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125 lines
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package Apache::LiveJournal::Interface::S2;
use strict;
use MIME::Base64 ();
use Apache::Constants;
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
my $meth = $r->method();
my %GET = $r->args();
my $uri = $r->uri();
my $id;
if ($uri =~ m!^/interface/s2/(\d+)$!) {
$id = $1 + 0;
} else {
return NOT_FOUND;
my $lay = LJ::S2::load_layer($id);
return error($r, 404, 'Layer not found', "There is no layer with id $id at this site")
unless $lay;
my $u = LJ::get_remote();
unless ($u) {
# Tell the client how it can authenticate
# use digest authorization.
$r->send_http_header("text/plain; charset=utf-8");
$r->print("Unauthorized\nYou must send your $LJ::SITENAME username and password or a valid session cookie\n");
return OK;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $lu = LJ::load_userid($lay->{'userid'});
return error($r, 500, "Error", "Unable to find layer owner.")
unless $lu;
if ($meth eq 'GET') {
return error($r, 403, "Forbidden", "You are not authorized to retrieve this layer")
unless $lu->{'user'} eq 'system' || LJ::can_manage($u, $lu);
my $layerinfo = {};
LJ::S2::load_layer_info($layerinfo, [ $id ]);
my $srcview = exists $layerinfo->{$id}->{'source_viewable'} ?
$layerinfo->{$id}->{'source_viewable'} : 1;
# Disallow retrieval of protected system layers
return error($r, 403, "Forbidden", "The requested layer is restricted")
if $lu->{'user'} eq 'system' && ! $srcview;
my $s2code = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT s2code FROM s2source WHERE s2lid=?", undef, $id);
elsif ($meth eq 'PUT') {
return error($r, 403, "Forbidden", "You are not authorized to edit this layer")
unless LJ::can_manage($u, $lu);
return error($r, 403, "Forbidden", "Your account type is not allowed to edit layers")
unless LJ::get_cap($u, "s2styles");
# Read in the entity body to get the source
my $len = $r->header_in("Content-length")+0;
return error($r, 400, "Bad Request", "Supply S2 layer code in the request entity body and set Content-length")
unless $len;
return error($r, 415, "Bad Media Type", "Request body must be of type application/x-danga-s2-layer")
unless lc($r->header_in("Content-type")) eq 'application/x-danga-s2-layer';
my $s2code;
$r->read($s2code, $len);
my $error = "";
LJ::S2::layer_compile($lay, \$error, { 's2ref' => \$s2code });
if ($error) {
error($r, 500, "Layer Compile Error", "An error was encountered while compiling the layer.");
## Strip any absolute paths
$error =~ s/LJ::.+//s;
$error =~ s!, .+?(src/s2|cgi-bin)/!, !g;
print $error;
return OK;
else {
$r->status_line("201 Compiled and Saved");
$r->header_out("Location" => "$LJ::SITEROOT/interface/s2/$id");
$r->send_http_header("text/plain; charset=utf-8");
$r->print("Compiled and Saved\nThe layer was uploaded successfully.\n");
else {
# Return 'method not allowed' so that we can add methods in future
# and clients will get a sensible error from old servers.
return error($r, 405, 'Method Not Allowed', 'Only GET and PUT are supported for this resource');
sub error {
my ($r, $code, $string, $long) = @_;
$r->status_line("$code $string");
$r->send_http_header("text/plain; charset=utf-8");
# Tell Apache OK so it won't try to handle the error
return OK;