role = management ENABLE mgmt }; my $out = sub { print STDOUT join("\n", map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_ } @_) . "\n"; }; Perlbal::run_manage_command($_, $out) foreach split(/\n/, $conf); unless (Perlbal::Socket->WatchedSockets() > 0) { die "Invalid configuration. (shouldn't happen?) Stopping (self=$$).\n"; } Perlbal::run(); exit 0; } # get the manager socket sub msock { return $msock; } sub ua { require LWP; require LWP::UserAgent; return LWP::UserAgent->new; } sub wait_on_child { my $pid = shift; my $port = shift; my $start = time; while (1) { $msock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$port"); return $msock if $msock; select undef, undef, undef, 0.25; if (waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) > 0) { die "Child process (webserver) died.\n"; } die "Timeout waiting for port $port to startup" if time > $start + 5; } } 1;