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2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
title=>Suggestion Proposal Generator
return "<?badinput?>" unless LJ::text_in(\%FORM);
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
my $post_comm = 'suggestions';
unless ($remote) {
return "<?h1 Login first h1?><?p To submit a suggestion, you must first <a href=\"/login.bml?ret=1\">login</a>. p?>";
if ($FORM{'completed'}) {
my $ret = "";
my @errors = ();
my @fields = ("title","description","fulldescription","benefits","issues","sugglist");
my $CRLF = "\x0D\x0A";
unless (LJ::did_post()) {
return "<?h1 Error h1?><?p Requires post. p?>";
foreach $field (@fields) {
if (! $FORM{$field} ) {
push(@errors,"You forgot to fill out the $field field.");
return LJ::bad_input(@errors) if @errors;
my $out = "";
$out .= "<p><span style='font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;'>Title</span>\n";
$out .= "$FORM{'title'}</p>";
$out .= "<p><span style='font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;'>Short, concise description of the idea</span>\n";
$out .= "$FORM{'description'}</p>";
$out .= "<p><span style='font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;'>Full description of the idea</span>\n";
$out .= "$FORM{'fulldescription'}</p>";
$out .= "<span style='font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;'>An ordered list of benefits</span>";
my @benefits = split(/$CRLF$CRLF/, $FORM{'benefits'});
$out .= "<lj-raw><ul>\n";
foreach my $benefit (@benefits) {
$benefit =~ s!$CRLF!<br />!g;
$out .= "<li>$benefit</li>\n";
$out .= "</ul></lj-raw>";
$out .= "<br /><span style='font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;'>An ordered list of problems/issues involved</span>";
my @issues = split(/$CRLF$CRLF/, $FORM{'issues'});
$out .= "<lj-raw><ul>\n";
foreach my $issue (@issues) {
$issue =~ s!$CRLF!<br />\n!g;
$out .= "<li>$issue</li>\n";
$out .= "</ul></lj-raw>";
$out .= "<br /><span style='font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;'>An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation</span>";
my @suggs = split(/$CRLF$CRLF/, $FORM{'sugglist'});
$out .= "<lj-raw><ul>\n";
foreach my $sugg (@suggs) {
$sugg =~ s!$CRLF!<br />\n!g;
$out .= "<li>$sugg</li>\n";
$out .= "</ul></lj-raw>";
# post it
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time());
$year = $year + 1900;
$mon=sprintf("%02d", $mon+1);
$mday=sprintf("%02d", $mday);
my $rs = LJ::Protocol::do_request("postevent", {
'ver' => $LJ::PROTOCOL_VER,
'year' => $year,
'mon' => $mon,
'day' => $mday,
'hour' => $hour,
'min' => $min,
'username' => $remote->{'user'},
'event' => $out,
'usejournal' => $post_comm,
'props' => { 'opt_preformatted' => 0 },
'subject' => $FORM{'title'},
}, \$err, {
'noauth' => 1,
'usejournal_okay' => 1,
if ($err) {
my $errstr = LJ::Protocol::error_message($err);
$ret .= "<?h1 Error h1?><?p $errstr p?>";
} else {
$ret .= "<?h1 Success! h1?>\n";
my $user = LJ::ljuser($post_comm);
if ($rs->{'itemid'}) {
my $u = LJ::load_user($post_comm);
my $link = LJ::item_link($u, $rs->{'itemid'}, $rs->{'anum'});
$ret .= "<?p Your suggestion has been sucessfully posted to $user and you may now <a href='$link'>view your suggestion</a>. p?>";
} else {
$ret .= "<?p Your suggestion has been submitted to the maintainers of $user for approval. If approved, your suggestion will then appear in the community. p?>";
return $ret;
} else {
return <<__EOF__
<?h1 The Generator h1?>
Use this form enter all the details of your suggestion that you would like to submit, and it will then post the suggestion to the suggestion community.
<form method='post'>
<?h2 Title h2?>
<?p <blockquote><input type='text' name='title' value="" size='60'></blockquote> p?>
<?h2 Short, concise description of the idea h2?>
<?p Briefly explain your idea, being as clear and concise as possible, and using terminology that the average person can understand. <br /><blockquote><textarea name='description' rows='2' cols='58' wrap='virtual'></textarea></blockquote> p?>
<?h2 Full description of the idea h2?>
<?p If the space above isn't enough to describe your suggestion, you may write a more thorough and detailed explanation here. <br /><blockquote><textarea name='fulldescription' rows='7' cols='58' wrap='virtual'></textarea></blockquote> p?>
<?h2 An ordered list of benefits h2?>
<?p Create a list of the benefits of your suggestion in the box below. This may be used by a reader as a reference. <b>List each item, pressing &lt;Enter&gt; twice after each one</b> <br /><blockquote><textarea name='benefits' rows='7' cols='58' wrap='virtual'></textarea></blockquote> p?>
<?h2 An ordered list of problems/issues involved h2?>
<?p Almost all suggestions will have some drawbacks. In the box below, list all possible drawbacks to your suggestion in the same manner that you have listed the benefits above. <b>List each item, pressing &lt;Enter&gt; twice after each one.</b> <br /><blockquote><textarea name='issues' rows='7' cols='58' wrap='virtual'></textarea></blockquote> p?>
<?h2 An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation h2?>
<?p List some helpful hints or clarifications on your idea as to how to get it going. What might need to be changed or fixed to make this implementation/feature? Try not to get too technical, just enough detail to direct readers is good. <b>List each item, pressing &lt;Enter&gt; twice after each one.</b> <br /><blockquote><textarea name='sugglist' rows='7' cols='58' wrap='virtual'></textarea></blockquote> p?>
<?p Click the "Post Suggestion" button and your suggestion will be sent off to the <?ljuser $post_comm ljuser?> community. p?>
<tr><td colspan='2' align='center'>
<input type='hidden' name="completed" value="1">
<input type='submit' value="Post Suggestion">
page?><?_c <LJDEP>
post: htdocs/suggestions/generator.bml
link: htdocs/talkread.bml
</LJDEP> _c?>