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2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
package LJ;
use Class::Autouse qw (
# name: LJ::get_posts_raw
# des: Gets raw post data (text and props) efficiently from clusters.
# info: Fetches posts from clusters, trying memcache and slaves first if available.
# returns: hashref with keys 'text', 'prop', and values being hashrefs
# with keys "jid:jitemid". values of that are as follows:
# text: [ $subject, $body ], props: { ... };
# replycount scalar returned within props.
# args: opts?, id+
# des-opts: An optional hashref of options:
# - memcache_only: Don't fall back on the database.
# - prop_only: Retrieve only props, for efficiensy.
# des-id: An arrayref of [ clusterid, ownerid, itemid ].
sub get_posts_raw
my $opts = ref $_[0] eq "HASH" ? shift : {};
my $ret = {};
my $sth;
# throughout this function, the concept of an "id"
# is the key to identify a single post.
# it is of the form "$jid:$jitemid".
# build up a list for each cluster of what we want to get,
# as well as a list of all the keys we want from memcache.
my %cids; # cid => 1
my $needtext; # text needed: $cid => $id => 1
my $needprop; # props needed: $cid => $id => 1
my $needrc; # replycounts needed: $cid => $id => 1
my @mem_keys;
# if we're loading entries for a friends page,
# silently failing to load a cluster is acceptable.
# but for a single user, we want to die loudly so they don't think
# we just lost their journal.
my $single_user;
# because the memcache keys for logprop don't contain
# which cluster they're in, we also need a map to get the
# cid back from the jid so we can insert into the needfoo hashes.
# the alternative is to not key the needfoo hashes on cluster,
# but that means we need to grep out each cluster's jids when
# we do per-cluster queries on the databases.
my %cidsbyjid;
foreach my $post (@_) {
my ($cid, $jid, $jitemid) = @{$post};
my $id = "$jid:$jitemid"; #!!!
if (not defined $single_user) {
$single_user = $jid;
} elsif ($single_user and $jid != $single_user) {
# multiple users
$single_user = 0;
$cids{$cid} = 1;
$cidsbyjid{$jid} = $cid;
unless ($opts->{prop_only}) {
$needtext->{$cid}{$id} = 1;
push @mem_keys, [$jid, "logtext:$cid:$id"];
$needrc->{$cid}{$id} = 1;
push @mem_keys, [$jid, "rp:$id"];
$needprop->{$cid}{$id} = 1;
push @mem_keys, [$jid, "logprop:$id"];
# first, check memcache.
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@mem_keys) || {};
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$mem) {
next unless defined $v;
next unless $k =~ /(\w+):(?:\d+:)?(\d+):(\d+)/;
my ($type, $jid, $jitemid) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $cid = $cidsbyjid{$jid};
my $id = "$jid:$jitemid";
if ($type eq "logtext") {
delete $needtext->{$cid}{$id};
$ret->{text}{$id} = $v;
} elsif ($type eq "logprop" && ref $v eq "HASH") {
delete $needprop->{$cid}{$id};
$ret->{prop}{$id} = $v;
} elsif ($type eq "rp") {
delete $needrc->{$cid}{$id};
$ret->{replycount}{$id} = $v;
# we may be done already.
return $ret if $opts->{memcache_only};
return $ret unless values %$needtext or values %$needprop
or values %$needrc;
# otherwise, hit the database.
foreach my $cid (keys %cids) {
# for each cluster, get the text/props we need from it.
my $cneedtext = $needtext->{$cid} || {};
my $cneedprop = $needprop->{$cid} || {};
my $cneedrc = $needrc->{$cid} || {};
next unless %$cneedtext or %$cneedprop or %$cneedrc;
my $make_in = sub {
my @in;
foreach my $id (@_) {
my ($jid, $jitemid) = map { $_ + 0 } split(/:/, $id);
push @in, "(journalid=$jid AND jitemid=$jitemid)";
return join(" OR ", @in);
# now load from each cluster.
my $fetchtext = sub {
my $db = shift;
return unless %$cneedtext;
my $in = $make_in->(keys %$cneedtext);
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT journalid, jitemid, subject, event ".
"FROM logtext2 WHERE $in");
while (my ($jid, $jitemid, $subject, $event) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $id = "$jid:$jitemid";
my $val = [ $subject, $event ];
$ret->{text}{$id} = $val;
LJ::MemCache::add([$jid, "logtext:$cid:$id"], $val, 7200);
delete $cneedtext->{$id};
my $fetchprop = sub {
my $db = shift;
return unless %$cneedprop;
my $in = $make_in->(keys %$cneedprop);
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT journalid, jitemid, propid, value ".
"FROM logprop2 WHERE $in");
my %gotid;
while (my ($jid, $jitemid, $propid, $value) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $id = "$jid:$jitemid";
my $propname = $LJ::CACHE_PROPID{'log'}->{$propid}{name};
$ret->{prop}{$id}{$propname} = $value;
$gotid{$id} = 1;
foreach my $id (keys %gotid) {
my ($jid, $jitemid) = map { $_ + 0 } split(/:/, $id);
LJ::MemCache::add([$jid, "logprop:$id"], $ret->{prop}{$id}); #7200
delete $cneedprop->{$id};
my $fetchrc = sub {
my $db = shift;
return unless %$cneedrc;
my $in = $make_in->(keys %$cneedrc);
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT journalid, jitemid, replycount FROM log2 WHERE $in");
while (my ($jid, $jitemid, $rc) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $id = "$jid:$jitemid";
$ret->{replycount}{$id} = $rc;
LJ::MemCache::add([$jid, "rp:$id"], $rc);
delete $cneedrc->{$id};
my $dberr = sub {
die "Couldn't connect to database" if $single_user;
# run the fetch functions on the proper databases, with fallbacks if necessary.
my ($dbcm, $dbcr);
if (@LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS or $opts->{use_master}) {
$dbcm ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($cid) or $dberr->();
$fetchtext->($dbcm) if %$cneedtext;
$fetchprop->($dbcm) if %$cneedprop;
$fetchrc->($dbcm) if %$cneedrc;
} else {
$dbcr ||= LJ::get_cluster_reader($cid);
if ($dbcr) {
$fetchtext->($dbcr) if %$cneedtext;
$fetchprop->($dbcr) if %$cneedprop;
$fetchrc->($dbcr) if %$cneedrc;
# if we still need some data, switch to the master.
if (%$cneedtext or %$cneedprop) {
$dbcm ||= LJ::get_cluster_master($cid) or $dberr->();
# and finally, if there were no errors,
# insert into memcache the absence of props
# for all posts that didn't have any props.
foreach my $id (keys %$cneedprop) {
my ($jid, $jitemid) = map { $_ + 0 } split(/:/, $id);
LJ::MemCache::add([$jid, "logprop:$id"], {} );
# move replycount into prop : we could not do this before prop are set because prop hash will rewrite replycount...
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$ret->{"replycount"}||{}}) {
$ret->{prop}{$k}{replycount} = $ret->{replycount}{$k};
return $ret;
# returns a row from log2, trying memcache
# accepts $u + $jitemid
# returns hash with: posterid, eventtime, logtime,
# security, allowmask, journalid, jitemid, anum.
sub get_log2_row
my ($u, $jitemid, $db) = @_;
my $jid = $u->{'userid'};
my $memkey = [$jid, "log2:$jid:$jitemid"];
my ($row, $item);
$row = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
if ($row) {
@$item{'posterid', 'eventtime', 'logtime', 'allowmask', 'ditemid'} = unpack("NNNNN", $row);
$item->{'security'} = ($item->{'allowmask'} == 0 ? 'private' :
($item->{'allowmask'} == 2**31 ? 'public' : 'usemask'));
$item->{'journalid'} = $jid;
@$item{'jitemid', 'anum'} = ($item->{'ditemid'} >> 8, $item->{'ditemid'} % 256);
$item->{'eventtime'} = LJ::mysql_time($item->{'eventtime'}, 1);
$item->{'logtime'} = LJ::mysql_time($item->{'logtime'}, 1);
return $item;
$db = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u) unless $db;
return undef unless $db;
my $sql = "SELECT posterid, eventtime, logtime, security, allowmask, " .
"anum FROM log2 WHERE journalid=? AND jitemid=?";
$item = $db->selectrow_hashref($sql, undef, $jid, $jitemid);
return undef unless $item;
$item->{'journalid'} = $jid;
$item->{'jitemid'} = $jitemid;
$item->{'ditemid'} = $jitemid*256 + $item->{'anum'};
my ($sec, $eventtime, $logtime);
$sec = $item->{'allowmask'};
$sec = 0 if $item->{'security'} eq 'private';
$sec = 2**31 if $item->{'security'} eq 'public';
$eventtime = LJ::mysqldate_to_time($item->{'eventtime'}, 1);
$logtime = LJ::mysqldate_to_time($item->{'logtime'}, 1);
$row = pack("NNNNN", $item->{'posterid'}, $eventtime, $logtime, $sec,
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $row);
return $item;
# local function.
# Get 8 weeks worth of recent items, in rlogtime order, using memcache.
# accepts ($jid, $clusterid, $timeupdate, $notafter, $notbefore).
# - $notafter - max value for rlogtime
# - $notbefore - min value for rlogtime, optional
# - $timeupdate is the timeupdate for this user, as far as the caller knows,
# in UNIX time.
# returns arrayref of the following:
# [$rlogtime, $posterid, $eventtime, $allowmask, $ditemid]
sub get_log2_recent_log
my ($jid, $cid, $timeupdate, $notafter, $notbefore) = @_;
my $DATAVER = "3"; # 1 char
my $memkey = [$jid, "log2lt:$jid"];
my $lockkey = $memkey->[1];
my ($rows, $ret);
$rows = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
$ret = [];
my $rows_decode = sub {
return 0
unless $rows && substr($rows, 0, 1) eq $DATAVER;
my $tu = unpack("N", substr($rows, 1, 4));
# if update time we got from upstream is newer than recorded
# here, this data from memcache is unreliable
return 0 if $timeupdate > $tu;
my $n = (length($rows) - 5 )/20;
for (my $i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
#was: pack("NNNNN", $rlogtime, $posterid, $eventtime, $allowmask, $ditemid);
my @item = unpack("NNNNN", substr($rows, $i*20+5, 20));
next if $notbefore and $item[0] < $notbefore; # rlogtime
last if $notafter and $item[0] > $notafter; # rlogtime
push @$ret, \@item;
return 1;
return $ret
if $rows_decode->();
#clear otherwise:
LJ::MemCache::delete($memkey) if $rows;
$rows = "";
my $db = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($cid);
# if we use slave or didn't get some data, don't store in memcache
my $dont_store = 0;
unless ($db) {
$db = LJ::get_cluster_reader($cid);
$dont_store = 1;
return undef unless $db;
# get reliable log2lt data from the db
my $max_age = $LJ::MAX_FRIENDS_VIEW_AGE || 3600*24*56; # 8 weeks default
my $sql = "SELECT rlogtime, posterid, eventtime, jitemid, " .
"security, allowmask, anum, replycount FROM log2 " .
"USE INDEX (rlogtime) WHERE journalid=? AND " .
"rlogtime <= ($LJ::EndOfTime - UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) + $max_age";
my $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
my @row;
while (my @arr = $sth->fetchrow_array) { push @row, \@arr; }
@row = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @row; #rlogtime
my $i = 0;
foreach (@row) {
my ($rlogtime, $posterid, $eventtime, $jitemid, $security, $allowmask, $anum, $replycount) = @$_; #in $sql order!
$eventtime = LJ::mysqldate_to_time($eventtime, 1);
$allowmask = 0 if $security eq 'private';
$allowmask = 2**31 if $security eq 'public';
my $ditemid = $jitemid*256 + $anum;
$rows .= pack("NNNNN", $rlogtime, $posterid, $eventtime, $allowmask, $ditemid);
unless (($notafter and $rlogtime > $notafter) || ($notbefore and $rlogtime < $notbefore)) {
push @$ret, [$rlogtime, $posterid, $eventtime, $allowmask, $ditemid];
if ($i++ < 50) {
LJ::MemCache::add([$jid, "rp:$jid:$jitemid"], $replycount);
last; #limit log2lt: to a reasonable size
$rows = $DATAVER . pack("N", $timeupdate) . $rows;
LJ::MemCache::add($memkey, $rows, $timeupdate + $max_age) unless $dont_store;
return $ret;
# public function, called from get_friend_items()
sub get_log2_recent_user
my $opts = shift;
my $ret = [];
my $journalid = $opts->{'userid'};
my $clusterid = $opts->{'clusterid'};
my $log = LJ::get_log2_recent_log($journalid, $clusterid, $opts->{'timeupdate'}, $opts->{'notafter'}, $opts->{'notbefore'});
my $left = $opts->{'itemshow'};
my $remote = $opts->{'remote'};
my $remoteid = $remote->{'userid'};
my $valid_remote_journaltype = $remote->{'journaltype'} eq "P" || $remote->{'journaltype'} eq "I";
my $mask;
foreach my $i (@$log) {
last unless $left;
## filter security and provide proper format for the caller:
my ($rlogtime, $posterid, $eventtime, $allowmask, $ditemid) = @$i;
my $security = $allowmask == 0 ? 'private' :
($allowmask == 2**31 ? 'public' : 'usemask');
next unless $remote || $security eq 'public';
next if $security eq 'private'
and $journalid != $remoteid;
if ($security eq 'usemask') {
next unless $valid_remote_journaltype;
my $permit = ($journalid == $remoteid);
unless ($permit) {
$mask = LJ::get_groupmask($journalid, $remoteid) unless defined $mask;
$permit = $allowmask+0 & $mask+0;
next unless $permit;
my ($jitemid, $anum) = ($ditemid >> 8, $ditemid % 256);
push @$ret, [$rlogtime, $jitemid, $posterid, $eventtime, $anum, $ditemid, $security, $journalid];
return $ret;
# called from go.bml
sub get_itemid_near2
my ($u, $ditemid, $direction) = @_;
$ditemid += 0;
my $jitemid = $ditemid >> 8;
my ($inc, $order);
if ($direction eq "next") {
($inc, $order) = (1, "DESC");
} elsif ($direction eq "prev") {
($inc, $order) = (-1, "ASC");
} else {
return 0;
my $dbr = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
my $jid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
# $remote nujen dlia svjaznosti ssylok.
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
my $mask;
my $item;
while (1) {
$jitemid += $inc;
# TODO: try get_log2_row()
#($anum, $security, $allowmask) = $dbr->selectrow_array(
# "SELECT anum, security, allowmask ".
# " FROM log2 WHERE journalid=$jid AND jitemid=$jitemid");
$item = get_log2_row($u, $jitemid, $dbr);
last unless $item;
my $security = $item->{'security'};
# usually exits from the first try, unless security:
last if $security eq 'public';
last if $security eq 'private' && $remote && $jid == $remote->{'userid'};
if ($security eq 'usemask' && $remote) {
next unless $remote->{'journaltype'} eq "P" || $remote->{'journaltype'} eq "I";
my $permit = ($jid == $remote->{'userid'});
unless ($permit) {
$mask = LJ::get_groupmask($jid, $remote->{'userid'}) unless defined $mask;
$permit = $item->{'allowmask'} & $mask+0;
last if $permit;
return $item->{'jitemid'}*256 + $item->{'anum'} if ($item);
#return 0; # deleted posts can be a problem
# old, unused code, use as fallback
$jitemid = $ditemid >> 8;
my $field = $u->{'journaltype'} eq "P" ? "revttime" : "rlogtime";
my $stime = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT $field FROM log2 WHERE ".
"journalid=$jid AND jitemid=$jitemid");
return 0 unless $stime;
my $day = 86400;
foreach my $distance ($day, $day*7, $day*30, $day*90) {
my ($one_away, $further) = ($stime - $inc, $stime - $inc*$distance);
if ($further < $one_away) {
# swap them, BETWEEN needs lower number first
($one_away, $further) = ($further, $one_away);
my ($id, $anum) =
$dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT jitemid, anum FROM log2 WHERE journalid=$jid ".
"AND $field BETWEEN $one_away AND $further ".
"ORDER BY $field $order LIMIT 1");
if ($id) {
return wantarray() ? ($id, $anum) : ($id*256 + $anum);
return 0;
sub set_logprop
my ($u, $jitemid, $hashref, $logprops) = @_; # hashref to set, hashref of what was done
$jitemid += 0;
my $uid = $u->{'userid'} + 0;
my $kill_mem = 0;
my $del_ids;
my $ins_values;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$hashref||{}}) {
my $prop = LJ::get_prop("log", $k);
next unless $prop;
$kill_mem = 1;
if ($v) {
$ins_values .= "," if $ins_values;
$ins_values .= "($uid, $jitemid, $prop->{'id'}, " . $u->quote($v) . ")";
$logprops->{$k} = $v;
} else {
$del_ids .= "," if $del_ids;
$del_ids .= $prop->{'id'};
$u->do("REPLACE INTO logprop2 (journalid, jitemid, propid, value) ".
"VALUES $ins_values") if $ins_values;
$u->do("DELETE FROM logprop2 WHERE journalid=? AND jitemid=? ".
"AND propid IN ($del_ids)", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $jitemid) if $del_ids;
LJ::MemCache::delete([$uid,"logprop:$uid:$jitemid"]) if $kill_mem;
# name: LJ::load_log_props2
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args: db?, uuserid, listref, hashref
# des-:
# returns:
sub load_log_props2
my $db = isdb($_[0]) ? shift @_ : undef;
my ($uuserid, $listref, $hashref) = @_;
my $userid = want_userid($uuserid);
return unless ref $hashref eq "HASH";
my %needprops;
my %needrc;
my %rc;
my @memkeys;
foreach (@$listref) {
my $id = $_+0;
$needprops{$id} = 1;
$needrc{$id} = 1;
push @memkeys, [$userid, "logprop:$userid:$id"];
push @memkeys, [$userid, "rp:$userid:$id"];
return unless %needprops || %needrc;
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@memkeys) || {};
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$mem) {
next unless $k =~ /(\w+):(\d+):(\d+)/;
if ($1 eq 'logprop') {
next unless ref $v eq "HASH";
delete $needprops{$3};
$hashref->{$3} = $v;
if ($1 eq 'rp') {
delete $needrc{$3};
$rc{$3} = $v;
foreach (keys %rc) {
$hashref->{$_}{'replycount'} = $rc{$_};
return unless %needprops || %needrc;
unless ($db) {
my $u = LJ::load_userid($userid);
$db = @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS ? LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u) : LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
return unless $db;
if (%needprops) {
my $in = join(",", keys %needprops);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jitemid, propid, value FROM logprop2 ".
"WHERE journalid=? AND jitemid IN ($in)");
while (my ($jitemid, $propid, $value) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$hashref->{$jitemid}->{$LJ::CACHE_PROPID{'log'}->{$propid}->{'name'}} = $value;
foreach my $id (keys %needprops) {
LJ::MemCache::add([$userid,"logprop:$userid:$id"], $hashref->{$id} || {}); #7200
if (%needrc) {
my $in = join(",", keys %needrc);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jitemid, replycount FROM log2 WHERE journalid=? AND jitemid IN ($in)");
while (my ($jitemid, $rc) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$hashref->{$jitemid}->{'replycount'} = $rc;
LJ::MemCache::add([$userid, "rp:$userid:$jitemid"], $rc);
# name: LJ::delete_entry
# des: Deletes a user's journal entry
# args: uuserid, jitemid, quick?, anum?
# des-uuserid: Journal itemid or $u object of journal to delete entry from
# des-jitemid: Journal itemid of item to delete.
# des-quick: Optional boolean. If set, only [dbtable[log2]] table
# is deleted from and the rest of the content is deleted
# later using [func[LJ::cmd_buffer_add]].
# des-anum: The log item's anum, which'll be needed to delete lazily
# some data in tables which includes the anum, but the
# log row will already be gone so we'll need to store it for later.
# returns: boolean; 1 on success, 0 on failure.
sub delete_entry
my ($uuserid, $jitemid, $quick, $anum) = @_;
my $jid = LJ::want_userid($uuserid);
my $u = ref $uuserid ? $uuserid : LJ::load_userid($jid);
$jitemid += 0;
my $and = "";
if (defined $anum) { $and = "AND anum=" . ($anum+0); }
my $dc = $u->log2_do(undef, "DELETE FROM log2 WHERE journalid=$jid AND jitemid=$jitemid $and");
return 0 unless $dc;
LJ::MemCache::delete([$jid, "log2:$jid:$jitemid"]);
LJ::MemCache::decr([$jid, "log2ct:$jid"]);
LJ::memcache_kill($jid, "dayct");
# delete tags
LJ::Tags::delete_logtags($u, $jitemid);
# if this is running the second time (started by the cmd buffer),
# the log2 row will already be gone and we shouldn't check for it.
if ($quick) {
return 1 if $dc < 1; # already deleted?
return LJ::cmd_buffer_add($u->{clusterid}, $jid, "delitem", {
'itemid' => $jitemid,
'anum' => $anum,
# delete from clusters
foreach my $t (qw(logtext2 logprop2 logsec2)) {
$u->do("DELETE FROM $t WHERE journalid=$jid AND jitemid=$jitemid");
$u->dudata_set('L', $jitemid, 0);
# delete all comments
LJ::Talk::delete_all_comments($u, 'L', $jitemid);
# clean unused cache -
LJ::MemCache::delete([$jid, "logtext:$u->{clusterid}:$jid:$jitemid"]);
LJ::MemCache::delete([$jid, "logprop:$jid:$jitemid"]);
LJ::MemCache::delete([$jid, "rss:$jid"]);
return 1;
# name: LJ::mark_entry_as_spam
# class: web
# des: Copies an entry in a community into the global spamreports table
# args: journalu, jitemid
# des-journalu: User object of journal (community) entry was posted in.
# des-jitemid: ID of this entry.
# returns: 1 for success, 0 for failure
sub mark_entry_as_spam {
my ($journalu, $jitemid) = @_;
$journalu = LJ::want_user($journalu);
$jitemid += 0;
return 0 unless $journalu && $jitemid;
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($journalu);
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return 0 unless $dbcr && $dbh;
my $item = LJ::get_log2_row($journalu, $jitemid);
return 0 unless $item;
# step 1: get info we need
my $logtext = LJ::get_logtext2($journalu, $jitemid);
my ($subject, $body, $posterid) = ($logtext->{$jitemid}[0], $logtext->{$jitemid}[1], $item->{posterid});
return 0 unless $body;
# step 2: insert into spamreports
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO spamreports (reporttime, posttime, journalid, posterid, subject, body, report_type) ' .
'VALUES (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(?), ?, ?, ?, ?, \'entry\')',
undef, $item->{logtime}, $journalu->{userid}, $posterid, $subject, $body);
return 0 if $dbh->err;
return 1;
# replycount_do
# input: $u, $jitemid, $action, $value
# action is one of: "init", "incr", "decr"
# $value is amount to incr/decr, 1 by default
sub replycount_do {
my ($u, $jitemid, $action, $value) = @_;
$value = 1 unless defined $value;
my $uid = $u->{'userid'};
my $memkey = [$uid, "rp:$uid:$jitemid"];
# "init" is easiest and needs no lock (called before the entry is live)
if ($action eq 'init') {
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, 0);
return 1;
return 0 unless $action eq 'decr' || $action eq 'incr';
return 0 unless $u->writer;
if ($action eq 'decr') { $value = - $value; }
$u->do("UPDATE log2 SET replycount=replycount+$value WHERE journalid=$uid AND jitemid=$jitemid");
my $rc = $u->selectrow_array("SELECT replycount FROM log2 WHERE journalid=$uid AND jitemid=$jitemid");
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $rc) if defined $rc;
LJ::Talk::update_commentalter($u, $jitemid); # timestamp
return 1;
# name: LJ::get_logtext2
# des: Efficiently retrieves a large number of journal entry text, trying first
# slave database servers for recent items, then the master in
# cases of old items the slaves have already disposed of. See also:
# [func[LJ::get_talktext2]].
# args: u, opts?, jitemid*
# returns: hashref with keys being jitemids, values being [ $subject, $body ]
# des-opts: Optional hashref of special options. Currently only 'usemaster'
# key is supported, which always returns a definitive copy,
# and not from a cache or slave database.
# des-jitemid: List of jitemids to retrieve the subject & text for.
sub get_logtext2
my $u = shift;
my $clusterid = $u->{'clusterid'};
my $journalid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
my $opts = ref $_[0] ? shift : {};
# return structure.
my $lt = {};
return $lt unless $clusterid;
# keep track of itemids we still need to load.
my %need;
my @mem_keys;
foreach (@_) {
my $id = $_+0;
$need{$id} = 1;
push @mem_keys, [$journalid,"logtext:$clusterid:$journalid:$id"];
# pass 0: memory, avoiding databases
unless ($opts->{'usemaster'}) {
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@mem_keys) || {};
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$mem) {
next unless $v;
$k =~ /:(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/;
delete $need{$3};
$lt->{$3} = $v;
return $lt unless %need;
# pass 1 (slave) and pass 2 (master)
foreach my $pass (1, 2) {
next unless %need;
next if $pass == 1 && $opts->{'usemaster'};
my $db = $pass == 1 ? LJ::get_cluster_reader($clusterid) :
next unless $db;
my $jitemid_in = join(", ", keys %need);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jitemid, subject, event FROM logtext2 ".
"WHERE journalid=$journalid AND jitemid IN ($jitemid_in)");
while (my ($id, $subject, $event) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
unless ($opts->{'text-only'}) {
LJR::Distributed::sign_imported_entry ($journalid, $id, \$event);
my $val = [ $subject, $event ];
$lt->{$id} = $val;
LJ::MemCache::add([$journalid,"logtext:$clusterid:$journalid:$id"], $val, 7200);
delete $need{$id};
return $lt;
# name: LJ::load_talk_props2
# des: Retrieves comments properties.
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub load_talk_props2
my ($u, $listref, $hashref) = @_;
my $userid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
$hashref = {} unless ref $hashref eq "HASH";
my %need;
my @memkeys;
foreach (@$listref) {
my $id = $_+0;
$need{$id} = 1;
push @memkeys, [$userid,"talkprop:$userid:$id"];
return $hashref unless %need;
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@memkeys) || {};
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$mem) {
next unless $k =~ /(\d+):(\d+)/ && ref $v eq "HASH";
delete $need{$2};
$hashref->{$2}->{$_[0]} = $_[1] while @_ = each %$v;
return $hashref unless %need;
my $db;
$db = @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS ? LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u) : LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
return $hashref unless $db;
my $in = join(',', keys %need);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jtalkid, tpropid, value FROM talkprop2 ".
"WHERE journalid=? AND jtalkid IN ($in)");
while (my ($jtalkid, $propid, $value) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $p = $LJ::CACHE_PROPID{'talk'}->{$propid};
next unless $p;
$hashref->{$jtalkid}->{$p->{'name'}} = $value;
foreach my $id (keys %need) {
LJ::MemCache::add([$userid,"talkprop:$userid:$id"], $hashref->{$id} || {}, 3600);
return $hashref;
# name: LJ::get_talktext2
# des: Retrieves comments text. Tries slave servers first, then master.
# info: Efficiently retreives batches of comment text. Will try alternate
# servers first. See also [func[LJ::get_logtext2]].
# returns: Hashref with the talkids as keys, values being [ $subject, $event ].
# args: u, opts?, jtalkids
# des-opts: A hashref of options. 'onlysubjects' will only retrieve subjects.
# des-jtalkids: A list of talkids to get text for.
sub get_talktext2
my $u = shift;
my $clusterid = $u->{'clusterid'};
my $journalid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
my $opts = ref $_[0] ? shift : {};
# return structure.
my $lt = {};
return $lt unless $clusterid;
# keep track of itemids we still need to load.
my %need;
my @mem_keys;
foreach (@_) {
my $id = $_+0;
push @mem_keys, [$journalid,"talktext:$clusterid:$journalid:$id"];
# try the memory cache
my $mem = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@mem_keys) || {};
foreach (@_) {
my $id = $_+0;
my $v = $mem->{"talktext:$clusterid:$journalid:$id"};
if (defined $v) {
$lt->{$id} = $v;
} else {
$need{$id} = 1;
return $lt unless %need;
# pass 1 (slave) and pass 2 (master)
foreach my $pass (1, 2) {
next unless %need;
my $db = $pass == 1 ? LJ::get_cluster_reader($clusterid) :
next unless $db;
my $in = join(",", keys %need);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT jtalkid, subject, body FROM talktext2 ".
"WHERE journalid=$journalid AND jtalkid IN ($in)");
while (my ($id, $subject, $body) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$lt->{$id} = [ $subject, $body ];
LJ::MemCache::add([$journalid,"talktext:$clusterid:$journalid:$id"], [$subject, $body], 3600);
delete $need{$id};
return $lt;
# name: LJ::item_link
# class: component
# des: Returns URL to view an individual journal item.
# info: The returned URL may have an ampersand in it. In an HTML/XML attribute,
# these must first be escaped by, say, [func[LJ::ehtml]]. This
# function doesn't return it pre-escaped because the caller may
# use it in, say, a plain-text email message.
# args: u, itemid, anum?
# des-itemid: Itemid of entry to link to.
# des-anum: If present, $u is assumed to be on a cluster and itemid is assumed
# to not be a $ditemid already, and the $itemid will be turned into one
# by multiplying by 256 and adding $anum.
# returns: scalar; unescaped URL string
sub item_link
my ($u, $itemid, $anum, @args) = @_;
my $ditemid = $itemid*256 + $anum;
# XXX: should have an option of returning a url with escaped (&amp;)
# or non-escaped (&) arguments. a new link object would be best.
my $args = @args ? "?" . join("&amp;", @args) : "";
return LJ::journal_base($u) . "/$ditemid.html$args";
# name: LJ::expand_embedded
# class:
# des:
# info:
# args:
# des-:
# returns:
sub expand_embedded
my ($u, $ditemid, $remote, $eventref, %opts) = @_;
LJ::Poll::show_polls($ditemid, $remote, $eventref);
LJ::EmbedModule->expand_entry($u, $eventref, %opts);
LJ::run_hooks("expand_embedded", $u, $ditemid, $remote, $eventref, %opts);
# name: LJ::item_toutf8
# des: convert one item's subject, text and props to UTF8.
# item can be an entry or a comment (in which cases props can be
# left empty, since there are no 8bit talkprops).
# args: u, subject, text, props
# des-u: user hashref of the journal's owner
# des-subject: ref to the item's subject
# des-text: ref to the item's text
# des-props: hashref of the item's props
# returns: nothing.
sub item_toutf8
my ($u, $subject, $text, $props) = @_;
return unless $LJ::UNICODE;
my $convert = sub {
my $rtext = shift;
my $error = 0;
my $res = LJ::text_convert($$rtext, $u, \$error);
if ($error) {
} else {
$$rtext = $res;
foreach(keys %$props) {
# Called from get_friend_items, get_recent_items, get_journal_item, few others.
# A single place to pickup text, props, tags, convert utf-8, and fill items' properies.
# $items: arrayref;
# $u: user object, or hashref of user objects by uid (= multiowner);
# $opts fields: multiowner, only_subject, props_only.
# TODO: should be optimized / rewtitten from scratch.
# Usage: fill_items_with_text_props(\@items, $u);
# fill_items_with_text_props(\@friend_items, $opts->{'friends_u'}, {'multiowner' => 1});
sub fill_items_with_text_props {
my ($items, $u, $opts) = @_;
if ($opts->{'multiowner'}) { # $u - hashref of user objects by ownerid
# required fields: ownerid, itemid
my @ids;
foreach (@$items) {
push @ids, [ $u->{$_->{'ownerid'}}->{'clusterid'}, $_->{'ownerid'}, $_->{'itemid'} ];
# load the text and props of the entries
my $res = LJ::get_posts_raw({}, @ids); #key {text or prop}{"$ownerid:$itemid"}
# load tags
my $tags;
$tags = LJ::Tags::get_logtagsmulti(\@ids); #key "$ownerid:$itemid"
foreach (@$items) {
$_->{'text'} = $res->{text}{"$_->{'ownerid'}:$_->{'itemid'}"};
$_->{'props'} = $res->{prop}{"$_->{'ownerid'}:$_->{'itemid'}"};
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $_->{'props'}->{'unknown8bit'}) {
# artefact, very very small fraction of old items affected
\$_->{'text'}->[0], \$_->{'text'}->[1], $_->{'props'});
###$_->{'props'}->{'unknown8bit'} = 0; #no change: memcache logtext,logprop always in sync with db
print STDERR "Fixing item_toutf8 in friend_items $_->{'ownerid'} $_->{'itemid'} \n";
if ($tags) {
# $taglist = [ split(/\s*,\s*/, $_->{'props'}->{taglist}) ]; #unknown8bit ? edittags?
my @taglist = values %{$tags->{"$_->{'ownerid'}:$_->{'itemid'}"}}; #$kwid => $kw
@taglist = sort { $a cmp $b } @taglist;
$_->{'props'}->{'tags'} = \@taglist;
} else { #single owner: $u - user object
# required fields: itemid
my @ids;
foreach (@$items) {
push @ids, [ $u->{'clusterid'}, $u->{'userid'}, $_->{'itemid'} ];
# load the text and props of the entries
my $res;
if ($opts->{'props_only'}) {
$res = LJ::get_posts_raw({'prop_only' => 1}, @ids);
} else {
$res = LJ::get_posts_raw({}, @ids);
# load tags
my $tags;
$tags = LJ::Tags::get_logtagsmulti(\@ids) unless $opts->{'only_subject'} || $opts->{'props_only'};
foreach (@$items) {
$_->{'text'} = $res->{text}{"$u->{'userid'}:$_->{'itemid'}"};
$_->{'props'} = $res->{prop}{"$u->{'userid'}:$_->{'itemid'}"};
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $_->{'props'}->{'unknown8bit'} && $logtext) {
# artefact, very very small fraction of old items affected
\$_->{'text'}->[0], \$_->{'text'}->[1], $_->{'props'});
###$_->{'props'}->{'unknown8bit'} = 0; #no change: memcache logtext,logprop always in sync with db
print STDERR "Fixing item_toutf8 in recent_items $u->{'userid'} $_->{'itemid'} \n";
if ($tags) {
# $taglist = [ split(/\s*,\s*/, $_->{'props'}->{taglist}) ];
my @taglist = values %{$tags->{"$u->{'userid'}:$_->{'itemid'}"}}; #$kwid => $kw
@taglist = sort { $a cmp $b } @taglist;
$_->{'props'}->{'tags'} = \@taglist;
#foreach (@$items) {
#my $subject = $_->{'text'}->[0];
# see if we have a subject and clean it
#if ($subject) {
# $subject =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g;
# LJ::CleanHTML::clean_subject_all(\$subject);
# $_->{'text'}->[0] = $subject;