
107 lines
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2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
my ($ret, $sth);
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
my %cataccess;
unless (LJ::remote_has_priv($remote, "topicscreencat", \%cataccess)) {
return "You don't have access to do this, or you're not logged in.";
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $and_cat_in = "";
unless ($cataccess{'all'}) {
my $in = join(", ", map { $dbh->quote($_); } keys %cataccess);
$and_cat_in = "AND tl.tpcatid IN ($in)";
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT tm.tpmapid, tm.tptopid, tm.itemid FROM topic_map tm, topic_list tl WHERE tm.tptopid=tl.tptopid AND tm.status='new' $and_cat_in LIMIT 50");
if ($dbh->err) { return $dbh->errstr; }
my %topic;
while (my $map = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
push @maps, $map;
$topic{$map->{'tptopid'}} = undef;
unless (@maps) {
return "<B>Empty!</B> ... no items are awaiting approval";
my $top_in = join(",", keys %topic);
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT tptopid, tpcatid, topname FROM topic_list WHERE tptopid IN ($top_in)");
if ($dbh->err) { return $dbh->errstr; }
my %cat;
while (my $top = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
$topic{$top->{'tptopid'}} = $top;
$cat{$top->{'tpcatid'}} = undef;
my $cat_in = join(",", keys %cat);
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT tpcatid, parent, catname FROM topic_cats WHERE tpcatid IN ($cat_in)");
if ($dbh->err) { return $dbh->errstr; }
while (my $cat = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
$cat{$cat->{'tpcatid'}} = $cat;
$ret .= "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=\"screen_do.bml\">";
foreach my $map (@maps)
my $catid = $topic{$map->{'tptopid'}}->{'tpcatid'};
next unless ($cataccess{'all'} || $cataccess{$catid});
&load_cats_up($catid, \%cat);
$ret .= "<P>";
my $fullcat;
my $catup = $catid;
while ($catup) {
$fullcat = "$cat{$catup}->{'catname'} : $fullcat";
$catup = $cat{$catup}->{'parent'};
$fullcat .= $topic{$map->{'tptopid'}}->{'topname'};
$ret .= "<B><FONT SIZE=-1>[$fullcat]</FONT></B>";
$ret .= "<BR><A HREF=\"/talkread.bml?itemid=$map->{'itemid'}\" TARGET=\"main\">$map->{'itemid'}</A>";
my %opts = ("L" => "Leave", "A" => "Approve", "D" => "Deny");
foreach (qw(L A D)) {
$ret .= "<BR><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=\"action:$map->{'tptopid'}:$map->{'itemid'}\" VALUE=\"$_\">$opts{$_}\n";
$ret .= "<P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Submit\"></FORM>";
return $ret;
sub load_cats_up
my $catid = shift;
my $hashref = shift;
$catid += 0;
while ($catid)
unless ($hashref->{$catid}) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT parent, catname FROM topic_cats WHERE tpcatid=$catid");
my $cat = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
if ($cat) {
$hashref->{$catid} = $cat;
$catid = $cat->{'parent'}
} else {
$catid = $hashref->{$catid}->{'parent'};
_code?><?_c <LJDEP>
link: htdocs/talkpost.bml
post: htdocs/admin/topics/screen_links.bml
</LJDEP> _c?>