2740 lines
82 KiB
2740 lines
82 KiB
use strict;
use lib "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/src/s2";
use S2;
use S2::Checker;
use S2::Color;
use S2::Compiler;
use Storable;
use Apache::Constants ();
use HTMLCleaner;
use POSIX ();
use LJ::S2::RecentPage;
use LJ::S2::YearPage;
use LJ::S2::DayPage;
use LJ::S2::FriendsPage;
use LJ::S2::MonthPage;
use LJ::S2::EntryPage;
use LJ::S2::ReplyPage;
package LJ::S2;
sub get_s2_reader {
return LJ::get_dbh("s2slave", "slave", "master");
sub make_journal
my ($u, $styleid, $view, $remote, $opts) = @_;
my $r = $opts->{'r'};
my $ret;
$LJ::S2::ret_ref = \$ret;
my ($entry, $page);
my $con_opts = {};
if ($view eq "res") {
if ($opts->{'pathextra'} =~ m!/(\d+)/stylesheet$!) {
$styleid = $1;
$entry = "print_stylesheet()";
$opts->{'contenttype'} = 'text/css';
$con_opts->{'use_modtime'} = 1;
} else {
$opts->{'handler_return'} = 404;
$u->{'_s2styleid'} = $styleid + 0;
$con_opts->{'u'} = $u;
$con_opts->{'style_u'} = $opts->{'style_u'};
my $ctx = s2_context($r, $styleid, $con_opts);
unless ($ctx) {
$opts->{'handler_return'} = Apache::Constants::OK();
my $lang = 'en';
LJ::run_hook('set_s2bml_lang', $ctx, \$lang);
# note that's it's very important to pass LJ::Lang::get_text here explicitly
# rather than relying on BML::set_language's fallback mechanism, which won't
# work in this context since BML::cur_req won't be loaded if no BML requests
# have been served from this Apache process yet
BML::set_language($lang, \&LJ::Lang::get_text);
# let layouts disable EntryPage / ReplyPage, using the BML version
# instead.
if ($ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{'view_entry_disabled'} && ($view eq "entry" || $view eq "reply")) {
${$opts->{'handle_with_bml_ref'}} = 1;
# make sure capability supports it
if (($view eq "entry" || $view eq "reply") &&
! LJ::get_cap(($opts->{'checkremote'} ? $remote : $u), "s2view$view")) {
${$opts->{'handle_with_bml_ref'}} = 1;
# setup tags backwards compatibility
unless ($ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{'tags_aware'}) {
$opts->{enable_tags_compatibility} = 1;
$opts->{'ctx'} = $ctx;
$LJ::S2::CURR_CTX = $ctx;
foreach ("name", "url", "urlname") { LJ::text_out(\$u->{$_}); }
$u->{'_journalbase'} = LJ::journal_base($u->{'user'}, $opts->{'vhost'});
if ($view eq "lastn") {
$entry = "RecentPage::print()";
$page = RecentPage($u, $remote, $opts);
} elsif ($view eq "calendar") {
$entry = "YearPage::print()";
$page = YearPage($u, $remote, $opts);
} elsif ($view eq "day") {
$entry = "DayPage::print()";
$page = DayPage($u, $remote, $opts);
} elsif ($view eq "friends" || $view eq "friendsfriends") {
$entry = "FriendsPage::print()";
$page = FriendsPage($u, $remote, $opts);
} elsif ($view eq "month") {
$entry = "MonthPage::print()";
$page = MonthPage($u, $remote, $opts);
} elsif ($view eq "entry") {
$entry = "EntryPage::print()";
$page = EntryPage($u, $remote, $opts);
} elsif ($view eq "reply") {
$entry = "ReplyPage::print()";
$page = ReplyPage($u, $remote, $opts);
return if $opts->{'suspendeduser'};
return if $opts->{'handler_return'};
# the friends mode=live returns raw HTML in $page, in which case there's
# nothing to "run" with s2_run. so $page isn't runnable, return it now.
# but we have to make sure it's defined at all first, otherwise things
# like print_stylesheet() won't run, which don't have an method invocant
return $page if $page && ref $page ne 'HASH';
s2_run($r, $ctx, $opts, $entry, $page);
if (ref $opts->{'errors'} eq "ARRAY" && @{$opts->{'errors'}}) {
return join('',
"Errors occurred processing this page:<ul>",
map { "<li>$_</li>" } @{$opts->{'errors'}},
# unload layers that aren't public
# see if we can save some bandwidth (though we already killed a bunch of CPU)
my $etag = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(pack('C*', unpack('C*', $ret)));
$etag = '"' . $etag . '"';
my $ifnonematch = $r->header_in("If-None-Match");
if (defined $ifnonematch && $etag eq $ifnonematch) {
$opts->{'notmodified'} = 1;
return undef;
} else {
$r->header_out("ETag", $etag);
return $ret;
sub s2_run
my ($r, $ctx, $opts, $entry, $page) = @_;
my $ctype = $opts->{'contenttype'} || "text/html";
my $cleaner;
my $cleaner_output = sub {
my $text = shift;
# expand lj-embed tags
if ($text =~ /lj\-embed/i) {
# find out what journal we're looking at
my $r = eval { Apache->request };
if ($r && $r->notes("journalid")) {
my $journal = LJ::load_userid($r->notes("journalid"));
# expand tags
LJ::EmbedModule->expand_entry($journal, \$text)
if $journal;
$$LJ::S2::ret_ref .= $text;
if ($ctype =~ m!^text/html!) {
$cleaner = HTMLCleaner->new(
'output' => $cleaner_output,
'valid_stylesheet' => \&LJ::valid_stylesheet_url,
my $send_header = sub {
my $status = $ctx->[S2::SCRATCH]->{'status'} || 200;
$r->content_type($ctx->[S2::SCRATCH]->{'ctype'} || $ctype);
my $need_flush;
my $out_straight = sub {
# Hacky: forces text flush. see:
# http://zilla.livejournal.org/906
if ($need_flush) {
$cleaner->parse("<!-- -->");
$need_flush = 0;
$$LJ::S2::ret_ref .= $_[0];
my $out_clean = sub {
$need_flush = 1;
S2::set_output_safe($cleaner ? $out_clean : $out_straight);
$LJ::S2::CURR_PAGE = $page;
$LJ::S2::RES_MADE = 0; # standard resources (Image objects) made yet
eval {
S2::run_code($ctx, $entry, $page);
$LJ::S2::CURR_PAGE = undef;
$LJ::S2::CURR_CTX = undef;
if ($@) {
my $error = $@;
$error =~ s/\n/<br \/>\n/g;
S2::pout("<b>Error running style:</b> $error");
return 0;
$cleaner->eof if $cleaner; # flush any remaining text/tag not yet spit out
return 1;
# returns hashref { lid => $u }; undef on error
sub get_layer_owners {
my @lids = map { $_ + 0 } @_;
return {} unless @lids;
my $ret = {}; # lid => uid/$u
my @need;
# see what we can get out of memcache first
my @keys;
push @keys, [ $_, "s2lo:$_" ] foreach @lids;
my $memc = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(@keys);
foreach my $lid (@lids) {
if (my $uid = $memc->{"s2lo:$lid"}) {
$ret->{$lid} = $uid;
} else {
push @need, $lid;
# if we still need any from the database, get them now
if (@need) {
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $in = join(',', @need);
my $res = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT s2lid, userid FROM s2layers WHERE s2lid IN ($in)");
die "Database error in LJ::S2::get_layer_owners: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n" if $dbh->err;
foreach my $row (@$res) {
# save info and add to memcache
$ret->{$row->[0]} = $row->[1];
LJ::MemCache::add([ $row->[0], "s2lo:$row->[0]" ], $row->[1]);
# now load these users; they're likely process cached anyway, so it should
# be pretty fast
my $us = LJ::load_userids(values %$ret);
foreach my $lid (keys %$ret) {
$ret->{$lid} = $us->{$ret->{$lid}}
return $ret;
# returns max comptime of all lids requested to be loaded
sub load_layers {
my @lids = map { $_ + 0 } @_;
return 0 unless @lids;
my $maxtime = 0; # to be returned
# figure out what is process cached...that goes to DB always
# if it's not in process cache, hit memcache first
my @from_db; # lid, lid, lid, ...
my @need_memc; # lid, lid, lid, ...
# initial sweep, anything loaded for less than 60 seconds is golden
foreach my $lid (@lids) {
if (my $loaded = S2::layer_loaded($lid, 60)) {
# it's loaded and not more than 60 seconds load, so we just go
# with it and assume it's good... if it's been recompiled, we'll
# figure it out within the next 60 seconds
$maxtime = $loaded if $loaded > $maxtime;
} else {
push @need_memc, $lid;
# attempt to get things in @need_memc from memcache
my $memc = LJ::MemCache::get_multi(map { [ $_, "s2c:$_"] } @need_memc);
foreach my $lid (@need_memc) {
if (my $row = $memc->{"s2c:$lid"}) {
# load the layer from memcache; memcache data should always be correct
my ($updtime, $data) = @$row;
if ($data) {
$maxtime = $updtime if $updtime > $maxtime;
S2::load_layer($lid, $data, $updtime);
} else {
# make it exist, but mark it 0
push @from_db, $lid;
# it's possible we don't need to hit the database for anything
return $maxtime unless @from_db;
# figure out who owns what we need
my $us = LJ::S2::get_layer_owners(@from_db);
my $sysid = LJ::get_userid('system');
# break it down by cluster
my %bycluster; # cluster => [ lid, lid, ... ]
foreach my $lid (@from_db) {
next unless $us->{$lid};
if ($us->{$lid}->{userid} == $sysid) {
push @{$bycluster{0} ||= []}, $lid;
} else {
push @{$bycluster{$us->{$lid}->{clusterid}} ||= []}, $lid;
# big loop by cluster
foreach my $cid (keys %bycluster) {
# if we're talking about cluster 0, the global, pass it off to the old
# function which already knows how to handle that
unless ($cid) {
my $dbr = LJ::S2::get_s2_reader();
S2::load_layers_from_db($dbr, @{$bycluster{$cid}});
my $db = LJ::get_cluster_master($cid);
die "Unable to obtain handle to cluster $cid for LJ::S2::load_layers\n"
unless $db;
# create SQL to load the layers we want
my $where = join(' OR ', map { "(userid=$us->{$_}->{userid} AND s2lid=$_)" } @{$bycluster{$cid}});
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT s2lid, compdata, comptime FROM s2compiled2 WHERE $where");
# iterate over data, memcaching as we go
while (my ($id, $comp, $comptime) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
LJ::MemCache::set([ $id, "s2c:$id" ], [ $comptime, $comp ])
if length $comp <= $LJ::MAX_S2COMPILED_CACHE_SIZE;
S2::load_layer($id, $comp, $comptime);
$maxtime = $comptime if $comptime > $maxtime;
# now we have to go through everything again and verify they're all loaded and
# otherwise do a fallback to the global
my @to_load;
foreach my $lid (@from_db) {
next if S2::layer_loaded($lid);
unless ($us->{$lid}) {
print STDERR "Style $lid has no available owner.\n";
if ($us->{$lid}->{userid} == $sysid) {
print STDERR "Style $lid is owned by system but failed load from global.\n";
LJ::MemCache::set([ $lid, "s2c:$lid" ], [ time(), 0 ]);
push @to_load, $lid;
return $maxtime unless @to_load;
# get the dbh and start loading these
my $dbr = LJ::S2::get_s2_reader();
die "Failure getting S2 database handle in LJ::S2::load_layers\n"
unless $dbr;
my $where = join(' OR ', map { "s2lid=$_" } @to_load);
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT s2lid, compdata, comptime FROM s2compiled WHERE $where");
while (my ($id, $comp, $comptime) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
S2::load_layer($id, $comp, $comptime);
$maxtime = $comptime if $comptime > $maxtime;
return $maxtime;
# find existing re-distributed layers that are in the database
# and their styleids.
sub get_public_layers
my $sysid = shift; # optional system userid (usually not used)
$LJ::CACHED_PUBLIC_LAYERS ||= LJ::MemCache::get("s2publayers")
$sysid ||= LJ::get_userid("system");
my $layers = get_layers_of_user($sysid, "is_system");
return $layers if $LJ::LESS_CACHING;
$LJ::CACHED_PUBLIC_LAYERS = $layers if $layers;
LJ::MemCache::set("s2publayers", $layers, 60*10) if $layers;
# update layers whose b2lids have been remapped to new s2lids
sub b2lid_remap
my ($uuserid, $s2lid, $b2lid) = @_;
my $b2lid_new = $LJ::S2LID_REMAP{$b2lid};
return undef unless $uuserid && $s2lid && $b2lid && $b2lid_new;
my $sysid = LJ::get_userid("system");
return undef unless $sysid;
LJ::statushistory_add($uuserid, $sysid, 'b2lid_remap', "$s2lid: $b2lid=>$b2lid_new");
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return $dbh->do("UPDATE s2layers SET b2lid=? WHERE s2lid=?",
undef, $b2lid_new, $s2lid);
sub get_layers_of_user
my ($u, $is_system) = @_;
my $userid = LJ::want_userid($u);
return undef unless $userid;
undef $u unless LJ::isu($u);
return $u->{'_s2layers'} if $u && $u->{'_s2layers'};
my %layers; # id -> {hashref}, uniq -> {same hashref}
my $dbr = LJ::S2::get_s2_reader();
my $extrainfo = $is_system ? "'redist_uniq', " : "";
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT i.infokey, i.value, l.s2lid, l.b2lid, l.type ".
"FROM s2layers l, s2info i ".
"WHERE l.userid=? AND l.s2lid=i.s2lid AND ".
"i.infokey IN ($extrainfo 'type', 'name', 'langcode', ".
"'majorversion', '_previews')");
die $dbr->errstr if $dbr->err;
while (my ($key, $val, $id, $bid, $type) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$layers{$id}->{'b2lid'} = $bid;
$layers{$id}->{'s2lid'} = $id;
$layers{$id}->{'type'} = $type;
$key = "uniq" if $key eq "redist_uniq";
$layers{$id}->{$key} = $val;
foreach (keys %layers) {
# setup uniq alias.
if ($layers{$_}->{'uniq'} ne "") {
$layers{$layers{$_}->{'uniq'}} = $layers{$_};
# setup children keys
my $bid = $layers{$_}->{b2lid};
next unless $layers{$_}->{'b2lid'};
# has the b2lid for this layer been remapped?
# if so update this layer's specified b2lid
if ($bid && $LJ::S2LID_REMAP{$bid}) {
my $s2lid = $layers{$_}->{s2lid};
b2lid_remap($userid, $s2lid, $bid);
$layers{$_}->{b2lid} = $LJ::S2LID_REMAP{$bid};
if ($is_system) {
my $bid = $layers{$_}->{'b2lid'};
unless ($layers{$bid}) {
delete $layers{$layers{$_}->{'uniq'}};
delete $layers{$_};
push @{$layers{$bid}->{'children'}}, $_;
if ($u) {
$u->{'_s2layers'} = \%layers;
return \%layers;
# get_style:
# many calling conventions:
# get_style($styleid, $verify)
# get_style($u, $verify)
# get_style($styleid, $opts)
# get_style($u, $opts)
# opts may contain keys:
# - 'u' -- $u object
# - 'verify' -- if verify, the $u->{'s2_style'} key is deleted if style isn't found
sub get_style
my ($arg, $opts) = @_;
my $verify = 0;
my ($styleid, $u);
if (ref $opts eq "HASH") {
$verify = $opts->{'verify'};
$u = $opts->{'u'};
} elsif ($opts) {
$verify = 1;
die "Bogus second arg to LJ::S2::get_style" if ref $opts;
if (ref $arg) {
$u = $arg;
$styleid = $u->{'s2_style'} + 0;
} else {
$styleid = $arg + 0;
my %style;
my $have_style = 0;
if ($verify && $styleid) {
my $dbr = LJ::S2::get_s2_reader();
my $style = $dbr->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM s2styles WHERE styleid=$styleid");
if (! $style && $u) {
delete $u->{'s2_style'};
$styleid = 0;
if ($styleid) {
my $stylay = $u ?
LJ::S2::get_style_layers($u, $styleid) :
while (my ($t, $id) = each %$stylay) { $style{$t} = $id; }
$have_style = scalar %style;
# this is a hack to add remapping support for s2lids
# - if a layerid is loaded above but it has a remapping
# defined in ljconfig, use the remap id instead and
# also save to database using set_style_layers
if (%LJ::S2LID_REMAP) {
my @remaps = ();
# all system layer types (no user layers)
foreach (qw(core i18nc i18n layout theme)) {
my $lid = $style{$_};
if (exists $LJ::S2LID_REMAP{$lid}) {
$style{$_} = $LJ::S2LID_REMAP{$lid};
push @remaps, "$lid=>$style{$_}";
if (@remaps) {
my $sysid = LJ::get_userid("system");
LJ::statushistory_add($u, $sysid, 's2lid_remap', join(", ", @remaps));
LJ::S2::set_style_layers($u, $styleid, %style);
unless ($have_style) {
my $public = get_public_layers();
while (my ($layer, $name) = each %$LJ::DEFAULT_STYLE) {
next unless $name ne "";
next unless $public->{$name};
my $id = $public->{$name}->{'s2lid'};
$style{$layer} = $id if $id;
return %style;
sub s2_context
my $r = shift;
my $styleid = shift;
my $opts = shift || {};
my $u = $opts->{u};
my $style_u = $opts->{style_u} || $u;
# but it doesn't matter if we're using the minimal style ...
my %style;
eval {
my $r = Apache->request;
if ($r->notes('use_minimal_scheme')) {
my $public = get_public_layers();
while (my ($layer, $name) = each %LJ::MINIMAL_STYLE) {
next unless $name ne "";
next unless $public->{$name};
my $id = $public->{$name}->{'s2lid'};
$style{$layer} = $id if $id;
# fall back to the standard call to get a user's styles
unless (%style) {
%style = $u ? get_style($styleid, { 'u' => $style_u }) : get_style($styleid);
my @layers;
foreach (qw(core i18nc layout i18n theme user)) {
push @layers, $style{$_} if $style{$_};
# TODO: memcache this. only make core S2 (which uses the DB) load
# when we can't get all the s2compiled stuff from memcache.
# compare s2styles.modtime with s2compiled.comptime to see if memcache
# version is accurate or not.
my $dbr = LJ::S2::get_s2_reader();
my $modtime = LJ::S2::load_layers(@layers);
# check that all critical layers loaded okay from the database, otherwise
# fall back to default style. if i18n/theme/user were deleted, just proceed.
my $okay = 1;
foreach (qw(core layout)) {
next unless $style{$_};
$okay = 0 unless S2::layer_loaded($style{$_});
unless ($okay) {
# load the default style instead, if we just tried to load a real one and failed
if ($styleid) { return s2_context($r, 0, $opts); }
# were we trying to load the default style?
$r->print("<b>Error preparing to run:</b> One or more layers required to load the stock style have been deleted.");
return undef;
if ($opts->{'use_modtime'})
my $ims = $r->header_in("If-Modified-Since");
my $ourtime = LJ::time_to_http($modtime);
if ($ims eq $ourtime) {
# 304 return; unload non-public layers
$r->status_line("304 Not Modified");
return undef;
} else {
$r->header_out("Last-Modified", $ourtime);
my $ctx;
eval {
$ctx = S2::make_context(@layers);
if ($ctx) {
S2::set_output(sub {}); # printing suppressed
S2::set_output_safe(sub {});
eval { S2::run_code($ctx, "prop_init()"); };
return $ctx unless $@;
# failure to generate context; unload our non-public layers
my $err = $@;
$r->print("<b>Error preparing to run:</b> $err");
return undef;
# parameter is either a single context, or just a bunch of layerids
# will then unregister the non-public layers
sub cleanup_layers {
my $pub = get_public_layers();
my @unload = ref $_[0] ? S2::get_layers($_[0]) : @_;
S2::unregister_layer($_) foreach grep { ! $pub->{$_} } @unload;
sub clone_layer
die "LJ::S2::clone_layer() has not been ported to use s2compiled2, but this function is not currently in use anywhere; if you use this function, please update it to use s2compiled2.\n";
my $id = shift;
return 0 unless $id;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $r;
$r = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM s2layers WHERE s2lid=?", undef, $id);
return 0 unless $r;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO s2layers (b2lid, userid, type) VALUES (?,?,?)",
undef, $r->{'b2lid'}, $r->{'userid'}, $r->{'type'});
my $newid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
return 0 unless $newid;
foreach my $t (qw(s2compiled s2info s2source)) {
$r = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM $t WHERE s2lid=?", undef, $id);
next unless $r;
$r->{'s2lid'} = $newid;
# kinda hacky: we have to update the layer id
if ($t eq "s2compiled") {
$r->{'compdata'} =~ s/\$_LID = (\d+)/\$_LID = $newid/;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO $t (" . join(',', keys %$r) . ") VALUES (".
join(',', map { $dbh->quote($_) } values %$r) . ")");
return $newid;
sub create_style
my ($u, $name, $cloneid) = @_;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return 0 unless $dbh && $u->writer;
my $uid = $u->{userid} + 0
or return 0;
my $clone;
$clone = load_style($cloneid) if $cloneid;
# can't clone somebody else's style
return 0 if $clone && $clone->{'userid'} != $uid;
# can't create name-less style
return 0 unless $name =~ /\S/;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO s2styles (userid, name, modtime) VALUES (?,?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $name);
my $styleid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
return 0 unless $styleid;
if ($clone) {
$clone->{'layer'}->{'user'} =
my $values;
foreach my $ly ('core','i18nc','layout','theme','i18n','user') {
next unless $clone->{'layer'}->{$ly};
$values .= "," if $values;
$values .= "($uid, $styleid, '$ly', $clone->{'layer'}->{$ly})";
$u->do("REPLACE INTO s2stylelayers2 (userid, styleid, type, s2lid) ".
"VALUES $values") if $values;
return $styleid;
sub load_user_styles
my $u = shift;
my $opts = shift;
return undef unless $u;
my $dbr = LJ::S2::get_s2_reader();
my %styles;
my $load_using = sub {
my $db = shift;
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT styleid, name FROM s2styles WHERE userid=?");
while (my ($id, $name) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$styles{$id} = $name;
return \%styles if scalar(%styles) || ! $opts->{'create_default'};
# create a new default one for them, but first check to see if they
# have one on the master.
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return \%styles if %styles;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO s2styles (userid, name, modtime) VALUES (?,?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())", undef,
$u->{'userid'}, $u->{'user'});
my $styleid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
return { $styleid => $u->{'user'} };
sub delete_user_style
my ($u, $styleid) = @_;
return 1 unless $styleid;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return 0 unless $dbh && $u->writer;
my $style = load_style($dbh, $styleid);
foreach my $t (qw(s2styles s2stylelayers)) {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM $t WHERE styleid=?", undef, $styleid)
$u->do("DELETE FROM s2stylelayers2 WHERE userid=? AND styleid=?", undef,
$u->{userid}, $styleid);
return 1;
sub load_style
my $db = ref $_[0] ? shift : undef;
my $id = shift;
return undef unless $id;
my $memkey = [$id, "s2s:$id"];
my $style = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
unless ($style) {
$db ||= LJ::S2::get_s2_reader();
$style = $db->selectrow_hashref("SELECT styleid, userid, name, modtime ".
"FROM s2styles WHERE styleid=?",
undef, $id);
LJ::MemCache::add($memkey, $style, 3600);
return undef unless $style;
my $u = LJ::load_userid($style->{userid})
or return undef;
$style->{'layer'} = LJ::S2::get_style_layers($u, $id) || {};
return $style;
sub create_layer
my ($userid, $b2lid, $type) = @_;
$userid = LJ::want_userid($userid);
return 0 unless $b2lid; # caller should ensure b2lid exists and is of right type
return 0 unless
$type eq "user" || $type eq "i18n" || $type eq "theme" ||
$type eq "layout" || $type eq "i18nc" || $type eq "core";
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return 0 unless $dbh;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO s2layers (b2lid, userid, type) ".
"VALUES (?,?,?)", undef, $b2lid, $userid, $type);
return $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
# takes optional $u as first argument... if user argument is specified, will
# look through s2stylelayers and delete all mappings that this user has to
# this particular layer.
sub delete_layer
my $u = LJ::isu($_[0]) ? shift : undef;
my $lid = shift;
return 1 unless $lid;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
foreach my $t (qw(s2layers s2compiled s2info s2source s2checker)) {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM $t WHERE s2lid=?", undef, $lid);
# make sure we have a user object if possible
unless ($u) {
my $us = LJ::S2::get_layer_owners($lid);
$u = $us->{$lid} if $us->{$lid};
# delete s2compiled2 if this is a layer owned by someone other than system
if ($u && $u->{user} ne 'system') {
$u->do("DELETE FROM s2compiled2 WHERE userid = ? AND s2lid = ?",
undef, $u->{userid}, $lid);
# now clear memcache of the compiled data
LJ::MemCache::delete([ $lid, "s2c:$lid" ]);
# now delete the mappings for this particular layer
if ($u) {
my $styles = LJ::S2::load_user_styles($u);
my @ids = keys %{$styles || {}};
if (@ids) {
# map in the ids we got from the user's styles and clear layers referencing
# this particular layer id
my $in = join(',', map { $_ + 0 } @ids);
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM s2stylelayers WHERE styleid IN ($in) AND s2lid = ?",
undef, $lid);
$u->do("DELETE FROM s2stylelayers2 WHERE userid=? AND styleid IN ($in) AND s2lid = ?",
undef, $u->{userid}, $lid);
# now clean memcache so this change is immediately visible
LJ::MemCache::delete([ $_, "s2sl:$_" ]) foreach @ids;
return 1;
sub get_style_layers
my $u = LJ::isu($_[0]) ? shift : undef;
my ($styleid, $force) = @_;
return undef unless $styleid;
# check memcache unless $force
my $stylay = undef;
my $memkey = [$styleid, "s2sl:$styleid"];
$stylay = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey) unless $force;
return $stylay if $stylay;
unless ($u) {
my $sty = LJ::S2::load_style($styleid) or
die "couldn't load styleid $styleid";
$u = LJ::load_userid($sty->{userid}) or
die "couldn't load userid $sty->{userid} for styleid $styleid";
my %stylay;
my $fetch = sub {
my ($db, $qry, @args) = @_;
my $sth = $db->prepare($qry);
die "ERROR: " . $sth->errstr if $sth->err;
while (my ($type, $s2lid) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$stylay{$type} = $s2lid;
return 0 unless %stylay;
return 1;
unless ($fetch->($u, "SELECT type, s2lid FROM s2stylelayers2 " .
"WHERE userid=? AND styleid=?", $u->{userid}, $styleid)) {
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
if ($fetch->($dbh, "SELECT type, s2lid FROM s2stylelayers WHERE styleid=?",
$styleid)) {
LJ::S2::set_style_layers_raw($u, $styleid, %stylay);
# set in memcache
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, \%stylay);
return \%stylay;
# the old interfaces. handles merging with global database data if necessary.
sub set_style_layers
my ($u, $styleid, %newlay) = @_;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return 0 unless $dbh && $u->writer;
my @lay = ('core','i18nc','layout','theme','i18n','user');
my %need = map { $_, 1 } @lay;
delete $need{$_} foreach keys %newlay;
if (%need) {
# see if the needed layers are already on the user cluster
my ($sth, $t, $lid);
$sth = $u->prepare("SELECT type FROM s2stylelayers2 WHERE userid=? AND styleid=?");
$sth->execute($u->{'userid'}, $styleid);
while (($t) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
delete $need{$t};
# if we still don't have everything, see if they exist on the
# global cluster, and we'll merge them into the %newlay being
# posted, so they end up on the user cluster
if (%need) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT type, s2lid FROM s2stylelayers WHERE styleid=?");
while (($t, $lid) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$newlay{$t} = $lid;
set_style_layers_raw($u, $styleid, %newlay);
# just set in user cluster, not merging with global
sub set_style_layers_raw {
my ($u, $styleid, %newlay) = @_;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return 0 unless $dbh && $u->writer;
$u->do("REPLACE INTO s2stylelayers2 (userid,styleid,type,s2lid) VALUES ".
join(",", map { sprintf("(%d,%d,%s,%d)", $u->{userid}, $styleid,
$dbh->quote($_), $newlay{$_}) }
keys %newlay));
return 0 if $u->err;
$dbh->do("UPDATE s2styles SET modtime=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE styleid=?",
undef, $styleid);
# delete memcache key
LJ::MemCache::delete([$styleid, "s2sl:$styleid"]);
LJ::MemCache::delete([$styleid, "s2s:$styleid"]);
return 1;
sub load_layer
my $db = ref $_[0] ? shift : LJ::S2::get_s2_reader();
my $lid = shift;
return $db->selectrow_hashref("SELECT s2lid, b2lid, userid, type ".
"FROM s2layers WHERE s2lid=?", undef,
sub escape_context_props
my $obj = shift;
if (ref $obj eq "HASH") {
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$obj}) {
if (ref $v) {
} else {
$obj->{$k} =~ s/</</g;
$obj->{$k} =~ s/>/>/g;
$obj->{$k} =~ s!\n!<br/>!g;
} elsif (ref $obj eq "ARRAY") {
foreach (@$obj) {
if (ref) {
} else {
sub populate_system_props
my $ctx = shift;
$ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{'SITEROOT'} = $LJ::SITEROOT;
$ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{'SITENAME'} = $LJ::SITENAME;
$ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{'IMGDIR'} = $LJ::IMGPREFIX;
sub layer_compile_user
my ($layer, $overrides) = @_;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return 0 unless ref $layer;
return 0 unless $layer->{'s2lid'};
return 1 unless ref $overrides;
my $id = $layer->{'s2lid'};
my $s2 = "layerinfo \"type\" = \"user\";\n";
foreach my $name (keys %$overrides) {
next if $name =~ /\W/;
my $prop = $overrides->{$name}->[0];
my $val = $overrides->{$name}->[1];
if ($prop->{'type'} eq "int") {
$val = int($val);
} elsif ($prop->{'type'} eq "bool") {
$val = $val ? "true" : "false";
} else {
$val =~ s/[\\\$\"]/\\$&/g;
$val = "\"$val\"";
$s2 .= "set $name = $val;\n";
my $error;
return 1 if LJ::S2::layer_compile($layer, \$error, { 's2ref' => \$s2 });
return LJ::error($error);
sub layer_compile
my ($layer, $err_ref, $opts) = @_;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $lid;
if (ref $layer eq "HASH") {
$lid = $layer->{'s2lid'}+0;
} else {
$lid = $layer+0;
$layer = LJ::S2::load_layer($dbh, $lid) or return 0;
return 0 unless $lid;
# get checker (cached, or via compiling) for parent layer
my $checker = get_layer_checker($layer);
unless ($checker) {
$$err_ref = "Error compiling parent layer.";
return undef;
# do our compile (quickly, since we probably have the cached checker)
my $s2ref = $opts->{'s2ref'};
unless ($s2ref) {
my $s2 = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT s2code FROM s2source WHERE s2lid=?", undef, $lid);
unless ($s2) { $$err_ref = "No source code to compile."; return undef; }
$s2ref = \$s2;
my $is_system = $layer->{'userid'} == LJ::get_userid("system");
my $untrusted = ! $LJ::S2_TRUSTED{$layer->{'userid'}} && ! $is_system;
# system writes go to global. otherwise to user clusters.
my $dbcm;
if ($is_system) {
$dbcm = $dbh;
} else {
my $u = LJ::load_userid($layer->{'userid'});
$dbcm = $u;
return 0 unless $dbcm;
my $compiled;
my $cplr = S2::Compiler->new({ 'checker' => $checker });
eval {
'type' => $layer->{'type'},
'source' => $s2ref,
'output' => \$compiled,
'layerid' => $lid,
'untrusted' => $untrusted,
'builtinPackage' => "S2::Builtin::LJ",
if ($@) { $$err_ref = "Compile error: $@"; return undef; }
# save the source, since it at least compiles
if ($opts->{'s2ref'}) {
$dbh->do("REPLACE INTO s2source (s2lid, s2code) VALUES (?,?)",
undef, $lid, ${$opts->{'s2ref'}}) or return 0;
# save the checker object for later
if ($layer->{'type'} eq "core" || $layer->{'type'} eq "layout") {
my $chk_frz = Storable::nfreeze($checker);
$dbh->do("REPLACE INTO s2checker (s2lid, checker) VALUES (?,?)", undef,
$lid, $chk_frz) or die;
# load the compiled layer to test it loads and then get layerinfo/etc from it
eval $compiled;
if ($@) { $$err_ref = "Post-compilation error: $@"; return undef; }
if ($opts->{'redist_uniq'}) {
# used by update-db loader:
my $redist_uniq = S2::get_layer_info($lid, "redist_uniq");
die "redist_uniq value of '$redist_uniq' doesn't match $opts->{'redist_uniq'}\n"
unless $redist_uniq eq $opts->{'redist_uniq'};
# put layerinfo into s2info
my %info = S2::get_layer_info($lid);
my $values;
my $notin;
foreach (keys %info) {
$values .= "," if $values;
$values .= sprintf("(%d, %s, %s)", $lid,
$dbh->quote($_), $dbh->quote($info{$_}));
$notin .= "," if $notin;
$notin .= $dbh->quote($_);
if ($values) {
$dbh->do("REPLACE INTO s2info (s2lid, infokey, value) VALUES $values") or die;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM s2info WHERE s2lid=? AND infokey NOT IN ($notin)", undef, $lid);
if ($opts->{'layerinfo'}) {
${$opts->{'layerinfo'}} = \%info;
# put compiled into database, with its ID number
if ($is_system) {
$dbh->do("REPLACE INTO s2compiled (s2lid, comptime, compdata) ".
"VALUES (?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?)", undef, $lid, $compiled) or die;
} else {
my $gzipped = LJ::text_compress($compiled);
$dbcm->do("REPLACE INTO s2compiled2 (userid, s2lid, comptime, compdata) ".
"VALUES (?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?)", undef,
$layer->{'userid'}, $lid, $gzipped) or die;
# delete from memcache; we can't store since we don't know the exact comptime
LJ::MemCache::delete([ $lid, "s2c:$lid" ]);
# caller might want the compiled source
if (ref $opts->{'compiledref'} eq "SCALAR") {
${$opts->{'compiledref'}} = $compiled;
return 1;
sub get_layer_checker
my $lay = shift;
my $err_ref = shift;
return undef unless ref $lay eq "HASH";
return S2::Checker->new() if $lay->{'type'} eq "core";
my $parid = $lay->{'b2lid'}+0 or return undef;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $get_cached = sub {
my $frz = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT checker FROM s2checker WHERE s2lid=?",
undef, $parid) or return undef;
return Storable::thaw($frz); # can be undef, on failure
# the good path
my $checker = $get_cached->();
return $checker if $checker;
# no cached checker (or bogus), so we have to [re]compile to get it
my $parlay = LJ::S2::load_layer($dbh, $parid);
return undef unless LJ::S2::layer_compile($parlay);
return $get_cached->();
sub load_layer_info
my ($outhash, $listref) = @_;
return 0 unless ref $listref eq "ARRAY";
return 1 unless @$listref;
my $in = join(',', map { $_+0 } @$listref);
my $dbr = LJ::S2::get_s2_reader();
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT s2lid, infokey, value FROM s2info WHERE ".
"s2lid IN ($in)");
while (my ($id, $k, $v) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$outhash->{$id}->{$k} = $v;
return 1;
sub get_layout_langs
my $src = shift;
my $layid = shift;
my %lang;
foreach (keys %$src) {
next unless /^\d+$/;
my $v = $src->{$_};
next unless $v->{'langcode'};
$lang{$v->{'langcode'}} = $src->{$_}
if ($v->{'type'} eq "i18nc" ||
($v->{'type'} eq "i18n" && $layid && $v->{'b2lid'} == $layid));
return map { $_, $lang{$_}->{'name'} } sort keys %lang;
# returns array of hashrefs
sub get_layout_themes
my $src = shift; $src = [ $src ] unless ref $src eq "ARRAY";
my $layid = shift;
my @themes;
foreach my $src (@$src) {
foreach (sort { $src->{$a}->{'name'} cmp $src->{$b}->{'name'} } keys %$src) {
next unless /^\d+$/;
my $v = $src->{$_};
push @themes, $v if
($v->{'type'} eq "theme" && $layid && $v->{'b2lid'} == $layid);
return @themes;
sub get_layout_themes_select
my @sel;
my $last_uid;
foreach my $t (get_layout_themes(@_)) {
if ($last_uid && $t->{'userid'} != $last_uid) {
push @sel, 0, '---'; # divider between system & user
$last_uid = $t->{'userid'};
push @sel, $t->{'s2lid'}, $t->{'name'};
return @sel;
sub get_policy
my $policy = {};
# localize $_ so that the while (<P>) below doesn't clobber it and cause problems
# in anybody that happens to be calling us
local $_;
foreach my $infix ("", "-local") {
my $file = "$LJ::HOME/bin/upgrading/s2layers/policy${infix}.dat";
my $layer = undef;
open (P, $file) or next;
while (<P>) {
next unless /\S/;
if (/^\s*layer\s*:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) {
$layer = $1;
next unless $layer;
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
my @words = split(/\s+/, $_);
next unless $words[-1] eq "allow" || $words[-1] eq "deny";
my $allow = $words[-1] eq "allow" ? 1 : 0;
if ($words[0] eq "use" && @words == 2) {
$policy->{$layer}->{'use'} = $allow;
if ($words[0] eq "props" && @words == 2) {
$policy->{$layer}->{'props'} = $allow;
if ($words[0] eq "prop" && @words == 3) {
$policy->{$layer}->{'prop'}->{$words[1]} = $allow;
return $LJ::S2::CACHE_POLICY = $policy;
sub can_use_layer
my ($u, $uniq) = @_; # $uniq = redist_uniq value
return 1 if LJ::get_cap($u, "s2styles");
my $pol = get_policy();
my $can = 0;
foreach ('*', $uniq) {
next unless defined $pol->{$_};
next unless defined $pol->{$_}->{'use'};
$can = $pol->{$_}->{'use'};
return $can;
sub can_use_prop
my ($u, $uniq, $prop) = @_; # $uniq = redist_uniq value
return 1 if LJ::get_cap($u, "s2styles");
my $pol = get_policy();
my $can = 0;
my @layers = ('*');
my $pub = get_public_layers();
if ($pub->{$uniq} && $pub->{$uniq}->{'type'} eq "layout") {
my $cid = $pub->{$uniq}->{'b2lid'};
push @layers, $pub->{$cid}->{'uniq'} if $pub->{$cid};
push @layers, $uniq;
foreach my $lay (@layers) {
foreach my $it ('props', 'prop') {
if ($it eq "props" && defined $pol->{$lay}->{'props'}) {
$can = $pol->{$lay}->{'props'};
if ($it eq "prop" && defined $pol->{$lay}->{'prop'}->{$prop}) {
$can = $pol->{$lay}->{'prop'}->{$prop};
return $can;
sub get_journal_day_counts
my ($s2page) = @_;
return $s2page->{'_day_counts'} if defined $s2page->{'_day_counts'};
my $u = $s2page->{'_u'};
my $counts = {};
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
my $days = LJ::get_daycounts($u, $remote) or return {};
foreach my $day (@$days) {
$counts->{$day->[0]}->{$day->[1]}->{$day->[2]} = $day->[3];
return $s2page->{'_day_counts'} = $counts;
## S2 object constructors
sub CommentInfo
my $opts = shift;
$opts->{'_type'} = "CommentInfo";
$opts->{'count'} += 0;
return $opts;
sub Date
my @parts = @_;
my $dt = { '_type' => 'Date' };
$dt->{'year'} = $parts[0]+0;
$dt->{'month'} = $parts[1]+0;
$dt->{'day'} = $parts[2]+0;
$dt->{'_dayofweek'} = $parts[3];
die "S2 Builtin Date() takes day of week 1-7, not 0-6"
if defined $parts[3] && $parts[3] == 0;
return $dt;
sub DateTime_unix
my $time = shift;
my @gmtime = gmtime($time);
my $dt = { '_type' => 'DateTime' };
$dt->{'year'} = $gmtime[5]+1900;
$dt->{'month'} = $gmtime[4]+1;
$dt->{'day'} = $gmtime[3];
$dt->{'hour'} = $gmtime[2];
$dt->{'min'} = $gmtime[1];
$dt->{'sec'} = $gmtime[0];
$dt->{'_dayofweek'} = $gmtime[6] + 1;
return $dt;
sub DateTime_parts
my @parts = split(/\s+/, shift);
my $dt = { '_type' => 'DateTime' };
$dt->{'year'} = $parts[0]+0;
$dt->{'month'} = $parts[1]+0;
$dt->{'day'} = $parts[2]+0;
$dt->{'hour'} = $parts[3]+0;
$dt->{'min'} = $parts[4]+0;
$dt->{'sec'} = $parts[5]+0;
# the parts string comes from MySQL which has range 0-6,
# but internally and to S2 we use 1-7.
$dt->{'_dayofweek'} = $parts[6] + 1 if defined $parts[6];
return $dt;
sub Tag
my ($prefix, $kw) = @_;
my $e = {
_type => 'Tag',
#_id => $kwid, #seems unused?
name => LJ::ehtml($kw),
url => $prefix . LJ::eurl($kw),
return $e;
# name: LJ::S2::get_tags_text
# class: s2
# des: Gets text for display in entry for tags compatibility.
# args: ctx, taglistref
# des-ctx: Current S2 context
# des-taglistref: Arrayref containing "Tag" S2 objects
# returns: String; can be appended to entry... undef on error (no context, no taglistref)
sub get_tags_text {
my ($ctx, $taglist) = @_;
return undef unless $ctx && $taglist;
return "" unless @$taglist;
# now get the customized tag text and insert the tag list and append to body
my $tags = join(', ', map { "<a rel='tag' href='$_->{url}'>$_->{name}</a>" } @$taglist);
my $tagtext = S2::get_property_value($ctx, 'text_tags');
$tagtext =~ s/#/$tags/;
return "<div class='ljtags'>$tagtext</div>";
sub Entry
my ($u, $arg) = @_;
my $e = {
'_type' => 'Entry',
'link_keyseq' => [ 'edit_entry', 'edit_tags' ],
'metadata' => {},
foreach (qw(subject _rawsubject text journal poster new_day end_day
comments userpic permalink_url itemid)) {
$e->{$_} = $arg->{$_};
$e->{'time'} = DateTime_parts($arg->{'dateparts'});
$e->{'depth'} = 0; # Entries are always depth 0. Comments are 1+.
my $link_keyseq = $e->{'link_keyseq'};
push @$link_keyseq, 'mem_add' unless $LJ::DISABLED{'memories'};
push @$link_keyseq, 'tell_friend' unless $LJ::DISABLED{'tellafriend'};
# Note: nav_prev and nav_next are not included in the keyseq anticipating
# that their placement relative to the others will vary depending on
# layout.
if ($arg->{'security'} eq "public") {
# do nothing.
} elsif ($arg->{'security'} eq "usemask") {
$e->{'security'} = "protected";
$e->{'security_icon'} = Image_std("security-protected");
} elsif ($arg->{'security'} eq "private") {
$e->{'security'} = "private";
$e->{'security_icon'} = Image_std("security-private");
my $p = $arg->{'props'};
if ($p->{'current_music'}) {
$e->{'metadata'}->{'music'} = $p->{'current_music'};
if (my $mid = $p->{'current_moodid'}) {
my $theme = defined $arg->{'moodthemeid'} ? $arg->{'moodthemeid'} : $u->{'moodthemeid'};
my %pic;
$e->{'mood_icon'} = Image($pic{'pic'}, $pic{'w'}, $pic{'h'})
if LJ::get_mood_picture($theme, $mid, \%pic);
if (my $mood = LJ::mood_name($mid)) {
$e->{'metadata'}->{'mood'} = $mood;
if ($p->{'current_mood'}) {
$e->{'metadata'}->{'mood'} = $p->{'current_mood'};
$e->{'tags'} = [];
if ($p->{'tags'}) {
my $prefix = $arg->{'base_url'} ? $arg->{'base_url'} . '/tag/' : LJ::journal_base($u) . '/tag/';
my @taglist;
foreach (@{$p->{'tags'}}) {
push @taglist, Tag($prefix, $_);
my $t = $arg->{enable_tags_compatibility}; #[bool, ctx]
if ($t && $t->[0]) {
$e->{'text'} .= LJ::S2::get_tags_text($t->[1], \@taglist);
$e->{'tags'} = \@taglist;
return $e;
sub Friend
my ($u) = @_;
my $o = UserLite($u);
$o->{'_type'} = "Friend";
$o->{'bgcolor'} = S2::Builtin::LJ::Color__Color($u->{'bgcolor'});
$o->{'fgcolor'} = S2::Builtin::LJ::Color__Color($u->{'fgcolor'});
return $o;
sub Null
my $type = shift;
return {
'_type' => $type,
'_isnull' => 1,
sub Page
my ($u, $opts) = @_;
my $styleid = $u->{'_s2styleid'} + 0;
my $base_url = $u->{'_journalbase'};
my $get = $opts->{'getargs'};
my %args;
foreach my $k (keys %$get) {
my $v = $get->{$k};
next unless $k =~ s/^\.//;
$args{$k} = $v;
# get MAX(modtime of style layers)
my $stylemodtime = S2::get_style_modtime($opts->{'ctx'});
my $style = load_style($u->{'s2_style'});
$stylemodtime = $style->{'modtime'} if $style->{'modtime'} > $stylemodtime;
my $linkobj = LJ::Links::load_linkobj($u);
my $linklist = [ map { UserLink($_) } @$linkobj ];
my $p = {
'_type' => 'Page',
'_u' => $u,
'view' => '',
'args' => \%args,
'journal' => User($u),
'journal_type' => $u->{'journaltype'},
'time' => DateTime_unix(time),
'base_url' => $base_url,
'stylesheet_url' => "$base_url/res/$styleid/stylesheet?$stylemodtime",
'view_url' => {
'recent' => "$base_url/",
'userinfo' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/userinfo.bml?user=$u->{'user'}",
'archive' => "$base_url/calendar",
'friends' => "$base_url/friends",
'linklist' => $linklist,
'views_order' => [ 'recent', 'archive', 'friends', 'userinfo' ],
'global_title' => LJ::ehtml($u->{'journaltitle'} || $u->{'name'}),
'global_subtitle' => LJ::ehtml($u->{'journalsubtitle'}),
'head_content' => '',
if (LJ::are_hooks('s2_head_content_extra')) {
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
$p->{head_content} .= LJ::run_hook('s2_head_content_extra', $remote, $opts->{r});
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $opts && $opts->{'saycharset'}) {
$p->{'head_content'} .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $opts->{'saycharset'} . "\" />\n";
# Automatic Discovery of RSS/Atom
$p->{'head_content'} .= qq{<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="$p->{'base_url'}/data/rss" />\n};
$p->{'head_content'} .= qq{<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom" href="$p->{'base_url'}/data/atom" />\n};
$p->{'head_content'} .= qq{<link rel="service.feed" type="application/atom+xml" title="AtomAPI-enabled feed" href="$LJ::SITEROOT/interface/atom/feed" />\n};
$p->{'head_content'} .= qq{<link rel="service.post" type="application/atom+xml" title="Create a new post" href="$LJ::SITEROOT/interface/atom/post" />\n};
# FOAF autodiscovery
my $real_user = 1;
$real_user = 0 if ($u->{'user'} =~ $_);
if ($real_user) {
my $foafurl = $u->{external_foaf_url} ? LJ::eurl($u->{external_foaf_url}) : "$p->{base_url}/data/foaf";
my $digest = Digest::SHA1::sha1_hex('mailto:' . $u->{email});
$p->{head_content} .= qq{<link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" title="FOAF" href="$foafurl" />\n};
$p->{head_content} .= qq{<meta name="foaf:maker" content="foaf:mbox_sha1sum '$digest'" />\n};
return $p;
sub Image
my ($url, $w, $h, $alttext) = @_;
return {
'_type' => 'Image',
'url' => $url,
'width' => $w,
'height' => $h,
'alttext' => $alttext,
sub Image_std
my $name = shift;
my $ctx = $LJ::S2::CURR_CTX or die "No S2 context available ";
unless ($LJ::S2::RES_MADE++) {
$LJ::S2::RES_CACHE = {
'security-protected' => Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/icon_protected.gif", 14, 15, $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{'text_icon_alt_protected'}),
'security-private' => Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/icon_private.gif", 16, 16, $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{'text_icon_alt_private'}),
return $LJ::S2::RES_CACHE->{$name};
sub Image_userpic
my ($u, $picid, $kw) = @_;
$picid ||= LJ::get_picid_from_keyword($u, $kw);
my $pi = LJ::get_userpic_info($u);
my $p = $pi->{'pic'}->{$picid};
return Null("Image") unless $p;
return {
'_type' => "Image",
'url' => "$LJ::USERPIC_ROOT/$picid/$u->{'userid'}",
'width' => $p->{'width'},
'height' => $p->{'height'},
'alttext' => "",
sub ItemRange_fromopts
my $opts = shift;
my $ir = {};
my $items = $opts->{'items'};
my $page_size = ($opts->{'pagesize'}+0) || 25;
my $page = $opts->{'page'}+0 || 1;
my $num_items = scalar @$items;
my $pages = POSIX::ceil($num_items / $page_size) || 1;
if ($page > $pages) { $page = $pages; }
splice(@$items, 0, ($page-1)*$page_size) if $page > 1;
splice(@$items, $page_size) if @$items > $page_size;
$ir->{'current'} = $page;
$ir->{'total'} = $pages;
$ir->{'total_subitems'} = $num_items;
$ir->{'from_subitem'} = ($page-1) * $page_size + 1;
$ir->{'num_subitems_displayed'} = @$items;
$ir->{'to_subitem'} = $ir->{'from_subitem'} + $ir->{'num_subitems_displayed'} - 1;
$ir->{'all_subitems_displayed'} = ($pages == 1);
$ir->{'_url_of'} = $opts->{'url_of'};
return ItemRange($ir);
sub ItemRange
my $h = shift; # _url_of = sub($n)
$h->{'_type'} = "ItemRange";
my $url_of = ref $h->{'_url_of'} eq "CODE" ? $h->{'_url_of'} : sub {"";};
$h->{'url_next'} = $url_of->($h->{'current'} + 1)
unless $h->{'current'} >= $h->{'total'};
$h->{'url_prev'} = $url_of->($h->{'current'} - 1)
unless $h->{'current'} <= 1;
$h->{'url_first'} = $url_of->(1)
unless $h->{'current'} == 1;
$h->{'url_last'} = $url_of->($h->{'total'})
unless $h->{'current'} == $h->{'total'};
return $h;
sub User
my ($u) = @_;
my $o = UserLite($u);
$o->{'_type'} = "User";
$o->{'default_pic'} = Image_userpic($u, $u->{'defaultpicid'});
$o->{'userpic_listing_url'} = "$LJ::SITEROOT/allpics.bml?user=".$u->{'user'};
$o->{'website_url'} = LJ::ehtml($u->{'url'});
$o->{'website_name'} = LJ::ehtml($u->{'urlname'});
return $o;
sub UserLink
my $link = shift; # hashref
# a dash means pass to s2 as blank so it will just insert a blank line
$link->{'title'} = '' if $link->{'title'} eq "-";
return {
'_type' => 'UserLink',
'is_heading' => $link->{'url'} ? 0 : 1,
'url' => LJ::ehtml($link->{'url'}),
'title' => LJ::ehtml($link->{'title'}),
'children' => $link->{'children'} || [], # TODO: implement parent-child relationships
sub UserLite
my ($u) = @_;
my $display_name;
if (eval { $u->display_name } ) {
$display_name = $u->display_name;
else {
$display_name = LJ::ehtml($u->{'name'});
# print STDERR "User " . $u->{'name'} . " does not have a display name.\n";
my $o = {
'_type' => 'UserLite',
'_u' => $u,
'username' => $display_name,
'name' => LJ::ehtml($u->{'name'}),
'journal_type' => $u->{'journaltype'},
return $o;
package S2::Builtin::LJ;
use strict;
no strict;
if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /::(\w+)$/) {
my $real = \&{"S2::Builtin::$1"};
*{$AUTOLOAD} = $real;
return $real->(@_);
die "No such builtin: $AUTOLOAD";
sub ehtml
my ($ctx, $text) = @_;
return LJ::ehtml($text);
sub eurl
my ($ctx, $text) = @_;
return LJ::eurl($text);
# escape tags only
sub etags {
my ($ctx, $text) = @_;
$text =~ s/</</g;
$text =~ s/>/>/g;
return $text;
# sanitize URLs
sub clean_url {
my ($ctx, $text) = @_;
unless ($text =~ m!^https?://[^\'\"\\]*$!) {
$text = "";
return $text;
sub get_page
return $LJ::S2::CURR_PAGE;
sub get_plural_phrase
my ($ctx, $n, $prop) = @_;
my $form = S2::run_function($ctx, "lang_map_plural(int)", $n);
my $a = $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"_plurals_$prop"};
unless (ref $a eq "ARRAY") {
$a = $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"_plurals_$prop"} = [ split(m!\s*//\s*!, $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{$prop}) ];
my $text = $a->[$form];
# this fixes missing plural forms for russians (who have 2 plural forms)
# using languages like english with 1 plural form
$text = $a->[-1] unless defined $text;
$text =~ s/\#/$n/;
return LJ::ehtml($text);
sub get_url
my ($ctx, $obj, $view) = @_;
my $dir = "users";
my $journal_type;
my $user;
# now get data from one of two paths, depending on if we were given a UserLite
# object or a string for the username
if (ref $obj eq 'HASH') {
$journal_type = $obj->{journal_type};
$user = $obj->{username};
} else {
my $u = LJ::load_user($obj);
$journal_type = $u ? $u->{journaltype} : 'P';
$user = $u ? $u->{user} : $obj;
# construct URL to return
$dir = 'community' if $journal_type eq 'C';
$view = "info" if $view eq "userinfo";
$view = "calendar" if $view eq "archive";
$view = "" if $view eq "recent";
return "$LJ::SITEROOT/$dir/$user/$view";
sub htmlattr
my ($ctx, $name, $value) = @_;
return "" if $value eq "";
$name = lc($name);
return "" if $name =~ /[^a-z]/;
return " $name=\"" . LJ::ehtml($value) . "\"";
sub rand
my ($ctx, $aa, $bb) = @_;
my ($low, $high);
if (ref $aa eq "ARRAY") {
($low, $high) = (0, @$aa - 1);
} elsif (! defined $bb) {
($low, $high) = (1, $aa);
} else {
($low, $high) = ($aa, $bb);
return int(rand($high - $low + 1)) + $low;
sub viewer_logged_in
my ($ctx) = @_;
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
return defined $remote;
sub viewer_is_owner
my ($ctx) = @_;
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
return 0 unless $remote;
return $remote->{'userid'} == $LJ::S2::CURR_PAGE->{'_u'}->{'userid'};
sub weekdays
my ($ctx) = @_;
return [ 1..7 ]; # FIXME: make this conditionally monday first: [ 2..7, 1 ]
sub set_handler
my ($ctx, $hook, $stmts) = @_;
my $p = $LJ::S2::CURR_PAGE;
return unless $hook =~ /^\w+\#?$/;
$hook =~ s/\#$/ARG/;
$S2::pout->("<script> function userhook_$hook () {\n");
foreach my $st (@$stmts) {
my ($cmd, @args) = @$st;
my $get_domexp = sub {
my $domid = shift @args;
my $domexp = "";
while ($domid ne "") {
$domexp .= " + " if $domexp;
if ($domid =~ s/^(\w+)//) {
$domexp .= "\"$1\"";
} elsif ($domid =~ s/^\#//) {
$domexp .= "arguments[0]";
} else {
return undef;
return $domexp;
my $get_color = sub {
my $color = shift @args;
return undef unless
$color =~ /^\#[0-9a-f]{3,3}$/ ||
$color =~ /^\#[0-9a-f]{6,6}$/ ||
$color =~ /^\w+$/ ||
$color =~ /^rgb(\d+,\d+,\d+)$/;
return $color;
#$S2::pout->(" // $cmd: @args\n");
if ($cmd eq "style_bgcolor" || $cmd eq "style_color") {
my $domexp = $get_domexp->();
my $color = $get_color->();
if ($domexp && $color) {
$S2::pout->("setStyle($domexp, 'background', '$color');\n") if $cmd eq "style_bgcolor";
$S2::pout->("setStyle($domexp, 'color', '$color');\n") if $cmd eq "style_color";
} elsif ($cmd eq "set_class") {
my $domexp = $get_domexp->();
my $class = shift @args;
if ($domexp && $class =~ /^\w+$/) {
$S2::pout->("setAttr($domexp, 'class', '$class');\n");
} elsif ($cmd eq "set_image") {
my $domexp = $get_domexp->();
my $url = shift @args;
if ($url =~ m!^http://! && $url !~ /[\'\"\n\r]/) {
$url = LJ::eurl($url);
$S2::pout->("setAttr($domexp, 'src', \"$url\");\n");
$S2::pout->("} </script>\n");
sub zeropad
my ($ctx, $num, $digits) = @_;
$num += 0;
$digits += 0;
return sprintf("%0${digits}d", $num);
*int__zeropad = \&zeropad;
sub Color__update_hsl
my ($this, $force) = @_;
return if $this->{'_hslset'}++;
($this->{'_h'}, $this->{'_s'}, $this->{'_l'}) =
S2::Color::rgb_to_hsl($this->{'r'}, $this->{'g'}, $this->{'b'});
$this->{$_} = int($this->{$_} * 255 + 0.5) foreach qw(_h _s _l);
sub Color__update_rgb
my ($this) = @_;
($this->{'r'}, $this->{'g'}, $this->{'b'}) =
S2::Color::hsl_to_rgb( map { $this->{$_} / 255 } qw(_h _s _l) );
sub Color__make_string
my ($this) = @_;
$this->{'as_string'} = sprintf("\#%02x%02x%02x",
# public functions
sub Color__Color
my ($s) = @_;
$s =~ s/^\#//;
$s =~ s/^(\w)(\w)(\w)$/$1$1$2$2$3$3/s; # 'c30' => 'cc3300'
return if $s =~ /[^a-fA-F0-9]/ || length($s) != 6;
my $this = { '_type' => 'Color' };
$this->{'r'} = hex(substr($s, 0, 2));
$this->{'g'} = hex(substr($s, 2, 2));
$this->{'b'} = hex(substr($s, 4, 2));
$this->{$_} = $this->{$_} % 256 foreach qw(r g b);
return $this;
sub Color__clone
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return { %$this };
sub Color__set_hsl
my ($this, $h, $s, $l) = @_;
$this->{'_h'} = $h % 256;
$this->{'_s'} = $s % 256;
$this->{'_l'} = $l % 256;
$this->{'_hslset'} = 1;
sub Color__red {
my ($ctx, $this, $r) = @_;
if (defined $r) {
$this->{'r'} = $r % 256;
delete $this->{'_hslset'};
sub Color__green {
my ($ctx, $this, $g) = @_;
if (defined $g) {
$this->{'g'} = $g % 256;
delete $this->{'_hslset'};
sub Color__blue {
my ($ctx, $this, $b) = @_;
if (defined $b) {
$this->{'b'} = $b % 256;
delete $this->{'_hslset'};
sub Color__hue {
my ($ctx, $this, $h) = @_;
if (defined $h) {
$this->{'_h'} = $h % 256;
$this->{'_hslset'} = 1;
} elsif (! $this->{'_hslset'}) {
sub Color__saturation {
my ($ctx, $this, $s) = @_;
if (defined $s) {
$this->{'_s'} = $s % 256;
$this->{'_hslset'} = 1;
} elsif (! $this->{'_hslset'}) {
sub Color__lightness {
my ($ctx, $this, $l) = @_;
if (defined $l) {
$this->{'_l'} = $l % 256;
$this->{'_hslset'} = 1;
} elsif (! $this->{'_hslset'}) {
sub Color__inverse {
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
my $new = {
'_type' => 'Color',
'r' => 255 - $this->{'r'},
'g' => 255 - $this->{'g'},
'b' => 255 - $this->{'b'},
return $new;
sub Color__average {
my ($ctx, $this, $other) = @_;
my $new = {
'_type' => 'Color',
'r' => int(($this->{'r'} + $other->{'r'}) / 2 + .5),
'g' => int(($this->{'g'} + $other->{'g'}) / 2 + .5),
'b' => int(($this->{'b'} + $other->{'b'}) / 2 + .5),
return $new;
sub Color__lighter {
my ($ctx, $this, $amt) = @_;
$amt = defined $amt ? $amt : 30;
my $new = {
'_type' => 'Color',
'_hslset' => 1,
'_h' => $this->{'_h'},
'_s' => $this->{'_s'},
'_l' => ($this->{'_l'} + $amt > 255 ? 255 : $this->{'_l'} + $amt),
return $new;
sub Color__darker {
my ($ctx, $this, $amt) = @_;
$amt = defined $amt ? $amt : 30;
my $new = {
'_type' => 'Color',
'_hslset' => 1,
'_h' => $this->{'_h'},
'_s' => $this->{'_s'},
'_l' => ($this->{'_l'} - $amt < 0 ? 0 : $this->{'_l'} - $amt),
return $new;
sub Comment__get_link
my ($ctx, $this, $key) = @_;
if ($key eq "delete_comment" || $key eq "unscreen_comment" || $key eq "screen_comment" ||
$key eq "freeze_thread" || $key eq "unfreeze_thread") {
my $page = get_page();
my $u = $page->{'_u'};
my $post_user = $page->{'entry'} ? $page->{'entry'}->{'poster'}->{'username'} : undef;
my $com_user = $this->{'poster'} ? $this->{'poster'}->{'username'} : undef;
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
if ($key eq "delete_comment") {
return undef unless LJ::Talk::can_delete($remote, $u, $post_user, $com_user);
return {
'_type' => "Link",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/delcomment.bml?journal=$u->{'user'}&id=$this->{'talkid'}",
'caption' => $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"text_multiform_opt_delete"},
'icon' => LJ::S2::Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/btn_del.gif", 22, 20),
if ($key eq "freeze_thread") {
return undef if $this->{'frozen'};
return undef unless LJ::Talk::can_freeze($remote, $u, $post_user, $com_user);
return {
'_type' => "Link",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/talkscreen.bml?mode=freeze&journal=$u->{'user'}&talkid=$this->{'talkid'}",
'caption' => $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"text_multiform_opt_freeze"},
'icon' => LJ::S2::Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/btn_freeze.gif", 22, 20),
if ($key eq "unfreeze_thread") {
return undef unless $this->{'frozen'};
return undef unless LJ::Talk::can_unfreeze($remote, $u, $post_user, $com_user);
return {
'_type' => "Link",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/talkscreen.bml?mode=unfreeze&journal=$u->{'user'}&talkid=$this->{'talkid'}",
'caption' => $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"text_multiform_opt_unfreeze"},
'icon' => LJ::S2::Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/btn_unfreeze.gif", 22, 20),
if ($key eq "screen_comment") {
return undef if $this->{'screened'};
return undef unless LJ::Talk::can_screen($remote, $u, $post_user, $com_user);
return {
'_type' => "Link",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/talkscreen.bml?mode=screen&journal=$u->{'user'}&talkid=$this->{'talkid'}",
'caption' => $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"text_multiform_opt_screen"},
'icon' => LJ::S2::Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/btn_scr.gif", 22, 20),
if ($key eq "unscreen_comment") {
return undef unless $this->{'screened'};
return undef unless LJ::Talk::can_unscreen($remote, $u, $post_user, $com_user);
return {
'_type' => "Link",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/talkscreen.bml?mode=unscreen&journal=$u->{'user'}&talkid=$this->{'talkid'}",
'caption' => $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"text_multiform_opt_unscreen"},
'icon' => LJ::S2::Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/btn_unscr.gif", 22, 20),
sub Comment__print_multiform_check
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
my $tid = $this->{'talkid'} >> 8;
$S2::pout->("<input type='checkbox' name='selected_$tid' class='ljcomsel' id='ljcomsel_$this->{'talkid'}' />");
# class 'date'
sub Date__day_of_week
my ($ctx, $dt) = @_;
return $dt->{'_dayofweek'} if defined $dt->{'_dayofweek'};
return $dt->{'_dayofweek'} = LJ::day_of_week($dt->{'year'}, $dt->{'month'}, $dt->{'day'}) + 1;
*DateTime__day_of_week = \&Date__day_of_week;
my %dt_vars = (
'm' => "\$time->{month}",
'mm' => "sprintf('%02d', \$time->{month})",
'd' => "\$time->{day}",
'dd' => "sprintf('%02d', \$time->{day})",
'yy' => "sprintf('%02d', \$time->{year} % 100)",
'yyyy' => "\$time->{year}",
'mon' => "\$ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{lang_monthname_short}->[\$time->{month}]",
'month' => "\$ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{lang_monthname_long}->[\$time->{month}]",
'da' => "\$ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{lang_dayname_short}->[Date__day_of_week(\$ctx, \$time)]",
'day' => "\$ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{lang_dayname_long}->[Date__day_of_week(\$ctx, \$time)]",
'dayord' => "S2::run_function(\$ctx, \"lang_ordinal(int)\", \$time->{day})",
'H' => "\$time->{hour}",
'HH' => "sprintf('%02d', \$time->{hour})",
'h' => "(\$time->{hour} % 12 || 12)",
'hh' => "sprintf('%02d', (\$time->{hour} % 12 || 12))",
'min' => "sprintf('%02d', \$time->{min})",
'sec' => "sprintf('%02d', \$time->{sec})",
'a' => "(\$time->{hour} < 12 ? 'a' : 'p')",
'A' => "(\$time->{hour} < 12 ? 'A' : 'P')",
sub Date__date_format
my ($ctx, $this, $fmt) = @_;
$fmt ||= "short";
my $c = \$ctx->[S2::SCRATCH]->{'_code_datefmt'}->{$fmt};
return $$c->($this) if ref $$c eq "CODE";
if (++$ctx->[S2::SCRATCH]->{'_code_datefmt_count'} > 15) { return "[too_many_fmts]"; }
my $realfmt = $fmt;
if (defined $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"lang_fmt_date_$fmt"}) {
$realfmt = $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"lang_fmt_date_$fmt"};
my @parts = split(/\%\%/, $realfmt);
my $code = "\$\$c = sub { my \$time = shift; return join('',";
my $i = 0;
foreach (@parts) {
if ($i % 2) { $code .= $dt_vars{$_} . ","; }
else { $_ = LJ::ehtml($_); $code .= "\$parts[$i],"; }
$code .= "); };";
eval $code;
return $$c->($this);
*DateTime__date_format = \&Date__date_format;
sub DateTime__time_format
my ($ctx, $this, $fmt) = @_;
$fmt ||= "short";
my $c = \$ctx->[S2::SCRATCH]->{'_code_timefmt'}->{$fmt};
return $$c->($this) if ref $$c eq "CODE";
if (++$ctx->[S2::SCRATCH]->{'_code_timefmt_count'} > 15) { return "[too_many_fmts]"; }
my $realfmt = $fmt;
if (defined $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"lang_fmt_time_$fmt"}) {
$realfmt = $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"lang_fmt_time_$fmt"};
my @parts = split(/\%\%/, $realfmt);
my $code = "\$\$c = sub { my \$time = shift; return join('',";
my $i = 0;
foreach (@parts) {
if ($i % 2) { $code .= $dt_vars{$_} . ","; }
else { $_ = LJ::ehtml($_); $code .= "\$parts[$i],"; }
$code .= "); };";
eval $code;
return $$c->($this);
sub EntryLite__get_link
my ($ctx, $this, $key) = @_;
return undef;
sub EntryLite__get_tags_text
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return LJ::S2::get_tags_text($ctx, $this->{tags}) || "";
*Entry__get_tags_text = \&EntryLite__get_tags_text;
sub EntryLite__get_plain_subject
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return $this->{'_plainsubject'} if $this->{'_plainsubject'};
return $this->{'subject'} unless $this->{'_rawsubject'};
my $subj = $this->{'subject'};
return $this->{'_plainsubject'} = $subj;
*Entry__get_plain_subject = \&EntryLite__get_plain_subject;
sub Entry__get_link
my ($ctx, $this, $key) = @_;
if ($key eq "nav_prev" || $key eq "edit_entry" || $key eq "mem_add" ||
$key eq "tell_friend" || $key eq "nav_next" || $key eq "edit_tags")
my $journal = $this->{'journal'}->{'username'};
my $poster = $this->{'poster'}->{'username'};
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
if ($key eq "edit_entry") {
return undef unless $remote && ($remote->{'user'} eq $journal ||
$remote->{'user'} eq $poster ||
LJ::can_manage($remote, LJ::load_user($journal)));
return {
'_type' => "Link",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/editjournal.bml?journal=$journal&itemid=$this->{'itemid'}",
'caption' => "Edit Entry",
'icon' => LJ::S2::Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/btn_edit.gif", 22, 20),
if ($key eq "edit_tags") {
return undef unless $remote && LJ::Tags::can_add_tags(LJ::load_user($journal), $remote);
return {
'_type' => "Link",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/edittags.bml?journal=$journal&itemid=$this->{'itemid'}",
'caption' => 'Edit Tags',
'icon' => LJ::S2::Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/btn_edittags.gif", 22, 20),
if ($key eq "tell_friend") {
return undef if $LJ::DISABLED{'tellafriend'};
return {
'_type' => "Link",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/tools/tellafriend.bml?journal=$journal&itemid=$this->{'itemid'}",
'caption' => "Tell A Friend",
'icon' => LJ::S2::Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/btn_tellfriend.gif", 22, 20),
if ($key eq "mem_add") {
return undef if $LJ::DISABLED{'memories'};
return {
'_type' => "Link",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/tools/memadd.bml?journal=$journal&itemid=$this->{'itemid'}",
'caption' => "Add to Memories",
'icon' => LJ::S2::Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/btn_memories.gif", 22, 20),
if ($key eq "nav_prev") {
return {
'_type' => "Link",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/go.bml?journal=$journal&itemid=$this->{'itemid'}&dir=prev",
'caption' => "Previous Entry",
'icon' => LJ::S2::Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/btn_prev.gif", 22, 20),
if ($key eq "nav_next") {
return {
'_type' => "Link",
'url' => "$LJ::SITEROOT/go.bml?journal=$journal&itemid=$this->{'itemid'}&dir=next",
'caption' => "Next Entry",
'icon' => LJ::S2::Image("$LJ::IMGPREFIX/btn_next.gif", 22, 20),
sub Entry__plain_subject
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return $this->{'_subject_plain'} if defined $this->{'_subject_plain'};
$this->{'_subject_plain'} = $this->{'subject'};
return $this->{'_subject_plain'};
sub EntryPage__print_multiform_actionline
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return unless $this->{'multiform_on'};
my $pr = $ctx->[S2::PROPS];
$S2::pout->($pr->{'text_multiform_des'} . "\n" .
LJ::html_select({'name' => 'mode' },
"" => "",
map { $_ => $pr->{"text_multiform_opt_$_"} }
qw(unscreen screen delete)) . "\n" .
LJ::html_submit('', $pr->{'text_multiform_btn'},
{ "onclick" => "return (document.multiform.mode.value != \"delete\") " .
"|| confirm(\"" . LJ::ejs($pr->{'text_multiform_conf_delete'}) . "\");" }));
sub EntryPage__print_multiform_end
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return unless $this->{'multiform_on'};
sub EntryPage__print_multiform_start
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return unless $this->{'multiform_on'};
$S2::pout->("<form style='display: inline' method='post' action='$LJ::SITEROOT/talkmulti.bml' name='multiform'>\n" .
LJ::html_hidden("ditemid", $this->{'entry'}->{'itemid'},
"journal", $this->{'entry'}->{'journal'}->{'username'}) . "\n");
sub Page__visible_tag_list
my $ctx = shift;
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
my $u = $LJ::S2::CURR_PAGE->{'_u'};
return [] unless $u;
my $tags = LJ::Tags::get_usertags($u, { remote => $remote });
return [] unless $tags;
my $prefix = LJ::journal_base($u) . '/tag/';
my @taglist;
foreach my $kwid (keys %{$tags}) {
# only show tags for display
next unless $tags->{$kwid}->{display};
# create tag object
push @taglist, LJ::S2::Tag($prefix, $tags->{$kwid}->{name});
@taglist = sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @taglist;
return \@taglist;
*RecentPage__visible_tag_list = \&Page__visible_tag_list;
*DayPage__visible_tag_list = \&Page__visible_tag_list;
*MonthPage__visible_tag_list = \&Page__visible_tag_list;
*YearPage__visible_tag_list = \&Page__visible_tag_list;
*FriendsPage__visible_tag_list = \&Page__visible_tag_list;
*EntryPage__visible_tag_list = \&Page__visible_tag_list;
*ReplyPage__visible_tag_list = \&Page__visible_tag_list;
sub Page__get_latest_month
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return $this->{'_latest_month'} if defined $this->{'_latest_month'};
my $counts = LJ::S2::get_journal_day_counts($this);
my ($year, $month);
my @years = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$counts;
if (@years) {
# year/month of last post
$year = $years[-1];
$month = (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$counts->{$year}})[-1];
} else {
# year/month of current date, if no posts
my @now = gmtime(time);
($year, $month) = ($now[5]+1900, $now[4]+1);
return $this->{'_latest_month'} = LJ::S2::YearMonth($this, {
'year' => $year,
'month' => $month,
*RecentPage__get_latest_month = \&Page__get_latest_month;
*DayPage__get_latest_month = \&Page__get_latest_month;
*MonthPage__get_latest_month = \&Page__get_latest_month;
*YearPage__get_latest_month = \&Page__get_latest_month;
*FriendsPage__get_latest_month = \&Page__get_latest_month;
*EntryPage__get_latest_month = \&Page__get_latest_month;
*ReplyPage__get_latest_month = \&Page__get_latest_month;
sub palimg_modify
my ($ctx, $filename, $items) = @_;
return undef unless $filename =~ /^\w[\w\/\-]*\.(gif|png)$/;
my $url = "$LJ::PALIMGROOT/$filename";
return $url unless $items && @$items;
return undef if @$items > 7;
$url .= "/p";
foreach my $pi (@$items) {
die "Can't modify a palette index greater than 15 with palimg_modify\n" if
$pi->{'index'} > 15;
$url .= sprintf("%1x%02x%02x%02x",
return $url;
sub palimg_tint
my ($ctx, $filename, $bcol, $dcol) = @_; # bright color, dark color [opt]
return undef unless $filename =~ /^\w[\w\/\-]*\.(gif|png)$/;
my $url = "$LJ::PALIMGROOT/$filename";
$url .= "/pt";
foreach my $col ($bcol, $dcol) {
next unless $col;
$url .= sprintf("%02x%02x%02x",
$col->{'r'}, $col->{'g'}, $col->{'b'});
return $url;
sub palimg_gradient
my ($ctx, $filename, $start, $end) = @_;
return undef unless $filename =~ /^\w[\w\/\-]*\.(gif|png)$/;
my $url = "$LJ::PALIMGROOT/$filename";
$url .= "/pg";
foreach my $pi ($start, $end) {
next unless $pi;
$url .= sprintf("%02x%02x%02x%02x",
return $url;
sub userlite_base_url
my ($ctx, $UserLite) = @_;
my $u = $UserLite->{_u};
if ($u->{journaltype} eq "P") {
return "$LJ::SITEROOT/users/$u->{user}";
} elsif ($u->{journaltype} eq "C") {
return "$LJ::SITEROOT/community/$u->{user}";
} elsif ($u->{journaltype} eq "I") {
return $u->url;
sub userlite_as_string
my ($ctx, $UserLite) = @_;
return LJ::ljuser($UserLite->{'_u'});
sub PalItem
my ($ctx, $idx, $color) = @_;
return undef unless $color && $color->{'_type'} eq "Color";
return undef unless $idx >= 0 && $idx <= 255;
return {
'_type' => 'PalItem',
'color' => $color,
'index' => $idx+0,
sub YearMonth__month_format
my ($ctx, $this, $fmt) = @_;
$fmt ||= "long";
my $c = \$ctx->[S2::SCRATCH]->{'_code_monthfmt'}->{$fmt};
return $$c->($this) if ref $$c eq "CODE";
if (++$ctx->[S2::SCRATCH]->{'_code_timefmt_count'} > 15) { return "[too_many_fmts]"; }
my $realfmt = $fmt;
if (defined $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"lang_fmt_month_$fmt"}) {
$realfmt = $ctx->[S2::PROPS]->{"lang_fmt_month_$fmt"};
my @parts = split(/\%\%/, $realfmt);
my $code = "\$\$c = sub { my \$time = shift; return join('',";
my $i = 0;
foreach (@parts) {
if ($i % 2) { $code .= $dt_vars{$_} . ","; }
else { $_ = LJ::ehtml($_); $code .= "\$parts[$i],"; }
$code .= "); };";
eval $code;
return $$c->($this);
sub Image__set_url {
my ($ctx, $img, $newurl) = @_;
$img->{'url'} = LJ::eurl($newurl);
sub ItemRange__url_of
my ($ctx, $this, $n) = @_;
return "" unless ref $this->{'_url_of'} eq "CODE";
return $this->{'_url_of'}->($n+0);
sub UserLite__equals
return $_[1]->{'_u'}{'userid'} == $_[2]->{'_u'}{'userid'};
*User__equals = \&UserLite__equals;
*Friend__equals = \&UserLite__equals;
sub string__substr
my ($ctx, $this, $start, $length) = @_;
use utf8;
return substr($this, $start, $length);
sub string__length
use utf8;
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return length($this);
sub string__lower
use utf8;
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return lc($this);
sub string__upper
use utf8;
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return uc($this);
sub string__upperfirst
use utf8;
my ($ctx, $this) = @_;
return ucfirst($this);
sub string__starts_with
use utf8;
my ($ctx, $this, $str) = @_;
return $this =~ /^\Q$str\E/;
sub string__ends_with
use utf8;
my ($ctx, $this, $str) = @_;
return $this =~ /\Q$str\E$/;
sub string__contains
use utf8;
my ($ctx, $this, $str) = @_;
return $this =~ /\Q$str\E/;
sub string__repeat
use utf8;
my ($ctx, $this, $num) = @_;
$num += 0;
my $size = length($this) * $num;
return "[too large]" if $size > 5000;
return $this x $num;