
283 lines
8.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
<head><title>Memcache view</title>
use strict;
use vars qw(%GET %POST);
use Data::Dumper;
my $ret;
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
return "<b>Error:</b> You don't have access to viewing memcache info."
unless (LJ::check_priv($remote, "finduser"));
# unless (LJ::check_priv($remote, "siteadmin", "memcacheview"));
return "<b>Error:</b> No memcache servers defined."
my $uid = sub {
my $u = LJ::load_user(shift);
return $u ? $u->{'userid'} : "";
my $cuid = sub {
my $u = LJ::load_user(shift);
return $u ? "$u->{'clusterid'}:$u->{'userid'}" : "";
# key: unique prefix of a memcache key
# value: number n, means the n-th component of the key when
# split by ':' is the hash key. 0 means no hash key.
# the default, when absent from this hash, is "n=2 if the 2nd component
# is a number".
'uidof:' => 0,
'talktext:' => 3,
'logtext:' => 3,
's1pubstyc:' => 0,
'popsyn:' => 0,
'rate_eperr:' => 0,
'rate:' => 0,
'ml.' => 0,
my $get_hashkey = sub {
my $key = shift;
return undef unless $key;
my $hk;
my $component;
foreach (keys %MEMC_HASHKEYS) {
if ($key =~ /^$_/) {
$component = $MEMC_HASHKEYS{$_};
return undef if defined ($component) and $component == 0;
my $sep = ':';
$sep = '.' if $key =~ /userpic\./; #special case
my @els = split (/\Q$sep\E/, $key);
$hk = $els[defined($component) ? $component-1 : 2-1];
$hk = undef
unless defined($component) || int($hk)==$hk;
return $hk;
my $display = sub {
my ($key, $val) = @_;
# first, transform array->hash if necessary
$val = LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("user", $val)
if $key =~ /^user:/
or $key =~ /^userid:/;
# blot out passwords
if (ref $val eq 'HASH' && defined($val->{'password'})) {
$val->{'password'} = '*' x 8;
# unpack packed data
if ($key =~ /^talk2:/) {
my $newval;
my $n = (length($val) - 1) / 16;
for (my $i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
my ($f1, $par, $poster, $time) = unpack("NNNN",substr($val,$i*16+1,16));
my $state = chr($f1 & 255);
my $talkid = $f1 >> 8;
$newval->{$talkid} = {
talkid => $talkid,
state => $state,
posterid => $poster,
datepost => LJ::mysql_time($time),
parenttalkid => $par,
$val = [substr($val,0,1), $newval];
if ($key =~ /^log2:/) {
my $item = {};
@$item{'posterid', 'eventtime', 'logtime', 'allowmask', 'ditemid'} = unpack("NNNNN", $val);
$item->{'security'} = ($item->{'allowmask'} == 0 ? 'private' :
($item->{'allowmask'} == 2**31 ? 'public' : 'usemask'));
@$item{'jitemid', 'anum'} = ($item->{'ditemid'} >> 8, $item->{'ditemid'} % 256);
$item->{'eventtime'} = LJ::mysql_time($item->{'eventtime'}, 1);
$item->{'logtime'} = LJ::mysql_time($item->{'logtime'}, 1);
$val = $item;
if ($key =~ /^log2lt:/) {
my $items = [];
my $ver = substr($val, 0, 1);
my $offset = {1=>1, 2=>5, 3=>5}->{$ver};
my $newval;
push @$newval, $ver;
push @$newval, unpack("N", substr($val, 1, 4))
if $ver>=2;
my $n = (length($val) - $offset )/20;
for (my $i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
my ($rlogtime, $posterid, $eventtime, $allowmask, $ditemid) =
unpack("NNNNN", substr($val, $i*20+$offset, 20));
$eventtime = LJ::mysql_time($eventtime, 1);
my $security = $allowmask == 0 ? 'private' :
($allowmask == 2**31 ? 'public' : 'usemask');
my ($jitemid, $anum) = ($ditemid >> 8, $ditemid % 256);
my $item = {};
'security', 'jitemid', 'anum'} =
($posterid, $eventtime, $rlogtime, $allowmask,
$ditemid, $security, $jitemid, $anum);
push @$items, $item;
push @$newval, $items;
$val = $newval;
if ($key =~ /^fgrp:/) {
my $newval = [];
my $ver = shift @$val;
push @$newval, $ver;
foreach(@$val) {
push @$newval, LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("fgrp", [$ver, @$_]);
$val = $newval;
if ($key =~ /^upicinf:(\d+)$/) {
my $userid = $1;
my ($ver, $picstr, $kwstr) = @$val;
my $info = {
'version' => $ver,
'pic' => {},
'kw' => {},
while (length $picstr >= 7) {
my $pic = { userid => $userid };
$pic->{width}, $pic->{height},
$pic->{state}) = unpack "NCCA", substr($picstr, 0, 7, '');
$info->{pic}{$pic->{picid}} = $pic;
my ($pos, $nulpos);
$pos = $nulpos = 0;
while (($nulpos = index($kwstr, "\0", $pos)) > 0) {
my $kw = substr($kwstr, $pos, $nulpos-$pos);
my $id = unpack("N", substr($kwstr, $nulpos+1, 4));
$pos = $nulpos + 5; # skip NUL + 4 bytes.
$info->{kw}{$kw} = $info->{pic}{$id} if $info;
$val = $info;
if ($key =~ /^friends:/) {
my $ver = substr($val, 0, 1, '');
my $packfmt = "NH6H6NC";
my $packlen = 15;
my @cols = qw(friendid fgcolor bgcolor groupmask showbydefault);
my %friends;
while (length($val) >= $packlen) {
my @row = unpack($packfmt, substr($val, 0, $packlen, ''));
# add "#" to beginning of colors
$row[$_] = "\#$row[$_]" foreach 1..2;
# turn unpacked row into hashref
my $fid = $row[0];
my $idx = 1;
foreach my $col (@cols[1..$#cols]) {
$friends{$fid}->{$col} = $row[$idx];
$val = [$ver, \%friends];
if ($key =~ /^tu:/) {
$val = unpack("N", $val);
if ($key =~ /^te:/) {
$val = unpack("N", $val);
# just in case this remains a packed scalar
if (not ref $val) {
$val =~ s/([\x00-\x1f])/sprintf("\\x%02x", $1)/eg;
$ret .= "<b>Data: </b>";
my $dumper = Data::Dumper->new([$val],["Value"]);
my $d = $dumper->Dump();
$ret.= "<pre>" . LJ::ehtml($d) . "</pre>";
if ($POST{'query'}) {
foreach my $key (split(/\r\n/, $POST{'query'})) {
next unless $key =~ /\S/;
# shortcuts
$key =~ s/(##)(\w+)/$cuid->($2)/eg;
$key =~ s/(#)(\w+)/$uid->($2)/eg;
$key =~ s!\((\d+)\)!int($1/256)!eg;
my $sock = LJ::MemCache::_get_sock($key);
$ret .= "<p><b>Key: </b>$key<br />";
unless ($sock) {
$ret .= "<b>Error: </b>Could not connect to server<br /></p>";
if ($POST{'sock'}) {
$ret .= "<b>Socket:</b> $sock<br />";
my $hashkey = $get_hashkey->($key);
if ($hashkey) {
$ret .= "<b>Hashkey:</b> $hashkey<br />";
my $pars = defined($hashkey) ? [$hashkey, $key] : $key;
my $val = LJ::MemCache::get($pars);
unless (defined $val) {
$ret .= "<b>Data:</b> not found</br ></p>";
$display->($key, $val);
$ret .= "</p>";
return $ret;
#my $docurl = 'http://cvs.livejournal.org/browse.cgi/livejournal/doc/raw/memcache-keys.txt?rev=.&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup';
#my $docurl = 'http://cvs-ljr.lenin.ru/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/LJR/livejournal/doc/raw/memcache-keys.txt?view=markup';
my $docurl = 'http://lj.rossia.org/admin/memcache-keys.txt';
$ret .= "<p>Enter your memcache query(-ies) below.</p>";
$ret .= "<p>Here\'s the <a href='$docurl'>reference</a> of key names.</p>";
$ret .= "<p>Shortcuts: <blockquote>#username -> userid<br /> ##username -> cid:userid<br />(number) -> number/256 </blockquote></p>";
$ret .= "<form method='post' action='memcache_view.bml'>";
$ret .= "<textarea name=query rows=3 cols=60 wrap=off></textarea> ";
$ret .= "<p>" . LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'sock', 'id' => 'sock' });
$ret .= "<label for='sock'>Show host/port per key.</label></p>";
$ret .= "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>";
return $ret;