
89 lines
1.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
my $file = shift @ARGV;
my $newfile = shift @ARGV;
my $locfile = "$file.loc";
my $loc = 0;
my $lines = 0;
my %monthtonum = qw(Jan 01 Feb 02 Mar 03 Apr 04 May 05 Jun 06
Jul 07 Aug 08 Sep 09 Oct 10 Nov 10 Dec 12);
$SIG{'INT'} = \&write_loc;
sub write_loc {
close OUT;
print "Writing location $loc\n";
open (LOC, ">$locfile") || die "Can't write location file!\n";
print LOC "$loc\n$lines\n";
close LOC;
print "Ending.";
unless ($file && $newfile) {
die "Usage:\n $0 <logfile> <basename>\n";
unless (-r $file) {
die "File \"$file\" does not exist.\n";
unless (-d "split") {
die "No split directory underneith the current directory.\n";
if (-e $locfile) {
open (LOC, $locfile) || die "Can't read location file!\n";;
chomp ($loc = <LOC>);
$loc += 0;
chomp ($lines = <LOC>);
$lines += 0;
close LOC;
print "Location: $loc (did $lines lines)\n";
open (LOG, $file) || die "Can't read log file\n";;
seek(LOG, $loc, 0);
#my $line = <LOG>;
#$line = <LOG>;
#print $line;
my $count = 0;
my $lastdate = "";
while (my $line = <LOG>) {
$loc += length($line);
if ($line =~ /\[(\d\d)\/(...)\/(\d\d\d\d)/) {
my ($year, $month, $day) = ($3, $monthtonum{$2}, $1);
my $date = "$year-$month-$day";
if ($date ne $lastdate) {
# if ($year==2001 && $month==3 && $day > 2) {
close OUT;
open (OUT, ">>split/$date-$newfile.log") || die "Can't open file we're supposed to append to.\n";
# }
$lastdate = $date;
# if ($year==2001 && $month==3 && $day > 2) {
print OUT $line;
# }
if ($lines % 10000 == 0) { print "line: $lines ($lastdate).\n"; }
close LOG;
close OUT;
print "End of file!\n";
unlink $locfile, $file;