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2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
package LJ::Con;
my $success = sub {
my ($out, $msg) = @_;
push @$out, [ "", $msg ];
return 1;
my $fail = sub {
my ($out, $msg) = @_;
push @$out, [ "error", $msg ];
return 0;
my $usage = sub {
my ($out, $cmdname) = @_;
return $fail->($out, "usage: $cmdname $cmd{$cmdname}{argsummary}");
$cmd{'contrib'} = {
'handler' => \&contrib_edit,
'des' => "Adds/Acks Contributions.",
'argsummary' => '<command> [<username>/<ackid>] [<contribtype>] [<msg>] [<url>]',
'args' => [
'command' => "Either 'ack' to ack a contrib, 'add' to add a contrib.",
'username' => "The username for the contribution to add.",
'ackid' => "Id of the contribution to ack.",
'contribtype' => "'code' for Coding, 'doc' for documentation, 'creative' for artwork, 'biz' for buisness, 'other' for other",
'msg' => "description of what they did",
'url' => "[optional] url with more information",
$cmd{'payment_credit'} = {
'handler' => \&payment_credit,
'privs' => [qw(moneyenter)],
'des' => "Give payment credit to an existing user from either an account code or a payid. Marks the associated code as then used by that username.",
'argsummary' => '<thing> <id> to <username>',
'args' => [
'thing' => "Either 'code' or 'payment'.",
'id' => "If code, the code; if payment, the payid.",
'username' => "The username to give the time to.",
$cmd{'unpay'} = {
'handler' => \&unpay,
'privs' => [qw(moneyenter)],
'des' => "Takes away paid time from a user for a bogus/accidental payment, while also changing the payment record to 0 months and 0 dollars, and making a note in the statushistory table why the payment was removed, and what the payment's old values were.",
'argsummary' => '<user> <payid> <reason>',
'args' => [
'user' => 'Username of person to remove time from. Or, use "!" (without the quotes) for no user, when you just want to zero out a payment and/or its associated account code.',
'payid' => 'Payment ID# to delete',
'reason' => 'The reason the payment is being deleted. Not sent to user, only put in user\'s statushistory.',
$cmd{'inventory'} = {
'handler' => \&inventory,
'privs' => [qw(moneyenter shipping)],
'des' => "View or modify inventory.",
'argsummary' => '<command> [<item> <value>]',
'args' => [
'command' => 'Either "show" to show current inventory, "add" to add &lt;value&gt; units of &lt;item&gt;, or "remove" to remove &lt;value&gt; units of &lt;item&gt;, or "price" to change the price of &lt;item&gt; to &lt;value&gt;.',
'item' => 'Inventory code.',
'value' => 'Number to change inventory by, or new cost.',
sub unpay
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
my $user = LJ::canonical_username($args->[1]);
if ($args->[1] eq "!") { $user = "!"; }
my $payid = $args->[2];
my $reason = $args->[3];
my $err = sub {
my $err = shift;
my $lock = shift;
push @$out, [ "error", $err ];
if ($lock) {
my $qlock = $dbh->quote($lock);
$dbh->do("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK($qlock)");
return 0;
return $err->("$remote->{'user'}, you are not authorized to use this command.")
unless (LJ::check_priv($dbh, $remote, "moneyenter"));
return $err->("No reason given")
unless $reason;
return $err->("Invalid or missing username argument")
unless $user;
return $err->("Invalid payid format (not a number")
unless ($payid =~ /^\d+$/);
my $p = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM payments WHERE payid=$payid");
my $u;
if ($user eq "!") {
$u = {
'userid' => 0,
} else {
$u = LJ::load_user($user, "force");
return $err->("The unpay command doesn't work with the new payment system")
if $p->{'forwhat'} eq "cart";
return $err->("Payment not found")
unless $p;
return $err->("User not found")
unless $u;
return $err->("That payment doesn't belong to that user")
unless ($p->{'userid'} == $u->{'userid'});
return $err->("That payment has no months or money associated with it.")
unless ($p->{'amount'} ne "0.00" || $p->{'months'});
my $lockname = "unpay-$user-$payid";
my $status;
# start pseudo-transaction
$status = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK('$lockname',10)");
return $err->("Failed to get lock on necessary tables to do unpay, try again.")
unless $status;
my $months = $p->{'months'}+0;
my $logtext = ("Removing payid \#$payid ($p->{'months'} months & $p->{'amount'} ".
"dollars). Reason: " . $reason);
# add to status history
if ($u->{'userid'}) {
$status = LJ::statushistory_add($dbh, $u->{'userid'}, $remote->{'userid'},
"unpay", $logtext);
} else {
$dbh->do("UPDATE payments SET notes=concat(notes, ?) WHERE payid=$payid", undef,
"\nUNPAY: $logtext");
$err->("Couldn't append statushistory table, aborting", $lockname)
unless $status;
# update payment record
$dbh->do("UPDATE payments SET months=0, amount=0, used='Y' WHERE payid=$payid");
$err->("Couldn't update payment record, aborting", $lockname)
if $dbh->err;
# subtract time from user
$dbh->do("UPDATE paiduser SET paiduntil=DATE_SUB(paiduntil, INTERVAL $months MONTH) WHERE userid=$p->{'userid'}");
$err->("Couldn't subtract time from user, aborting", $lockname)
if $dbh->err;
# end transaction
$dbh->do("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('$lockname')");
push @$out, [ "", "Done." ];
sub payment_credit
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
my $thing = $args->[1];
my $id = $args->[2];
my $to = $args->[3];
my $username = $args->[4];
unless ($remote->{'priv'}->{'moneyenter'}) {
push @$out, [ "error", "$remote->{'user'}, you are not authorized to use this command." ];
return 0;
unless ($thing eq "code" || $thing eq "payment") {
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid first argument." ];
return 0;
unless ($to eq "to") {
push @$out, [ "error", "Third argument isn't 'to'" ];
return 0;
my $u = LJ::load_user($username, "force");
unless ($u) {
push @$out, [ "error", "User doesn't exist." ];
return 0;
my $payid;
my $acid;
if ($thing eq "code")
my $code = $id;
($acid, undef) = LJ::acct_code_decode($code);
my $err;
unless (LJ::acct_code_check($dbh, $code, \$err)) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Bad code: $err." ];
return 0;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT payid FROM acctpay WHERE acid=$acid");
($payid) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
unless ($payid) {
push @$out, [ "error", "This code doesn't have an associated payment." ];
return 0;
if ($thing eq "payment") {
$payid = $id+0;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT acid FROM acctpay WHERE payid=$payid");
($acid) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
unless ($acid) {
push @$out, [ "error", "This payment doesn't have an associated code." ];
return 0;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM payments WHERE payid=$payid");
my $p = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
unless ($p) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Payment not found." ];
return 0;
unless ($p->{'userid'} == 0) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Payment already assigned... not open." ];
return 0;
# guess everything's good.
$dbh->do("UPDATE payments SET userid=$u->{'userid'} WHERE payid=$payid");
$dbh->do("UPDATE acctcode SET rcptid=$u->{'userid'} WHERE acid=$acid");
push @$out, [ "", "Done." ];
sub contrib_edit
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
my $err = sub { push @$out, [ "error", $_[0] ]; 0; };
return $err->("This command has 2 or more arguments") unless @$args >= 2;
return $err->("Must be logged in.") unless $remote;
my $cmd = $args->[1];
if ($cmd eq "add")
return $err->("Not enough arguments for add.")
unless @$args == 5 or @$args == 6;
my $user = $args->[2];
my $cat = $args->[3];
my $des = $args->[4];
my $url = $args->[5];
my $u = LJ::load_user($user, "force");
return $err->("Invalid user $user") unless $u;
my $userid = $u->{'userid'};
return $err->("type can only be: 'code','doc','creative','biz','other'") unless
($cat eq "code" or $cat eq "doc" or $cat eq "creative" or
$cat eq "biz" or $cat eq "other");
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO contributed (userid, cat, des, url, dateadd) ".
"VALUES (?,?,?,?,NOW())", undef, $userid, $cat, $des, $url);
return $err->("error adding contribution") if $dbh->err;
} elsif ($cmd eq "ack") {
return $err->("Not enough arguments for ack.") unless @$args == 3;
return $err->("You have to be an acknowledged contributor before you can acknowledge other people.")
unless LJ::Contrib::is_acked($remote->{'userid'});
my $coid = $args->[2]+0;
LJ::Contrib::ack($coid, $remote->{'userid'});
} else {
return $err->("Unknown Command Type");
push @$out, [ '', "Success." ];
return 1;
sub inventory
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
my $cmd = $args->[1];
my $item = $args->[2];
my $val = $args->[3];
unless ($remote->{'priv'}->{'moneyenter'} || $remote->{'priv'}->{'shipping'}) {
push @$out, [ "error", "$remote->{'user'}, you are not authorized to use this command." ];
return 0;
unless ($cmd =~ /show|add|remove|price/) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid inventory command." ];
return 0;
if ($cmd eq "show") {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT item, subitem, qty, avail, price FROM inventory ".
"ORDER BY item, subitem");
push @$out, [ '', "qty avl price item" ];
push @$out, [ '', "==== ==== ====== =============================" ];
while ($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
push @$out, [ '', sprintf("%4d %4d \$%5.02f %s-%s",
$_->{'qty'}, $_->{'avail'}, $_->{'price'},
$_->{'item'}, $_->{'subitem'}) ];
return 1;
my $subitem;
unless ($item =~ /^(\w+?)-(.+)$/) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid item format." ];
return 0;
($item, $subitem) = ($1, $2);
if ($cmd eq "add" || $cmd eq "remove") {
my $dir = $cmd eq "add" ? "+" : "-";
my $ro = $dbh->do("UPDATE inventory SET qty=qty $dir ?, avail=avail $dir ? ".
"WHERE item=? AND subitem=?",
undef, $val, $val, $item, $subitem);
if ($ro > 0) {
push @$out, [ "", "$item-$subitem changed." ];
return 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "No change made." ];
return 0;
if ($cmd eq "price") {
my $price = $val;
$price =~ s/\$//;
unless ($price =~ /^(\d+)(\.\d\d)?$/ && $1) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid price." ];
return 0
my $ro = $dbh->do("UPDATE inventory SET price=? ".
"WHERE item=? AND subitem=?",
undef, $price, $item, $subitem);
if ($ro > 0) {
push @$out, [ "", "$item-$subitem price changed." ];
return 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "No change made." ];
return 0;
return 0;
$cmd{'allow_pay'} =
des => "Permit or deny a user's ability to pay.",
privs => [qw(moneyenter)],
argsummary => '<action> <usernames>',
args => [
action => "'permit', or 'deny'",
username => "Username to allow to pay (with permit) or block payments (with deny)",
handler => sub {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
return $fail->($out, "Not logged in.") unless $remote;
return $fail->($out, "You don't have privileges needed to run this command.")
unless $remote->{'priv'}->{'moneyenter'};
# check syntax and parse out some information
my $myname = shift @$args;
my $action = shift @$args or return $usage->($out, $myname);
my $user = shift @$args or return $usage->($out, $myname);
my $act = $action eq 'permit' ? 'Y' : 'N';
return $usage->($out, $myname) unless $args;
return $usage->($out, $myname) unless $action =~ /^(permit|deny)$/;
return $usage->($out, $myname) unless $user;
# make changes and revoke
my $userid = LJ::get_userid($dbh, $user);
return $fail->($out, "Skipping invalid username: '$_'") unless $userid;
LJ::set_userprop($userid, 'allow_pay', $act)
or return $fail->($out, "Error setting 'allow_pay' userprop. Database Unavailable?");
# log to statushistory
LJ::statushistory_add($userid, $remote->{userid}, "allow_pay", ucfirst($action) . "ing payments");
$success->($out, ucfirst($action) . "ing payment for user $user");
return 1;
$cmd{'got_assignment'} =
des => "Mark a user as sending in the assignment agreement paperwork for the bazaar.",
privs => [qw(moneyenter)],
argsummary => '<user>',
args => [
user => "Username who sent in the assignment agreement.",
handler => sub {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
return $fail->($out, "Not logged in.") unless $remote;
return $fail->($out, "You don't have privileges needed to run this command.")
unless $remote->{'priv'}->{'moneyenter'};
# check syntax and parse out some information
my $myname = shift @$args;
my $user = shift @$args or return $usage->($out, $myname);
my $u = LJ::load_user($user, "force");
return $fail->($out, "User not found") unless $u;
LJ::set_userprop($u, "legal_assignagree", 1)
or return $fail->($out, "Error setting userprop. Database unavailable?");
$success->($out, "Assignment agreement flag set for $u->{'user'}");
return 1;
$cmd{'bazaar_pay'} =
des => "Subtract money from a user's bazaar balance.",
privs => [qw(moneyenter)],
argsummary => '<user> <amt>',
args => [
user => "Username to subtract balance from.",
amt => "Amount to subtract.",
handler => sub {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
return $fail->($out, "Not logged in.") unless $remote;
return $fail->($out, "You don't have privileges needed to run this command.")
unless $remote->{'priv'}->{'moneyenter'};
# check syntax and parse out some information
my $myname = shift @$args;
my $user = shift @$args;
my $amt = shift @$args;
unless ($user ne "" && $amt =~ /^\d+(\.\d\d)?$/) {
return $usage->($out, $myname);
my $u = LJ::load_user($user, "force");
return $fail->($out, "User not found") unless $u;
LJ::load_user_props($u, "legal_assignagree");
unless ($u->{'legal_assignagree'}) {
return $fail->($out, "Error: no assignment agreement from $u->{'user'}. Use the 'got_assignment' command if you have it.");
if (LJ::Pay::bazaar_remove_balance($u, $amt)) {
LJ::statushistory_add($u->{'userid'}, $remote->{'userid'}, "bzrbaldecr", "Removing \$$amt");
return $success->($out, "Success.");
return $fail->($out, "Error: balance wasn't large enough?");
$cmd{'bazaar_status'} =
des => "Show who's owed how much for the bazaar.",
privs => [qw(moneyenter)],
argsummary => '',
args => [ ],
handler => sub {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
return $fail->($out, "Not logged in.") unless $remote;
return $fail->($out, "You don't have privileges needed to run this command.")
unless $remote->{'priv'}->{'moneyenter'};
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT u.user, SUM(b.owed) FROM user u, bzrbalance b ".
"WHERE u.userid=b.userid AND b.owed > 0 GROUP BY 1");
while (my ($user, $sum) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
push @$out, [ "", sprintf("%-20s = \$%7.02f", $user, $sum) ];
return $success->($out, "[end]");
$cmd{'rename_redir'} =
des => "Change redirection option of a previously done redirect",
privs => [qw(moneyenter)],
argsummary => '<action> <from_username> <to_username>',
args => [
action => "'add' to do redirections, or 'remove' if redirections should not be done",
from_username => "Source journal which was renamed",
to_username => "Destination journal to which from_username was renamed"
handler => sub {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
return $fail->($out, "Not logged in.") unless $remote;
return $fail->($out, "You don't have privileges needed to run this command.")
unless $remote->{'priv'}->{'moneyenter'};
shift @$args; # remove command name
my ($action, $from_username, $to_username) = @$args;
return $fail->($out, "Invalid action: '$action'")
unless $action eq 'add' || $action eq 'remove';
my $from_user = LJ::load_user($from_username);
return $fail->($out, "Invalid from_username")
unless $from_user;
$from_username = $from_user->{'user'};
my $to_user = LJ::load_user($to_username);
return $fail->($out, "Invalid to_username")
unless $to_user;
$to_username = $to_user->{'user'};
return $fail->($out, "'$from_username' has already been marked as expunged'")
if $from_user->{'statusvis'} eq 'X';
return $fail->($out, "'$from_username' was never renamed to '$to_username'")
unless $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM renames " .
"WHERE fromuser=? AND touser=?",
undef, $from_username, $to_username);
LJ::load_user_props($from_user, 'renamedto');
# create a redirection link
if ($action eq 'add') {
return $fail->($out, "'$from_username' already redirects to '$to_username'")
if $from_user->{'renamedto'} eq $to_username && $from_user->{'statusvis'} eq 'R';
return $fail->($out, "'$from_username' redirects to another journal?")
if $from_user->{'statusvis'} eq 'R' && $from_user->{'renamedto'} &&
$from_user->{'renamedto'} ne $to_username;
# set renamedto prop
LJ::set_userprop($from_user, "renamedto", $to_username)
or return $fail->($out, "Error setting userprop. Database unavailable?");
# update user, undelete (checked to see if already expunged earlier)
{ raw => "journaltype='R', statusvis='R', statusvisdate=NOW()" });
# update email aliases if applicable
if (LJ::get_cap($from_user, "useremail")) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO email_aliases VALUES (?,?)", undef,
"$to_username\@$LJ::USER_DOMAIN", $to_user->{'email'});
return $success->($out, "Redirection added for $from_username => $to_username rename action");
# remove a redirection link
if ($action eq 'remove') {
return $fail->($out, "'$from_username' does not redirect to '$to_username'")
unless $from_user->{'renamedto'} eq $to_username &&
$from_user->{'statusvis'} eq 'R';
# delete renamedto prop
LJ::set_userprop($from_user, "renamedto", undef)
or return $fail->($out, "Error setting userprop. Database unavailable?");
# update user, set deleted
{ raw => "journaltype='R', statusvis='D', statusvisdate=NOW()" });
# update email aliases if applicable
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM email_aliases WHERE rcpt=?",
undef, "$from_username\@$LJ::USER_DOMAIN");
return $success->($out, "Redirection removed for $from_username => $to_username rename action");
$cmd{'rename_show'} =
des => "View information about a rename.",
privs => [qw(moneyenter)],
argsummary => '<value>',
args => [
'value' => "A hex or decimal tokenid, a full token string, or the username of a user who was renamed (source user)."
handler => sub {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
return $fail->($out, "Not logged in.") unless $remote;
return $fail->($out, "You don't have privileges needed to run this command.")
unless $remote->{'priv'}->{'moneyenter'};
shift @$args; # remove command name
my $value = shift @$args;
return $fail->($out, "You must enter a value")
unless $value;
my @ren;
my $hashref_array = sub {
return values %{
$dbh->selectall_hashref(shift(), 'renid', undef, @_) || {}
# they probably have this form of the token
if ($value =~ /^([0-9a-f]{6})(\w{10})$/) {
push @ren, $hashref_array->("SELECT * FROM renames WHERE renid=? AND token=?", hex $1, $2);
# or maybe they have the tokenid?
} elsif ($value =~ /^([0-9a-f]{1,6})/) {
# try decimal, hex tokenids (user could enter either)
push @ren, $hashref_array->("SELECT * FROM renames WHERE renid=? OR renid=?", $1, hex $1);
# perhaps they have the token itself?
} elsif ($value =~ /^(\w{10})$/) {
push @ren, $hashref_array->("SELECT * FROM renames WHERE token=?", $1);
# explicitly disallow special tokens ([movedaway], [manual], etc)
# Note: "----------" is also a special token, but it's a valid username
# so we allow searching for it,
} elsif ($value =~ /^\[\w+\]$/) {
return $fail->($out, "Cannot search for special tokens");
# if no ren, then maybe they gave a username
push @ren, $hashref_array->("SELECT * FROM renames WHERE fromuser=?",
unless @ren;
return $fail->($out, "Could not find a matching rename.")
unless @ren;
foreach my $ren (@ren) {
push @$out, map { [ '', "$_: $ren->{$_}" ] } sort keys %$ren;
push @$out, [ '', '' ];
return $success->($out, "[end]");
$cmd{'rename_reset'} =
des => "Lets account admins modify friends properties if selected incorrectly during a rename.",
privs => [qw(moneyenter)],
argsummary => '<mode> <user>',
args => [
'mode' => "'friends' to reset friends, 'friendofs' to reset friends-ofs.",
'user' => "The username whose friends list should be cleared."
handler => sub {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
return $fail->($out, "Not logged in.") unless $remote;
return $fail->($out, "You don't have privileges needed to run this command.")
unless $remote->{'priv'}->{'moneyenter'};
shift @$args; # remove command name
my $mode = shift @$args;
my $user = shift @$args;
return $fail->($out, "Invalid mode, valid modes are 'friends' and 'friendofs'")
unless $mode eq 'friends' || $mode eq 'friendofs';
return $fail->($out, "You must enter a username")
unless $user;
my $u = LJ::load_user($user);
return $fail->($out, "Invalid username")
unless $u;
if ($mode eq 'friends') {
# TAG:FR:console:rename_reset:clear_friends
# clear the given user's friends
# delete existing friends
my $friends = LJ::get_friends($cid, undef, undef, 'force') || {};
if (LJ::remove_friend($cid, [ keys %$friends ])) {
return $success->($out, "Success, friends modified.");
# some failure?
return $fail->($out, "Error modifying friends for user: '$user'");
if ($mode eq 'friendofs') {
# TAG:FR:console:rename_reset:clear_friendofs
# who lists this user as a friend?
my $ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT userid FROM friends WHERE friendid=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}) || [];
# delete friend edges with this user as the target
if ($dbh->do("DELETE FROM friends WHERE friendid=?", undef, $u->{'userid'})) {
# clear memcache for all friend-ofs
LJ::memcache_kill($_, "friends") foreach @$ids;
return $success->($out, "Success, friend-ofs modified.");
# some failure?
return $fail->($out, "Error modifying friend-ofs for user: '$user'");
$cmd{'fraud_watch'} =
des => "Set or unset the fraud_watch userprop for a given user",
privs => [qw(moneyenter)],
argsummary => '<action> <username>',
args => [
username => "Username who should have faud_watch set/unset",
action => "Optional. Either 'add' or 'remove' to set/unset the watch respectively. Defaults to 'add'.",
handler => sub {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
return $fail->($out, "Not logged in.") unless $remote;
return $fail->($out, "You don't have privileges needed to run this command.")
unless $remote->{'priv'}->{'moneyenter'};
shift @$args; # remove command name
my ($action, $user) = @$args;
return $fail->($out, "Invalid action: '$action'")
unless $action eq 'add' || $action eq 'remove';
my $u = LJ::load_user($user);
return $fail->($out, "Invalid username: $user")
unless $u;
my $propval = $action eq 'add' ? 1 : 0;
my $verb = $propval ? 'added' : 'removed';
LJ::load_user_props($u, 'fraud_watch');
return $fail->($out, "Fraud watch already $verb, nothing to do. [$u->{fraud_watch}]")
if $u->{fraud_watch} == $propval;
# set userprop
LJ::set_userprop($u, "fraud_watch", $propval)
or return $fail->($out, "Error setting 'fraud_watch' userprop. Database unavailable?");
# log to statushistory
LJ::statushistory_add($u->{userid}, $remote->{userid}, 'fraud_watch', "fraud watch $verb");
return $success->($out, "Fraud watch $verb for $u->{user}");
$cmd{'coupon_revoke'} =
des => "Revoke an unused coupon that was given out by the system (for a promo, etc)",
privs => [qw(moneyenter)],
argsummary => '<username> <coupon_token>',
args => [
username => "Username that owns the coupon to be revoked.",
coupon => "Coupon token. A full coupon token string to be revoked.",
handler => sub {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
return $fail->($out, "Not logged in.") unless $remote;
return $fail->($out, "You don't have privileges needed to run this command.")
unless $remote->{'priv'}->{'moneyenter'};
shift @$args; # remove command name
my ($user, $coupon) = @$args;
my $u = LJ::load_user($user);
return $fail->($out, "Invalid username: $user")
unless $u;
return $fail->($out, "Invalid coupon format")
unless $coupon =~ /^(\d+)-(.+)$/;
my ($cpid, $auth) = ($1, $2);
my $cp = $dbh->selectrow_hashref
("SELECT * FROM coupon WHERE cpid=? AND auth=?",
undef, $cpid, $auth);
return $fail->($out, "Invalid coupon, already revoked?") unless $cp;
return $fail->($out, "Coupon owner does not match '$user'")
unless $cp->{rcptid} == $u->{userid};
return $fail->($out, "This command can only revoke coupons generated automatically " .
"by the system.")
unless $cp->{ppayid} == 0;
return $fail->($out, "This coupon has already been used in a cart.")
unless $cp->{payid} == 0;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM coupon WHERE cpid=? AND auth=? AND rcptid=?",
undef, $cpid, $auth, $u->{userid});
return $fail->($out, "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr) if $dbh->err;
# log to statushistory
($u->{userid}, $remote->{userid}, 'coupon_revoke', "Coupon revoked: $coupon");
return $success->($out, "Coupon revoked: $coupon ($u->{user})");