
78 lines
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2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
use strict;
my $clusterid = shift;
die "Usage: compress_cluster <clusterid>\n"
unless $clusterid;
# load libraries now
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl";
# force this option on, since that's the point of the tool
my $db = LJ::get_cluster_master($clusterid);
die "Invalid/down cluster: $clusterid\n" unless $db;
# table, column, [ prikey1, prikey2 ]
foreach my $t (['logtext2', 'event', ['journalid', 'jitemid']],
['talktext2', 'body', ['journalid', 'jtalkid']]) {
my ($table, $col, $key) = @$t;
my ($pk1, $pk2) = @$key; # 2 sections of primary key
my $total = $db->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table");
print "Processing table: $table [$total total rows]\n";
$db->do("HANDLER $table OPEN");
my $ct = 0;
my $modct = 0;
my $bytes_pre;
my $bytes_post;
my $stats = sub {
printf("%6.2f%% done (mod=%.2f%%, size=%.2f%%),\n",
($ct / $total) * 100,
($modct / $ct) * 100,
($bytes_post / $bytes_pre) * 100);
my $loop = 1;
while ($loop) {
my $sth = $db->prepare("HANDLER $table READ `PRIMARY` NEXT LIMIT 100");
$loop = 0;
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$loop = 1;
# print status
$stats->() if (++$ct % 1000 == 0);
# try to compress the text
my $orig_len = length($row->{$col});
$bytes_pre += $orig_len;
my $new_text = LJ::text_compress($row->{$col});
my $new_len = length($new_text);
$bytes_post += $new_len;
# do nothing if the "compressed" and uncompressed sizes are the same
next if $new_text eq $row->{$col};
# update this row since it compressed
$db->do("UPDATE $table SET $col=? WHERE $pk1=? AND $pk2=? AND $col=?",
undef, $new_text, $row->{$pk1}, $row->{$pk2}, $row->{$col});
$db->do("HANDLER $table CLOSE");
print "$ct rows processed, $modct modified\n\n";