#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser # Python 2.x import import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') from os import path from sys import argv from math import ceil from getpass import getpass from optparse import OptionParser import subprocess import base64 import time import curses from curses import textpad, panel from threading import Thread # https://gitlab.com/zlax/sshch version = "1.09.2" # expand groups by default expand_default = True # path to conf dir and file, default: ~/.config/sshch.conf conf_dir = path.expanduser("~") + '/.config' conf_file = conf_dir + '/' + 'sshch.conf' class GroupTree(object): """Group object with relatives information""" def __init__(self, group): self.group = group self.aliases = [] self.children = [] self.parent = [] def ThreadConnect(alias, command): ConnectAlias(alias, command, True) def AddNewAlias(alias): if not conf.has_section(alias): conf.add_section(alias) conf.write(open(conf_file, "w")) return True else: return "error: '" + alias + "' alias or group already exists" def SetAliasString(alias, string): conf.set(alias, "exec_string", string) conf.write(open(conf_file, "w")) def SetGroupString(alias, string): conf.set(alias, "group", string) conf.write(open(conf_file, "w")) def SetPassword(alias, string): if string == "" or string == b'': conf.remove_option(alias, "password") else: string = string.encode() string = base64.b64encode(base64.b16encode( base64.b32encode(string))) string = string.decode('utf-8') conf.set(alias, "password", string) conf.write(open(conf_file, "w")) def RemoveAliases(aliases): for alias in aliases: conf.remove_section(alias) conf.write(open(conf_file, "w")) def ConvertPassword(password): password_string = "'" for char in password: if char == "'": password_string += "'"+'"'+"'"+'"'+"'" elif char == '"': password_string += "''"+'"'+"''" elif char == ';': password_string += "'"+"\;"+"'" elif char == "\\": password_string += "'"+'"'+"\\"+"\\"+'"'+"'" else: password_string += char password_string += "'" return password_string def ConnectAlias(alias, command=False, threading=False): exec_string = "" if conf.has_option(alias, "password"): password = base64.b32decode(base64.b16decode( base64.b64decode(conf.get(alias, "password")))) exec_string = "sshpass -p " + ConvertPassword(password.decode('utf-8')) + " " if conf.has_option(alias, "exec_string"): exec_string = exec_string + conf.get(alias, "exec_string") if command: exec_string = exec_string + " " + command subprocess.Popen(exec_string, shell=True).communicate()[0] if threading: print ("... "+alias+" session output finished.") def HoldConnection(alias): groups = [] connectaliases = [] for a in conf.sections(): if conf.has_option(a, "group"): groups.append(a) if alias in groups: print("Can't hold connection with group.") else: print("Connecting to " + alias + ". Press CTRL+C to cancel.") time.sleep(1) while True: ConnectAlias(alias) time.sleep(5) def CMDAdd(alias): alias = alias.split()[0].strip() result = AddNewAlias(alias) if result == True: prompt_add = ("".join(["Enter connection string for new alias ", "(example: ssh user@somehost.com):\n"])) string = "" while string == "": string = input(prompt_add) SetAliasString(alias, string) else: print(result) def CMDGroup(group): group = group.split()[0].strip() result = AddNewAlias(group) if result == True: prompt_add = ("".join(["Enter aliases for new group ", "(example: alias1 alias2):\n"])) string = "" while string == "": string = input(prompt_add) SetGroupString(group, string) else: print(result) def CMDEdit(alias): if conf.has_section(alias): if conf.has_option(alias, "exec_string"): prompt_edit = ("".join(["Enter connection string for existing alias ", "(example: ssh user@somehost.com):\n"])) string = "" while string == "": string = input(prompt_edit) SetAliasString(alias, string) elif conf.has_option(alias, "group"): prompt_edit = ("".join(["Enter aliases for existing group ", "(example: alias1 alias2):\n"])) string = "" while string == "": string = input(prompt_edit) SetGroupString(alias, string) else: print("error: '" + alias + "' is not correct alias or group") else: print("error: '" + alias + "' alias or group does not exists") def CMDPassword(alias): groups = [] connectaliases = [] for a in conf.sections(): if conf.has_option(a, "group"): groups.append(a) if alias in groups: print("Can't set password for group.") else: if conf.has_section(alias): prompt_pass = ("[UNSAFE] Enter password for sshpass (Ctrl+C - cancel, blank - clear password):\n") string = "" string = getpass(prompt_pass) SetPassword(alias, string) else: print("error: '" + alias + "' alias does not exists") def CMDRemove(alias): if conf.has_section(alias): prompt_remove = ("Type 'yes' if you sure to remove '" + alias + "' alias or group: ") string = input(prompt_remove) if string == "yes": RemoveAliases([alias]) else: print("'" + alias + "' alias or group was not deleted.") else: print("error: '" + alias + "' alias or group does not exists.") def CMDConnect(aliases, command=False, threading=False): groups = [] connectaliases = [] for a in conf.sections(): if conf.has_option(a, "group"): groups.append(a) for alias in aliases: if alias in groups: group_aliases = GroupChildAliases(alias) for ga in group_aliases: connectaliases.append(ga) else: connectaliases.append(alias) connectaliases = setSeq(connectaliases) threads = {} for alias in connectaliases: if conf.has_section(alias): print("Connecting to " + alias + "...") if threading: threads[alias] = Thread(target=ThreadConnect, args=(alias, command)) threads[alias].start() else: ConnectAlias(alias, command) if not threading: print("... " + alias + " session finished.") else: print("error: '" + alias + "' alias does not exists") def CMDList(option, opt, value, parser): print(' '.join(str(p) for p in conf.sections())) def setSeq(seq): # py2&3 fastest way to remove duplicates from a list: # https://www.rupython.com/x432-4-496.html seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))] def GroupChildRecursion(group, childaliases, treelist): if treelist[group].children: for a in treelist[group].children: GroupChildRecursion(a, childaliases, treelist) if treelist[group].aliases: for a in treelist[group].aliases: childaliases.append(a) return childaliases def GroupChildAliases(group): aliases = [] groups = [] rootgroups = [] treelist = {} for a in conf.sections(): if conf.has_option(a, "group"): groups.append(a) elif conf.has_option(a, "exec_string"): aliases.append(a) rootaliases = list(aliases) for g in groups: treelist[g] = GroupTree(g) group_aliases = conf.get(g, "group").split() for ga in group_aliases: if ga in groups: treelist[g].children.append(ga) elif ga in aliases: treelist[g].aliases.append(ga) try: rootaliases.remove(ga) except ValueError: pass for g in groups: if treelist[g].children: for child in treelist[g].children: treelist[child].parent.append(g) for g in groups: if not treelist[g].parent: rootgroups.append(g) if group == False: return aliases, groups, rootaliases, rootgroups, treelist else: childaliases = GroupChildRecursion(group, [], treelist) return setSeq(childaliases) def GroupTreeRecursion(level, group, treelist, resultalias, resultstring, expandlist, previousgroups): if group in previousgroups: return resultalias, resultstring previousgroups.append(group) resultalias.append(group) if expandlist == True or group in expandlist: resultstring.append(' '*(level-1)+">> "+group) for g in treelist[group].children: resultalias, resultstring = GroupTreeRecursion(level+1, g, treelist, resultalias, resultstring, expandlist, previousgroups) for ga in treelist[group].aliases: if conf.has_option(ga, "exec_string"): resultalias.append(ga) result = "".join([' '*(level-1)+" ~ ", str(ga), " (", (conf.get(ga, "exec_string") if conf.has_option(ga, "exec_string") else ""), ")", (" [password]" if conf.has_option(ga, "password") else "")]) resultstring.append(result) else: resultstring.append(' '*(level-1)+"<> "+group) return resultalias, resultstring def GetTreeList(strings=True, expandlist=True): resultalias = [] resultstring = [] aliases, groups, rootaliases, rootgroups, treelist = GroupChildAliases(False) for g in rootgroups: resultalias, resultstring = GroupTreeRecursion(1, g, treelist, resultalias, resultstring, expandlist, []) for a in rootaliases: resultalias.append(a) result = "".join([str(a), " (", (conf.get(a, "exec_string") if conf.has_option(a, "exec_string") else ""), ")", (" [password]" if conf.has_option(a, "password") else "")]) resultstring.append(result) if strings: return resultstring else: return resultalias def CMDFullList(option, opt, value, parser): for p in GetTreeList(): print (p) def CursesConnect(screen, aliases, command=False, threading=False): curses.endwin() groups = [] connectaliases = [] for a in conf.sections(): if conf.has_option(a, "group"): groups.append(a) for alias in aliases: if alias in groups: group_aliases = GroupChildAliases(alias) for ga in group_aliases: connectaliases.append(ga) else: connectaliases.append(alias) connectaliases = setSeq(connectaliases) threads = {} for alias in connectaliases: print("Connecting to " + alias + "...") if threading: threads[alias] = Thread(target=ThreadConnect, args=(alias, command)) threads[alias].start() else: ConnectAlias(alias, command) if not threading: print("... " + alias + " session finished.") print("Press 'enter' to continue.") screen.getch() def CursesExit(error=False): curses.endwin() if error: print(error) exit() def CursesTextpadConfirm(value): if value == 10: value = 7 return value def CursesTextpad(screen, h, w, y, x, title="", value="", text_colorpair=0, deco_colorpair=0): new_window = curses.newwin(h + 3, w + 2, y - 1, x - 1) title_window = new_window.subwin(1, w, y, x) title_window.addnstr(0, 0, title, w, text_colorpair) title_window.refresh() sub_window = new_window.subwin(h, w, y + 1, x) textbox_field = textpad.Textbox(sub_window, insert_mode=True) new_window.attron(deco_colorpair) new_window.box() new_window.attroff(deco_colorpair) new_window.refresh() sub_window.addnstr(0, 0, value, h * w, text_colorpair) sub_window.attron(text_colorpair) return textbox_field def CursesPanel(screen, h, w, y, x, text, text_colorpair=0, deco_colorpair=0, confirm=0): new_window = curses.newwin(h, w, y, x) new_window.erase() new_window.attron(deco_colorpair) new_window.box() new_window.attroff(deco_colorpair) sub_window = new_window.subwin(h - 2, w - 2, y + 1, x + 1) sub_window.insstr(0, 0, text) panel = curses.panel.new_panel(new_window) curses.panel.update_panels() screen.refresh() if confirm == "password": hidden_password = "" keych = "" position = 2 while True: keych = screen.getch() if keych == ord("\n"): break if keych == 27: hidden_password = "" break if keych == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE: if position > 2: if position == len(hidden_password) + 2: sub_window.addstr(1, position - 1, " ", text_colorpair) sub_window.refresh() position = position - 1 hidden_password = hidden_password[0:-1] if keych > 31 and keych < 127: hidden_password += curses.keyname(keych).decode('utf-8') sub_window.addstr(1, position, "*", text_colorpair) if position < w - 4: position += 1 sub_window.refresh() return hidden_password elif confirm == "remove": keych = screen.getch() if keych == ord("y") or keych == ord("Y"): return "confirm" return False else: screen.getch() def CMDOptions(): class FormatedParser(OptionParser): def format_epilog(self, formatter): return self.epilog usage = "usage: %prog [options] [aliases]" progname = path.basename(__file__) epilog = ("".join(["Examples:\n ", progname, " existingalias\n ", progname, " -a newremoteserver\n ", progname, " --edit=newremoteserver -p newremoteserver\n ", progname, ' -c "ls -l" newremoteserver\n ', progname, " -c reboot existingalias newremoteserver\n", "Examples of connection string:\n ", "ssh user@somehost.com\n ", "ssh gates@ -p 667\n ", "ssh root@somehost.com -t tmux a\n", "Also, you can edit config file manually: ", conf_file, "\n"])) opts = FormatedParser(usage=usage, version="%prog " + version, epilog=epilog) opts.add_option('-l', '--list', action="callback", callback=CMDList, help="show list of all existing aliases") opts.add_option('-f', '--fulllist', action="callback", callback=CMDFullList, help=("show list of all existing " + "aliases with connection strings")) opts.add_option('-a', '--add', action="store", type="string", dest="add", metavar="alias", default=False, help="add new alias for connection string") opts.add_option('-g', '--group', action="store", type="string", dest="group", metavar="group", default=False, help="add new group for aliases") opts.add_option('-c', '--command', action="store", type="string", dest="command", metavar="command", default=False, help="execute command for aliases and groups") opts.add_option('-t', '--thread', action="store", type="string", dest="thread", metavar="command", default=False, help="parallel command execution for aliases and groups") opts.add_option('-k', '--keep', action="store", type="string", dest="keep", metavar="alias", default=False, help="hold connection with specified alias") opts.add_option('-e', '--edit', action="store", type="string", dest='edit', metavar="alias", default=False, help="edit existing alias or group") opts.add_option('-p', '--password', action="store", type="string", dest='password', metavar="alias", default=False, help="set and store password for sshpass [UNSAFE]") opts.add_option('-r', '--remove', action="store", type="string", dest='remove', metavar="alias", default=False, help="remove existing alias or group") options, alias = opts.parse_args() if options.add: CMDAdd(options.add) if options.group: CMDGroup(options.group) if options.edit: CMDEdit(options.edit) if options.password: CMDPassword(options.password) if options.remove: CMDRemove(options.remove) if options.keep: HoldConnection(options.keep) if options.thread: CMDConnect(alias, options.thread, True) elif alias: CMDConnect(alias, options.command) # curses template from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/30828805/6224462 def CursesMain(): help_screen = ("".join([" Press:\n", " 'z'/'x', 'w'/'s' or arrows - navigation\n", " 'a'/'F2' - add new alias (without spaces)\n", " 'g'/'F5' - add new group (spaces will be stripped)\n", " 'e'/'F4' - edit existing alias/group\n", " 'p'/'F6' - set alias's password for sshpass [UNSAFE]\n", " 'space'/'insert' - select\n", " 'r'/'F8' - remove selected alias/aliases\n", " 'c'/'F3' - execute specific command with selected alias/aliases\n", " 't'/'F11' - parallel command execution for aliases and groups\n", " 'k'/'F7' - hold connection with selected alias\n", " 'enter'/'F9' - connect to selected alias/aliases,\n", " expand/collapse group\n", " 'q'/'F10' - quit\n", " Run program with '--help' option to view command line help.\n", " Also, you can edit config file manually:\n", " ", conf_file])) if expand_default == True: groups = [] for a in conf.sections(): if conf.has_option(a, "group"): groups.append(a) expanded = list(groups) strings = GetTreeList(False, expanded) stringsfull = GetTreeList(True, expanded) elif expand_default == False: groups = [] expanded = [] strings = GetTreeList(False, expanded) stringsfull = GetTreeList(True, expanded) row_num = len(strings) selected_strings = [" " for i in range(0, row_num + 1)] screen = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.start_color() screen.keypad(1) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_CYAN) highlight_text = curses.color_pair(1) normal_text = curses.A_NORMAL height, width = screen.getmaxyx() screen.border(0) curses.curs_set(0) max_row = height - 5 screen.addnstr(1, 2, "sshch " + version + ", press 'h' for help", width - 4) box = curses.newwin(max_row + 2, width - 2, 2, 1) box.box() pages = int(ceil(row_num / max_row)) position = 1 page = 1 for i in range(1, max_row + 1): if row_num == 0: box.addnstr(1, 1, "There aren't any aliases yet. Press 'a' to add new one.", width - 6, highlight_text) else: exec_string = ["[", selected_strings[i], "] ", stringsfull[i - 1]] if (i == position): box.addnstr(i, 2, "".join(exec_string), width - 6, highlight_text) else: box.addnstr(i, 2, "".join(exec_string), width - 6, normal_text) if i == row_num: break screen.refresh() box.refresh() key_pressed = screen.getch() while True: if key_pressed == ord('q') or key_pressed == ord( 'Q') or key_pressed == ( 27) or key_pressed == curses.KEY_F10: CursesExit() if key_pressed == ord('h') or key_pressed == ord( 'H') or key_pressed == curses.KEY_F1: CursesPanel(screen, height - 4, width - 6, 2, 3, help_screen, normal_text, highlight_text) if key_pressed == ord('a') or key_pressed == ord( 'A') or key_pressed == curses.KEY_F2: curses.curs_set(1) new_alias_textpad = CursesTextpad(screen, 1, width - 8, (height // 2) - 1, 4, "Enter new alias:", "", normal_text, highlight_text) add_alias = new_alias_textpad.edit(CursesTextpadConfirm) if not add_alias == "": add_alias = add_alias.split()[0].strip() if not add_alias == "": add_result = AddNewAlias(add_alias) if add_result == True: add_string = "" while add_string == "": string_textpad = CursesTextpad(screen, 3, width - 8, (height // 2) - 1, 4, "Enter full execution string:", "ssh ", normal_text, highlight_text) add_string = string_textpad.edit( CursesTextpadConfirm) SetAliasString(add_alias, add_string.replace("\n", "").rstrip()) strings = GetTreeList(False, expanded) stringsfull = GetTreeList(True, expanded) row_num = len(strings) selected_strings.append(" ") pages = int(ceil(row_num / max_row)) box.refresh() else: curses.curs_set(0) CursesPanel(screen, 3, width - 6, (height // 2) - 1, 3, add_result, normal_text, highlight_text) curses.curs_set(0) if key_pressed == ord('g') or key_pressed == ord( 'G') or key_pressed == curses.KEY_F5: curses.curs_set(1) new_group_textpad = CursesTextpad(screen, 1, width - 8, (height // 2) - 1, 4, "Enter group name (without spaces):", "", normal_text, highlight_text) add_group = new_group_textpad.edit(CursesTextpadConfirm) if not add_group == "": add_group = add_group.split()[0].strip() if not add_group == "": add_result = AddNewAlias(add_group) if add_result == True: add_string = "" while add_string.rstrip() == "": string_textpad = CursesTextpad(screen, 3, width - 8, (height // 2) - 1, 4, "Enter aliases for new group (example: alias1 alias2):", "", normal_text, highlight_text) add_string = string_textpad.edit( CursesTextpadConfirm) SetGroupString(add_group, add_string.replace("\n", "").rstrip()) expanded.append(add_group) strings = GetTreeList(False, expanded) stringsfull = GetTreeList(True, expanded) row_num = len(strings) selected_strings = [" " for i in range(0, row_num + 1)] pages = int(ceil(row_num / max_row)) box.refresh() else: curses.curs_set(0) CursesPanel(screen, 3, width - 6, (height // 2) - 1, 3, add_result, normal_text, highlight_text) curses.curs_set(0) if (key_pressed == ord('e') or key_pressed == ord( 'E') or key_pressed == curses.KEY_F4) and row_num != 0: edit_string = "" groups = [] for a in conf.sections(): if conf.has_option(a, "group"): groups.append(a) curses.curs_set(1) if strings[position - 1] in groups: while edit_string.rstrip() == "": string_textpad = CursesTextpad(screen, 3, width - 8, (height // 2) - 1, 4, "Enter new aliases for existing group:", (conf.get(strings[position - 1], "group") if conf.has_option(strings[position - 1], "group") else ""), normal_text, highlight_text) edit_string = string_textpad.edit(CursesTextpadConfirm) SetGroupString(strings[position - 1], edit_string.replace("\n", "").rstrip()) strings = GetTreeList(False, expanded) stringsfull = GetTreeList(True, expanded) row_num = len(strings) selected_strings.append(" ") pages = int(ceil(row_num / max_row)) box.refresh() else: while edit_string.rstrip() == "": string_textpad = CursesTextpad(screen, 3, width - 8, (height // 2) - 1, 4, "Enter new execution string:", (conf.get(strings[position - 1].split()[0].strip(), "exec_string") if conf.has_option(strings[position - 1].split()[0].strip(), "exec_string") else ""), normal_text, highlight_text) edit_string = string_textpad.edit(CursesTextpadConfirm) SetAliasString(strings[position - 1].split()[0].strip(), edit_string.replace("\n", "").rstrip()) strings = GetTreeList(False, expanded) stringsfull = GetTreeList(True, expanded) curses.curs_set(0) if (key_pressed == ord('p') or key_pressed == ord( 'P') or key_pressed == curses.KEY_F6) and row_num != 0: groups = [] for a in conf.sections(): if conf.has_option(a, "group"): groups.append(a) if not strings[position - 1].split()[0].strip() in groups: set_password = "" set_password = CursesPanel(screen, 4, width - 6, (height // 2) - 1, 3, " Enter user password for sshpass and press 'enter':\n>", normal_text, highlight_text, "password") SetPassword(strings[position - 1].split()[0].strip(), set_password) strings = GetTreeList(False, expanded) stringsfull = GetTreeList(True, expanded) if (key_pressed == ord('r') or key_pressed == ord( 'R') or key_pressed == curses.KEY_F8 or key_pressed == ( curses.KEY_DC)) and row_num != 0: selected = [] for i in range(1, row_num + 1): if selected_strings[i] == "*": selected.append(strings[i - 1]) if len(selected) > 0: remove_confirm = ( "".join(["Are you sure to remove ", str(len(selected)), " selected aliases? (y/N)"])) else: remove_confirm = ("".join(["Are you sure to remove '", strings[position - 1].split()[0].strip(), "' alias? (y/N)"])) selected.append(strings[position - 1].split()[0].strip()) remove_result = CursesPanel(screen, 4, width - 6, (height // 2) - 1, 3, remove_confirm, normal_text, highlight_text, "remove") if remove_result == "confirm": RemoveAliases(selected) strings = GetTreeList(False, expanded) stringsfull = GetTreeList(True, expanded) row_num = len(strings) selected_strings = [" " for i in range(0, row_num + 1)] pages = int(ceil(row_num / max_row)) position = 1 page = 1 box.refresh() if (key_pressed == ord('c') or key_pressed == ord( 'C') or key_pressed == curses.KEY_F3) and row_num != 0: selected = [] for i in range(1, row_num + 1): if selected_strings[i] == "*": selected.append(strings[i - 1]) if not len(selected) > 0: selected.append(strings[position - 1].split()[0].strip()) curses.curs_set(1) command_textpad = CursesTextpad(screen, 3, width - 8, (height // 2) - 1, 4, "".join([ "Enter specific command to execute with selected ", "alias/aliases:"] ), "", normal_text, highlight_text) command_string = command_textpad.edit(CursesTextpadConfirm) CursesConnect(screen, selected, command_string.replace("\n", "").rstrip()) curses.curs_set(0) if (key_pressed == ord('t') or key_pressed == ord( 'T') or key_pressed == curses.KEY_F11) and row_num != 0: selected = [] for i in range(1, row_num + 1): if selected_strings[i] == "*": selected.append(strings[i - 1]) if not len(selected) > 0: selected.append(strings[position - 1].split()[0].strip()) curses.curs_set(1) command_textpad = CursesTextpad(screen, 3, width - 8, (height // 2) - 1, 4, "".join([ "Enter specific command to execute with selected ", "alias/aliases:"] ), "", normal_text, highlight_text) command_string = command_textpad.edit(CursesTextpadConfirm) CursesConnect(screen, selected, command_string.replace("\n", "").rstrip(),True) curses.curs_set(0) if (key_pressed == ord('k') or key_pressed == ord('K') or key_pressed == (curses.KEY_F7)) and row_num != 0: groups = [] for a in conf.sections(): if conf.has_option(a, "group"): groups.append(a) if not strings[position - 1] in groups: curses.endwin() HoldConnection(strings[position - 1].split()[0].strip()) if (key_pressed == ord("\n") or key_pressed == ( curses.KEY_F9)) and row_num != 0: groups = [] for a in conf.sections(): if conf.has_option(a, "group"): groups.append(a) if strings[position - 1] in groups: if strings[position - 1] in expanded: expanded.remove(strings[position - 1]) else: expanded.append(strings[position - 1]) strings = GetTreeList(False, expanded) stringsfull = GetTreeList(True, expanded) row_num = len(strings) selected_strings.append(" ") pages = int(ceil(row_num / max_row)) box.refresh() else: selected = [] for i in range(1, row_num + 1): if selected_strings[i] == "*": selected.append(strings[i - 1]) if not len(selected) > 0: selected.append(strings[position - 1].split()[0].strip()) CursesConnect(screen, selected) selected_strings = [" " for i in range(0, row_num + 1)] if (key_pressed == 32 or key_pressed == ( curses.KEY_IC)) and row_num != 0: if selected_strings[position] == ' ': selected_strings[position] = '*' else: selected_strings[position] = ' ' if page == 1: if position < i: position = position + 1 else: if pages > 1: page = page + 1 position = 1 + (max_row * (page - 1)) elif page == pages: if position < row_num: position = position + 1 else: if position < max_row + (max_row * (page - 1)): position = position + 1 else: page = page + 1 position = 1 + (max_row * (page - 1)) if key_pressed == curses.KEY_DOWN or key_pressed == ord( 'x') or key_pressed == ord('X') or key_pressed == ord( 's') or key_pressed == ord('S'): if page == 1: if position < i: position = position + 1 else: if pages > 1: page = page + 1 position = 1 + (max_row * (page - 1)) elif page == pages: if position < row_num: position = position + 1 else: if position < max_row + (max_row * (page - 1)): position = position + 1 else: page = page + 1 position = 1 + (max_row * (page - 1)) if key_pressed == curses.KEY_UP or key_pressed == ord( 'z') or key_pressed == ord('Z') or key_pressed == ord( 'w') or key_pressed == ord('W'): if page == 1: if position > 1: position = position - 1 else: if position > (1 + (max_row * (page - 1))): position = position - 1 else: page = page - 1 position = max_row + (max_row * (page - 1)) if key_pressed == curses.KEY_LEFT or (key_pressed == curses.KEY_PPAGE): if page > 1: page = page - 1 position = 1 + (max_row * (page - 1)) if key_pressed == curses.KEY_RIGHT or (key_pressed == curses.KEY_NPAGE): if page < pages: page = page + 1 position = (1 + (max_row * (page - 1))) if key_pressed == curses.KEY_HOME: page = 1 position = 1 if key_pressed == curses.KEY_END: page = pages position = row_num box.erase() screen.border(0) box.border(0) for i in range(1 + (max_row * (page - 1)), max_row + 1 + (max_row * (page - 1))): if row_num == 0: box.addnstr(1, 1, "There aren't any aliases yet. Press 'a' to add new one.", width - 6, highlight_text) else: exec_string = ["[", selected_strings[i], "] ", stringsfull[i - 1]] if (i + (max_row * (page - 1)) == (position + (max_row * (page - 1)))): box.addnstr(i - (max_row * (page - 1)), 2, "".join( exec_string), width - 6, highlight_text) else: box.addnstr(i - (max_row * (page - 1)), 2, "".join( exec_string), width - 6, normal_text) if i == row_num: break screen.refresh() box.refresh() key_pressed = screen.getch() CursesExit() if __name__ == "__main__": try: input = raw_input # Fix for Python 2.x except NameError: pass if not path.exists(conf_dir): try: from os import makedirs makedirs(conf_dir) except: print("Can't make dir " + conf_dir) exit() conf = configparser.RawConfigParser() if not path.exists(conf_file): try: open(conf_file, 'w') except: print("Can't make file at " + conf_dir) exit() try: conf.read(conf_file) except: print("Error: can't read config file " + conf_file) exit() if len(argv) > 1: try: CMDOptions() except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() except configparser.Error: print("Error: can't parse your config file, please check it manually or make new one") exit() except IOError: print("Error: can't use your config file, please check permissionss of " + conf_file) exit() else: try: CursesMain() except KeyboardInterrupt: CursesExit() except configparser.NoOptionError: CursesExit("".join(["Error: can't parse your config file, please ", "check it manually or make new one"])) except curses.error: CursesExit("".join(["Error: can't show some curses element, maybe ", "your terminal is too small"])) except IOError: CursesExit("".join(["Error: can't use your config file, please ", "check permissionss of ", conf_file]))