
89 lines
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2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my $opt_clean;
my ($opt_myxsl, $opt_getxsl);
exit 1 unless GetOptions('clean' => \$opt_clean,
'myxsl' => \$opt_myxsl,
'getxsl' => \$opt_getxsl,
my $home = $ENV{'LJHOME'};
require "$home/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl";
$ENV{'SGML_CATALOG_FILES'} = $LJ::CATALOG_FILES || "/usr/share/sgml/docbook/dtd/xml/4.1/docbook.cat";
unless (-e $ENV{'SGML_CATALOG_FILES'}) {
die "Catalog files don't exist. Either set \$LJ::CATALOG_FILES, install docbook-xml (on Debian), or symlink $ENV{'SGML_CATALOG_FILES'} to XML DocBook 4.1's docbook.cat.";
if ($opt_getxsl) {
chdir "$home/doc/raw/build" or die "Where is build dir?";
unlink "xsl-docbook.tar.gz";
my $fetched = 0;
my $url = "http://www.livejournal.org/misc/xsl-docbook.tar.gz";
my @fetcher = ([ 'wget', "wget $url", ],
[ 'lynx', "lynx -source $url > xsl-docbook.tar.gz", ],
[ 'GET', "GET $url > xsl-docbook.tar.gz", ]);
foreach my $fet (@fetcher) {
next if $fetched;
print "Looking for $fet->[0] ...\n";
next unless `which $fet->[0]`;
print "RUNNING: $fet->[1]\n";
and die "Error running $fet->[0]. Interrupted?\n";
$fetched = 1;
unless ($fetched) {
die "Couldn't find a program to download things from the web. I looked for:\n\t".
join(", ", map { $_->[0] } @fetcher) . "\n";
system("tar", "zxvf", "xsl-docbook.tar.gz")
and die "Error extracting xsl-doxbook.tar.gz; have GNU tar?\n";
my $output_dir = "$home/htdocs/doc/bml";
my $docraw_dir = "$home/doc/raw";
my $XSL = "$docraw_dir/build/xsl-docbook";
my $stylesheet = "$XSL/html/chunk.xsl";
open (F, "$XSL/VERSION");
local $/ = undef; my $file = <F>;
$XSL_VERSION = $1 if $file =~ /VERSION.+\>(.+?)\</;
close F;
my $download;
print "\nUntested DocBook XSL found at $XSL.\n";
print " Your version: $XSL_VERSION.\n";
print " Recommended: $XSL_VERSION_RECOMMENDED.\n\n";
print "Options at this point. Re-run with:\n";
print " --myxsl to proceed with yours, or\n";
print " --getxsl to install recommended XSL\n\n";
exit 1;
if (! $XSL_VERSION) {
print "\nDocBook XSL not found at $XSL.\n\nEither symlink that dir to the right ";
print "place (preferrably at version $XSL_VERSION_RECOMMENDED),\nor re-run with --getxsl ";
print "for me to do it for you.\n\n";
exit 1;
chdir "$docraw_dir/build" or die;
print "Generating API reference\n";
system("api/api2db.pl --include=BML:: --book=bml > $docraw_dir/bml.book/api.gen.xml")
and die "Errror generating BML API reference.\n";
system("xsltproc --nonet --catalogs ".
"--stringparam use.id.as.filename '1' ".
"$stylesheet $docraw_dir/bml.book/book.xml")
and die "Error generating HTML.\n";