Add basic Python plugins support

This commit is contained in:
Alexei Sorokin 2017-06-09 18:28:28 +03:00
parent 90855d4d89
commit 720d17f6b9
5 changed files with 240 additions and 125 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 cxindex
Copyright (c) 2015 Alexey Kharlamov <>
Copyright (c) 2016 Alexei Sorokin <>
Copyright (c) 2017 Alexei Sorokin <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the ""Software""), to deal in

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
user="$1" # User nickname.
admin="$2" # If one is an admin.
if [ "$admin" != 'true' ]; then
printf "%s\n" "$user: you are not an admin"
printf "%s\n" "$user: you are an admin"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# -*- python -*-
class Plugin:
def command(self, command, body, nick, from_id, is_admin):
if command != "example":
return {"handled": False}
if is_admin:
reply = "%s: you are an admin" % nick
reply = "%s: you are not an admin" % nick
return {"handled": True, "reply": reply}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# -*- python -*-
import asyncio
import os
import re
class Plugin:
_trim_regexp = re.compile("(`|\\$|\\.\\.)")
_quote_regexp = re.compile("(\"|')")
def _trim(cls, s):
result = cls._trim_regexp.sub("", s)
result = cls._quote_regexp.sub("", result).strip()
return result
# letter(ASCII or cyrillic), number, underscore only.
_cmd_validator_regexp = re.compile("^(\\w|\\p{Cyrillic})*$")
def _exec_cmd(self, cmd, body, nick, dir_path, is_admin):
is_admin = "true" if is_admin else "false"
path = os.path.join(dir_path, self._trim(cmd))
if not self._cmd_validator_regexp.match(cmd) or \
not os.access(path, os.F_OK | os.X_OK) or not os.path.isfile(path):
return {"handled": False}
if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
return {"handled": True,
"error": "\"%s\" is not readable" % path}
cmd = [path, self._trim(nick), is_admin, self._trim(body)]
pipe = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
proc = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd,
cmd_reply, cmd_error = yield from proc.communicate()
except OSError as e:
return {"handled": True,
"error": "Execute: %s" % str(e)}
result = {}
if cmd_error and len(cmd_error.strip()) > 0:
result["error"] = "Process: %s" % cmd_error.strip()
if cmd_reply and len(cmd_reply.strip()) > 0:
result["reply"] = cmd_reply.decode().strip()
if result:
result["handled"] = True
return result
def command(self, command, body, nick, from_id, is_admin):
result = yield from self._exec_cmd(command, body, nick,
"plugins", is_admin)
return result
def question(self, body, nick, from_id, is_admin):
result = yield from self._exec_cmd("answer", body, nick,
"chat", is_admin)
return result

View File

@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
import functools
import importlib.util
import logging
import os
import re
import signal
import sys
import time
import types
import slixmpp
opts = {
@ -19,7 +21,69 @@ opts = {
class HptoadPlugin:
name = None
def __init__(self, name):
spec = importlib.util.find_spec("plugins.%s" % name)
module = types.ModuleType(
spec.loader.exec_module(module) = "plugins.%s" % name
self._obj = module.Plugin()
# Calls a function in the plugin, returns a dict with three variables.
# If the called function returned something else, all extras will be
# discarded.
# "handled" must be set to True if the plugin did something with the given
# information, and if the call did nothing, then False.
# "reply" is a string with the answer and "error" is a string with an error
# information or an empty string.
def _call(self, cb_name, *args, **kwargs):
ret = {}
if hasattr(self._obj, cb_name):
func = getattr(self._obj, cb_name)
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
ret = yield from func(*args, **kwargs)
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
if not ret or type(ret) != dict:
ret = {}
except Exception as e:
ret = {"error": "%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, str(e))}
return {"handled": bool(ret.get("handled", False)),
"reply": str(ret.get("reply", "")),
"error": str(ret.get("error", ""))}
def call_initiate(self):
result = yield from self._call("initiate")
return result
def call_question(self, body, nick, from_id, is_admin):
result = yield from self._call("question", body, nick,
from_id, is_admin)
return result
def call_command(self, command, body, nick, from_id, is_admin):
result = yield from self._call("command", command, body, nick,
from_id, is_admin)
return result
def call_chat_message(self, body, nick, from_id, is_admin):
result = yield from self._call("chat_message", body, nick,
from_id, is_admin)
return result
class Hptoad:
plugins = {}
def __init__(self, opts):
self.client = slixmpp.ClientXMPP("%s/%s" % (opts["jid"],
@ -80,84 +144,11 @@ class Hptoad:
affiliation = self.muc_obj.get_jid_property(muc, nick, "affiliation")
return True if affiliation in ("admin", "owner") else False
_trim_regexp = re.compile("(`|\\$|\\.\\.)")
_quote_regexp = re.compile("(\"|')")
def trim(cls, s):
result = cls._trim_regexp.sub("", s)
result = cls._quote_regexp.sub("", result).strip()
return result
# letter(ASCII or cyrillic), number, underscore only.
_cmd_validator_regexp = re.compile("^!(\\w|\\p{Cyrillic})*$")
def prep_extern_cmd(self, body, nick, dir_path, is_admin=False):
cmd = body.split(" ", 1)
cmd[0] = cmd[0].strip()
is_admin = "true" if is_admin else "false"
if not self._cmd_validator_regexp.match(cmd[0]):
return None, "Bad command \"%s\"" % cmd[0]
path = os.path.join(dir_path, self.trim(cmd[0][1:]))
if not os.access(path, os.F_OK):
return None, "\"%s\" does not exist" % path
if not os.path.isfile(path):
return None, "\"%s\" is not a file" % path
if not os.access(path, os.R_OK | os.X_OK):
return None, "\"%s\" is not readable or executable" % path
proc_args = [path, self.trim(nick), is_admin]
if len(cmd) > 1:
return proc_args, None
def extern_cmd(self, body, nick, from_id, dir_path, is_admin=False):
reply = ""
err = None
cmd, prep_err = yield from self.prep_extern_cmd(body, nick, dir_path,
if prep_err:
reply = "%s: WAT" % nick
err = "Command: %s" % prep_err
return reply, err
pipe = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
proc = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd,
cmd_reply, cmd_err = yield from proc.communicate()
except OSError as e:
reply = "%s: WAT" % nick
err = "Execute: %s" % str(e)
return reply, err
if cmd_err and len(cmd_err.strip()) > 0:
err = "Process: %s" % cmd_err.strip()
if cmd_reply and len(cmd_reply.strip()) > 0:
reply = cmd_reply.decode().strip()
return reply, err
def handle_cmd(self, body, nick, from_id, is_admin=False):
reply = ""
err = None
if body == "!megakick": # Incomplete megakick.
reply = "%s: WAT" % nick
elif body.startswith("!megakick "): # Megakick.
victim = body.split("!megakick ", 1)[1]
def handle_command(self, command, body, nick, from_id, is_admin):
if command == "megakick": # Megakick.
victim = body
if victim:
is_bot_admin = self.is_muc_admin(self.muc, self.bot_nick)
is_victim_admin = self.is_muc_admin(self.muc, victim)
@ -169,52 +160,79 @@ class Hptoad:
reply = "%s: Can't megakick %s." % (nick, victim)
reply = "%s: GTFO" % nick
reply = "%s: WAT" % nick
elif body.startswith("!"): # Any external command.
reply, err = yield from self.extern_cmd(body, nick,
from_id, "plugins",
self.client.send_message(mto=self.muc, mbody=reply,
else: # Any plugin command.
futures = []
for plugin in self.plugins.values():
future = asyncio.async(plugin.call_command(command, body, nick,
from_id, is_admin))
callback = functools.partial(self.on_plugin_got_result,
nick=nick, from_id=from_id,
return reply, err
if futures:
results = yield from asyncio.gather(*futures)
if not [i["handled"] for i in results if i["handled"]]:
mbody="%s: WAT" % nick,
def handle_self_message(self, body, nick, from_id):
if body.startswith("!"):
msg, err = yield from self.handle_cmd(body, nick, from_id,
msg = body.strip()
split = body.split(" ", 1)
command = split[0].strip()[1:]
message = split[1] if len(split) > 1 else ""
if msg and len(msg) > 0:
self.client.send_message(mto=self.muc, mbody=msg,
yield from self.handle_command(command, message, nick,
from_id, True)
elif body and len(body) > 0:
self.client.send_message(mto=self.muc, mbody=body.strip(),
def handle_muc_message(self, body, nick, from_id):
is_admin = self.is_muc_admin(self.muc, nick)
reply = ""
err = None
futures = []
# Has to be redone with the current bot nick.
call_regexp = re.compile("^%s[:,]" % self.bot_nick)
if body.startswith("!"): # Any external command.
reply, err = yield from self.handle_cmd(body, nick, from_id,
for plugin in self.plugins.values():
future = asyncio.async(plugin.call_chat_message(body, nick,
from_id, is_admin))
if body.startswith("!"): # Any plugin command.
split = body.split(" ", 1)
command = split[0].strip()[1:]
message = split[1] if len(split) > 1 else ""
yield from self.handle_command(command, message, nick, from_id,
elif call_regexp.match(body): # Chat.
cmd_body = call_regexp.sub("!answer", body)
reply, err = yield from self.extern_cmd(cmd_body, nick, from_id,
"chat", is_admin=is_admin)
message = call_regexp.sub("", body).lstrip()
for plugin in self.plugins.values():
future = asyncio.async(plugin.call_question(message, nick,
from_id, is_admin))
callback = functools.partial(self.on_plugin_got_result,
nick=nick, from_id=from_id,
if err:
if is_admin:
self.client.send_message(mto=from_id, mbody=err, mtype="chat")
if reply:
self.client.send_message(mto=self.muc, mbody=reply,
if futures:
yield from asyncio.gather(*futures)
def on_failed_all_auth(self, event):
self.logger.critical("Auth: Could not connect to the server, or " +
@ -278,7 +296,41 @@ class Hptoad:
except Exception as e:
def on_plugin_got_result(self, future, nick="", from_id="", is_admin=False):
result = future.result()
if not result or not result["handled"]:
if result["reply"]:
self.client.send_message(mto=self.muc, mbody=result["reply"],
if result["error"]:
if is_admin and from_id:
self.client.send_message(mto=from_id, mbody=result["error"],
if nick:
self.client.send_message(mto=self.muc, mbody="%s: WAT" % nick,
def import_plugins(self):
plugins = {}
_, _, filenames = next(os.walk("./plugins"), (None, None, []))
for filename in (i for i in filenames if i.endswith(".py")):
plugin = HptoadPlugin(filename[:-3])
plugins[filename[:-3]] = plugin
future = asyncio.async(plugin.call_initiate())
except Exception as e:
return plugins
def run(self):
self.plugins = self.import_plugins()