
378 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
use strict;
package LJ::S2;
sub EntryPage
my ($u, $remote, $opts) = @_;
my $get = $opts->{'getargs'};
my $p = Page($u, $opts);
$p->{'_type'} = "EntryPage";
$p->{'view'} = "entry";
$p->{'comment_pages'} = undef;
$p->{'comments'} = [];
$p->{'comment_pages'} = undef;
# setup viewall options
my ($viewall, $viewsome) = (0, 0);
if ($get->{viewall} && LJ::check_priv($remote, 'canview')) {
# we don't log here, as we don't know what entry we're viewing yet. the logging
# is done when we call EntryPage_entry below.
$viewall = LJ::check_priv($remote, 'canview', '*');
$viewsome = $viewall || LJ::check_priv($remote, 'canview', 'suspended');
my ($entry, $s2entry) = EntryPage_entry($u, $remote, $opts);
return if $opts->{'suspendeduser'};
return if $opts->{'handler_return'};
$p->{'multiform_on'} = $remote &&
($remote->{'userid'} == $u->{'userid'} ||
$remote->{'userid'} == $entry->{'posterid'} ||
LJ::can_manage($remote, $u));
my $itemid = $entry->{'itemid'};
my $ditemid = $entry->{'itemid'} * 256 + $entry->{'anum'};
my $permalink = LJ::journal_base($u) . "/$ditemid.html";
my $stylemine = $get->{'style'} eq "mine" ? "style=mine" : "";
if ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "R" && $u->{'renamedto'} ne "") {
$opts->{'redir'} = LJ::journal_base($u->{'renamedto'}, $opts->{'vhost'}) .
"/$ditemid.html" . $opts->{'pathextra'};
return 1;
if ($u->{'opt_blockrobots'}) {
$p->{'head_content'} .= LJ::robot_meta_tags();
if ($LJ::UNICODE) {
$p->{'head_content'} .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.$opts->{'saycharset'}."\" />\n";
$p->{'entry'} = $s2entry;
# add the comments
my %userpic;
my %user;
my $copts = {
'thread' => ($get->{'thread'} >> 8),
'page' => $get->{'page'},
'view' => $get->{'view'},
'userpicref' => \%userpic,
'userref' => \%user,
# user object is cached from call just made in EntryPage_entry
'up' => LJ::load_user($s2entry->{'poster'}->{'username'}),
'viewall' => $viewall,
my $userlite_journal = UserLite($u);
my @comments = LJ::Talk::load_comments($u, $remote, "L", $itemid, $copts);
my $pics = LJ::Talk::get_subjecticons()->{'pic'}; # hashref of imgname => { w, h, img }
my $convert_comments = sub {
my ($self, $destlist, $srclist, $depth) = @_;
foreach my $com (@$srclist) {
my $dtalkid = $com->{'talkid'} * 256 + $entry->{'anum'};
my $text = $com->{'body'};
if ($get->{'nohtml'}) {
# quote all non-LJ tags
$text =~ s{<(?!/?lj)(.*?)>} {&lt;$1&gt;}gi;
LJ::CleanHTML::clean_comment(\$text, { 'preformatted' => $com->{'props'}->{'opt_preformatted'},
'anon_comment' => !$com->{posterid}});
# local time in mysql format to gmtime
my $datetime = DateTime_unix(LJ::mysqldate_to_time($com->{'datepost'}));
my $subject_icon = undef;
if (my $si = $com->{'props'}->{'subjecticon'}) {
my $pic = $pics->{$si};
$subject_icon = Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/talk/$pic->{'img'}",
$pic->{'w'}, $pic->{'h'}) if $pic;
my $comment_userpic;
if (my $pic = $userpic{$com->{'picid'}}) {
$comment_userpic = Image("$LJ::USERPIC_ROOT/$com->{'picid'}/$pic->{'userid'}",
$pic->{'width'}, $pic->{'height'});
my $reply_url = LJ::Talk::talkargs($permalink, "replyto=$dtalkid", $stylemine);
my $par_url;
if ($com->{'parenttalkid'}) {
my $dparent = ($com->{'parenttalkid'} << 8) + $entry->{'anum'};
$par_url = LJ::Talk::talkargs($permalink, "thread=$dparent", $stylemine) . "#t$dparent";
my $poster;
if ($com->{'posterid'}) {
if ($user{$com->{'posterid'}}) {
$poster = UserLite($user{$com->{'posterid'}});
} else {
$poster = {
'_type' => 'UserLite',
'username' => $com->{'userpost'},
'name' => $com->{'userpost'}, # we don't have this, so fake it
'journal_type' => 'P', # fake too, but only people can post, so correct
my $s2com = {
'_type' => 'Comment',
'journal' => $userlite_journal,
'metadata' => {
'picture_keyword' => $com->{'props'}->{'picture_keyword'},
'permalink_url' => "$permalink?thread=$dtalkid#t$dtalkid",
'reply_url' => $reply_url,
'poster' => $poster,
'replies' => [],
'subject' => LJ::ehtml($com->{'subject'}),
'subject_icon' => $subject_icon,
'talkid' => $dtalkid,
'text' => $text,
'userpic' => $comment_userpic,
'time' => $datetime,
'tags' => [],
'full' => $com->{'_loaded'} ? 1 : 0,
'depth' => $depth,
'parent_url' => $par_url,
'screened' => $com->{'state'} eq "S" ? 1 : 0,
'frozen' => $com->{'state'} eq "F" ? 1 : 0,
'link_keyseq' => [ 'delete_comment' ],
'anchor' => "t$dtalkid",
'dom_id' => "ljcmt$dtalkid",
# don't show info from suspended users
# FIXME: ideally the load_comments should only return these
# items if there are children, otherwise they should be hidden entirely
my $pu = $com->{'posterid'} ? $user{$com->{'posterid'}} : undef;
if ($pu && $pu->{'statusvis'} eq "S" && !$viewsome) {
$s2com->{'text'} = "";
$s2com->{'subject'} = "";
$s2com->{'full'} = 0;
$s2com->{'subject_icon'} = undef;
$s2com->{'userpic'} = undef;
# Conditionally add more links to the keyseq
my $link_keyseq = $s2com->{'link_keyseq'};
push @$link_keyseq, $s2com->{'screened'} ? 'unscreen_comment' : 'screen_comment';
push @$link_keyseq, $s2com->{'frozen'} ? 'unfreeze_thread' : 'freeze_thread';
if (@{$com->{'children'}}) {
$s2com->{'thread_url'} = LJ::Talk::talkargs($permalink, "thread=$dtalkid", $stylemine) . "#t$dtalkid";
# add the poster_ip metadata if remote user has
# access to see it.
$s2com->{'metadata'}->{'poster_ip'} = $com->{'props'}->{'poster_ip'} if
($com->{'props'}->{'poster_ip'} && $remote &&
($remote->{'userid'} == $entry->{'posterid'} ||
LJ::can_manage($remote, $u) || $viewall));
push @$destlist, $s2com;
$self->($self, $s2com->{'replies'}, $com->{'children'}, $depth+1);
$p->{'comments'} = [];
$convert_comments->($convert_comments, $p->{'comments'}, \@comments, 1);
# prepare the javascript data structure to put in the top of the page
# if the remote user is a manager of the comments
my $do_commentmanage_js = $p->{'multiform_on'};
if ($LJ::DISABLED{'commentmanage'}) {
if (ref $LJ::DISABLED{'commentmanage'} eq "CODE") {
$do_commentmanage_js = $LJ::DISABLED{'commentmanage'}->($remote);
} else {
$do_commentmanage_js = 0;
if ($do_commentmanage_js) {
my $js = "<script>\n// don't crawl this. read http://www.livejournal.com/developer/exporting.bml\n";
$js .= "var LJ_cmtinfo = {\n";
my $canAdmin = LJ::can_manage($remote, $u) ? 1 : 0;
$js .= "\tjournal: '$u->{user}',\n";
$js .= "\tcanAdmin: $canAdmin,\n";
$js .= "\tremote: '$remote->{user}',\n" if $remote;
my $recurse = sub {
my ($self, $array) = @_;
foreach my $i (@$array) {
my $has_threads = scalar @{$i->{'replies'}};
my $poster = $i->{'poster'} ? $i->{'poster'}{'username'} : "";
my $child_ids = join(',', map { $_->{'talkid'} } @{$i->{'replies'}});
$js .= "\t$i->{'talkid'}: { rc: [$child_ids], u: '$poster' },\n";
$self->($self, $i->{'replies'}) if $has_threads;
$recurse->($recurse, $p->{'comments'});
chop $js; chop $js; # remove final ",\n". stupid javascript.
$js .= "\n};\n" .
"var LJVAR;\n".
"if (!LJVAR) LJVAR = new Object();\n".
"LJVAR.imgprefix = \"$LJ::IMGPREFIX\";\n".
$p->{'head_content'} .= $js;
$p->{'head_content'} .= "<script src='$LJ::SITEROOT/js/commentmanage.js'></script>\n";
$p->{'viewing_thread'} = $get->{'thread'} ? 1 : 0;
# default values if there were no comments, because
# LJ::Talk::load_comments() doesn't provide them.
if ($copts->{'out_error'} eq 'noposts') {
$copts->{'out_pages'} = $copts->{'out_page'} = 1;
$copts->{'out_items'} = 0;
$copts->{'out_itemfirst'} = $copts->{'out_itemlast'} = undef;
$p->{'comment_pages'} = ItemRange({
'all_subitems_displayed' => ($copts->{'out_pages'} == 1),
'current' => $copts->{'out_page'},
'from_subitem' => $copts->{'out_itemfirst'},
'num_subitems_displayed' => scalar @comments,
'to_subitem' => $copts->{'out_itemlast'},
'total' => $copts->{'out_pages'},
'total_subitems' => $copts->{'out_items'},
'_url_of' => sub { return "$permalink?page=" . int($_[0]) .
($stylemine ? "&$stylemine" : ''); },
return $p;
sub EntryPage_entry
my ($u, $remote, $opts) = @_;
my $get = $opts->{'getargs'};
my $r = $opts->{'r'};
my $uri = $r->uri;
my ($ditemid, $itemid, $anum);
unless ($uri =~ /(\d+)\.html/) {
$opts->{'handler_return'} = 404;
$ditemid = $1;
$anum = $ditemid % 256;
$itemid = $ditemid >> 8;
my $entry = LJ::Talk::get_journal_item($u, $itemid);
unless ($entry && $entry->{'anum'} == $anum) {
$opts->{'handler_return'} = 404;
my $userlite_journal = UserLite($u);
my $userlite_poster = $userlite_journal;
my $pu = $u;
if ($entry->{'posterid'} != $entry->{'ownerid'}) {
$pu = LJ::load_userid($entry->{'posterid'});
$userlite_poster = UserLite($pu);
# do they have the viewall priv?
my $viewall = 0;
my $viewsome = 0;
if ($get->{'viewall'} && LJ::check_priv($remote, "canview")) {
LJ::statushistory_add($u->{'userid'}, $remote->{'userid'},
"viewall", "entry: $u->{'user'}, itemid: $itemid, statusvis: $u->{'statusvis'}");
$viewall = LJ::check_priv($remote, 'canview', '*');
$viewsome = $viewall || LJ::check_priv($remote, 'canview', 'suspended');
# check using normal rules
unless (LJ::can_view($remote, $entry) || $viewall) {
$opts->{'handler_return'} = 403;
if (($pu && $pu->{'statusvis'} eq 'S') && !$viewsome) {
$opts->{'suspendeduser'} = 1;
my $replycount = $entry->{'props'}->{'replycount'};
my $nc = "";
$nc .= "nc=$replycount" if $replycount && $remote && $remote->{'opt_nctalklinks'};
my $stylemine = $get->{'style'} eq "mine" ? "style=mine" : "";
my $userpic = Image_userpic($pu, 0, $entry->{'props'}->{'picture_keyword'});
my $permalink = LJ::journal_base($u) . "/$ditemid.html";
my $readurl = LJ::Talk::talkargs($permalink, $nc, $stylemine);
my $posturl = LJ::Talk::talkargs($permalink, "mode=reply", $stylemine);
my $comments = CommentInfo({
'read_url' => $readurl,
'post_url' => $posturl,
'count' => $replycount,
'maxcomments' => ($replycount >= LJ::get_cap($u, 'maxcomments')) ? 1 : 0,
'enabled' => ($u->{'opt_showtalklinks'} eq "Y" && !
$entry->{'props'}->{'opt_nocomments'}) ? 1 : 0,
'screened' => ($entry->{'props'}->{'hasscreened'} && $remote &&
($remote->{'user'} eq $u->{'user'} || LJ::can_manage($remote, $u))) ? 1 : 0,
# format it
if ($opts->{'getargs'}->{'nohtml'}) {
# quote all non-LJ tags
$entry->{'subject'} =~ s{<(?!/?lj)(.*?)>} {&lt;$1&gt;}gi;
$entry->{'event'} =~ s{<(?!/?lj)(.*?)>} {&lt;$1&gt;}gi;
my $raw_subj = $entry->{'subject'};
LJ::CleanHTML::clean_event(\$entry->{'event'}, $entry->{'props'}->{'opt_preformatted'});
LJ::expand_embedded($u, $ditemid, $remote, \$entry->{'event'});
# load tags
my @taglist;
my $tags = LJ::Tags::get_logtags($u, $itemid);
while (my ($kwid, $kw) = each %{$tags->{$itemid} || {}}) {
push @taglist, Tag($u, $kwid => $kw);
@taglist = sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @taglist;
if ($opts->{enable_tags_compatibility} && @taglist) {
$entry->{event} .= LJ::S2::get_tags_text($opts->{ctx}, \@taglist);
my $s2entry = Entry($u, {
'_rawsubject' => $raw_subj,
'subject' => $entry->{'subject'},
'text' => $entry->{'event'},
'dateparts' => $entry->{'alldatepart'},
'security' => $entry->{'security'},
'props' => $entry->{'props'},
'itemid' => $ditemid,
'comments' => $comments,
'journal' => $userlite_journal,
'poster' => $userlite_poster,
'tags' => \@taglist,
'new_day' => 0,
'end_day' => 0,
'userpic' => $userpic,
'permalink_url' => $permalink,
return ($entry, $s2entry);