#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import wget, os print ("pyElibDownloader") promptprefix = ("Enter prefix of download URL (default [http://elib.shpl.ru/pages/]): ") prefix = input (promptprefix) if prefix == "": prefix = ("http://elib.shpl.ru/pages/") promptpostfix = ("Enter postfix of download URL (default [/zooms/7]): ") postfix = input (promptpostfix) if postfix == "": postfix = ("/zooms/7") promptextension = ("Enter files extension (default [jpg]): ") extension = input (promptextension) if extension == "": extension = ("jpg") promptdir = ("Enter directory name: ") dir = "" while dir == "": dir = input (promptdir) promptfirstindex = ("Enter first index: ") firstindex = "" while firstindex == "": firstindex = input (promptfirstindex) promptlastindex = ("Enter last index: ") lastindex = "" while lastindex == "": lastindex = input (promptlastindex) print ("Starting donwload...") try: os.stat(dir) except: os.mkdir(dir) os.chdir(dir) index = int(firstindex) lastindex = int(lastindex) while index <= lastindex: filename = str(index) + "." + extension url = prefix + str(index) + postfix wget.download(url,out=filename) index = index + 1 print ("Donwload finished.")