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2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
<chapter id="lj.install.apache_setup">
<simpara>Apache is the most popular HTTP server software used today, and it's completely free.
We use Apache for our projects because there is simply no equivalent. In this chapter we'll
briefly explain how to setup and configure an Apache installation.</simpara>
<section id="lj.install.apache_setup.install">
<section id="lj.install.apache_setup.install.mod_perl">
LiveJournal in the past has been server API agnostic, working on
either FastCGI or mod_perl, but we've dropped FastCGI support, as
there's really no need to maintain it anymore. LiveJournal now solely
requires mod_perl; seeing as how it's everywhere and well supported,
and you might already have it on your machine. If not, you can read up
on the official installation docs located at
<ulink url="http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/install.html" />
We've found that more people have success when mod_perl is statically
linked, rather than using a <abbrev>DSO</abbrev>.
Consult <citetitle pubwork="article">
<ulink url="http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/install.html#When_DSO_can_be_Used">
mod_perl Installation User Guide: When <abbrev>DSO</abbrev> Can Be Used</ulink></citetitle>
for more information.
<simpara>Typically, if you already have a working apache installation in Debian
and would like to install mod_perl support, then installing the package
<filename>libapache-mod-perl</filename> should suit your needs. Otherwise,
you should install the package <filename>apache-perl</filename>.
<section id="lj.install.apache_setup.install.suexec">
<title>Apache suEXEC Support</title>
If you want the LiveJournal code to run as a user other than
what your webserver runs as, then you'll need suEXEC<footnote id="suEXEC">
<simpara><ulink url="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/suexec.html">Official
Apache suEXEC documentation</ulink></simpara></footnote> support in
Apache. You're free to figure that out yourself. We'll assume
your webserver is running as user <systemitem class="username">lj</systemitem>,
though it doesn't have to run as any certain user to work.
In fact, the LiveJournal code never writes to disk, so as long
as it can write to the database (which is essential, obviously),
you can run the code as any user, including
<systemitem class="username">nobody</systemitem> or
<systemitem class="username">www-data</systemitem>, both
of which are common in out-of-the-box configurations.
<section id="lj.install.apache_setup.install.vhosts">
<title>Virtual Hosts</title>
You can run the LiveJournal code inside or outside of a
<literal>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</literal> section in Apache's
<literal>httpd.conf</literal> file. However, make note that you
can't (yet) have two VirtualHosts running parallel copies of the
code. In the future we'll fix that, but for now if you really
need two installations on the same machine, you'll need to run
two sets of Apache processes, listening on different ports.
<section id="lj.install.apache_setup.example">
<title>Example <literal>httpd.conf</literal></title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[ServerType standalone
ServerRoot "/etc/apache-perl"
PidFile /var/run/apache-perl.pid
ScoreBoardFile /var/run/apache-perl.scoreboard
Timeout 30
KeepAlive Off
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 40
StartServers 10
MaxClients 20
MaxRequestsPerChild 500
LoadModule mime_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_mime.so
LoadModule autoindex_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_autoindex.so
LoadModule dir_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_dir.so
Port 80
User lj
Group lj
SendBufferSize 131072
ServerName www.livejournal.com
PerlSetEnv LJHOME /home/lj
PerlRequire /home/lj/cgi-bin/modperl.pl
This will work by itself (assuming mod_perl statically linked),
or you can just tack on parts to your existing config.
<para><filename>/home/lj</filename> is only an example directory. You'll want to use the same directory used in <xref linkend="lj.install.ljhome" />.</para>
If you'd like, you can put those last three lines in a VirtualHost block.
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