
362 lines
14 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
title=><?_ml .title _ml?>
option.disabled { color: GrayText; }
use strict;
use vars qw(%GET %POST %FORM);
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
return LJ::bad_input($ML{'error.noremote'})
unless $remote;
my $authas = $GET{'journal'} || $GET{'authas'} || $remote->{'user'};
my $u = LJ::get_authas_user($authas);
return LJ::bad_input($ML{'error.invalidauth'})
unless $u;
my $userid = $u->{'userid'};
my $has_cap = LJ::get_cap($u, "s2styles");
return $LJ::MSG_READONLY_USER if LJ::get_cap($u, "readonly");
my $ret;
# authas switcher form
$ret .= "<form method='get' action='index.bml'>\n";
$ret .= LJ::make_authas_select($remote, { 'authas' => $GET{'authas'} || $GET{'journal'} }) . "\n";
$ret .= "</form>\n\n";
LJ::load_user_props($u, "stylesys", "s2_style");
$u->{'stylesys'} ||= 1;
my $pub = LJ::S2::get_public_layers();
my $userlay = LJ::S2::get_layers_of_user($u);
my %style = LJ::S2::get_style($u, "verify");
my $get_lang = sub {
my $styleid = shift;
foreach ($userlay, $pub) {
return $_->{$styleid}->{'langcode'} if
$_->{$styleid} && $_->{$styleid}->{'langcode'};
return undef;
my $langcode = $get_lang->($style{'i18n'}) || $get_lang->($style{'i18nc'});
if ($POST{'save:stylesys'}) {
my $num = $POST{'stylesys'} == 2 ? 2 : 1;
LJ::set_userprop($u, "stylesys", $num);
return BML::redirect("/customize/?journal=$u->{'user'}");
my $implicit_style_create = sub {
# create new style if necessary
unless ($u->{'s2_style'}) {
my $layid = $style{'layout'};
my $lay = $pub->{$layid} || $userlay->{$layid};
my $uniq = (split("/", $lay->{'uniq'}))[0] || $lay->{'s2lid'};
unless ($u->{'s2_style'} = LJ::S2::create_style($u, "wizard-$uniq")) {
die "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $ML{'.error.fail_create_style'} p?>";
LJ::set_userprop($u, "s2_style", $u->{'s2_style'});
# save values in %style to db
LJ::S2::set_style_layers($u, $u->{'s2_style'}, %style);
if ($POST{'save:layout'}) {
my $layid = $POST{'layoutid'}+0;
return BML::redirect("/customize/?journal=$u->{'user'}")
if $layid == $style{'layout'};
my $lay = $pub->{$layid};
return "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $ML{'.error.disallowed_user_layer'} p?>"
if ! $lay and $lay ||= $userlay->{$layid} and ! $has_cap;
return "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $ML{'.error.not_your_layout'} p?>"
unless $lay && LJ::S2::can_use_layer($u, $lay->{'uniq'});
my $coreid = $lay->{'b2lid'};
return "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $ML{'.error.no_core_parent'} p?>"
unless $coreid;
# delete s2_style and replace it with a new
# or existing style for this layout
delete $u->{'s2_style'};
my $uniq = (split("/", $lay->{'uniq'}))[0] || $lay->{'s2lid'};
my $usersty = LJ::S2::load_user_styles($u);
foreach (keys %$usersty) {
next unless $usersty->{$_} eq "wizard-$uniq";
$u->{'s2_style'} = $_;
LJ::set_userprop($u, "s2_style", $u->{'s2_style'});
# now we have to populate %style from this style, but not core and layout,
# as those are reset below
my $stylay = LJ::S2::get_style_layers($u, $u->{'s2_style'});
foreach my $layer (qw(user theme i18nc i18n)) {
$style{$layer} = exists $stylay->{$layer} ? $stylay->{$layer} : 0;
# no existing style found, create a new one
unless ($u->{'s2_style'}) {
$style{'user'} = $style{'theme'} = $style{'i18nc'} = $style{'i18n'} = 0;
# even if we're using an existing style that we found by name (uniq), we need to
# set layout and core layers to make sure the style still has the proper layout
$style{'layout'} = $layid;
$style{'core'} = $coreid;
return BML::redirect("/customize/?journal=$u->{'user'}");
if ($POST{'action:deluser'}) {
LJ::S2::set_style_layers($u, $u->{'s2_style'}, "user", 0) if $style{'user'};
return BML::redirect("/customize/?journal=$u->{'user'}");
if ($POST{'action:edituser'}) {
unless ($style{'user'}) {
$style{'user'} = LJ::S2::create_layer($u, $style{'layout'}, "user");
return "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?> <?p $ML{'.error.cant_generate_user_layer'} p?>"
unless $style{'user'};
return BML::redirect("/customize/layer.bml?w=user&journal=$authas");
if ($POST{'save:theme'}) {
my $themeid = $POST{'themeid'}+0;
return BML::redirect("/customize/?journal=$u->{'user'}")
if $themeid == $style{'theme'};
my $lay = $pub->{$themeid};
return "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $ML{'.error.disallowed_theme_layer'} p?>"
if ! $lay and $lay ||= $userlay->{$themeid} and ! $has_cap;
return "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $ML{'.error.not_your_theme'} p?>" if $themeid && ! $lay;
$style{'theme'} = $themeid;
# TODO: conflict resolution. check if there
# exists a user layer, and ask user if they want to
# override it using the theme exclusively.
return BML::redirect("/customize/?journal=$u->{'user'}");
if ($POST{'save:langcode'}) {
my $langcode = $POST{'langcode'};
return BML::redirect("/customize/?journal=$u->{'user'}")
if $langcode eq 'custom';
my @langs = LJ::S2::get_layout_langs($pub, $style{'layout'});
my ($i18n, $i18nc);
# scan for an i18n user layer
foreach (values %$userlay) {
last if
$_->{'b2lid'} == $style{'layout'} &&
$_->{'type'} eq 'i18n' &&
$_->{'langcode'} eq $langcode &&
($i18n = $_->{'s2lid'});
# scan for i18nc public layer and i18n layer if necessary
foreach (values %$pub) {
last if $i18nc && $i18n;
next if
! $i18nc &&
$_->{'type'} eq 'i18nc' &&
$_->{'langcode'} eq $langcode &&
($i18nc = $_->{'s2lid'});
next if
! $i18n &&
$_->{'b2lid'} == $style{'layout'} &&
$_->{'type'} eq 'i18n' &&
$_->{'langcode'} eq $langcode &&
($i18n = $_->{'s2lid'});
$style{'i18nc'} = $i18nc;
$style{'i18n'} = $i18n;
# TODO: conflict resolution. check if there
# exists a user layer, and ask user if they want to
# override it using the theme exclusively.
return BML::redirect("/customize/?journal=$u->{'user'}");
# choose style system
$ret .= "<form method='post' action='./?journal=$u->{'user'}'>";
$ret .= "<?h1 $ML{'.choose.header'} h1?><?p $ML{'.choose'} p?>";
$ret .= "<blockquote>";
$ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'stylesys', 'selected' => $u->{'stylesys'} },
1, "$ML{'.choose.s1'}",
2, "$ML{'.choose.s2'}");
$ret .= " <input type='submit' name='save:stylesys' value='$ML{'.change'}'>";
$ret .= "</blockquote>";
# no more options if they're using S1.
if ($u->{'stylesys'} == 1) {
$ret .= "<?h1 $ML{'.s1.header'} h1?><?p ";
$ret .= BML::ml('.s1.2', { aopts => "href='$LJ::SITEROOT/modify.bml?authas=$authas'" });
$ret .= " p?></form>";
return $ret;
# choose layout
my @layouts = map { $_, $pub->{$_}->{'name'} }
sort { $pub->{$a}->{'name'} cmp $pub->{$b}->{'name'} }
grep { my $tmp = $_;
$tmp =~ /^\d+$/ &&
$pub->{$tmp}->{'type'} eq "layout" &&
LJ::S2::can_use_layer($u, $pub->{$tmp}->{'uniq'}) &&
($_ = $tmp)
} keys %$pub;
# custom layers can will be shown in the "Custom Layers" and "Disabled Layers" groups
# depending on the user's account status. if they don't have the s2styles cap, then
# they will have all layers disabled, except for the one they are currently using.
my $custom_layer_list = sub {
my ($type, $ptype) = @_;
my @layers = ();
my @user = map { $_, $userlay->{$_}->{'name'} ? $userlay->{$_}->{'name'} : "\#$_" }
sort { $userlay->{$a}->{'name'} cmp $userlay->{$b}->{'name'} || $a <=> $b }
grep { /^\d+$/ && $userlay->{$_}->{'b2lid'} == $style{$ptype} &&
$userlay->{$_}->{'type'} eq $type &&
($has_cap || $_ == $style{$type}) }
keys %$userlay;
if (@user) {
push @layers, { value => "",
text => "--- Custom Layers: ---",
disabled => 1 }, @user;
unless ($has_cap) {
my @disabled =
map { { value => $_,
text => $userlay->{$_}->{'name'} ? $userlay->{$_}->{'name'} : "\#$_",
disabled => 1 } }
sort { $userlay->{$a}->{'name'} cmp $userlay->{$b}->{'name'} ||
$userlay->{$a}->{'s2lid'} <=> $userlay->{$b}->{'s2lid'} }
grep { /^\d+$/ && $userlay->{$_}->{'b2lid'} == $style{$ptype} &&
$userlay->{$_}->{'type'} eq $type && $_ != $style{$type} }
keys %$userlay;
if (@disabled) {
push @layers, { value => "",
text => "--- Disabled Layers: ---",
disabled => 1 }, @disabled;
return @layers;
# add user/disabled ones
push @layouts, $custom_layer_list->('layout', 'core');
$ret .= "<?h1 $ML{'.s2.layout.header'} h1?><?p $ML{'.s2.layout'} p?>";
$ret .= "<blockquote>";
$ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'layoutid',
'selected' => $style{'layout'}, },
$ret .= " <input type='submit' name='save:layout' value='$ML{'.change'}'> <a href=\"preview.bml?journal=$u->{'user'}\">$ML{'.previews'}</a>";
$ret .= "</blockquote>";
# pick other stuff
$ret .= "<?h1 $ML{'.s2.customize.header'} h1?>";
$ret .= "<?p $ML{'.s2.customize'} p?>";
# langauge
my @langs = LJ::S2::get_layout_langs($pub, $style{'layout'});
# they have set a custom i18n layer
if ($style{'i18n'} &&
($style{'i18nc'} != $style{'i18n'} || ! defined $pub->{$style{'i18n'}})) {
push @langs, 'custom', $ML{'.s2.customize.language.custom'};
$langcode = 'custom';
$ret .= "<?h2 $ML{'.s2.customize.language.header'} h2?><?p $ML{'.s2.customize.language'} p?>";
$ret .= "<blockquote>";
$ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'langcode',
'selected' => $langcode, },
0 => $ML{'.s2.customize.language.default'},
$ret .= " <input type='submit' name='save:langcode' value='$ML{'.change'}'>";
$ret .= "</blockquote>";
# theme
my @themes = LJ::S2::get_layout_themes_select([$pub], $style{'layout'});
# add user/disabled ones
push @themes, $custom_layer_list->('theme', 'layout');
$ret .= "<?h2 $ML{'.s2.customize.themes.header'} h2?><?p p?>";
$ret .= "<blockquote>";
$ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => 'themeid',
'selected' => $style{'theme'}, },
'0' => $ML{'.s2.customize.themes.default'},
$ret .= " <input type='submit' name='save:theme' value='$ML{'.change'}'> <a href=\"themes.bml?journal=$u->{'user'}\">$ML{'.previews'}</a>";
$ret .= "</blockquote>";
# customize
$ret .= "<?h2 $ML{'.s2.customize.settings.header'} h2?><?p $ML{'.s2.customize.settings'} p?>";
$ret .= "<blockquote>";
if ($style{'user'}) {
$ret .= LJ::html_submit('action:edituser', $ML{'.s2.customize.settings.edit'});
$ret .= LJ::html_submit('action:deluser', $ML{'.s2.customize.settings.delete'},
{ 'onclick' => "return confirm('" . LJ::ejs($ML{'.s2.customize.settings.delete.confirm'}) . "')" });
} else {
$ret .= "<input type='submit' name='action:edituser' value='$ML{'.s2.customize.settings.new'}'>\n";
$ret .= "</blockquote>";
$ret .= "</form>";
$ret .= "<?h1 $ML{'.s2.related.header'} h1?>";
$ret .= "<dl><dt>$ML{'.s2.advanced.header'}</dt><dd>";
$ret .= $has_cap ? $ML{'.s2.advanced.permitted'} : $ML{'.s2.advanced.denied'};
$ret .= "</dd><dt><a href='/manage/links.bml?authas=$authas'>$ML{'/manage/links.bml.title'}</a></dt><dd>$ML{'.s2.related.links.about'}</dd>";
$ret .= "<dt><a href='/modify.bml?authas=$authas'>$ML{'/modify.bml.title'}</a></dt><dd>$ML{'.s2.related.modify.about'}</dd>";
$ret .= "<dt><a href='/editinfo.bml?authas=$authas'>$ML{'/editinfo.bml.title'}</a></dt><dd>$ML{'.s2.related.editinfo.about'}</dd></dl>";
return $ret;
<style type='text/css'>
dt { font-weight: bold }