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Plugin Name: Discordian Date Function
Plugin URI: https://is3.soundragon.su/discordian-date-function
Description: Convert dates in Wordpress to Discordian dates. Also, this plugin provides shortcode and widget used to display the current erisian date with notification of 70 holydays. Based on the Discordian Date plugin by Dan Johnson.
Version: 0.5
Author: ivan zlax
Author URI: https://is3.soundragon.su/about
function get_ddate($content, $format = "", $originalRequest = null) {
Based on: http://www.dexterityunlimited.com/wordpress-plugins/discordian-date/ by Dan Johnson
$season_list = array("Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath");
$day_list = array("Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange");
switch ($originalRequest) {
case "get_the_date":
$post = get_post( $format );
$standard_date = getdate (mysql2date( 'U', $post->post_date ));
case "get_comment_date":
$comment = get_comment( $format );
$standard_date = getdate (mysql2date( 'U', $comment->comment_date ));
case "now":
$standard_date = getdate();
switch ($suff) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
$ddate=$dweekday.", the ".$dday." day of ".$name_season.", in the yold ".$dyear;
return $ddate;
class Discordian_Date_Widget extends WP_Widget {
function Discordian_Date_Widget() {
$widget_ops = array('classname' => 'discordian_date_func', 'description' => 'Display the current date according to the Discordian Calendar.');
$control_ops = array('width' => 200, 'height' => 120);
$this->WP_Widget('discordian_date_func', 'Discordian Date Widget', $widget_ops, $control_ops);
function widget($args, $instance) {
$now = getdate();
$a_holiday=array("Mungday", "Mojoday", "Syaday", "Zaraday", "Maladay");
$s_holiday=array("Chaoflux", "Discoflux", "Confuflux", "Bureflux", "Afflux");
if ($dday==5) {
$holyday = " Celebrate ".$a_holiday[$dseason].".";
} elseif ($dday==50) {
$holyday = " Celebrate ".$s_holiday[$dseason].".";
} elseif ($mon==2 && $mday==29) {
$holyday = " Celebrate St. Tib's Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==2 && $dday==28) {
$holyday = " Celebrate St. George’s Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==2 && $dday==57) {
$holyday = " Celebrate John Dillinger Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==4 && $dday==65) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Circlemas.";
} elseif ($dday==23) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Synaptyclypse Day.";
} elseif ($dday==27) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Sloth Day.";
} elseif ($dday==73) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Eye Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==8) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Death of Emperor Norton.";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==10) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Backwards Day, Reformed / Binary Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==11) {
$holyday = " Celebrate RAW Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==17) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Joshmas.";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==18) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Pat Pineapple Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==21) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Hug Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==26) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Backwards Day (Traditional).";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==37) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Aaron Burr’s Birthday.";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==49) {
$holyday = " Celebrate The Mary Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==51) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Pet Loving Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==69) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Head Chicken/Chicken Head Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==0 && $dday==72) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Daytime.";
} elseif ($dseason==1 && $dday==4) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Grover Cleveland’s Birthday.";
} elseif ($dseason==1 && $dday==11) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Discordians for Jesus/Love Your Neighbor Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==1 && $dday==18) {
$holyday = " Celebrate April Fool’s Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==1 && $dday==19) {
$holyday = " Celebrate St John the Blasphemist’s Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==1 && $dday==23) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Jake Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==1 && $dday==34) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Omarmas.";
} elseif ($dseason==1 && $dday==43) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Universal Ordination Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==1 && $dday==68) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Mal-2mas.";
} elseif ($dseason==1 && $dday==70) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Jake Day Jr. (DJ)/Day of the Elppin.";
} elseif ($dseason==1 && $dday==72) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Towel Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==2 && $dday==26) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Imaginary Friend/Captain Tuttle Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==2 && $dday==37) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Mid-Year’s Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==2 && $dday==40) {
$holyday = " Celebrate X-Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==2 && $dday==55) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Mal-2 Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==3 && $dday==3) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Multiversal Underwear Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==3 && $dday==18) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Festival of Hanky-Panky Spankies.";
} elseif ($dseason==3 && $dday==33) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Cat Dancing & Foot Fetish Day aka Pussyfoot Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==3 && $dday==37) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Mass of Planet Eris/Eristotle.";
} elseif ($dseason==3 && $dday==41) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Emperor Norton Proclamation Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==3 && $dday==57) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Shamlicht Kids Club Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==3 && $dday==59) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Gonkulator Day (Gonculator Day).";
} elseif ($dseason==3 && $dday==60) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Mad Hatter Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==3 && $dday==66) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Habeas Corpus Remembrance Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==4 && $dday==28) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Ek-sen-triks CluborGuild Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==4 && $dday==36) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Spanking Fest.";
} elseif ($dseason==4 && $dday==37) {
$holyday = " Celebrate 537 Day, sometimes Turkey Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==4 && $dday==40) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Omar’s Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==4 && $dday==46) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Hug Day II.";
} elseif ($dseason==4 && $dday==67) {
$holyday = " Celebrate Santa Claus Day.";
} elseif ($dseason==4 && $dday==72) {
$holyday = " Celebrate New Year’s Eve Eve.";
$title = $instance['title'];
$body = apply_filters('widget_text', $instance['body']);
if (!empty($title)) {
eval(" ?>$title<?php ");
$title2 = ob_get_contents();
echo "<div class=\"discordian_date_func\" style=\"width:100%;text-align:center;font-size:18px;line-height:36px;padding-top:40px;padding-bottom:40px;\"> Today is ";
echo get_ddate($content, $format, "now").".";
if ($holyday) echo "<br><b>".$holyday."</b>";
echo "</div>";
$body2 = ob_get_contents();
if (!empty($title2)||!empty($body2)) echo $before_widget;
if (!empty($title2)) echo $before_title,$title2,$after_title;
if (!empty($body2)) echo $body2;
if (!empty($title2)||!empty($body2)) echo $after_widget;
function update($new_instance, $old_instance) {
return $new_instance;
function form($instance) {
$title = $instance['title'];
$title_id = $this->get_field_id('title');
$title_name = $this->get_field_name('title');
<label for="<?php echo $title_id; ?>"><strong>Title:</strong></label>
<input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $title_id; ?>" name="<?php echo $title_name; ?>"
type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr($title); ?>"/>
function get_the_ddate_post($content, $format){
return get_ddate($content, $format, "get_the_date"); }
function get_the_ddate_comment($content, $format){
return get_ddate($content, $format, "get_comment_date"); }
function register_ddatefunc_widget() {
register_widget( 'Discordian_Date_Widget' );
function today_ddate(){
echo return_today_hebDate();
function return_today_ddate() {
return get_ddate($content, $format, "now");
add_shortcode('today_ddate', 'return_today_ddate');
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'register_ddatefunc_widget' );
add_filter( 'get_the_date','get_the_ddate_post' );
add_filter( 'get_comment_date','get_the_ddate_comment' );