362 lines
12 KiB
362 lines
12 KiB
use strict;
use vars qw(%maint %maintinfo);
use LJ::Captcha qw{};
use LJ::Blob qw{};
use File::Temp qw{tempdir};
use File::Path qw{rmtree};
use File::Spec qw{};
our ( $FakeUserId, $ClusterId, $Digits, $DigitCount,
$ExpireThresUser, $ExpireThresNoUser );
# Data for code-generation
$Digits = "abcdefghkmnpqrstuvwzyz23456789";
$DigitCount = length( $Digits );
# Maximum age of answered captchas. this is just
# for double-click protection.
$ExpireThresUser = 2 * 60; # two minutes
# 24 hours for captchas which were given out but not answered.
# (they might leave their browser window open or something)
$ExpireThresNoUser = 24 * 3600; # 1 day
### F U N C T I O N S
### Read a file in as a scalar and return it
sub readfile ($) {
my ( $filename ) = @_;
open my $fh, "<$filename" or die "open: $filename: $!";
local $/ = undef;
my $data = <$fh>;
return $data;
### Generate an n-character challenge code
sub gencode ($) {
my ( $digits ) = @_;
my $code = '';
for ( 1..$digits ) {
$code .= substr( $Digits, int(rand($DigitCount)), 1 );
return $code;
### M A I N T E N A N C E T A S K S
$maintinfo{gen_audio_captchas}{opts}{locking} = "per_host";
$maint{gen_audio_captchas} = sub {
my (
$u, # Fake user record for Blob::put
$dbh, # Database handle (writer)
$count, # Count of currently-extant audio challenges
$need, # How many we need to still create
$make, # how many we're actually going to create this round
$tmpdir, # Temporary working directory
$code, # The generated challenge code
$wav, # Wav file
$data, # Wav file data
$err, # Error-message ref for Blob::put calls
$capid, # Captcha row id
$anum, # Deseries-ifier value
print "-I- Generating new audio captchas...\n";
$dbh = LJ::get_dbh({raw=>1}, "master") or die "Failed to get_db_writer()";
$dbh->do("SET wait_timeout=28800");
# Count how many challenges there are currently
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{
FROM captchas
type = 'audio'
AND issuetime = 0
my $MaxItems = $LJ::CAPTCHA_AUDIO_PREGEN || 500;
# If there are enough, don't generate any more
print "Current count is $count of $MaxItems...";
if ( $count >= $MaxItems ) {
print "already have enough.\n";
} else {
$make = $need = $MaxItems - $count;
print "generating $make new audio challenges.\n";
# Clean up any old audio directories lying about from failed generations
# before. In theory, File::Temp::tempdir() is supposed to clean them up
# itself, but it doesn't appear to be doing so.
foreach my $olddir ( glob "audio_captchas_*" ) {
# If it's been more than an hour since it's been changed from the
# starting time of the script, kill it
if ( (-M $olddir) * 24 > 1 ) {
print "cleaning up old working temp directory ($olddir).\n";
rmtree( $olddir ) or die "rmtree: $olddir: $!";
# Load the system user for Blob::put() and create an auto-cleaning temp
# directory for audio generation
$u = LJ::load_user( "system" )
or die "Couldn't load the system user.";
$tmpdir = tempdir( "audio_captchas_XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 0 );
# target location
my $location = $LJ::CAPTCHA_MOGILEFS ? 'mogile' : 'blob';
# Generate the challenges
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $make; $i++ ) {
print "Generating audio $i...";
( $wav, $code ) = LJ::Captcha::generate_audio( $tmpdir );
$data = readfile( $wav );
unlink $wav or die "unlink: $wav: $!";
# Generate the capid + anum
print "generating new capid/anum...";
$capid = LJ::alloc_global_counter( 'C' );
die "Couldn't allocate capid" unless $capid;
$anum = int( rand 65_535 );
# Insert the blob
print "uploading (capid = $capid, anum = $anum)...";
if ($location eq 'mogile') {
my $mogfs = LJ::mogclient(); # force load
die "Requested to store captchas on MogileFS, but it's not loaded.\n"
unless $mogfs;
my $fh = $mogfs->new_file("captcha:$capid", 'captcha')
or die "Unable to contact MogileFS server for storage.\n";
or die "Unable to save captcha to MogileFS server: $@\n";
} else {
LJ::Blob::put( $u, 'captcha_audio', 'wav', $capid, $data, \$err )
or die "Error uploading to media server: $err";
# Insert the captcha into the DB. If it fails for some reason, delete
# the just-uploaded file from the media storage system too.
print "inserting (code = $code)...";
my $rval = eval {
INSERT INTO captchas( capid, type, location, answer, anum )
VALUES ( ?, 'audio', ?, ?, ? )
}, undef, $capid, $location, $code, $anum);
if ( !$rval || $@ ) {
my $err = $@ || $dbh->errstr;
if ( $location eq 'mogile' ) {
LJ::mogclient()->delete( "captcha:$capid" );
} else {
LJ::Blob::delete( $u, 'captcha_audio', 'wav', $capid );
die "audio captcha insert error on ($capid, $location, $code, $anum): $err";
print "done.\n";
print "cleaning up working temporary directory ($tmpdir).\n";
rmtree( $tmpdir ) or die "Failed directory cleanup: $!";
print "done. Created $make new audio captchas.\n";
return 1;
$maintinfo{gen_image_captchas}{opts}{locking} = "per_host";
$maint{gen_image_captchas} = sub {
my (
$u, # Fake user record for Blob::put
$dbh, # Database handle (writer)
$count, # Count of currently-extant audio challenges
$need, # How many we need to still create
$code, # The generated challenge code
$png, # PNG data
$err, # Error-message ref for Blob::put calls
$capid, # Captcha row id
$anum, # Deseries-ifier value
print "-I- Generating new image captchas...\n";
$dbh = LJ::get_dbh({raw=>1}, "master") or die "Failed to get_db_writer()";
$dbh->do("SET wait_timeout=28800");
# Count how many challenges there are currently
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{
FROM captchas
type = 'image'
AND issuetime = 0
my $MaxItems = $LJ::CAPTCHA_IMAGE_PREGEN || 1000;
# If there are enough, don't generate any more
print "Current count is $count of $MaxItems...";
if ( $count >= $MaxItems ) {
print "already have enough.\n";
} else {
$need = $MaxItems - $count;
print "generating $need new image challenges.\n";
# Load system user for Blob::put()
$u = LJ::load_user( "system" )
or die "Couldn't load the system user.";
$dbh = LJ::get_db_writer() or die "Failed to get_db_writer()";
# target location
my $location = $LJ::CAPTCHA_MOGILEFS ? 'mogile' : 'blob';
# Generate the challenges
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $need; $i++ ) {
print "Generating image $i...";
$code = gencode( 7 );
( $png ) = LJ::Captcha::generate_visual( $code );
# Generate the capid + anum
print "generating new capid/anum...";
$capid = LJ::alloc_global_counter( 'C' );
die "Couldn't allocate capid" unless $capid;
$anum = int( rand 65_535 );
# Insert the blob
print "uploading (capid = $capid, anum = $anum)...";
if ($location eq 'mogile') {
my $mogfs = LJ::mogclient(); # force load
die "Requested to store captchas on MogileFS, but it's not loaded.\n"
unless $mogfs;
my $fh = $mogfs->new_file("captcha:$capid", 'captcha')
or die "Unable to contact MogileFS server for storage.\n";
or die "Unable to save captcha to MogileFS server: $@\n";
} else {
LJ::Blob::put( $u, 'captcha_image', 'png', $capid, $png, \$err )
or die "Error uploading to media server: $err";
# Insert the captcha into the DB. If it fails for some reason, delete
# the just-uploaded file from the media storage system too.
print "inserting (code = $code)...";
my $rval = eval {
INSERT INTO captchas( capid, type, location, answer, anum )
VALUES ( ?, 'image', ?, ?, ? )
}, undef, $capid, $location, $code, $anum);
if ( !$rval || $@ ) {
my $err = $@ || $dbh->errstr;
if ( $location eq 'mogile' ) {
LJ::mogclient()->delete( "captcha:$capid" );
} else {
LJ::Blob::delete( $u, 'captcha_image', 'png', $capid );
die "image captcha insert error on ($capid, $location, $code, $anum): $err";
print "done.\n";
print "done. Created $need new image captchas.\n";
return 1;
$maint{clean_captchas} = sub {
my (
$u, # System user
$expired, # arrayref of arrayrefs of expired captchas
$dbh, # Database handle (writer)
$sql, # SQL statement
$sth, # Statement handle
$count, # Deletion count
$err, # Error message reference for Blob::delete calls
print "-I- Cleaning captchas.\n";
# Find captchas to delete
$sql = q{
capid, type, location
FROM captchas
( issuetime <> 0 AND issuetime < ? )
( userid > 0
AND ( issuetime <> 0 AND issuetime < ? )
LIMIT 2500
$dbh = LJ::get_db_writer()
or die "No master DB handle";
$expired = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( $sql, undef,
time() - $ExpireThresNoUser,
time() - $ExpireThresUser );
die "selectall_arrayref: $sql: ", $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err;
if ( @$expired ) {
print "found ", scalar @$expired, " captchas to delete...\n";
} else {
print "Done: No captchas to delete.\n";
# Prepare deletion statement
$sql = q{ DELETE FROM captchas WHERE capid = ? };
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );
# Fetch system user
$u = LJ::load_user( "system" )
or die "Couldn't load the system user.";
# Now delete each one from the DB and the media server
foreach my $captcha ( @$expired ) {
my ( $capid, $type, $location ) = @$captcha;
$location ||= 'blob';
print "Deleting captcha $capid ($type, $location)\n";
my $ext = $type eq 'audio' ? 'wav' : 'png';
if ($location eq 'mogile') {
my $mogfs = LJ::mogclient(); # force load
die "Requested to delete captchas from MogileFS, but it's not loaded.\n"
unless $mogfs;
or die "Unable to delete captcha from MogileFS server for capid = $capid.\n";
} else {
LJ::Blob::delete( $u, "captcha_$type", $ext, $capid, \$err )
or die "Failed to delete $type file from media server for ".
"capid = $capid: $err";
$sth->execute( $capid )
or die "execute: $sql ($capid): ", $sth->errstr;
print "Done: deleted $count expired captchas.\n";
return 1;