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523 lines
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package LJ;
use strict;
# name: LJ::get_sent_invites
# des: Get a list of sent invitations from the past 30 days.
# args: cuserid
# des-cuserid: a userid or u object of the community to get sent invitations for
# returns: hashref of arrayrefs with keys userid, maintid, recvtime, status, args (itself
# a hashref if what abilities the user would be given)
sub get_sent_invites {
my $cu = shift;
$cu = LJ::want_user($cu);
return undef unless $cu;
# now hit the database for their recent invites
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($cu);
return LJ::error('db') unless $dbcr;
my $data = $dbcr->selectall_arrayref('SELECT userid, maintid, recvtime, status, args FROM invitesent ' .
undef, $cu->{userid});
# now break data down into usable format for caller
my @res;
foreach my $row (@{$data || []}) {
my $temp = {};
LJ::decode_url_string($row->[4], $temp);
push @res, {
userid => $row->[0]+0,
maintid => $row->[1]+0,
recvtime => $row->[2],
status => $row->[3],
args => $temp,
# all done
return \@res;
# name: LJ::send_comm_invite
# des: Sends an invitation to a user to join a community with the passed abilities.
# args: uuserid, cuserid, muserid, attrs
# des-uuserid: a userid or u object of the user to invite
# des-cuserid: a userid or u object of the community to invite the user to
# des-muserid: a userid or u object of the maintainer doing the inviting
# des-attrs: a hashref of abilities this user should have (e.g. member, post, unmoderated, ...)
# returns: 1 for success, undef if failure
sub send_comm_invite {
my ($u, $cu, $mu, $attrs) = @_;
$u = LJ::want_user($u);
$cu = LJ::want_user($cu);
$mu = LJ::want_user($mu);
return undef unless $u && $cu && $mu;
# step 1: if the user has banned the community, don't accept the invite
return LJ::error('comm_user_has_banned') if LJ::is_banned($cu, $u);
# step 2: outstanding invite?
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
return LJ::error('db') unless $dbcr;
my $argstr = $dbcr->selectrow_array('SELECT args FROM inviterecv WHERE userid = ? AND commid = ? ' .
undef, $u->{userid}, $cu->{userid});
# step 3: exceeded outstanding invitation limit? only if no outstanding invite
unless ($argstr) {
my $cdbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($cu);
return LJ::error('db') unless $cdbcr;
my $count = $cdbcr->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM invitesent WHERE commid = ? AND userid <> ? AND status = 'outstanding'",
undef, $cu->{userid}, $u->{userid});
my $fr = LJ::get_friends($cu) || {};
my $max = int(scalar(keys %$fr) / 10); # can invite up to 1/10th of the community
$max = 50 if $max < 50; # or 50, whichever is greater
return LJ::error('comm_invite_limit') if $count > $max;
# step 4: setup arg string as url-encoded string
my $newargstr = join('=1&', map { LJ::eurl($_) } @$attrs) . '=1';
# step 5: delete old stuff (lazy cleaning of invite tables)
return LJ::error('db') unless $u->writer;
$u->do('DELETE FROM inviterecv WHERE userid = ? AND ' .
undef, $u->{userid});
return LJ::error('db') unless $cu->writer;
$cu->do('DELETE FROM invitesent WHERE commid = ? AND ' .
undef, $cu->{userid});
# step 6: branch here to update or insert
if ($argstr) {
# merely an update, so just do it quietly
$u->do("UPDATE inviterecv SET args = ? WHERE userid = ? AND commid = ?",
undef, $newargstr, $u->{userid}, $cu->{userid});
$cu->do("UPDATE invitesent SET args = ?, status = 'outstanding' WHERE userid = ? AND commid = ?",
undef, $newargstr, $cu->{userid}, $u->{userid});
} else {
# insert new data, as this is a new invite
$u->do("INSERT INTO inviterecv VALUES (?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?)",
undef, $u->{userid}, $cu->{userid}, $mu->{userid}, $newargstr);
$cu->do("REPLACE INTO invitesent VALUES (?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'outstanding', ?)",
undef, $cu->{userid}, $u->{userid}, $mu->{userid}, $newargstr);
# step 7: error check database work
return LJ::error('db') if $u->err || $cu->err;
# success
return 1;
# name: LJ::accept_comm_invite
# des: Accepts an invitation a user has received. This does all the work to make the
# user join the community as well as sets up privileges.
# args: uuserid, cuserid
# des-uuserid: a userid or u object of the user to get pending invites for
# des-cuserid: a userid or u object of the community to reject the invitation from
# returns: 1 for success, undef if failure
sub accept_comm_invite {
my ($u, $cu) = @_;
$u = LJ::want_user($u);
$cu = LJ::want_user($cu);
return undef unless $u && $cu;
# get their invite to make sure they have one
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
return LJ::error('db') unless $dbcr;
my $argstr = $dbcr->selectrow_array('SELECT args FROM inviterecv WHERE userid = ? AND commid = ? ' .
undef, $u->{userid}, $cu->{userid});
return undef unless $argstr;
# decode to find out what they get
my $args = {};
LJ::decode_url_string($argstr, $args);
# valid invite. let's accept it as far as the community listing us goes.
# 0, 0 means don't add comm to user's friends list, and don't auto-add P edge.
LJ::join_community($u, $cu, 0, 0) if $args->{member};
# now grant necessary abilities
my %edgelist = (
post => 'P',
preapprove => 'N',
moderate => 'M',
admin => 'A',
foreach (keys %edgelist) {
LJ::set_rel($cu->{userid}, $u->{userid}, $edgelist{$_}) if $args->{$_};
# now we can delete the invite and update the status on the other side
return LJ::error('db') unless $u->writer;
$u->do("DELETE FROM inviterecv WHERE userid = ? AND commid = ?",
undef, $u->{userid}, $cu->{userid});
return LJ::error('db') unless $cu->writer;
$cu->do("UPDATE invitesent SET status = 'accepted' WHERE commid = ? AND userid = ?",
undef, $cu->{userid}, $u->{userid});
# done
return 1;
# name: LJ::reject_comm_invite
# des: Rejects an invitation a user has received.
# args: uuserid, cuserid
# des-uuserid: a userid or u object of the user to get pending invites for
# des-cuserid: a userid or u object of the community to reject the invitation from
# returns: 1 for success, undef if failure
sub reject_comm_invite {
my ($u, $cu) = @_;
$u = LJ::want_user($u);
$cu = LJ::want_user($cu);
return undef unless $u && $cu;
# get their invite to make sure they have one
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
return LJ::error('db') unless $dbcr;
my $test = $dbcr->selectrow_array('SELECT userid FROM inviterecv WHERE userid = ? AND commid = ? ' .
undef, $u->{userid}, $cu->{userid});
return undef unless $test;
# now just reject it
return LJ::error('db') unless $u->writer;
$u->do("DELETE FROM inviterecv WHERE userid = ? AND commid = ?",
undef, $u->{userid}, $cu->{userid});
return LJ::error('db') unless $cu->writer;
$cu->do("UPDATE invitesent SET status = 'rejected' WHERE commid = ? AND userid = ?",
undef, $cu->{userid}, $u->{userid});
# done
return 1;
# name: LJ::get_pending_invites
# des: Gets a list of pending invitations for a user to join a community.
# args: uuserid
# des-uuserid: a userid or u object of the user to get pending invites for
# returns: [ [ commid, maintainerid, time, args(url encoded) ], [ ... ], ... ] or
# undef if failure
sub get_pending_invites {
my $u = shift;
$u = LJ::want_user($u);
return undef unless $u;
# hit up database for invites and return them
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
return LJ::error('db') unless $dbcr;
my $pending = $dbcr->selectall_arrayref('SELECT commid, maintid, recvtime, args FROM inviterecv WHERE userid = ? ' .
undef, $u->{userid});
return undef if $dbcr->err;
return $pending;
# name: LJ::leave_community
# des: Makes a user leave a community. Takes care of all reluser and friend stuff.
# args: uuserid, ucommid, defriend
# des-uuserid: a userid or u object of the user doing the leaving
# des-ucommid: a userid or u object of the community being left
# des-defriend: remove comm from user's friends list
# returns: 1 if success, undef if error of some sort (ucommid not a comm, uuserid not in
# comm, db error, etc)
sub leave_community {
my ($uuid, $ucid, $defriend) = @_;
my $u = LJ::want_user($uuid);
my $cu = LJ::want_user($ucid);
$defriend = $defriend ? 1 : 0;
return LJ::error('comm_not_found') unless $u && $cu;
# defriend comm -> user
return LJ::error('comm_not_comm') unless $cu->{journaltype} =~ /[CS]/;
my $ret = LJ::remove_friend($cu->{userid}, $u->{userid});
return LJ::error('comm_not_member') unless $ret; # $ret = number of rows deleted, should be 1 if the user was in the comm
# clear edges that effect this relationship
foreach my $edge (qw(P N A M)) {
LJ::clear_rel($cu->{userid}, $u->{userid}, $edge);
# defriend user -> comm?
return 1 unless $defriend;
LJ::remove_friend($u, $cu);
# don't care if we failed the removal of comm from user's friends list...
return 1;
# name: LJ::join_community
# des: Makes a user join a community. Takes care of all reluser and friend stuff.
# args: uuserid, ucommid, friend?, noauto?
# des-uuserid: a userid or u object of the user doing the joining
# des-ucommid: a userid or u object of the community being joined
# des-friend: 1 to add this comm to user's friends list, else not
# des-noauto: if defined, 1 adds P edge, 0 does not; else, base on community postlevel
# returns: 1 if success, undef if error of some sort (ucommid not a comm, uuserid already in
# comm, db error, etc)
sub join_community {
my ($uuid, $ucid, $friend, $canpost) = @_;
my $u = LJ::want_user($uuid);
my $cu = LJ::want_user($ucid);
$friend = $friend ? 1 : 0;
return LJ::error('comm_not_found') unless $u && $cu;
return LJ::error('comm_not_comm') unless $cu->{journaltype} eq 'C';
# friend comm -> user
LJ::add_friend($cu->{userid}, $u->{userid});
# add edges that effect this relationship... if the user sent a fourth
# argument, use that as a bool. else, load commrow and use the postlevel.
my $addpostacc = 0;
if (defined $canpost) {
$addpostacc = $canpost ? 1 : 0;
} else {
my $crow = LJ::get_community_row($cu);
$addpostacc = $crow->{postlevel} eq 'members' ? 1 : 0;
LJ::set_rel($cu->{userid}, $u->{userid}, 'P') if $addpostacc;
# friend user -> comm?
return 1 unless $friend;
LJ::add_friend($u->{userid}, $cu->{userid}, { defaultview => 1 });
# done
return 1;
# name: LJ::get_community_row
# des: Gets data relevant to a community such as their membership level and posting access.
# args: ucommid
# des-ucommid: a userid or u object of the community
# returns: a hashref with user, userid, name, membership, and postlevel data from the
# user and community tables; undef if error
sub get_community_row {
my $ucid = shift;
my $cu = LJ::want_user($ucid);
return unless $cu;
# hit up database
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my ($membership, $postlevel) =
$dbr->selectrow_array('SELECT membership, postlevel FROM community WHERE userid=?',
undef, $cu->{userid});
return if $dbr->err;
return unless $membership && $postlevel;
# return result hashref
my $row = {
user => $cu->{user},
userid => $cu->{userid},
name => $cu->{name},
membership => $membership,
postlevel => $postlevel,
return $row;
# name: LJ::get_pending_members
# des: Gets a list of userids for people that have requested to be added to a community
# but haven't yet actually been approved or rejected.
# args: comm
# des-comm: a userid or u object of the community to get pending members of
# returns: an arrayref of userids of people with pending membership requests
sub get_pending_members {
my $comm = shift;
my $cu = LJ::want_user($comm);
# database request
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $args = $dbr->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT arg1 FROM authactions WHERE userid = ? ' .
"AND action = 'comm_join_request' AND used = 'N'",
undef, $cu->{userid}) || [];
# parse out the args
my @list;
foreach (@$args) {
push @list, $1+0 if $_ =~ /^targetid=(\d+)$/;
return \@list;
# name: LJ::approve_pending_member
# des: Approves someone's request to join a community. This updates the authactions table
# as appropriate as well as does the regular join logic. This also generates an email to
# be sent to the user notifying them of the acceptance.
# args: commid, userid
# des-commid: userid of the community
# des-userid: userid of the user doing the join
# returns: 1 on success, 0/undef on error
sub approve_pending_member {
my ($commid, $userid) = @_;
my $cu = LJ::want_user($commid);
my $u = LJ::want_user($userid);
return unless $cu && $u;
# step 1, update authactions table
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $count = $dbh->do("UPDATE authactions SET used = 'Y' WHERE userid = ? AND arg1 = ?",
undef, $cu->{userid}, "targetid=$u->{userid}");
return unless $count;
# step 2, make user join the community
return unless LJ::join_community($u->{userid}, $cu->{userid});
# step 3, email the user
my $email = "Dear $u->{name},\n\n" .
"Your request to join the \"$cu->{user}\" community has been approved. If you " .
"wish to add this community to your friends page reading list, click the link below.\n\n" .
"\t$LJ::SITEROOT/friends/add.bml?user=$cu->{user}\n\n" .
"Regards,\n$LJ::SITENAME Team";
to => $u->{email},
fromname => $LJ::SITENAME,
charset => 'utf-8',
subject => "Your Request to Join $cu->{user}",
body => $email,
return 1;
# name: LJ::reject_pending_member
# des: Rejects someone's request to join a community. Updates authactions and generates
# an email to the user.
# args: commid, userid
# des-commid: userid of the community
# des-userid: userid of the user doing the join
# returns: 1 on success, 0/undef on error
sub reject_pending_member {
my ($commid, $userid) = @_;
my $cu = LJ::want_user($commid);
my $u = LJ::want_user($userid);
return unless $cu && $u;
# step 1, update authactions table
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $count = $dbh->do("UPDATE authactions SET used = 'Y' WHERE userid = ? AND arg1 = ?",
undef, $cu->{userid}, "targetid=$u->{userid}");
return unless $count;
# step 2, email the user
my $email = "Dear $u->{name},\n\n" .
"Your request to join the \"$cu->{user}\" community has been declined. You " .
"may wish to contact the maintainer(s) of this community if you are still " .
"interested in joining.\n\n" .
"Regards,\n$LJ::SITENAME Team";
to => $u->{email},
fromname => $LJ::SITENAME,
charset => 'utf-8',
subject => "Your Request to Join $cu->{user}",
body => $email,
return 1;
# name: LJ::comm_join_request
# des: Registers an authaction to add a user to a
# community and sends an approval email to the maintainers
# returns: Hashref; output of LJ::register_authaction()
# includes datecreate of old row if no new row was created
# args: comm, u
# des-comm: Community user object
# des-u: User object to add to community
sub comm_join_request {
my ($comm, $u) = @_;
return undef unless ref $comm && ref $u;
my $arg = "targetid=$u->{userid}";
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
# check for duplicates within the same hour (to prevent spamming)
my $oldaa = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT aaid, authcode, datecreate FROM authactions " .
"WHERE userid=? AND arg1=? " .
"AND action='comm_join_request' AND used='N' " .
"AND NOW() < datecreate + INTERVAL 1 HOUR " .
undef, $comm->{'userid'}, $arg);
return $oldaa if $oldaa;
# insert authactions row
my $aa = LJ::register_authaction($comm->{'userid'}, 'comm_join_request', $arg);
return undef unless $aa;
# if there are older duplicates, invalidate any existing unused authactions of this type
$dbh->do("UPDATE authactions SET used='Y' WHERE userid=? AND aaid<>? AND arg1=? " .
"AND action='comm_invite' AND used='N'",
undef, $comm->{'userid'}, $aa->{'aaid'}, $arg);
# get maintainers of community
my $adminids = LJ::load_rel_user($comm->{userid}, 'A') || [];
my $admins = LJ::load_userids(@$adminids);
# now prepare the emails
my %dests;
my $cuser = $comm->{user};
foreach my $au (values %$admins) {
next if $dests{$au->{email}}++;
LJ::load_user_props($au, 'opt_communityjoinemail');
next if $au->{opt_communityjoinemail} =~ /[DN]/; # Daily, None
my $body = "Dear $au->{name},\n\n" .
"The user \"$u->{user}\" has requested to join the \"$cuser\" community. If you wish " .
"to add this user to your community, please click this link:\n\n" .
"\t$LJ::SITEROOT/approve/$aa->{aaid}.$aa->{authcode}\n\n" .
"Alternately, to approve or reject all outstanding membership requests at the same time, " .
"visit the community member management page:\n\n" .
"\t$LJ::SITEROOT/community/pending.bml?comm=$cuser\n\n" .
"You may also ignore this e-mail. The request to join will expire after a period of 30 days.\n\n" .
"If you wish to no longer receive these e-mails, visit the community management page and " .
"set the relevant options:\n\n\t$LJ::SITEROOT/community/manage.bml\n\n" .
"Regards,\n$LJ::SITENAME Team\n";
to => $au->{email},
fromname => $LJ::SITENAME,
charset => 'utf-8',
subject => "$cuser Membership Request by $u->{user}",
body => $body,
wrap => 76,
return $aa;