233 lines
7.6 KiB
233 lines
7.6 KiB
use strict;
package LJ::S2;
sub MonthPage
my ($u, $remote, $opts) = @_;
my $get = $opts->{'getargs'};
my $p = Page($u, $opts);
$p->{'_type'} = "MonthPage";
$p->{'view'} = "month";
$p->{'days'} = [];
my $ctx = $opts->{'ctx'};
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
my $user = $u->{'user'};
my $journalbase = LJ::journal_base($user, $opts->{'vhost'});
if ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "R" && $u->{'renamedto'} ne "") {
$opts->{'redir'} = LJ::journal_base($u->{'renamedto'}, $opts->{'vhost'}) .
"/" . $opts->{'pathextra'};
return 1;
if ($u->{'opt_blockrobots'}) {
$p->{'head_content'} .= LJ::robot_meta_tags();
my ($year, $month);
if ($opts->{'pathextra'} =~ m!^/(\d\d\d\d)/(\d\d)\b!) {
($year, $month) = ($1, $2);
$opts->{'errors'} = [];
if ($month < 1 || $month > 12) { push @{$opts->{'errors'}}, "Invalid month: $month"; }
if ($year < 1970 || $year > 2038) { push @{$opts->{'errors'}}, "Invalid year: $year"; }
unless ($dbcr) { push @{$opts->{'errors'}}, "Database temporarily unavailable"; }
return if @{$opts->{'errors'}};
$p->{'date'} = Date($year, $month, 0);
# load the log items
my $dateformat = "%Y %m %d %H %i %s %w"; # yyyy mm dd hh mm ss day_of_week
my $sth;
my $secwhere = "AND l.security='public'";
my $viewall = 0;
my $viewsome = 0;
if ($remote) {
# do they have the viewall priv?
if ($get->{'viewall'} && LJ::check_priv($remote, "canview")) {
LJ::statushistory_add($u->{'userid'}, $remote->{'userid'},
"viewall", "month: $user, statusvis: $u->{'statusvis'}");
$viewall = LJ::check_priv($remote, 'canview', '*');
$viewsome = $viewall || LJ::check_priv($remote, 'canview', 'suspended');
if ($remote->{'userid'} == $u->{'userid'} || $viewall) {
$secwhere = ""; # see everything
} elsif ($remote->{'journaltype'} eq 'P') {
my $gmask = LJ::get_groupmask($u, $remote);
$secwhere = "AND (l.security='public' OR (l.security='usemask' AND l.allowmask & $gmask))"
if $gmask;
$sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT l.jitemid, l.posterid, l.anum, l.day, ".
" DATE_FORMAT(l.eventtime, '$dateformat') AS 'alldatepart', ".
" l.replycount, l.security ".
"FROM log2 l ".
"WHERE l.journalid=? AND l.year=? AND l.month=? ".
"$secwhere LIMIT 2000");
$sth->execute($u->{userid}, $year, $month);
my @items;
push @items, $_ while $_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
@items = sort { $a->{'alldatepart'} cmp $b->{'alldatepart'} } @items;
my @itemids = map { $_->{'jitemid'} } @items;
# load the log properties
my %logprops = ();
LJ::load_log_props2($u->{'userid'}, \@itemids, \%logprops);
my $lt = LJ::get_logtext2($u, @itemids);
my (%pu, %pu_lite); # poster users; UserLite objects
foreach (@items) {
$pu{$_->{'posterid'}} = undef;
LJ::load_userids_multiple([map { $_, \$pu{$_} } keys %pu], [$u]);
$pu_lite{$_} = UserLite($pu{$_}) foreach keys %pu;
my %day_entries; # <day> -> [ Entry+ ]
my $opt_text_subjects = S2::get_property_value($ctx, "page_month_textsubjects");
my $userlite_journal = UserLite($u);
foreach my $item (@items)
my ($posterid, $itemid, $security, $alldatepart, $replycount, $anum) =
map { $item->{$_} } qw(posterid jitemid security alldatepart replycount anum);
my $subject = $lt->{$itemid}->[0];
my $day = $item->{'day'};
# don't show posts from suspended users
next unless $pu{$posterid};
next ENTRY if $pu{$posterid}->{'statusvis'} eq 'S' && !$viewsome;
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $logprops{$itemid}->{'unknown8bit'}) {
my $text;
LJ::item_toutf8($u, \$subject, \$text, $logprops{$itemid});
if ($opt_text_subjects) {
} else {
my $ditemid = $itemid*256 + $anum;
my $nc = "";
$nc .= "nc=$replycount" if $replycount && $remote && $remote->{'opt_nctalklinks'};
my $permalink = "$journalbase/$ditemid.html";
my $readurl = $permalink;
$readurl .= "?$nc" if $nc;
my $posturl = $permalink . "?mode=reply";
my $comments = CommentInfo({
'read_url' => $readurl,
'post_url' => $posturl,
'count' => $replycount,
'maxcomments' => ($replycount >= LJ::get_cap($u, 'maxcomments')) ? 1 : 0,
'enabled' => ($u->{'opt_showtalklinks'} eq "Y" && ! $logprops{$itemid}->{'opt_nocomments'}) ? 1 : 0,
'screened' => ($logprops{$itemid}->{'hasscreened'} && $remote &&
($remote->{'user'} eq $u->{'user'} || LJ::can_manage($remote, $u))) ? 1 : 0,
my $userlite_poster = $userlite_journal;
my $userpic = $p->{'journal'}->{'default_pic'};
if ($u->{'userid'} != $posterid) {
$userlite_poster = $pu_lite{$posterid};
$userpic = Image_userpic($pu{$posterid}, 0, $logprops{$itemid}->{'picture_keyword'});
my $entry = Entry($u, {
'subject' => $subject,
'text' => "",
'dateparts' => $alldatepart,
'security' => $security,
'props' => $logprops{$itemid},
'itemid' => $ditemid,
'journal' => $userlite_journal,
'poster' => $userlite_poster,
'comments' => $comments,
'userpic' => $userpic,
'permalink_url' => $permalink,
push @{$day_entries{$day}}, $entry;
my $days_month = LJ::days_in_month($month, $year);
for my $day (1..$days_month) {
my $entries = $day_entries{$day} || [];
my $month_day = {
'_type' => 'MonthDay',
'date' => Date($year, $month, $day),
'day' => $day,
'has_entries' => scalar @$entries > 0,
'num_entries' => scalar @$entries,
'url' => $journalbase . sprintf("/%04d/%02d/%02d/", $year, $month, $day),
'entries' => $entries,
push @{$p->{'days'}}, $month_day;
# populate redirector
my $vhost = $opts->{'vhost'};
$vhost =~ s/:.*//;
$p->{'redir'} = {
'_type' => "Redirector",
'user' => $u->{'user'},
'vhost' => $vhost,
'type' => 'monthview',
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/go.bml",
# figure out what months have been posted into
my $nowval = $year*12 + $month;
$p->{'months'} = [];
my $days = LJ::get_daycounts($u, $remote) || [];
my $lastmo;
foreach my $day (@$days) {
my ($oy, $om) = ($day->[0], $day->[1]);
my $mo = "$oy-$om";
next if $mo eq $lastmo;
$lastmo = $mo;
my $date = Date($oy, $om, 0);
my $url = $journalbase . sprintf("/%04d/%02d/", $oy, $om);
push @{$p->{'months'}}, {
'_type' => "MonthEntryInfo",
'date' => $date,
'url' => $url,
'redir_key' => sprintf("%04d%02d", $oy, $om),
my $val = $oy*12+$om;
if ($val < $nowval) {
$p->{'prev_url'} = $url;
$p->{'prev_date'} = $date;
if ($val > $nowval && ! $p->{'next_date'}) {
$p->{'next_url'} = $url;
$p->{'next_date'} = $date;
return $p;