683 lines
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683 lines
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# LiveJournal user object
# 2004-07-21: we're transition from $u hashrefs to $u objects, currently
# backed by hashrefs, to ease migration. in the future,
# more methods from ljlib.pl and other places will move here,
# and the representation of a $u object will change to 'fields'.
# at present, the motivation to moving to $u objects is to do
# all database access for a given user through his/her $u object
# so the queries can be tagged for use by the star replication
# daemon.
use strict;
package LJ::User;
use Carp;
use lib "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin";
use LJ::MemCache;
sub readonly {
my $u = shift;
return LJ::get_cap($u, "readonly");
# returns self (the $u object which can be used for $u->do) if
# user is writable, else 0
sub writer {
my $u = shift;
return $u if $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
return 0;
# returns a true value if the user is underage; or if you give it an argument,
# will turn on/off that user's underage status. can also take a second argument
# when you're setting the flag to also update the underage_status userprop
# which is used to record if a user was ever marked as underage.
sub underage {
# has no bearing if this isn't on
return undef unless $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT;
# now get the args and continue
my $u = shift;
return LJ::get_cap($u, 'underage') unless @_;
# now set it on or off
my $on = shift() ? 1 : 0;
if ($on) {
LJ::modify_caps($u, [ $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT ], []);
$u->{caps} |= 1 << $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT;
} else {
LJ::modify_caps($u, [], [ $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT ]);
$u->{caps} &= !(1 << $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT);
# now set their status flag if one was sent
my $status = shift();
if ($status || $on) {
# by default, just records if user was ever underage ("Y")
$u->underage_status($status || 'Y');
# add to statushistory
if (my $shwhen = shift()) {
my $text = $on ? "marked" : "unmarked";
my $status = $u->underage_status;
LJ::statushistory_add($u, undef, "coppa", "$text; status=$status; when=$shwhen");
# now fire off any hooks that are available
LJ::run_hooks('set_underage', {
u => $u,
on => $on,
status => $u->underage_status,
# return what we set it to
return $on;
# log a line to our userlog
sub log_event {
my $u = shift;
my ($type, $info) = @_;
return undef unless $type;
$info ||= {};
# now get variables we need; we use delete to remove them from the hash so when we're
# done we can just encode what's left
my $ip = delete($info->{ip}) || LJ::get_remote_ip() || undef;
my $uniq = delete $info->{uniq};
unless ($uniq) {
eval {
$uniq = Apache->request->notes('uniq');
my $remote = delete($info->{remote}) || LJ::get_remote() || undef;
my $targetid = (delete($info->{actiontarget})+0) || undef;
my $extra = %$info ? join('&', map { LJ::eurl($_) . '=' . LJ::eurl($info->{$_}) } keys %$info) : undef;
# now insert the data we have
$u->do("INSERT INTO userlog (userid, logtime, action, actiontarget, remoteid, ip, uniq, extra) " .
"VALUES (?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $u->{userid}, $type,
$targetid, $remote ? $remote->{userid} : undef, $ip, $uniq, $extra);
return undef if $u->err;
return 1;
# return or set the underage status userprop
sub underage_status {
return undef unless $LJ::UNDERAGE_BIT;
my $u = shift;
# return if they aren't setting it
unless (@_) {
LJ::load_user_props($u, 'underage_status');
return $u->{underage_status};
# set and return what it got set to
LJ::set_userprop($u, 'underage_status', shift());
return $u->{underage_status};
# returns a true value if user has a reserved 'ext' name.
sub external {
my $u = shift;
return $u->{user} =~ /^ext_/;
# this is for debugging/special uses where you need to instruct
# a user object on what database handle to use. returns the
# handle that you gave it.
sub set_dbcm {
my $u = shift;
return $u->{'_dbcm'} = shift;
sub begin_work {
my $u = shift;
return 1 unless $LJ::INNODB_DB{$u->{clusterid}};
my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u)
or croak "Database handle unavailable";
my $rv = $dbcm->begin_work;
if ($u->{_dberr} = $dbcm->err) {
$u->{_dberrstr} = $dbcm->errstr;
return $rv;
sub commit {
my $u = shift;
return 1 unless $LJ::INNODB_DB{$u->{clusterid}};
my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u)
or croak "Database handle unavailable";
my $rv = $dbcm->commit;
if ($u->{_dberr} = $dbcm->err) {
$u->{_dberrstr} = $dbcm->errstr;
return $rv;
sub rollback {
my $u = shift;
return 0 unless $LJ::INNODB_DB{$u->{clusterid}};
my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u)
or croak "Database handle unavailable";
my $rv = $dbcm->rollback;
if ($u->{_dberr} = $dbcm->err) {
$u->{_dberrstr} = $dbcm->errstr;
return $rv;
# get an $sth from the writer
sub prepare {
my $u = shift;
my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u)
or croak "Database handle unavailable";
my $rv = $dbcm->prepare(@_);
if ($u->{_dberr} = $dbcm->err) {
$u->{_dberrstr} = $dbcm->errstr;
return $rv;
# $u->do("UPDATE foo SET key=?", undef, $val);
sub do {
my $u = shift;
my $query = shift;
my $uid = $u->{userid}+0
or croak "Database update called on null user object";
my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u)
or croak "Database handle unavailable";
$query =~ s!^(\s*\w+\s+)!$1/* uid=$uid */ !;
my $rv = $dbcm->do($query, @_);
if ($u->{_dberr} = $dbcm->err) {
$u->{_dberrstr} = $dbcm->errstr;
$u->{_mysql_insertid} = $dbcm->{'mysql_insertid'} if $dbcm->{'mysql_insertid'};
return $rv;
sub selectrow_array {
my $u = shift;
my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u)
or croak "Database handle unavailable";
return $dbcm->selectrow_array(@_);
sub selectrow_hashref {
my $u = shift;
my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u)
or croak "Database handle unavailable";
return $dbcm->selectrow_hashref(@_);
sub err {
my $u = shift;
return $u->{_dberr};
sub errstr {
my $u = shift;
return $u->{_dberrstr};
sub quote {
my $u = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $dbcm = $u->{'_dbcm'} ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($u)
or croak "Database handle unavailable";
return $dbcm->quote($text);
sub mysql_insertid {
my $u = shift;
if ($u->isa("LJ::User")) {
return $u->{_mysql_insertid};
} elsif (LJ::isdb($u)) {
my $db = $u;
return $db->{'mysql_insertid'};
} else {
die "Unknown object '$u' being passed to LJ::User::mysql_insertid.";
# name: LJ::User::dudata_set
# class: logging
# des: Record or delete disk usage data for a journal
# args: u, area, areaid, bytes
# area: One character: "L" for log, "T" for talk, "B" for bio, "P" for pic.
# areaid: Unique ID within $area, or '0' if area has no ids (like bio)
# bytes: Number of bytes item takes up. Or 0 to delete record.
# returns: 1.
sub dudata_set {
my ($u, $area, $areaid, $bytes) = @_;
$bytes += 0; $areaid += 0;
if ($bytes) {
$u->do("REPLACE INTO dudata (userid, area, areaid, bytes) ".
"VALUES (?, ?, $areaid, $bytes)", undef,
$u->{userid}, $area);
} else {
$u->do("DELETE FROM dudata WHERE userid=? AND ".
"area=? AND areaid=$areaid", undef,
$u->{userid}, $area);
return 1;
sub generate_session
my ($u, $opts) = @_;
my $udbh = LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
return undef unless $udbh;
# clean up any old, expired sessions they might have (lazy clean)
$u->do("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE userid=? AND timeexpire < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()",
undef, $u->{userid});
my $sess = {};
$opts->{'exptype'} = "short" unless $opts->{'exptype'} eq "long" ||
$opts->{'exptype'} eq "once";
$sess->{'auth'} = LJ::rand_chars(10);
my $expsec = $opts->{'expsec'}+0 || {
'short' => 60*60*24*1.5, # 36 hours
'long' => 60*60*24*60, # 60 days
'once' => 60*60*24*1.5, # same as short; just doesn't renew
my $id = LJ::alloc_user_counter($u, 'S');
return undef unless $id;
$u->do("REPLACE INTO sessions (userid, sessid, auth, exptype, ".
"timecreate, timeexpire, ipfixed) VALUES (?,?,?,?,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),".
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+$expsec,?)", undef,
$u->{'userid'}, $id, $sess->{'auth'}, $opts->{'exptype'}, $opts->{'ipfixed'});
return undef if $u->err;
$sess->{'sessid'} = $id;
$sess->{'userid'} = $u->{'userid'};
$sess->{'ipfixed'} = $opts->{'ipfixed'};
$sess->{'exptype'} = $opts->{'exptype'};
# clean up old sessions
my $old = $udbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT sessid FROM sessions WHERE ".
"userid=$u->{'userid'} AND ".
"timeexpire < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()");
$u->kill_sessions(@$old) if $old;
# mark account as being used
LJ::mark_user_active($u, 'login');
return $sess;
sub make_login_session {
my ($u, $exptype, $ipfixed) = @_;
$exptype ||= 'short';
return 0 unless $u;
my $etime = 0;
eval { Apache->request->notes('ljuser' => $u->{'user'}); };
my $sess = $u->generate_session({
'exptype' => $exptype,
'ipfixed' => $ipfixed,
$BML::COOKIE{'ljsession'} = [ "ws:$u->{'user'}:$sess->{'sessid'}:$sess->{'auth'}", $etime, 1 ];
LJ::load_user_props($u, "browselang", "schemepref" );
my $bl = LJ::Lang::get_lang($u->{'browselang'});
if ($bl) {
BML::set_cookie("langpref", $bl->{'lncode'} . "/" . time(), 0, $LJ::COOKIE_PATH, $LJ::COOKIE_DOMAIN);
# restore default scheme
if ($u->{'schemepref'} ne "") {
BML::set_cookie("BMLschemepref", $u->{'schemepref'}, 0, $LJ::COOKIE_PATH, $LJ::COOKIE_DOMAIN);
LJ::run_hooks("post_login", {
"u" => $u,
"form" => {},
"expiretime" => $etime,
LJ::mark_user_active($u, 'login');
return 1;
sub tosagree_set
my ($u, $err) = @_;
return undef unless $u;
unless (-f "$LJ::HOME/htdocs/inc/legal-tos") {
$$err = "TOS include file could not be found";
return undef;
my $rev;
open (TOS, "$LJ::HOME/htdocs/inc/legal-tos");
while ((!$rev) && (my $line = <TOS>)) {
my $rcstag = "Revision";
if ($line =~ /\$$rcstag:\s*(\S+)\s*\$/) {
$rev = $1;
close TOS;
# if the required version of the tos is not available, error!
my $rev_req = $LJ::REQUIRED_TOS{rev};
if ($rev_req > 0 && $rev ne $rev_req) {
$$err = "Required Terms of Service revision is $rev_req, but system version is $rev.";
return undef;
my $newval = join(', ', time(), $rev);
my $rv = LJ::set_userprop($u, "legal_tosagree", $newval);
# set in $u object for callers later
$u->{legal_tosagree} = $newval if $rv;
return $rv;
sub tosagree_verify {
my $u = shift;
return 1 unless $LJ::TOS_CHECK;
my $rev_req = $LJ::REQUIRED_TOS{rev};
return 1 unless $rev_req > 0;
LJ::load_user_props($u, 'legal_tosagree')
unless $u->{legal_tosagree};
my $rev_cur = (split(/\s*,\s*/, $u->{legal_tosagree}))[1];
return $rev_cur eq $rev_req;
sub kill_sessions {
my $u = shift;
my (@sessids) = @_;
my $in = join(',', map { $_+0 } @sessids);
return 1 unless $in;
my $userid = $u->{'userid'};
foreach (qw(sessions sessions_data)) {
$u->do("DELETE FROM $_ WHERE userid=? AND ".
"sessid IN ($in)", undef, $userid);
foreach my $id (@sessids) {
$id += 0;
my $memkey = [$userid,"sess:$userid:$id"];
return 1;
sub kill_all_sessions {
my $u = shift;
return 0 unless $u;
my $udbh = LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
my $sessions = $udbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT sessid FROM sessions WHERE ".
$u->kill_sessions(@$sessions) if @$sessions;
# forget this user, if we knew they were logged in
delete $BML::COOKIE{'ljsession'};
LJ::set_remote(undef) if
$LJ::CACHE_REMOTE->{userid} == $u->{userid};
return 1;
sub kill_session {
my $u = shift;
return 0 unless $u;
return 0 unless exists $u->{'_session'};
# forget this user, if we knew they were logged in
delete $BML::COOKIE{'ljsession'};
LJ::set_remote(undef) if
$LJ::CACHE_REMOTE->{userid} == $u->{userid};
return 1;
# name: LJ::User::mogfs_userpic_key
# class: mogilefs
# des: Make a mogilefs key for the given pic for the user
# args: pic
# pic: Either the userpic hash or the picid of the userpic.
# returns: 1.
sub mogfs_userpic_key {
my $self = shift or return undef;
my $pic = shift or croak "missing required arg: userpic";
my $picid = ref $pic ? $pic->{picid} : $pic+0;
return "up:$self->{userid}:$picid";
# all reads/writes to talk2 must be done inside a lock, so there's
# no race conditions between reading from db and putting in memcache.
# can't do a db write in between those 2 steps. the talk2 -> memcache
# is elsewhere (talklib.pl), but this $dbh->do wrapper is provided
# here because non-talklib things modify the talk2 table, and it's
# nice to centralize the locking rules.
# return value is return of $dbh->do. $errref scalar ref is optional, and
# if set, gets value of $dbh->errstr
# write: (LJ::talk2_do)
# update/insert into talk2
# delete memcache
# read: (LJ::Talk::get_talk_data)
# try memcache
# read db
# update memcache
sub talk2_do {
my ($u, $nodetype, $nodeid, $errref, $sql, @args) = @_;
return undef unless $nodetype =~ /^\w$/;
return undef unless $nodeid =~ /^\d+$/;
return undef unless $u->writer;
my $dbcm = $u->{_dbcm};
my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "talk2:$u->{'userid'}:$nodetype:$nodeid"];
my $lockkey = $memkey->[1];
$dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK(?,10)", undef, $lockkey);
my $ret = $u->do($sql, undef, @args);
$$errref = $u->errstr if ref $errref && $u->err;
$dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockkey);
LJ::MemCache::delete($memkey, 0) if int($ret);
return $ret;
# log2_do
# see comments for talk2_do
sub log2_do {
my ($u, $errref, $sql, @args) = @_;
return undef unless $u->writer;
my $dbcm = $u->{_dbcm};
my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "log2lt:$u->{'userid'}"];
my $lockkey = $memkey->[1];
$dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK(?,10)", undef, $lockkey);
my $ret = $u->do($sql, undef, @args);
$$errref = $u->errstr if ref $errref && $u->err;
$dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockkey);
LJ::MemCache::delete($memkey, 0) if int($ret);
return $ret;
sub url {
my $u = shift;
LJ::load_user_props($u, "url");
if ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "I" && ! $u->{url}) {
my $id = $u->identity;
if ($id && $id->[0] eq "O") {
LJ::set_userprop($u, "url", $id->[1]) if $id->[1];
return $id->[1];
return $u->{url};
# returns arrayref of [idtype, identity]
sub identity {
my $u = shift;
return $u->{_identity} if $u->{_identity};
return undef unless $u->{'journaltype'} eq "I";
my $memkey = [$u->{userid}, "ident:$u->{userid}"];
my $ident = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
if ($ident) {
return $u->{_identity} = $ident;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
$ident = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT idtype, identity FROM identitymap ".
"WHERE userid=? LIMIT 1", undef, $u->{userid});
if ($ident) {
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $ident);
return $ident;
return undef;
# returns a URL iff account is an OpenID identity. undef otherwise.
sub openid_identity {
my $u = shift;
my $ident = $u->identity;
return undef unless $ident && $ident->[0] == 0;
return $ident->[1];
# returns username or identity display name, not escaped
sub display_name {
my $u = shift;
return $u->{'user'} unless $u->{'journaltype'} eq "I";
my $id = $u->identity;
return "[ERR:unknown_identity]" unless $id;
my ($url, $name);
if ($id->[0] eq "O") {
require Net::OpenID::Consumer;
$url = $id->[1];
$name = Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity::DisplayOfURL($url, $LJ::IS_DEV_SERVER);
# FIXME: make a good out of this
$name =~ s/\[(live|dead)journal\.com/\[${1}journal/;
return $name;
sub ljuser_display {
my $u = shift;
my $opts = shift;
return LJ::ljuser($u, $opts) unless $u->{'journaltype'} eq "I";
my $id = $u->identity;
return "<b>????</b>" unless $id;
my $andfull = $opts->{'full'} ? "&mode=full" : "";
my $img = $opts->{'imgroot'} || $LJ::IMGPREFIX;
my $strike = $opts->{'del'} ? ' text-decoration: line-through;' : '';
my ($url, $name);
if ($id->[0] eq "O") {
$url = $id->[1];
$name = $u->display_name;
$url ||= "about:blank";
$name ||= "[no_name]";
$url = LJ::ehtml($url);
$name = LJ::ehtml($name);
return "<span class='ljuser' style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='$LJ::SITEROOT/userinfo.bml?userid=$u->{userid}&t=I$andfull'><img src='$img/openid-profile.gif' alt='[info]' width='16' height='16' style='vertical-align: bottom; border: 0;' /></a><a href='$url' rel='nofollow'><b>$name</b></a></span>";
} else {
return "<b>????</b>";
sub load_identity_user {
my ($type, $ident, $vident) = @_;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $uid = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT userid FROM identitymap WHERE idtype=? AND identity=?",
undef, $type, $ident);
return LJ::load_userid($uid) if $uid;
# increment ext_ counter until we successfully create an LJ
# account. hard cap it at 10 tries. (arbitrary, but we really
# shouldn't have *any* failures here, let alone 10 in a row)
for (1..10) {
my $extuser = 'ext_' . LJ::alloc_global_counter('E');
my $name = $extuser;
if ($type eq "O" && ref $vident) {
$name = $vident->display;
$uid = LJ::create_account({
caps => undef,
user => $extuser,
name => $name,
journaltype => 'I',
last if $uid;
select undef, undef, undef, .10; # lets not thrash over this
return undef unless $uid &&
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO identitymap (idtype, identity, userid) VALUES (?,?,?)",
undef, $type, $ident, $uid);
return LJ::load_userid($uid);