
256 lines
9.3 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
use strict;
return "<?requirepost?>" unless LJ::did_post();
my $ret;
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
my $styleid; my $stylesys = 1;
### Figure out poster/journal
my ($u, $up);
if ($POST{'usejournal'}) {
$u = LJ::load_user($POST{'usejournal'});
$up = $POST{'user'} ? LJ::load_user($POST{'user'}) : $remote;
} elsif ($POST{'user'}) {
$u = LJ::load_user($POST{'user'});
} else {
$u = $remote;
$up = $u unless $up;
### Set up preview variables
my ($ditemid, $anum, $itemid);
my %req = ( 'usejournal' => $POST{'usejournal'}, );
LJ::entry_form_decode(\%req, \%POST);
my ($event, $subject) = ($req{'event'}, $req{'subject'});
LJ::CleanHTML::clean_event(\$event, $req{'prop_opt_preformatted'});
LJ::expand_embedded($u, $ditemid, $remote, \$event);
if ($u && $up) {
### Load necessary props
my @needed_props = ("stylesys", "s2_style", "url", "urlname",
"opt_usesharedpic", "journaltitle", "journalsubtitle",);
LJ::load_user_props($u, @needed_props);
### Determine style system to preview with
my $get_styleinfo = sub {
my $forceflag = 0;
LJ::run_hooks("force_s1", $u, \$forceflag);
if ( !$forceflag && $u->{'stylesys'} == 2 ) {
return (2, $u->{'s2_style'});
# no special case and not s2, fall through to s1
return (1, 0);
($stylesys, $styleid) = $get_styleinfo->();
} else {
$stylesys = 1; $styleid = 0;
if ($stylesys == 1) {
# pre-load common strings for little speed and less typing later
# (we're doing this *after* set_language_scope is called, because
# two below are relative strings)
my %T = qw(postcomments talk.commentpost
readcomments talk.commentsread
link talk.commentpermlink
nosubject .nosubject
foreach (keys %T) { $T{$_} = $ML{$T{$_}}; }
# make the title
my $subject = $req{'subject'} || $req{'event'};
$subject =~ s/\n.*//s;
# yes, the 3 param to text_trim is chars, and length returns bytes, but
# it works, as bytes >= chars:
$subject = LJ::text_trim($subject, 0, length($req{'subject'}) || 40);
$ret .= "<p>";
if ($u) {
$ret .= "<table><tr valign='middle'>";
my $picid = LJ::get_picid_from_keyword($up, $req{'prop_picture_keyword'});
my $upics = LJ::get_userpic_info($up);
my $pic = $upics->{'pic'}->{$picid};
if ($pic) {
my $alt = $up->{'name'};
if ($req{'prop_picture_keyword'}) {
$alt .= ": $req{'prop_picture_keyword'}";
$alt = LJ::ehtml($alt);
$ret .= "<td><img src='$LJ::USERPIC_ROOT/$picid/$u->{'userid'}' width='$pic->{'width'}' ".
"height='$pic->{'height'}' align='absmiddle' ".
"hspace='3' title='$alt' alt=''></td>";
$ret .= "<td>";
my $is_shared = $u->{'journaltype'} eq 'C' || $u->{'journaltype'} eq 'S';
if ($is_shared) {
$ret .= BML::ml("talk.somebodywrote_comm", { 'realname' => LJ::ehtml($up->{'name'}),
'userlink' => LJ::ljuser($up),
'commlink' => LJ::ljuser($u) });
} else {
$ret .= BML::ml("talk.somebodywrote", { 'realname' => LJ::ehtml($up->{'name'}),
'userlink' => LJ::ljuser($up) });
my $etime = LJ::date_to_view_links($u, "$req{'year'}-$req{'mon'}-$req{'day'}");
$ret .= "<br /><font size='-1'>@ $etime $req{'hour'}:$req{'min'}:00</font>";
$ret .= "</td></tr></table>";
## dump the log entry, unless we're browsing a thread.
my %current;
if ($req{'prop_current_mood'} || $req{'prop_current_moodid'}) {
$current{'Mood'} = LJ::current_mood_str($up->{'moodthemeid'},
if ($req{'prop_current_music'}) {
$current{'Music'} = LJ::current_music_str($req{'prop_current_music'});
$ret .= "<div style='margin-left: 30px'>";
if (%current)
$ret .= "<table border=0>\n";
foreach (sort keys %current) {
my $curkey = "talk.curname_" . $_;
my $curname = BML::ml($curkey);
$curname = "<b>Current $_:</b>" unless $curname;
$ret .= "<tr><td align=right>$curname</td><td>$current{$_}</td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table><p>\n";
### security indicator
my $sec = "";
if ($req{'security'} eq "private") {
$sec = BML::fill_template("securityprivate");
} elsif ($req{'security'} eq "usemask") {
$sec = BML::fill_template("securityprotected");
$sec .= "<br />\n" unless $sec eq "" or $req{'subject'};
$ret .= $sec;
if ($subject) {
$ret .= "<font face='Arial,Helvetica' size='+1'><i><b>$subject</b></i></font><br />\n";
$ret .= $event;
$ret .= "</div>";
$ret .= "<br clear='all' /><hr width='100%' size='2' align='center' />";
} else {
$LJ::S2::ret_ref = \$ret;
my $opts;
my $r = Apache->request; $opts->{'r'} = $r;
$u->{'_s2styleid'} = $styleid + 0;
$u->{'_journalbase'} = LJ::journal_base($u->{'user'});
my $ctx = LJ::S2::s2_context($r, $styleid);
$LJ::S2::CURR_CTX = $ctx;
my $p = LJ::S2::Page($u, $opts);
$p->{'_type'} = "EntryPage";
$p->{'view'} = "entry";
$p->{'comment_pages'} = undef;
$p->{'comments'} = [];
$p->{'comment_pages'} = undef;
my $userlite_journal = LJ::S2::UserLite($u);
my $userlite_poster = LJ::S2::UserLite($up);
my $userpic = LJ::S2::Image_userpic($up, 0, $req{'prop_picture_keyword'});
my $comments = LJ::S2::CommentInfo({
'read_url' => "#",
'post_url' => "#",
'count' => "0",
'maxcomments' => 0,
'enabled' => ($u->{'opt_showtalklinks'} eq "Y" && !
$req{'prop_opt_nocomments'}) ? 1 : 0,
'screened' => 0,
# build tag objects, faking kwid as '0'
# * invalid tags will be stripped by is_valid_tagstring()
my @taglist = ();
LJ::Tags::is_valid_tagstring($POST{prop_taglist}, \@taglist);
@taglist = map { LJ::S2::Tag($u, 0, $_) } @taglist;
# format it
my $raw_subj = $req{'subject'};
my $s2entry = LJ::S2::Entry($u, {
'_rawsubject' => $req{'subject'},
'subject' => $subject,
'text' => $event,
'dateparts' => "$req{'year'} $req{'mon'} $req{'day'} $req{'hour'} $req{'min'} 00 ",
'security' => $req{'security'},
'props' => $req{'props'},
'itemid' => 0,
'comments' => $comments,
'journal' => $userlite_journal,
'poster' => $userlite_poster,
'new_day' => 0,
'end_day' => 0,
'tags' => \@taglist,
'userpic' => $userpic,
'permalink_url' => "#",
$p->{'multiform_on'} = 0;
if ($u->{'opt_blockrobots'}) {
$p->{'head_content'} .= LJ::robot_meta_tags();
if ($LJ::UNICODE) {
$p->{'head_content'} .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.$opts->{'saycharset'}."\" />\n";
$p->{'entry'} = $s2entry;
my $userlite_journal = LJ::S2::UserLite($u);
$p->{'comments'} = [];
$p->{'viewing_thread'} = 0;
my $copts;
$copts->{'out_pages'} = $copts->{'out_page'} = 1;
$copts->{'out_items'} = 0;
$copts->{'out_itemfirst'} = $copts->{'out_itemlast'} = undef;
$p->{'comment_pages'} = LJ::S2::ItemRange({
'all_subitems_displayed' => ($copts->{'out_pages'} == 1),
'current' => $copts->{'out_page'},
'from_subitem' => $copts->{'out_itemfirst'},
'num_subitems_displayed' => 0,
'to_subitem' => $copts->{'out_itemlast'},
'total' => $copts->{'out_pages'},
'total_subitems' => $copts->{'out_items'},
'_url_of' => sub { return "#"; },
LJ::S2::s2_run($r, $ctx, $opts, "EntryPage::print()", $p);
return $ret;