3288 lines
111 KiB
3288 lines
111 KiB
use strict;
use Unicode::MapUTF8 ();
# declare some charset aliases
# we need this at least for cases when the only name supported
# by MapUTF8.pm isn't recognized by browsers
# note: newer versions of MapUTF8 know these
my %alias = ( 'windows-1251' => 'cp1251',
'windows-1252' => 'cp1252',
'windows-1253' => 'cp1253', );
foreach (keys %alias) {
next if Unicode::MapUTF8::utf8_supported_charset($_);
Unicode::MapUTF8::utf8_charset_alias($_, $alias{$_});
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljpoll.pl";
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljconfig.pl";
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/console.pl";
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/taglib.pl";
# have to do this else mailgate will croak with email posting, but only want
# to do it if the site has enabled the hack
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/talklib.pl" if $LJ::NEW_ENTRY_CLEANUP_HACK;
#### New interface (meta handler) ... other handlers should call into this.
package LJ::Protocol;
# global declaration of this text since we use it in two places
our $CannotBeShown = '(cannot be shown)';
sub translate
my ($u, $msg, $vars) = @_;
LJ::load_user_props($u, "browselang") unless $u->{'browselang'};
return LJ::Lang::get_text($u->{'browselang'}, "protocol.$msg", undef, $vars);
sub error_message
my $code = shift;
my $des;
if ($code =~ /^(\d\d\d):(.+)/) {
($code, $des) = ($1, $2);
my %e = (
# User Errors
"100" => "Invalid username",
"101" => "Invalid password",
"102" => "Can't use custom/private security on shared/community journals.",
"103" => "Poll error",
"104" => "Error adding one or more friends",
"105" => "Challenge expired",
"150" => "Can't post as non-user",
"151" => "Banned from journal",
"152" => "Can't make back-dated entries in non-personal journal.",
"153" => "Incorrect time value",
"154" => "Can't add a redirected account as a friend",
"155" => "Non-authenticated email address",
"156" => sub { # to reload w/o restart
LJ::tosagree_str('protocol' => 'text') ||
LJ::tosagree_str('protocol' => 'title')
# Client Errors
"200" => "Missing required argument(s)",
"201" => "Unknown method",
"202" => "Too many arguments",
"203" => "Invalid argument(s)",
"204" => "Invalid metadata datatype",
"205" => "Unknown metadata",
"206" => "Invalid destination journal username.",
"207" => "Protocol version mismatch",
"208" => "Invalid text encoding",
"209" => "Parameter out of range",
"210" => "Client tried to edit with corrupt data. Preventing.",
"211" => "Invalid or malformed tag list",
# Access Errors
"300" => "Don't have access to requested journal",
"301" => "Access of restricted feature",
"302" => "Can't edit post from requested journal",
"303" => "Can't edit post in community journal",
"304" => "Can't delete post in this community journal",
"305" => "Action forbidden; account is suspended.",
"306" => "This journal is temporarily in read-only mode. Try again in a couple minutes.",
"307" => "Selected journal no longer exists.",
"308" => "Account is locked and cannot be used.",
"309" => "Account is marked as a memorial.",
"310" => "Account needs to be age verified before use.",
"311" => "Access temporarily disabled.",
"312" => "Not allowed to add tags to entries in this journal",
"313" => "Must use existing tags for entries in this journal (can't create new ones)",
# Limit errors
"402" => "Your IP address is temporarily banned for exceeding the login failure rate.",
"404" => "Cannot post",
"405" => "Post frequency limit.",
"406" => "Client is making repeated requests. Perhaps it's broken?",
"407" => "Moderation queue full",
"408" => "Maximum queued posts for this community+poster combination reached.",
"409" => "Post too large.",
"410" => "Your trial account has expired. Posting now disabled.",
# Server Errors
"500" => "Internal server error",
"501" => "Database error",
"502" => "Database temporarily unavailable",
"503" => "Error obtaining necessary database lock",
"504" => "Protocol mode no longer supported.",
"505" => "Account data format on server is old and needs to be upgraded.", # cluster0
"506" => "Journal sync temporarily unavailable.",
my $prefix = "";
my $error = (ref $e{$code} eq 'CODE' ? $e{$code}->() : $e{$code}) || "BUG: Unknown error code!";
if ($code >= 200) { $prefix = "Client error: "; }
if ($code >= 500) { $prefix = "Server error: "; }
my $totalerror = "$prefix$error";
$totalerror .= ": $des" if $des;
return $totalerror;
sub do_request
# get the request and response hash refs
my ($method, $req, $err, $flags) = @_;
# if version isn't specified explicitly, it's version 0
if (ref $req eq "HASH") {
$req->{'ver'} = 0 unless defined $req->{'ver'};
$flags ||= {};
my @args = ($req, $err, $flags);
my $r = eval { Apache->request };
$r->notes("codepath" => "protocol.$method")
if $r && ! $r->notes("codepath");
if ($method eq "login") { return login(@args); }
if ($method eq "getfriendgroups") { return getfriendgroups(@args); }
if ($method eq "getfriends") { return getfriends(@args); }
if ($method eq "friendof") { return friendof(@args); }
if ($method eq "checkfriends") { return checkfriends(@args); }
if ($method eq "getdaycounts") { return getdaycounts(@args); }
if ($method eq "postevent") { return postevent(@args); }
if ($method eq "editevent") { return editevent(@args); }
if ($method eq "syncitems") { return syncitems(@args); }
if ($method eq "getevents") { return getevents(@args); }
if ($method eq "editfriends") { return editfriends(@args); }
if ($method eq "editfriendgroups") { return editfriendgroups(@args); }
if ($method eq "consolecommand") { return consolecommand(@args); }
if ($method eq "getchallenge") { return getchallenge(@args); }
if ($method eq "sessiongenerate") { return sessiongenerate(@args); }
if ($method eq "sessionexpire") { return sessionexpire(@args); }
$r->notes("codepath" => "") if $r;
return fail($err,201);
sub login
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $res = {};
my $ver = $req->{'ver'};
## check for version mismatches
## non-Unicode installations can't handle versions >=1
return fail($err,207, "This installation does not support Unicode clients")
if $ver>=1 and not $LJ::UNICODE;
# do not let locked people log in
return fail($err, 308) if $u->{statusvis} eq 'L';
## return a message to the client to be displayed (optional)
login_message($req, $res, $flags);
LJ::text_out(\$res->{'message'}) if $ver>=1 and defined $res->{'message'};
## report what shared journals this user may post in
$res->{'usejournals'} = list_usejournals($u);
## return their friend groups
$res->{'friendgroups'} = list_friendgroups($u);
return fail($err, 502, "Error loading friend groups") unless $res->{'friendgroups'};
if ($ver >= 1) {
foreach (@{$res->{'friendgroups'}}) {
## if they gave us a number of moods to get higher than, then return them
if (defined $req->{'getmoods'}) {
$res->{'moods'} = list_moods($req->{'getmoods'});
if ($ver >= 1) {
# currently all moods are in English, but this might change
foreach (@{$res->{'moods'}}) { LJ::text_out(\$_->{'name'}) }
### picture keywords, if they asked for them.
if ($req->{'getpickws'}) {
my $pickws = list_pickws($u);
$res->{'pickws'} = [ map { $_->[0] } @$pickws ];
if ($req->{'getpickwurls'}) {
if ($u->{'defaultpicid'}) {
$res->{'defaultpicurl'} = "$LJ::USERPIC_ROOT/$u->{'defaultpicid'}/$u->{'userid'}";
$res->{'pickwurls'} = [ map {
} @$pickws ];
if ($ver >= 1) {
# validate all text
foreach(@{$res->{'pickws'}}) { LJ::text_out(\$_); }
foreach(@{$res->{'pickwurls'}}) { LJ::text_out(\$_); }
## return client menu tree, if requested
if ($req->{'getmenus'}) {
$res->{'menus'} = hash_menus($u);
if ($ver >= 1) {
# validate all text, just in case, even though currently
# it's all English
foreach (@{$res->{'menus'}}) {
LJ::text_out(\$_->{'url'}); # should be redundant
## tell some users they can hit the fast servers later.
$res->{'fastserver'} = 1 if LJ::get_cap($u, "fastserver");
## user info
$res->{'userid'} = $u->{'userid'};
$res->{'fullname'} = $u->{'name'};
LJ::text_out(\$res->{'fullname'}) if $ver >= 1;
if ($req->{'clientversion'} =~ /^\S+\/\S+$/) {
eval {
my $r = Apache->request;
$r->notes("clientver", $req->{'clientversion'});
## update or add to clientusage table
if ($req->{'clientversion'} =~ /^\S+\/\S+$/ &&
! $LJ::DISABLED{'clientversionlog'})
my $client = $req->{'clientversion'};
return fail($err, 208, "Bad clientversion string")
if $ver >= 1 and not LJ::text_in($client);
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $qclient = $dbh->quote($client);
my $cu_sql = "REPLACE INTO clientusage (userid, clientid, lastlogin) " .
"SELECT $u->{'userid'}, clientid, NOW() FROM clients WHERE client=$qclient";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cu_sql);
unless ($sth->rows) {
# only way this can be 0 is if client doesn't exist in clients table, so
# we need to add a new row there, to get a new clientid for this new client:
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO clients (client) VALUES ($qclient)");
# and now we can do the query from before and it should work:
$sth = $dbh->prepare($cu_sql);
return $res;
sub getfriendgroups
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $res = {};
$res->{'friendgroups'} = list_friendgroups($u);
return fail($err, 502, "Error loading friend groups") unless $res->{'friendgroups'};
if ($req->{'ver'} >= 1) {
foreach (@{$res->{'friendgroups'} || []}) {
return $res;
sub getfriends
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
return fail($req,502) unless LJ::get_db_reader();
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $res = {};
if ($req->{'includegroups'}) {
$res->{'friendgroups'} = list_friendgroups($u);
return fail($err, 502, "Error loading friend groups") unless $res->{'friendgroups'};
if ($req->{'ver'} >= 1) {
foreach (@{$res->{'friendgroups'} || []}) {
# TAG:FR:protocol:getfriends_of
if ($req->{'includefriendof'}) {
$res->{'friendofs'} = list_friends($u, {
'limit' => $req->{'friendoflimit'},
'friendof' => 1,
if ($req->{'ver'} >= 1) {
foreach(@{$res->{'friendofs'}}) { LJ::text_out(\$_->{'fullname'}) };
# TAG:FR:protocol:getfriends
$res->{'friends'} = list_friends($u, {
'limit' => $req->{'friendlimit'},
'includebdays' => $req->{'includebdays'},
if ($req->{'ver'} >= 1) {
foreach(@{$res->{'friends'}}) { LJ::text_out(\$_->{'fullname'}) };
return $res;
sub friendof
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
return fail($req,502) unless LJ::get_db_reader();
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $res = {};
# TAG:FR:protocol:getfriends_of2 (same as TAG:FR:protocol:getfriends_of)
$res->{'friendofs'} = list_friends($u, {
'friendof' => 1,
'limit' => $req->{'friendoflimit'},
if ($req->{'ver'} >= 1) {
foreach(@{$res->{'friendofs'}}) { LJ::text_out(\$_->{'fullname'}) };
return $res;
sub checkfriends
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $res = {};
# return immediately if they can't use this mode
unless (LJ::get_cap($u, "checkfriends")) {
$res->{'new'} = 0;
$res->{'interval'} = 36000; # tell client to bugger off
return $res;
## have a valid date?
my $lastupdate = $req->{'lastupdate'};
if ($lastupdate) {
return fail($err,203) unless
($lastupdate =~ /^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d/);
} else {
$lastupdate = "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
my $interval = LJ::get_cap_min($u, "checkfriends_interval");
$res->{'interval'} = $interval;
my $mask;
if ($req->{'mask'} and $req->{'mask'} !~ /\D/) {
$mask = $req->{'mask'};
my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'},"checkfriends:$u->{userid}:$mask"];
my $update = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
unless ($update) {
# TAG:FR:protocol:checkfriends (wants reading list of mask, not "friends")
my $fr = LJ::get_friends($u, $mask);
unless ($fr && %$fr) {
$res->{'new'} = 0;
$res->{'lastupdate'} = $lastupdate;
return $res;
my $tu = LJ::get_timeupdate_multi({ memcache_only => 1 }, keys %$fr);
my $max = 0;
while ($_ = each %$tu) {
$max = $tu->{$_} if $tu->{$_} > $max;
$update = LJ::mysql_time($max) if $max;
} else {
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
unless ($dbr) {
# rather than return a 502 no-db error, just say no updates,
# because problem'll be fixed soon enough by db admins
$res->{'new'} = 0;
$res->{'lastupdate'} = $lastupdate;
return $res;
my $list = join(", ", map { int($_) } keys %$fr);
if ($list) {
my $sql = "SELECT MAX(timeupdate) FROM userusage ".
"WHERE userid IN ($list)";
$update = $dbr->selectrow_array($sql);
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey,$update,time()+$interval) if $update;
$update ||= "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
if ($req->{'lastupdate'} && $update gt $lastupdate) {
$res->{'new'} = 1;
} else {
$res->{'new'} = 0;
$res->{'lastupdate'} = $update;
return $res;
sub getdaycounts
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
return undef unless check_altusage($req, $err, $flags);
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $uowner = $flags->{'u_owner'} || $u;
my $ownerid = $flags->{'ownerid'};
my $res = {};
my $daycts = LJ::get_daycounts($uowner, $u);
return fail($err,502) unless $daycts;
foreach my $day (@$daycts) {
my $date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $day->[0], $day->[1], $day->[2]);
push @{$res->{'daycounts'}}, { 'date' => $date, 'count' => $day->[3] };
return $res;
sub common_event_validation
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
# clean up event whitespace
# remove surrounding whitespace
$req->{event} =~ s/^\s+//;
$req->{event} =~ s/\s+$//;
# convert line endings to unix format
if ($req->{'lineendings'} eq "mac") {
$req->{event} =~ s/\r/\n/g;
} else {
$req->{event} =~ s/\r//g;
# date validation
if ($req->{'year'} !~ /^\d\d\d\d$/ ||
$req->{'year'} < 1970 || # before unix time started = bad
$req->{'year'} > 2037) # after unix time ends = worse! :)
return fail($err,203,"Invalid year value.");
if ($req->{'mon'} !~ /^\d{1,2}$/ ||
$req->{'mon'} < 1 ||
$req->{'mon'} > 12)
return fail($err,203,"Invalid month value.");
if ($req->{'day'} !~ /^\d{1,2}$/ || $req->{'day'} < 1 ||
$req->{'day'} > LJ::days_in_month($req->{'mon'},
return fail($err,203,"Invalid day of month value.");
if ($req->{'hour'} !~ /^\d{1,2}$/ ||
$req->{'hour'} < 0 || $req->{'hour'} > 23)
return fail($err,203,"Invalid hour value.");
if ($req->{'min'} !~ /^\d{1,2}$/ ||
$req->{'min'} < 0 || $req->{'min'} > 59)
return fail($err,203,"Invalid minute value.");
# column width
# we only trim Unicode data
if ($req->{'ver'} >=1 ) {
$req->{'subject'} = LJ::text_trim($req->{'subject'}, LJ::BMAX_SUBJECT, LJ::CMAX_SUBJECT);
$req->{'event'} = LJ::text_trim($req->{'event'}, LJ::BMAX_EVENT, LJ::CMAX_EVENT);
foreach (keys %{$req->{'props'}}) {
# do not trim these properties as they're magical and handled later
next if $_ eq 'taglist';
$req->{'props'}->{$_} = LJ::text_trim($req->{'props'}->{$_}, LJ::BMAX_PROP, LJ::CMAX_PROP);
# setup non-user meta-data. it's important we define this here to
# 0. if it's not defined at all, then an editevent where a user
# removes random 8bit data won't remove the metadata. not that
# that matters much. but having this here won't hurt. false
# meta-data isn't saved anyway. so the only point of this next
# line is making the metadata be deleted on edit.
$req->{'props'}->{'unknown8bit'} = 0;
# we don't want attackers sending something that looks like gzipped data
# in protocol version 0 (unknown8bit allowed), otherwise they might
# inject a 100MB string of single letters in a few bytes.
return fail($err,208,"Cannot send gzipped data")
if substr($req->{'event'},0,2) eq "\037\213";
# non-ASCII?
unless ( LJ::is_ascii($req->{'event'}) &&
LJ::is_ascii($req->{'subject'}) &&
LJ::is_ascii(join(' ', values %{$req->{'props'}}) ))
if ($req->{'ver'} < 1) { # client doesn't support Unicode
# only people should have unknown8bit entries.
my $uowner = $flags->{u_owner} || $flags->{u};
return fail($err,207,'Posting in a community with international or special characters require a Unicode-capable LiveJournal client. Download one at http://www.livejournal.com/download/.')
if $uowner->{journaltype} ne 'P';
# so rest of site can change chars to ? marks until
# default user's encoding is set. (legacy support)
$req->{'props'}->{'unknown8bit'} = 1;
} else {
return fail($err,207, "This installation does not support Unicode clients") unless $LJ::UNICODE;
# validate that the text is valid UTF-8
if (!LJ::text_in($req->{'subject'}) ||
!LJ::text_in($req->{'event'}) ||
grep { !LJ::text_in($_) } values %{$req->{'props'}}) {
return fail($err, 208, "The text entered is not a valid UTF-8 stream");
## handle meta-data (properties)
foreach my $pname (keys %{$req->{'props'}})
my $p = LJ::get_prop("log", $pname);
# does the property even exist?
unless ($p) {
$pname =~ s/[^\w]//g;
return fail($err,205,$pname);
# don't validate its type if it's 0 or undef (deleting)
next unless ($req->{'props'}->{$pname});
my $ptype = $p->{'datatype'};
my $val = $req->{'props'}->{$pname};
if ($ptype eq "bool" && $val !~ /^[01]$/) {
return fail($err,204,"Property \"$pname\" should be 0 or 1");
if ($ptype eq "num" && $val =~ /[^\d]/) {
return fail($err,204,"Property \"$pname\" should be numeric");
# check props for inactive userpic
if (my $pickwd = $req->{'props'}->{'picture_keyword'}) {
my $pic = LJ::get_pic_from_keyword($flags->{'u'}, $pickwd);
# need to make sure they aren't trying to post with an inactive keyword, but also
# we don't want to allow them to post with a keyword that has no pic at all to prevent
# them from deleting the keyword, posting, then adding it back with editpics.bml
delete $req->{'props'}->{'picture_keyword'} if ! $pic || $pic->{'state'} eq 'I';
# validate incoming list of tags
return fail($err, 211)
if $req->{props}->{taglist} &&
! LJ::Tags::is_valid_tagstring($req->{props}->{taglist});
return 1;
sub postevent
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
return undef unless check_altusage($req, $err, $flags);
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $ownerid = $flags->{'ownerid'}+0;
my $uowner = $flags->{'u_owner'} || $u;
# Make sure we have a real user object here
$uowner = LJ::want_user($uowner) unless LJ::isu($uowner);
my $clusterid = $uowner->{'clusterid'};
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($uowner);
return fail($err,306) unless $dbh && $dbcm && $uowner->writer;
return fail($err,200) unless $req->{'event'} =~ /\S/;
### make sure community, shared, or news journals don't post
### note: shared and news journals are deprecated. every shared journal
## should one day be a community journal, of some form.
return fail($err,150) if ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "C" ||
$u->{'journaltype'} eq "S" ||
$u->{'journaltype'} eq "I" ||
$u->{'journaltype'} eq "N");
# underage users can't do this
return fail($err,310) if $u->underage;
# suspended users can't post
return fail($err,305) if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq "S");
# memorials can't post
return fail($err,309) if $u->{statusvis} eq 'M';
# locked accounts can't post
return fail($err,308) if $u->{statusvis} eq 'L';
# check the journal's read-only bit
return fail($err,306) if LJ::get_cap($uowner, "readonly");
# is the user allowed to post?
return fail($err,404,$LJ::MSG_NO_POST) unless LJ::get_cap($u, "can_post");
# is the user allowed to post?
return fail($err,410) if LJ::get_cap($u, "disable_can_post");
# can't post to deleted/suspended community
return fail($err,307) unless $uowner->{'statusvis'} eq "V";
# must have a validated email address to post to a community
return fail($err, 155, "You must have an authenticated email address in order to post to another account")
unless LJ::u_equals($u, $uowner) || $u->{'status'} eq 'A';
# post content too large
# NOTE: requires $req->{event} be binary data, but we've already
# removed the utf-8 flag in the XML-RPC path, and it never gets
# set in the "flat" protocol path.
return fail($err,409) if length($req->{'event'}) >= LJ::BMAX_EVENT;
my $time_was_faked = 0;
my $offset = 0; # assume gmt at first.
if (defined $req->{'tz'}) {
if ($req->{tz} eq 'guess') {
LJ::get_timezone($uowner, \$offset, \$time_was_faked);
} elsif ($req->{'tz'} =~ /^[+\-]\d\d\d\d$/) {
# FIXME we ought to store this timezone and make use of it somehow.
$offset = $req->{'tz'} / 100.0;
} else {
return fail($err, 203, "Invalid tz");
if (defined $req->{'tz'} and not grep { defined $req->{$_} } qw(year mon day hour min)) {
my @ltime = gmtime(time() + ($offset*3600));
$req->{'year'} = $ltime[5]+1900;
$req->{'mon'} = $ltime[4]+1;
$req->{'day'} = $ltime[3];
$req->{'hour'} = $ltime[2];
$req->{'min'} = $ltime[1];
return undef
unless common_event_validation($req, $err, $flags);
# confirm we can add tags, at least
return fail($err, 312)
if $req->{props} && $req->{props}->{taglist} &&
! LJ::Tags::can_add_tags($uowner, $u);
my $event = $req->{'event'};
### allow for posting to journals that aren't yours (if you have permission)
my $posterid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
# make the proper date format
my $eventtime = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d",
$req->{'year'}, $req->{'mon'},
$req->{'day'}, $req->{'hour'},
my $qeventtime = $dbh->quote($eventtime);
# load userprops all at once
my @poster_props = qw(newesteventtime dupsig_post);
my @owner_props = qw(newpost_minsecurity moderated);
push @owner_props, 'opt_weblogscom' unless $req->{'props'}->{'opt_backdated'};
LJ::load_user_props($u, @poster_props, @owner_props);
if ($uowner->{'userid'} == $u->{'userid'}) {
$uowner->{$_} = $u->{$_} foreach (@owner_props);
} else {
LJ::load_user_props($uowner, @owner_props);
# are they trying to post back in time?
if ($posterid == $ownerid && !$time_was_faked &&
$u->{'newesteventtime'} && $eventtime lt $u->{'newesteventtime'} &&
!$req->{'props'}->{'opt_backdated'}) {
return fail($err, 153, "Your most recent journal entry is dated $u->{'newesteventtime'}, but you're trying to post one at $eventtime without the backdate option turned on. Please check your computer's clock. Or, if you really mean to post in the past, use the backdate option.");
my $qallowmask = $req->{'allowmask'}+0;
my $security = "public";
my $uselogsec = 0;
if ($req->{'security'} eq "usemask" || $req->{'security'} eq "private") {
$security = $req->{'security'};
if ($req->{'security'} eq "usemask") {
$uselogsec = 1;
## if newpost_minsecurity is set, new entries have to be
## a minimum security level
$security = "private"
if $uowner->{'newpost_minsecurity'} eq "private";
($security, $qallowmask) = ("usemask", 1)
if $uowner->{'newpost_minsecurity'} eq "friends"
and $security eq "public";
my $qsecurity = $dbh->quote($security);
### make sure user can't post with "custom/private security" on shared journals
return fail($err,102)
if ($ownerid != $posterid && # community post
($req->{'security'} eq "private" ||
($req->{'security'} eq "usemask" && $qallowmask != 1 )));
# make sure this user isn't banned from posting here (if
# this is a community journal)
return fail($err,151) if
LJ::is_banned($posterid, $ownerid);
# don't allow backdated posts in communities
return fail($err,152) if
($req->{'props'}->{"opt_backdated"} &&
$uowner->{'journaltype'} ne "P");
# do processing of embedded polls (doesn't add to database, just
# does validity checking)
my @polls = ();
if (LJ::Poll::contains_new_poll(\$event))
return fail($err,301,"Your account type doesn't permit creating polls.")
unless (LJ::get_cap($u, "makepoll")
|| ($uowner->{'journaltype'} eq "C"
&& LJ::get_cap($uowner, "makepoll")
&& LJ::can_manage_other($u, $uowner)));
my $error = "";
@polls = LJ::Poll::parse(\$event, \$error, {
'journalid' => $ownerid,
'posterid' => $posterid,
return fail($err,103,$error) if $error;
my $now = $dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()");
my $anum = int(rand(256));
# by default we record the true reverse time that the item was entered.
# however, if backdate is on, we put the reverse time at the end of time
# (which makes it equivalent to 1969, but get_recent_items will never load
# it... where clause there is: < $LJ::EndOfTime). but this way we can
# have entries that don't show up on friends view, now that we don't have
# the hints table to not insert into.
my $rlogtime = $LJ::EndOfTime;
unless ($req->{'props'}->{"opt_backdated"}) {
$rlogtime -= $now;
my $dupsig = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(join('', map { $req->{$_} }
qw(subject event usejournal security allowmask)));
my $lock_key = "post-$ownerid";
# release our duplicate lock
my $release = sub { $dbcm->do("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lock_key); };
# our own local version of fail that releases our lock first
my $fail = sub { $release->(); return fail(@_); };
my $res = {};
my $res_done = 0; # set true by getlock when post was duplicate, or error getting lock
my $getlock = sub {
my $r = $dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK(?, 2)", undef, $lock_key);
unless ($r) {
$res = undef; # a failure case has an undef result
fail($err,503); # set error flag to "can't get lock";
$res_done = 1; # tell caller to bail out
my @parts = split(/:/, $u->{'dupsig_post'});
if ($parts[0] eq $dupsig) {
# duplicate! let's make the client think this was just the
# normal first response.
$res->{'itemid'} = $parts[1];
$res->{'anum'} = $parts[2];
$res_done = 1;
# if posting to a moderated community, store and bail out here
if ($uowner->{'journaltype'} eq 'C' && $uowner->{'moderated'} && !$flags->{'nomod'}) {
# don't moderate admins, moderators & pre-approved users
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $relcount = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reluser ".
"WHERE userid=$ownerid AND targetid=$posterid ".
"AND type IN ('A','M','N')");
unless ($relcount) {
# moderation queue full?
my $modcount = $dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM modlog WHERE journalid=$ownerid");
return fail($err, 407) if $modcount >= LJ::get_cap($uowner, "mod_queue");
$modcount = $dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM modlog ".
"WHERE journalid=$ownerid AND posterid=$posterid");
return fail($err, 408) if $modcount >= LJ::get_cap($uowner, "mod_queue_per_poster");
$req->{'_moderate'}->{'authcode'} = LJ::make_auth_code(15);
my $fr = $dbcm->quote(Storable::freeze($req));
return fail($err, 409) if length($fr) > 200_000;
# store
my $modid = LJ::alloc_user_counter($uowner, "M");
return fail($err, 501) unless $modid;
$uowner->do("INSERT INTO modlog (journalid, modid, posterid, subject, logtime) ".
"VALUES ($ownerid, $modid, $posterid, ?, NOW())", undef,
LJ::text_trim($req->{'subject'}, 30, 0));
return fail($err, 501) if $uowner->err;
$uowner->do("INSERT INTO modblob (journalid, modid, request_stor) ".
"VALUES ($ownerid, $modid, $fr)");
if ($uowner->err) {
$uowner->do("DELETE FROM modlog WHERE journalid=$ownerid AND modid=$modid");
return fail($err, 501);
# alert moderator(s)
my $mods = LJ::load_rel_user($dbh, $ownerid, 'M') || [];
if (@$mods) {
# load up all these mods and figure out if they want email or not
my $modlist = LJ::load_userids(@$mods);
my @mailtomods;
foreach my $mod (values %$modlist) {
LJ::load_user_props($mod, 'opt_nomodemail');
push @mailtomods, $mod->{userid}
unless $mod->{opt_nomodemail};
# now get the email addresses of people who want email
if (@mailtomods) {
my $in = join(", ", map { $_+0 } @mailtomods );
my $emails = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT email FROM user USE INDEX (PRIMARY) ".
"WHERE userid IN ($in) AND status='A'") || [];
my $ct;
foreach my $to (@$emails) {
last if ++$ct > 20; # don't send more than 20 emails.
my $body = ("There has been a new submission into the community '$uowner->{'user'}'\n".
"which you moderate.\n\n".
" User: $u->{'user'}\n".
" Subject: $req->{'subject'}\n\n".
"To accept or reject the submission, please go to this address:\n\n" .
" $LJ::SITEROOT/community/moderate.bml?comm=$uowner->{'user'}\n\n".
"Regards,\n$LJ::SITENAME Team\n\n$LJ::SITEROOT/\n");
'to' => $to,
'from' => $LJ::ADMIN_EMAIL,
'charset' => 'utf-8',
'subject' => "Moderated submission notification",
'body' => $body,
my $msg = translate($u, "modpost", undef);
return { 'message' => $msg };
} # /moderated comms
# posting:
$getlock->(); return $res if $res_done;
# do rate-checking
if ($u->{'journaltype'} ne "Y" && ! LJ::rate_log($u, "post", 1)) {
return $fail->($err,405);
my $jitemid = LJ::alloc_user_counter($uowner, "L");
return $fail->($err,501,"No itemid could be generated.") unless $jitemid;
LJ::replycount_do($uowner, $jitemid, "init");
# remove comments and logprops on new entry ... see comment by this sub for clarification
LJ::Protocol::new_entry_cleanup_hack($u, $jitemid) if $LJ::NEW_ENTRY_CLEANUP_HACK;
my $dberr;
$uowner->log2_do(\$dberr, "INSERT INTO log2 (journalid, jitemid, posterid, eventtime, logtime, security, ".
"allowmask, replycount, year, month, day, revttime, rlogtime, anum) ".
"VALUES ($ownerid, $jitemid, $posterid, $qeventtime, FROM_UNIXTIME($now), $qsecurity, $qallowmask, ".
"0, $req->{'year'}, $req->{'mon'}, $req->{'day'}, $LJ::EndOfTime-".
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP($qeventtime), $rlogtime, $anum)");
return $fail->($err,501,$dberr) if $dberr;
LJ::MemCache::incr([$ownerid, "log2ct:$ownerid"]);
LJ::memcache_kill($ownerid, "dayct");
# set userprops.
my %set_userprop;
# keep track of itemid/anum for later potential duplicates
$set_userprop{"dupsig_post"} = "$dupsig:$jitemid:$anum";
# record the eventtime of the last update (for own journals only)
$set_userprop{"newesteventtime"} = $eventtime
if $posterid == $ownerid and not $req->{'props'}->{'opt_backdated'} and not $time_was_faked;
LJ::set_userprop($u, \%set_userprop);
# end duplicate locking section
my $ditemid = $jitemid * 256 + $anum;
### finish embedding stuff now that we have the itemid
### this should NOT return an error, and we're mildly fucked by now
### if it does (would have to delete the log row up there), so we're
### not going to check it for now.
my $error = "";
LJ::Poll::register(\$event, \$error, $ditemid, @polls);
#### /embedding
### extract links for meme tracking
unless ($req->{'security'} eq "usemask" ||
$req->{'security'} eq "private")
foreach my $url (LJ::get_urls($event)) {
LJ::record_meme($url, $posterid, $ditemid, $ownerid);
# record journal's disk usage
my $bytes = length($event) + length($req->{'subject'});
$uowner->dudata_set('L', $jitemid, $bytes);
$uowner->do("$verb INTO logtext2 (journalid, jitemid, subject, event) ".
"VALUES ($ownerid, $jitemid, ?, ?)", undef, $req->{'subject'},
if ($uowner->err) {
my $msg = $uowner->errstr;
LJ::delete_entry($uowner, $jitemid); # roll-back
return fail($err,501,"logtext:$msg");
[ $req->{'subject'}, $event ]);
# keep track of custom security stuff in other table.
if ($uselogsec) {
$uowner->do("INSERT INTO logsec2 (journalid, jitemid, allowmask) ".
"VALUES ($ownerid, $jitemid, $qallowmask)");
if ($uowner->err) {
my $msg = $uowner->errstr;
LJ::delete_entry($uowner, $jitemid); # roll-back
return fail($err,501,"logsec2:$msg");
# construct valid prop list
if ($req->{props} && $req->{props}->{taglist}) {
my $tags = [];
LJ::Tags::is_valid_tagstring($req->{props}->{taglist}, $tags);
$req->{props}->{taglist} = join(', ', @$tags);
# handle tags if they're defined
LJ::Tags::update_logtags($uowner, $jitemid, {
set_string => $req->{props}->{taglist},
remote => $u,
# meta-data
if (%{$req->{'props'}}) {
my $propset = {};
foreach my $pname (keys %{$req->{'props'}}) {
next unless $req->{'props'}->{$pname};
next if $pname eq "revnum" || $pname eq "revtime";
my $p = LJ::get_prop("log", $pname);
next unless $p;
next unless $req->{'props'}->{$pname};
$propset->{$pname} = $req->{'props'}->{$pname};
my %logprops;
LJ::set_logprop($uowner, $jitemid, $propset, \%logprops) if %$propset;
# if set_logprop modified props above, we can set the memcache key
# to be the hashref of modified props, since this is a new post
LJ::MemCache::set([$uowner->{'userid'}, "logprop:$uowner->{'userid'}:$jitemid"],
\%logprops) if %logprops;
$dbh->do("UPDATE userusage SET timeupdate=NOW(), lastitemid=$jitemid ".
"WHERE userid=$ownerid");
LJ::MemCache::set([$ownerid, "tu:$ownerid"], pack("N", time()), 30*60);
# note this post in recentactions table
LJ::note_recent_action($uowner, 'post');
# update user update table (on which friends views rely)
# NOTE: as of Mar-25-2003, we don't actually use this yet. we might
# use it in the future though, for faster ?skip=0 friends views.
# for now, we'll keep it disabled to lessen writes
if (0) {
my @bits;
if ($security eq "public") {
push @bits, 31; # 31 means public
} elsif ($security eq "private") {
push @bits, 32; # 1<<32 doesn't exist (too big), but we'll use it in this table
} else {
for (my $i=0; $i<=30; $i++) {
next unless $qallowmask & (1<<$i);
push @bits, $i;
if (@bits) {
$dbh->do("REPLACE INTO userupdate (userid, groupbit, timeupdate) VALUES ".
join(",", map { "($ownerid, $_, NOW())" } @bits));
# notify weblogs.com of post if necessary
if ($u->{'opt_weblogscom'} && LJ::get_cap($u, "weblogscom") &&
$security eq "public" && ! $req->{'props'}->{'opt_backdated'})
LJ::cmd_buffer_add($uowner->{clusterid}, $u->{'userid'}, 'weblogscom', {
'user' => $u->{'user'},
'title' => $u->{'journaltitle'} || $u->{'name'},
'url' => LJ::journal_base($u) . "/",
# run local site-specific actions
LJ::run_hooks("postpost", {
'itemid' => $jitemid,
'anum' => $anum,
'journal' => $uowner,
'poster' => $u,
'event' => $event,
'subject' => $req->{'subject'},
'security' => $security,
'allowmask' => $qallowmask,
'props' => $req->{'props'},
# cluster tracking
LJ::mark_user_active($u, 'post');
LJ::mark_user_active($uowner, 'post') unless LJ::u_equals($u, $uowner);
$res->{'itemid'} = $jitemid; # by request of mart
$res->{'anum'} = $anum;
$res->{'url'} = LJ::item_link($uowner, $jitemid, $anum);
return $res;
sub editevent
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
# we check later that user owns entry they're modifying, so all
# we care about for check_altusage is that the target journal
# exists, and we want it to setup some data in $flags.
$flags->{'ignorecanuse'} = 1;
return undef unless check_altusage($req, $err, $flags);
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $ownerid = $flags->{'ownerid'};
my $uowner = $flags->{'u_owner'} || $u;
# Make sure we have a user object here
$uowner = LJ::want_user($uowner) unless LJ::isu($uowner);
my $clusterid = $uowner->{'clusterid'};
my $posterid = $u->{'userid'};
my $qallowmask = $req->{'allowmask'}+0;
my $sth;
my $itemid = $req->{'itemid'}+0;
# underage users can't do this
return fail($err,310) if $u->underage;
# check the journal's read-only bit
return fail($err,306) if LJ::get_cap($uowner, "readonly");
# can't edit in deleted/suspended community
return fail($err,307) unless $uowner->{'statusvis'} eq "V";
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($uowner);
return fail($err,306) unless $dbcm;
### make sure user can't change a post to "custom/private security" on shared journals
return fail($err,102)
if ($ownerid != $posterid && # community post
($req->{'security'} eq "private" ||
($req->{'security'} eq "usemask" && $qallowmask != 1 )));
# fetch the old entry from master database so we know what we
# really have to update later. usually people just edit one part,
# not every field in every table. reads are quicker than writes,
# so this is worth it.
my $oldevent = $dbcm->selectrow_hashref
("SELECT journalid AS 'ownerid', posterid, eventtime, logtime, ".
"compressed, security, allowmask, year, month, day, ".
"rlogtime, anum FROM log2 WHERE journalid=$ownerid AND jitemid=$itemid");
($oldevent->{event}, $oldevent->{subject}) = $dbcm->selectrow_array
("SELECT subject, event FROM logtext2 ".
"WHERE journalid=$ownerid AND jitemid=$itemid");
# kill seconds in eventtime, since we don't use it, then we can use 'eq' and such
$oldevent->{'eventtime'} =~ s/:00$//;
### make sure this user is allowed to edit this entry
return fail($err,302)
unless ($ownerid == $oldevent->{'ownerid'});
### what can they do to somebody elses entry? (in shared journal)
if ($posterid != $oldevent->{'posterid'})
## deleting.
return fail($err,304)
if ($req->{'event'} !~ /\S/ && !
($ownerid == $u->{'userid'} ||
# community account can delete it (ick)
LJ::can_manage_other($posterid, $ownerid)
# if user is a community maintainer they can delete
# it too (good)
## editing:
return fail($err,303)
if ($req->{'event'} =~ /\S/);
# simple logic for deleting an entry
if ($req->{'event'} !~ /\S/)
# if their newesteventtime prop equals the time of the one they're deleting
# then delete their newesteventtime.
if ($u->{'userid'} == $uowner->{'userid'}) {
LJ::load_user_props($u, { use_master => 1 }, "newesteventtime");
if ($u->{'newesteventtime'} eq $oldevent->{'eventtime'}) {
LJ::set_userprop($u, "newesteventtime", undef);
# log this event, unless noauth is on, which means it is being done internally and we should
# rely on them to log why they're deleting the entry if they need to. that way we don't have
# double entries, and we have as much information available as possible at the location the
# delete is initiated.
$uowner->log_event('delete_entry', {
remote => $u,
actiontarget => ($req->{itemid} * 256 + $oldevent->{anum}),
method => 'protocol',
unless $flags->{noauth};
LJ::delete_entry($uowner, $req->{'itemid'}, 'quick', $oldevent->{'anum'});
# clear their duplicate protection, so they can later repost
# what they just deleted. (or something... probably rare.)
LJ::set_userprop($u, "dupsig_post", undef);
my $res = { 'itemid' => $itemid,
'anum' => $oldevent->{'anum'} };
return $res;
# now make sure the new entry text isn't $CannotBeShown
return fail($err, 210)
if $req->{event} eq $CannotBeShown;
# don't allow backdated posts in communities
return fail($err,152) if
($req->{'props'}->{"opt_backdated"} &&
$uowner->{'journaltype'} ne "P");
# make year/mon/day/hour/min optional in an edit event,
# and just inherit their old values
$oldevent->{'eventtime'} =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d)/;
$req->{'year'} = $1 unless defined $req->{'year'};
$req->{'mon'} = $2+0 unless defined $req->{'mon'};
$req->{'day'} = $3+0 unless defined $req->{'day'};
$req->{'hour'} = $4+0 unless defined $req->{'hour'};
$req->{'min'} = $5+0 unless defined $req->{'min'};
# updating an entry:
return undef
unless common_event_validation($req, $err, $flags);
### load existing meta-data
my %curprops;
LJ::load_log_props2($dbcm, $ownerid, [ $itemid ], \%curprops);
## handle meta-data (properties)
my %props_byname = ();
foreach my $key (keys %{$req->{'props'}}) {
## changing to something else?
if ($curprops{$itemid}->{$key} ne $req->{'props'}->{$key}) {
$props_byname{$key} = $req->{'props'}->{$key};
my $event = $req->{'event'};
my $bytes = length($event) + length($req->{'subject'});
my $eventtime = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d",
map { $req->{$_} } qw(year mon day hour min));
my $qeventtime = $dbcm->quote($eventtime);
# preserve old security by default, use user supplied if it's understood
my $security = $oldevent->{security};
$security = $req->{security}
if $req->{security} &&
$req->{security} =~ /^(?:public|private|usemask)$/;
my $do_tags = $req->{props} && $req->{props}->{taglist};
if ($oldevent->{security} ne $security || $qallowmask != $oldevent->{allowmask}) {
# FIXME: this is a hopefully temporary hack which deletes tags from the entry
# when the security has changed. the real fix is to make update_logtags aware
# of security changes so it can update logkwsum appropriately.
unless ($do_tags) {
# we need to fix security on this entry's tags, but the user didn't give us a tag list
# to work with, so we have to go get the tags on the entry, and construct a tag list,
# in order to pass to update_logtags down at the bottom of this whole update
my $tags = LJ::Tags::get_logtags($uowner, $itemid);
$tags = $tags->{"$uowner->{userid} $itemid"};
$req->{props}->{taglist} = join(',', sort map { $_->{name} } values %{$tags || {}});
$do_tags = 1; # bleh, force the update later
LJ::Tags::delete_logtags($uowner, $itemid);
my $qyear = $req->{'year'}+0;
my $qmonth = $req->{'mon'}+0;
my $qday = $req->{'day'}+0;
if ($eventtime ne $oldevent->{'eventtime'} ||
$security ne $oldevent->{'security'} ||
(!$curprops{opt_backdated} && $req->{props}{opt_backdated}) ||
$qallowmask != $oldevent->{'allowmask'})
# are they changing their most recent post?
LJ::load_user_props($u, "newesteventtime");
if ($u->{userid} == $uowner->{userid} &&
$u->{newesteventtime} eq $oldevent->{eventtime}) {
# did they change the time?
if ($eventtime ne $oldevent->{eventtime}) {
# the newesteventtime is this event's new time.
LJ::set_userprop($u, "newesteventtime", $eventtime);
} elsif (!$curprops{opt_backdated} && $req->{props}{opt_backdated}) {
# otherwise, if they set the backdated flag,
# then we no longer know the newesteventtime.
LJ::set_userprop($u, "newesteventtime", undef);
my $qsecurity = $uowner->quote($security);
my $dberr;
$uowner->log2_do(\$dberr, "UPDATE log2 SET eventtime=$qeventtime, revttime=$LJ::EndOfTime-".
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP($qeventtime), year=$qyear, month=$qmonth, day=$qday, ".
"security=$qsecurity, allowmask=$qallowmask WHERE journalid=$ownerid ".
"AND jitemid=$itemid");
return fail($err,501,$dberr) if $dberr;
# update memcached
my $sec = $qallowmask;
$sec = 0 if $security eq 'private';
$sec = 2**31 if $security eq 'public';
my $row = pack("NNNNN", $oldevent->{'posterid'},
LJ::mysqldate_to_time($eventtime, 1),
LJ::mysqldate_to_time($oldevent->{'logtime'}, 1),
$itemid*256 + $oldevent->{'anum'});
LJ::MemCache::set([$ownerid, "log2:$ownerid:$itemid"], $row);
if ($security ne $oldevent->{'security'} ||
$qallowmask != $oldevent->{'allowmask'})
if ($security eq "public" || $security eq "private") {
$uowner->do("DELETE FROM logsec2 WHERE journalid=$ownerid AND jitemid=$itemid");
} else {
$uowner->do("REPLACE INTO logsec2 (journalid, jitemid, allowmask) ".
"VALUES ($ownerid, $itemid, $qallowmask)");
return fail($err,501,$dbcm->errstr) if $uowner->err;
[ $req->{'subject'}, $event ]);
if ($event ne $oldevent->{'event'} ||
$req->{'subject'} ne $oldevent->{'subject'})
$uowner->do("UPDATE logtext2 SET subject=?, event=? ".
"WHERE journalid=$ownerid AND jitemid=$itemid", undef,
$req->{'subject'}, LJ::text_compress($event));
return fail($err,501,$uowner->errstr) if $uowner->err;
# update disk usage
$uowner->dudata_set('L', $itemid, $bytes);
# up the revision number
$req->{'props'}->{'revnum'} = ($curprops{$itemid}->{'revnum'} || 0) + 1;
$req->{'props'}->{'revtime'} = time();
# handle tags if they're defined
LJ::Tags::update_logtags($uowner, $itemid, {
set_string => $req->{props}->{taglist},
remote => $u,
if $do_tags;
# handle the props
my $propset = {};
foreach my $pname (keys %{$req->{'props'}}) {
my $p = LJ::get_prop("log", $pname);
next unless $p;
$propset->{$pname} = $req->{'props'}->{$pname};
LJ::set_logprop($uowner, $itemid, $propset);
# deal with backdated changes. if the entry's rlogtime is
# $EndOfTime, then it's backdated. if they want that off, need to
# reset rlogtime to real reverse log time. also need to set
# rlogtime to $EndOfTime if they're turning backdate on.
if ($req->{'props'}->{'opt_backdated'} eq "1" &&
$oldevent->{'rlogtime'} != $LJ::EndOfTime) {
my $dberr;
$uowner->log2_do(undef, "UPDATE log2 SET rlogtime=$LJ::EndOfTime WHERE ".
"journalid=$ownerid AND jitemid=$itemid");
return fail($err,501,$dberr) if $dberr;
if ($req->{'props'}->{'opt_backdated'} eq "0" &&
$oldevent->{'rlogtime'} == $LJ::EndOfTime) {
my $dberr;
$uowner->log2_do(\$dberr, "UPDATE log2 SET rlogtime=$LJ::EndOfTime-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(logtime) ".
"WHERE journalid=$ownerid AND jitemid=$itemid");
return fail($err,501,$dberr) if $dberr;
return fail($err,501,$dbcm->errstr) if $dbcm->err;
LJ::memcache_kill($ownerid, "dayct");
my $res = { 'itemid' => $itemid };
if (defined $oldevent->{'anum'}) {
$res->{'anum'} = $oldevent->{'anum'};
$res->{'url'} = LJ::item_link($uowner, $itemid, $oldevent->{'anum'});
return $res;
sub getevents
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
return undef unless check_altusage($req, $err, $flags);
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $uowner = $flags->{'u_owner'} || $u;
### shared-journal support
my $posterid = $u->{'userid'};
my $ownerid = $flags->{'ownerid'};
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $sth;
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_reader($uowner);
return fail($err,502) unless $dbcr && $dbr;
# can't pull events from deleted/suspended journal
return fail($err,307) unless $uowner->{'statusvis'} eq "V";
my $reject_code = $LJ::DISABLE_PROTOCOL{getevents};
if (ref $reject_code eq "CODE") {
my $r = eval { Apache->request };
my $errmsg = $reject_code->($req, $flags, $r);
if ($errmsg) { return fail($err, "311", $errmsg); }
# if this is on, we sort things different (logtime vs. posttime)
# to avoid timezone issues
my $is_community = ($uowner->{'journaltype'} eq "C" ||
$uowner->{'journaltype'} eq "S");
# in some cases we'll use the master, to ensure there's no
# replication delay. useful cases: getting one item, use master
# since user might have just made a typo and realizes it as they
# post, or wants to append something they forgot, etc, etc. in
# other cases, slave is pretty sure to have it.
my $use_master = 0;
# the benefit of this mode over actually doing 'lastn/1' is
# the $use_master usage.
if ($req->{'selecttype'} eq "one" && $req->{'itemid'} eq "-1") {
$req->{'selecttype'} = "lastn";
$req->{'howmany'} = 1;
undef $req->{'itemid'};
$use_master = 1; # see note above.
# build the query to get log rows. each selecttype branch is
# responsible for either populating the following 3 variables
# OR just populating $sql
my ($orderby, $where, $limit);
my $sql;
if ($req->{'selecttype'} eq "day")
return fail($err,203)
unless ($req->{'year'} =~ /^\d\d\d\d$/ &&
$req->{'month'} =~ /^\d\d?$/ &&
$req->{'day'} =~ /^\d\d?$/ &&
$req->{'month'} >= 1 && $req->{'month'} <= 12 &&
$req->{'day'} >= 1 && $req->{'day'} <= 31);
my $qyear = $dbr->quote($req->{'year'});
my $qmonth = $dbr->quote($req->{'month'});
my $qday = $dbr->quote($req->{'day'});
$where = "AND year=$qyear AND month=$qmonth AND day=$qday";
$limit = "LIMIT 200"; # FIXME: unhardcode this constant (also in ljviews.pl)
# see note above about why the sort order is different
$orderby = $is_community ? "ORDER BY logtime" : "ORDER BY eventtime";
elsif ($req->{'selecttype'} eq "lastn")
my $howmany = $req->{'howmany'} || 20;
if ($howmany > 50) { $howmany = 50; }
$howmany = $howmany + 0;
$limit = "LIMIT $howmany";
# okay, follow me here... see how we add the revttime predicate
# even if no beforedate key is present? you're probably saying,
# that's retarded -- you're saying: "revttime > 0", that's like
# saying, "if entry occurred at all." yes yes, but that hints
# mysql's braindead optimizer to use the right index.
my $rtime_after = 0;
my $rtime_what = $is_community ? "rlogtime" : "revttime";
if ($req->{'beforedate'}) {
return fail($err,203,"Invalid beforedate format.")
unless ($req->{'beforedate'} =~
/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/);
my $qd = $dbr->quote($req->{'beforedate'});
$rtime_after = "$LJ::EndOfTime-UNIX_TIMESTAMP($qd)";
$where .= "AND $rtime_what > $rtime_after ";
$orderby = "ORDER BY $rtime_what";
elsif ($req->{'selecttype'} eq "one")
my $id = $req->{'itemid'} + 0;
$where = "AND jitemid=$id";
elsif ($req->{'selecttype'} eq "syncitems")
return fail($err,506) if $LJ::DISABLED{'syncitems'};
my $date = $req->{'lastsync'} || "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
return fail($err,203,"Invalid syncitems date format")
unless ($date =~ /^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d/);
my $now = time();
# broken client loop prevention
if ($req->{'lastsync'}) {
my $pname = "rl_syncitems_getevents_loop";
LJ::load_user_props($u, $pname);
# format is: time/date/time/date/time/date/... so split
# it into a hash, then delete pairs that are older than an hour
my %reqs = split(m!/!, $u->{$pname});
foreach (grep { $_ < $now - 60*60 } keys %reqs) { delete $reqs{$_}; }
my $count = grep { $_ eq $date } values %reqs;
$reqs{$now} = $date;
if ($count >= 2) {
# 2 prior, plus this one = 3 repeated requests for same synctime.
# their client is busted. (doesn't understand syncitems semantics)
return fail($err,406);
LJ::set_userprop($u, $pname,
join('/', map { $_, $reqs{$_} }
sort { $b <=> $a } keys %reqs));
my %item;
$sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT jitemid, logtime FROM log2 WHERE ".
"journalid=? and logtime > ?");
$sth->execute($ownerid, $date);
while (my ($id, $dt) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$item{$id} = $dt;
my $p_revtime = LJ::get_prop("log", "revtime");
$sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT jitemid, FROM_UNIXTIME(value) ".
"FROM logprop2 WHERE journalid=? ".
"AND propid=$p_revtime->{'id'} ".
"AND value+0 > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(?)");
$sth->execute($ownerid, $date);
while (my ($id, $dt) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$item{$id} = $dt;
my $limit = 100;
my @ids = sort { $item{$a} cmp $item{$b} } keys %item;
if (@ids > $limit) { @ids = @ids[0..$limit-1]; }
my $in = join(',', @ids) || "0";
$where = "AND jitemid IN ($in)";
elsif ($req->{'selecttype'} eq "multiple")
my @ids;
foreach my $num (split(/\s*,\s*/, $req->{'itemids'})) {
return fail($err,203,"Non-numeric itemid") unless $num =~ /^\d+$/;
push @ids, $num;
my $limit = 100;
return fail($err,209,"Can't retrieve more than $limit entries at once") if @ids > $limit;
my $in = join(',', @ids);
$where = "AND jitemid IN ($in)";
return fail($err,200,"Invalid selecttype.");
# common SQL template:
unless ($sql) {
$sql = "SELECT jitemid, eventtime, security, allowmask, anum, posterid ".
"FROM log2 WHERE journalid=$ownerid $where $orderby $limit";
# whatever selecttype might have wanted us to use the master db.
$dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($uowner) if $use_master;
return fail($err,502) unless $dbcr;
## load the log rows
($sth = $dbcr->prepare($sql))->execute;
return fail($err,501,$dbcr->errstr) if $dbcr->err;
my $count = 0;
my @itemids = ();
my $res = {};
my $events = $res->{'events'} = [];
my %evt_from_itemid;
while (my ($itemid, $eventtime, $sec, $mask, $anum, $jposterid) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
my $evt = {};
$evt->{'itemid'} = $itemid;
push @itemids, $itemid;
$evt_from_itemid{$itemid} = $evt;
$evt->{"eventtime"} = $eventtime;
if ($sec ne "public") {
$evt->{'security'} = $sec;
$evt->{'allowmask'} = $mask if $sec eq "usemask";
$evt->{'anum'} = $anum;
$evt->{'poster'} = LJ::get_username($dbr, $jposterid) if $jposterid != $ownerid;
$evt->{'url'} = LJ::item_link($uowner, $itemid, $anum);
push @$events, $evt;
# load properties. Even if the caller doesn't want them, we need
# them in Unicode installations to recognize older 8bit non-UF-8
# entries.
unless ($req->{'noprops'} && !$LJ::UNICODE)
### do the properties now
$count = 0;
my %props = ();
LJ::load_log_props2($dbcr, $ownerid, \@itemids, \%props);
# load the tags for these entries, unless told not to
unless ($req->{notags}) {
# construct %idsbycluster for the multi call to get these tags
my $tags = LJ::Tags::get_logtags($uowner, \@itemids);
# add to props
foreach my $itemid (@itemids) {
next unless $tags->{$itemid};
$props{$itemid}->{taglist} = join(', ', values %{$tags->{$itemid}});
foreach my $itemid (keys %props) {
# 'replycount' is a pseudo-prop, don't send it.
# FIXME: this goes away after we restructure APIs and
# replycounts cease being transferred in props
delete $props{$itemid}->{'replycount'};
my $evt = $evt_from_itemid{$itemid};
$evt->{'props'} = {};
foreach my $name (keys %{$props{$itemid}}) {
my $value = $props{$itemid}->{$name};
$value =~ s/\n/ /g;
$evt->{'props'}->{$name} = $value;
## load the text
my $gt_opts = {
'usemaster' => $use_master,
my $text = LJ::get_logtext2($uowner, $gt_opts, @itemids);
foreach my $i (@itemids)
my $t = $text->{$i};
my $evt = $evt_from_itemid{$i};
# if they want subjects to be events, replace event
# with subject when requested.
if ($req->{'prefersubject'} && length($t->[0])) {
$t->[1] = $t->[0]; # event = subject
$t->[0] = undef; # subject = undef
# now that we have the subject, the event and the props,
# auto-translate them to UTF-8 if they're not in UTF-8.
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $req->{'ver'} >= 1 &&
$evt->{'props'}->{'unknown8bit'}) {
my $error = 0;
$t->[0] = LJ::text_convert($t->[0], $uowner, \$error);
$t->[1] = LJ::text_convert($t->[1], $uowner, \$error);
foreach (keys %{$evt->{'props'}}) {
$evt->{'props'}->{$_} = LJ::text_convert($evt->{'props'}->{$_}, $uowner, \$error);
return fail($err,208,"Cannot display this post. Please see $LJ::SITEROOT/support/encodings.bml for more information.")
if $error;
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $req->{'ver'} < 1 && !$evt->{'props'}->{'unknown8bit'}) {
unless ( LJ::is_ascii($t->[0]) &&
LJ::is_ascii($t->[1]) &&
LJ::is_ascii(join(' ', values %{$evt->{'props'}}) )) {
# we want to fail the client that wants to get this entry
# but we make an exception for selecttype=day, in order to allow at least
# viewing the daily summary
if ($req->{'selecttype'} eq 'day') {
$t->[0] = $t->[1] = $CannotBeShown;
} else {
return fail($err,207,"Cannot display/edit a Unicode post with a non-Unicode client. Please see $LJ::SITEROOT/support/encodings.bml for more information.");
if ($t->[0]) {
$t->[0] =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g;
$evt->{'subject'} = $t->[0];
# truncate
if ($req->{'truncate'} >= 4) {
my $original = $t->[1];
if ($req->{'ver'} > 1) {
$t->[1] = LJ::text_trim($t->[1], $req->{'truncate'} - 3, 0);
} else {
$t->[1] = LJ::text_trim($t->[1], 0, $req->{'truncate'} - 3);
# only append the elipsis if the text was actually truncated
$t->[1] .= "..." if $t->[1] ne $original;
# line endings
$t->[1] =~ s/\r//g;
if ($req->{'lineendings'} eq "unix") {
# do nothing. native format.
} elsif ($req->{'lineendings'} eq "mac") {
$t->[1] =~ s/\n/\r/g;
} elsif ($req->{'lineendings'} eq "space") {
$t->[1] =~ s/\n/ /g;
} elsif ($req->{'lineendings'} eq "dots") {
$t->[1] =~ s/\n/ ... /g;
} else { # "pc" -- default
$t->[1] =~ s/\n/\r\n/g;
$evt->{'event'} = $t->[1];
# maybe we don't need the props after all
if ($req->{'noprops'}) {
foreach(@$events) { delete $_->{'props'}; }
return $res;
sub editfriends
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $userid = $u->{'userid'};
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $sth;
return fail($err,306) unless $dbh;
# do not let locked people do this
return fail($err, 308) if $u->{statusvis} eq 'L';
my $res = {};
## first, figure out who the current friends are to save us work later
my %curfriend;
my $friend_count = 0;
# TAG:FR:protocol:editfriends1
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT u.user FROM useridmap u, friends f ".
"WHERE u.userid=f.friendid AND f.userid=$userid");
while (my ($friend) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$curfriend{$friend} = 1;
# perform the deletions
foreach (@{$req->{'delete'}})
my $deluser = LJ::canonical_username($_);
next DELETEFRIEND unless ($curfriend{$deluser});
my $friendid = LJ::get_userid($deluser);
# TAG:FR:protocol:editfriends2_del
LJ::remove_friend($userid, $friendid);
my $error_flag = 0;
my $friends_added = 0;
my $fail = sub {
LJ::memcache_kill($userid, "friends");
LJ::mark_dirty($userid, "friends");
return fail($err, $_[0], $_[1]);
# only people, shared journals, and owned syn feeds can add friends
return $fail->(104, "Journal type cannot add friends")
unless ($u->{'journaltype'} eq 'P' ||
$u->{'journaltype'} eq 'S' ||
$u->{'journaltype'} eq 'I' ||
($u->{'journaltype'} eq "Y" && $u->{'password'}));
# perform the adds
foreach my $fa (@{$req->{'add'}})
unless (ref $fa eq "HASH") {
$fa = { 'username' => $fa };
my $aname = LJ::canonical_username($fa->{'username'});
unless ($aname) {
$error_flag = 1;
$friend_count++ unless $curfriend{$aname};
my $maxfriends = LJ::get_cap($u, "maxfriends");
return $fail->(104, "Exceeded $maxfriends friends limit (now: $friend_count)")
if ($friend_count > $maxfriends);
my $fg = $fa->{'fgcolor'} || "#000000";
my $bg = $fa->{'bgcolor'} || "#FFFFFF";
if ($fg !~ /^\#[0-9A-F]{6,6}$/i || $bg !~ /^\#[0-9A-F]{6,6}$/i) {
return $fail->(203, "Invalid color values");
my $row = LJ::load_user($aname);
# XXX - on some errors we fail out, on others we continue and try adding
# any other users in the request. also, error message for redirect should
# point the user to the redirected username.
if (! $row) {
$error_flag = 1;
} elsif ($row->{'journaltype'} eq "R") {
return $fail->(154);
} elsif ($row->{'statusvis'} ne "V") {
$error_flag = 1;
} else {
my $added = { 'username' => $aname,
'fullname' => $row->{'name'},
if ($req->{'ver'} >= 1) {
push @{$res->{'added'}}, $added;
my $qfg = LJ::color_todb($fg);
my $qbg = LJ::color_todb($bg);
my $friendid = $row->{'userid'};
my $gmask = $fa->{'groupmask'};
if (! $gmask && $curfriend{$aname}) {
# if no group mask sent, use the existing one if this is an existing friend
# TAG:FR:protocol:editfriends3_getmask
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT groupmask FROM friends ".
"WHERE userid=$userid AND friendid=$friendid");
$gmask = $sth->fetchrow_array;
# force bit 0 on.
$gmask |= 1;
# TAG:FR:protocol:editfriends4_addeditfriend
$sth = $dbh->prepare("REPLACE INTO friends (userid, friendid, fgcolor, bgcolor, groupmask) ".
"VALUES ($userid, $friendid, $qfg, $qbg, $gmask)");
unless ($dbh->err) {
my $memkey = [$userid,"frgmask:$userid:$friendid"];
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $gmask+0, time()+60*15);
LJ::memcache_kill($friendid, 'friendofs');
return $fail->(501,$dbh->errstr) if $dbh->err;
return $fail->(104) if $error_flag;
# invalidate memcache of friends
LJ::memcache_kill($userid, "friends");
LJ::mark_dirty($userid, "friends");
return $res;
sub editfriendgroups
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $userid = $u->{'userid'};
my ($db, $fgtable, $bmax, $cmax) = $u->{dversion} > 5 ?
($u->writer, 'friendgroup2', LJ::BMAX_GRPNAME2, LJ::CMAX_GRPNAME2) :
(LJ::get_db_writer(), 'friendgroup', LJ::BMAX_GRPNAME, LJ::CMAX_GRPNAME);
my $sth;
return fail($err,306) unless $db;
# do not let locked people do this
return fail($err, 308) if $u->{statusvis} eq 'L';
my $res = {};
## make sure tree is how we want it
$req->{'groupmasks'} = {} unless
(ref $req->{'groupmasks'} eq "HASH");
$req->{'set'} = {} unless
(ref $req->{'set'} eq "HASH");
$req->{'delete'} = [] unless
(ref $req->{'delete'} eq "ARRAY");
# Keep track of what bits are already set, so we can know later
# whether to INSERT or UPDATE.
my %bitset;
my $groups = LJ::get_friend_group($userid);
foreach my $bit (keys %{$groups || {}}) {
$bitset{$bit} = 1;
## before we perform any DB operations, validate input text
# (groups' names) for correctness so we can fail gracefully
if ($LJ::UNICODE) {
foreach my $bit (keys %{$req->{'set'}})
my $name = $req->{'set'}->{$bit}->{'name'};
return fail($err,207,"non-ASCII names require a Unicode-capable client")
if $req->{'ver'} < 1 and not LJ::is_ascii($name);
return fail($err,208,"Invalid group names. Please see $LJ::SITEROOT/support/encodings.bml for more information.")
unless LJ::text_in($name);
## figure out deletions we'll do later
foreach my $bit (@{$req->{'delete'}})
$bit += 0;
next unless ($bit >= 1 && $bit <= 30);
$bitset{$bit} = 0; # so later we replace into, not update.
## do additions/modifications ('set' hash)
my %added;
foreach my $bit (keys %{$req->{'set'}})
$bit += 0;
next unless ($bit >= 1 && $bit <= 30);
my $sa = $req->{'set'}->{$bit};
my $name = LJ::text_trim($sa->{'name'}, $bmax, $cmax);
# can't end with a slash
$name =~ s!/$!!;
# setting it to name is like deleting it.
unless ($name =~ /\S/) {
push @{$req->{'delete'}}, $bit;
my $qname = $db->quote($name);
my $qsort = defined $sa->{'sort'} ? ($sa->{'sort'}+0) : 50;
my $qpublic = $db->quote(defined $sa->{'public'} ? ($sa->{'public'}+0) : 0);
if ($bitset{$bit}) {
# so update it
my $sets;
if (defined $sa->{'public'}) {
$sets .= ", is_public=$qpublic";
$db->do("UPDATE $fgtable SET groupname=$qname, sortorder=$qsort ".
"$sets WHERE userid=$userid AND groupnum=$bit");
} else {
$db->do("REPLACE INTO $fgtable (userid, groupnum, ".
"groupname, sortorder, is_public) VALUES ".
"($userid, $bit, $qname, $qsort, $qpublic)");
$added{$bit} = 1;
## do deletions ('delete' array)
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
# ignore bits that aren't integers or that are outside 1-30 range
my @delete_bits = grep {$_ >= 1 and $_ <= 30} map {$_+0} @{$req->{'delete'}};
my $delete_mask = 0;
foreach my $bit (@delete_bits) {
$delete_mask |= (1 << $bit)
# remove the bits for deleted groups from all friends groupmasks
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
if ($delete_mask) {
# TAG:FR:protocol:editfriendgroups_removemasks
$dbh->do("UPDATE friends".
" SET groupmask = groupmask & ~$delete_mask".
" WHERE userid = $userid");
foreach my $bit (@delete_bits)
# remove all posts from allowing that group:
my @posts_to_clean = ();
$sth = $dbcm->prepare("SELECT jitemid FROM logsec2 WHERE journalid=$userid AND allowmask & (1 << $bit)");
while (my ($id) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { push @posts_to_clean, $id; }
while (@posts_to_clean) {
my @batch;
if (scalar(@posts_to_clean) < 20) {
@batch = @posts_to_clean;
@posts_to_clean = ();
} else {
@batch = splice(@posts_to_clean, 0, 20);
my $in = join(",", @batch);
$u->do("UPDATE log2 SET allowmask=allowmask & ~(1 << $bit) ".
"WHERE journalid=$userid AND jitemid IN ($in) AND security='usemask'");
$u->do("UPDATE logsec2 SET allowmask=allowmask & ~(1 << $bit) ".
"WHERE journalid=$userid AND jitemid IN ($in)");
foreach my $id (@batch) {
LJ::MemCache::delete([$userid, "log2:$userid:$id"]);
LJ::MemCache::delete([$userid, "log2lt:$userid"]);
LJ::Tags::deleted_friend_group($u, $bit);
LJ::run_hooks('delete_friend_group', $u, $bit);
# remove the friend group, unless we just added it this transaction
unless ($added{$bit}) {
$db->do("DELETE FROM $fgtable WHERE ".
"userid=$userid AND groupnum=$bit");
## change friends' masks
# TAG:FR:protocol:editfriendgroups_changemasks
foreach my $friend (keys %{$req->{'groupmasks'}})
my $mask = int($req->{'groupmasks'}->{$friend}) | 1;
my $friendid = LJ::get_userid($dbh, $friend);
$dbh->do("UPDATE friends SET groupmask=$mask ".
"WHERE userid=$userid AND friendid=?",
undef, $friendid);
LJ::MemCache::set([$userid, "frgmask:$userid:$friendid"], $mask);
# invalidate memcache of friends/groups
LJ::memcache_kill($userid, "friends");
LJ::memcache_kill($userid, "fgrp");
LJ::mark_dirty($u, "friends");
# return value for this is nothing.
return {};
sub sessionexpire {
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
my $u = $flags->{u};
# expunge one? or all?
if ($req->{expireall}) {
return {};
# just expire a list
my $list = $req->{expire} || [];
return {} unless @$list;
return fail($err,502) unless $u->writer;
return {};
sub sessiongenerate {
# generate a session
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
# sanitize input
$req->{expiration} = 'short' unless $req->{expiration} eq 'long';
my $boundip;
$boundip = LJ::get_remote_ip() if $req->{bindtoip};
my $u = $flags->{u};
my $sess_opts = {
exptype => $req->{expiration},
ipfixed => $boundip,
# do not let locked people do this
return fail($err, 308) if $u->{statusvis} eq 'L';
my $sess = $u->generate_session($sess_opts);
# return our hash
return {
ljsession => "ws:$u->{user}:$sess->{sessid}:$sess->{auth}",
sub list_friends
my ($u, $opts) = @_;
my %hide_fo; # userid -> 1
if (my $list = LJ::load_rel_user($u, 'B')) {
$hide_fo{$_} = 1 foreach @$list;
# TAG:FR:protocol:list_friends
my $sql;
unless ($opts->{'friendof'}) {
$sql = "SELECT friendid, fgcolor, bgcolor, groupmask FROM friends WHERE userid=?";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT userid FROM friends WHERE friendid=?";
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $sth = $dbr->prepare($sql);
my @frow;
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
next if $hide_fo{$row[0]};
push @frow, [ @row ];
my $us = LJ::load_userids(map { $_->[0] } @frow);
my $limitnum = $opts->{'limit'}+0;
my $res = [];
foreach my $f (sort { $us->{$a->[0]}{'user'} cmp $us->{$b->[0]}{'user'} }
grep { $us->{$_->[0]} } @frow)
my $u = $us->{$f->[0]};
next if $opts->{'friendof'} && $u->{'statusvis'} ne 'V';
my $r = {
'username' => $u->{'user'},
'fullname' => $u->{'name'},
if ($opts->{'includebdays'} &&
$u->{'bdate'} &&
$u->{'bdate'} ne "0000-00-00" &&
$u->{'allow_infoshow'} eq 'Y')
$r->{'birthday'} = $u->{'bdate'};
unless ($opts->{'friendof'}) {
$r->{'fgcolor'} = LJ::color_fromdb($f->[1]);
$r->{'bgcolor'} = LJ::color_fromdb($f->[2]);
$r->{"groupmask"} = $f->[3] if $f->[3] != 1;
} else {
$r->{'fgcolor'} = "#000000";
$r->{'bgcolor'} = "#ffffff";
$r->{"type"} = {
'C' => 'community',
'Y' => 'syndicated',
'N' => 'news',
'S' => 'shared',
'I' => 'identity',
}->{$u->{'journaltype'}} if $u->{'journaltype'} ne 'P';
$r->{"status"} = {
'D' => "deleted",
'S' => "suspended",
'X' => "purged",
}->{$u->{'statusvis'}} if $u->{'statusvis'} ne 'V';
push @$res, $r;
# won't happen for zero limit (which means no limit)
last if @$res == $limitnum;
return $res;
sub syncitems
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
return undef unless check_altusage($req, $err, $flags);
return fail($err,506) if $LJ::DISABLED{'syncitems'};
my $ownerid = $flags->{'ownerid'};
my $uowner = $flags->{'u_owner'} || $flags->{'u'};
my $sth;
my $db = LJ::get_cluster_reader($uowner);
return fail($err,502) unless $db;
## have a valid date?
my $date = $req->{'lastsync'};
if ($date) {
return fail($err,203,"Invalid date format")
unless ($date =~ /^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d/);
} else {
$date = "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
my $LIMIT = 500;
my %item;
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jitemid, logtime FROM log2 WHERE ".
"journalid=? and logtime > ?");
$sth->execute($ownerid, $date);
while (my ($id, $dt) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$item{$id} = [ 'L', $id, $dt, "create" ];
my %cmt;
my $p_calter = LJ::get_prop("log", "commentalter");
my $p_revtime = LJ::get_prop("log", "revtime");
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jitemid, propid, FROM_UNIXTIME(value) ".
"FROM logprop2 WHERE journalid=? ".
"AND propid IN ($p_calter->{'id'}, $p_revtime->{'id'}) ".
"AND value+0 > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(?)");
$sth->execute($ownerid, $date);
while (my ($id, $prop, $dt) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
if ($prop == $p_calter->{'id'}) {
$cmt{$id} = [ 'C', $id, $dt, "update" ];
} elsif ($prop == $p_revtime->{'id'}) {
$item{$id} = [ 'L', $id, $dt, "update" ];
my @ev = sort { $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] } (values %item, values %cmt);
my $res = {};
my $list = $res->{'syncitems'} = [];
$res->{'total'} = scalar @ev;
my $ct = 0;
while (my $ev = shift @ev) {
push @$list, { 'item' => "$ev->[0]-$ev->[1]",
'time' => $ev->[2],
'action' => $ev->[3], };
last if $ct >= $LIMIT;
$res->{'count'} = $ct;
return $res;
sub consolecommand
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return fail($err,502) unless $dbh;
# logging in isn't necessary, but most console commands do require it
my $remote = undef;
$remote = $flags->{'u'} if authenticate($req, $err, $flags);
# underage users can't do this, since we don't want to sanitize for
# what in particular they're trying to do, might as well disallow it
return fail($err, 310) if $remote->underage;
# do not let locked people do this
return fail($err, 308) if $remote->{statusvis} eq 'L';
my $res = {};
my $cmdout = $res->{'results'} = [];
foreach my $cmd (@{$req->{'commands'}})
# callee can pre-parse the args, or we can do it bash-style
$cmd = [ LJ::Con::parse_line($cmd) ] unless (ref $cmd eq "ARRAY");
my @output;
my $rv = LJ::Con::execute($dbh, $remote, $cmd, \@output);
push @{$cmdout}, {
'success' => $rv,
'output' => \@output,
return $res;
sub getchallenge
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
my $res = {};
my $now = time();
my $etime = 60;
$res->{'challenge'} = LJ::challenge_generate($etime);
$res->{'server_time'} = $now;
$res->{'expire_time'} = $now + $etime;
$res->{'auth_scheme'} = "c0"; # fixed for now, might support others later
return $res;
sub login_message
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
my $msg = sub {
my $code = shift;
my $args = shift || {};
$args->{'sitename'} = $LJ::SITENAME;
$args->{'siteroot'} = $LJ::SITEROOT;
$res->{'message'} = translate($u, $code, $args);
return $msg->("readonly") if LJ::get_cap($u, "readonly");
return $msg->("not_validated") if ($u->{'status'} eq "N" and not $LJ::EVERYONE_VALID);
return $msg->("must_revalidate") if ($u->{'status'} eq "T" and not $LJ::EVERYONE_VALID);
return $msg->("mail_bouncing") if $u->{'status'} eq "B";
my @checkpass = LJ::run_hooks("bad_password", $u);
return $msg->("bad_password") if (@checkpass and $checkpass[0]->[0]);
return $msg->("old_win32_client") if $req->{'clientversion'} =~ /^Win32-MFC\/(1.2.[0123456])$/;
return $msg->("old_win32_client") if $req->{'clientversion'} =~ /^Win32-MFC\/(1.3.[01234])\b/;
return $msg->("hello_test") if $u->{'user'} eq "test";
sub list_friendgroups
my $u = shift;
# get the groups for this user, return undef if error
my $groups = LJ::get_friend_group($u);
return undef unless $groups;
# we got all of the groups, so put them into an arrayref sorted by the
# group sortorder; also note that the map is used to construct a new hashref
# out of the old group hashref so that we have all of the field names converted
# to a format our callers can recognize
my @res = map { { id => $_->{groupnum}, name => $_->{groupname},
public => $_->{is_public}, sortorder => $_->{sortorder}, } }
sort { $a->{sortorder} <=> $b->{sortorder} }
values %$groups;
return \@res;
sub list_usejournals
my $u = shift;
my @res;
my $ids = LJ::load_rel_target($u, 'P');
my $us = LJ::load_userids(@$ids);
foreach (values %$us) {
next unless $_->{'statusvis'} eq "V";
push @res, $_->{user};
@res = sort @res;
return \@res;
sub hash_menus
my $u = shift;
my $user = $u->{'user'};
my $menu = [
{ 'text' => "Recent Entries",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/users/$user/", },
{ 'text' => "Calendar View",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/users/$user/calendar", },
{ 'text' => "Friends View",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/users/$user/friends", },
{ 'text' => "-", },
{ 'text' => "Your Profile",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/userinfo.bml?user=$user", },
{ 'text' => "Your To-Do List",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/todo/?user=$user", },
{ 'text' => "-", },
{ 'text' => "Change Settings",
'sub' => [ { 'text' => "Personal Info",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/editinfo.bml", },
{ 'text' => "Journal Settings",
'url' =>"$LJ::SITEROOT/modify.bml", }, ] },
{ 'text' => "-", },
{ 'text' => "Support",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/support/", }
LJ::run_hooks("modify_login_menu", {
'menu' => $menu,
'u' => $u,
'user' => $user,
return $menu;
sub list_pickws
my $u = shift;
my $pi = LJ::get_userpic_info($u);
my @res;
# FIXME: should be a utf-8 sort
foreach my $kw (sort keys %{$pi->{'kw'}}) {
my $pic = $pi->{'kw'}{$kw};
next if $pic->{'state'} eq "I";
push @res, [ $kw, $pic->{'picid'} ];
return \@res;
sub list_moods
my $mood_max = int(shift);
my $res = [];
return $res if $mood_max >= $LJ::CACHED_MOOD_MAX;
for (my $id = $mood_max+1; $id <= $LJ::CACHED_MOOD_MAX; $id++) {
next unless defined $LJ::CACHE_MOODS{$id};
my $mood = $LJ::CACHE_MOODS{$id};
next unless $mood->{'name'};
push @$res, { 'id' => $id,
'name' => $mood->{'name'},
'parent' => $mood->{'parent'} };
return $res;
sub check_altusage
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
# see note in ljlib.pl::can_use_journal about why we return
# both 'ownerid' and 'u_owner' in $flags
my $alt = $req->{'usejournal'};
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
$flags->{'ownerid'} = $u->{'userid'};
# all good if not using an alt journal
return 1 unless $alt;
# complain if the username is invalid
return fail($err,206) unless LJ::canonical_username($alt);
my $r = eval { Apache->request };
# allow usage if we're told explicitly that it's okay
if ($flags->{'usejournal_okay'}) {
$flags->{'u_owner'} = LJ::load_user($alt);
$flags->{'ownerid'} = $flags->{'u_owner'}->{'userid'};
$r->notes("journalid" => $flags->{'ownerid'}) if $r && !$r->notes("journalid");
return 1 if $flags->{'ownerid'};
return fail($err,206);
# otherwise, check for access:
my $info = {};
my $canuse = LJ::can_use_journal($u->{'userid'}, $alt, $info);
$flags->{'ownerid'} = $info->{'ownerid'};
$flags->{'u_owner'} = $info->{'u_owner'};
$r->notes("journalid" => $flags->{'ownerid'}) if $r && !$r->notes("journalid");
return 1 if $canuse || $flags->{'ignorecanuse'};
# not allowed to access it
return fail($err,300);
sub authenticate
my ($req, $err, $flags) = @_;
my $username = $req->{'username'};
return fail($err,200) unless $username;
return fail($err,100) unless LJ::canonical_username($username);
my $u = $flags->{'u'};
unless ($u) {
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
return fail($err,502) unless $dbr;
$u = LJ::load_user($username);
return fail($err,100) unless $u;
return fail($err,100) if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq "X");
return fail($err,505) unless $u->{'clusterid'};
my $r = eval { Apache->request };
my $ip;
if ($r) {
$r->notes("ljuser" => $u->{'user'}) unless $r->notes("ljuser");
$r->notes("journalid" => $u->{'userid'}) unless $r->notes("journalid");
$ip = $r->connection->remote_ip;
my $ip_banned = 0;
my $chal_expired = 0;
my $auth_check = sub {
my $auth_meth = $req->{'auth_method'} || "clear";
if ($auth_meth eq "clear") {
return LJ::auth_okay($u,
if ($auth_meth eq "challenge") {
my $chal_opts = {};
my $chall_ok = LJ::challenge_check_login($u,
$chal_expired = 1 if $chal_opts->{expired};
return $chall_ok;
if ($auth_meth eq "cookie") {
return unless $r && $r->header_in("X-LJ-Auth") eq "cookie";
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
return $remote && $remote->{'user'} eq $username ? 1 : 0;
# predefined allowed auths (no pw required)
my $post_wo_auth = $LJ::POST_WITHOUT_AUTH{$ip};
$flags->{'noauth'} = 1 if
$post_wo_auth &&
$post_wo_auth->{ $req->{usejournal} } &&
grep { $_ eq $req->{user} } @{ $post_wo_auth->{ $req->{usejournal} } };
unless ($flags->{'nopassword'} ||
$flags->{'noauth'} ||
$auth_check->() )
return fail($err,402) if $ip_banned;
return fail($err,105) if $chal_expired;
return fail($err,101);
# if there is a require TOS revision, check for it now
return fail($err, 156, LJ::tosagree_str('protocol' => 'text'))
unless $u->tosagree_verify;
# remember the user record for later.
$flags->{'u'} = $u;
return 1;
sub fail
my $err = shift;
my $code = shift;
my $des = shift;
$code .= ":$des" if $des;
$$err = $code if (ref $err eq "SCALAR");
return undef;
# PROBLEM: a while back we used auto_increment fields in our tables so that we could have
# automatically incremented itemids and such. this was eventually phased out in favor of
# the more portable alloc_user_counter function which uses the 'counter' table. when the
# counter table has no data, it finds the highest id already in use in the database and adds
# one to it.
# a problem came about when users who last posted before alloc_user_counter went
# and deleted all their entries and posted anew. alloc_user_counter would find no entries,
# this no ids, and thus assign id 1, thinking it's all clean and new. but, id 1 had been
# used previously, and now has comments attached to it.
# the comments would happen because there was an old bug that wouldn't delete comments when
# an entry was deleted. this has since been fixed. so this all combines to make this
# a necessity, at least until no buggy data exist anymore!
# this code here removes any comments that happen to exist for the id we're now using.
sub new_entry_cleanup_hack {
my ($u, $jitemid) = @_;
# sanitize input
$jitemid += 0;
return unless $jitemid;
my $ownerid = LJ::want_userid($u);
return unless $ownerid;
# delete logprops
$u->do("DELETE FROM logprop2 WHERE journalid=$ownerid AND jitemid=$jitemid");
# delete comments
my $ids = LJ::Talk::get_talk_data($u, 'L', $jitemid);
return unless ref $ids eq 'HASH' && %$ids;
my $list = join ',', map { $_+0 } keys %$ids;
$u->do("DELETE FROM talk2 WHERE journalid=$ownerid AND jtalkid IN ($list)");
$u->do("DELETE FROM talktext2 WHERE journalid=$ownerid AND jtalkid IN ($list)");
$u->do("DELETE FROM talkprop2 WHERE journalid=$ownerid AND jtalkid IN ($list)");
#### Old interface (flat key/values) -- wrapper aruond LJ::Protocol
package LJ;
sub do_request
# get the request and response hash refs
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
# initialize some stuff
%{$res} = (); # clear the given response hash
$flags = {} unless (ref $flags eq "HASH");
# did they send a mode?
unless ($req->{'mode'}) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = "Client error: No mode specified.";
# this method doesn't require auth
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "getchallenge") {
return getchallenge($req, $res, $flags);
# mode from here on out require a username
my $user = LJ::canonical_username($req->{'user'});
unless ($user) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = "Client error: No username sent.";
### see if the server's under maintenance now
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = $LJ::SERVER_DOWN_MESSAGE;
## dispatch wrappers
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "login") {
return login($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "getfriendgroups") {
return getfriendgroups($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "getfriends") {
return getfriends($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "friendof") {
return friendof($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "checkfriends") {
return checkfriends($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "getdaycounts") {
return getdaycounts($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "postevent") {
return postevent($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "editevent") {
return editevent($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "syncitems") {
return syncitems($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "getevents") {
return getevents($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "editfriends") {
return editfriends($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "editfriendgroups") {
return editfriendgroups($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "consolecommand") {
return consolecommand($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "sessiongenerate") {
return sessiongenerate($req, $res, $flags);
if ($req->{'mode'} eq "sessionexpire") {
return sessionexpire($req, $res, $flags);
### unknown mode!
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = "Client error: Unknown mode ($req->{'mode'})";
## flat wrapper
sub login
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("login", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
$res->{'name'} = $rs->{'fullname'};
$res->{'message'} = $rs->{'message'} if $rs->{'message'};
$res->{'fastserver'} = 1 if $rs->{'fastserver'};
# shared journals
my $access_count = 0;
foreach my $user (@{$rs->{'usejournals'}}) {
$res->{"access_${access_count}"} = $user;
if ($access_count) {
$res->{"access_count"} = $access_count;
# friend groups
populate_friend_groups($res, $rs->{'friendgroups'});
my $flatten = sub {
my ($prefix, $listref) = @_;
my $ct = 0;
foreach (@$listref) {
$res->{"${prefix}_$ct"} = $_;
$res->{"${prefix}_count"} = $ct;
### picture keywords
$flatten->("pickw", $rs->{'pickws'})
if defined $req->{"getpickws"};
$flatten->("pickwurl", $rs->{'pickwurls'})
if defined $req->{"getpickwurls"};
$res->{'defaultpicurl'} = $rs->{'defaultpicurl'} if $rs->{'defaultpicurl'};
### report new moods that this client hasn't heard of, if they care
if (defined $req->{"getmoods"}) {
my $mood_count = 0;
foreach my $m (@{$rs->{'moods'}}) {
$res->{"mood_${mood_count}_id"} = $m->{'id'};
$res->{"mood_${mood_count}_name"} = $m->{'name'};
$res->{"mood_${mood_count}_parent"} = $m->{'parent'};
if ($mood_count) {
$res->{"mood_count"} = $mood_count;
#### send web menus
if ($req->{"getmenus"} == 1) {
my $menu = $rs->{'menus'};
my $menu_num = 0;
populate_web_menu($res, $menu, \$menu_num);
return 1;
## flat wrapper
sub getfriendgroups
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("getfriendgroups", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
populate_friend_groups($res, $rs->{'friendgroups'});
return 1;
## flat wrapper
sub getfriends
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("getfriends", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
if ($req->{'includegroups'}) {
populate_friend_groups($res, $rs->{'friendgroups'});
if ($req->{'includefriendof'}) {
populate_friends($res, "friendof", $rs->{'friendofs'});
populate_friends($res, "friend", $rs->{'friends'});
return 1;
## flat wrapper
sub friendof
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("friendof", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
populate_friends($res, "friendof", $rs->{'friendofs'});
return 1;
## flat wrapper
sub checkfriends
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("checkfriends", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
$res->{'new'} = $rs->{'new'};
$res->{'lastupdate'} = $rs->{'lastupdate'};
$res->{'interval'} = $rs->{'interval'};
return 1;
## flat wrapper
sub getdaycounts
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("getdaycounts", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
foreach my $d (@{ $rs->{'daycounts'} }) {
$res->{$d->{'date'}} = $d->{'count'};
return 1;
## flat wrapper
sub syncitems
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("syncitems", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
$res->{'sync_total'} = $rs->{'total'};
$res->{'sync_count'} = $rs->{'count'};
my $ct = 0;
foreach my $s (@{ $rs->{'syncitems'} }) {
foreach my $a (qw(item action time)) {
$res->{"sync_${ct}_$a"} = $s->{$a};
return 1;
## flat wrapper: limited functionality. (1 command only, server-parsed only)
sub consolecommand
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
delete $rq->{'command'};
$rq->{'commands'} = [ $req->{'command'} ];
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("consolecommand", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'cmd_success'} = $rs->{'results'}->[0]->{'success'};
$res->{'cmd_line_count'} = 0;
foreach my $l (@{$rs->{'results'}->[0]->{'output'}}) {
my $line = $res->{'cmd_line_count'};
$res->{"cmd_line_${line}_type"} = $l->[0]
if $l->[0];
$res->{"cmd_line_${line}"} = $l->[1];
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
## flat wrapper
sub getchallenge
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("getchallenge", $req, \$err, $flags);
# stupid copy (could just return $rs), but it might change in the future
# so this protects us from future accidental harm.
foreach my $k (qw(challenge server_time expire_time auth_scheme)) {
$res->{$k} = $rs->{$k};
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
return $res;
## flat wrapper
sub editfriends
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
$rq->{'add'} = [];
$rq->{'delete'} = [];
foreach (keys %$req) {
if (/^editfriend_add_(\d+)_user$/) {
my $n = $1;
next unless ($req->{"editfriend_add_${n}_user"} =~ /\S/);
my $fa = { 'username' => $req->{"editfriend_add_${n}_user"},
'fgcolor' => $req->{"editfriend_add_${n}_fg"},
'bgcolor' => $req->{"editfriend_add_${n}_bg"},
'groupmask' => $req->{"editfriend_add_${n}_groupmask"},
push @{$rq->{'add'}}, $fa;
} elsif (/^editfriend_delete_(\w+)$/) {
push @{$rq->{'delete'}}, $1;
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("editfriends", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
my $ct = 0;
foreach my $fa (@{ $rs->{'added'} }) {
$res->{"friend_${ct}_user"} = $fa->{'username'};
$res->{"friend_${ct}_name"} = $fa->{'fullname'};
$res->{'friends_added'} = $ct;
return 1;
## flat wrapper
sub editfriendgroups
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
$rq->{'groupmasks'} = {};
$rq->{'set'} = {};
$rq->{'delete'} = [];
foreach (keys %$req) {
if (/^efg_set_(\d+)_name$/) {
next unless ($req->{$_} ne "");
my $n = $1;
my $fs = {
'name' => $req->{"efg_set_${n}_name"},
'sort' => $req->{"efg_set_${n}_sort"},
if (defined $req->{"efg_set_${n}_public"}) {
$fs->{'public'} = $req->{"efg_set_${n}_public"};
$rq->{'set'}->{$n} = $fs;
elsif (/^efg_delete_(\d+)$/) {
if ($req->{$_}) {
# delete group if value is true
push @{$rq->{'delete'}}, $1;
elsif (/^editfriend_groupmask_(\w+)$/) {
$rq->{'groupmasks'}->{$1} = $req->{$_};
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("editfriendgroups", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
return 1;
sub flatten_props
my ($req, $rq) = @_;
## changes prop_* to props hashref
foreach my $k (keys %$req) {
next unless ($k =~ /^prop_(.+)/);
$rq->{'props'}->{$1} = $req->{$k};
## flat wrapper
sub postevent
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
flatten_props($req, $rq);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("postevent", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'message'} = $rs->{'message'} if $rs->{'message'};
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
$res->{'itemid'} = $rs->{'itemid'};
$res->{'anum'} = $rs->{'anum'} if defined $rs->{'anum'};
$res->{'url'} = $rs->{'url'} if defined $rs->{'url'};
return 1;
## flat wrapper
sub editevent
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
flatten_props($req, $rq);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("editevent", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
$res->{'itemid'} = $rs->{'itemid'};
$res->{'anum'} = $rs->{'anum'} if defined $rs->{'anum'};
$res->{'url'} = $rs->{'url'} if defined $rs->{'url'};
return 1;
## flat wrapper
sub sessiongenerate {
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request('sessiongenerate', $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{success} = 'FAIL';
$res->{errmsg} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
$res->{success} = 'OK';
$res->{ljsession} = $rs->{ljsession};
return 1;
## flat wrappre
sub sessionexpire {
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
$rq->{expire} = [];
foreach my $k (keys %$rq) {
push @{$rq->{expire}}, $1
if $k =~ /^expire_id_(\d+)$/;
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request('sessionexpire', $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{success} = 'FAIL';
$res->{errmsg} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
$res->{success} = 'OK';
return 1;
## flat wrapper
sub getevents
my ($req, $res, $flags) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my $rq = upgrade_request($req);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("getevents", $rq, \$err, $flags);
unless ($rs) {
$res->{'success'} = "FAIL";
$res->{'errmsg'} = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
return 0;
my $ect = 0;
my $pct = 0;
foreach my $evt (@{$rs->{'events'}}) {
foreach my $f (qw(itemid eventtime security allowmask subject anum url poster)) {
if (defined $evt->{$f}) {
$res->{"events_${ect}_$f"} = $evt->{$f};
$res->{"events_${ect}_event"} = LJ::eurl($evt->{'event'});
if ($evt->{'props'}) {
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$evt->{'props'}}) {
$res->{"prop_${pct}_itemid"} = $evt->{'itemid'};
$res->{"prop_${pct}_name"} = $k;
$res->{"prop_${pct}_value"} = $evt->{'props'}->{$k};
unless ($req->{'noprops'}) {
$res->{'prop_count'} = $pct;
$res->{'events_count'} = $ect;
$res->{'success'} = "OK";
return 1;
sub populate_friends
my ($res, $pfx, $list) = @_;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $f (@$list)
$res->{"${pfx}_${count}_name"} = $f->{'fullname'};
$res->{"${pfx}_${count}_user"} = $f->{'username'};
$res->{"${pfx}_${count}_birthday"} = $f->{'birthday'} if $f->{'birthday'};
$res->{"${pfx}_${count}_bg"} = $f->{'bgcolor'};
$res->{"${pfx}_${count}_fg"} = $f->{'fgcolor'};
if (defined $f->{'groupmask'}) {
$res->{"${pfx}_${count}_groupmask"} = $f->{'groupmask'};
if (defined $f->{'type'}) {
$res->{"${pfx}_${count}_type"} = $f->{'type'};
if (defined $f->{'status'}) {
$res->{"${pfx}_${count}_status"} = $f->{'status'};
$res->{"${pfx}_count"} = $count;
sub upgrade_request
my $r = shift;
my $new = { %{ $r } };
$new->{'username'} = $r->{'user'};
# but don't delete $r->{'user'}, as it might be, say, %FORM,
# that'll get reused in a later request in, say, update.bml after
# the login before postevent. whoops.
return $new;
## given a $res hashref and friend group subtree (arrayref), flattens it
sub populate_friend_groups
my ($res, $fr) = @_;
my $maxnum = 0;
foreach my $fg (@$fr)
my $num = $fg->{'id'};
$res->{"frgrp_${num}_name"} = $fg->{'name'};
$res->{"frgrp_${num}_sortorder"} = $fg->{'sortorder'};
if ($fg->{'public'}) {
$res->{"frgrp_${num}_public"} = 1;
if ($num > $maxnum) { $maxnum = $num; }
$res->{'frgrp_maxnum'} = $maxnum;
## given a menu tree, flattens it into $res hashref
sub populate_web_menu
my ($res, $menu, $numref) = @_;
my $mn = $$numref; # menu number
my $mi = 0; # menu item
foreach my $it (@$menu) {
$res->{"menu_${mn}_${mi}_text"} = $it->{'text'};
if ($it->{'text'} eq "-") { next; }
if ($it->{'sub'}) {
$res->{"menu_${mn}_${mi}_sub"} = $$numref;
&populate_web_menu($res, $it->{'sub'}, $numref);
$res->{"menu_${mn}_${mi}_url"} = $it->{'url'};
$res->{"menu_${mn}_count"} = $mi;