424 lines
13 KiB
424 lines
13 KiB
use strict;
package LJ::Captcha;
use GD;
use File::Temp;
use Cwd ();
use Digest::MD5 ();
use LJ::Blob qw{};
require "$ENV{LJHOME}/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl";
# stolen from Authen::Captcha. code was small enough that duplicating
# was easier than requiring that module, and removing all its automatic
# database tracking stuff and replacing it with ours. maybe we'll move
# to using it in the future, but for now this works. (both their code
# and ours is GPL)
sub generate_visual
my ($code) = @_;
my $im_width = 25;
my $im_height = 35;
my $length = length($code);
my $img = "$LJ::HOME/htdocs/img/captcha";
# create a new image and color
my $im = new GD::Image(($im_width * $length),$im_height);
my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
# copy the character images into the code graphic
for(my $i=0; $i < $length; $i++)
my $letter = substr($code,$i,1);
my $letter_png = "$img/$letter.png";
my $source = new GD::Image($letter_png);
my $a = int(rand (int(($im_width)/14)))+0;
my $b = int(rand (int(($im_height)/12)))+0;
my $c = int(rand (int(($im_width)/3)))-(int(($im_width)/5));
my $d = int(rand (int(($im_height)/3)))-(int(($im_height)/5));
# distort the code graphic
for(my $i=0; $i<($length*$im_width*$im_height/14+150); $i++)
my $a = int(rand($length*$im_width));
my $b = int(rand($im_height));
my $c = int(rand($length*$im_width));
my $d = int(rand($im_height));
my $index = $im->getPixel($a,$b);
if ($i < (($length*($im_width)*($im_height)/14+200)/100))
} elsif ($i < (($length*($im_width)*($im_height)/14+200)/2)) {
} else {
# generate a background
my $a = int(rand 5)+1;
my $background_img = "$img/background$a.png";
my $source = new GD::Image($background_img);
my ($background_width, $background_height) = $source->getBounds();
my $b = int(rand (int($background_width/13)))+0;
my $c = int(rand (int($background_height/7)))+0;
my $d = int(rand (int($background_width/13)))+0;
my $e = int(rand (int($background_height/7)))+0;
my $source2 = new GD::Image(($length*($im_width)),$im_height);
# merge the background onto the image
# add a border
$im->rectangle(0, 0, $length*$im_width-1, $im_height-1, $black);
return $im->png;
### get_visual_id() -> ( $capid, $anum )
sub get_visual_id { get_id('image') }
sub get_audio_id { get_id('audio') }
### get_id( $type ) -> ( $capid, $anum )
sub get_id
my ( $type ) = @_;
my (
$dbh, # Database handle (writer)
$sql, # SQL statement
$row, # Row arrayref
$capid, # Captcha id
$anum, # Unseries-ifier number
$issuedate, # unixtime of issue
# Fetch database handle and lock the captcha table
$dbh = LJ::get_db_writer()
or return LJ::error( "Couldn't fetch a db writer." );
$dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK('get_captcha', 10)")
or return LJ::error( "Failed lock on getting a captcha." );
# Fetch the first unassigned row
$sql = q{
SELECT capid, anum
FROM captchas
issuetime = 0
AND type = ?
$row = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( $sql, undef, $type )
or $dbh->do("DO RELEASE_LOCK('get_captcha')") && die "No $type captchas available";
die "selectrow_arrayref: $sql: ", $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err;
( $capid, $anum ) = @$row;
# Mark the captcha as issued
$issuedate = time();
$sql = qq{
UPDATE captchas
SET issuetime = $issuedate
WHERE capid = $capid
$dbh->do( $sql ) or die "do: $sql: ", $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->do("DO RELEASE_LOCK('get_captcha')");
return ( $capid, $anum );
### get_visual_data( $capid, $anum, $want_paths )
# if want_paths is true, this function may return an arrayref containing
# one or more paths (disk or HTTP) to the resource
sub get_visual_data
my ( $capid, $anum, $want_paths ) = @_;
$capid = int($capid);
my (
$dbr, # Database handle (reader)
$sql, # SQL statement
$valid, # Are the capid/anum valid?
$data, # The PNG data
$u, # System user
$location, # Location of the file (mogile/blob)
$dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
$sql = q{
SELECT capid, location
FROM captchas
capid = ?
AND anum = ?
( $valid, $location ) = $dbr->selectrow_array( $sql, undef, $capid, $anum );
return undef unless $valid;
if ($location eq 'mogile') {
die "MogileFS object not loaded.\n" unless LJ::mogclient();
if ($want_paths) {
# return path(s) to the content if they want
my @paths = LJ::mogclient()->get_paths("captcha:$capid");
return \@paths;
} else {
$data = ${LJ::mogclient()->get_file_data("captcha:$capid")};
} else {
$u = LJ::load_user( "system" )
or die "Couldn't load the system user.";
$data = LJ::Blob::get( $u, 'captcha_image', 'png', $capid )
or die "Failed to fetch captcha_image $capid from media server";
return $data;
### get_audio_data( $capid, $anum, $want_paths )
# if want_paths is true, this function may return an arrayref containing
# one or more paths (disk or HTTP) to the resource
sub get_audio_data
my ( $capid, $anum, $want_paths ) = @_;
$capid = int($capid);
my (
$dbr, # Database handle (reader)
$sql, # SQL statement
$valid, # Are the capid/anum valid?
$data, # The PNG data
$u, # System user
$location, # Location of the file (mogile/blob)
$dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
$sql = q{
SELECT capid, location
FROM captchas
capid = ?
AND anum = ?
( $valid, $location ) = $dbr->selectrow_array( $sql, undef, $capid, $anum );
return undef unless $valid;
if ($location eq 'mogile') {
die "MogileFS object not loaded.\n" unless LJ::mogclient();
if ($want_paths) {
# return path(s) to the content if they want
my @paths = LJ::mogclient()->get_paths("captcha:$capid");
return \@paths;
} else {
$data = ${LJ::mogclient()->get_file_data("captcha:$capid")};
} else {
$u = LJ::load_user( "system" )
or die "Couldn't load the system user.";
$data = LJ::Blob::get( $u, 'captcha_audio', 'wav', $capid )
or die "Failed to fetch captcha_audio $capid from media server";
return $data;
# ($dir) -> ("$dir/speech.wav", $code)
# Callers must:
# -- create unique temporary directory, shared by no other process
# calling this function
# -- after return, do something with speech.wav (save on disk server/
# db/etc), remove speech.wav, then rmdir $dir
# Requires festival and sox.
sub generate_audio
my ($dir) = @_;
my $old_dir = Cwd::getcwd();
chdir($dir) or return 0;
my $bin_festival = $LJ::BIN_FESTIVAL || "festival";
my $bin_sox = $LJ::BIN_SOX || "sox";
# make up 7 random numbers, without any numbers in a row
my @numbers;
my $lastnum;
for (1..7) {
my $num;
do {
$num = int(rand(9)+1);
} while ($num == $lastnum);
$lastnum = $num;
push @numbers, $num;
my $numbers_speak = join("... ", @numbers);
my $numbers_clean = join('', @numbers);
# generate the clean speech
open FEST, '|-', $bin_festival or die "Couldn't invoke festival";
print FEST "(Parameter.set 'Audio_Method 'Audio_Command)\n";
print FEST "(Parameter.set 'Audio_Required_Format 'wav)\n";
print FEST "(Parameter.set 'Audio_Required_Rate 44100)\n";
print FEST "(Parameter.set 'Audio_Command \"mv \$FILE speech.wav\")\n";
print FEST "(SayText \"$numbers_speak\")\n";
close FEST or die "Error closing festival";
my $sox = sub {
my ($effect, $filename, $inopts, $outopts) = @_;
$effect = [] unless $effect;
$filename = "speech.wav" unless $filename;
$inopts = [] unless $inopts;
$outopts = [] unless $outopts;
command($bin_sox, @$inopts, $filename, @$outopts, "tmp.wav", @$effect);
rename('tmp.wav', $filename)
or die;
# distort the speech
$sox->([qw(reverb 0.5 200 100 60 echo 1 0.7 100 0.03 400 0.15)]);
command($bin_sox, qw(speech.wav noise.wav synth brownnoise 0 vibro 3 0.8 vol 0.1));
$sox->([qw(fade 0.5)], 'noise.wav');
$sox->([qw(reverse)], 'noise.wav');
$sox->([qw(fade 0.5)], 'noise.wav');
command("${bin_sox}mix", qw(-v 4 speech.wav noise.wav -r 16000 tmp.wav));
rename('tmp.wav', 'speech.wav') or die;
unlink('oldspeech.wav', 'noise.wav');
chdir($old_dir) or return 0;
return ("$dir/speech.wav", $numbers_clean);
sub command {
system(@_) >> 8 == 0 or die "audio command failed, died";
### check_code( $capid, $anum, $code, $u ) -> <true value if code is correct>
sub check_code {
my ( $capid, $anum, $code, $u ) = @_;
my (
$dbr, # Database handle (reader)
$sql, # SQL query
$answer, # Challenge answer
$userid, # userid of previous answerer (or 0 if none)
$sql = q{
SELECT answer, userid
FROM captchas
capid = ?
AND anum = ?
# Fetch the challenge's answer based on id and anum.
$dbr = LJ::get_db_writer();
( $answer, $userid ) = $dbr->selectrow_array( $sql, undef, $capid, $anum );
# if it's already been answered, it must have been answered by the $u
# given to this function (double-click protection)
return 0 if $userid && ( ! $u || $u->{userid} != $userid );
# otherwise, just check answer.
return lc $answer eq lc $code;
# Verify captcha answer if using a captcha session.
# (captcha challenge, code, $u)
# Returns capid and anum if answer correct. (for expire)
sub session_check_code {
my ($sess, $code, $u) = @_;
return 0 unless $sess && $code;
$sess = LJ::get_challenge_attributes($sess);
$u = LJ::load_user('system') unless $u;
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my ($lcapid, $try) = # clustered
$dbcm->selectrow_array('SELECT lastcapid, trynum ' .
'FROM captcha_session ' .
'WHERE sess=?', undef, $sess);
my ($capid, $anum) = # global
$dbr->selectrow_array('SELECT capid,anum ' .
'FROM captchas '.
'WHERE capid=?', undef, $lcapid);
if (! LJ::Captcha::check_code($capid, $anum, $code, $u)) {
# update try and lastcapid
$u->do('UPDATE captcha_session SET lastcapid=NULL, ' .
'trynum=trynum+1 WHERE sess=?', undef, $sess);
return 0;
return ($capid, $anum);
### expire( $capid ) -> <true value if code was expired successfully>
sub expire {
my ( $capid, $anum, $userid ) = @_;
my (
$dbh, # Database handle (writer)
$sql, # SQL update query
$sql = q{
UPDATE captchas
SET userid = ?
WHERE capid = ? AND anum = ? AND userid = 0
# Fetch the challenge's answer based on id and anum.
$dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
$dbh->do( $sql, undef, $userid, $capid, $anum ) or return undef;
return 1;
# Update/create captcha sessions, return new capid/anum pairs on success.
# challenge, type, optional journalu->{clusterid} for clustering.
# Type is either 'image' or 'audio'
sub session
my ($chal, $type, $cid) = @_;
return unless $chal && $type;
my $chalinfo = {};
LJ::challenge_check($chal, $chalinfo);
return unless $chalinfo->{valid};
my $sess = LJ::get_challenge_attributes($chal);
my ($capid, $anum) = ($type eq 'image') ?
LJ::Captcha::get_visual_id() :
$cid = LJ::load_user('system')->{clusterid} unless $cid;
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($cid);
# Retain try count
my $try = $dbcm->selectrow_array('SELECT trynum FROM captcha_session ' .
'WHERE sess=?', undef, $sess);
$try ||= 0;
# Add/update session
$dbcm->do('REPLACE INTO captcha_session SET sess=?, sesstime=?, '.
'lastcapid=?, trynum=?', undef, $sess, time(), $capid, $try);
return ($capid, $anum);